Understanding estate planning

Page created by Marc Moreno
Understanding estate planning
estate planning

Version 4.2
This document provides
some additional information
to help you understand
the financial planning
concepts discussed in
the SOA in relation to
estate planning.

Important information
This document has been published by GWM         This document contains general information about
Adviser Services Limited AFSL 230692,           some of the benefits, costs and risks associated
registered address 105-153 Miller St North      with certain product classes and strategies
Sydney NSW 2060, ABN 96 002 071 749 for         and should not act as a substitute for receiving
use in conjunction with Statements of Advice    appropriate legal advice. It is designed for use in
prepared by its authorised representatives      conjunction with a Statement of Advice that takes
and the representatives or authorised           into account the circumstances and objectives
representatives of National Australia Bank      of an individual. Before making a commitment to
Limited, Godfrey Pembroke Limited, Apogee       purchase or sell a financial product, you should
Financial Planning Limited and Australian       ensure that you have obtained an individual
Financial Services Licensees with whom it has   Statement of Advice.
a commercial services agreement.
                                                As legislation may change, you should ensure you
                                                have the most recent version of this document.
How to read
this document

Managing your                           There are all sorts of issues you need to
                                        consider such as taxation, legislation,
finances to meet                        protecting your wealth and assets,

your day to day                         associated costs and the inherent
                                        risks of investment. When undertaking
requirements                            a financial plan it is important you
                                        understand how these issues will
as well as your                         impact you and what you should
long-term goals can                     expect over time.

be a complex task.                      Your financial adviser will provide you
                                        with a Statement of Advice (SOA)
                                        which sets out the details of the
                                        advice and how it will meet your goals
                                        and objectives.

                                        This document provides some
                                        additional information to help you
                                        understand the financial planning
                                        concepts discussed in the SOA in
                                        relation to estate planning.

                                        It is very important you read this
                                        document to help you understand
                                        the benefits of the strategies
                                        recommended to you and the
                                        associated costs and risks.

                                        Please contact your adviser if you do
                                        not understand anything, or need
                                        further information or clarification.

Page 01 Understanding estate planning
estate planning

Estate planning                              Your Will                                  Your superannuation
An effective estate plan includes tax        Dying without a Will or an invalid         Your superannuation is an asset
effective Wills to protect your estate and   Will is known as dying intestate. In       excluded from your Will. Any benefit
the interests of your beneficiaries in the   such an event, laws are in place in        payable upon death is distributed by the
event of your death.                         each State to determine how your           superannuation trustee in accordance
                                             estate will be administered. This may      with the Trust Deed. This usually gives
Jointly held assets, trust assets and        result in your estate assets being         the trustee the discretion to decide who
superannuation however, are not              distributed against your wishes as         should receive your superannuation
necessarily dealt with by the terms of       well as incurring unnecessary tax          entitlements. Eligible beneficiaries are
the Will. These are usually considered       liabilities for your beneficiaries.        detailed in superannuation legislation
’non-estate’ assets for estate planning                                                 and include your legal personal
purposes. Note there may be specific         Your Will is the document that directs     representative and your ‘dependents’.
State legislation that classifies            how your estate is to be distributed       A dependent for this purpose includes
non‑estate assets as ‘notional estate’ for   amongst your nominated beneficiaries.      your spouse, your children, any
the purposes of a Family Law challenge.                                                 financial dependent or a person in an
                                             Most people wrongly believe their
                                                                                        interdependency relationship with you.
It is therefore important to have a          Will covers all their assets, so special
considered and comprehensive estate          care should be taken to ensure the         Death benefit nominations
plan to ensure all assets are transferred    ownership and control of all your assets
according to your wishes in the most         including ’non-estate’ assets, pass to     A non binding death benefit nomination
effective and efficient manner.              beneficiaries in the way you intend.       is used only as a guide by the trustee
                                                                                        when deciding who should receive your
Outlined below are some factors              You are required to nominate an            death benefit.
to consider when developing your             executor in your Will. The executor
estate plan.                                 has the duty of carrying out your          A binding death benefit nomination
                                             wishes in the Will and is granted          allows you to nominate who will receive
                                             power to administer the estate. This       your superannuation benefits in the
                                             is likely to include collecting assets,    event of your death and ensures the
                                             paying off any debts and distributing      trustee is legally bound by your wishes.
                                             the benefits to those entitled.            The nomination is able to be amended or
                                                                                        cancelled at any time and is required to
                                             Careful consideration is required          be renewed every three years.
                                             when appointing the executor. It
                                             is recommended you discuss the             A non-lapsing death benefit nomination
                                             appointment with that person prior         is a binding death benefit nomination
                                             to making the Will. In addition to         that does not lapse. Unlike binding death
                                             estate beneficiaries, executors            benefit nominations which lapse if not
                                             may also be your solicitor,                renewed at least every three years, a
                                             accountant or a public trustee.            non-lapsing nomination will remain in
                                                                                        force until such time it is amended or
                                                                                        revoked by the client.

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estate planning

Testamentary trusts                                                                         Power of Attorney
A testamentary trust is a trust created       If the gains derived by a trust are           Granting a Power of Attorney means
pursuant to your Will and may have            allocated to the beneficiaries, those         you legally appoint a person or an
several significant advantages. There         beneficiaries are liable to pay tax on        organisation to make decisions, sign
are different types of testamentary           those gains at their normal marginal tax      documents and act on your behalf in
trusts, including discretionary trusts and    rates. It is therefore a common practice      various matters.
special disability trusts, which is a trust   for the trustees of a discretionary trust
established for a vulnerable person.          to distribute any derived gains to those      When you grant a Power of Attorney you
                                              beneficiaries who have the lowest             may choose to limit the actions which
Testamentary trusts may assist                marginal tax rate in the distribution year.   the attorney can perform on your behalf
to distribute your estate to your             This is one of the main advantages of         (Limited Power of Attorney) or give the
beneficiaries in a more tax-effective         using testamentary trusts.                    attorney wide powers to undertake
manner and may reduce the likelihood of                                                     actions on your behalf (General Power
a successful challenge to your Will.          Normally if a beneficiary of a trust is       of Attorney).
                                              under 18 years of age, the trust income
As with any trust, the trustee must act       that is distributed to that person is taxed   Specific details as to the powers under
according to the terms of a trust deed        at penalty tax rates. Under these rates,      a Power of Attorney are determined by
and has the duty and responsibility to        the child only has a limited tax‑free         the state legislation to which the Power
look after trust property for the benefit     threshold. However if the income              of Attorney relates. This may present
of others. Appointing a trustee may           derived by the trust was generated from       difficulties if for example, you have
involve a financial cost and as the trustee   inherited assets then the child will be       property in more than one state.
will have discretion over the assets,         taxed at normal adult tax rates.
you should carefully consider who you
appoint as trustee.                           A testamentary trust may also provide         Enduring Power
                                              asset protection for beneficiaries of your    of Attorney
The terms of the trust deed of a              estate who may face certain legal claims
testamentary trust are contained in                                                         One of the limitations of a Power of
                                              on their assets, divorce or bankruptcy.
the Will.                                                                                   Attorney is it generally ceases when
                                              Until such time as the trustee exercises
                                                                                            the person suffers a loss of mental
                                              their discretion to pay an income or
As with most trusts, a testamentary trust                                                   capacity. This can be overcome
                                              asset entitlement to a beneficiary, all
will normally give the trustee:                                                             with the use of an Enduring Power
                                              trust assets and income remain the
• the discretion to allocate income and                                                     of Attorney. This type of Power of
                                              property of the trustee. However, if the
  capital among any of the beneficiaries                                                    Attorney does not cease on mental
                                              trust is established in contemplation of
                                                                                            incapacity and can therefore provide
• wide powers of investment, and              frustrating the claims of, for example,
                                                                                            an important tool in estate planning.
                                              legitimate creditors, the courts may
• the power to wind up the trust at           effectively unwind the arrangement.
  any time.
                                              These and other factors require careful
                                              consideration by your solicitor in
                                              conjunction with your financial adviser.

Page 03 Understanding estate planning
estate planning

Medical treatment and
lifestyle decisions
It is important to note different states
have different ways of dealing with
medical and lifestyle decisions for a
person who is mentally incapable of
making such decisions.

Such methods may include:
• Power of Attorney
  (Medical Treatment)
  attorney has the power to give and
  in certain circumstances, withhold
  consent to medical treatment on
  your behalf.
• Enduring Guardianship
  guardian has the power to make
  personal and lifestyle decisions for
  you should you lose mental capacity,
  including decisions as to where you
  live and who with.
• Enduring Power of Attorney
  attorney has the power to act on
  your behalf during your life, in relation
  to your investments and other
  financial matters.
• Advance Health Directive
  a document in which you can
  express your wishes about medical
  treatment and how you would
  like your body to be dealt with
  in the event of an accident.

As state based requirements differ, it
is important to seek advice from an
appropriately qualified legal professional
on these and other issues when putting
together your estate plan.

Page 04 Understanding estate planning
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