Page created by Albert Howell

LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                                                                                           UNDERGRADUATE
    UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                                                               PROSPECTUS 2022

                                            WELCOME                                     CONTENTS
                                                                                        Open Days .................................................................................................................         4
                                            from Professor
                                                                                        Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) ...................................................................                             5
                                            Gerald J Pillay,                            How to find us ...........................................................................................................          6
                                            Vice-Chancellor                             Why choose us? ........................................................................................................             8
                                            and Rector                                  Live, study and play at Hope Park ...........................................................................                     10
                                                                                        Be inspired by our Creative Campus ....................................................................... 		 12
                                                                                        The amazing city of Liverpool .................................................................................. 		 14
                                                                                        Home sweet home .................................................................................................... 		 17
                                                                                        Sporting life .............................................................................................................. 		 20
                                                                                        Sport, health and sports science facilities .............................................................. 		 22
                                                                                        Our libraries ............................................................................................................. 		 24
    Students of Liverpool Hope University have the best of both
                                                                                        A centre for research and learning ......................................................................... 		 26
    worlds; living and studying on friendly, beautiful and safe
                                                                                        Student support ........................................................................................................ 		 29
    campuses while also having all the advantages of being in one
                                                                                        Hope Social ............................................................................................................... 		 30
    of Europe’s most vibrant and culturally rich cities.
                                                                                        Students’ Union ........................................................................................................ 		 32
    Our students benefit from the high        and care for our students, ensuring       Chaplaincy ................................................................................................................ 		 32
    quality of both our research and          that they have access to academic or      Employment and career opportunities ................................................................... 		 34
    teaching. The Sunday Times Good           personal support. In The Complete
                                                                                        Working with Merseyside employers ...................................................................... 		 36
    University Guide 2021 rated Liverpool     University Guide 2021, Liverpool
    Hope Top 20 in the UK for Teaching        Hope was named the Top university in      Development and study opportunities .................................................................... 		 38
    Quality, while the Government’s           Liverpool for student satisfaction.       Alumni ...................................................................................................................... 		 40
    Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF),
                                                                                        International students .............................................................................................. 		 42
    which looks at the performance of         Our rich academic heritage, combined
    the UK’s higher education sector,         with innovative thinking, will provide    Fees and finance ...................................................................................................... 		 44
    recognised Liverpool Hope as gold         you with great opportunities and          Studying at Liverpool Hope ...................................................................................... 		 47
    standard. TEF gold represents those       learning experiences. I look forward to   Applying to Liverpool Hope ...................................................................................... 		 48
    universities with teaching “of the        welcoming you to our University.
    highest quality found in the UK”.                                                   Course information .................................................................................................. 		 50
                                                                                        Your degree, your choice .......................................................................................... 		126
    Liverpool Hope University’s research-                                               Admissions Policy and entry requirements ............................................................ 		148
    informed teaching and its tutorial
    programmes are designed to support                                                  Index .......................................................................................................................... 		149
                                                                                        Terms and Conditions .............................................................................................. 		150
                                                                                        Contact us ................................................................................................................. 151

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                                                         UNDERGRADUATE
    UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                             PROSPECTUS 2022

    OPEN DAYS                                                                             TEACHING EXCELLENCE FRAMEWORK –
                                                                                          GOLD FOR LIVERPOOL HOPE UNIVERSIT Y
    Open Days provide a great opportunity for you to discover what life
    is like as a Liverpool Hope student. You can explore our beautiful                                The Government’s Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
    campuses, see our great facilities, and talk to current students and                              is a scheme for recognising excellent teaching, in addition
    lecturers.                                                                                        to existing national quality requirements for universities
                                                                                                      and other higher education providers.
    Come and visit us, and find out about:   If you can’t attend an Open Day,
    • Our courses                            you are welcome to arrange an individual     It provides information to help prospective students choose where to study by
                                             visit and campus tour.                       measuring the things that students want in order to have a high quality university
    • How to apply
                                                                                          experience. It recognises:
    • Funding your studies
                                             Our Student Recruitment team                 •   Excellent teaching
    • Accommodation options
                                             Our Student Recruitment team visits          •   Supportive environments and ways of learning
    • Learning support                       UCAS fairs, university information events,
    • Planning your future career.           and schools across the UK.                   •   Whether studying has enabled students to fulfil their potential, gain
                                                                                              employment or go on to further study.
    More information and a booking           To speak to them, or to arrange group or
    form can be found at:                    individual visits, contact them on
    www.hope.ac.uk/opendays                  0151 291 3111, or enquiry@hope.ac.uk             By gaining a gold rating, Liverpool Hope is:

                                                                                                 Delivering consistently                     It is of the highest
                                                                                                 outstanding teaching,                       quality [universities]
       2021 OPEN DAYS                           WE ARE:                                          learning and outcomes                       found in the UK.
                                                                                                 for its students.
     Friday 25th June                         Top 20 for Teaching
     Saturday 3rd July                        Quality in the UK                           Only one in five higher education institutions achieved a gold rating, with Liverpool
                                                                                          Hope University being the only university in the city to receive the highest rating.
     Saturday 9th October                     (The Times and Sunday Times Good
                                              University Guide 2021)
                                                                                          The assessment highlighted a range          • Effective initiatives to support
     Saturday 23rd October                                                                of activities Liverpool Hope does             employability and progression onto
                                                           The top university             well, including:                              highly skilled employment
     Saturday 13th November                                in Liverpool                   • Outstanding levels of stretch             • An embedded culture of valuing
     Wednesday 1 December
                       st                                  for student                      provided by good curriculum design          excellence in teaching and learning
                                                           satisfaction                     and extra-curricular activities           • An effective focus on student
     To find out more visit:                                                              • A strategic approach to ensuring            retention, with personal support
     www.hope.ac.uk/opendays                  (The Complete University Guide 2021)          outstanding outcomes for students           offered to all students.

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            UNDERGRADUATE
    UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PROSPECTUS 2022

    HOPE PARK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CREATIVE CAMPUS
    Hope Park, Taggart Avenue, Liverpool, L16 9JD | T: 0151 291 3000                                                                                                                                                                                                Creative Campus, Shaw Street, Liverpool, L6 1HP | T: 0151 291 3578

    EDEN Arbour Room                           A                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Arts Centre                          1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                COLLEGE STREET SOUTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COLLEGE STREET NORTH
    EDEN Lounge                                A                                 Lane
    EDEN Suite                                 B                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Angel Field                          2
    Our Place                                  C                                                                                                                                                                          36

    Alexander Jones Building (AJB)             1                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Capstone Building                    3
    Angela Hall                                2
    Austin Hall                                3
                                                                                                                                                                                                        35                          9                               Cornerstone Building                 4                                                                          THE COLLEGIATE
    Catherine Booth Hall                       4
    Chapel (Hope Park)                                                                                                                                                                                       29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gerard Manley Hopkins                5
    Chaplaincy                                 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hall of Residence

    Conference Centre                          7                                                                                                                                                       17
                                                                                           40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SHAW STREET

    EDEN (Education and Enterprise) Building   8
    Estates                                    9                                                            27
                                                                                                                                                                                        28                                                                          No.2 Islington Square                6

                                                                                                                   38           37                                                                                         16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20                                                                                                                                                                         8
    Football Pitch (3G)                        10
    Frances Mary Lescher Building (FML)        11
                                                                                                                                                                                       21                                                                           No.3 Islington Square                7                                                                                                                                    11            7
    Fresh Hope Food Court                      12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3                                                                  10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Security Lodge                       8
    Gateway Building                           13                                                       2
    Green Lane Annexe (GLA)                    14                         15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1
    Green Lane Building (GLB)                  15                                                                                                                                                                              19
                                                                                                                                                                8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6
    Health Sciences Building                   16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5
    Hilda Constance Allen Building (HCA)       17
                                                                                                12           11    30           13                         23                                                                                                                                          10                                                                       2

    Hockey Pitch                               18                        14                            C                                                                                                                                                                                    Arts Centre 201     HAIGH STREET
    Hope Park Sports                           19

    Josephine Bhakita Hall                     20                                                                                                                    A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LANGSDALE STREET
                                                                                       3                                                                                                                                            31
    Kitty Wilkinson Hall                       21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Arts Centre 204
    Lecture Theatre Complex (LTC)              22

    Liverpool Hope Business School (LHBS)      23
    Main Lodge                                 24

    Markland                                   25                                                           33
    Netball and Tennis Courts                  26

    Newman Hall                                27


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NEW IS
                                                                                                                                                                         10                                                                                                                                   SALISBURY STREET                                                               SALISBURY STREET

    Oscar Romero Hall                          28

    Quad (Sheppard-Worlock Library)            29

    Rose Garden                                30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CITY CENTRE

    Rugby Pitch                                31
    Social Sciences 1                          32
    Social Sciences 2                          33
    Senate Room (and Trinity Chapel)
    Sheppard-Worlock Library (SWL)             34
    Stand Park Lodge                           35
    Students’ Union                            37                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Capstone Theatre                         The Great Hall            Campus Libraries                                Student Success Zone                   Reading Room
    Teresa Hall                                38       Building Entrance                       General Parking     Fresh Hope Catering               Emergency Assembly Points                   Coach Park      Parking Pay Point      ATM   Cash Machine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Building Entrance                        General Parking           Café 1846 and Catering                          Emergency Assembly Point               Launderette
    Taggart Lodge                              39
                                                        Car Park Entrance                       Disabled Parking    Other Catering Outlets            Designated Smoking Areas                    Cycle Stand     Motorcycle Parking           Taxi Pick-up Point
    Wesley Hall                                40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Car Park Entrance                        Disabled Parking               Coach Park                                 Designated Smoking Areas

    HOW TO FIND US                                                                                                                              GENERAL TRAVEL                                                                                                      HOW TO FIND US
    Hope Park
                                                                                                                                                INFORMATION                                                                                                         Creative Campus
    Hope Park Campus is situated on                                                                                                             For more information about travelling                                                                               The Creative Campus is less than a
    Taggart Avenue, Childwall, close to                                                                                                         in and around Liverpool, you can visit                                                                              mile away from Liverpool’s main railway
    Queens Drive (A5058) at the end of                                                                                                          the following websites:                                                                                             station, Liverpool Lime Street. Situated
    the M62. From the city centre, it is                                                                                                        www.nationalrail.co.uk                                                                                              at the junction of Islington and Shaw
    easy to get buses to, or close to, the                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Street, the campus is within walking
    campus. Broad Green Railway Station                                                                                                         www.nationalexpress.com                                                                                             distance of the station or a short bus
    is situated just over a mile away from                                                                                                      www.liverpoolairport.com                                                                                            ride from Queen Square Bus Station.
    the campus.                                                                                                                                 www.merseytravel.gov.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Address for Sat Nav:
    Address for Sat Nav:                                                                                                                        www.poferries.com                                                                                                   Shaw Street L6 1HP.
    Taggart Avenue L16 9JD.                                                                                                                     www.stenaline.co.uk

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                              UNDERGRADUATE
    UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                  PROSPECTUS 2022

    We know that our students enjoy studying at Liverpool Hope
    University – the feedback we receive from them, combined with
    outstanding student satisfaction results in national surveys, tell us
    so. But what are the reasons you might choose Hope?

    Academic and teaching                      vibrant community that provides help
                                               and support to make sure you get the
    excellence                                 best from university life.
    As all of our academics are involved
    in research, we have high academic         Friendly campuses
    standards. We are committed to
    providing a personal education, and        At Liverpool Hope you live and study on
    focus on small group teaching and an       campuses with beautiful grounds and
    integrated curriculum. The Teaching        architecture. Our well-equipped smaller
    Excellence Framework (TEF) ranked us       campuses mean that it’s easier for you
    as gold standard – the only university     to get to know people and no-one gets
    in Liverpool to receive this rating.       lost in the crowd!
    Liverpool Hope’s gold rating puts us
    alongside institutions such as Oxford,     A fabulous city
    Cambridge, and Imperial College
                                               Being in one of Europe’s most exciting
                                               cities, our students have the best
                                               of everything; friendly, fun and safe
    Employment and learning                    campuses in a vibrant and exciting city.
    opportunities                              Liverpool offers students a massive
                                               variety of culture, entertainment, music
    We offer a wide range of single and        and sport. From its historical waterfront,
    combined honours degrees so that           galleries and museums, to fantastic
    you can select a degree suitable for       shopping centres, bars, bistros and
    you and the career you want to pursue.     cafés, it’s no wonder that people flock
    Our Employability Hub can help you                                                      I chose Liverpool Hope because
                                               to the city from all over the world.
    find part-time work while you are                                                       of the facilities within the Arts
    studying and provide career advice                                                      school. I like the communal
    when, and even after, you leave.           Our traditions and values
                                               We are proud of our rich heritage and
                                                                                            learning spaces it offers.
    Student support                            look to the future with confidence. We       FAUZIYA JOHNSON, BA FINE ART
                                               combine the best of our history with
    We get to know you as individuals so       contemporary and innovative thinking,
    that we can help you to develop skills     to provide you with a dynamic and
    and interests outside your study area.     caring university.
    At Liverpool Hope, you will be part of a

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                    UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                        PROSPECTUS 2022

                      Liverpool Hope’s largest campus, Hope Park, is a friendly

      LIVE, STUDY     educational village with places to live, work, study, eat and relax.
                      It is situated in a leafy suburb of Liverpool, just four miles from the
                      city centre. With major investment over recent years, the campus
                      now consists of traditional architecture alongside state-of-the-art,

      AND PLAY
                      modern, purpose-built buildings.

                      Hope Park offers all our students           Fresh Hope
                      excellent facilities in beautiful
                                                                  Our Place opens up into Fresh Hope

                      surroundings and a warm welcome.
                                                                  – the main restaurant on site. It offers
                      The campus is home to the Business          a variety of hot and cold options,
                      School, Department of Geography             including an ‘Eat Well’ bar, street
                      and Environmental Science, School           food counter, freshly prepared deli
                      of Humanities, School of Education,         sandwiches and wraps, and a salad bar.
                      Department of Psychology, School of
                      Social Science, School of Mathematics,      There are other coffee shops and
                      Computer Science and Engineering,           cafés scattered all around the campus,
                      and the School of Health Sciences. It       including outlets offering Starbucks and
                      is also home to the Sports and Health       Costa Coffee products, as well as a
                      Sciences Avenue, which has excellent        shop where you can buy drinks, snacks,
                      sports and recreation facilities for all    newspapers and magazines.
                      our students to use.
                                                                  Students’ Union
                      Meet at Our Place                           Hope Park is also home to the
                      Our Place is the focus for student          Students’ Union, which has a dedicated
                      social activity on the Hope Park            space on campus, where you can drop-
                      campus. It includes an American-style       in and speak with a member of the
                      pizza restaurant, smoothie and coffee       team.
                      shop, and plays host to live music and
                      comedy nights. It also has places to        Find out more:
                      relax with friends and play pool or video
                                                                  Hope Park Sports, page 20
                                                                  Libraries, page 24
                                                                  Chaplaincy, page 32
                                                                  Students’ Union, page 32
                                                                  Employability Hub, page 34

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                   UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                       PROSPECTUS 2022

                       Our Creative Campus is close to Liverpool city centre and is home

     BE INSPIRED       to our School of Creative and Performing Arts. Here, you can learn
                       your craft in the inspirational setting of Grade II-listed buildings and
                       state-of-the-art performance spaces. The University has invested
                       significantly in this campus, unveiling a new Arts Centre, Graphic

     BY OUR            Design Studio and Fabrication Lab. The transformed spaces include
                       two theatres, two dance studios, two black box performance spaces,
                       a music technology laboratory and a recording studio.

     CREATIVE CAMPUS   The Cornerstone Building
                       The Cornerstone Building has
                                                                               Liverpool Hope is one
                                                                               of only six All-Steinway
                                                                               Schools in English higher
                       undergone an extensive renovation,                      education. The theatre is
                       transforming the ground floor into an                   an acoustically excellent
                       impressive social space, complete          space housing a Steinway D Grand
                       with a food court and breakout areas.      Piano, often described as the best
                       The centrepiece of The Cornerstone         piano in the world. Since opening its
                       is The Great Hall, a stunning space        doors, The Capstone Theatre has
                       suitable for a multitude of events,        staged concerts and performances
                       including student exhibitions and          by leading national and international
                       guest lectures. The building is home to    musicians and artists, as well as
                       fantastic facilities for the development   student performances.
                       of students’ artwork, including studios,
                       kilns, workshops and metalwork
                       studios. It also houses The Cornerstone    Arts Centre
                       Gallery, which supplements the student     The newest addition to the campus,
                       experience via a series of contemporary    the Arts Centre features a large
                       art exhibitions, student-led seminars      refurbished warehouse space as well as
                       and some of the best examples of           smaller studios for Fine and Applied Art
                       current professional practice.             students to hone their practice.

                       The Capstone Building                      Angel Field
                       The Capstone Building is home to The       The Creative Campus’s buildings are all
                       Capstone Theatre, Liverpool Hope’s         set within the tranquil Angel Field – a
                       dedicated performance venue, which         stunning garden that is a great place
                       provides an international music and        to study and relax with friends. The
                       arts programme throughout the year,        Renaissance-style garden has won six
                       including the Liverpool International      design awards.
                       Jazz Festival.

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                                                          UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                                              PROSPECTUS 2022

                                                                                            Liverpool’s independent scene, this          Sport
      THE AMAZING                                                                           former factory and workshop district is
                                                                                            constantly evolving as new cafés, clubs
                                                                                            and live music venues emerge.
                                                                                                                                         With the Grand National, golf and – of
                                                                                                                                         course – football, there are plenty of
                                                                                                                                         sporting events to keep even the most

                                                                                                                                         avid sports fan entertained. Liverpool
                                                                                            Culture                                      is home to two Premier League football
                                                                                            We have working relationships with a         teams; what better place to come to
                                                                                            wide range of cultural venues around         watch the match?
                                                                                            the city. Liverpool’s many art galleries
     Liverpool is a city like no other. From world-famous architecture and
     magnificent museums, to music legends revolutionising popular culture,
                                                                                            range from the Walker, which contains        Shopping
                                                                                            one of Europe’s outstanding collections
     Liverpool has always been a hub of creativity. Through spectacular                     of fine and decorative art, to Tate          Liverpool city centre is full of shops,
     festivals, dramatic sporting attractions and unique art, the city continues            Liverpool, one of the largest galleries of   with all the high street names available.
     to be a gateway for UK culture, attracting millions of visitors every year.            modern and contemporary art outside          The 42-acre Liverpool One development
                                                                                            London.                                      provides a stunning shopping complex
     Music                                        The city’s M&S Bank Arena Liverpool                                                    in the heart of the city. Liverpool also
                                                  hosts everything, from big name acts      Liverpool Empire Theatre attracts all        has a range of vibrant independent
     Liverpool is Europe’s Capital of Music.      like Little Mix, Liam Gallagher, Arctic                                                retailers, and student-friendly shops
                                                                                            the latest touring theatre productions,
     It’s impossible to imagine Liverpool         Monkeys, Stormzy and Drake, to                                                         offering one-of-a-kind pieces and
                                                                                            while the Playhouse, Everyman, Royal
     without music – or music without             major entertainment events, including                                                  vintage finds.
                                                                                            Court and Unity theatres offer a rich
     Liverpool. Birthplace of The Beatles,        the Netball World Cup and British         and varied programme of classic and
     the world’s most famous pop group,           Gymnastics Championship Series.           contemporary productions.
     the UNESCO City of Music is home to
                                                                                                                                          Watch our film, Liverpool - A
     a host of first-class festivals, including   There is also a thriving nightlife with   The city also boasts an array of              Students’ View, to see what our
     Sound City, Liverpool International          all tastes catered for, from the latest   world-class museums, including                students love about our iconic city.
     Music Festival, Brazilica Festival and       clubs to 70s-themed bars and live music   the International Slavery Museum,             www.hope.ac.uk/livinginliverpool
     Positive Vibration - Festival of Reggae.     venues.                                   Merseyside Maritime Museum and
     The world-leading dance festival
                                                                                            the Museum of Liverpool.
     Creamfields is held just outside the         One of the city’s most exciting areas
     city each year and attracts some of the      is the Baltic Triangle. At the heart of
     biggest DJs in the industry.

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                                                                     UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022

                                   Hope has opened up a lot of         HOME SWEET HOME
                                   opportunities for me... and my      Living on campus in one of our halls of residence is a great way for
                                   university experience has           you to become part of the Hope community. Living in halls will give
                                   been amazing.                       you the best start to your new life, and provides you with a secure
                                                                       and fun place to live while you progress with your studies. Hope will
                                   MIA THORNTON, BA ENGLISH LANGUAGE   soon become your home away from home.

                                                                       We have three accommodation sites: Hope Park, Creative Campus
                                                                       and Aigburth Park Student Village.

                                                                       Living at Hope Park                         We also have six traditional halls of
                                                                                                                   residence with shared bathrooms,
                                                                       Hope Park is the largest teaching           providing an informal and friendly
                                                                       campus. The 532 rooms are reserved          environment for students who enjoy
                                                                       for first year undergraduates and           socialising and making friends.
                                                                       include both en-suite and shared
                                                                       facilities rooms.                           Four of these halls are located in the
                                                                                                                   historic Grade II-listed Hilda Constance
                                                                       The en-suite halls at Hope Park provide     Allen Building, or the ‘Harry Potter
                                                                       you with both privacy and comfort.          Halls’ as they are fondly known by
                                                                       All rooms contain a single bed, double      our students. The rooms have period
                                                                       wardrobe, study area, chair, drawers        features, leaded windows and window
                                                                       and shelves, plus an en-suite shower        seats. Many look out onto the Rector’s
                                                                       room and toilet.                            Lawn with its landscaped borders.

                                                                       The rooms are arranged into flats of        Angela and Austin Halls are purpose-
                                                                       five, all sharing a large kitchen and       built halls located close to Fresh Hope
                                                                       dining area, which is equipped with         and Our Place, the University’s main
                                                                       a fridge-freezer, cooker, microwave,        eating and drinking venues.
                                                                       kettle, toaster, iron, ironing board and
                                                                       vacuum cleaner. The common room             All of these halls provide single study
                                                                       on the ground floor can be used for         bedrooms with all the essentials you
                                                                       meetings, social events or just relaxing.   need.
                                                                       Accessible rooms are available in these

      Read more of Mia’s story at

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                          UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                              PROSPECTUS 2022

     Living at the Creative                       The Halls at Aigburth Park provide four
                                                  blocks of purpose-built accommodation.
     Campus                                       All rooms are single occupation and
     The Creative Campus is the second of         include internet access.
     Liverpool Hope’s teaching campuses
     and includes the historic Cornerstone        Resident Tutors
     Building, new Arts Centre, and The
     Capstone Building and Theatre, as            The thought of going to university can
     well as Gerard Manley Hopkins Hall of        be both exciting and daunting. You will
     Residence. The modern, purpose-built         be taking on a new academic challenge
     hall features accessible rooms and           and probably living away from home for
     is situated in Angel Field, a beautiful      the first time – a huge step for anyone.
     landscaped garden.                           Our aim is to ensure that you have the
                                                  best possible experience, both in and
     The Creative Campus is located just a        out of class.
     short walk from the city centre and is
     convenient for all amenities associated      To help support you, we have a team
     with city living, while being away from      of Resident Tutors in all of our halls
     the main hustle and bustle.                  who will be your mentors during your
                                                  time there. They provide support and
                                                  advice whenever you need it, and
     Living at Aigburth Park                      organise social events such as dining-
     Student Village                              in nights, which are included in your
     Aigburth Park is a residential campus        accommodation costs and are a great
     approximately three miles from the city      way to meet new people.
     centre and Hope Park. The halls are
     set in private landscaped gardens and        For more information about our
     there is a wealth of shops, banks, bars      halls and costs, please visit:
     and restaurants, plus a library located      www.hope.ac.uk/halls
     nearby. Liverpool’s most famous park,
     Sefton Park, is also in the immediate
     vicinity. There are regular buses into the
     city centre and to Hope Park, plus St
     Michaels train station is close by.

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                             UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                                 PROSPECTUS 2022

     Hope Park Sports features state-of-the-art facilities, including:

     •   A main sports hall with six courts       •   3G pitches
         and a viewing gallery
                                                  •   Dance studio
     •   Squash courts
                                                  •   Rugby pitch
     •   Gym and fitness rooms
                                                  •   Hockey pitch
     •   Strength and conditioning suites
                                                  •   Physiotherapy and Sport
     •   Tennis courts                                Rehabilitation Clinic

     Based within the School of Health            In addition to the activities in the Sports
     Sciences, the Sports Complex forms           Complex, Liverpool Hope Students’
     part of the Health Sciences Avenue,          Union also has a vast range of sporting
     integrating health and sports sciences       societies for you to join. These include
     and providing excellent opportunities for    Gaelic football, netball, football, hockey,
     leisure, fitness, study and research.        badminton and even cheerleading. The
                                                  Residential Life Team also run a series
     To ensure the sports facilities are easy     of regular activities, such as local walks,
     for you to use, there are no monthly         orienteering and multi-games.
     fees – a single yearly registration fee of
     £25 is all that is required, and then the    A full list of activities can be found
     gym facilities, courts and fitness classes   on the Students’ Union website:
     are all free for you to use!                 www.hopesu.com

     The University’s onsite Physiotherapy
     and Sport Rehabilitation Clinic offers
     discounted treatment sessions for Hope
     students and sports teams.

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LIVERPOOL HOPE                                                                         UNDERGRADUATE
     UNIVERSITY                                                                             PROSPECTUS 2022

     Our Health Sciences Building features specialist laboratory spaces
     dedicated to nutrition, genomics, cell biology and psychology, along
     with laboratories and space for sport and exercise science.

     The building houses a 25-metre              well as cognitive and neuro-behaviour
     sprint track with force meters and          suites. The building also includes space
     motion capture for biomechanical            for research synergies with psychology
     analysis, a phlebotics lab for blood        and sport.
     sampling, treadmills and BODPODs
     for physiological analysis, and a Dual-     Nutrition labs with food analysis and
     energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA)          testing facilities, two large bioscience
     scanner for assessing bone and muscle       and environmental science labs, and
     health. There is also a double-height       a suite of dedicated research labs
     robotics suite and engineering lab to aid   for the study of molecular biology,
     the building and testing of drones.         microbiology, cell biology, nutrition,
                                                 molecular genetics, tissue culture and
     Psychology labs include motor control       bioinformatics takes up the first floor.
     capture and vision and colour labs, as

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     The Sheppard-Worlock and Creative Campus Libraries, along with
     other learning spaces across the campuses, are hives of activity for
     individual and group study.

     You will have access to a wide range of      There are dedicated silent study areas
     study environments and resources to          and quiet spaces for reading, with Wi-Fi
     meet the needs of your chosen course.        access for laptops and other devices.
     The Sheppard-Worlock Library occupies        The Sheppard-Worlock Library has
     over 4,000 square metres and contains        an environmentally controlled vault
     a core print collection of more than         dedicated to special collections and
     350,000 items, alongside a print journal     an archives reading room, as well as
     archive and subject-specific collections.    Chapters Café serving drinks and
     There has also been a substantial
     investment in full text online resources     Peer academic writing and study skills
     including e-journals, e-books and            support are available from experienced
     databases, most of which can be              students, to help you improve and
     accessed both on and off campus. A           develop your writing skills. Study
     team of dedicated Subject Librarians         skills support includes note-taking,
     can provide training and support to help     organising your work and resources,
     you make the most of these resources.        timekeeping and exam preparation.
                                                  Support is available one-to-one,
     The Sheppard-Worlock Library includes        through workshops and online resources
     relaxed spaces for students to study,        developed by the Hope team.
     as well as specially designed PC
     workstations to provide working areas
     with room for your books and papers.
     Group work spaces have screens that
     you can link your laptop to for practising
     presentations and sharing work.

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     Liverpool Hope places great emphasis on the bringing together
     of research excellence and top-quality teaching. This is facilitated
     by a community of academics and scholars who are of the highest
     calibre, with experts recruited from around the world.

     In the national Research Excellence         The University has recently made
     Framework (REF), more than a third of       significant and strategic investment in
     research produced at Liverpool Hope         its research environment in the form
     was rated as world-leading (4*) or          of the Vice-Chancellor’s doctoral
     internationally excellent (3*). The Times   scholarships, and has recruited high-
     Higher Education’s analysis of the REF      calibre students to pursue PhD studies.
     has also ranked us fourth in the North
     West for research intensity. For more       Some examples of exciting research
     information about our REF success,          projects include:
     visit: www.hope.ac.uk/ref
                                                 •   Languages of Inequality: Widening
                                                     Participation and Social Justice In
     This research excellence informs our
                                                     UK Educational Policy Discourse
     teaching and helps you to develop into
     a rounded and employable graduate.          •   Exercise and Nutrition Interventions
                                                     in Age-related Sarcopenia
     The University has a number of              •   Everton Free School - Social Impact
     research centres. These include, but are        Study
     by no means limited to:
                                                 •   Exploring the Use of Sports
     •   Socio-Economic and Applied                  for Peacebuilding and Conflict
         Research for Change (SEARCH)                Resolution
     •   Sarcopenia Ageing Trial                 •   Hate Speech in the Mainstream
     •   Centre for Education and Policy             Media
         Analysis (CEPA)
     •   Centre for Culture and Disability
         Studies (CCDS)
     •   The Andrew F. Walls Centre for
         the Study of African and Asian
     •   The Archbishop Desmond Tutu
         Centre for War and Peace Studies.

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                      STUDENT SUPPORT
                      Starting university is the beginning of a new and exciting phase of
                      your life and we are here to support and guide you from the moment
                      you arrive until after you graduate.

                      Student Support and Well-being             Study skills support can help with
                                                                 note-taking, organising your work,
                      The Student Support and Well-being         timekeeping and exam preparation.
                      team is based in the Gateway
                      Building at Hope Park. They provide
                      an integrated one-stop shop for
                                                                 Support for students with
                      well-being support services, which         a disability
                      means you don’t get passed around          We are committed to enabling equality
                      between departments. Services include      of opportunity in education for students,
                      everything from financial advice, access   and will take reasonable steps to meet
                      to counselling and mental well-being       both the general need for access and
                      support, to careers guidance.              the specific requirements of individuals
                                                                 with additional support needs. The
                      We have a dedicated senior member          University works with disabled students
                      of staff – the Pro Vice-Chancellor         to ensure they are not disadvantaged
                      (Student Life and Learning) Dr Penny       as a result of their disability.
                      Haughan – whose responsibility it is to
                      oversee the whole student experience.      The Learning Support Team provides
                      This ensures you are given a voice and     advice and assistance to prospective
                      supported throughout your time with us.    and current students, with everything
                                                                 from applying for Disabled Student
                      Our priority is to make your time at       Allowances to ensuring appropriate
                      Liverpool Hope an enjoyable and            adjustments are made to support a
                      successful experience, providing you       positive transition to university.
                      with help and support when you need it.
                                                                 Before accepting a place, disabled
                      Academic and learning support              applicants are encouraged to explore
                                                                 how the University might be able to
                      At Liverpool Hope, we offer academic
                                                                 meet any additional study support or
                      support from both your academic
                                                                 accommodation needs they may have.
                      subject tutors and personal tutors
                                                                 This should be done at the earliest
                      based within each School.
                                                                 opportunity by contacting the Learning
                                                                 Support Team.
                      Writing mentors, who are Masters and
                      PhD students, are available to offer
                                                                 For more information, please contact
                      support to help you with essay planning,
                                                                 the team on:
                      developing your academic writing
                                                                 t: 0151 291 3427
                      style and understanding assignment
                                                                 e: sdw@hope.ac.uk

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                      The university experience is about more than just studying.

      HOPE            Hope Social is at the heart of Liverpool Hope’s social
                      scene, and brings together the diverse range of events and
                      activities happening on and off campus each month.

      SOCIAL          When you arrive, you’ll get our
                      comprehensive Freshers’ planner,
                      then each month our What’s On guide
                                                                   to represent the University at gigs
                                                                   and international festivals. Previous
                                                                   winners have gone on to play in front of
                      features details of events you won’t         thousands of people at Liverpool Sound
                      want to miss.                                City Music Festival and Liverpool
                                                                   Football Club’s Fan Zones.
                      Hope Social is student-focused and we
                      work with you to find out what type of       Nathan Moffett, from the The Left
                      activities and events you want to see.       Backs, said: “By winning Fearless,
                      With something happening most nights         my band was privileged to earn a
                      at each campus, there’s plenty to get        slot in the Sound City line-up.
                      involved in. From quiz nights, bingo, live   It was a fantastic experience and
                      bands and themed party nights, Hope          helped to boost both our publicity
                      Social has an event for you.                 and musicianship.”

                      As well as events on campus, Hope                HopeSocialLiverpool
                      Social organises Big Days Out to some            @hopesocialliverpool
                      of Britain’s best-loved attractions, with
                      previous trips including Chester Zoo,
                      the Lake District, Conwy Castle and

                      It also hosts our annual University
                      wide creative talent search – Fearless
                      – which gives students the chance

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                    You can be sure that when you join Liverpool Hope you
                    will not be lost in the crowd. You will be treated as an
                    individual and your views and opinions will be heard.
                    You can become actively engaged in making a difference
                    to the university experience, by becoming a course
                    representative on the Staff/Student Liaison Committee.
     We are very proud of our partnership       concerns to the University, the National
     with the Students’ Union at Liverpool      Union of Students and Government.
     Hope. We work together to ensure           The Union is also incredibly important
     that every student is given the chance     for the social aspect of university life,
     to share their views and that these        facilitating sports clubs and societies,
     opinions are taken into consideration in   and organising Welcome Week
     everything the University does.            activities, including the Freshers’ Fair.
                                                From paintballing to the Cheese and
     The Students’ Union is independent of      Wine Society, there are activities for
     the University and is run by students,     everyone.
     for students. The primary objective of
     the Students’ Union is to make positive    For more information about the
     change for students. This is achieved      Students’ Union, visit:
     by representing your views, needs and      www.hopesu.com

     The Chaplaincy team represents the Christian ethos of the
     University, and supports staff and students of all faiths, and none.
     Chaplains provide faith support for        The Chaplaincy base is a welcoming
     members of the Hope community,             and vibrant space, where you can meet
     with prayer held each morning, and         new people and feel at home. It is a
     regular Anglican and Catholic services.    social space, a quiet place for work,
     Chaplains are available to speak with,     the place to grab a coffee, and most
     and you are always welcome to pop in       notably, home to the famous £1 lunch.
     and have a chat!
                                                Find out more on our Facebook page
     There are strong links with the            www.facebook.com/HopeChaplaincy
     Christian Union, Catholic Society and
     other faith and student societies, and
     the team helps to promote volunteering
     opportunities across the city.

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     EMPLOYMENT AND CAREERS                                                                  Hope Works                                Additional resources include a weekly
                                                                                                                                       e-bulletin packed with job opportunities,
     OPPORTUNITIES                                                                           Hope Works is an initiative that
                                                                                             provides paid part-time on-campus
                                                                                                                                       internships, summer placements and
                                                                                                                                       careers events. Advice and guidance is
                                                                                             work opportunities for students.          also published on our blog
     At Liverpool Hope, we want you to have the best possible chance                         Positions range from working within
     to embark on stimulating, rewarding and successful careers. In                                                                    www.liverpoolhopecareers.com
                                                                                             the catering team, to project work with
     addition to strong academic qualifications, one of our key priorities                   academic departments. Hope Works          For more information,
     is to develop well-rounded individuals who have more to offer.                          offers students the chance to earn        contact the Careers Team
                                                                                             a fair wage, develop skills valued by
                                                                                                                                       t: 0151 291 3427
     Our comprehensive Careers and              Placement Year                               employers, and gain application and
                                                                                                                                       e: careers@hope.ac.uk
     Employability Service aims to ensure                                                    interview experience.
     you have the right information, advice     Undertaking a placement year as part
     and opportunities to make the transition   of your degree programme offers you
     from student to professional, and to       the opportunity to gain valuable work        My Careers Centre
     give you a great start in your career.     experience alongside your studies.           All students have access to the online
                                                With an increasing number of paid            My Careers Centre portal, which can
                                                opportunities on offer to undergraduates     help you develop your skills, career
     The Employability Hub                      and with stronger links between              plan and CV. It also provides careers
     Our dedicated Employability Hub is a       undergraduate experience and graduate        tips, job search tools and an interview
     one-stop shop for all things careers.      recruitment, there has never been a          simulator.
     Run by the Careers and Employability       better time to consider completing a
     Team, its focus is to make students more   placement year.
     attractive to employers through work
     experience, professional development       Nearly all of our subjects offer the
     and one-to-one support.                    opportunity to undertake a placement
                                                year between the penultimate and final
     The Hub provides:                          year of your degree. Find out more about
     • An exclusive placement service           placement years:
     • Professional networking sessions
     • Information on graduate vacancies,       Work experience
       internships and schemes
                                                The Careers Team has numerous links
     • Employer-led presentations and           with local, national and international
       workshops                                employers, who provide varied work
     • Careers fairs and employability events   experience opportunities. Our placement
     • Access to Careers Advisers, CV           service can match you with employers
       guidance and interview coaching          linked to your career choices, providing
                                                you with exclusive tailored opportunities.
     • Part-time paid work through Hope         Whether you complete a few hours
       Works                                    a week or a paid internship during
     • Service and Leadership Award             the summer break, work experience
       guidance.                                opportunities are available from the
                                                moment you join Liverpool Hope.

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     In order to expose students to the best of current professional
     practice, and to take advantage of opportunities provided by many of
     the world-class, cultural and other organisations in Liverpool, the
     University works closely with various employers, including:
     •   Everton FC                             •   Crowne Plaza IHG
     •   Santander                              •   Tate Liverpool
     •   Peel Ports                             •   National Museums Liverpool
     •   Knowsley Chamber                       •   Royal Court Liverpool
     •   Liverpool and Sefton Chamber of        •   Liverpool Person Shaped Support
         Commerce                                   (PSS)
     •   Kenyons                                •   The Bluecoat
     •   Culture Liverpool                      •   Milapfest
     •   Professional Liverpool                 •   Vimto
     •   Lloyds

     Encouraging enterprise
     As an increasing number of students choose to set up their own businesses
     following graduation, Liverpool Hope recognises the need to prepare them for the
     world of work. Young Enterprise is currently offered as part of the curriculum for
     Business School students, helping them to develop new skills while at university,
     such as business planning, financial management and marketing.

     Liverpool Hope Business School
                            Liverpool Hope Business School is an accredited member
                            of AACSB International - The Association to Advance
                            Collegiate Schools of Business. For over a century,
                            AACSB Accreditation has been synonymous with the
                            highest standards in business education. Accredited
                            schools have successfully undergone a rigorous review
                            process conducted by their peers in the business education
                            community, ensuring that they have the resources,
                            credentials, and commitment needed to provide students
                            with a first-rate, future-focused business education.

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                      The University offers you a number of development and study
                      opportunities that can be undertaken alongside your studies:

                      The Service and Leadership                  or engage with partners virtually. This
                                                                  could see you working in a school or
                      Award (SALA)
                                                                  orphanage alongside local staff. You
                      An extra-curricular programme               are provided with training on cultural
                      designed to recognise the value of          issues, health and safety, dimensions
                      voluntary work. Volunteering and            of poverty and planning for overseas
                      charity work are a great way to help        projects. Global Hope students
                      you stand out from the crowd and will       have found this to be a life-changing
                      greatly enhance your career prospects.      experience.
                      The hours you dedicate to volunteering
                      will be converted into credits towards      International Exchange/Study
                      this award. You will also attend training
                      in health and safety, leadership, and
                      diversity and equality before producing     Liverpool Hope encourages all students
                      a journal of your experience. This award    to study abroad during their degree.
                      is viewed as gold standard in the           We have a significant number of
                      University and earns you an additional      partnerships with other universities
                      reward on graduation day.                   around the world, particularly in North
                                                                  America and Europe. Depending on
                      Duke of Edinburgh Award                     your subject of study, you may have
                                                                  the opportunity to study abroad for a
                                        The University            semester as an optional part of your

                                        is certified as an        degree. Guidance and help for all
                                        awarding body             students travelling abroad is available,
                      for The Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE)          with pre-departure briefings and
                      Gold Award and you can sign up to           support while overseas.

                      complete the award while at Hope. The
                      programme ties in with SALA, and the
                      expedition portion of the programme
                                                                  Plas Caerdeon
                      will be based at our outdoor education      The University owns Plas Caerdeon

                      centre, Plas Caerdeon.                      Outdoor Education Centre in
                                                                  Snowdonia. The 80-bed centre offers
                      Global Hope                                 a wide range of residential courses.
                                                                  As part of your studies, you may have
                      As part of SALA you will be given the       the opportunity to visit this beautiful
                      opportunity to volunteer overseas           woodland setting on field trips,
                      through Global Hope. This programme         environment and biological research
                      supports a range of educational             excursions, or art workshops.The
                      communities in places such as India,        Centre also delivers team building
                      Sri Lanka, Brazil and Peru. Teams           courses, often including mountaineering
                      of students and staff travel to these       and kayaking.
                      countries to work on specific projects

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     Your link with Liverpool Hope does not end when you graduate.
     All graduates automatically become members of the Hope Alumni
     Association, which keeps you connected with the Hope community.

     The Alumni Association is a great way to stay in touch with fellow graduates and
     staff and, at the same time, enjoy a wide range of benefits.

     Current benefits include:                 Regular email newsletters and
                                               communications are used to
     •   Postgraduate scholarship              keep Alumni informed of events,
         opportunities                         opportunities and key developments at
     •   Regular news updates through          the University.
         publications and email bulletins
                                               These also act as a vehicle for Hope
     •   Ongoing access to the services        Alumni Association members to share
         offered by the Careers team           memories of their time at their alma
         including My Career Centre            mater.
     •   Participation in the Alumni
         Mentoring Scheme                      For more information, visit:
     •   Hope email address for life
     •   Alumni membership of the              *£30 per year for this Library membership.
         University’s libraries at Hope Park
         and the Creative Campus.*

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                                                                                         access to specialist advice. Further       education system, then please contact

                                                                                         information on the services provided can   International Recruitment directly for
                                                                                         be found on the following pages:           more information, support and guidance
                                                                                                                                    with the UCAS process:
                                                                                         • Accommodation, page 17
                                                                                         • Careers, page 34

      STUDENTS                                                                           • Chaplaincy, page 32
                                                                                         • Fees and finance, page 44
                                                                                         • Student Support, page 29
                                                                                                                                    Study Abroad
                                                                                                                                    Liverpool Hope offers a range of Study
                                                                                                                                    Abroad opportunities for incoming
                                                                                                                                    international students, and has formal
                                                                                         We also run an active programme of         links with universities in the USA,
     Liverpool Hope is a popular university with students from over                      social events and day trips.               South America, India, China, South
     40 countries worldwide studying with us. Dedicated international                                                               Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. If you
     support is available to assist you throughout the application process
                                                                                         International tuition fees                 are interested in studying with us
     and to ensure that your time at the University is successful and                                                               for a semester or a full year, email
     enjoyable.                                                                          Liverpool Hope offers competitive fees     studyabroad@hope.ac.uk
                                                                                         for international students. The latest
                                                                                         undergraduate non-EU international
                                                                                                                                    Contact us
     The Hope experience                       approximately three miles from the city   tuition fees for 2021/22 and information
                                               centre and Hope Park. The Halls are set   about our great accommodation              We are always happy to hear from
     Liverpool Hope’s largest campus, Hope     in private landscaped gardens and there   packages can be found at:                  you, so if you have any questions or
     Park, is set in a landscaped garden in    is a wealth of shops, banks, bars and     www.hope.ac.uk/international               need help with understanding how
     south Liverpool, around four miles from   restaurants nearby.                                                                  qualifications are comparable to the
     the city centre. The Creative Campus
     in Liverpool city centre is the home                                                How to apply                               UCAS points tariff, you can email
     of our creative and performing arts       Welcome to the UK                         Applications should be made through
                                                                                                                                    international@hope.ac.uk, give us a call
                                                                                                                                    on +44 (0)151 291 3389, or visit:
     subjects. It features the award-winning   The International Hub works with          UCAS. If you are unsure about the          www.hope.ac.uk/international
     Angel Field Renaissance-style garden.     colleagues across the University to       application process or how your
     Aigburth Park is in a residential area    offer both general information and        qualification translates in the UK

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     Coming to university represents one of the biggest financial
     decisions you will make in your life, so it’s important to have
     all the information to hand before making a choice. The current
     tuition fees (2021/2022) for Liverpool Hope are £9,250 per year.
     Information about fees for 2022/2023 will be posted on our
     website: www.hope.ac.uk

     Academic and teaching                     Please note that the University
                                               reserves the right to increase Home
     excellence                                and EU Undergraduate and PGCE
     We believe that entry to the University   tuition fees for future years of study in
     should be based on talent rather than     line with any inflation or other increase
     the ability to pay, and our support       authorised by the Secretary of State.
     packages reflect this belief.

     We have a long history of awarding our
     own generous academic scholarships
     for scholarly achievement, along with
     awards to students who demonstrate
     outstanding success in sport, music,
     dance and drama.

     For more information about finance,

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                      STUDYING AT LIVERPOOL HOPE
                      The following section details the different undergraduate degree
                      courses that can be studied at Hope, and prospective career paths.
                      More detailed information for each of these can be found on our
                      website: www.hope.ac.uk/undergraduate/undergraduatecourses

                      Single Honours degrees                      and enthusiasm to study for a degree,
                      If you choose to study a Single Honours     but do not yet have the qualifications
                      degree, you are choosing to study one       required to enter directly onto our
                      main subject area. Single Honours           degree programmes. Successful
                      degrees are a good choice if you have       completion of the Foundation Year will
                      a particular subject area you want to       enable you to progress into the first
                      study in more depth.                        year of your chosen honours degree.

                                                                  For more details about our
                      Combined Honours degrees                    Foundation Year programmes, visit:
                      If you choose to study a Combined           www.hope.ac.uk/undergraduate/
                      Honours degree, you are choosing            degreewithfoundationyear
                      to study two subject areas equally.
                      Combined Honours degrees are a good         Part-time study
                      choice if you are interested in more        Most of Liverpool Hope’s
                      than one subject area.                      undergraduate programmes are
                                                                  available for study on a part-time basis.
                      Year in Industry degrees                    Part-time study normally doubles an
                      Some of our degrees can be studied          Honours degree programme to twice
                      with a year spent in industry. This         its full-time duration i.e. six years.
                      placement year is additional to your
                      degree and gives you the opportunity        For details of how to apply for
                      to gain valuable workplace experience       part-time study, visit:
                      before you graduate.                        www.hope.ac.uk/undergraduate/
                      Placement Year
                      A placement year offers you the chance      HND students
                      to gain valuable work experience            Students who have successfully
                      alongside your studies. Nearly all of       complete their HND, can apply for entry
                      our subjects allow you to complete a        onto the final year of a suitable honours
                      placement year.                             degree programme.

                                                                  For more details, visit:
                      Degree with Foundation Year
                      The Degree with Foundation Year is a        howtoapply/accreditationofprior
                      great opportunity if you have the ability   learning

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     For all full-time higher education courses at universities and
     colleges in the UK, students must apply online at: www.ucas.com

     There are three types of applicant:       Important information
     1. Students studying at a school or
                                                                                        When I first saw Liverpool Hope,
                                               The UCAS number and abbreviated
        college registered with UCAS           name for Liverpool Hope University       it was an instant attraction...
     2. Independent applicants in the UK       is L46 and LHOPE. These must be          the fact that everyone here is so
                                               entered in the appropriate boxes of
        who are not at school or college
                                               the UCAS form, along with course
                                                                                        friendly and welcoming kind of
     3. International applicants outside the   codes for your chosen programme(s),      made my decision for me.
        UK (EU and worldwide).                 which can be found on the UCAS
                                               website and in this prospectus on the    NATHAN BROWN, BA BUSINESS
     For all applicants, there are full        following pages. Applications should     MANAGEMENT AND SPORT & PHYSICAL
     instructions at: www.ucas.com to          be submitted by the UCAS deadline,       EDUCATION
     make it as easy as possible for you       which is usually 15 January each year.
     to complete your online application.      Depending on the circumstances,
     International students can find out       the University will accept further
     more information about specific entry     applications after this date.
     requirements on page 148.

                                                                                        Read more of Nathan’s story at:

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     Accounting & Finance                                                                           Applied Biomedical Health
     In the rapidly changing business world, the demand for finance professionals has never         Our Applied Biomedical Health degree is a programme of study that will enable you to gain
     been greater. This challenging and stimulating Accounting & Finance degree will equip          knowledge and understanding of health from a biomedical perspective. Undertaking this
     you with a strong strategic outlook, ensuring that you will be ready to inform and advise      degree will enable you to develop a range of applied laboratory, and specialist practical and
     management decision-making at the highest level once you graduate. The variety of topics       transferable skills, which will prepare you for future employment, postgraduate research
     studied on this degree will give you a sound grounding in theoretical and practical areas of   and lifelong learning in the sciences. Based within the School of Health Sciences, you will
     accounting and finance.                                                                        have full access to the multi-million-pound Health Sciences Building and its dedicated and
                                                                                                    well-equipped teaching labs and research spaces. Small-size, student-centred teaching
                             The Single Honours Accounting & Finance degree is accredited           sessions means you will benefit from greater opportunities for practical work and the
                             by the Association for Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).         application of knowledge to real-world scenarios.
                             Liverpool Hope Business School is an accredited member of
                             AACSB International.
                                                                                                    What you will study             Career opportunities            Why study this subject?
                                                                                                    Topics available to study       Career paths are varied and     • You will study
     What you will study             Career opportunities            Why study this subject?
                                                                                                    may include:                    dependent on specialisms,         biomedical health from
     Topics available to study       Graduates of this degree        • Single Honours degree is     • Human Anatomy and             but may typically include:        a multidisciplinary
     may include:                    will be well prepared             accredited by ACCA             Physiology                    the NHS and private               perspective
     • Financial Accounting          for a rewarding career          • Opportunity to run your                                      healthcare (e.g. BUPA,          • New specialist clinical
                                                                                                    • Cellular and Molecular
                                     in accountancy, credit            own company through our                                      Nuffield); clinical trial         and bioscience
     • Financial Statements                                                                           Biology
                                     control, financial services,      Young Enterprise scheme                                      research units; research and      laboratories with
     • Management Accounting         investment analysis,                                           • Biological and                development laboratories,
                                                                     • Strong links with a                                                                            contemporary equipment
     • Quantitative Methods          purchasing, business                                             Pathological Basis of         clinical healthcare
                                                                       range of leading local                                                                         to enhance your learning
                                     consulting, and other                                            Contemporary Diseases         laboratories, health
     • Contemporary Research                                           and national companies,                                                                      • Taught by staff who are
                                     related financial and                                            and their Treatment           promotion/health and well-
       Methods                                                         professional bodies and                                                                        internationally recognised
                                     business professions. A                                        • Laboratory and Applied        being specialists. Graduates
     • Economics                                                       organisations, enhancing                                                                       for their research
                                     job in accountancy and                                           Biomedical Skills             may progress to further
     • Corporate and Business                                          employment opportunities                                                                     • Excellent opportunities to
                                     finance can help you gain                                      • Nutrition, Physical           study at postgraduate level,
       Law                           an attractive salary and        • Graduate with key skills                                     such as Masters or PhD,           develop subject-specific,
                                                                                                      Activity and Health
     • Taxation                      pursue a challenging career       sought-after by the                                          or to work in academia/           vocationally relevant
                                                                       accounting and finance       • Genetics, Immunology,                                           skills.
     • Audit and Assurance           as a Chief Financial Officer,                                                                  research.
                                                                       industry.                      Microbiology
                                     Director or Partner in an
     • Performance                                                                                  • Biochemistry and
                                     accounting firm, Forensic
       Management                                                                                     Metabolism.
                                     Accountant or Business
     • Financial Management          Adviser.
     • Dissertation.
                                                                                                    UCAS Code:
                                                                                                    BSc Single Honours C608
     UCAS Code:
     BA Single Honours N400, Combined Honours options see pages 126 - 147                           Entry Requirements:
                                                                                                    See page 148 for standard University entry requirements, plus you will need an A Level (or
     Entry Requirements:                                                                            equivalent) in a science discipline, GCSE English and Mathematics, and either a Double
     See page 148 for standard University entry requirements.                                       Award Science or Biology GCSE.

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