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EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                               Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

                                                 Original article:


Bartosz Horosza,* , Katarzyna Białowolskaa , Anna Kociubaa , Jakub Dobruchb ,
Małgorzata Malec-Milewskaa
    Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Center of Postgraduate Medical
    Education, Orlowski Hospital, Ul. Czerniakowska 231, Warsaw, Poland
    Department of Urology, Center of Postgraduate Medical Education, Orlowski Hospital,
    Ul. Czerniakowska 231, Warsaw, Poland

* Corresponding author: Bartosz Horosz, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive
  Care, Center of Postgraduate Medical Education, Orlowski Hospital, Ul. Czerniakowska
  231, Warsaw, Poland; E-mail: bhorosz@cmkp.edu.pl

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

A minimally invasive approach to radical prostatectomy offers improved ambulation and discharge times. Post-
operative pain control is one of the key factors that facilitates rapid recovery. With the aim to assure adequate
analgesia and minimize the use of opioids, application of truncal nerve blocks has been proposed in a number of
endoscopic procedures. The aim of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the efficacy of
bilateral posterior quadratus lumborum block (pQLB) in alleviating pain and reducing postoperative opioid de-
mand in patients following endoscopic extraperitoneal and laparoscopic prostatectomy. We enrolled 50 patients
who were diagnosed with prostate cancer and scheduled for prostatectomy. They were randomized to receive
preoperative, ultrasound-guided pQLB with the use of either 30 ml of 0.375 % ropivacaine (ropivacaine group) or
30 ml of 0.9 % NaCl (placebo group). Our primary endpoint was opioid consumption in the first 24 hours after
surgery. Secondary endpoints were pain intensity at predefined timepoints and the incidence of nausea and vom-
iting and pruritus. No differences were detected between the ropivacaine and placebo groups in intravenous ox-
ycodone consumption during the first 24 hours after surgery. Similarly, there were no differences in pain intensity
at any of the timepoints assessed. The rate of nausea and vomiting was equal in both groups and pruritus was not
observed. Application of bilateral pQLB does not reduce opioid consumption after minimally invasive prostatec-

Keywords: Quadratus lumborum block, minimally invasive prostatectomy, postoperative pain, laparoscopy

                 INTRODUCTION                                    radical prostatectomy (LRP) and robotic-as-
                                                                 sisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
    In recent years, minimally invasive tech-
                                                                 (RALP) improve postoperative recovery and
niques have gained popularity in the surgical
                                                                 ambulation with preserved oncological out-
treatment of prostate cancer. Laparoscopic
                                                                 comes (Basiri, 2018). Despite being less inva-

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                        Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

sive surgical interventions, laparoscopic pro-       (83/PB/2018) and performed at the Depart-
cedures may still be demanding in terms of           ment of Anesthesiology and the Department
postoperative pain, because both somatic and         of Urology, Orlowski Hospital, Center of
visceral pain pathways are involved. Regional        Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw,
anesthesia techniques have been utilized to al-      Poland. It is reported in accordance with the
leviate the pain and to optimize enhanced re-        Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
covery after laparoscopic prostatectomy, with        (CONSORT) guidelines on reporting parallel
the aim to avoid or decrease the need for opi-       group randomized trials and was registered at
oids (Bae et al., 2017; Cacciamani et al.,           ClinicalTrials.com (NCT03600129). The
2019; Shahait and Lee, 2019; Taha et al.,            CONSORT flow diagram is shown in Figure
2019). Truncal blocks as an addition to local        1. Patients scheduled to undergo either LRP
wound infiltration have been used with prom-         or EERP for prostate cancer were to be en-
ising outcomes and have proved to be supe-           rolled. The inclusion criteria were: age 40-80
rior to wound infiltration alone (Cacciamani         years and American Society of Anesthesiolo-
et al., 2019; Taha et al., 2019). Transversus        gists (ASA) physical status ≤ 3. Patients aller-
abdominis plane (TAP) block is currently rec-        gic to local anesthetics, with infection in the
ommended for laparoscopic and robotic pros-          area of planned injection site and patients ex-
tatectomy by the recent procedure specific           periencing chronic pain were excluded from
postoperative pain management (PRO-                  the study, as well as patients with significant
SPECT) guidelines (Lemoine et al., 2021).            communication disorders and those unable to
     Although effective in alleviating ab-           understand the principle and apply the rules of
dominal wall pain, these techniques cannot           intravenous patient-controlled analgesia
block the visceral component of pain. The            (PCA).
quadratus lumborum block (QLB) technique,
first described in 2007 by Blanco as the most        Patients and pre-specified endpoints
posterior modification of TAP block, is said             Fifty patients agreed to participate in the
to be more potent in blocking somatic pain,          study and were enrolled between July 2018
with the option to reduce visceral pain, due to      and October 2019 after signing the informed
the spread of local anesthetic towards the par-      consent form. Online randomization with a
avertebral space and a numbing effect on the         1:1 allocation ratio was performed by using
sympathetic trunk (Akerman et al., 2018; El-         GraphPad         QuickCalcs         randomizer
sharkawy et al., 2019; Tamura et al., 2019).         (https://www.graphpad.com/quickcalcs/rand-
The use of QLB as a part of postoperative            Menu/) for 50 subjects. Before the surgery,
multimodal analgesia following minimally             the sequentially numbered, sealed, opaque en-
invasive prostatectomy has been described            velope containing the group allocation and a
but has not been validated in a randomized,          description of the solution to be used for the
placebo-controlled trial (Theisen and Davies,        block placement was handed to an anesthetist
2020).                                               not involved in the perioperative care of the
     In this study, we aimed to investigate the      patient enrolled in the study. A total of 60 ml
effect of bilateral, ultrasound-guided poste-        of study solution was prepared for each pa-
rior quadratus lumborum block (pQLB) on              tient: 2 × 30 ml of 0.375 % ropivacaine in the
postoperative opioid consumption and pain            ropivacaine group or 2 × 30 ml of 0.9 % so-
control after laparoscopic or extraperitoneal        dium chloride (saline) in the placebo group.
endoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP or             All syringes were labelled in the same way
EERP, respectively).                                 and handed to anesthetist responsible for con-
                                                     ducting the anesthesia and block placement,
                METHODS                              who was blinded to the group allocation. The
    The study protocol was approved by the           primary endpoint of the study was oxycodone
institutional Ethics Committee on 4 July 2018        consumption in the first 24 hours after surgery.

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                        Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

Figure 1: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram. PCA, patient–con-
trolled analgesia

The secondary endpoints were pain intensity          thasone was given intravenously. Then, gen-
at 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours after surgery and the       eral anesthesia was induced with 100 µg of
incidence of opioid-related complications:           fentanyl and 2-2.5 mg/kg of propofol. Rocu-
nausea and vomiting and pruritus.                    ronium 0.6 mg/kg was used for muscle paral-
                                                     ysis. Anesthesia was maintained with
Block placement and intraoperative                   sevoflurane in the oxygen/air mixture, with
management                                           the use of repeated boluses of 100 µg of fen-
    Patients received 7.5 mg oral midazolam          tanyl as required for hemodynamic stability,
1 hour prior to induction of anesthesia. After       at the discretion of the anesthetist who was re-
admission to the operating room, routine             sponsible for the whole procedure.
monitoring was applied (non-invasive blood                After induction of general anesthesia and
pressure, three-lead electrocardiogram moni-         before surgical draping, bilateral pQLB under
toring and pulse oximetry). Once intravenous         ultrasound guidance was performed. All
access was secured with an 18G cannula, slow         blocks were placed with patient in the supine
infusion of balanced crystalloid was initiated       position, with a contralateral tilt to facilitate
and 1 g of paracetamol and 4 mg of dexame-           sufficient ultrasound visualization of the de-
                                                     sired posterolateral area of the abdominal

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                         Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

wall. After thorough disinfection of the area         not differ between the two types of surgery.
and maintaining sterile conditions throughout         Throughout both intraperitoneal and extraper-
the procedure, the linear ultrasound probe            itoneal procedures, the insufflation pressure
(Phillips Sparq, Phillips Polska LLC, War-            did not exceed 12 mm/Hg except for an occa-
saw, Poland) was placed in the transverse             sional increase to 20 mm/Hg to aid Santorini
plane above the anterior superior iliac spine         plexus hemostasis, as required. In contrast to
and moved cranially until typical layers of the       EERP, LRP involved extended removal of
external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO)          pelvic lymph nodes as described previously
and transversus abdominis (TA) muscles                (Dobruch et al., 2014). Beside lymphadenec-
were visualized. Then, the probe was moved            tomy, radical removal of the prostate gland
laterally and posteriorly to visualize and trace      followed the same basic surgical and oncolog-
the muscular layers of the abdominal wall.            ical principles established in patients with
Once the posterolateral border of TA was              prostate cancer subjected to EERP and LRP.
identified, the probe position was adjusted to        The specimen was extracted in an endo-bag
visualize the hyperechoic middle layer of the         through an extended infraumbilical incision
thoracolumbar fascia on the posterior surface         previously used for trocar placement.
of quadratus lumborum (QL) muscle, which                   Once the surgery reached the stage of
extends from the posterior aponeurosis of the         vesicourethral anastomosis, 2 g of metami-
TA and IO. Using the in-plane technique, a            zole and 8 mg of ondansetron were given. Af-
22G spinal needle was introduced in the               ter trocars were removed and the operating ta-
lateroposterior direction and advanced until it       ble was returned to its neutral position, the
reached the posterior surface of the QL, at           neuromuscular blockade was reversed with
which point a distinct ‘pop’ is usually felt, in-     neostigmine to facilitate the extubation of the
dicating that the needle tip has entered the fas-     trachea. The intraoperative data recorded for
cia. The position of the needle tip was con-          the purpose of the study were duration of sur-
firmed with hydrodissection. In the ropiva-           gery and anesthesia, estimated blood loss and
caine group, 30 ml of 0.375 % ropivacaine             the total intraoperative dose of fentanyl.
was injected after negative aspiration for
blood, whereas in the placebo group, 30 ml of         Postoperative pain management
0.9 % sodium chloride was injected in the                 After surgery, the patient was moved to
same manner. The deposition of the injectate          the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). Oxyco-
in the desired space was observed and con-            done in an intravenous patient-controlled an-
firmed with ultrasound. The procedure was             algesia (IV-PCA) pump (Medima Medical,
repeated on the other side.                           Warsaw, Poland) was prepared and connected
    pQLB was either placed by an anesthetist          to the patient’s intravenous line. Routine post-
with > 5 years of experience in peripheral            operative analgesia was administered intrave-
nerve blocks and regional anesthesia (BH or           nously and consisted of 1 g of paracetamol
KB) or an anesthesia trainee with at least 2          and metamizole every 6 hours and 50 mg of
years of experience, in which case the whole          dexketoprofen every 8 hours. The PCA pump
procedure was supervised hands-on and the             was set to deliver 2 mg boluses with a 5 mi-
infusion of the injectate started only after the      nute lock-out time and a maximum dose of
target needle position was approved by the            10 mg of oxycodone in 1 hour, with no back-
aforementioned anesthetists.                          ground infusion. The method of using PCA
    During the surgery, the patient was placed        was explained to patients prior to enrolment.
in the supine and steep Trendelenburg posi-           The dose of oxycodone delivered in the as-
tion with shoulder support and marked pelvis          sessed time intervals was derived from the
protrusion. In each case, five-port surgical ac-      PCA pump’s internal memory, while the rec-
cess was established through minor skin inci-         ord of any additional pain intervention was
sions and the specific setup of the ports did         extracted from PACU nursing records. Pain

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                               Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

intensity was assessed by using the Numeric                     [interquartile range (IQR)]. For comparison
Rating Scale (NRS) at the predefined time in-                   of dichotomous variables, Fisher’s exact test
tervals and every time the patient complained                   was employed, and the data are presented as
of pain. Episodes of nausea, vomiting and                       number (%). The analyses were performed
pruritus were noted and recorded.                               with R version 3.5.1 (http://cran.r-pro-
Statistical analysis
    The routine mode of postoperative oxyco-                                           RESULTS
done administration at our institution is 5 mg                      Fifty patients were enrolled between July
by subcutaneous injection given in 3-hour in-                   2018 and October 2019, with 25 in each
tervals, with intravenous boluses of 2 mg for                   group. Twenty-four patients in the ropiva-
breakthrough pain. Sample size calculation                      caine group received pQLB, as in one case the
was based on the results of the retrospective                   surgery was cancelled on the day of surgery
analysis of PACU charts of minimally inva-                      due to the sudden onset of cardiac symptoms.
sive prostatectomy cases, which revealed that                   In the placebo group, out of 25 enrolled pa-
the average of two doses (10 mg) was usually                    tients, 22 received pQLB: one patient decided
required in the first 24 hours after surgery. As                to withdraw his consent to participate in the
we assumed at least a 25 % reduction in opi-                    study and two cases were rescheduled due to
oid requirement to be of clinical significance                  technical issues. Complete data were availa-
in this case, the number of required cases was                  ble from 23 cases in the ropivacaine group
16 in each group for the test to achieve 80 %                   and 20 cases in the placebo group, due to er-
power at the level of significance of 0.05.                     roneous cessation of postoperative PCA treat-
Randomization was performed for 50 cases to                     ment (1 and 2 cases, respectively).
allow for a number of dropouts. The data were                       Patient demographics and surgery-related
assessed for normality by using the Shapiro-                    data are presented in Table 1. The ropivacaine
Wilk test. An unpaired Student’s t-test was                     and placebo groups were not different in
used to compare normally distributed data and                   terms of demographics and perioperative
the Mann-Whitney U-test was used to com-                        data. The median length of hospital stay was
pare continuous data with a non-normal dis-                     short and similar between the groups.
tribution. Continuous data are presented as
mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median

Table 1: Demographics and perioperative data
                                              QLB ropivacaine                    QLB placebo                       p
                                                  (n = 23)                          (n = 20)
 Age (years)                                     64.6 ± 5.24                       67.1 ± 5.46                  0.135
 BMI (kg/m2)                                    28.63 ± 3.64                      28.33 ± 2.29                  0.755
 LRP/EERP                                          11/12                              12/8
 Surgery duration (minute)                     159.13 ± 36.07                   162.89 ± 20.64                  0.69
 Anesthesia duration (minute)                  201.96 ± 37.65                   200.55 ± 22.84                  0.88
 Intraoperative fentanyl (µg)                  391.30 ± 90.01                   405.56 ± 105.56                 0.643
 Estimated blood loss (ml)                     200 [150-350]                     200 [100-300]                  0.419
 Hospital stay (days)                              4 [4-5]                         4 [3.5-4.5]                  0.367
Data are given as number, mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range]. QLB, quadratus lumborum block; BMI, body
mass index; LRP, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy; EERP, endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                               Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

     The total oxycodone consumption in 24                       prostatectomy and given pQLB compared
hours was not different between the patients                     with patients given the sham block. Using a
in the ropivacaine and placebo groups. Post-                     double-blind, placebo-controlled study de-
operative data are given in Table 2. Similarly,                  sign, we were not able to detect the expected
no differences were found between postoper-                      differences in the primary and secondary end-
ative oxycodone consumption when the as-                         points.
sessed time intervals were considered: the                           Ultrasound-guided pQLB is described as
first 6 hours, 6-12 hours and 12-24 hours after                  a safe and straightforward technique, as the
completion of surgery. The highest demand                        point of local anesthetic deposition is rela-
for opioids was found during the first 6 hours,                  tively superficial and separated from the ab-
while after 12 hours the need for PCA-deliv-                     dominal cavity by the QL muscle, minimizing
ered oxycodone was negligible in both                            the risk of intraperitoneal injection and bowel
groups.                                                          injury. In most cases, the procedure can be
     The NRS was similar in the ropivacaine                      performed easily in the supine position, which
and placebo groups. No differences were                          reduces the time needed to place the block and
found in pain levels at rest at 1, 6, 12 and 24                  makes it convenient to be performed after in-
hours after surgery, as well as during a cough                   duction of general anesthesia. It results in the
24 hours after the surgery. The maximum                          anesthesia of the nerve fibres innervating the
NRS 1 hour following surgery was 7 in the                        anterior and lateral abdominal wall (El-
placebo group and 8 in the ropivacaine group                     sharkawy et al., 2017). Moreover, with the
(data not shown). The incidence of nausea and                    prospect of local anesthetic reaching the par-
vomiting was low and similar in both groups;                     avertebral space, this technique is said to be
pruritus was not noted.                                          able to provide more effective analgesia than
                                                                 TAP block for abdominal surgery. The use of
                   DISCUSSION                                    QLB for postoperative pain control has been
                                                                 proposed and validated in a number of surgi-
    This study found no differences in postop-
                                                                 cal procedures, with promising results (El-
erative opioid consumption and pain intensity
                                                                 sharkawy et al., 2019).
in patients undergoing minimally invasive

Table 2: Postoperative data
                                                QLB ropivacaine                  QLB placebo                     p
                                                   (n = 23)                        (n = 20)
 Postoperative oxycodone
 consumption (mg)
   Total in the first 24 hours                     11.91 ± 6.48                     9.5 ± 6.74                0.239
   First 6 hours                                    7.13 ± 4.5                      6.8 ± 5.32                 0.82
   6-12 hours                                         2 [2-6]                         2 [0-4]                 0.162
   12-24 hours                                        0 [0-2]                        0 [0-1.5]                0.286
 Postoperative pain intensity
 at rest
   NRS at 1 hour                                       2 [1-3]                        2 [1-4]                 0.795
   NRS at 6 hours                                      3 [2-3]                        2 [2-3]                 0.9001
   NRS at 12 hours                                     2 [0-3]                        2 [1-3]                 0.756
   NRS at 24 hours                                     2 [1-3]                      2 [0.25-3]                0.852
   NRS at 24 hours – cough                             3 [2-4]                        3 [2-4]                 0.590
 Postoperative nausea                                 3 (13%)                        2 (10%)                    1.0
 Postoperative pruritus                                0 (0%)                        0 (0%)                     1.0
Data are given as number (%), mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range]. QLB, quadratus lumborum block; NRS,
Numeric Rating Scale

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                        Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

     Endoscopic techniques in urology have           proach, both of these procedures involve mul-
developed to the point where most of the ma-         tiple skin incisions for port insertion and ex-
jor procedures are performed using a mini-           tensive extraperitoneal manipulation in the
mally invasive approach (Eswara and Ko,              lower abdomen and pelvis, which concludes
2019; Fantus et al., 2019). Despite less exten-      with vesicourethral anastomosis. Therefore,
sive surgical trauma, postoperative pain con-        the resulting somatic pain is primarily con-
trol may still pose a challenge and require ad-      ducted through the fibres of the low thoracic
ministration of potent opioids (D’Alonzo et          and high lumbar segments, while visceral
al., 2009; Remzi et al., 2005; Webster et al.,       pain is mediated by the sympathetic trunk and
2005; Woldu et al., 2014). Therefore, the use        parasympathetic pathways.
of peripheral nerve blocks is warranted, with             In our opinion, the most likely explana-
the goal of alleviating pain and reducing the        tion for the lack of differences in pain inten-
incidence of opioid-related complications.           sity after the block performed with local an-
     In the retrospective, comparative analysis      esthetic and placebo in our patients is a spe-
of 200 patients who underwent RALP, Rogers           cific distribution of anesthesia after pQLB.
et al. reported a significant reduction in both      Despite the spread of local anesthetic to the
pain intensity and narcotic use, as well as a        paravertebral space and numbing of the tho-
reduced time to ambulation when TAP block            racic sympathetic trunk, the level of anesthe-
was utilized as part of the pain control plan        sia appears not to be sufficient for the extent
(Rogers et al., 2021).                               of extraperitoneal pelvic surgery. The visceral
     In their randomized and blinded study,          component of pain derived from the surgical
Dal Moro et al. described an improvement in          trauma to the pelvic floor, the bladder and the
pain control and demand for analgesics in            proximal urethra is likely to play a significant
RALP after administration of TAP block. The          role. It is conveyed via the parasympathetic
use of four injections of 50 ml of 0.25 % levo-      (S2-S4) and sympathetic (T10-L2) fibres that
bupivacaine each was substantially effective         form the pelvic plexus. Moreover, animal
in alleviating the pain throughout the entire        studies have shown that the parasympathetic
24-hour postoperative period (Dal Moro et al.,       component is likely to be dominant (Origoni
2019).                                               et al., 2014). Hence, it may be argued that the
     Similar findings have been reported after       inability to affect the pelvic parasympathetic
the use of QLB in other urologic procedures.         pathways could be responsible for our results.
In their placebo-controlled study, Dam et al.        This could also explain the contrast between
showed a significant reduction in the opioid         our findings and the results of aforementioned
requirement during the first 12 hours after          studies regarding laparoscopic nephrectomy
surgery and shorter hospital stay after percu-       and percutaneous nephrolithotomy (Dam et
taneous nephrolithotomy when unilateral              al., 2019; Kwak et al., 2020), as the compo-
transmuscular quadratus lumborum block               nent of visceral pain in minimally invasive
(TQLB) was employed (Dam et al., 2019). In           prostatectomy is obviously much more prom-
a similarly designed trial, Kwak et al. (2020)       inent.
investigated the effect of one-sided lateral              Similarly, a different characteristic of pain
QLB in laparoscopic nephrectomy. Their trial         distribution may be the reason for which our
demonstrated both a significant reduction in         results did not reproduce the outcomes of
opioid consumption and pain intensity in the         studies where TAP was used for RALP (Dal
intervention group compared with patients            Moro et al., 2019; Rogers et al., 2021). The
given the sham block.                                higher number and size of the trocars used for
     Surprisingly, our results failed to repro-      RALP when compared to LRP and EERP re-
duce the above findings with the use of pQLB         sults in a greater injury of the abdominal wall.
for LRP and EERP. Despite the different ap-          Therefore the contribution of somatic pain

EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                         Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

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EXCLI Journal 2022;21:335-343 – ISSN 1611-2156
                             Received: December 18, 2021, accepted: January 18, 2022, published: January 27, 2022

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