UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
  UK Schools Directory 2021/22
   T H E U K B OA R D I N G S C H O O L S S P E C I A L I S T S F O R A F R I C A

Student experiences               60+ schools                Advice and guidance
UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
Welcome to the                                                           Contents
                                 latest UK Boarding                                                       4        Help & advice

                                 School Directory...                                                      8        Memories

                                                                                                             London and South
                                 Choosing a boarding school is difficult                                     East schools
                                 enough when you live in the UK. When                                     31       South and West
                                 you live overseas, it makes selecting and                                          schools
                                 visiting schools a huge task.
                                                                                                          46       Central schools
                                 For those parents with little experience of boarding schools it
                                 can be a daunting prospect; most rely on friends and family for          62       Eastern schools
                                 help and advice. Each child is different and each school is different.
                                 With a little help from the experts you can find that perfect            65       Northern schools
                                 place where your child will blossom and grow to his or her full
                                 potential. We offer support in selecting the right school plus           74       Welsh schools
                                 arranging advice on admissions processes, setting up physical and
                                 virtual visits, guidance on interviews and entrance tests, advice on     77	
                                                                                                             School listing and
                                 visa applications and answering questions on arriving in the UK.            regional map
                                 We sincerely hope that you will find this directory helpful and
                                 informative. The directory is distributed throughout Africa at
                                 our Exhibitions, Information Days, events that we attend or as           EVERYONE HAS A STORY

                                 a download from our website                 We would like to include your
                                 The UK Boarding School Exhibitions in Nigeria and Ghana                  personal experiences of boarding,
                                                                                                          as a parent or student, in the next
                                 provide an excellent opportunity for parents to meet Heads               UK Schools Directory Please send
                                 from schools throughout the UK; please check our website for             copy (max 200 words) to:
                                 up-to-date information on dates, times and venues.             

                                 We would be delighted to offer you our FREE help and guidance,
                                 every step of the way, until you have secured a boarding school place.        SPECIAL THANKS

                                 Best wishes                                                              Special thanks to students, families
                                                                                                          and schools that have contributed
                                                                                                          editorial and photographs.

                                                                                                           FUTURE INFORMATION
                                 Sara Sparling, Director          Mark Brooks MBA, Director
                                                                                                          Anderson Education
                                                                                                          Langton House, Meopham Green,
                                                                                                          Meopham, Kent DA13 0PY, England.
                                                                                                          Tel: +44 (0)1474 815450

“We make lifetime friendships”                                                                            Website:

UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
Anderson Education                                                                                      Selecting the right school
                       Sara Sparling is an                                   Nikki Harlow is an         Ask the experts for help and advice when selecting the ‘right’ school for your
                                                                                                        child. Although boarding schools appear similar when browsing the web or through
                        Education Consultant who                              Education Consultant,
                                                                                                        prospectuses, in reality each has a unique quality.
                        travels frequently to the                             who joined the
                        Middle East and Africa to                             Anderson Education        Our job as Education Consultants is to identify               for their child. The education of each and every child
                        meet local and expat families                         team in 2015, she has     and match your child’s individual talents, skills and         is one of the most important decisions we make, time
                        considering a UK boarding                             a wide range of           aspirations to a school that will challenge, encourage        spent in early exploration and research is wise. Families
                        school, summer or language                            experience in education   and develop, to ensure that each child reaches his            living overseas are looking for reassurance that their
                                                                                                        or her full potential. The purpose and aim of the             children will achieve their full potential, in a happy, safe,
                        programme. Her experience                             with extensive
                                                                                                        Education Consultant who specialises in school                secure environment. Working closely with an Education
as a teacher, expat wife, mother of three children      knowledge of working with children with
                                                                                                        placement is to work on behalf of the family, to offer        Consultant for the purpose of school selection should
and as a boarder herself, enables her to understand     Special Educational Needs. Nikki’s career has   help and guidance in the selection of the ‘right’ school      follow the process outlined below:
the needs and concerns of parents. Whilst in the UK     included working in schools and also as an
Sara makes regular school visits to identify what is    events and exhibition manager. She has lived
unique and special about each boarding school and       in the USA and the Middle East and her son
ensure that Anderson Education has up to date           attended a UK boarding school.
knowledge and information.

Mark Brooks Education
                        Mark Brooks has been a Registrar and Marketing Director for major
                        public schools and has completed an MBA which focussed on how
                        families choose an independent boarding school. He has been advising
                        families from across Africa for 13 years, as well as appointing Heads            PLAN EARLY                                                    WHAT TO EXPECT
                        and Principals for leading schools in West Africa. Mark Brooks is a             1. Early planning is advisable, allow at least 18 months.     1. 	The Education Consultant selects 4 or 5
                        Department for International Trade Export Champion, a Boarding Schools                                                                           schools that best meet the agreed criteria,
                        Association accredited agent and a member of the UK Ghana Chamber               2. 	Ask questions and identify the type of educational
                                                                                                                                                                         for your consideration.
                                                                                                           environment that would best suit the needs of
                        of Commerce.
                                                                                                           your child; is it to be co-educational or a single sex     2. 	The Education Consultant will arrange for the
                                                                                                           school, highly selective or more suitable for the             school prospectuses to be sent to the family.
                                                                                                           ‘all rounder’.
                                                                                                                                                                      3. 	The Education Consultant should be available to
          The UK Boarding Schools Directory is available                                                3. 	Do you have any special requirements? i.e. Dyslexia,        discuss the benefits of each school selected and
                                                                                                            medical condition, learning or physical difficulties,        generally answer parents’ questions.
              at the UK Boarding School Exhibitions                                                         intensive English language provision.
                        in Africa in 2022.                                                                                                                            4. 	It is advisable to make appointments to visit
                                                                                                        4. 	Do you require the school to be in any particular           3 or 4 schools. To see the school in action is
                                                                                                           area of the UK?                                               important, parents are advised to visit in term
                           Details can be found at
                   WWW.UKBOARDINGSCHOOLEXHIBITION.COM                                                   5. Have copies of the child’s School Reports available.          time whenever possible.

                                                                                                        6. 	Inform the child’s present school of your intentions;
       You can download the directory at: WWW.ANDERSONEDUCATION.CO.UK
                                                                                                           the Principal will be required to supply a reference.
    And view individual school details at: WWW.BOARDINGSCHOOLSADVICE.COM
                                                                                                        7. 	Be clear about, if and when, you are able to visit the
                                                                                                           schools selected.

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UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
Visas for Boarding
    If English is not your
    first language                                                            School Students                               Why parents in West Africa
    UK Boarding Schools offer first class English
    language teaching and have a great deal of
                                                                              in the UK                                     are choosing UK boarding
                                                                                                                            schools in record numbers
    experience in helping students, whose first language is
    not English, to improve their language skills.
    The EFL (English as a Foreign Language)                   You can apply for the Child student visa if you’re aged
    Department in schools and colleges offer the              between 4 and 17 and you want to study in the UK.             The number of students from West Africa choosing to study in the UK
    overseas student a warm welcome; they have an             You should also:                                              has increased by 80% year on year, according to recent Home Office statistics.*
    important role to play in helping the international       • have a place on a course
    student successfully integrate and understand the                                                                       Recently, I interviewed some parents who             “There are more sporting activities and
                                                              • have the consent of your parent or guardian                 have sent their daughters and sons to leading        extracurricular options on offer,” he enthused.
    excitement and challenges of boarding life.
                                                              • have enough money to cover your course fees                 British boarding schools to discover the             “British schools are well-equipped and have
    International Study Centres have specifically
                                                                and living costs                                            driving forces behind this demand.                   made great investments in infrastructure…
    designed pre-boarding and pre- A Level/IB courses;
    their aim is to ensure that the student’s English is of   • meet the eligibility requirements                                                                                particularly in music, science and mathematics.”
                                                                                                                            High-quality academic standards.
    a sufficient level to enable them to cope with the         HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE
    GCSE and A Level/IB examinations.                                                                                       One father explained he chose a well-known           Well-rounded education.
                                                              You can apply for a visa up to 6 months before                boarding school in the South West for his two        A mother I chatted to who sends her third
    A Summer School provides an excellent
                                                              your date of travel [outside of the UK] to the                boys because of “a desire to lay the foundation      child to the UK this September said that she
    introduction to the UK, offering English language
                                                     You should get a
    teaching and activities, such as sports, art, drama and                                                                 for a first-class education.”                        wanted a “balance of academic, extracurricular
    outdoor activities; a fun way to improve your English.    decision on your visa within 3 weeks.
                                                                                                                            He wanted his sons to “benefit from the British      and etiquette” to give her children a “well-
                                                              Check the guide processing times to find out how long                                                              rounded education that would set them up well
    Learning Support                                          getting a visa might take in your country.                    public schools’ centuries-long experience and
                                                                                                                            culture in moulding young people into confident,     for the future.”
    We can recommend schools with excellent
    learning support for children with Dyslexia,               FEES                                                         independent adults.”                                 She emphasised the importance of an
    Dyspraxia and ADHD as well as specialist schools          It costs £348 to apply for a Child student visa from
                                                                                                                            He added that he invested in their education         international environment that enables
    for children with Asperger's Syndrome and                 outside the UK.                                                                                                    them to “socialise with almost 40 different
    Cerebral Palsy, deaf children and young people                                                                          to provide them “a broad-based international
                                                              You’ll also have to pay a healthcare surcharge as part                                                             nationalities.”
    who have complex learning issues.                                                                                       education as a deliberate step to a similar
                                                              of your application. [£470 per year - u18 now receive
                                                                                                                            career.”                                             With benefits like this, it is no wonder that
    State Boarding Schools                                    a 25% discount].
                                                                                                                            Traditional values and a wide range                  British boarding schools are more popular
    Admission to state boarding in the UK is limited to        HOW LONG YOU CAN STAY                                                                                             than ever before.
    British citizens and anyone with a right of residence                                                                   of opportunities.
    in the UK.                                                Your age and the length of your course of study will                                                               Mark Brooks, Director Mark Brooks Education
                                                              affect how long you can stay.
                                                                                                                            Another father told me that “moral standards
    At state boarding schools you pay for the boarding                                                                      and traditional British conservative values within   * According to a Home Office report in March 2021,
    only and the tuition is paid by the government, as it     Age when you apply         How long you can stay              a friendly, safe and secure environment” were        visas granted to Nigerian students to enrol at school
    would at any other state school in England.                                                                             the reasons why he chose a school on the             and higher educational establishments rose by 83%
                                                              Under 16                   Course length (up to 6 years)
    Please check the UK Government website Studying in                                                                      South Coast for his child.                           year on year to 17,423.
                                                                                         plus 4 months afterwards
    the UK: guidance for EU students - GOV.UK
    ( for eligibility if you are a EU resident.    16 or 17                   Course length (up to 3 years)
                                                                                         plus 4 months afterwards
    A Guardian Family                                         You can arrive in the UK:
    It is a requirement of schools for all parents resident   • up to 1 week before your course starts if your
    outside the UK to appoint a Guardian living in Britain,     course lasts 6 months or less
    who will act with their full authority. The choice of     • up to 1 month before your course starts if your
    Guardian is the responsibility of the parents.              course lasts more than 6 months
    The ‘Guardian’ acts on behalf of the parent, providing
    a home from home environment at half term and             Disclaimer: This information in this guide is correct as of
    weekend exeats, they represent the parents at school      September 2021. Visa requirements are subject to change.
    functions and are available in case of an emergency.      For up to date information, please visit the website of the
    For further information visit:            British Embassy or Consulate where you live, or the nearest
                                                              Visa Application Centre.

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UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
studentfocus                                                                                  studentfocus

I love knowing that                                                                             Boarding at a young age has
I have friends for life                                                                         made me more confident and
There really is nowhere else where girls are           At A Level, I studied French,
so wonderfully themselves. At MSJ, girls are           Economics, English Literature and
                                                                                                If someone were to ask me the
encouraged to pursue whatever interests they           Drama. I loved all my subjects but
                                                                                                question ‘describe what boarding is like’,
have, whether that’s in Art, Drama, Sport, Music,      I don’t think I would have loved
                                                                                                the first word that would come to
Riding, Pottery, Coding etc. The list is endless;      them so much if I wasn’t studying
                                                                                                mind would be community; a community
there is such a large range of opportunities that      them at MSJ. All my teachers
                                                                                                of different cultures, backgrounds
you can take up, all of which will help to enrich      provided the necessary support
                                                                                                and individual stories.
your school experience. That’s just the spirit of      and stimulation in order to help
the school - Malvern St James is not just a school     me through my studies, as well as        My boarding journey started at the age of
but a community.                                       helping me to cultivate a deeper         eleven; before moving back to the UK for
                                                       interest in my subjects. But even        secondary school, I resided in the vibrant city
                                                       outside the classroom, I never           of Lagos Nigeria. I believe my experiences of
                                                       stopped learning. A wide range of        these contrasting cultures is extremely
                                                       activities and societies are on offer    unique; having spent a lot of time in both
                                                       for anyone to try their hand at          England and Nigeria before starting boarding
                                                       something new. Every experience is       school, the culture shock upon my arrival
                                                       one of growth that will contribute       was not as evident.                               of excitement. Further, my circle of friends
                                                       to the girl that you become when                                                           has expanded greatly; one aspect of
                                                                                                Compared to the majority of my cohort,            boarding that I am thankful for, is the
                                                       you leave.                               I will say that being apart from my family for    diversity of friends it has provided me with.
                                                       Boarding was definitely one of my        long periods of time meant that I was prone
                                                       highlights of being at MSJ. It is a      to feelings of homesickness; whilst I do like     Boarding at a young age has not only made me
                                                       great way to connect with different      to think that being in the same environment       into a more confident and independent individual
                                                       people and definitely awakened my        as my elder sister helped me feel more            but has also enhanced my understanding of
                                                       sense of curiosity about different       comfortable, eleven-year-old me was still         the world around me, particularly in my
                                                       cultures and improved my people          getting used to not physically seeing my          current role as Head of Boarding.
                                                       skills. The friends you make when        parents on a daily basis.                         Whether through doing my own laundry or
                                                       you board practically become your        Despite this, a factor that helped my             cooking food for myself, I am certain that the
                                                       family and I just love knowing that      new girl trepidation was the fact that I was      lifelong skills I have developed are largely a
                                                       I have friends for life as a result of   surrounded by many other girls that were in       result of boarding school. I am thankful for
                                                       being here.                              a similar position as me; it’s true what they     the opportunity I have had so far to board
                                                       Hajer – a boarder at Malvern St James    say about boarding being similar to a slumber     as it has shaped me into who I am today.
                                                       Girls’ School                            party, living in the junior house particularly,   Timi – Head Boarder, Headington School
                                                                                                provided me with afternoons and evenings

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UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
studentfocus                                                                                   studentfocus

You learn about                                                                                   I am confident in saying Downside
                                                                                                  is like a second home to me
different cultures from                                                                           I arrived at Downside in the First Form          been able to do so with ease, frequently

around the world                                                                                  (Year 7), having lived all my previous life
                                                                                                  in Nigeria. I was not very familiar with
                                                                                                                                                   messaging them and speaking to them over
                                                                                                                                                   the phone. Feeling homesick nevertheless, is
                                                                                                  the environment, and it took me time             normal and affects a lot of students, however,
Being part of the boarding                                                                        to get accustomed to everything. I was           with the help of the friendly staff and
community at Monmouth                                                                             worried about leaving the comfort of             supportive students I was able to overcome
School for Boys for almost three                                                                  my own home, moving to a completely              this. I strongly believe that Downside is the
years has been a tremendous                                                                       new country, and being away from my              right place for overseas families as, not only
experience. I joined the school                                                                   parents for such long periods of time.           does it provide a strong sense of stability, but
in September 2018 from Day                                                                        Now, however, I am confident in saying           it also offers a deeply welcoming community
Waterman College and I have                                                                       Downside is like a second home to me.            that is unmatched anywhere else. Downside’s
made a lot of friends from                                                                        When asked to describe what Downside             impeccable values and ethos reflect greatly on
towns and cities all around the                                                                   means to me, I simply cannot say it              each student and focus on concern for the
world. Studying in Monmouth                                                                       enough in words. Apart from being                individual, meaning that everyone’s beliefs are
has challenged me academically                                                                    welcomed so quickly into the community,          held highly and respected.
and the town is very safe, while                                                                  I have gained an immense amount of               Stephanie – a boarder at Downside School
everyone is happy and friendly                                                                    academic, musical, sporting and most
in boarding.                                                                                      importantly, spiritual enlightenment.
                                                                                                  A year before I joined the School, I was given
Boarding is great because I have got to           My aim is to study Medicine at university
                                                                                                  a tour along with my parents and two of my
experience living with a room-mate –              and I particularly like Biology, my favourite
                                                                                                  brothers who also joined the School. From
it might be like that at university – so I know   subject, because I have carried out
                                                                                                  that moment, it was clear that Downside
it will stand me in good stead. I particularly    dissections in class.
                                                                                                  was the right place for me. I was quickly able
enjoy the social side as an international
                                                  The weather might be a lot colder in the        to get involved in the Downside life and
boarder because I like playing football on the
                                                  UK, compared to back home, but it has           discover my passions and explore my talents.
artificial pitches and basketball in the sports
                                                  given me the chance to play in the snow         Having been at Downside for several years,
hall after school.
                                                  with my friends. Overall, I am very happy at    I have been able to attain an academic and
In the Sixth Form, I have had the                 Monmouth. I have learned about different        music scholarship which undoubtably have
opportunity to meet new people and                cultures from around the world and I enjoy      helped me thrive as an individual. With all
I have enjoyed carrying out more in-depth         being part of a vibrant boarding community.     this in mind, after Sixth Form, I intend to
work as part of my studies. All my lessons                                                        go to university in the UK where I hope to
                                                  Bryan – a boarder at Haberdashers’ Monmouth
are very interactive, and the teachers are        School for Boys                                 study Law and Spanish, and hopefully attain a
excellent. We do lots of experiments in                                                           Master’s degree in something similar as well.
my A level subjects – Chemistry, Biology
                                                                                                  As an overseas student, keeping in contact
and Physics.
                                                                                                  with family remains highly important. I have

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Multicultural environment
that caters to the needs of
every single person
My name is Tricey from Ghana and            Taunton School International has a
I was one of the first students to          multicultural environment that caters to the
complete the International Foundation       needs of every single person. Studying in
Year at Taunton School.                     Taunton School International has given me
                                            the opportunity to participate in different
                                            co-curricular activities such as netball,
                                            hockey, yoga and arts. However, the activity I
                                            particularly enjoyed this year was yoga. This is
                                            because, after a long day of school, doing yoga
                                            made me relax and it released any stress that
                                            I had accumulated. Overall, the one thing I’d
                                            say is that the quality of facilities at Taunton
                                            School International is astonishing.
                                            The concept of living in a boarding school
                                            does not sound appealing. However, at
                                            Taunton School International, a massive
                                            emphasis is placed on the wellbeing of
                                            students. For instance, activities such as trips
                                            are organised on the weekends to help
                                            students integrate.
                                            Being in a boarding house at Taunton School
                                            International has been one of the best
                                            decisions I have made by far. Even though I
                                            have not been able to see my family for quite
                                            some time, the support and encouragement
                                            provided by Taunton School International has
                                            been amazing.
                                            Tricey – an International Foundation Year student at
                                            Taunton School

                                                                                                   “You get more than good grades”
12                           UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22
UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
01                                  LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                          LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                 02

Abbey DLD Colleges                                                                                               Aldenham School

                                                                                  “Three independent
                                                                                   boarding colleges                                                                                               “Aldenham’s
                                                                                   located in                                                                                                       all-round
                                                                                   Cambridge, London                                                                                                education nurtures
                                                                                   and Manchester                                                                                                   happy, confident
                                                                                   offering a gold                                                                                                  and successful
                                                                                   standard education.”                                                                                             individuals.”

The Abbey DLD Group of               foundation programmes               Our colleges offer the highest          Aldenham is a warm,                 Aldenham has outstanding             Oxbridge, medicine or a
Colleges comprises three             (from 17 years). We work with       quality teaching with                   welcoming co-educational            facilities, impressive academic      Russell group university.
outstanding colleges in              students to help them gain entry    opportunities to enter the UK’s         school of 650 pupils, situated      credentials, superb pastoral care
                                                                                                                                                                                          Aldenham’s reputation
Cambridge, Manchester and            to their chosen university and      leading universities and gain from      in 120 acres of stunning            and a firm belief in developing
London each offering a tailored      position students to take on the    the unrivalled facilities that                                                                                   for excellence in sport is
                                                                                                                 Hertfordshire countryside,          each child as an individual.
education designed to launch         world of employment with the        benefi t hundreds of international                                                                                well-deserved (ISFA National
                                                                                                                 less than 30 minutes from
students on a successful and         first class reputation of Abbey      students every year. We are                                                 Aldenham has been on the same        Champions at football for the last
                                                                                                                 central London and less than
prosperous future, including         DLD Colleges behind them. In        totally committed to enabling our                                           site since 1597 and blends           three years) and we are equally
                                                                                                                 an hour from four major
entry to the UK’s most               2020, 82% of our students at        students to achieve their full                                              tradition with a modern, inclusive   proud of our creative arts with
                                                                                                                 international airports.
prestigious universities.            Abbey College Cambridge             potential. We achieve this through                                          and fresh approach to education.     Drama, Art, Music and Dance
                                     achieved grades A*-A in the         rigorous yet informal teaching by       Aldenham School provides an         Academic outcomes are strong.        performances being highlights of
The locations of our colleges are
                                     A Levels. While, 78% of our         high-quality staff, small class sizes   excellent all-round education;      At GCSE half of all exam results     the school year. A blend of day
chosen to offer cultural and
academic distinction. Our            students at Abbey College           and frequent assessments.               in every inspection over the        last year were graded 7 (A*/A) or    and full/flexi boarding allows us
courses include a wide range of      Manchester achieved A*-B in                                                 last 12 years it has achieved       above and in the Sixth Form          to cater for all requirements.
                                                                         To find out more information
GCSEs (from 13 years), A levels      their A Levels, and 76% of our                                              the highest possible outcome        individual coaching is provided      We would be delighted to show
                                                                         please visit:
and several international            students at DLD College London                                              in all categories.                  to those pupils aiming for           you what Aldenham has to offer.
                                     achieved A*-B in their A Levels.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                              C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 School Type: Co-educational boarding college          Telephone:   +44 (0) 3300 536082                           Head:        Andy Williams BSc MA(Ed)                 Telephone:   +44 (0) 1923 858122

 Age Range:   13-21 years                              Email:                    School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Email:
              (youngest boarder 13 years)                                                                         Age Range:   3-13 years, boarding from                Address:     Aldenham School
                                                       Address:     Abbey DLD Colleges
                                                                                                                               11 (flexi), from 13 (full)                             Aldenham Road
 Contact:     Jalal Muazu, Regional Manager Africa                  c/o Alpha Plus Group
                                                                    50 Queen Anne Street                                                                                             Elstree
 Website:                                                                             Contact:     Sue Mascall, Admissions Co-ordinator                  Hertfordshire
                                                                    London W1G 8HJ
                                                                                                                  Website:                                      WD6 3AJ

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UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
01                                 LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                                                     LONDON AND SOUTH EAST                                                02

Ashford School                                                                                             Box Hill School

                                                                                                                                                                                             “A dynamic and
                                                                                 “Inspiring Minds.”                                                                                           education, an
                                                                                                                                                                                              abundance of
                                                                                                                                                                                              and a passion for
                                                                                                                                                                                              excellence all in
                                                                                                                                                                                              a warm, family

At Ashford School, our               adventure so that our students      opportunities we provide.         Box Hill School is a co-educational   Democracy, Environmentalism,      of major team sports with weekly
educational philosophy is based      can develop into all they are       Our extensive co-curricular       day and boarding school for           Adventure, Leadership and         fixtures. The school is also
on a very simple assumption:         capable of being.                   programme enables our students    pupils aged 11-18, located just 40    Service underpin our school       actively involved in the Duke of
if a pupil is happy and secure,                                          to grow in confidence and stand    minutes from central London, in       ethos and values.                 Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and
                                     Parents choose Ashford School
they are more likely to be                                               out from the crowd.               the beautiful Surrey Hills. EasilyOur focus is on achieving the best exchange programmes.
                                     for many reasons: we consistently                                     accessible and just 30 minutes
successful. As a result, our                                                                                                                 academic outcome for each student, Excellent pastoral care and the
                                     achieve high academic success,      Boarding                          from Heathrow Airport and 25
learning is underpinned by four                                                                                                              ensuring each pupil fulfils their full wellbeing of all our pupils is
                                     we work very closely with our       Around 130 boarders from          minutes from Gatwick Airport.
key factors, namely Celebrating                                                                                                              potential. They are encouraged,       intrinsic to everything we do.
                                     pupils giving close attention to    around the world make their
Individuality, Optimising                                                                                  We are a founding member of       nurtured and challenged in all they The Independent School’s
                                     the needs of the individual, our    home here. The school’s
Potential, Academic Rigour                                                                                 Round Square, a global network do, culminating in well-rounded, Inspectorate report, 2019 stated
                                     class sizes, our challenging and    boarding houses are located
and Adventurous Learning.                                                                                  of schools sharing a passion for  resilient and confident young people. “(Students) enjoy school and thrive
                                     supportive environment, our         within grounds of over 25 acres
We believe that learning should                                                                            learning through character        We offer an extensive co-curricular in the nurturing and supportive
                                     wide range of co-curricular         and accommodate students from
be challenging, motivating and                                                                             education, basing our educational programme of over 60 options to environment provided by the
                                     activities, and our energetic,      10 to 18 years. We offer a full
lead to a sense of fulfilment,                                                                              philosophy on the teachings of    develop our students interests        excellent pastoral care system and
                                     specialist teachers.                programme of evening and
which is why we strive to                                                                                  educationalist Kurt Hahn. We      and gain life skills. Timetabled into family atmosphere in boarding and
                                                                         weekend activities.
provide an inspiring environment     Of profound importance to us                                          follow this philosophy and its    the school day, it includes a range day houses.’’
that encourages growth and           are the wider learning                                                IDEALS of Internationalism,

                                    C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                            C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Michael Hall                          Telephone:   +44 (0) 1233 739030                     Head:        Mr Corydon Lowde                          Website:
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Email:           School Type: Co-educational boarding and day           Telephone:   +44 (0) 1372 385002
 Age Range:   3-18 years                               Address:     Ashford School                          Age Range:   11-18 years                               Email:
              (youngest boarder 10 years)                           East Hill                                            (youngest boarder 11 years)
 Contact:     Nicola Creasey,                                       Ashford                                                                                        Address:     Box Hill School
                                                                                                            Contact:     Simon Powell, Director of Curriculum                   Mickleham, Dorking
              International Boarding Registrar.                     Kent TN24 8PB
                                                                                                                         and Admissions or Kirstie Hammond,                     Surrey, RH5 6EA
 Website:                                                                                    International Registrar

16                                     UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                                                                UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                     17
UK Schools Directory 2021/22 - THE UK BOARDING SCHOOLS SPECIALISTS FOR AFRICA - Anderson Education
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Cottesmore School                                                                                             Dover College

                                                                          “The feeling you get when
                                                                           you walk around the
                                                                           school is ‘I wish I could                                                                                              “Where Confidence
                                                                           come here myself’ –                                                                                                     is Nurtured and
                                                                           I instantly knew there                                                                                                  Individuality
                                                                           was nowhere better                                                                                                      Encouraged.”
                                                                           I could ever want to
                                                                           send any of my children.”

                                                                                                              Small is beautiful! The values of      not only on achieving excellent     participate in sport, music and
Cottesmore School won the             They have been providing            The strength of Cottesmore’s
                                                                                                              the family run through Dover           results but also developing         drama, recognising the way these
Tatler Schools Awards 2020            excellent preparation for           academic programme lies
                                                                                                              College. Our class sizes allow us      creative minds ready for the        areas promote leadership,
‘Prep School of the Year 2020’        senior boarding schools since       within its breadth. There are       to nurture confidence,                  challenges ahead. We have a         teamwork and self-belief.
and Times Educational                 1894 and has long term              21 different curriculum subjects    encourage inquisitiveness and          strong focus on technology in the   We are international and local.
Supplement ‘Boarding School           connections with schools which      taught: sports and the arts are     celebrate individual success.          classroom and have introduced a     We welcome pupils from
of the Year Award 2019’.              share Cottesmore’s belief in a      strong. Through this rich variety                                          1:1 iPad scheme for pupils.
                                                                                                              We are academically ambitious.                                             across Europe, Africa, Asia
                                      nurturing, rounded and              of intellectual and practical       We take the time to get to know        We are a member of the Round        and the Americas, encouraging
Cottesmore is an academic
                                      dynamic academic education -        experience, each girl and boy       each child so that the right balance   Square organisation, a group of     everyone to be inclusive,
boarding prep school for boys
                                      schools like Eton, Harrow,          finds her or his particular          of challenge and support is in         150 worldwide schools, and          unprejudiced, cosmopolitan
and girls set in the glorious,
                                      Downe House and Benenden.           strength and this in turn lifts     place based on their needs. We         share their commitment to an        and outward looking.
verdant countryside of West
                                      Cottesmore achieves excellent       their academic potential.           recognise that success is as unique    all-round education. We prize       The College’s aim is every child
Sussex - its proximity to airports
                                      academic results.                                                       as the individual and celebrate        their core values of                should be valued. As one of our
and London make it a popular                                                                                  achievement where it represents        internationalism, democracy,
choice for expats and those with                                                                                                                                                         pupils recently said, “I love it at
                                                                                                              the personal best for the child.       environmentalism, adventure,        this school, and I feel privileged
connections to Britain.                                                                                                                              leadership and service.
                                                                                                              We like to think differently. Our                                          to be here.”
                                                                                                                                                     We encourage all pupils to
                                                                                                              distinctive curriculum focusses

                                      C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                              C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Tom Rogerson                           Website:                  Head:        Simon Fisher                               Telephone:   +44 (0) 1304 244 522

 School Type: Co-educational boarding                   Telephone:   +44 (0) 1293 520648                       School Type: Co-educational boarding and day            Email:
                                                        Email:           Age Range:   3-18 years                                 Address:     Dover College
 Age Range:   8-13 years
                                                        Address:     Cottesmore School                                      (youngest boarder 11 years)                             Effingham Crescent
              (youngest boarder 8 years)
                                                                     Buchan Hill                               Contact:     Alison Wilson,                                          Dover
 Contact:     Charlotte Rogerson                                     Pease Pottage                                          Director of Admissions & Marketing                      Kent
              Registrar & Head’s PA                                  West Sussex RH11 9AU                                                                                           CT17 9RH

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Farringtons School                                                                                                 Frensham Heights School

                                                                                                                                                                                                      “A Frensham
                                                                                                                                                                                                       education is
                                                                                       “Hundreds of                                                                                                    about much more
                                                                                        individuals, one                                                                                               than just results.
                                                                                        community.”                                                                                                    It is about being

At Farringtons we believe              networks across the globe              is space to relax, sports and
that children perform to their         and improve their language             music facilities to take advantage   Frensham Heights is an               When you join, you can just relax    successful progressive schools in
best academically when they            skills – and not just in English!      of, IT equipment to utilise and      independent, coeducational           and be yourself. The teachers        the UK, with 42% A*/A grades
                                                                                                                   day and boarding school for          don’t hide behind titles or formal   (15% A* alone) achieved at
feel safe, happy and inspired -        Our boarders develop                   wide ranging cuisine to enjoy.
                                                                                                                   children age 3-18 nestled in the     clothes and the children’s           A Level and 43% Grades 9-7
inspired by our talented and           self-confidence, independence
                                                                              Our values, expert staff,            beautiful Surrey Hills.              individuality isn’t hidden behind    at GCSE in 2020.
experienced staff and inspired         and have many opportunities to
                                                                              supportive alumni network and                                             uniforms or false respect.
by their surroundings.                 gain life skills such as leadership                                         At Frensham, you’ll find an                                                But a Frensham education is
                                                                              dedication to an exceptional                                              Everyone is an important, valued
                                       and real teamwork. These are                                                energy, a feeling of happiness                                            about so much more than just
Inside well-equipped and                                                      education help every student                                              part of the community.
                                       the skills that will serve them well                                        and calm that has been with us                                            results. It is an environment that
characterful Houses our                                                       to flourish. In addition, boarding
                                       at university and in the world of                                           since we were founded in 1925.       Teachers and students have           says come and be you. If you love
multi-national community of                                                   at Farringtons provides the                                               conversations and build              dancing, then do that. If you love
                                       business beyond, when they join                                             It comes from the children being
boarders, including students,                                                 space, time, values, support                                              relationships, really special        science, then great do that. If you
                                       a global family of successful                                               comfortable in their own skins.
from London and across the UK,                                                and education to blossom                                                  relationships based on genuine,      love wearing woolly hats all year,
                                       former Farringtons pupils.                                                  With no prefects or head boys
enjoy a real sense of being part                                              academically, artistically                                                mutual respect and interest.         that’s fine too. Be yourself, be
                                                                                                                   and girls, everyone is on a level
of a second family. They have the      Outside the boarding house             and socially.                        playing field. They can be who        Relationships that spark learning.   happy, be open-minded and the
time, facilities and friendships to    Farringtons is truly blessed.                                               they are.                            We are today one of the most         learning will follow.
thrive socially, forge long-lasting    Within the School grounds there

                                       C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr David Jackson                             Telephone:   +44 (0) 20 8467 0256                        Head:        Rick Clarke                                    Telephone:   +44 (0) 1252 792561
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day              Email:          School Type: Co-educational boarding and day                Email:
 Age Range:   3-18 years                                   Address:     Farringtons School                          Age Range:   3-18 years                                     Address:     Frensham Heights School
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                               Perry Street                                             (youngest boarder Year 7)                                   Rowledge
 Contact:     Mrs Fiona Vail, Marketing Manager &                       Chislehurst                                                                                                          Farnham
                                                                        Kent BR7 6LR                                Contact:     Emma Judge, Director of External Relations                  Surrey
              Boarding Registrar
                                                                                                                    Website:                                            GU10 4EA

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LVS Ascot                                                                                                              Mill Hill School & Mill Hill International

                                                                               “The quality of the
                                                                                pupils’ personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “London’s leading
                                                                                development is excellent.
                                                                                At all ages, pupils rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          day and boarding
                                                                                develop high levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          school for 13 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          18 year olds.”
                                                                                self-knowledge and
                                                                                ISI Focused Compliance & Educational
                                                                                Quality Inspection Report, May 2019
                                                                                                                        Mill Hill School                                  Mill Hill International School

LVS Ascot is a co-educational,         houses. Just 30 minutes from            sports hall, dance studio, 25m          Mill Hill School is London’s                  north of London, Mill Hill School          the Mill Hill School site,
all-ability day and boarding           Heathrow and an hour from               pool, all-weather sports pitch,         leading co-educational day and                has an international reputation            International School pupils have
school with an impressive              Gatwick, LVS Ascot provides             250 seat theatre, music suite,          boarding school for boys and                  for excellence which has been              full use of the Senior School’s
academic, sporting and                 modern, comfortable and                 recital room, recording studio          girls aged 13 to 18, offering                 built over more than two                   excellent facilities including an
creative record.                       extensive facilities for boarders       and music technology classroom.         GCSE and A Level courses,                     centuries since its foundation.            indoor swimming pool, sports
As an all-through school,              from a range of backgrounds in                                                  and forms part of the Mill Hill                                                          hall, library, theatre and Music
                                                                               The school’s aim is to inspire                                                        The Mount, Mill Hill International
it offers a seamless education         the UK and internationally.                                                     School Foundation.                                                                       Department.
                                                                               independence in each and every                                                        School, is located within its own
from Infant & Junior and               A full range of planned                 one of its students.                    Mill Hill School was founded in               newly refurbished campus just a            The following courses are
Senior School to Sixth Form            activities and outings keep                                                     1807, when its founders wisely                short walk from the main Mill Hill         offered at Mill Hill International:
                                                                               It offers a stimulating and varied
to around 850 pupils and is            students stimulated and                                                         chose its location on the top of a            School site, and its pupils are            Fast Track Intensive English
                                                                               curriculum, with a house and
located in Berkshire, close to         entertained during the evenings                                                 hillside for its fresh air, safety and        members of the wider Mill Hill             Course, Year 9 Course,
                                                                               tutor group system that allows
London and the neighbouring            and weekends.                                                                   natural beauty.                               School community.                          Two-Year GCSE Course,
                                                                               close academic and pastoral
county of Surrey.                                                                                                                                                                                               One-Year GCSE Course.
                                       The school is set in 26 acres and       monitoring. There is on average         Located in 120 acres of beautiful             Accommodated in one of five
The school has a thriving              offers outstanding modern,              six or seven sets per year,             parkland just ten miles to the                dedicated boarding houses on
boarding community with 180            purpose built facilities including:     allowing students to be taught in
                                                                                                                                                                    C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N
students across four boarding          Sports Centre, fi tness suite,           small groups of similar ability.
                                                                                                                        Head:              Mrs Jane Sanchez (Mill Hill School)                       Email:
                                   C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                       Ms Sarah Bellotti (Mill Hill International)                  
                                                                                                                        School Type: Co-educational boarding and day                                 Address:     Mill Hill School
 Head:        Mrs Christine Cunniffe                       Website:
                                                                                                                        Age Range:         13-18 years                                                            The Ridgeway
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day              Telephone:      +44 (0) 1344 882770                                             (youngest boarder 13 years)                                            Mill Hill Village
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  London NW7 1QS
 Age Range:   4-18 years                                   Email:                   Contact:           Korina Freese, Assistant Registrar
                                                                                                                                           (International)                                                        The Mount
              (youngest boarder 8 years)
                                                           Address:        LVS Ascot                                                                                                                              Mill Hill International
 Contact:     Máire Buttimer,                                              London Road, Ascot                           Website:                                                     Milespit Hill
              Director of Admissions                                       Berkshire SL5 8DR                            Telephone:         +44 (0) 20 8959 1176 (Mill Hill School)                                Mill Hill Village
                                                                                                                                           +44 (0) 20 3826 3333 (Mill Hill International)                         London NW7 2RX

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Prior’s Field                                                                                                        RMS for Girls

                                                                                      “The Unicorn                                                                                                “RMS offers a nurturing,
                                                                                       of Education –                                                                                              inclusive and supportive
                                                                                       the stuff of                                                                                                environment where each
                                                                                       childhood dreams.”                                                                                          child is esteemed as
                                                                                       (2020 Tatler Schools Guide)                                                                                 an individual, capable
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of success.”

Prior’s Field – the place              individuals and have a top             We aim for a cohesive yet              Situated in 315 acres of stunning      in the UK. Its proud heritage sits    Whilst results are important and
to achieve.                            priority of achieving happy girls      inclusive cohort, to include some      parkland just 20 minutes from          alongside outstanding modern          our students achieve excellent
                                       as a springboard for success.          girls with specific learning needs      London Heathrow Airport and            facilities, innovative teaching and   grades both at GCSE and A level,
Prior’s Field offers a distinctive
                                       Our ethos is clear “We celebrate       and yet attain incredible              only 30 minutes by train to            a wide curriculum to form an          as a school we place emphasis on
route to high achievement. Set in
                                       achievement in the round –             academic results, with girls           Central London, RMS for Girls          exceptional and inspiring             the process of learning; girls at
stunning Surrey parkland, but
                                       creatively, actively, pastorally and   achieving University places at a       is a thriving day and boarding         environment in which to live and      RMS for Girls receive a complete
only 45 minutes from London,
                                       yes of course academically - but       wide range of top destinations         school where ambitious girls           learn. The extensive campus is        education that goes far beyond
this thriving day and boarding
                                       not to the exclusion of                including Cambridge, Oxford,           receive the very best                  home to a wide range of               merely teaching the examination
school was founded in 1902 and
                                       everything else. Girls are             Exeter, Manchester and                 educational and pastoral care.         excellent facilities for academic     syllabus; students leave us as
is often recognised today for its
                                       encouraged to grasp                    St Andrews amongst others.                                                    study, sport, performing and          confident, well balanced and
large silver unicorn statue which                                                                                    Boarding houses are located at the
                                       opportunities both academic and                                                                                      creative arts. We help girls to       emotionally intelligent young
stands proudly at the entrance.                                                                                      heart of the school, and staff are
                                       co-curricular and the school has                                                                                     identify their individual talents     women ready for the next stage
                                                                                                                     very experienced in looking after
As a relatively small senior           a very strong reputation for                                                                                         and develop their interests,          of their life, whether it be
                                                                                                                     the needs of overseas students.
school, we are focused on the          Creative Arts, Science and for its                                                                                   challenging them to be the best       university or the work place.
development of unique                  elite Tennis Academy.                                                         Founded in 1788 RMS for Girls is       they can be in all they do.
                                                                                                                     one of the oldest girls’ schools

                                       C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                    C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Tracy Kirnig                                 Telephone:   +44 (0) 1483 813402                           Head:        Kevin Carson                                 Telephone:   +44 (0) 1923 725 354
 School Type: Girls boarding and day                       Email:               School Type: Girls boarding and day                       Email:
 Age Range:   11-18 years                                  Address:     Prior’s Field                                 Age Range:   4-18 years (boarding from Year 5)            Address:     RMS for Girls
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                               Priorsfield Road                                            Co-ed pre-school (aged 2-4)                               Rickmansworth Park
                                                                        Hurtmore                                                                                                             Rickmansworth
 Contact:     Hayley Giles,                                                                                           Contact:     Mrs Andy Nicoll, Director
                                                                        Godalming                                                                                                            Hertfordshire
              Senior Admissions Officer                                                                                             of Marketing and Admissions
                                                                        Surrey                                                                                                               WD3 4HF
 Website:                                  GU7 2RH                                       Website:

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Rochester Independent College                                                                                         St George’s Ascot

                                                                                        “The campus
                                                                                         is as unique as
                                                                                         the school.
                                                                                         The students are                                                                                                “One of the
                                                                                         a strikingly nice                                                                                                leading girls’
                                                                                         bunch and there’s                                                                                                schools in the UK,
                                                                                         a lovely air of                                                                                                  with excellence
                                                                                         tolerance and                                                                                                    academically and
                                                                                         warmth.”                                                                                                         in the performing
                                                                                         Good Schools Guide                                                                                               and creative arts.”

Our unique campus and friendly       In 2020 we placed 9 students at          “We enrolled Taiwo & Kehinde in         St George’s, only 30 minutes           Examination results are excellent   The Arts are fabulous with
staff make the College feel more     Medical School and our art               hopes of them excelling in their        from London and eight miles            with St George’s aiming to help     facilities including a 350 seat
like a home than a school. There     students regularly win places at         studies, and learning life skills to    from Heathrow, is one of the           the girls achieve 1-1.5 grades      theatre, separate drama studio
is no uniform and everybody is on    universities such as UAL’s Central       enable them to prosper in the next      leading girls’ boarding and day        higher at GCSE and A Level.         and dance studio and singers
first-name terms. However, that       St Martins and UCL’s Slade School        chapter of their lives. Rochester       schools in the UK.                                                         perform at Westminster
                                                                                                                                                             Boarding is homely and
doesn’t stop us from being in        of Fine Art.                             school did this and more. We felt                                                                                  Abbey and St Paul’s. Many
                                                                                                                      Deliberately small, every girl at      comfortable and an experienced
the top 2% of schools in the UK                                               comfortable entrusting the boys in                                                                                 budding artists gain places
                                     “The relaxed setting of the school has                                           St George’s is known individually      team of House Staff organise an
for student progress at A-Level.                                              their care and were proud when                                                                                     at prestigious universities.
                                     allowed the children to mature and                                               and supported by a close               array of weekend trips and
                                                                              they granted admission into their
We prepare our students for          transition seamlessly into adulthood.                                            network of teaching and pastoral       excursions. Socially the girls      Lacrosse, netball, tennis,
                                                                              universities of choice. A truly great
success: their hard work, leading    Education is taken very seriously                                                staff who focus on enabling every      regularly mix with boys at          swimming, athletics, rounders,
                                                                              establishment that we highly
to first-class results means that     and the children are encouraged to                                               student to excel not only              Eton College, Winchester            squash and polo are all played
they win places at a range of top    be the best version of themselves.”                                              academically, but also to develop      and Harrow.                         competitively and facilities
                                                                              Guardian of twins Taiwo
universities including: Oxford,      Mother of Daniel, Year 13                                                        their creative, physical, spiritual                                        are extensive.
                                                                              and Kehinde.
Cambridge, LSE, Exeter,              boarder studying A-Levels.                                                       and imaginative interests.
UCL and Bristol.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                       C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Alistair Brownlow                        Telephone:    +44 (0) 1634 828115                            Head:        Liz Hewer                                  Telephone:   +44 (0) 1344 629 920
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day             Email:               School Type: Girls boarding and day                     Email:
 Age Range:   11-21 years (youngest boarder                                                                            Age Range:   11-18years                                 Address:
                                                          Address:      Rochester Independent College                                                                                       St George’s Ascot
              15 years. 14+ from September 2022)                                                                                    (youngest boarder 11 years)                             Wells Lane
                                                                        254 St Margaret’s Banks
 Contact:     Rohan Froud & Georgina Winney,                            Rochester                                      Contact:     Kerry Bertram,                                          Ascot
              Admissions                                                Kent                                                        Director of Admissions and Marketing                    Berkshire
                                                                        ME1 1HY                                                                                                             SL5 7DZ
 Website:                                                                                Website:

26                                     UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                                                                            UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                        27
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St Lawrence College                                                                                                The Oratory School

                                                                                  “Absolutely stunning!                                                                                             “Sending our son to
                                                                                   – outstanding                                                                                                     The Oratory has
                                                                                   boarding facilities                                                                                               been one of the
                                                                                   and a calm and safe                                                                                               best decisions we
                                                                                   oasis for learning.”                                                                                              have ever made.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mrs Jordan-Barber,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     a Forces parent at
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Oratory School

Founded in 1879, we pride             experience, all our boarding        years. Founded on a Christian            The Oratory is an HMC               contribution of 10% of our          people in a deeper sense than
ourselves in providing a first-class   rooms are en-suite.                 ethos and strong community               Co-educational Catholic             annual school boarding fees.        exam results alone can
education both inside and             • Exeat weekends are optional for   values we guide and support
outside the classroom. A                                                  our pupils throughout their time
                                                                                                                   boarding and day school,                                                demonstrate. Our pupils enjoy a
                                        Boarders                                                                                                       The Oratory has high academic
traditional boarding school with                                          here. Sporting facilities are            welcoming girls and boys from                                           variety of cultural, sporting, and
                                      • 6 day week school (with                                                                                        standards and is placed in the
a modern outlook offering a                                               exceptional, and expert coaching         the age of 11 to 18.                                                    charitable activities through our
wealth of opportunities, from           Saturday School)                  is provided at all levels in a variety                                       top 3% of schools nationally for
                                                                                                                   We recognise that for those                                             co-curricular programme. Being
exemplary pastoral care, a            • Campus based school, which is     of disciplines including hockey,                                             value-added at A Level in 2020
                                                                                                                   families where parents are                                              a vibrant boarding community
dynamic extra-curricular                safe and secure                   rugby, netball and cricket. The                                              (and in 2018). This means that
programme to a nurturing,                                                 sports centre houses a fitness            serving in the Armed Forces and                                         our weekends offer a packed
                                      St Lawrence is very proud to                                                                                     pupils leave The Oratory with
supportive community. Located                                             suite, squash courts, climbing wall,     regularly posted abroad, an                                             programme of activities.
                                      be one of the founding schools                                                                                   higher grades than the national
on the Kent coast - only 75           globally to have been granted the   dance studio and large sports            independent boarding school is
minutes to central London by                                              hall for badminton, basketball, etc.                                         average for their ability. The      Visitors often comment on the
                                      status of a World Class High                                                 often the best option for           breadth of the subjects on offer,
train and within easy reach of                                            Alongside the traditional chapel,                                                                                inclusive family atmosphere of
                                      Performance Learning School and                                              achieving a continuity of
Heathrow and Gatwick.                 yet we offer the diversity and      library and dining hall sits a                                               combined with subject-based         our school. We offer a nurturing
                                                                          modern coffee shop, and boarders         education. MoD families who         enrichment, promotes strong         educational environment where
Boarding is central to school life    support all children should
here at St Lawrence and one of        experience throughout their         are able to use all the school’s         claim the Continuity of Education   academic development.               service children can thrive in the
our greatest strengths. Offering a    education. We have welcomed         facilities in the evenings and           Allowance (CEA) will pay only
                                                                          at weekends.                                                                 However, an Oratory education       stability of friends and teachers.
‘home-from-home’ full boarding        children across Africa for many                                              the minimum parental                is about developing our young
                                      C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Barney Durrant                          Telephone:   +44 (0) 1843 808080                           Head:        Joe Smith, BA MEd PGCE                   Telephone:   +44 (0) 1491 683522
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day            Email:                          School Type: Co-educational boarding and day          Email:
 Age Range:   3-18 years                                 Address:     St Lawrence College                           Age Range:   11-18 years                              Address:     The Oratory School
              (youngest boarder 7 years)                              College Road                                               (youngest boarder 11 years)                           Woodcote
 Contact:     Emma Taker, Director of Marketing,                      Ramsgate                                                                                                         Near Reading
                                                                      Kent                                          Contact:     Natasha Pearce, Registrar                             South Oxfordshire
              Admissions and Development
                                                                      CT11 7AE                                      Website:                                     RG8 0PJ

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Woldingham School                                                                                                        Badminton School

                                                                                            “A happy and                                                                                                      “A world-class
                                                                                             successful school                                                                                                 education in the
                                                                                             developing                                                                                                        heart of Bristol.”
                                                                                             compassionate and
                                                                                             courageous young

Woldingham is one of the                Fantastic facilities include               The beauty and peace of               Badminton is a thriving                Whilst the school retains a           into the day to day life of the
UK’s leading boarding and day           purpose-built science labs,                Woldingham makes it the perfect       independent day and boarding           nationally outstanding academic       School, where girls are given a
schools for girls aged 11-18.           humanities and language hubs,              place to board. Boarders live with    school for girls aged 3-18,            record, its focus continues to be     wide range of opportunities to
Set within 700 acres of beautiful       studios for art, drama and music,          their own year group in comfortable   which has remained at the              on nurturing the girls’ natural       grow, develop and express
countryside, Woldingham                 and a professional standard                and well-equipped boarding            forefront of girls’ education          curiosity and fuelling their          themselves in an enormous
provides an inspiring and safe          600-seat auditorium.                       houses, and there is a great sense    for well over 160 years. The size      passion for learning. Therefore,      range of activities.
place for students to become                                                       of community. The experienced         of the campus and community            we select girls on their personal
                                        Students achieve outstanding GCSE                                                                                                                             The best way to understand the
confident, compassionate and                                                        team of housemistresses really        gives a homely and vibrant feel        strengths and all round ability, as
                                        and A Level results to secure                                                                                                                                 School and to enjoy its
courageous young women.                                                            understand how to help new girls      to the School.                         well as their academic potential.
                                        places at leading universities                                                                                                                                atmosphere is to come and visit.
                                                                                   settle in quickly and make the                                               It is a characteristic of Badminton
Woldingham is remarkably                opening doors to exciting careers.                                               This, coupled with our excellent                                             Please do get in touch to arrange
                                                                                   most of school life.                                                         girls that they are thoughtful
accessible. London is just 30                                                                                            pastoral care, leaves no scope for                                           a visit and we will look forward
                                        Sitting alongside this is an exceptional                                                                                individuals, able to evaluate
minutes away by train and                                                          Woldingham is a Sacred Heart          anonymity, but rather lends itself                                           to welcoming you and your
                                        co-curricular programme of sport,                                                                                       information and decide for
Woldingham is only 30 minutes                                                      Catholic school. We warmly            to strong mutually supportive                                                daughter to Badminton.
                                        clubs and performing arts enabling                                                                                      themselves. This approach
from Gatwick Airport and 45                                                        welcome students of all faiths        relationships between girls as well
                                        students to develop a wonderful                                                                                         extends beyond their studies and
minutes from Heathrow Airport.                                                     and none.                             as between girls and staff.
                                        range of skills and interests.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                          C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Dr James Whitehead                              Telephone:     +44 (0) 1883 654206                          Head:        Mrs Rebecca Tear                            Website:
 School Type: Girls, boarding and day                         Email:             School Type: Girls boarding and day                      Telephone:   +44 (0) 117 905 5271
 Age Range:   11-18 years                                     Address:       Woldingham School                            Age Range:   3-18 years                                  Email:
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                                    Marden Park                                               (youngest boarder 9 years)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Address:     Badminton School
 Contact:     Mrs Linda Underwood,                                           Woldingham
                                                                                                                          Contact:     Katherine Stewart,                                       Westbury-on-Trym
              Admissions Registrar                                           Surrey, CR3 7YA
                                                                                                                                       Admissions Manager                                       Bristol
 Website:                                                                                                                                                        BS9 3BA

30                                       UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                                                                             UK SCHOOLS DIRECTORY 2021/22                                          31
02                                       SOUTH AND WEST                                                                                                      SOUTH AND WEST                                                    03

Bournemouth Collegiate School (BCS)                                                                               Downside School

                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Wonderfully caring
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and nurturing.
                                                                                   co-education from
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Academics are
                                                                                   ages 2-18 years in
                                                                                                                                                                                                         superb and it
                                                                                   an idyllic location
                                                                                                                                                                                                         punches well above
                                                                                   on the South Coast
                                                                                                                                                                                                         its weight on the
                                                                                   of England.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         sports field. Would
                                                                                                                                                                                                         recommend it!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Current Parent

“Together we achieve the extraordinary.”                                                                          Founded in 1606, Downside              Centre and a 24/7 Health and           We are uncompromising in our
                                                                                                                  School is a leading,                   Wellbeing Centre. Pupils benefi t       pursuit of academic excellence,
Bournemouth Collegiate School        has a greater responsibility         BCS Sports Academy is a unique          forward-thinking school                from the boarding ethos of the         and the vast majority of our
(BCS) supplies the very best in      more than ever to focus              programme whereby pupils can            for girls and boys based just          School, whether they are full          Sixth Formers get a place at their
independent co-education, day        on the overall development           combine their studies with high         25 minutes from the famous             boarders, as the majority are, or      first-choice university.
and boarding, from age 2-18.         of their pupils.                     level coaching from professionals in    World Heritage City of Bath.           day pupils, who are fully and
                                                                          a number of sports. A personal                                                                                        Our co-curricular programme is
BCS recognises that academic         At BCS we pride ourselves on                                                                                        positively integrated, with all that
                                                                          school timetable gives talented         The School is home to                                                         excellent and includes over
success is vitally important in      our ability to ‘add value’ to each                                                                                  means in terms of friendships,
                                                                          sportsmen and women the                 340 pupils where boarding                                                     100 options including sailing,
education and is a central           pupil’s education from 2 years                                                                                      independence and life skills.
                                                                          opportunity to receive both             and day pupils share six Houses,                                              debating and Environmental
component to the opportunities       old all the way up to A level.                                               four for boys and two for girls.       Downside is a Catholic School,         Group. Weekends are busy and
                                                                          coaching and an excellent
our pupils enjoy once they leave     Individual needs are catered                                                 The School is set in 500 acres of      yet open and welcoming to              purposeful with pupils engaged
                                                                          education in school hours thus
the School. Universities and         from across age groups, and                                                  beautiful English countryside and      non-Catholics who feel                 in a wide variety of activities
                                                                          allowing for a life outside of school
employers increasingly demand        girls and boys of differing                                                  has extensive facilities including     encouraged by our approach             including socials, trips out,
                                                                          and training. BCS have unique links
a wide range of skills and           abilities and interests flourish                                              an indoor pool, a Mac Suite for        to education and the values            sporting fixtures and Sunday Mass.
                                                                          with both Premiership Football &
experiences, and BCS now             in our school environment.                                                   music, a Performing Arts               we live by.
                                                                          Rugby Clubs.

                                     C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N                                                                                 C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

 Head:        Mr Russell Slatford MA (Cantab)            Telephone:   +44 (0) 1202 436550                          Head:        Mr Andrew Hobbs                              Telephone:   +44 (0) 1761 235103
 School Type: Co-educational boarding and day            Email:                     School Type: Co-educational boarding and day              Email:

 Age Range:   2-18 years                                 Address:     BCS                                          Age Range:   11-18 years                                  Address:     Downside School
              (youngest boarder 11 years)                             College Road                                              (youngest boarder 11 years)                               Stratton-on-the-Fosse
                                                                      Southbourne                                  Contact:     Issy Hartnell,                                            Somerset
 Contact:     Admissions Registrar                                    Bournemouth                                                                                                         BA3 4RJ
                                                                                                                                Director of Admissions
 Website:                       Dorset BH5 2DY                                                                                                      UK

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