Peru Catholic School

             Non-Discrimination in Admissions Policy:
  No students shall be refused admission to Peru Catholic School
     on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin.
     Students of religious denominations, other than Catholic,
             may be admitted when room is available.
    (Peoria Diocese Commission on Education, Policy D-111)

Faculty / Staff List                                                  3
Catholic School Statement of Purpose                                  4
Non-Discrimination in Admission Policy                                4
Prologue                                                              4
Mission Statement
Philosophy of Peru Catholic School
Recognition by the State of Illinois & AdvancEd                       5
Goals and Objectives                                                  5
Administration                                                        5
Admission Policy                                                      6
  Eligibility requirements for admission                              6
Appeal and Review                                                     6-7
Asbestos Management Plan                                              7-8
Athletic Program
Academic Eligibility
Background Checks/ Sexual Abuse Allegations                           10-11
Band/ (Jr. High)                                                      10
Before/ After School Care                                             13
Bikes                                                                 14
Books Covered                                                         14
Bus Students                                                          14
Cell Phone Use                                                        14
Christian Service Philosophy and Program                              14
Computer/Chromebook Policy                                            14
Confidentiality                                                       14
Conflict Resolution / Grievance Policy                                14-17
Confirmation                                                          17
Conduct                                                               17
Courtesy                                                              18
Crisis Plans                                                          18-20
Curriculum                                                            20
Disaster Drills                                                       20
Disability Issues                                                     20
 Fire                                                                 21
 Tornado                                                              21
Discipline                                                            21
Harassment                                                            21
Bullying                                                              22
 Discipline Consequences                                              22
Dress Code                                                            22
Dress-Up Day Dress Code                                               23
Drug Policy                                                           23
Emergency Closing of School                                           24
Faculty Areas Only                                                    25
Field Trips                                                           25
  Responsibilities of Chaperones                                      25
Financial Support                                                     25
Grading System                                                        26
  Honors Recognition                                                  26
  Non-Promotion                                                       27
Graduation                                                            27
Gum, Candy, Etc., in Class
Health Care
 Head Lice
 Health Examinations                                                  28
 First Aid                                                            28
 Immunizations                                                        28
 Vision / Hearing                                                     28
 Medication                                                           28

Home-School Communication
Inclusion of Student s with Special Needs
Library                                         33
Liturgy and Para liturgies
Lost and Found
Make-up Work
Non-Custodial Parent
Noon Watch                                      34
Office Records                                  34
Parent-Teacher Conferences                      35
Parties/ Treats/ Outside Parties                35
Payment of Bills                                35
P.E. Uniform                                    35
Playground Rules                                36
Reading and Other Materials                     36
Release of Students during the School Day       36
Report Cards / Progress Reports                 36
Sacramental Program                             36
Safety Patrol                                   36
Scholastic Reading Program                      36
School Commission                               36
School Club / Parent Service Requirements       36
School Hours                                    36
School Office Hour s                            37
School Principal's Right to Amend               37
Handbook Skateboards, Roller Blades,            37
Roller Skates Student Information / Publicity   37
y Form Student Insurance                        37
Student / Parent Responsibilities               37
Student Retreats / Service Program s            37
Telephone                                       37
Testing Programs                                37
Tuition & Fees                                  37
 Tuition /Fee Refund Policy                     38
Use of School Grounds                           38
Visitors                                        38
Volunteers                                      38
Withdrawal/Non-release of Student Records

Peru Catholic School

School Phone                                          815-224-1914
School Fax                                            815-223-1354
Web Site                                

                      Faculty & Staff

Father Gary Blake                              Pastor/ Administrator
Julie Schmitt                                              Principal

Kathy Ragan
Sally Johll
                                               Pre-School (4 yr. old)
Rose Kemmemer
                                              Pre-School (3 yr. old)
Johnna Zemanek
Kristi Bejster
                                                         First Grade
Erica Ince
                                                      Second Grade
Cori Paton                                                3rd Grade
Deb Suplee                                                4th Grade
Janel Moreno                                              5th Grade
Melinda Reed                                    English, Reading 8
Kate Bratkovich
                                                    Social Studies 7
                                                    Math, Science 6
Liz Quesse                                   Computers/Technology
Anastacia Ross                                              Spanish
Kathy Jagiella                                              Music
Cameron Windy                                                    Art
Lauren Mavity                                                    Aide
Ava Lumpkins                                              P.E./Aide
Jeff Reichl                                               Custodian

Catholic School Statement of Purpose

"From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new
environment, one illumined by the light of faith and having its own unique characteristics, an environment permeated with the
Gospel spirit of Jove and freedom..."

                                                                           The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, #25

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria are established to assist the Bishop and Pastors in the transmission of the Faith to the
young people of the diocese. We welcome non-Catholic students into our schools who wish to take advantage of the opportunities
provided by Catholic education. Every school must have as its main goal to help each student develop a personal and ecclesial
relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14.6). The principles, practices, and beliefs of
the Catholic Faith must be fully integrated throughout the school’s curricula, service projects, co-curricular activities, and culture.

Students in our Catholic schools are reminded of their dignity as children of God through the study of Catholic doctrine, frequent
opportunities for personal and communal prayer, and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Together with
parents, the primary educators of their children, our Catholic schools pursue academic and spiritual excellence by helping
students to develop their intellectual abilities, foster wholesome friendships, practice discipleship, strengthen their daily prayer
life, grow in virtue, and become leaders through serving others.

All personnel that work in our Catholic schools must have at heart the promotion of the educational mission of the Church, and
live as visible role models of faith within the parish/school community. Catholic doctrinal, moral, and social teaching is an
integral part of each school. Therefore, all faculty, staff, administrative and volunteer personnel must support the teachings of
the Church, actively practice their faith in daily life, and be loyal to the Church's Magisterium. Our Catholic school personnel
share this educational mission and its various commitments and responsibilities with parents and the local Church communities.

"It is crucial that the policies and procedures of Catholic schools reflect that primary purpose and that the Catholicity of the school
and its faithfulness to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church (Magisterium) are not compromised."

                                                                                          Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, J. D., Ph.D..


No student shall be refused admission to Peru Catholic School on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin.

Catholic schools are the most effective means available to the Church for the education of children and young people. Its nature as
a Christian educational community, the scope of its teaching and the effort to integrate all learning with faith distinguish the Catholic
School from other forms of the Church's educational ministry.
Education is one of the most important ways by which the Church fulfills its commitment to the dignity of the person and the
building of community. The primary purpose of the Catholic school is four fold: to proclaim Christ's message, to participate in
efforts to develop community, to lead people to worship and prayer, and to motivate them to serve others. The Catholic school
prepares its pupils to contribute effectively to the welfare of the world of people and to work for the extension of the Kingdom
of God, so that by living an exemplary and apostolic life, they may be, as it were, a safe haven in the community.
As stated in the National Catholic Directory, Sharing the Light of Faith,

Parents are the first and foremost catechists of their children. They catechize informally, but powerfully, by example and instruction. They
communicate values and attitudes by showing love for Christ and His Church and for each other, by reverently receiving the Eucharist and
living in its spirit, and by fostering justice and love in all their relationships. Their active involvement in the parish and their readiness to seek
opportunities to serve others, and their practice of frequent and spontaneous prayers, all make meaningful their professions of belief. Parents
nurture faith in their children by showing them the richness and beauty of lived faith .Teachers have a responsibility to work in close

Cooperation with the parents.

It is expedient, therefore, that the Church, the School, Parents and the Administration, the School Commission, Faculty and Students
work together to build and live this Christian Community.


Peru Catholic School, a faith-filled community and an essential teaching branch of St. Joseph, St. Mary, and St. Valentine Roman
Catholic Parishes, is committed to developing the spiritual, academic, moral, social, and physical well-being of pre-kindergarten
through eighth grade students in preparation for their life and Christian service in an evolving and multicultural world and for their
eternal redemption.


Peru Catholic School, committed to the importance of the individual and the formation of community, takes part in the teaching
ministry of the Church by proclaiming Christ's message, developing community, participating in worship and prayer, and
encouraging service to others.

We, the Faculty and Staff of Peru Catholic School, take part in the educational ministry of the Church as we relate all teaching and
learning to the Good News of Jesus. We strive to prepare our students to contribute effectively to the welfare of the world and to
work for the extension of the kingdom of God. Recognizing the uniqueness of every person, we attempt to guide each student to
make progress and thus attain standards of academic excellence according to his/her ability and rate of learning.

As we strive to provide opportunities in which each child may develop into a well-integrated person ready to participate in the
Church and in the world, we consider the following goals and objectives pivotal to our efforts to educate and model values
necessary for the development of the human person.


STATE OF ILLINOIS: Peru Catholic School is officially recognized according to Policy and Guidelines for Registration and Recognition
of Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Schools. This recognition is issued to schools that maintain the criteria adopted by the
Illinois State Board of Education for recognized nonpublic elementary and secondary schools.

AdvancEd: AdvancED is the unified organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School
Improvement (NCA CASI), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS
CASI), and Commission on International and Transregional Accreditation (CITA). AdvancED is dedicated to advancing excellence in
education worldwide through accreditation, research, and professional services . AdvancED creates the world's largest education
community, representing 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 65 countries worldwide and
educating 15 million students. NCA CASI, SACS CASI, and CITA schools share a unified, clear and powerful accreditation process
designed to help schools continuously improve.


A)   We strive to impart spiritual knowledge and values by:

     a)   Presenting daily religious instruction in Roman Catholic doctrine according to the level of understanding of the student.
     b)   Planning and participating, by students, in meaningful liturgies and other prayer experiences.
     c)   Integrating religious values in all areas of instruction.
     d)   Assisting students in conscience formation.
     e)   Providing a Christian environment in which children can live, work and play with others.

B)   We share with parents in the education of their children. We offer a systematic program of instruction in the development
     of the intellectual potential of each child by:
     a) Developing competency in reading, math, english and spelling.
     b) Learning oral and written communication skills.
     c) Becoming aware of the culture and social mores of people through the study of history, geography and government.
     d) Understanding the laws of nature and the scientific method through the study of science .
     e) Providing time for the study and appreciation of the arts.
     f) Structuring opportunities in physical education for neuromuscular coordination, physical skill development and team
          and individual sports experiences.
     g) Attempting to meet the psychological needs of each child.

C)   We believe in the uniqueness of the individual. Respect and responsibility forms the foundation for positive social
     interaction. We endeavor to affirm and support students by:
     a) Providing experiences of success in the learning process.
     b) Providing positive recognition of each child.
     c) Expecting respect for all persons.
     d) Encouraging appropriate independence.
     e) Assisting students to accept responsibility for one's actions and choices.
     f) Developing expressions of courtesy.
     g) Encouraging each child in the development of self-esteem.

We, the Faculty and Staff of Peru Catholic School, take part in the teaching ministry of the Church. We are called to prepare our
students spiritually and academically for their future lives.


Pastor: By direction of the Bishop and canon law, the Pastor is directly responsible for all parish ministries. One such ministry is the
parish school. The Pastor provides service and leadership to the parish and school as a religious leader, community builder, and
administrator, working together with the Principal, faculty, parents, and other parishioners to advance the Catholic formation of the
parish's children. He is responsible for the renewal or non-renewal of the employment agreements for the Principal, faculty, and other
staff members. The Pastor is the final recourse in disciplinary matters.
Principal: The Principal has the primary responsibility for shaping within the school climate of Catholic values and an
atmosphere for learning that will nurture the growth and development of each person. The principal fosters community among
faculty and students. The Principal collaborates with the Pastor and diocesan personnel in planning the policies and programs
of the school. The principal is responsible for implementing school and diocesan policies, supervising faculty and students, and
ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations. The Principal is the main arbiter in disciplinary matters.


Registration will take place each spring. Priority of acceptance into the school will be determined by the following criteria:

     •   The family has one or more children presently attending the school.
     •   The family is a registered and supporting member of the parishes in Peru.
     •   The family is a registered member of another Catholic parish in the area.
     •   Other families.

Class Size: The number of pupils assigned to any class shall be determined in accordance with the nature of the class material itself,
the need for individual attention, and the amount of work to be required (Diocesan Policy E-151). Factors to be considered in
developing local norms include but are not necessarily limited to those mentioned above. The school's mission to provide a Catholic
school education for those parish members who desire it is a fundamental consideration in setting class size. Only as a last resort,
or a temporary measure, shall the children of the parish be denied a Catholic school education.

New families moving into the Peru area are generally accepted at the time they apply if space is available.

Students from other parishes and students of other religious denominations who are admitted are to attend religion classes and
fulfill assignments in these classes.

Student/family requests for admission, as a new or transfer student, who requires minor adjustments in academic programs,
will be considered on an individual basis. Determinations will take into account the needs of the students and the resources of
Peru Catholic School. (Appendix A, Diocesan Policy D-105) Any such admission shall include a trial period with timely review of
progress during the first semester of attendance. In all matters regarding policy or procedure, the decision of the Pastor is final.

Eligibility requirements for Admission:

1. Age requirements are fulfilled:
      •      Students entering kindergarten must be five years of age by before Sept. 1 of the school year.
      •      Students entering first grade level must be six years of age by Sept. 1 of the school year.
2.   Verification of age is provided by means of the certified birth certificates for children entering school for the first time.
3.   Physical exams are necessary for all students entering preschool, kindergarten, sixth grade, and for students new to the State
     of Illinois.
4.   All children in kindergarten and the second and sixth grades shall have a dental examinant ion. Each of these children shall
     present proof of having been examined by a dentist by May 15th of the school year. If a child in the second or sixth grade
     fails to present proof by May 15th , the school may hold the child's report card until one of the following occurs: (i) the child
     presents proof of a completed dental examination or (ii) the child presents proof that a dental examination will take place
     within 60 days after May 15th
5.   Students entering Kindergarten must be given the chickenpox vaccine (Varicella) at the time of their physical. If the child has had
     chickenpox, the doctor must write a signed note on the physical report verifying this fact.
6.   Students entering kindergarten or enrolling for the first time in an Illinois school are required to have a comprehensive eye exam
     performed only by a qualified eye doctor. Proof of the eye exam must be submitted by October 15.

Transfer students are interviewed on an individual basis before decision for entry is made. The student's cumulative records are
requested from the school last attended.

Parent cooperation will be considered as a condition for admission and continued enrollment.


Peru Catholic School Grievances

Appeal and Review - A review or appeal of any decision concerning policies, procedures, or other serious matters regarding
Peru Catholic School made by the Pastor or Principal of Peru Catholic School may be requested by any parent/guardian of a Peru
Catholic School students under the following conditions, only if the:

      •   Decision violates or is in conflict with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church;
      •   Decision violates or is in conflict with an applicable diocesan policy;
      •   Decision violates or is in conflict with a policy or procedure of the parish, school, or other entity that takes precedence
          over the decision in question; or if the
      •   Decision violates or is in conflict with an applicable federal, state or local civil law.

It is to be noted that dissatisfaction with a decision is not a sufficient condition for appeal.

An individual or group desiring the appeal or the review of a decision must make that request known to the Pastor or Peru
Catholic Parish in the form of a letter. As a matter of record, a copy of that letter is to be forwarded to the local vicar and to the
Superintendent of Schools.

This letter must clearly cover each of the following points:

      •   The decision that is being questioned and which competent authority made it;
      •   The grounds for the appeal or the review with specific reference to one or more of the conditions listed in the Diocese
          of Peoria policy# G-111 P-CDOP
      •   The proposed resolution

The Pastor of Peru Catholic Parish, having received the request for appeal or review, is to respond to those making the request
within thirty (30) days of receiving the request. A copy of the response letter is to be forwarded to the local vicar having
jurisdiction over Peru Catholic School and to the Superintendent of Schools.

In most cases, the decision of the Pastor of Peru Catholic Parish is final. However, those who have requested the appeal or
review may further appeal the decision of the Pastor of Peru Catholic School to the local vicar within thirty (30) days. The local
vicar has the authority to summarily dismiss the appeal or he may forward the appeal to the Vicar General of the Catholic
Diocese of Peoria and the Office of Catholic Schools. The Vicar General shall make a final decision on the appeal in such cases.
 If the local vicar decides to dismiss the case he must, as a matter of record, forward a copy of such decision to the Vicar General
and the Office of Catholic Schools.

It is as the sole direction of the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria to intervene in any matter at any time, and to modify,
reverse, or rescind any action taken by the above-referenced officials.

Complaints and the Principle of Subsidiary

 In keeping with the church principles of subsidiary, problems should be solved at the lowest level whenever possible. Parents
with concerns about a teacher should first attempt to address the concern with the teacher. Only after such attempts have
failed, should the Principal be contacted. If a parent is reluctant to confront a teacher alone, the Principal may be present at a
conference at the parent's request.

Parents who wish to contact a teacher to request a conference may call the school and leave a message with the Secretary.


A review or appeal of any decision concerning policies, procedures, or other serious matters made by the
competent authority of any of the schools of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria may be requested by any member
of the diocese under the following conditions only:

• The decision violates or is in conflict with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, or

• The decision violates or is in conflict with an applicable diocesan policy, or

• The decision violates or is in conflict with a policy or procedure of the parish, school, or other entity that
        takes precedence over the decision in question on, or

• The decision violates or is in conflict with an applicable federal, state or local civil law. It is to be noted that
        dissatisfaction with a decision is not a sufficient condition for appeal.

Catholic Diocese of Peoria Policy Adopted: 5/00 Revised: 1/ 03; 7/16 Reviewed: 9/ 07; 3/14 G-111 AR-

COOP APPEAL AND REVIEW - Elementary and Consolidated Elementary Schools

The individual or group desiring the appeal or the review of a decision must make that request known to the
         pastor/canonical pastor responsible for the school in the form of a written letter. As a matter of
         record, a copy of the letter is to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools. This letter must
         clearly cover each of the following points:

• The decision that is being questioned and which competent authority made it.

• The grounds for the appeal or the review with specific reference to one or more of the four (4) conditions
        listed in the policy statement ab

• The proposed resolution. The pastor/canonical pastor, having received the request for appeal or review, is to
         respond to those making the request within thirty (30) days of receiving the request.

A copy of this response letter is to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools. In most cases, the decision
        of the pastor/canonical pastor is final. However, those who have requested the appeal or review may
        further appeal the decision of the pastor/canonical pastor to the Superintendent of Schools within
        thirty (30) days. The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to summarily dismiss the appeal. If
        the individual or group requests a further appeal or review of the Superintendent's decision, they
        may forward the appeal to the Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria. The Vicar General shall
        make a final decision on the appeal in such cases.

Catholic Diocese of Peoria Administrative

Regulations Adopted 5/00 Revised: 1/03; 3/14/ 3/16 Reviewed: 9/07 G-111 A

As required, our building was initially inspected for asbestos on 5/14/89. The AHERA law requires that a visual surveillance of
asbestos containing areas be completed every six months, and a re-inspection conducted every three years. The
inspection/management plan is available for public review in the principal's office.

Philosophy: The Athletic Program of Peru Catholic reflects the values of the school’s philosophy and is designed to aid the
students in their development as young Christian men and women. The program provides for the growth and enrichment of the
individual. The objectives assist in the full development of the individual.

Character development within a Christian atmosphere is integral to the Peru Catholic School System athletic program.
Participation in the program is open to all students giving them the opportunity to develop skills in a particular sport and to
experience the benefits of teamwork and self-discipline.
The PCS athlete represents his/her school, parish and family and is expected to give evidence of high standards of Christian
behavior and good sport smanship. An athlete who does not meet the academic or disciplinary requirements of Peru Catholic
School will not be allowed to participate in sports until there is evidence of a change of behavior as outlined in the eligibility
policies of the school.

Peru Catholic is very proud of the academic, athletic and service accomplishments of its students and continues this fine tradition in
all areas of the school program. The goal of the Athletic Program is to develop the academic abilities, athletic potential and Christian
values in each student.

   •      To provide participation opportunities in athletics regardless of ability
   •      To provide students with an opportunity to shape good character through development of values
   •      To teach and improve physical skills
   •      To teach students sound habits of health, hygiene and safety
   •      To teach students rules and regulations governing each sport
   •      To help students appreciate their physical, mental and social abilities
   •      To provide athletes and spectators opportunities to embody and observe good sportsmanship
   •      To incorporate the interschool athletic program as part of the ongoing process of education in a special skills area.

Information: The Sports Program of Peru Catholic School offers baseball, basketball, cheerleading, volleyball, scholastic bowl and
track to any eligible Peru Catholic student. The programs and any other athletic involvement are responsible to and under the
direction of the Peru Catholic School administration. A separate handbook for athletes, parents and coaches will be issued to them
at the beginning of each year.

Eligibility: All athletic program participants must be students currently enrolled at Peru Catholic School.


Academic Eligibility Criteria:

Students participating in sports accept the responsibility of committing time outside of academic life toward a worthwhile,
school related function. Students who choose to represent their school in this manner are to maintain acceptable modes of
attitude, behavior, and academics. The purpose of this eligibility program is to instill the importance of striving toward
academic excellence. When a student becomes ineligible, added focus should be placed on improving any failing grade(s).

To be eligible to participate in school athletic programs, students must meet certain grade and behavioral standards.

A student receiving two D's or a single Fin the academic subjects of Art, Computers, English, Mathematics, Music, Physical
Education, Reading, Religion, Sci ence, Spanish, or Social Studies will enter the school's academic eligibility procedure.

Academic/Behavioral Eligibility Procedure

    •    Eligibility will be determined on Fridays or the last day of any school week. Eligibility will be determined for the first
         time on the 2nd Friday of a new quarter.
    •    Weekly eligibility will extend from Monday through Sunday.
    •    The first week that a student receives two D's or a single F, he/she will receive a written academic warning but will
         remain eligible for participation in practices and games. Tutoring support will be provided on an individual basis with
         recommendations from the principal and student's teachers.

    •    The second and any continued consecutive week(s) that a student receives two D' s or a single F, he/she will receive
         written academic warning, will not participate in games but can participate in practices at parent and/or
         administration discretion.
    •    Students receiving two (2) detentions in one week will be ineligible for one (1) game the following week. Ineligible
         students will be allowed to dress and sit on the bench.
    •    Students receiving three (3) detentions in one week will be ineligible for all games during the following week. Ineligible
         students will be allowed to dress and sit on the bench.
    •    Eligibility following any suspension will be at the discretion of the administration.
    •    If a student is absent from school on the day of a game he/she will not be permitted to participate in that day's practice
         and/or game.

A student who has a medical or identified learning impairment which affects his/her academic performance may not be held to
the above criteria. This determination will be established utilizing evidence-based data, which includes standardized testing,
assessments, and/or medical documentation. School administration will determine if such a waiver is warranted.

Students must participate in at least five (5) regularly scheduled practice periods before playing in their first game.

Athletic Fees: In order to maintain an athletic program of high quality, it is necessary for Peru Catholic School’s Athletic Program to
charge a fee for participation. The fee will be reviewed annually by the Athletic Commission and is subject to change.

Physical Examination: Each athlete must have a physical examination certificate dated after the completion of the previous
school year on file in the school office. The physical must be on file in the school office prior to the first practice, game or
tournament. It is the parent's responsibility to notify the Athletic Director and/or coach(es) should any change(s) occur in the
student's physical condition. If any injury occurs, a written release from a licensed doctor must be submitted to the Athletic
Director prior to any further athletic activity.

Other Athletic Information: Information concerning athletic fees, sports uniforms, dress code, transportation, coaching
responsibilities, practices, first aid, and pa                                              c Handbook .

Attendance -The process of education requires continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences and
study. Frequent absences disrupt this continuity. Students should be in school every day that school is in session unless
excused for valid reasons. Valid reasons include: illness, death of a family member, family emergency or other situations

beyond the student's control. A school calendar for the school year is included in your registration packets, and available online
( The calendar should be consulted as to when school is in session.

Absences from school shall be noted on the student's permanent record even though the absence has been excused. Parents
shall be notified in the event a student is sent home during the day or if classes are dismissed at other than the regularly
scheduled time. If a student is given an out-of-school suspension it is considered unexcused. If they are serving an in-school
suspension they are marked as present but excused, and are responsible for completing school work while in the suspension.

Absences - When a child is absent, a parent/guardian must notify the school by calling the school office by 8:30 a.m. OR prior
to, the day of the absence, parents must send a signed note indicating the date and reason for the absence to the classroom
teacher, or email the secretary ( For the safety of all children, if a parent fails to call, email or send in
a note, the school will call the parents at home or at work, or an emergency contact, to verify the absence. If a child is absent
and the absence cannot be verified, the student will receive an unexcused absence for that day.

Your child should be kept home at the first sign of an illness. Student(s) must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to

If your child is absent with a communicable disease, such as chicken pox, strep throat, pink eye, etc., the school should be notified
immediately. A physician's note will be necessary upon your child's return to school. If your child misses five (5) or more consecutive days
of school due to an illness, a doctor's release is required for the child to return to school.

When a child is absent during the day for an illness, they are not allowed to attend or participate in extracurricular events,
including participation in a practice session or game. The Principal may allow a waiver if the absence is due to reasons other
than an illness, such as a funeral or other family emergency. Violations of this rule will result in the absence being considered
unexcused, with all grades for that day counting as a zero. Exceptions for special events, such as Sacrament activities, may be
granted with the approval of the Pastor and/or Principal.

Excessive absences equivalent to 15%, including tardies, may be cause for a student to be retained in the current grade level for
another academic year.

Accidents or Illness during the School Day- An emergency card will be on file in the school office for each student. Please
notify the school immediately if there are any changes of information. If a child becomes ill or is the victim of an accident during
the school day, the school office will make every attempt to contact a parent first. If a parent cannot be reached, an emergency
contact person, as indicated on the child's emergency form, will be contacted.

Family Vacations - Family vacations, which require the child's absence from school for five (S) or more days, are subject to the
approval of the Principal. Parents are discouraged from taking students out of school for trips or vacations.

There is no replacement for classroom time, and teachers will not be expected to "re-teach" students who have missed time
due to a family vacation.Please note there is the potential for lessons, such as science labs, which will be missed entirely in
the event of a vacation. Also, extra credit will not be allowed in the event the student's grades reflect poorly to material
missed due to a vacation.

Parents must notify the student's teacher(s) at least five (5) school days prior to the family vacation. Students grades 3-8 are
responsible for asking for all missed work upon their return. Homework will be completed in a timeframe determined by the
teacher, but will not exceed three (3) days. There will be no homework or tests given prior to a vacation.

Missed Assignments
 If a student misses school due to illness, or other excused situations, the student is required to make up all tests and
assignments missed upon his/her absence within the number of days the student has missed. For example, if a child has missed
two (2) days of school, that child has two additional days to hand in the missing assignments. No work will be accepted after
that time, resulting in a loss of credit.

In grades 5 through 8, the student, not the teacher, is responsible for obtaining any missed assignments.

Missed assignments may be picked up by a parent or guardian between 3:00-3:25 p.m. in the school office on the day missed.

Assignments may be given to a sibling, if other arrangements have not previously been made.

Release during the School Day When it is absolutely necessary for a student to be excused from school for medical or dental
appointments, a note must be sent to the teacher 24 hours in advance except in the case of an emergency. For the safety of all
children, parents are required to come to the school office to get their child.

No student will be permitted to leave the school building without a parent or an authorized adult. Students will be marked
absent according to the following.

         1.5 - 3 hours= half day absence                3+ hours= full day absence

Safety is a concern to everyone involved with the child's welfare during the school day. The following practices for release of
the child must be followed.

    1.   A parent or guardian MUST come to the school office to sign the student out. Parents are not to go directly to the
         classroom to pick up their child. The student will be called down by the school office...
    2.   A student may be released by school personnel only. A student may not leave the building without the permission of
         school personnel.
    3.   If someone other than a parent is to pick up the student, please notify the school office or include that information in
         the note.
    4.   When the student returns to school, the parent or guardian must then come back to the school office to sign the
         student back in.
    5.   No student will be released to a person who is not known to the school staff.

If a parent or guardian does not come back in to sign the student in, the student will be marked as absent for the entire school

Truancy- A truant student is defined as a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause
from such school attendance for a school day or a portion thereof. Valid causes for absences shall be; illness, observance of a
religious holiday, death in the family, family emergency, and shall include other situations beyond the control of the student, or
such other circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student .

    •    When a child is absent, a written excuse or phone call from a parent/guardian is required for a portion or full day.
    •    Upon accumulation of ten (10) days of absence,or 10% of the days school has been in session, the school will contact
         the parent/guardian.
    •    A referral to the County Attendance Awareness Program will be made if absences continue.

It is the legal responsibility of the parent/guardian to make reasonable efforts to ensure the regular attendance of their children,
consistent with Section 26-1 of the Illinois School Code and to inform the school of any absence/tardiness and their causes.
Any absence or tardiness must be explained in a written note signed by the parent or guardian.

In keeping with Section 26-2a of the Illinois School Code, the following circumstances are considered to be valid causes for a
student's absence:
A. Illness
B. Death in the Immediate Family
C. Family Emergencies
D. Other situations approved by the school principal
In so far as possible, appointments should be made outside of school hours. If an appointment must be made during school
hours, a written request must be sent to the office no later than the morning of the appointment. Whenever a child must leave
the school premises before the regular d                                                    etc.), he/she must be met by the parent
or guardian and be signed out and back                  g                 y                umstances are children to be taken from
the classroom or playground.

Guidelines to be followed when an absence occurs:
    •    A phone call from a parent/guardian is required for all absences. The parent/guardian should call the school office before
         9:00 AM. Leaving a message on the school's answering machine the night before an absence will be accepted. UPON
         absences is very important and accurate records will be kept.

    •    General Guidelines for the recording of Attendance.
         Grades Kindergarten - 1st: A full day of instruction is considered to be over 240 minutes. A student who is present 120
         - 239 minutes will be recorded as a half-day. A student who is present zero to 119 minutes for instruction will be marked
         as absent. Lunch period is not considered instructional, and does not count in calculating attendance.
         Grades 2nd - 8th a' full day of instruction is considered to be over 300 minutes. A student who is present 150 - 299
         Minutes for instruction will be recorded as a half-day. A student who is present zero to 149 minutes will be marked as
         absent. Lunch period is not considered instructional, and does not count in calculating attendance.

The following resources and supportive services are available to students with attendance problems and to their parents or

*Parent-Teacher conferences                             *Counseling Services by counselor and/or social worker
*Psychological Testing                                  * Alternative Educational Program/School Placement
*Community Agency services as available

If such support services have been offered to the student and these measures prove ineffective and the behavior persists, the
Principal may call upon the resources of other outside agencies such as the juvenile officer of the local police department or the
truant officer of the Educational Service Region.

In accordance with the School Code of Illinois, no punitive action, including out of school suspensions, expulsions or court action
shall be taken against a chronic truant (a child subject to compulsory school attendance and who is absent without valid cause from
such attendance for ten percent or more of the previous 176 regular attendance days) for his or her truancy unless available
supportive services and other school resources have been provided to the student.

Tardiness: A student is tardy if he/she arrives later than the time designated for the beginning of the morning session. Parents must
sign in the student at the office upon arrival at school. After three tardies, the student will serve a detention. Detention time will be
8:00--8:25 A.M. on the assigned day. The LaSalle County Truant Officer will be notified in the case of excessive tardiness.

Upon returning to school a student is to bring a written excuse from his/her parent or guardian to the office. A written excuse is
also required whenever a student is late for school or must be dismissed early for an appointment. If the excuse is not brought
in the following day, the student will be given one more day to bring in the excuse. The note is necessary to determine if the
absence is excused or unexcused.

Under the guidelines of the Truancy Intervention/Prevention Program of LaSalle County Educational Service, a letter will be sent
home when a student has missed 10 days of school, which is considered to be the maximum amount to miss during any school year.
The County Truancy Officer will also receive a copy of the letter as a matter of policy.



Peru Catholic requires Criminal Background Checks for full and part-time employees as well as regular school volunteers who work
in/with the school. This background check must be completed as a condition for employment (CDOP Policy C-400). Peru

Catholic follows the Diocesan Policies for Sexual Abuse Allegations involving laity, religious, and diocesan and non-diocesan clergy.

Jr. High students may participate in Band through the Peru Public School System. Because students receive a grade for these
classes, if a student chooses to drop the class after a two week period, he/she will receive a failing mark for the semester.

Peru Catholic will have a before school program from 7:15 am to 8:15 am, and an after school program from 3:05 pm to 5:15 pm
every day except early dismissals. Students not picked up by 3:15 will be sent to aftercare.

If students ride bikes to school, they are expected to obey all safety rules both for their safety and the safety of others. Bikes
Should be locked into the bike rack during the school day. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes. Students are to walk
their bikes on and off school property.

All textbooks belong to Peru Catholic School. All books are to be treated with respect for the knowledge they contain. Scribbling on
covers or pages of books fails to show respect for the books or concern for the person who will next use the books and, therefore,

Only those students who live one and one half (1½) miles or more from school in the city of Peru are eligible for transportation
by the Public School bus company according to State Law.

Students are expected to demonstrate good Christian behavior to and from school on the bus. Students are expected to
observe all rules established by the bus company. Any student who is reported for bad language, excessive noise, disrespect,
fighting or vandalism may be denied bus service.

The following bus penalties will be assessed:
         1st offense - Warning with parents notified
         2nd offense - 5 days bus suspension
         3rd offense - Permanent bus suspension
Cell phone use is not allowed before or during the school day (including lunch) for any reason. Phones discovered during these times
are subject to confiscation and held in a secured "parking lot" until picked up by a parent or guardian. Cell phones brought to school
must be turned off and stored in a locker. Using cell phones or other electronic devices to text, call, take photos, post, or upload
pictures/messages, or otherwise communicate while on school property without direct and specific permission from a staff member
is prohibited. Students using cell phones without permission will be subject to an after-school detention.

Peru Catholic School has a philosophy based on the gospel message - community service and worship. To give form to the goal of
service, all within this community are called to develop means of sharing Christ's life and spirit with others within and beyond the
school community. Service activities will draw from the love of Christ that is fostered at home and school and will become visible gifts
from the heart- not seeking reward, but sharing love.
The Peru Catholic faculty invites and encourages student participation and involvement in Christian service activities at all grade
levels. Service projects are determined according to school goals.

Peru Catholic School Computer/Device Usage Policy Amendments (Effective August 2017) we are pleased to offer students at
Peru Catholic School access to computers to meet their educational and informational needs. Access to the Internet will allow

students & staff to explore thousands of libraries, databases, museums, and other repositories of information. The Internet is a

collection of many interconnected computer networks that make it possible to access information quickly and easily.

                                                      Peru Catholic School
                                             1:1 Chromebook Program Agreement Form

Peru Catholic School (PCS) has initiated a program to loan each student who is actively enrolled at Peru Catholic School a Google
Chromebook computer as well as related peripherals. Participation in this program is subject to the following terms and conditions:
    •     The student must be actively enrolled at Peru Catholic School.
    •     The Chromebook and related peripherals are on loan and remain the property of the Peru Catholic School.
    •     Both student and parent/guardian agree to adhere to the terms and conditions of the Chromebook Care and Use Policy
    •     The student shall be the exclusive user of this device and shall not grant access to any other individual.
    •     The student must comply with all applicable software license agreements.
    •     Chromebooks and peripherals must be returned to PCS at the end of each school year, or at the time of transfer or
          withdrawal from Peru Catholic School.
    •     Chromebooks and peripherals will be returned in good condition with reasonable wear and tear as outlined in the
          Chromebook Care and Use Policy Guide.
    •     PCS may take disciplinary measures if the Chromebook and peripherals are not returned on or before the return date.
    •     The care and maintenance of the Chromebook and related peripherals are the responsibility of the student and
          parent/guardian while in their care. There will be a fee assessed if the Chromebook and/or peripherals are broken, lost
          or damaged.

The computer you are being issued is an educational tool and should be used in that capacity. You are expected to comply
with Peru Catholic School's Computer Acceptable Use Policy and the Chromebook Care and Use Policy Guide.

If the technology has a failure of an internal part, it is covered by a warranty and will be repaired at no cost. If the technology is
lost, stolen, or damaged through negligence, vandalism, or failure to follow the proper care guidelines, then you are
responsible for the cost of repair. You are assuming full responsibility for the equipment by signing this form.

All technology is property of Peru Catholic School. Peru Catholic School reserves the right to demand the immediate return of
equipment at any time. The technology should only be used by the STUDENT whose parent has signed this agreement. It is
expected that the equipment will be returned to the school at the end of the school year.

Acceptable Use of the Internet

To support its commitment to provide avenues of access to the universe of information available, the school's system of
electronic communication shall include access to the Internet for students and staff.

Limitations of Liability
The Internet constitutes an unregulated collection of resources that changes constantly, so it is not possible to totally predict or
control the resources that users may locate. Peru Catholic School cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or the
appropriateness of materials that users may encounter. Further, the school shall not be responsible for any damage users may
suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. Nor shall the school be responsible for financial
obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system.

School Rights and Responsibilities
The computer system is the property of the school, and all computer software and hardware belong to it. Therefore, the school
retains the right to monitor all access to and use of the Internet.

The school designates the chief school administrator as the coordinator of the system. He/she shall recommend to the Peru
Catholic Commission and Pastor qualified staff persons to ensure provision of individual and class accounts necessary for access

to the Internet, designation of quotas for disk usage on the system, establishment of a document retention schedule,
establishment of a virus protection process and coordination of other activities as required to maintain the system.

The principal shall coordinate the system in his/her building by approving all activities for that building; ensuring that teachers
receive proper training in the use of the system; ensuring that students are adequately supervised when using the system;
maintaining executed user agreements; and interpreting this acceptable use policy at the building/classroom level.

Access to the System
This acceptable use policy shall govern all use of the system. Sanctions for student misuse of the system shall be included in the
disciplinary code for students, as set out in regulations for policy (included in handbook) (conduct/discipline). Employee misuse
may result in appropriate discipline in accord with the Diocese of Peoria Employee Code of Conduct and applicable laws and

World Wide Web
All students and employees of Peru Catholic School shall have access to the Web through the district’s networked or standalone
computers. An agreement shall be required. To deny a child access, parents/guardians must notify the building principal in

Classroom Email Accounts
Students in grades 3-8 shall be granted email accounts through classroom accounts only. To deny access to a classroom
account, parents/guardians must notify the building principal in writing.

Individual Email Accounts for School Employees
School employees shall be provided with email access. Access to the system will be provided for staff members who have
signed the acceptable use policy agreement. Email will be monitored and archived for three years. Employee email is
discoverable and will be released if subpoenaed within the archival period set forth in this policy.

School Website
The school authorizes the school administrator to establish and maintain the school website. The purpose of the web site will
be to inform the school educational community of district programs, policies and practices.

Teachers may also establish class web sites that include information on the activities of that class. The building principal shall
oversee these websites.

The school administrator shall publish and disseminate guidelines on acceptable material for these web sites. The school
administrator shall also ensure the school web site does not disclose personally identifiable information about students without
prior written consent from parents/guardians. Consent shall be obtained on the form developed by the school and Diocese of
Peoria. "Personally Identifiable Information" refers to student’s names, photos, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and
locations and times of classes.

Parent Notification and Responsibility
The school administrator shall ensure that parents/guardians are notified about the school network and the rules governing its use.
Parents/guardians shall sign an agreement to allow their child (ren) to have an individual account. Parents/guardians who do not
wish their child(Ren) to have access to the Internet must notify the principal in writing.

Student Safety Practices
Students shall not post personal contact information about themselves or others. Nor shall students engage in any kind of
personal contact with individuals they meet online. Attempts at contact from such individuals shall be reported immediately to
the staff person monitoring that child's access to the Internet. Personal contact information includes but is not limited to
names, home/school/work addresses, telephone numbers, or personal photographs.

Prohibited Activities
    •   Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access (hacking) to the school system or to any other computer system
        through the school system, nor shall they go beyond their authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through
        another individual's account or accessing another's files.
    •   Users shall not deliberately attempt to disrupt the school's computer system performance or destroy data by spreading

computer viruses, worms, "Trojan Horses," trap door program codes or any similar product that can damage computer
         systems, firewalls, servers or network systems.
     •   Users shall not use the school’s system to engage in illegal activities.
     •   Users shall not access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or
         hate. Inadvertent access to such material should be reported immediately to the supervising staff person.
     •   Users shall not plagiarize material that is available on the Internet. Plagiarism is presenting another's ideas/words as
         one's own.
     •   Users shall not infringe on copyrighted material and shall follow all dictates of copyright law and the applicable policies
         of this school.

Prohibited Language
Prohibited language applies to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages.
    •    Users shall not send or receive messages that contain obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, or
         threatening language. Users shall not use the system to spread messages that can reasonably be interpreted as
         harassing, discriminatory or defamatory.
System Security
     •   Users are responsible for their accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to
         them. In no case should a user provide his/her password to another individual.
     •   Users shall immediately notify the supervising staff person if they detect a possible security problem. Users shall not
         access the system solely for the purpose of searching for security problems.
     •   Users shall not install or download software or other applications when installing or downloading approved software.
System Limits
     •   Users shall access the system only for educational, professional or career development activities. This applies to
         discussion group mail lists, instant message services and participation in Internet "chat room" conversations.
Privacy Rights
     •   Users shall respect the privacy of messages that they receive and refrain from reposting messages without the approval
         of the sender. Users shall not publish private information about another individual.
School Furnished Electronic Devices
The school may furnish electronic devices such as laptop computers, tablets, notebooks, or other electronic devices. When a
student is furnished with an electronic device the school shall provide the student with written or electronic notification that
the electronic device may record or collect information on the student's use of the device if the electronic device is equipped
with a camera, global positioning system, or other feature capable of recording or collecting information on the student's
activity or use of the device. The notification shall also include a statement that the district shall not use any of the capabilities
in a manner that would violate the privacy rights of the student or any individual residing with the student. The parent or
guardian of the student furnished an electronic device shall acknowledge receipt of the notification on.

The school shall retain the acknowledgement as long as the student retains the use of the electronic device. Failure to provide
the required notification shall be subject to a fine of $250 per student, per incident. If imposed, the fine shall be remitted to
Peru Catholic School, and shall be deposited into the general fund (technology fund).

Peru Catholic School Confidentiality Policy Added (Effective August 2017)

Confidentiality -Parents can expect that Peru Catholic School will give them the necessary information concerning the health,
life, and safety of their children. Students can expect that teachers and other staff members will keep confidences.

However, if a student tells a teacher or staff member that he or she is going to harm self or others, the teacher/staff must reveal
that information even if a promise of confidentiality is given.

Teachers and staff members will keep confidential information entrusted to them so long as no one's life, health or safety is at
stake. Parents will be promptly notified of the school's concerns.

If a student, parent, or guardian has a grievance, they are to follow this procedure:
1.    Speak to the teacher as soon as possible.

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