UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...

Page created by Ruben Morris
UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...
UIL Regional Meet Handbook
      Region III, 1-A

UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...
Whitney High School

                                     Whitney, Texas

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
UIL Contest Dates………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3

Letter from the Regional Director………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

General Contest Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

            Executive Committee…………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
            General Information………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
            Entry Fees……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
            Eligibility and Certification……………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Athletic Contest Rules and Guidelines………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

            Athletic Executive Committee……………………………………………………………………………………….11
            Boys’ & Girls’ Track &Field…………………………………………………………………………………………….12-14
            State Track & Field Rules Protest Form………………………………………………………………………….15
            UIL Pole Vault Certification Form…………………………………………………………………………………..16
            Track & Field Meet Schedule of Events…………………………………………………………………………..17-18
            Boys’ & Girls’ Golf Information……………………………………………………………………………………….19
            Boys’ & Girls’ Tennis Information……………………………………………………………………………………20-21

Other Notes & Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

            Maps………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22
            Hotel Guide………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...
UIL Region III, 1- A Whitney High School

Tennis Competition         Whitney High School   April 26-29, 2021

Golf Competition           White Bluff Resort    April 19-20 Girls

                                New Course       April 21-22 Boys

                              Whitney, Texas

Track & Field Meet         Whitney High School   April 24, 2021

UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...
March 8th, 2021

Dear UIL Sponsors and Participants,

Greetings and welcome to Whitney High School and Whitney Texas. We are privaleged to host the UIL Region III, A
Spring Meet. We are grateful for this opportunity. It is our goal to provide the best possible personnel for the
students to excel in their competitions.

Please use this online handbook as a guide for the UIL competitions. This resource is created to provide
information concerning all aspects of the spring competition. Should you have any questions, please contact your
district representative at the top of page six; if he/she cannot help you, please feel free to contact me, Mark Byrd
at my office (254) 694-7510 or on my Cell (832) 472-4200

There are many individuals who will be instrumental in the operations of your competitions. I want to thank the
WISD School Board for being in total support of our efforts to provide the best experience possible for your team
and coaching staff. The facilities here at Whitney were a top priority for this Board and if you see anything we may
can improve on or concerns, please alert us as we are here for you and the kids.

I want to wish you the best of luck during your competition and again welcome to Whitney. I hope your visit is
memorable. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail or call me. You will find my
information below.


Mark Byrd

UIL Regional Meet Director

(254) 694-7510

(832) 472-4200


UIL Regional Meet Handbook Region III, 1-A 2021 - whitney ...
General Contest Information

UIL Regional Meet
                                                 Region III, 1- A
                                              Whitney High School
                                                Whitney, Texas

                                   REGION III,1- A EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                                     DISTRICT ATHLETIC SPRING MEET CHAIRS

District 17                                 District 20                     District 22
Dave Lewis                                  Jeff Sanders                    Greg Enis
Spring meet chair                           Spring meet chair               Spring meet chair
Rochelle ISD                                Blum ISD                        Slidell ISD

District 18                                 District 21                     District 23
Stanton Marwitz                             Cliff Gilmore                   Steve Johnson
Spring meet chair                           Spring meet chair               Spring meet chair
Zephyr ISD                                  Perrin-Whitt ISD                Miller Grove ISD

District 19                                                                 District 24
Caleb Walls                                                                 Troy Batts
Spring meet chair                                                           Spring meet chair
Huckabay ISD                                                                Union Hill ISD

                                         REGIONAL SPRING MEET HOSTS

TENNIS-Boys and Girls
TRACK & FIELD-Boys and Girls
Whitney High School
Mark Byrd, Athletic Dir.
1400 N. Brazos
Whitney, Texas 76692
(254) 694-7510

Golf – White Bluff Resort (New Course)
20022 Misty Valley Cir.
Whitney, Texas

Golf Pro:           Mike Hicks
Pro Shop:           254-694-3610


FOOD:           Concession stand will be open for tennis and track & field meets. Also various
                restaurants and fast food franchises located nearby. The Pro Shop will be open at the
                golf course for all needs on site.

FIRSTAID:       There will be a Full Time Trainer on site from Whitney High School

LOST & FOUND:   Lost and found services are not provided. Participants and guests are responsible for
                their own property.

SECURITY:       City of Whitney Police Department and SRO of WISD


FEE PAYMENTS:         Regional fees for golf, tennis, and track & field must be paid in order for
                      coaches to receive their information and packets at their respective
                      coaches meeting. Please have your business office make notes to help us
                      keep these payments straight.

TENNIS FEES:          The entry fee per district is $400. The DISTRICT DIRECTOR will submit 1
                      check to cover all the entrants of that district. Please make your checks
                      payable to Whitney ISD. This is due at the seeding meeting. Please note
                      on check; Regional Tennis.

GOLF FEES:            The entry fee per school is $475.
                                                    This price will include a 2-day cart for the
                      coach and 2 meals for the athletes as well at the course. Make check out
                      to Whitney Athletics – Regional Golf Entry – Attn. Mark Byrd

                      The entry fee for a medalist is $150 and will include the same
                      accommodations as above

                      All practice rounds will be paid at the Pro Shop and tee times will be
                      made from 2:00 p.m. for the cost of $30 per player and a $44 cart fee if

TRACK & FIELD:        The entry fee per area is $5,200. The AREA DIRECTOR will be responsible for this
                      payment. This will be due at the scratch meeting. Please note on check; Regional Track.
                      Each school will receive 4 coaches’ wristbands (2 boys, 2 girls). Additional wristbands
                      may be purchased for $20 each.
                      NOTE: Spectator admission is $5 for students and $10 for adults each day.

                      All Checks will be made out to Whitney ISD Athletics
                 Attn: Mark Byrd


ENTRIES:                  The Area Meet Results form serves ONLY as the official entry form for all
                          athletic entries. Each Area Director is responsible for sending the athletic form
                          to the regional site immediately following the meet. Send forms via email to
                          Mark.Byrd@Whitneyisd.org. Coaches may also be required to submit ONLINE
                          entries. Follow the guidelines for the individual sports.

ELIGIBILITY:              The eligibility of a student competing at the regional meet is the responsibility
                          of the individual school following the UIL rules.

ACADEMIC CONFLICTS:       If a student who has followed the State Conflict Pattern earns eligibility to
                          compete at the regional level in more than one event and finds that he/she has
                          a full or partial conflict in the two events, he/she must make a choice if which
                          contest he/she will participate in. No adjustments will be considered to
                          accommodate the conflict.

WITHDRAWALS/ALTERNATES:   If a contestant cannot attend the Regional Spring Meet, the contestant’s
                          principal or sponsor must notify the District Director of their district and
                          request that he/she contact the alternate and Regional Director.

WINNERS PACKETS:          Information regarding the 2021 UIL Athletic State Meets is posted on the UIL
                          website at uiltexas.org. Information packets will not be mailed to schools or
                          handed out during the regional meets. Coaches and contestants must go to the
                          UIL website for the tentative schedule, UT parking, UT campus map, and other
                          vital State Meet Information. Responsibility for knowing times, dates, and sites
                          of State Meet Events rests solely with the coaches and contestants.


      UIL Regional Meet
        Region III, 1- A
     Whitney High School
       Whitney, Texas


                                     Mark Byrd
                                   (254) 694-7510

                                   TRACK & FIELD

Site:                              Whitney High School

Date:                              April 24, 2021

Meet Director:                     Mark Byrd

Referees:                           Robin Byrd, Jerry Sutterfield, Brandon Greenhaw, Chuck Benson,
                                    Robert Dagley, Paul Hurst, Dwayne Richters, Danny Slaughter

Starter:                            Robin Byrd

Scorer:                            Lisa Lee, Mark Byrd


Site:                              White Bluff Resort (New Course)
                                   Whitney, Texas

Date:                              April 19,20 Girls
                                   April 21-22 Boys

Meet Director:                     Mark Byrd
Tournament Director:               Mike Hicks


Site:                              Whitney High School

Date:                              April 26,27th
                                   April 28-29 overflow or bad weather days

Meet Director:                     Mark Byrd

Tournament Director:               Jim & Anne Duncan

DATE:             The boys’ and girls’ UIL Region III, A Track & Field competition will be held
                  Saturday, April 24, 2021

SITE:             The 2021 Track & Field meet will be held at Whitney High School located at
                  1400 N. Brazos, Whitney, Texas 76692.


MEET REFEREE:     Mark Byrd

STARTER:          Robin Byrd

                  CONTACT INFO. Entry fee is $5,200 per area. The host of the area meet is
                  responsible for payment AND will send in results. If possible, please use HY TEK
                  Advancer File and send a copy of your Area Results to me via EMAIL. If you use
                  Track-Mate see the instructions below.
                  1.        TRACK MATE INSTRUCTIONS
                      a. Make sure School codes match those located on the UIL website.
                      b. Make sure the Event codes match those located on the UIL website.
                      c. Results>Export Results>Change the export format to HY-TEK Semi-
                          colon Delimited Format>Winners Only>Export>Only Export the Varsity
                          Boys/Girls>Export>Change the Export Some Winners Option to
                          4>Save. Then attach in an email and send to:
                  2. If using HYTEK
                          a. To generate the Advancer file use: File / Export / Advancers /
                               Select All
                          b. Top 2 from each event
                          c. Maximum qualifiers per event leave blank
                          d. Include relay athlete names: check them
                          e. Custom Select Advancers: Leave blank
                          f. Click on Create Export / Ok
                          g. Select drive A: (or wherever you can get to the files for attaching
                               to an e-mail)
                          h. Note the filename and where they are located
                          i. Click OK when the export is finished
                          j. SAVE ATTACH AND SEND TO: Mark.byrd@whitneyisd.org

                  3.   If you have any problems, please contact Lisa Lee at:

                  4.    PLEASE CHECK ALL NAMES, SPELLINGS, AND GRADE LEVELS. Any incorrect
                       information is the coaches’ responsibility. This information will be sent to
                                               ALL ENTRIES ARE DUE
                       the State meet. Please email entries ASAP.
                       SATURDAY APRIL 17 AT MIDNIGHT. Please follow the
                       proper procedure as outlined in the UIL manual when changes occur. Any
                       and All changes made after that time must go through me by email.

COACHES’ MEETING:           There will be a coaches scratch meeting Friday, April 23rd at 6:00 pm in the
                            cafeteria of Whitney HS. Packets (including meet information, numbers, etc.)
                            will be available at this time. Coaches may also weigh in implements at this
                            time. After this meeting, packets may be picked up on site in the cafeteria.
                            Coaches packets will include four coaches passes per school. Additional passes
                            may be purchased for $20.00 each and may be used by staff only. Athletes will
                            be admitted using their numbers as identification. All changes must be made by
                            the conclusion of the coaches’ meeting.

SPECTATOR ADMISSION:        Admission fee is $5.00 for students and $10.00 for adults each day.

PARKING:                    Bus parking is designated on the map on page 22. Subject to change.

AWARDS:                     Athletes will receive their awards immediately following the certification of

TRACK USAGE & SCHEDULING:   Limited use of the running track will be available on Friday from 4:00-5:30 pm
                            and Saturday from 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Areas of use will be discussed at the
                            Coaches’ meeting.

PROTEST PROCEDURES:         All protests relating to matters which develop during the meet should be made
                            at once and no later than 30 minutes after the result has been officially
                            announced, or within 15 minutes in a preliminary round. Any such protest must
                            be made in WRITING (including a $25.00 fee) by the head coach and submitted
                            to the head official. Forms are available on page 15. Verbal protests will not be
                            accepted. The decision made by the referee will be FINAL.

RULES:                      Rules are as follows:
                            1. National Federation Track & Field Rules with the UIL supplement will
                                govern the Track & Field meets.
                            2. Spikes no longer than ¼ inch are permitted, and only white athletic tape
                                may be used for marking. All tape should be removed immediately after
                                the event.
                            3. Shot put and discus circles are concrete, so plan for appropriate footwear.
                            4. Implements should be marked with the school name. They should be
                                turned into the appropriate official at the implement check- in area no
                                 later than the designated times. THERE
                                                          WILL BE AN EARLY
                                 IMPLEMENT WEIGH IN AT THE COACHES MEETING
                                 FRIDAY NIGHT.
                                 SHOT PUT / Discuss     Saturday8:00 am – 8:30 am

                                 Implements shall be impounded at the above times and delivered to the
                                 site prior to the event. Implements will not be released until the final in
                                 each event is concluded. Weigh-in rooms are located at the field house.

                                 Implements that do not qualify will remain in the impound area until the
                                 competition is over. They may be reclaimed after the event is over.

                            5.   All eight competitors listed in each throwing flight will throw together.

6.    Field event check-in is 30 minutes prior to the event at the event site.
                  7.    Vertical events will run 5 alive.
                  8.    Running event check-in is 30 minutes prior to the event. Athletes will not
                        be permitted on the infield prior to this time. Hip numbers and bib
                        numbers must be visible.
                  9.    The athletes’ warm-up area is located near the check-in tent. Athletes may
                        only access the infield through the gate located at the pre- check-in area.
                  10.   Preferred lanes: 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 1, 8.
                  11.   Properly assigned competitor numbers must be worn on the front of the
                        uniform. The computer program is keyed by these numbers. Competitor
                        numbers will be included in the team packet and will admit the athletes
                        into the Track Complex.
                  12.   Entrance Gate: All officials, coaches, and trainers will enter and exit the
                        complex from the southeast corner gate.
                  13.   Whitney Sports Medicine will be on site for any needs.
                  14.   Team areas and camps will be inside the facility on all grass areas and
                        along the outer fence grass area.
                  15.   The Warm up area will be located on the softball field. Once athletes have
                        checked in they must be race ready. They will be escorted to the track for
                        their event. (14 and 15 are subject to change according to playoff
                  16.   Please note that the 3200m run, both boys and girls, has been placed early
                        in the order of events and will be run as a final from a waterfall start. The
                        same will applies for the 1600m run, which will be Saturday; as a final with
                        a waterfall start.

                  5.    If someone knows of an athlete that is ineligible or cannot fill their entry
                        into the meet they need to follow the below steps:
                        a. This person needs to send a written correspondence to the
                           following people; District Chair, Mark Byrd, the coach of
                           the team who has the ineligible athlete, and the coach
                           who has the new athlete entry. Please include the change
                           and the add information. Include the name of the event,
                           name and school of athlete being dropped, name and
                           school of athlete being added, male or female, grade, and
                           time or distance for both athletes.
                        b. Any discussion should take place prior to this
                           communication being sent as notes above. Once all parties
                           have been notified in writing and the above process
                           satisfied by this e-mail loop, Mark Byrd will respond with
                           received or accepted and the change will be made.
                  6.    All changes must be made before the conclusion of the coaches’ meeting
                        held on Thursday night. Please submit all entries via e-mail, faxes will not
                        be accepted. The format to send entries should be via the HY-TEK
                        Advancer File.

                 Have a great visit and Good Luck !!

                                      WILDCAT STADIUM
                                     WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL

                                            Schedule of Events
                                              UIL Region III, A
                                         Boys’ & Girls’ Track & Field

                        Schedule is approximate and rolling and is subject to change;
                               Times will be adhered to as closely as possible
                                         Running order: Girls, Boys

              9:30 Coaches Meeting

                       GIRLS                               BOYS
               10:15   LJ / SHOT PUT                       PV / DISCUS

               10:45   3200 MEETER RUN - GIRLS FOLLOWED BY BOYS

               11:15   DISCUS                              LJ / SHOT PUT

               12:15   TJ / PV                             HJ

               1:15    HJ                                  TJ / PV

               1:30 – 2:30       LUNCH

                                                  RUNNING FINALS FORMAT

               3:30    4 X 100 METER RELAY
               3:45    800 METER RUN
               4:00    100 / 110 METER HURDLES
               4:15    100 METER DASH
               4:30    4 X 200 METER DASH
               4:30    4 X 200 METER RELAY
               4:45    400 METER WC RACE
               5:00    400 METER DASH
               5:15    300 METER HURDLES
               5:30    200 METER DASH
               5:45    1600 METER RUN
               6:00    4 X 400 RELAY


                                           White Bluff Resort
                                             New Course
                                            Whitney, Texas

                                                 UIL Region III, A
                                                Boys’ & Girls’ Golf

DATE:                    The boys’ and girls’ UIL Region III, A Golf Tournament will be held Monday, April 19th
                         through Thursday, April 22nd, 2021. The girls will play on Monday and Tuesday with the
                         boys playing Wednesday and Thursday.

SITE:                    The 2021 Golf Tournament will be held at White Bluff Resort (New Course), Whitney

Meet Director:           Mark Byrd

Tournament Director:     Mike Hicks

Entries & Fees:          Entry fee for each school is $475 per team. The District Director is responsible for
                         this payment and entries. Please make your checks payable to Whitney ISD Athletics.
                         Entries should be typed on the UIL form and submitted by email and please email to
                         Mark.byrd@whitneyisd.org. Please note on check; Regional Golf.

Coaches Meeting:         There will be a coaches meeting at 7:30 am Monday April 19th for the girls and
                         Wednesday April 21st for the boys at White Bluff Resort (New Course).

Spectator Information:   Carts will be available on a first come-first serve basis for a fee of $44 per day.

Parking:                 Free

Practice Rounds:         Practice rounds will be available at White Bluff Resort for $30 per person. This is made
                         payable to White Bluff Resort. Please contact the pro shop for tee times.

Changes:                 If you would like to change your order or have a sub(s), please let me know by 8am on
                         Thursday April 15th. If I don’t hear back from you with changes, your line-up will be the
                         same as your district line-up.

Mark Byrd                                                               Mike Hicks
254-694-7510                                                            254-499-0016
832-472-4200                                                            254-694-4000
Mark.Byrd@Whitneyisd.org                                                mhicks@whitebluff.com

                                     WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL

                                            Schedule of Events
                                             UIL Region III, A
                                           Boys’ & Girls’ Tennis

DATE:                  The boys’ and girls’ UIL Region III, A Tennis Tournament will be held Monday, April 26th
                       and Tuesday April 27th. Rain out dates will be April 28th and 29th if needed.

SITE:                  The 2021 Tennis Tournament will be held at Whitney High School located at 1400 N.
                       Brazos, Whitney, Texas 76692.

Meet Director:         Mark Byrd

Tournament Director:   Jim & Anne Duncan

Entries & Fees:        The entry fee per district is $400. The District Director is responsible for payment AND
                       entries. Please make your checks payable to Whitney ISD. Please make sure to type the
                       names of the players who qualify out of your district on the form on the UIL website.
                       Also, please note on check Regional Tennis. Email all entries to

COACHES’ MEETING:      There will be a coaches meeting Sunday, April 25th at 4:00 pm at the fieldhouse at
                       Whitney HS.

CHANGES:               We will play 3 rounds the first day weather permitting leaving only championship
                       rounds and playbacks for Tuesday.

Mark Byrd                                                           Jim & Anne Duncan
(254)694-7510                                                       (214)908-0528
Mark.Byrd@Whitneyisd.org                                            jimduncan1590@gmail.com

                                      WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL

                                               Schedule of Events
                                               UIL Region III,1- A
                                              Boys’ & Girls’ Tennis

SCHEDULE: (rolling schedule-times are approximate) We will play 3 rounds on the first day weather permitting.

        Monday April 26th,
                                  9:00 am                   Boys Singles

                                  10:15 am                  Girls Singles

                                  11:30 am                  Boys Doubles

                                  12:30 pm                  Girls Doubles

                                  1:30 pm                   Mixed Doubles

                                  2:30 pm                   Boys Singles Quarterfinals
                                                            Girls Singles Quarterfinals
                                                            Boys Doubles Quarterfinals
                                                            Girls Doubles Quarterfinals

                                  4:30 pm                   Mixed Doubles Quarterfinals
                                                            Boys Singles Semifinals
                                                            Girls Singles Semifinals

                                  5:45 pm                   Boys Doubles Semifinals
                                                            Girls Doubles Semifinals
                                                            Mixed Doubles Semifinals

        Tuesday April 27th,       9:00 am                   Boys Finals and 3rd Place
                                                            Girls Finals and 3rd Place
                                                            Boys Doubles Finals and 3rd Place

                                  10:30 pm                  Girls Doubles Finals and 3rd Place
                                                            Mixed Doubles Finals and 3rd Place

                                  12:00 pm                  Playbacks if necessary (time will be adjusted to 1 hr
                                                            after conclusion of 1 pm match


*Be Sure to Mention UIL REGIONAL TRACK AND TENNIS. NOTE all rooms will charge a 7% city
tax from which you are not exempt. Several provide free breakfast of some type.

HILLSBORO                         NOTE: There are also Hotels in Clifton, West and Cleburn

Econolodge                        WHITNEY does have some cabin / condo rental as well:

1515 Old Brandon Rd               Lake Whitney RV Rental Units and Cabin – rvonthego.com
Hillsboro Tx., 76645              White Bluff Cabins – 254-694-9276
(254)582-3333                     White Bluff Condo – 254-694-9276

Hampton Inn
102 Dynasty Drive
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

La Quinta
1513 Old Brandon Rd
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

Days Inn
307 South East I-35
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

Quality Inn
1505 Hillview Drive
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

Motel 6
1506 Hillview Drive
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

Super 8
1512 Hillview Drive
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

Comfort Suites
203 Outlet Drive
Hillsboro Tx., 76645

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