Page created by Lois Cohen
JUNIOR HIGH 2020-2021
Facilitate Learning & Foster Agency to empower ALL students.

PLC Big Ideas:
1. We accept Learning as the fundamental purpose of our school, and therefore we are
   willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning.
2. We are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose (mission). We
   cultivate a Collaborative Culture through development of high-performing teams.
3. We assess our effectiveness on the basis of Results rather than intentions. Individuals,
   teams and school seek relevant data and information and use that information to
   provide continuous improvement.
HIJH Instructional Model – Staff Commitment to HSE21 Principles
To ensure future Growth and development, our school must have clear set of Goals and
concise strategies directly related to 21 Century skill development for ALL students at HIJH.
Examine Status – Previous and Current School Trend Data-ISTEP
& ILEARN 18-19
MATH ’18-’19   Combined 72%   IN – 42.3%   HSE – 65.7%
 5th – 71%
 6th – 74%
 7th – 72%
 8th – 71%
L.A. ’18-’19   Combined 75%   IN – 48.2%   HSE – 64.5%
 5th – 68%
  6th – 79%
 7th – 79%
 8th – 74%     Both 63.9%
ISTEP     5th     5th     6th     6th      7th     7th     8th     8th
        Grade3   Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade   Grade
         E/LA    Math    E/LA    Math    E/LA    Math    E/LA    Math
2010-                                    96.2%   95.6%   94.8%   96.8%
2011-                                    93.6%   97.4%   91.1%   97.8%
2012-                                    93.7%   96.7%   95.8%   98.2%
2013-                                    93.5%   97.1%   93.0%   97.0%
2014-                                    90.2%   80.7%   86.6%   88.7%
ISTEP       5th Grade   5th Grade   6th Grade   6th Grade    7th    7th Grade 8th Grade 8th Grade
                   E/LA       Math         E/LA       Math      Grade     Math       E/LA     Math

  2015-2016       85.5       78.1        89.1        90.6       87.1     80.3       84.8      81.6

  2016-2017       87.8         84        93.2        83.9       88.5     80.2       84.7      84.7

  2017-2018       82.5       83.6          94        89.3        87      81.3       84.8      85.1

  *2018-2019       68          71          79          74        79       72         74        71

Cohort Data by graduating class
Green is Class of 2025 Cohort Data; 5th to 6th grade same students.
Orange is Class of 2024 Cohort Data; 5th to 7th grade same students.
Purple is the class of 2023 Cohort Data; 5th to 8th grade same students (current Freshman).
Blue is the Class of 2022 Cohort Data; 6th to 8th grade same students (current Sophomores).
Overall Summary ISTEP 2018 Report Card - Hamilton
Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High
                    Grades        Points   Weight   Weighted Points

    Performance Grades 05-08     87.8      0.5         43.3

 Growth Domain Grades 05-08      114.2     0.5         54.6

                             Overall Points:           101
                             Overall Grade:             A
Domain                                                     Summary
                               Grades 3-8                               Points     Weight     Points
                  Pass Rate     Participation   Points     E/LA (3-8)    88.8        0.5       44.4
English/Lang.       88.80%        99.30%         88.8      Math (3-8)    86.7        0.5      43.35
Arts             (1039 / 1170) (1195 / 1204)               Performance Points (Grades 3-8)     87.8
Mathematics         86.70%        99.50%        86.7
                 (1017 / 1173) (1198 / 1204)

                Growth Domain
                    Top       Bottom 25%          Points
                75% Growth      Growth
                                                                         Points    Weight     Points
English/Lang.       104.9            117.7        111.3     E/LA (4-8)    111.3     0.5       55.65
                                                            Math (4-8)   117.1       0.5       58.55
Mathematics         106.4            127.7        117.1        Growth Points (Grades 4-8)      114.2
NWEA Current Year Data 5th & 6th – Fall to Spring RIT Scores
            5TH READING                         6TH READING
Performance FALL   WINTER   SPRING   Performance FALL   WINTER   SPRING
Mean RIT     213.4  217.9    219.5   Mean RIT     219.6  223.5    226.3
Lo            5%      3%      5%     Lo            5%     5%       4%
LoAvg         9%     10%      8%     LoAvg         9%     7%       7%
Avg           18%    14%      16%    Avg           15%    18%      16%
HiAvg         34%    38%      35%    HiAvg         32%    29%      28%
Hi            33%    34%      36%    Hi            38%    41%      46%

          5TH GRADE MATH                        6TH GRADE MATH
Performance FALL   WINTER   SPRING   Performance FALL   WINTER SPRING
Mean RIT    221.2   228.2    234.7   Mean RIT     227.4  232.5  238.2
Lo           6%       7%      6%     Lo            5%     3%     5%
LoAvg        7%       9%      9%     LoAvg         8%     10%    7%
Avg          17%     17%      13%    Avg           20%    22%    14%
HiAvg        31%     25%      22%    HiAvg         25%    25%    28%
Hi           38%     42%      50%    Hi            41%    40%    47%
NWEA Current Year Data 7th & 8th – Fall to Spring RIT Scores
           7TH READING                          8TH READING
Performance FALL  WINTER    SPRING   Performance FALL   WINTER   SPRING
Mean RIT    226     228      229.9   Mean RIT     229    230.7    231.7
Lo           2%     3%        2%     Lo           3%      2%       1%
LoAvg        5%     3%        5%     LoAvg        5%      7%       9%
Avg         14%    18%        18%    Avg          15%     17%      14%
HiAvg       35%    35%        31%    HiAvg        31%     26%      27%
Hi          44%    42%        45%    Hi           47%     49%      50%

          7TH GRADE MATH                        8TH GRADE MATH
Performance FALL   WINTER   SPRING   Performance FALL   WINTER SPRING
Mean RIT    236.8   237.6     245    Mean RIT     244    238.5   252
Lo           2%       2%      2%     Lo           1%      2%     1%
LoAvg        6%       8%      5%     LoAvg        6%      10%    4%
Avg          16%     18%     14%     Avg          10%     22%    8%
HiAvg        26%     28%     27%     HiAvg        23%     28%   22%
Hi           49%     44%     53%     Hi           60%     37%   65%
NWEA – Student Growth Summary - MATH
NWEA Student Growth Summary – READING
ACHIEVE 3000 – School Lexile Improvement Chart
HIJH - School Improvement Sample Goal and Strategies
                                                                                2019-2020 School Year
                                                                          Goal #1: Closing Achievement Gap
A. Problem Statement with Baseline Data:
The Language Arts academic achievement gap for the highest performing student aggregate group and lowest performing student aggregate group will be narrowed as measured by the
ILEARN test. Currently, the achievement gap is 27% for these students.

Expected SMART Outcome 1:
The Language Arts achievement gap for students will decrease by 9% over three years without compromising the achievement gains of highest performing group as measured by the
2022 ILEARN.

Year 1 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 2 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 3 Expected Outcome: 3%

                  Strategy                                  Resources                         Progress Monitoring                   Timeline              Person Responsible
                                                             Needed                                Incl. Data

 1)    Teachers will incorporate Question     --Use of QFT (Question/Formulation      --increased quality of open-ended     -Quarterly             -Principal for PD and teachers
       and Inquiry in daily instruction and   Technique)                              vs. closed ended questions from       implementation         for implementation
       assessments to support students’       --Focus on ‘The Why’ in all courses     students as noted by Admin and                               -CLT’s and PLN’s
       learning                                                                       Teachers
                                                                                      -monitored min. of student-
                                                                                      centered learning and voice/choice
 2) 5/6 Teachers will incorporate             - Classroom Circle book for every       -      Monitor interpersonal          Daily                  -    Principals for PD
 Community Circles into each day to           teacher.                                       relationships- students with                          -    Teachers for
 support students social and emotional        - Task cards integrated with discussion        student, students with                                     implementation
 well-being.                                  topics                                         teacher.                                              -    Counselors for
                                                                                      -     Monitoring participation in                                 connection/ follow up
                                                                                      community circle discussions.                                Parent survey at nine-weeks
4). Teachers will work to find resources/      -    Pearson Realize                       - Monitoring student depth of        Daily                -     Principal for providing
solutions for students to access               -    Achieve                               completion with work                                            necessary resources/ PD
information. (i.e., printed version, offline   -    Moby Max                              - increased, consistent                                   -     Teachers for
access, read aloud ability, etc.)              -    Patterns of Power- Jeff Anderson      Communication with student/                                     implementation
   In addition, teacher librarian will         -    Thrively                              care-givers                                               -    Media Specialist for
research and order more inclusive novels       -    Book inventory overhaul                                                                         additional resources
to our library to support and increase
interest in reading and relevance in

5). Differentiated RTI. Instead of just by     - Assessment scores (ILEARN, NWEA,         -weekly RTI data conferences         -weekly              -teachers, counselors,
team, design per concept or skill. These       Achieve 3000)                              - use of EASY CBM tracking           -monthly             administration
kids can also be identified for extra help     - End of year recs from former             monthly
beyond the RTI programming                     teachers.                                  -communication with parents
                                               - Time reallocated as part of school day
                                               with less HW

6). Teachers will use Close-Reading            --Use of pre-vetted “signposts”            --increased understanding and        --3x’s per quarter   --Principal
strategies via “signposts” in both Co-         --Beers and Probst fiction and non-        independence of text should be                            --Teachers
teaching model and collaborative groups        fiction signposts suggestions              evident in their assessment grades
B. Problem Statement with Baseline Data:
The Math achievement gap for for the highest performing student aggregate group and lowest performing student aggregate group will be narrowed as measured by the ILEARN test.
Currently, the achievement gap is 34.6% for these students.

Expected SMART Outcome 2:
The Math achievement gap for students will decrease by 10% without compromising the achievement gains of highest performing group as measured by the 2022 ILEARN.

Year 1 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 2 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 3 Expected Outcome: 4%

                   Strategy                                   Resources                       Progress Monitoring                  Timeline                   Person Responsible
                                                               Needed                              Incl. Data

1). Peer Tutor for academic and social choices   -7 or 8th Grade Peer Tutor/Adult     Weekly Check-in Sheet to record       Each Quarter- Is there     Homeroom Teacher
                                                 Mentor (Staff and YMI)               missing assignments                   progress?
                                                 -Time reallocation before, during,
                                                 after classes
2). Successful RTI Program or Math Lab within    -Location (Lab 247 & classrooms)     -Collect Data from classroom,         -19-20 School Year         -Homeroom Teacher works with
the School Day                                   -Teacher Volunteers                  AIMSWEB, Easy CBM                                                RTI Teacher
                                                 -Retired Teachers

3). Reduce homework load/expectations            -Canvas (provide resources)          -Skyward (midterm grades &            Daily, weekly, quarterly           Teachers, admin
    (20 min max per content); HW not a daily                                          quarterly)
expectation to allow for F/R students to tend                                         -NWEA
to family obligations at home.                                                        -SEL check-ins
                                                                                      -More frequent in class Feedback to
4). Math teachers will utilize classroom Norms/      -Necessary Conditions              Norms/Growth Mindset survey will             3 x a year        7/8 Math Teachers
Growth mindsets, and diversity training to further   -Classroom Norms posted/followed   be administered Fall, Winter and
create positive/nurturing environment where          -Diversity Training PD             Spring. We will respond to gathered
students of F/R lunches can prosper.                 -SEL Pilots and Mind Up resource   data via Canvas Assessments.

5). Teachers will make certain that targeted         - SEL Curriculum                   -Data base/ excel calendar to keep    Daily implementation        All teachers
students are participating in the SEL lessons of     - PBIS curriculum                  track of events/ small check -ins.
piloting teacher, or PBIS class w/ Mr. Hibner, or    - Diversity Training PD                                                  Summaries per 9 weeks
check-in time with a selected mentor teacher         - Teachers’ time
separate from their regular teachers

6). Teachers will create spiral review/ 5            -Big Ideas                         -Consistent weekly quick checks       -Quarterly               Classroom teacher
question quick checks over previously taught         -EDM                               - NWEA growth (fall/winter then       Three times a year for
topics and concepts                                  -NWEA data                         winter/spring)                        NWEA
HIJH - School Improvement Sample Goal and Strategies
                                                                                  2019-2020 School Year

                                                                                  Goal #2: Social-Emotional

A. Problem Statement with Baseline Data:
Students at HIJH in grades 5-8 are lacking in the fundamentals of GRIT as indicated with a 54% favorability rating and a national ranking in the 20-39 percentile on the Student Panorama
Survey. GRIT is defined in the Staff Handbook as, ‘the ability to keep working toward a goal, overcoming challenges, and sticking with it even though it is hard’.

Expected SMART Outcome 1:
The student GRIT percentage at HIJH will increase by 10% over three years based upon embedded strategies throughout the school day and beyond as measured by the 2022 Panorama
Student Survey

Year 1 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 2 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 3 Expected Outcome: 4%

                 Strategy                                   Resources                           Progress Monitoring                     Timeline                   Person Responsible
                                                             Needed                                  Incl. Data

1) Panorama ‘Playbook’ of strategies for    Panorama access (all teachers currently     -Part of program to monitor growth     -Quarterly in class          Teachers, Counselors, and
improving GRIT                              have access)                                in class quarterly                     -Annually with Survey        Administrators
                                                                                        -2020 Panorama Student Survey

2) Facilitate ‘Risk-Taking’ with            -SLC Goal Setting and Portfolios per        -Weekly by teachers during SLT as      -Over the course of the      Teachers, Students, and Parents.
voice/choice as part of student learning;   course and a Future Ready skill (ie GRIT)   students share Goal strategies and     school year
Facilitate Agency & student ownership                                                   progress
3) Focus on Mastery Learning with          -Staff PD on restructuring grading and   -Weekly check-ins during SLT on      -Weekly      -Teachers
opportunities for Reassessment. Failure    its real purpose.                        how the feel about their Growth      -Quarterly   -Administrators
is featured as a part of learning and      -Common language among staff shared      -Structured assessment
growth; grades reiterated as NOT the       daily with students.                     opportunities based upon Learning
focus of learning.                                                                  data, not teaching plans

4) PAWS Wednesday Lessons that will        -PAWS Committee notes and resources      -Peer discussions sharing how they   -Monthly     -Teachers
feature GRIT and other Future Ready        provided to teachers monthly             used GRIT                            -Weekly
Skills. Common Language/terms                                                       -Quick check Talley’s by teachers
established and used by students & staff                                            (thumbs up, side, down on
and shared with families to maintain a                                              progress)
consistent, common focus.

5). The addition of Common Language        Common Language document (as part         Weekly formative checks by          Quarterly    Teachers/Staff
learned and applied by both students       of Teacher Handbook) that is shared       teachers for usage and
and staff will increase a common sense     with all stakeholders including students. understanding                                    Students
of belonging as we all work together..
                                           SEL Pilot Lessons and Panorama           Student Advocacy Groups to meet                   Administrators
                                           Playbook lessons                         with administrators to assess
                                                                                    ‘pulse’ of school
B. Problem Statement with Baseline Data:
The staff’s perception of their colleague's attitudes will increase to a level consistent with other schools locally which in turn will increase the overall climate of the school consistent with
school districts of similar demographics nationally.

Expected SMART Outcome 2:
The perception of staff attitudes and thus overall climate of school will increase by 6 % over two years as measured by the 2021 Panorama Staff Survey.

Year 1 Expected Outcome: 3%
Year 2 Expected Outcome: 3%

                    Strategy                                     Resources                          Progress Monitoring                      Timeline                    Person Responsible
                                                                  Needed                                 Incl. Data
 Check-ins with staff to assess attitudes of       Time                                    Monthly Team Meetings to gauge            Daily                      Administrators
 peer interactions and positive attitudes          Dedicated reallocation of time          pulse and have ‘Courageous                Weekly
 experienced.                                      Collaborative culture where             Conversations’                            Monthly (more
                                                   teachers feel free to express how                                                 formally)
                                                   they truly feel.                        Consistent check-ins during passing
                                                   Dare to Lead for Administrators         periods
                                                   Herding Tigers
                                                                                           Classroom visitations
 Peer Observations where teachers can see          Shared class schedules                  Chart # of teachers willing to            Monthly                    Staff
 the positive interactions and relationships                                               participate
 being built in classrooms                         Introduce ‘Pineapple charts’                                                      Daily observations         Administration
                                                   personal PD model                       Observe more frequent positive
                                                                                           interactions among staff
 Encourage extra-curricular participation at       Existing Social Committee               Administrators present at every           19-20 School Year          Admin. and staff
 student events and teacher social events                                                  school event to get a pulse on staff
                                                   Regular communication of student        participation and attendance
HIJH - School Improvement Sample Goal and Strategies
                                                                                2019-2020 School Year

                                                                          Goal #3: Overall Achievement & Growth

Problem Statement with Baseline Data:
The Language Arts and Math achievement and growth of students will increase as measured by the ILEARN test. Currently, the achievement percentages from the 18-19 ILEARN assessment
are as follows: ELA – 75% & Math – 72%

Expected SMART Outcome 1:
The Language Arts & Math achievement/growth for All-students will increase by 4% over two years as measured by the 2021 ILEARN.

Year 1 Expected Outcome: 2%
Year 2 Expected Outcome: 2%

                Strategy                                   Resources                           Progress Monitoring                    Timeline                Person Responsible
                                                             Needed                                  Incl. Data
1) Incorporation of Personal Learning       7 Topics: Experiential Learning,            Monthly meetings to discuss           -Monthly                   -Teachers
Networks (PLNs) with collaborative inquiry Inquiry/Questioning/Feedback, SEL,          progress of classroom applications                               - Administrators
PD by teacher choice. Strategies           Restorative Justice, Agency, Tech to        to enhance student learning
researched and applied throughout year.    enhance learning (SAMR)
2) Student-centered approach beginning      -Staff PD sessions                         -Tracking teacher-centered minutes     -Daily charting; shared   -Teachers
with the WHY as 4th quadrant of HSE21       -QFT re-certifications                     (< 15 per day)                         monthly with CLT’s        -Administrators
instructional model; chunking lessons       -Big Ideas and UBD planning                                                       (Collaborative Learning   -Counselors
accordingly                                                                                                                   Teams)
3) P.A.S.S. (Promoting Academic Student     -Tutoring by classroom teachers and        -Classroom formative assessments,      -2-3X per week             -Teachers
Success) opportunities for all students     alternate teacher for reinforcement of     common content assessments                                       - Tutors
through AM/PM, and SLT time.                growth areas as determined by ILEARN       shared at CLT’s, checked in school 5
                                                                                       question assessments 2X per week
                                                                                       with after school tutoring.
Strategy                                 Resources                         Progress Monitoring            Timeline          Person Responsible
                                                             Needed                                Incl. Data

4) Robin Conti IDOE Math PD for teachers        PLC Work to debrief the notes and     NWEA and Common                        Weekly     7/8 Teachers
focusing on 8 NCTM Teaching Practices and       strategies discussed at PD            formative/summative departmental
their application in the classroom with focus   Workshop                              assessments
on our top three: Choose rich/authentic
tasks, Promote discourse, and Encourage                                               Peer collaboration rubrics and self-
Productive Struggle (which also complements                                           evaluations
our SEL GRIT Goal)

5) Conferring with Writing; 1:1 with teacher    Rubrics and organizational calendar   Teacher observations and rubric        Weekly     5-8 Teachers
                                                                                      chart                                             Administrators
                                                Leading Well as principal and TDS                                                       TDS (5/6)
Panther Priority Focus Goal
      CSS – Comprehensive Student Success
               Students must be able to…
 Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and
                 community activities.
• Why: Reduce the anxiety and stress of students
• What: Time Management, organization, proactive plan
• How: Utilize CSS Master Plan of Activities as ‘Teachable
  Moments’ throughout the school year.
HIJH ‘Working Smarter’ Matrix
      Initiative, Committee          Purpose                    Outcome             Target Group        Staff Involved               SIP

School Improvement/            Oversees all              Overall Success of        All students,      CLT Committee         ALL
CLT Leaders (PLC)              aspects of SIP            students, families, &     families, and      (Mankin)
                                                         staff                     staff

PAWS                           Character Ed.             Teach behavioral          All Students and   PAWS Committee        Process Goal #3
                               Behavioral Intervention   expectations; track       Staff

Equity Team/SEL                Inclusion through         Staff/student awareness   All Students and   Committee             Part of SIP
                               embedded diversity        Build capacity for        Staff              (Cooper &
                               beliefs                   empathy for ALL                              Boudreau/Willey &
RtI                            Academic                  Improve academic          Tier I, II, III    Committee             Product Goals #1-2
                               Interventions             growth & achievement      students           (Worzala & 5/6

Social                         Staff climate             Postive/Supportivestaff   Staff              Committee (5-8        N/A

Tech/Canvas Coaches            21st Cent. Skills         PD for tech.              All Students and   TeGrotenhuis,         Product Goals #1-2
                               and tech.                 implementation 1:1        Staff              Boudreau, Collins,
                                                                                                      Roberts, Harreld

Safety                         Ensure Safety             Safe environment          All Students and   Committee (Iagulli)   Key part of SIP
                               proactively               For all                   Staff
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