UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019 - Excellence and impact through transformative research - The Association of ...

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UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019 - Excellence and impact through transformative research - The Association of ...
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UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019

Excellence and impact through transformative research

   University of the Free State Research Strategy (2015 – 2019)   DRAFT
UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019 - Excellence and impact through transformative research - The Association of ...
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Table of Contents

OUR CONTEXT .......................................................... 2
 INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 2
 INFORMING THE RESEARCH STRATEGY ................................ 2
THE RESEARCH STRATEGY ....................................... 3                The University places the highest premium on
 STRATEGIC RESEARCH AIMS ............................................ 3       superior academic performance. This implies high
 RESEARCH STRATEGY ACTIONS ......................................... 4
  1. Improve international research excellence, impact                        standards for entrance and appointment into the
  and visibility by attracting, supporting and developing
  excellent scholars. ................................................. 4
                                                                              University, and high standards for performance
  2. Develop research focus areas that will be                                                  once inside.
  recognised nationally and internationally for their
  research excellence ................................................ 7
                                                                                             UFS Strategic Plan 2015-2020
  3. Extend and sustain stronger local and global
  partnerships and networks ..................................... 10
  4. Provide a sustainable and supportive research
  environment with appropriate management, physical
  and financial resources .......................................... 11                      UFS Strategic Plan 2012-2016
  5. Convert innovative research into viable
  commercialisation ................................................. 15
MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) ................. 17

University of the Free State Research Strategy (2015 – 2019)             DRAFT
UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019 - Excellence and impact through transformative research - The Association of ...
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Message from the Vice-Rector: Research
Strategic planning serves a number of              engage with these issues, using their depth
purposes, but in developing the University of      of talent across all disciplines.
the Free State (UFS) Research Strategy for
the next five years, it has presented the          Our strategy recognises and accepts these
opportunity for an honest assessment of            challenges and responsibilities. Through this
where we are, how we operate, and where            strategy we aim to increase our visibility as
we want to be. Our research strategy of the        an institution that not only creates and
past five years (2010-2014) has served us          advances knowledge, but also one that
well; we have made sound progress in terms         makes significant contributions to major
of shifting our research development from an       social,   economic,   and       environmental
administrative to a strategic function, and in     challenges across disciplinary and sectoral
accelerating efforts to place research at the      boundaries.
core of all academic activity. However, the
University’s ranking in the National Higher
Education Ranking System illustrates the             The research conducted at the UFS
ongoing challenge we face. We recognise that
                                                      will be recognised as being dynamic in
our research can become stronger and have
greater impact with a more defined strategy           nature, be relevant and of high quality,
and enhanced institutional arrangements.
                                                     have a greater international and national
                                                                                                   We will continue to nurture scholarship,
Excellence in research is core to the UFS
                                                    footprint – but also make a difference to      develop new knowledge and increase our
mission. Research challenges conventional
                                                                                                   understanding of our society and our world.
wisdom and promotes a spirit of interrogation        society. We will connect postgraduates        This cannot be done without a clear strategy,
in an open intellectual environment. This
                                                        and undergraduates more directly           the right scholars, appropriate resources and
pursuit of knowledge brings with it a
                                                                                                   an understanding of our environment.
responsibility to society to ensure that the         through vibrant intellectual activities and
conduct of our research is ethical, visionary,
transformative, beneficial, and that our               we hope this energy will also have an
research is effectively communicated.
                                                       impact on the communities we serve.
We are of the firm opinion that research
improves lives and contributes to the                               Professor Corli Witthuhn                         Professor Corli Witthuhn
improved wellbeing of societies. Research
                                                                                                                       Vice-Rector: Research
contributes to solving the world’s most
difficult problems; the complexity of the                                                                                          March 2015
issues facing society requires that universities

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UFS Research Strategy 2015-2019 - Excellence and impact through transformative research - The Association of ...
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Our context
Introduction                                        illustrates   the  ongoing     challenge   the   Development Strategy, and the Ten-Year
The higher education environment, locally           University faces in identifying and exploiting   Innovation Plan are also crucial in directing
and globally, is changing rapidly, with even        its competitive advantage in a highly            our own strategic planning.
the definition of the university being debated.     competitive environment. In short, the
                                                    impetus for a rise in reputation and financial   At its core, the UFS Research Strategy is
Education and research are becoming
                                                    sustainability demands that greater emphasis     aligned with the UFS mission statement, in
increasingly international and competitive
                                                    be placed on research in the next five years.    particular in terms of:
and there is no doubt that these trends will
                                                                                                        Setting the highest standards for
accelerate in the next decade.
                                                    The UFS 2015-2019 Research Strategy aims             undergraduate        and       postgraduate
The entrenchment of a research culture at           to   address     these   challenges   through        education.
the UFS has made steady progress in the             providing an institutional framework to drive       Recruiting the best and most diverse
past ten years, with increases in both volume       the next phase of research development at            students     and    professors    into  the
and quality. During this period funding from        the University, making research a priority for       University.
the NRF (the country’s primary funding              the institution. This strategy focuses on our       Advancing excellence in the scholarship
agency for academic research) increased by          commitment to research excellence and                of research, teaching and public service.
285% while the number of rated researchers          impact through transformative research, and         Promoting innovation, distinctiveness and
increased by 65%. In terms of research              how the University will promote and nurture          leadership in both academic and human
publication outputs, there was an increase of       it.                                                  pursuits.
63%, with the proportion published in                                                                   Establishing transparent opportunities for
internationally indexed journals rose from          Informing the research strategy                      lifelong learning for academic and
37% to 54%.                                         Research at the UFS is informed and directed         support staff.
                                                    by many internal and external factors,
However, despite improvements in the                including existing and future scholarly          Our Research Strategy is informed by the
metrics generally recognised as reasonable          expertise and the nature of research funding.    UFS Strategic Plan, that identifies three key
indicators of research performance, the UFS         Those issues identified as being of strategic    institutional priorities: the Academic Project,
‘ranking’ on the National Higher Education          importance by funding agencies, the National     the Human Project and the Support Services
Ranking system remains fairly stagnant. This        Development Plan, the National Research and      Foundation.

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The Academic Project aims at strengthening          The Research Strategy                             The guiding principles underpinning these
and enhancing the University’s academic             Research excellence and innovation are            strategic aims are:
reputation and also specifically aims at            integral to the vision of the University of the
developing research excellence. As such it is                                                            Responsible stewardship of human,
                                                    Free State. Our goal is to address
                                                                                                          financial and other resources;
directly linked to the Academic Appointment         fundamental and strategically important
                                                                                                         A focus on relevance, excellence and
and Promotions Policy, which emphasises the         questions, and to deliver economic, social            impact;
alignment of professional advancement to            and cultural impact at regional, national and        A culture of continuous reflection and
NRF rating criteria and minimum research            international levels.                                 improvement in strategies, actions and
output requirements.                                                                                      systems;
                                                    Strategic research aims                              A culture of people-centred, flexible and
Over and above being aligned with the               The UFS Research Strategy            aims    to       accurate service delivery;
overall university strategy and national            accomplish the following:                            Responsiveness to market needs and
imperatives, our Research Strategy must be                                                                demands for human, resources, expertise
based within a candid understanding of our          1. Improve         international   research           and products; and
own particular context, and the strategic              excellence, impact and visibility by              Integration, collaboration and synergy
advantages and strategic challenges that this          attracting, supporting and developing              where       appropriate     for     better
brings.                                                excellent scholars;                                performance.
                                                    2. Develop research focus areas that will be
                                                       recognised nationally and internationally
                                                       for their research excellence;
                                                    3. Provide a sustainable and supportive
                                                       research environment with appropriate
                                                       management, physical and financial
                                                    4. Extend and sustain both local and global
                                                       partnerships and networks; and
                                                    5. Convert innovative research into viable

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Against this background, the following                                                              support research excellence. We will do this
strategic targets have been set for the next                                                        by    initiatives    to  promote      research
five years:                                         These strategic aims are populated with a       excellence, and ensure continuity and
                                                    range of actions; some are initiatives and      sustainability of high quality research.
   Increase publication output by 50%              programmes that are already in place,
   Increase      postgraduate    graduation        others are expansions and extensions of
    headcount: Master’s by 51% Doctoral             current initiatives, and others are new
    by 175%                                         interventions. All aim to ensure research
   Increase number of postdoctoral fellows         excellence and impact.
    by 50%                                                                                           A: PROMOTING RESEARCH EXCELLENCE
   Increase percentage of permanent                Research strategy actions
    academic       staff    with     doctoral
                                                                                                        Senior Professors and Critical
    qualification by 5%                             1. Improve international research                    Scholars
   Increase value of third stream income              excellence, impact and visibility                Prestige Scholars’ Programme
    by 83%                                             by attracting, supporting and                    Researcher development
   Increase number of NRF rated                       developing excellent scholars.                    programme
    researchers by 18%                              The scholarly reputation of the UFS is
                                                                                                        Mid-career development
                                                    dependent on the best researchers and
                                                    sufficient resources. The former includes not        programme
                                                    only the professoriate but also postgraduate
                                                    students and post-doctoral fellows. The UFS
                                                                                                     B: ENSURING CONTINUITY AND
                                                    therefore strives to create a favourable and     SUSTAINABILITY
                                                    encouraging work environment in order to
                                                    attract and retain the best. This requires          Retention of retiring researchers
                                                    offering an internationally competitive             Research Fellows
                                                    research experience, and the University’s           Postdoctoral Fellows
                                                    policies and programmes for recruitment,            Postgraduate School
                                                    promotion and performance management
                                                    have to align with strategic priorities to

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A: Promoting research excellence
The following key interventions are aimed at        South African scholars. The programme                Discussion      groups      and      training
promoting research excellence:                      seeks to fast-track the scholarly careers of          workshops       to     develop      research
                                                    promising young staff members, who                    supervision       capacity      for       less
i)     Senior   Professors     and    Critical      represent the next generation professors, in          experienced research supervisors, and
                                                    the post-doctoral period of their careers.            an understanding of relevant UFS
This initiative aims to accelerate the              This is done through an advanced                      policies and procedures.
Academic      Project   by    the     judicious     mentorship and development programme;                Article-writing     retreats     for     staff
introduction of scholars of note into the           to this end international networks with               members to assist in increasing their
ranks     of   the    senior    professoriate.      leading universities and scholars are created         research productivity, as well as
Immediate and significant impact on                 and sustained for the benefit of these young          improving      the    quality     of    their
research, including the transformation of           scholars.                                             publications.
existing research cultures and practices, are
expected of these scholars. Emphasis is              iii)   Researcher development                  iv)     Mid-career development
                                                            programme                                       programme
placed on the significance and quality of
their research output, their ability to attract     The Researcher Development Programme,           Available data on the research productivity
major grants, the establishment of a                based    on   the    UK     Vitae    Research   of our staff show that a large complement
significant cohort of postgraduate students         Development     Framework,        has   been    of staff could contribute more significantly
and post-doctoral fellows, as well as the           implemented to promote staff excellence in      to the research profile of the University. The
cultivation of their established networks to        research. The programme is tailor-made to       mid-career development programme was
the benefit of the University. This initiative      develop the research skills of staff members    introduced in 2013 to address this. The
which will be expanded over the next five           and is evaluated and improved annually.         programme aims to stimulate, support and
years as developing research foci demand            The key features of the programme are:          develop research activity of an identified
invigoration or in response to change.                                                              cohort of ‘mid-career’ scholars. It provides
                                                       Workshops to develop knowledge and
 ii)    Prestige Scholars’ Programme                    skills in research methodology, research    mentorship, encouragement and support,
                                                        ethics, technology transfer and research    where necessary, for the attainment of the
The purpose of the Vice Chancellor’s                                                                doctoral degree and NRF rating.
Prestige Scholars’ Programme (PSP) is to
prepare a new generation of world-class

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B: Ensuring continuity and sustainability of staff excellence
                                                                                                        Our researchers are making a difference
Investment in staff excellence is a timeous         of senior academics. The senior research
and cost intensive exercise. To ensure the          fellows programme aims to retain highly                  through excellence and engagement,
long-term success of such an investment,            productive researchers at retirement age and              providing creative, evidence-based
providing for continuity in staff excellence is     hence retain invaluable institutional expertise
as important as investing in the development        for the production of subsidy-earning                    solutions where they are most needed
of staff excellence. Age distribution in the        publications, to ensure scholarly experience
UFS academic staff demographic is important         for supervision of post-graduate students,                                     Dr Glen Taylor
to consider in planning continuity, as the          and mentorship. Criteria for selection include
productive age of our researchers tends to          an exceptional research record and/or the         iii)     Increase in number of post-
lean towards the higher end of the age              possession of skills that are critical and                 doctoral fellowships
spectrum. While it is important to generate a       strategic to the University
new generation of academics to even out the                                                           It is well documented that post-doctoral
age distribution challenge, it is also of            ii)   Appointment of research fellows            research fellows are a significant contributor
significant importance to retain existing                                                             to research development and research output
                                                    The appointment of research fellows has
expertise.                                                                                            at universities; they strengthen existing
                                                    been identified as a mechanism to promote
                                                                                                      research groups around key scholars, as well
                                                    research development and increase research
The UFS will continue to implement the                                                                as introduce new ideas and new questions.
                                                    output in the next five years. It is also a
following     programmes,      projects, and
                                                    means of broadening the existing research         This has also been the experience at the UFS.
initiatives   to    ensure    continuity and
                                                    base and provides a more individualised           However, their potential is limited by the
sustainability in research excellence:
                                                    mechanism       for     formalising  research     availability of existing funds. In the next five
                                                    networks. This initiative, often tried but        years the University aims to leverage more
 i)   Retention of existing research staff
                                                    underutilised at the UFS, has been revisited.     funds to attract high quality students in a
                                                    Guidelines for appointing, managing and           fiercely competitive market.
The    “Intervention  to   Retain   Retiring        remunerating research fellows have been
Researchers” recognises that retirement age         developed and will be implemented shortly.        We aim to sustain a significant annual
is sometimes an artificial constraint that          This intervention will be reviewed and refined    increase in the number of postdoctoral
curbs the momentum of the research careers          annually over the next five years.

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fellows. In order to encourage and refine the       assisting staff to complete their doctoral      pool of excellent future researchers, from
quality of the post-doctoral cohort we aim to       qualifications through a research proposal      which it can potentially recruit.
recruit a significant international component.      development and mentoring programme. In
                                                    2014 we initiated an additional programme           v)    Undergraduate research skills
iv)   Postgraduate   School          research       that identifies the 30 top achieving honours
      development programme                                                                             In order to develop a rounded graduate and
                                                    and master’s degree students at the UFS,            to develop research skills of undergraduate
A   significant  challenge    for   research        offering them the opportunity to develop            students in preparation for post-graduate
development at the UFS lies in that only 45-        their academic identity and encourage them          studies we will encourage research skills
50% of its current staff members hold               to continue their studies at the University.        training and development in selected NQF
doctoral degrees. In order to address this,         Although the programme does not guarantee           Level 7 and 8 modules in undergraduate
the Postgraduate School implemented a               employment for selected participants at the         programmes.
research development programme aimed at             UFS, it does provide the institution with a

2. Develop research focus areas that will be recognised nationally and internationally for their research excellence

The UFS is strategically driven to generate         that meets the requirements of relevance,           Increase the number of Research
research that is relevant, both nationally and      the UFS is working towards the following:            Chairs
internationally, addressing goals of inter alia
                                                    i)   Increasing the number of Research              Identify and develop strategically
in the Millennium Development Goals, and
the challenges identified in the National
                                                         Chairs                                          important research areas
Development Plan (NDP).          In order to        In order to attract and/or retain world-class       Consolidate and build research on the
compete     for    funding   nationally    and      researchers in priority areas, the University        Qwaqwa Campus
internationally, it is critical to generate         aims to increase the number of externally           Encourage multi-disciplinary research
relevant research, which is read and cited          funded research chairs. As leaders in their
broadly and in turn assists in building a
                                                                                                        Produce high impact in-house
                                                    respective fields, holders of such Research
culture of research excellence that leads to        Chairs deepen the University’s knowledge             journals
the recognition of a research-intensive             and research capacity, bring in innovative
university. In order to generate research           ideas and solutions, and also provide our

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students with excellent education and               impact research areas, working across and          which could ultimately be developed into
research training experience. We aim to             between disciplines.                               Centres of Excellence. Development of the
increase the number of externally funded                                                               research focus areas will be done in
Research Chairs (currently four) through            These will be in carefully selected research       consultation   with    the   leadership and
proactive recruitment of high profile scholars,     priority areas where the University has            academics in the different Faculties.
and lobbying with, for example, SARChI,             existing strengths, or where leadership
SANRAL, UNESCO and other potential donor            wishes to develop particular strengths as part
organisations.                                      of the strategic positioning of the institution.      Universities are recognised by their
                                                    They are envisaged as key participants in
This will not only result in a substantial          innovation and commercialisation initiatives          research activity. Ultimately it is the
increase in additional funding, but also raise      and will provide a fertile environment for
                                                                                                         research activities and research profile
the profile of research at the UFS. The aim is      nurturing    and   innovating     around     the
to use each chair as a central research node        research-teaching nexus.                            that distinguishes us as a university from
to attract a critical mass of researchers in the
funded area. The resultant increase in              Research focus areas are considered to be            other types of institutions of learning.
                                                    essential building blocks for the Research
research output, in terms of both quantity                                                                 The reputation of the university is
and quality is predicted to enable the Chairs       Strategy. They will be outward-looking, with
to be self-funded by the time the funding           trans-,    multi-     and      interdisciplinary       largely dependent on our research
programmes expire.                                  partnerships and alliances investigating
                                                    unique opportunities in South Africa, Africa        activities and the impact of our findings.
ii)   Focusing on and identifying                   and internationally. These partnerships could
      strategically important research              be intra-university and inter-campus, as well                      Professor Corli Witthuhn
      areas                                         as with other universities, funding agencies,
In order to balance existing capability with        government and non-government agencies
potential and opportunities, while optimally        and the private sector.
using     scarce  resources   and   aligning
                                                    The identification and establishment of these
institutional competencies with the external
                                                    strategically important research areas implies
environment, the University will continue to
                                                    the realignment of resources, staffing and
develop its portfolio of flagship and high
                                                    infrastructure with the identified focus areas,

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iii)   Consolidating and building                   The Research Strategy has identified the ARU      strong groupings of research activity, which
       research capacity at the Qwaqwa              as   the    primary    focus   for   research     will bring together scholars, resources and
       Campus                                       development on the Qwaqwa Campus over             infrastructure.
The development of a research culture at the        the next five years, and application has been
                                                    made to the NRF for its inclusion within the      v)    Developing in-house journals for
Qwaqwa       Campus      requires    particular                                                             ISI/IBSS accreditation
interventions and capacity building to              NRF Flagship Programme.
overcome the challenges of historical legacy                                                          The UFS currently has a range of in-house
                                                    iv)   Encouraging multi-disciplinary              scholarly journals, of varying quality. The
of the campus. As part of the Research
                                                          research                                    University plans to identify the most suitable
Strategy the campus has therefore been
identified for special attention as part of all     Understanding the complex elements and            journals, which are aligned with its areas of
the above initiatives.                              challenges within nature and society requires     research excellence, and support them to
                                                    the    perspective   of    multiple  research     become high impact journals, ultimately with
Cognisant of limited human resources and in         disciplines.  Multi-disciplinarity  generates     ISI or IBSS accreditation.
order to fast-track research development, the       synergies and encourages new modes of
primary vehicle for this will be the                thinking, asking questions and finding
establishment of the Afromontane Research           solutions.                                        vi)     Increase    in        post-graduate
Unit (ARU). This particular area of study has
                                                                                                              student numbers
been identified as it is relevant, suitable and     Over the next five years, the UFS plans to
appropriate for the campus, building on its         cultivate a research culture that encourages,     We will grow the number of post-graduate
current and potential strengths and the             enables and supports its scholars to engage       students at the UFS by attracting students
strategic advantage offered by its location. In     in multi-disciplinary research. This will         from other institutions to join the UFS, as
addition    the     ARU     provides     unique     require recognising the different pace with       well as encouraging undergraduates to
opportunities for inter-and transdisciplinary       which    multi-disciplinary  research   often     continue their studies and creating a
scholarship.                                        progresses, and the need for more flexible        seamless pipeline of students from Honours
                                                    organisational structures, funding priorities     to Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
The Qwaqwa Campus will be the primary               and reward systems.
driver of the ARU, but collaboration with
researchers from the Bloemfontein Campus            Productive,    realistic     multi-disciplinary
will be encouraged and facilitated as part of       collaboration will be initiated and fostered
the Strategic Plan.                                 from the ground up by the development of

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3. Extend and sustain stronger local and global partnerships and networks                                  What do we know and celebrate about
                                                                                                       research partnerships? One, it takes hard work
An increasingly important dimension of the          of the research and scholarship          to   be
strategy will be our strategic collaborations       extended and deepened.                                   to establish and sustain productive
and partnerships - with fellow researchers
and with a wider community of research              We will consider the establishment of flexible      relationships. Two, it cannot happen without
funders and sponsors. This will build strong        part-time     affiliations  with    UFS     for
                                                    internationally excellent scholars with whom
                                                                                                        dedicated individuals on each side to want to
research networks and infrastructures with
the     capacity    to     present     strategic    collaboration already exists or is deemed           make the partnership work; reciprocity is key.
opportunities to improve the scale, quality         essential, who are located at excellent
                                                    universities abroad, as well as the creation of      Three, it often requires third-party funding
and impact of our scholarship, as well as
providing opportunities for additional and          pathways through which those universities’          through government agencies, foundations of
diversified funding sources, and increasing         students could transfer to UFS as their
the international footprint of the University.      research potential emerges.                          the private sector. Four, it works best with
                                                    The types of collaboration to be pursued,           productive outcomes planned in advance and
Existing international collaborations favour
institutions in Europe, the United Kingdom,                                                              delivered on time; such productivity in turn
the United States, and Canada. The strategy            Research collaboration where strengths
will continue to encourage and support                                                                 attracts further funding. Five, it builds enduring
                                                        are complementary
partnerships with colleagues in these                  Research collaboration where combined          relationships across cultures and geographies
countries. However, astute extension of                 expertise offers exceptional potential
networks to institutions in other strategically                                                        which, in the end, is why science and scholarship
                                                       Research     collaboration    with    local,
important regions such as in Africa, but also           regional,   national    and   international       are so important in the quest for decency,
with Brazil, Russia, India and China, will be           centres of excellence
encouraged, particularly because of the                Collaboration with commercial and non-                     humanity and civilization.
opportunities presented by BRICS.                       commercial     organisations    to   foster
As part of the Research Strategy, the UFS will          relevant     research      and     product                        Professor Jonathan Jansen
also   form    strategic  partnerships   with           development
commerce and industry to enable the impact             Collaboration with business and industry.

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 4. Provide a sustainable and supportive research environment with appropriate management, physical and financial

                                                                                                       Research related policies and
The    University   strives   to   create    an     reviewed and, where necessary, adapted or           governance structures
environment      that     supports     research     changed in order to ensure optimal support
excellence,    with    appropriate    financial,    and accountability.
                                                                                                       Information management
physical,   management       and    knowledge                                                          Financial accountability and
resources.                                          ii)   Information management                        sustainability
i)   Research related policies and
                                                    Higher education institutions and research         Research infrastructure
                                                    councils rely on accurate and reliable             Measuring research performance
     governance structures
                                                    research information to support strategic
Sound governance and management systems             planning, manage the research process and
                                                                                                        and impact
are critical to success in the development of a     improve reporting to external bodies such as       Research leave
research-intensive university.      Locally and     funders and government. Over the next five         Centre for Statistical Consultation
globally the higher education landscape is          years this will be addressed through:              Incentivising research activities
changing, offering particular opportunities
                                                       RIMS                                           Communicating our research
and challenges to research management. In
                                                    RIMS is the primary research information
order to ensure that research is the fibre at
                                                    management tool at the UFS; three modules       The RIMS Compliance Module enables
the core of the business of the University, its
                                                    have been or are being implemented. The         scholars to create, submit and track
management and governance systems must
                                                    aim is to integrate all current systems,        proposals for ethical clearance. All ethics
be brought in line with this changing
                                                    including administrative systems, such as       applications will in future be managed
environment. Responsiveness and agility are
                                                    Human Resources and the Student System,         electronically through RIMS and, once fully
enabled by a set of policies, systems and
                                                    both of which are now in place. The UFS         operational, the application and meeting
structures aligned to promote and support
                                                    Financial System and non-administrative         process will save time and human resources.
the strategic priorities.
                                                    systems such as D-Space, will be integrated
In light of this, the strategy for the next five    at a later stage. In future, system-to-system   The RIMS Research Outputs Module captures
years demands that all research related             submission of funding proposals will also be    research outputs; this information is used to
policies and governance structures be               submitted through RIMS.

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quantify    research    performance,    justify     University as it leads to extended strain on      The implementation of the student tracking
funding, promote university accomplishments         supervisors and loss of subsidy. It also          system will be a significant step forward in
and build publication repositories. An e-form       impacts the research output of postgraduate       the University’s ability to monitor supervisor
is being developed for postgraduate students        students. Tracking of postgraduate students’      load, the success of an individual supervisor’s
to submit their final dissertations and theses      progress as integral to the management of         students,    and     the    performance      of
electronically. Eventually, the system will also    student    throughput     rates   and    the      departments.
integrate with systems such as D-Space,             determination of supervision capacity, and
which services a specific need as a digital         ultimately   to   expand    the  University’s         Research inventory
archives system.                                    postgraduate student cohort.                      A key element of the strategy is the further
                                                                                                      development of a searchable up-to-date
The RIMS Technology Transfer Module is              The MS Dynamics Candidate Research                database to record the institution’s research
operational and scholars are able to create         Management programme facilitates a range          activities. This resource will allow for
and submit an invention, patent or research         of applications that track a student’s progress   improved management of research, facilitate
agreement to the Research Office through            from first application to graduation. It          collaboration, and represent a resource for
RIMS for approval.                                  generates information on an individual            external stakeholders (such as potential
                                                    student’s progress through various stages of      academic collaborators and funding agencies)
The system poses some challenges in terms           study, including proposal approval, title         wishing to gain an insight into the extent of
of configuring modules to suit the needs of         registration, ethics approval and notice of       UFS scholarship in a particular research area.
the University. An effective electronic             submission. It also generates automatic
business process for every module will be           notices to students and supervisors in the            Open Access Policy
implemented to ensure that business                                                                   The UFS Library and Information Service
                                                    case of failure to meet deadlines.
processes are replicated on the system.                                                               (LIS) champions the future improved visibility
Continuous      development,  training and          The UFS Postgraduate School will use              and discoverability of all UFS scholarly
improvement processes will be provided for          information generated by the system to            output. Scholarship is not fully realised until
different role players.                             identify students at risk of not completing       these results have been communicated; the
                                                    their dissertations/theses within the time        Open Access Policy was approved to facilitate
   Postgraduate candidate management               limit. This will allow for the timely             this. The policy serves to pave the way to
The low throughput rate of postgraduate                                                               officially embed the LIS in the research
                                                    implementation     of    specific, targeted
students poses a significant challenge to the                                                         process.

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Open Access is a fundamental constituent to         strategy to enable research activity at the        and understanding of research performance,
scientific productivity, results in rapid           highest level. This includes regular scrutiny of   impact and uptake contributes to the
publication with the potential to accelerate        the model to ensure that financial hurdles to      continuous improvement of our research.
the translation of ideas into innovative new        improved scholarship are minimised, or that
services and products. LIS recognises               unintended behaviours that are prejudicial to      This means that increasingly the allocation of
scholarly publications as an important asset        research activity are eliminated.                  resources must be supported by better and
of the University and seeks to ensure that                                                             more meaningful data to promote informed
they are managed effectively and efficiently        iv)    Research infrastructure                     decision-making.     Furthermore,     funding
for the benefit of the academic community at                                                           agencies increasingly expect robust reporting
                                                    For the success of the Research Strategy in
large                                                                                                  on the impact of the work they sponsor.
                                                    the next five years, it is essential that the
iii)   Financial     accountability      and        management of capabilities and planning of         The Directorate for Research Development
       sustainability                               investments are improved.                          will   be   tasked     to   undertake     such
                                                                                                       measurement activities. Flexible systems are
The UFS currently derives its research              Research excellence demands appropriate
                                                                                                       required to capture information on research
funding from a variety, but limited number of       equipment and infrastructure; this includes
                                                                                                       and research training, particularly where they
sources. In order to grow the research              skilled professionals to manage and support
                                                                                                       occur across faculty boundaries.
endeavour it is essential to further diversify      the research infrastructure.
the funding base. This will entail developing                                                          Impact is the demonstrable contribution that
                                                    As a starting point, a strategy for the
strategic partnerships with business and                                                               scholarship makes to society and the
                                                    management of research equipment will be
industry, and exploring opportunities for                                                              economy. This can be: Advancement of
                                                    implemented. Innovative ways of accessing
international funding.                                                                                 knowledge; application of research outputs;
                                                    and/or obtaining large, cutting edge items of
                                                                                                       legislation and policy; economic benefits; or
Requirements for financial accountability are       research equipment will be investigated and
                                                                                                       community benefits.
becoming increasingly stringent and complex         developed.
as funding sources diversify and the pool of                                                           A framework for measuring and reporting on
                                                    v)    Measuring research performance
competitors for funding increases. Even more                                                           impact and uptake will be developed, to be
                                                          and impact
than in the past, it has become imperative                                                             included in the planned policy on knowledge
that financial and budgeting systems are            Measuring and describing the impact and            exchange.
optimally utilised and transparent. The             uptake of academic scholarship is becoming
budget model has to synchronise with the            increasingly important. Careful measurement

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vii)   Research leave                               the number and quality of research outputs         As in the past, UFS scholars will be expected
                                                    and NRF ratings will be reviewed annually. A       to promote research at all levels, including
The University recognises the importance of         process of benchmarking incentives provided        through public debates, external peer
sabbatical and research leave as being              to researchers to align our guidelines with        reviews, editorial appointments, committee
essential to intellectual and academic cycles       that of other universities will also be            membership, etc.
of work, periods of sustained research              implemented. The annual UFS Book Prize
engagement, prolonged exposure to new               was instated to reward and encourage               In order to ensure the relevance of its
ideas and environments, and publications.           outstanding scholarly book contributions by        research endeavours, we will continue our
Research leave is essential not only for the        UFS staff.                                         commitment to public engagement, in order
individual scholar, but for the institution as a                                                       to better understand public concerns and
whole. A new leave policy to address                x)    Communicating our research                   attitudes, to inform public opinion and to
research leave for academic and support staff                                                          address the barriers to adapting individual,
                                                    Communicating       publicly   the     research
will be introduced as part of this research                                                            organisational    and   mass      behaviour.
                                                    successes, strengths and achievements of the
strategy.                                           University is important to building its national
                                                    and international image. Currently there is no
viii) Centre for Statistical Consultation           strategy in place to encourage the optimal            Research for the common good is not
The Centre for Statistical Consultation             communication of relevant research in public
provides a free service to scholars and             forums. Such a strategy should ensure that          some mindless utilitarianism that reduces
                                                    information about scholarship at the UFS that
postgraduate students to improve the                                                                    all research to toolboxes, instruments and
statistical quality of their research data for      could be used for public dissemination is
publication. This service will be continued and     collected once, and then synthesised and              methods. Our research remains richly
strengthened during the next five years.            packaged in as many different contexts as
                                                                                                        theoretical and intellectually imaginative.
ix)    Incentivising research activities
                                                    Utilisation of the World Wide Web, social                       Professor Jonathan Jansen
Incentivising research (through various             media and other forms of online information
methods)     has   proven    an    important        to showcase discoveries, individual scholars
motivational element to promote a culture of        and affiliated scholars have to be optimised.
research excellence. The current system that
motivates scholars with incentives based on

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5. Convert innovative research into viable commercialisation

A growing number of governments of industrial and developing               result of its various activities in a manner that furthers is mission and
economies seek to use universities as instruments for knowledge-based      benefits the wider community.
economic development and change. The South African government has
implemented a number of programmes in support of this strategy; as a
result contract income remains the largest part of the third-stream        Commercialisation            Protection,           Exploitation of IP      Third-stream
income at South African universities. This is one important reason why      and innovation            exploitation and        through spin-out      income: Value-
                                                                                                     commercialisation           companies            added during
many universities give priority to objectives such as company creation,                                     of IP                                  commercialisation
creating an entrepreneurial culture and attracting venture capital.

The goal of the UFS research commercialisation strategy is to take the                               Commercialisation
University’s expertise, innovations and inventions to national, regional                                strategy

and global markets for the advancement of the University, its staff and
its students, and for the economic and social welfare of the country.
Other imperatives include helping to recruit and retain top scholars and
postgraduate students; fostering ties with the private sector and
investors, gaining a better understanding of market requirements, spin-
out companies and placement of students; and generating third-stream                  Licensing of                       Creation of spin-
income. Innovation and commercialisation are imperative if the UFS is                 intellectual                        out companies
to stay abreast of national and international trends.

Innovative research can only be commercialised if the protection of
intellectual property (IP) is based on these premises. The UFS, as a
major public institution, has a responsibility to manage IP created as a               Figure 1: UFS Research Commercialisation Structure

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The    commercialisation      strategy        will   Often the lack of appropriate administrative
predominantly follow one of two routes:              and policy support are obstacles in fostering
                                                     a culture of research and innovation.
    (i) Licensing intellectual property, or                                                          As universities have evolved over the
                                                     However, the main challenge remains
    (ii) Creation of a spin-out company.             developing an appropriate system and            last decade, they have realised that in
However, the commercialisation process is            structure    that   best    stimulates     an
                                                     environment     for   enhancing    research,      order to be a world class or elite
not    limited to  them,    and   specific
requirements   may   lead    to  different           innovation and entrepreneurship.                university, it is not business as usual.
strategies.                                          In order to develop and support a culture of    This is true of the University of the
The full potential of the innovation process is      research      and    innovation,   addressing
                                                     constraints    and    developing  appropriate            Free State as well.
often not embraced by academics at South
African universities as they are uncertain           systems and structures associated with a
whether to pursue increased publication              technology transfer office at the UFS is a                             Dr Glen Taylor
outputs for career progression, or to think of       priority of the 2015-2019 Research Strategy.
the innovation and commercialisation process
as concomitant to their research activity.

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Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Tracking progress and monitoring each               A clear implementation plan will be developed
programme,      project   and     intervention      with a detailed monitoring framework to            One of the most powerful “turns” in
identified in the Research Strategy is              measure progress against strategy. In
essential and at the heart of evidence-based        particular,  the    intention   is  to   align
                                                                                                      social and scientific research in recent
programme design, and accountability. M&E           performance measures with the strategic           times has been a concern with research
is essential to measure progress and impact         aims outlined in this strategy.
and demonstrate effective implementation of                                                            that makes a difference. Whether it is
strategy, or, indeed, whether the strategy is       Faculties, departments, centres and institutes
                                                    will be required to develop their own research       evidence-based policy-making or
effective. Going forward, this is essential for
improving the Research Strategy.                    strategies and implementation plans aligned         practitioner-led research or public
                                                    with the University Research Strategy.
A detailed M&E plan will be developed in                                                              interest research or impact evaluations,
consultation with key stakeholders, and is          As well as more detailed performance
                                                    measures, a set of broad institutional           there is a determined push for research to
necessary for, inter alia:
                                                    indicators to gauge overall progress and          speak to the most compelling problems
   Evidence of outputs and outcomes;               achievement have been identified. These will
   Enabling progress monitoring against            operate as a ‘dashboard’ to monitor progress.             facing the planet today.
    KPAs, milestones and targets; and
   Informing funding requirements.                                                                               Professor Jonathan Jansen
The plan, while setting KPAs and targets, will
be flexible and organic, and will continually
serve to redefine, revise and improve
priorities and targets.

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                    MEASURES OF SUCCESS                                                  KEY TARGETS

    Increase the number of research leaders and               By 2019:
     sustainable critical mass in research in targeted
                                                                  We will have improved our national ranking
                                                                  We will be recognised as a research-intensive university
    Increase our research income by 50%
                                                                  Our resources will be aligned with our research strategy
    Establish focus areas in each faculty
                                                                  Our multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral research and
    Double the number of Postdoctoral Fellows
                                                                   innovation in our focus areas will be recognised for their
    Increase the number of doctoral degree graduates
                                                                   relevance and impact
     by 40%
                                                                  Our partnerships with external organisations will be
    Increase the number of master’s degree
                                                                   generating joint initiatives and enhancing research and
     graduates by 50%
                                                                   enlarging our research capabilities
    Increase the percentage of academic staff with a
                                                                  Superior governance, budget and support systems, and
     doctoral degree to 50%
                                                                   research infrastructure will be helping to drive research of
    Double research output in terms of publications
                                                                   excellence and impact, and minimising impediments to
    Increase the number of rated researchers by
                                                                   research excellence
                                                                  Researchers graduating from the UFS will be well-rounded,
    Establish 2 spin-out companies
                                                                   prepared for diverse careers, and in demand globally
    Increase the volume and value of collaborative
                                                                  Internationally recognised for successfully commercialising
                                                                   our research outputs

University of the Free State Research Strategy (2015 – 2019)                 DRAFT
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