UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology Conference - 47th Annual UCLA Department of Urology

Page created by Leslie Alexander
UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology Conference - 47th Annual UCLA Department of Urology
UCLA Department of Urology


47th Annual

                   Friday- Sunday
                   March 4-6, 2022

                    The Ritz-Carlton
           Marina del Rey, California
UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology Conference - 47th Annual UCLA Department of Urology
UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology
This course explores the most challenging management problems facing the practicing urologist.
Distinguished faculty present current information and techniques in urologic oncology (prostate, bladder,
kidney), male and female voiding dysfunction, incontinence, urinary tract infections, BPH surgical therapies,
neurogenic bladder, mini-perc for kidney stones, kidney stone prevention, disposable scopes, androgen
deficiency, prevention and management of penile prosthesis complications, prostate cancer focal and
radiation therapy, perineal prostate biopsy, active surveillance, genetic testing, advanced prostate cancer
therapy, robotic surgery, BCG refractory bladder cancer, upper tract TCCA, renal tumors, pediatric urology,
practice management, GU dermatology, and trauma. The conference emphasizes interaction between
participants and faculty and allows ample time for case presentations and group discussions, ensuring an
outstanding educational experience for attendees.
At the completion of this program, participants should be better able to:
• Utilize perineal biopsy for prostate cancer                            •   Manage male and female voiding dysfunction
  diagnosis and active surveillance                                      •   Utilize urethral bulking agents for incontinence
• Utilize molecular markers for personalizing                            •   Apply the new guidelines for neurogenic bladder
  prostate cancer care                                                   •   Utilize mini-perc and ESWL for kidney stones
• Counsel patients on focal therapy for prostate                         •   Prevent kidney stones
  cancer                                                                 •   Utilize disposable scopes in urology
• Utilize PSMA imaging for managing patients with                        •   Manage testosterone deficiency
  prostate cancer                                                        •   Prevent and treat penile prosthesis complications
• Improve quality of life in men on androgen                             •   Understand the therapies for advanced prostate
  deprivation therapy                                                        cancer and genetic testing
• Manage bladder cancer refractory to BCG                                •   Manage recurrent UTI’s in women
• Manage patients with upper tract urothelial                            •   Manage common pediatric urology problems
  cancer                                                                 •   Manage dermatology problems in urology
• Manage the small renal mass                                            •   Apply new GU trauma guidelines
• Manage GU implications of menopause and                                •   Determine the optimal surgical therapy for
  hormone replacement therapy                                                patients with BPH
A few days before the meeting you will be emailed a link and a password to download the individual
speaker handouts.


Guest Faculty                                   Course Chair                                UCLA Faculty*
Laurence Klotz, CM, MD, FRCSC                   William J. Aronson, MD                      Albert J. Chang, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto                                                 Associate Professor
Sunnybrook Chair of Prostate Cancer Research    Course Co-Chairs                            Director of Brachytherapy and Vice Chair of
Member, Order of Canada                         Craig Canfield, MD                          Surgical Services
Division of Urology                                                                         Departments of Radiation Oncology and Urology
                                                Karim Chamie, MD, MSHS
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre                                                           Jeremy Davis, MD, MS
Toronto, Ontario                                Department of Urology Faculty*              Assistant Clinical Professor
Lori B. Lerner, MD                              Mark S. Litwin, MD, MPH                     Division of Dermatology
Associate Professor of Urology                  Professor and Chair                         Alexandra Drakaki, MD, PhD
Boston University School of Medicine            Department of Urology                       Assistant Professor of Medicine and Urology
Chief, Section of Urology                       Professor of Health Policy and Management   Director - Genitourinary Medical Oncology
Deputy Chief, Surgical Service                  School of Public Health                     Program
VA Boston Healthcare System                                                                 Co-Director of Research, GU Trials Program
Boston, Massachusetts                           A. Lenore Ackerman, MD, PhD
                                                                                            Division of Hematology/Oncology and Institute of
James McKiernan, MD                             William J. Aronson, MD                      Urologic Oncology
John K. Lattimer Professor of Urology           Z. Chad Baxter, MD
                                                                                            Amar U. Kishan, MD
Chairman, Department of Urology                 Karim Chamie, MD, MSHS                      Associate Professor
New York, New York                              Arnold I. Chin, MD, PhD                     Chief of Genitourinary Oncology Service
Manoj Monga, MD, FACS, FRCS                     Matthew Dunn, MD                            Vice Chair of Clinical and Translational Research
Professor and Chair                             Sriram Eleswarapu, MD, PhD                  Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Urology                           Kiran Gollapudi, MD                         Sandy T. Liu, MD
University of California San Diego                                                          Assistant Professor
San Diego, California                           Ja-Hong Kim, MD
                                                                                            Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department
                                                Steven E. Lerman, MD
Mark N. Painter, BA, CPMA                                                                   of Medicine
CEO                                             Leonard S. Marks, MD                        Institute of Urologic Oncology, Department of
PRS Managed Services, LLC                       Jesse N. Mills, MD                          Urology
Denver, Colorado                                Victor W. Nitti, MD                         Matthew Rettig, MD
Ranjith Ramasamy, MD                            Allan J. Pantuck, MD, MS                    Professor of Medicine and Urology
Director of Reproductive Urology                Jacob Rajfer, MD                            Medical Director, Prostate Cancer Program
Associate Professor                             Robert E. Reiter, MD, MBA                   Institute of Urologic Oncology
University of Miami                                                                         Associate Director, Hematology-Oncology
                                                Christopher S. Saigal, MD, MPH
Miami, Florida                                                                              Fellowship Program
                                                Kymora Scotland, MD, PhD                    Chief, Division of Hematology-Oncology
Nirit Rosenblum, MD
                                                Joseph D. Shirk, MD                         VA Greater Los Angeles – West Los Angeles
Associate Professor of Urology and Obstetrics
and Gynecology                                  Brian Shuch, MD
                                                                                            *David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Division of FPMRS                               Jennifer S. Singer, MD
Department of Urology                           Renea Sturm, MD
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York, New York
UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology Conference - 47th Annual UCLA Department of Urology
G E N E R A L                  I N F O R M A T I O N

Enrollment Fees                                                  Accommodations
(Fees include course registration and materials, daily           A block of rooms has been reserved at the Ritz-Carlton for
continental breakfasts and breaks, Friday evening                conference participants at a special conference rate of
reception, and Friday and Saturday luncheons.)                   $324 plus tax per night for single/double occupancy. One
$550.00      Physicians                                          night’s deposit is required to guarantee late arrival (after
$350.00 	David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA                5pm). Confirmation of reservations received after February
             Faculty*                                            17, 2022 is subject to availability.
$275.00      Non-Physician, Healthcare Professionals             For reservations call 310-823-1700 or 800-241-3333.
$110.00 	Residents (accompanied by a confirmatory               Be sure to mention UCLA’s State-of-the-Art Urology
             letter of status from department chief or           Conference when calling in your reservations.
             training director)                                  Valet Parking
*Please indicate faculty appointment title and campus on         Daytime: $20
registration form.                                               Overnight: $30
Refunds                                                          Accreditation
Cancellations must be received in writing by January 31,         The Office of Continuing Medical Education, David
2022, and will be subject to a $75 processing fee. No            Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is accredited by the
refunds will be given after that date. If, for any reason, the   Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to
course must be canceled, discontinued, or rescheduled by         provide continuing medical education for physicians.
the Office of Continuing Medical Education, a full refund
                                                                 The Office of Continuing Medical Education, David Geffen
will be provided.
                                                                 School of Medicine at UCLA designates this live activity
If the in-person gathering is canceled or capacity limits        for a maximum of 21.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
are modified per CDC or public health guidelines, the            Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate
conference will be modified accordingly.                         with the extent of their participation in the activity.
                                                                 The California State Board of Registered Nursing accepts
COVID Protocols & Policies
                                                                 courses approved by the AMA for category 1 credit
At the present time, UCLA policy mandates that all               as meeting the continuing education requirements for
in-person participants for any UCLA meeting on and off           license renewal. Nurses from states other than California
campus comply with the following to attend the event:            should inquire with their local State Board for specific
• Proof of vaccination OR proof of a negative COVID-19           continuing education policies.
   test within 72 hours of beginning of the event
                                                                 American Society of Radiologic Technologists Credit
• Wear masks at all times, except when actively eating
                                                                 Category A/A+ CE credit is pending approval by the ASRT.
   or drinking, regardless of vaccination status
The following are acceptable as proof of negative
COVID-19 test result from a PCR or antigen test:                 The FDA has issued a concept paper that classifies
                                                                 the commercial support of scientific and educational
a) A printed document from the test provider or
                                                                 programs as promotional unless it can be affirmed
    laboratory, OR
                                                                 that the program is “truly independent” and free of
b) An electronic test result displayed on a phone or other      commercial influence. Along with independence, the FDA
    device from the test provider or laboratory which            requires that non-promotional, commercially supported
    should include person’s name, type of test performed,        education be objective, balanced, and scientifically
    and negative test result                                     rigorous. The policy further states that all potential
Participants who are not compliant with the UCLA COVID           conflicts of interest of the CME staff and faculty be fully
policy will not be permitted to attend the event in-person.      disclosed to the program’s participants. In addition,
We will provide additional details regarding the process         Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
for submitting proof of vaccination or negative test result,     policy mandates that the sponsor adequately manage
in advance or onsite, prior to the course.                       all identified potential conflicts of interest prior to the
                                                                 program. We at UCLA fully endorse the letter and spirit of
Location                                                         these concepts.
The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey                                 The Department of Urology is a California Board of
4375 Admiralty Way                                               Nursing approved provider (#8888).
Marina del Rey, California 90292
310-823-1700 or 800-241-3333
310-823-2404 facsimile

             Please visit our websites: www.uclaurology.com and www.cme.ucla.edu
                    Follow us on social media: #UCLAUrology and #UCLASOTA
F R I D A Y ,      M A R C H      4 ,   2 0 2 2

M O RN ING                                     AFTE RN OON
         R                                     Urolithiasis/Endourology
  7:55   Introductions and Announcements       Moderator: Matthew Dunn, MD
         William J. Aronson, MD                  1:00     hock Wave Lithotripsy – The Beat
                                                         Goes On
Male and Female Voiding Dysfunction,
Reconstruction, Estrogen Replacement
                                                         Manoj Monga, MD, FACS, FRCS
Therapy                                          1:15    T he Mini-Perc – Indications and
Moderator: Victor W. Nitti, MD                            Matthew Dunn, MD
  8:00    ecurrent UTI’s: Evaluation and
         R                                       1:30    How to Prevent a Kidney Stone
         Management of a Common Problem                  Manoj Monga, MD, FACS, FRCS
         Nirit Rosenblum, MD
                                                 1:45     ideo – Ureteroscopy for an
  8:15    rethral Bulking for Female SUI –
         U                                               Impacted Stone – Tips and Tricks
         State of the Art 2022                           Manoj Monga, MD, FACS, FRCS
         Victor W. Nitti, MD
                                                 2:00     anel Discussion – Audience
  8:30    U implications of Menopause and
         G                                               Questions – Case Presentations
         Hormone Replacement Therapy
         Nirit Rosenblum, MD
                                                Including Use of Disposable Scopes
                                                Moderator: Dr. Matthew Dunn
  8:45    lassifying Patients with Pelvic
         C                                      Panel: Drs. Monga and Scotland
         Pain to Guide Treatment Decisions
         A. Lenore Ackerman, MD, PhD             3:00    BREAK/EXHIBITS
  8:55    anel Discussion: Common
         P                                     Men’s Health – Testosterone Deficiency,
         Problems in Female Pelvic             Complex Penile Prosthesis
                                               Moderator: Jesse N. Mills, MD

 Audience Questions – Case
  Presentations                                  3:20    T estosterone Deficiency and
  Moderator: Dr. Victor W. Nitti                          Treatment
  Panel: Drs. Ackerman, Baxter, Kim,                      Ranjith Ramasamy, MD
  and Rosenblum
                                                 3:40    E ndocrine Disruptors and Sexual
  9:50   BREAK/EXHIBITS                                   Health: What Urologists Should
 10:10    ptimizing BPH Surgical Therapy in
                                                          Sriram Eleswarapu, MD, PhD
         2022 – Morphology Matters
         Lori B. Lerner, MD                      3:55     enile Prosthesis – A Step by Step
 10:40    eurogenic Lower Urinary Tract
                                                Prevention of Complications
         Applying the New Guidelines            Ranjith Ramasamy, MD
         Victor W. Nitti, MD
                                                 4:15     alvaging Penile Prosthesis
 11:00    anel Discussion: Common
         P                                               Complications
         Problems in Male Voiding                        Jesse N. Mills, MD
         Audience Questions – Case               4:35     anel Discussion – Audience
         Presentations                                   Questions – Case Presentations
         Moderator: Dr. Victor W. Nitti                  Moderator: Dr. Jesse N. Mills
         Panel: Drs. Baxter, Kim, and Lerner             Panel: Drs. Eleswarapu, Rajfer, and
 12:00   LUNCH
                                                 5:45    ADJOURN/RECEPTION
S A T U R D A Y ,           M A R C H    5 ,    2 0 2 2

M ORN IN G                                           AFTERN OON
   6:30     BREAKFAST/EXHIBITS                       Bladder Cancer
V I D E O   S E S S I O N
                                                     Moderator: Mark S. Litwin, MD, MPH
   7:00     T ransitioning From Multiport to          1:00   T reatment of Non-Muscle Invasive
             Single Port Robotic Surgery                       Bladder Cancer in the Modern Era

 Focus on Retroperitoneal Radical                             James McKiernan, MD
  Prostatectomy                                        1:20    dvances in Upper Tract Urothelial
  Arnold I. Chin, MD, PhD                                     Cancer
   7:30      obotic Radical Prostatectomy –
            R                                                 Karim Chamie, MD, MSHS
            Maximizing Continence, Potency,            1:40    CG Unresponsive Bladder Cancer:
            Negative Margins                                  Where Are We Now and Where Are
            Robert E. Reiter, MD, MBA                         We Going
                                                              James McKiernan, MD
Prostate Cancer
                                                       2:00    anel Discussion and Case
Moderator: Mark S. Litwin, MD, MPH                            Presentations
   8:00      tate of the Art - Imaging and
            S                                                 Moderator: Dr. Mark S. Litwin
            Biomarkers for Diagnosis and                      Panel: Drs. Chamie, Chang, Chin,
            Active Surveillance                               Drakaki, and McKiernan

		          erineal Biopsy, Micro-Ultrasound,
            P                                          2:50   BREAK/EXHIBITS
            Liquid Biopsies, and More
            Laurence Klotz, CM, MD, FRCSC            Kidney Cancer

   8:30      adiotherapy for Primary Treatment
            R                                        Moderator: Brian Shuch, MD
            and Biochemical Recurrence in
                                                       3:10   Improving Risk Stratification of the
                                                               Renal Mass in Urologic Practice
            Amar U. Kishan, MD
                                                               Brian Shuch, MD
   8:45     Focal Therapy – Uses and Misuses
                                                       3:25    ideo – Improving Partial
            Laurence Klotz, CM, MD, FRCSC                     Nephrectomy with 3-D Imaging
   9:05      anel Discussion – Audience
            P                                                 Guidance
            Questions – Case Presentations                    Joseph D. Shirk, MD
            Moderator: Dr. Mark S. Litwin              3:45    djuvant Therapy – A Paradigm
            Panel: Drs. Kishan, Klotz, Marks,                 Shift for Urological Management
            and Reiter                                        Brian Shuch, MD
 10:00      BREAK/EXHIBITS                             3:55    anel Discussion and Case
 10:20      Improving Survival and Quality of                Presentations
             Life in Men on ADT                               Moderator: Dr. Brian Shuch
             Laurence Klotz, CM, MD, FRCSC                    Panel: Drs. Chamie, Liu, Pantuck,
                                                              and Shirk
 10:40       etastasis Directed Therapy in the
            Era of PSMA Imaging                        5:00   ADJOURN
            Robert E. Reiter, MD, MBA
 10:55      T herapy for Advanced Prostate
             Cancer in 2022

 What the Urologist Needs to Know
 Matthew Rettig, MD
 11:10       anel Discussion – Audience
            Questions – Case Presentations
            Moderator: Dr. Mark S. Litwin
            Panel: Drs. Kishan, Klotz, Marks,
            Rettig, and Reiter
 12:00      LUNCH
S U N D A Y ,   M A R C H     6 ,   2 0 2 2

M ORN IN G                                         GU Dermatology and Trauma
                                                   Moderator: William J. Aronson, MD
V I D E O     S E S S I O N
                                                     10:20   GU Dermatology – Practical Aspects
    7:00     Endourology Tips and Tricks                    Jeremy Davis, MD, MS
             The Mini-Perc, and More                 10:45    enitourinary Trauma – The Latest
             Matthew Dunn, MD                                Guidelines
                                                             Kiran Gollapudi, MD
Practice Management
                                                   Pediatric Urology
Moderator: Christopher S. Saigal, MD, MPH
    8:00     Practice Management                   Moderator: Steven E. Lerman, MD

 • Medicare and E/M Update 2022                     11:10   What’s New in Pediatric Urology
                                                             Steven E. Lerman, MD, Jennifer S.

 • Appropriate Use of Telehealth in                         Singer, MD, and Renea Sturm, MD
                                                     11:40    ediatric Urology Panel Discussion

 • Modifiers and Documentation -                            and Case Presentations
    Scenario Based Coding Session                            Moderator: Dr. Steven E. Lerman
 Mark N. Painter, BA, CPMA                                   Panel: Drs. Singer and Sturm
  10:00      BREAK/EXHIBITS                          12:30   ADJOURN

View from the Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey
Enrollment                                                             By FAX
                                                                       Send the completed enrollment form with charge card
Online                                                                 information and authorizing signature to the Office of
Use your American Express, MasterCard, Visa, or                        Continuing Medical Education at 310-794-2624.
Discover card.
www.cme.ucla.edu/courses                                               ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED.
Click on “UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology.”                              EARLY ENROLLMENT IS ADVISED.
By Mail                                                                For additional information, contact the Office of Continuing
Use the attached form. For additional applications, use                Medical Education, David Geffen School of Medicine at
a photocopy or separate sheet giving all information                   UCLA, Urology Conference, 10920 Wilshire Boulevard,
requested on the form.                                                 Suite 1060, Los Angeles, CA 90024-6512; 310-794-2620;
By Phone                                                               E-Mail address: uclacme@mednet.ucla.edu.
Use American Express, MasterCard, Visa, or Discover.
Call 310-794-2620.

                                                  R EGI S TR ATI ON F ORM
Winter 2022

    			Fee                                                               General Session Fee
                                                                          $550.00 Physicians
    UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology M212-24 $
                                                                          $350.00	David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
		                                     Total		          $                          Faculty
                                                                          $275.00 Non-Physicians, Healthcare Professionals
                                                                          $110.00	Residents (accompanied by a confirmatory
Please Print                                                                       letter of status from department chief or
                                                                                   training director)

Social Security Number (last four digits only)

Name (First/Middle/Last)                                                                   Degree (MD, PhD, RN, NP, etc.)

Preferred Mailing Address


Area Code/Daytime Phone                                                                    Fax

E-mail address (REQUIRED)

Field of Practice

If UCLA faculty, indicate:______________________________________________                      ____________________________
                                                 Faculty Appointment Title                                   Campus

Some of the exhibitors would like to get in touch with course attendees following the meeting. May we share your name
and email address with the exhibitors?

q Y es q N

q Check enclosed payable to: The Regents of the University of California
Charge: q American Express q MasterCard q Visa q Discover

__________________________ – __________________________ – __________________________ – �����������
Card Number

Authorizing Signature                                                                                                 Expiration Date

Mail to: Office of Continuing Medical Education, Urology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA,
         10920 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1060, Los Angeles, CA 90024-6512.
Fax to: 310-794-2624
UCLA Office of Continuing Medical Education
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA   MC29
405 Hilgard Avenue
Box 956938
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6938

UCLA Department of Urology

UCLA State-of-the-Art Urology

March 4-6, 2022

The Ritz-Carlton
Marina del Rey, California
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