U.S. Bicycle Route 20 Project Overview - BidNet

Page created by Linda Shelton
MnDOT Contract #1046507
                                                                                                          Exhibit A
                                                                                                RFP Scope of work

U.S. Bicycle Route 20 Project Overview
Minnesota is committed to expanding its network of state and United States Bicycle Routes (USBRs), as guided
by Minnesota’s Statewide Bicycle System Plan. This project will plan, implement, and designate USBR 20. USBR
20 will run on a concurrent route with USBR 45 from the Wisconsin border to St. Cloud, pass through Sauk
Centre, Alexandria, and Fergus Falls, and end at the Minnesota/North Dakota border in Moorhead, which will be
the connection point for the route to continue through North Dakota. The route will travel on existing local and
state roads and bicycle facilities.

There are two existing U.S. Bicycle Routes in Minnesota. USBR 45 was designated in 2013, and USBR 41 was
designated in 2017. There have been significant infrastructure changes and improvements since the
establishment of these two routes, including the construction of new trails. This project will assess current
conditions, determine route changes, update route maps and directions, and prepare to submit changes to

Work will include:

    a.   Bikeway route evaluation and planning;
    b.   Public outreach;
    c.   Mapping;
    d.   Managing and transferring data;
    e.   Preparing the application to designate USBR 20;
    f.   Updating existing U.S. Bicycle Routes, producing new maps, and creating a USBR signage plan

Work may include coordination within 6 MnDOT districts (the Metro District/ Twin Cities; District 1/Duluth,
District 2/Bemidji, District 3/Baxter, District 4/Detroit Lakes; and District 6/Rochester); with various agencies;
local municipalities (townships, cities, counties, tribes); and others interested in bicycling/bicycle routes. State
strives to complete task work to submit the USBR 20 application and updates to USBR 41 and USBR 45 by the
spring 2022 application cycle.

Successful responder will assist with public engagement, including public meetings (in-person and/or virtual) and
electronic outreach (surveys and map comments), with the goal or reaching a broad and diverse audience.
Successful responder will assist in developing materials and tactics to gain useful planning information and to
promote and build support for USBR 20. Minnesota’s Statewide Bicycle System Plan and each District Bicycle
Plan outlines conceptual state and local bicycle networks. Though USBR 20 will be developed as a priority
corridor in the State Bikeway Network, it will connect people to cities and places; therefore, USBR 20 will be
planned with adjacent network connections in mind that improve communities, bicycle access for residents, and
overall livability.

All communications must be in plain, simple language, using active voice. All communications must also be
compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), following MnDOT’s accessibility guidance.

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                                                                                                    Exhibit A
                                                                                          RFP Scope of work
Communications include all reports, meeting materials, online tools, maps, guides, etc. Project communications
must adhere to the State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard. For reference, see the Minnesota State Accessible
Document Reference Guide and additional information at the IT Accessibility Standards page (click on the
Standards tab).

Project Goal
The goals of this project are to:

    1. Create a bikeway that will run on a concurrent route with USBR 45/MRT from the Minnesota/Wisconsin
       border to St. Cloud, and separate into a new route from St. Cloud to the Minnesota/North Dakota
       border (Fargo/Moorhead).
    2. Connect communities, points of interest, and business/services that bicyclists need. USBR 20 will
       enhance local communities for Minnesotans and visitors through:
               a. Network connections. Where possible, USBR 20 is part of a local bikeway network, connects
                   to a local network, or enhances the network to serve both visitors and residents for
                   transportation and recreation.
               b. Serving bicyclists’ needs. Connects to or near local services, such as lodging/camping,
                   groceries/restaurants, bike shops/hardware stores, libraries, etc.
               c. Enhancing local economy. Represents an opportunity for businesses to profit from new or
                   more frequent bicyclists seeking local services.
               d. Improving health. Encourages healthy, active transportation and recreation. In addition,
                   seek to reach a new audience of bicyclists, particularly those identified as “interested but
                   concerned”, to increase bicycle mode share.
               e. Improving neighborhoods and communities. Include equity and diversity as factors in route
                   planning and decision-making, with the intent to help connect underserved communities
                   and priority populations to opportunities for safe bicycling.
               f. Cost effectiveness. Uses existing bicycle facilities, which require no additional land
                   acquisition or development costs.
               g. Adventure. Introduces visitors and residents to exploration and new experiences.
               h. State and national significance. Connects communities to the state bikeway network and to
                   the USBR System.
    3. Update existing U.S. Bicycle Routes to reflect changes in infrastructure and new trails along the route
       corridors. Update existing maps and/or produce new maps for USBR 41 and 45 when necessary.

Project Tasks and Deliverables

Task 1: Project Management and Project Advisory Committee
Successful responder will lead preparation for and hosting of Project Advisory Committee meetings, including
preparing the meeting agenda, recording meeting minutes, and submitting refined tasks and project timeline.
Successful responder will communicate the project progress by submitting monthly project reports and
attending a monthly project update meeting with State.

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                                                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                                            RFP Scope of work
Task 1 Deliverables

Successful responder’s deliverables include:

    1.   Attend project kick-off meeting prior to beginning all tasks
    2.   Coordinate and lead Project Advisory Committee meetings (up to 8)
    3.   Prepare materials for meetings (develop agenda, materials, location, etc.)
    4.   Submit summary for all meetings
    5.   Ongoing project management
    6.   Attend bi-weekly project update meetings with State

State’s deliverables include:

    1.   Schedule and attend project kick-off meeting
    2.   Coordinate and schedule the first PAC meeting
    3.   Co-lead and attend all PAC meetings
    4.   Review and approve Successful responder-prepared meeting materials (agenda, materials, location, etc.)
    5.   Participate in ongoing project management
    6.   Review and approve meeting summaries
    7.   Schedule and attend monthly project update meetings with State

Task 2: Route Evaluation and Planning
Successful responder will review, comment, and built upon initial State-identified route criteria and a State-
developed conceptual base route. Successful responder will translate comment/information into State-
approved documents that will be further developed in Task 3 (Develop Maps; Manage and Transfer Data) and
used in Task 2 (Public Outreach and Participation). USBR 20 will take into account local infrastructure and trail
planning efforts. USBR 20 may be routed in partnership with trails that currently (or will soon) exist. If deemed
appropriate, and if approved by State’s Project Manager, Successful responder will evaluate the route in this and
other tasks using Level of Traffic Stress, Bicycle Level of Service, or other similarly-accepted industry methods.

Task 2 Deliverables

Successful responder’s deliverables include:

    1. Review, comment, and build upon initial route criteria and conceptual base route
    2. Evaluate route using additional industry tools/methods (if approved by State’s Project Manager)

State’s deliverables include:

    1. Provide initial route criteria and conceptual base route

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                                                                                                       Exhibit A
                                                                                             RFP Scope of work

Task 3: Public Outreach and Participation
Successful responder will work with State to implement a Public Outreach and Participation Plan and
update/modify as needed, based on feedback from the PAC and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on virtual
and in-person events or meetings.

State is seeking broad participation from a diverse group of partners to develop a USBR with a route that
benefits local communities and bicyclists. Successful responder’s outreach efforts will allow for multiple
opportunities for public participation and feedback. Successful responder will ensure that all information and
activities included in outreach must be available through a project website. Outreach information must be
visually inviting, written in plain language, compliant with the State of Minnesota Accessibility Standard, and
oriented to people who may not be familiar with planning and project processes. Successful responder will
coordinate ADA reviews/acceptance with State and its Communications Office, including submitting an ADA
review and compliance report.

USBR 20 designation requires that all road and trail authorities (cities, counties, etc.) pass a resolution of
support; therefore, their understanding of the project, project involvement, and timing is essential for project
completion. State will use information gathered through outreach to manage a database of road and trail
authority contacts and will obtain resolutions of support. State will work closely with successful responder to
create a strategic outline for timely communication to meet resolution deadlines.

State intends for USBR 20 to be given a name that reflects the route character. Successful responder will include
a simple outreach tool that can allow for public participation to suggest names and select the most popular

Successful responder will suggest ways key partners (i.e. BikeMN, MnDNR, local bicycling groups, community
organizations, and others) can participate and enhance route planning and outcomes.

Subtasks for Task 3 are described below:

Task 3.1: Develop Public Engagement and Participation Plan
Successful responder will outline and develop methods for public outreach and participation. Public outreach
may include in-person meetings or virtual sessions as stand-alone events or in concert with other specific
events, virtual and online communication, and other creative and/or cost effective methods of connecting with
the public. State seeks to reach a wide, diverse audience and in turn receive broad, comprehensive feedback.
This task is intentionally non-prescriptive; State has strongly encouraged Successful responders to be innovative
in both methods and tools used for engagement, particularly considering the state of the COVID-19 pandemic,
and the disparity in both internet access and free time in communities around Minnesota. The plan must be
developed outlining methods to involve the public and partners early and continuously at critical and necessary

Task 3.1 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Develop draft and final Public Outreach and Participation Plans

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    2. Submit ADA compliance report for all public documents

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Review and comment on draft Public Outreach and Participation Plan
    2. Review and comment on detailed/final Public Outreach and Participation Plan

Task 3.2: Develop Online Public Outreach and Participation Tools

Successful responder will conduct, manage, analyze, disseminate virtual or online feedback, and gather
information from interested parties and members of the general public. Successful responder will conduct work
simultaneously with identified public engagement phases. Successful responder will develop and deploy
complementary, cost-effective social media and web-based engagement tools to ensure public outreach
activities are equally distributes throughout the specific project area and to extend the project’s reach.
Successful responder will also gather and analyze online feedback. Successful responder will then collect and
disseminate the feedback. Tools must be capable of gathering public feedback and disseminating project
information and news.

Task 3.2 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Develop outline of proposed public outreach tools and relevant materials (surveys, maps, etc.)
    2. Develop final public outreach tools
    3. Disseminate public outreach tools (manage deployment, conduct outreach, gather and analyze
    4. Summarize results of each public outreach event or tool in report

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1.   Review and approve outline of public outreach tools
    2.   Review and approve final public outreach tools
    3.   Coordinate tool deployment within State (MnDOT Communications Office, etc.)
    4.   Review and approve public outreach report
    5.   Coordinate report dissemination

Task 3.3: Implement Public Outreach and Participation

Successful responder will plan, manage, implement, and document public outreach and participation work,
based on the Public Outreach and Participation Plan and including online tools. For all in-person outreach
activities, this includes identifying location and coordinating necessary logistics. For all online outreach activities,
this includes identifying an appropriate virtual platform, scheduling the outreach, and managing all technological
aspects of the engagement session. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some of what typically would be in-person
engagement may be conducted virtually. Successful responder and State will coordinate to determine how to
proceed when in-person events become possible.

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                                                                                                       Exhibit A
                                                                                             RFP Scope of work
Successful responder will prepare materials and participate in outreach activities. Activities may include, but are
not limited to, leading webinars, virtual meetings, online engagement sessions, events, workshops, etc.
Materials may include, but are not limited to, meeting notices, online surveys, agenda, refreshments, poster
boards, handouts, managing in-person sign-in sheets/contact info from online communications and virtual
events, and other items necessary for collecting and responding to public feedback. Successful responder will
develop familiarity with best practices for conducting engagement activities (in-person and virtual) that best
serve people with disabilities.

Successful responder will lead and coordinate the following public outreach phases and steps:

    a. Public Outreach Phase One: This phase will reach a broad audience to obtain review and comments on
       the draft USBR map and associated material. This phase should be held in a virtual format, with broad
       and accessible options for attending and commenting virtually.
    b. Public Outreach Phase Two: This phase will reach a broad audience to obtain review and comments on
       the final draft USBR 20 map and associated material. This includes special focus on reaching road and
       trail authorities whose road/trail is proposes as part of USBR 20.
    c. Public Comment Online Collector Tool: This tool will be used throughout both types of Public Outreach
       Phases described above, and as an additional tool to collect input from those unable to attend the
       virtual outreach sessions. Successful responder should determine an appropriate online tool to collect
       comments on the draft route.
    d. Special Meetings/Gatherings: Special meetings and/or gatherings will be optional, held if deemed
    e. Small group coordination with experts: Small group coordination with experts will be optional, held if
       deemed necessary (i.e. tribal liaison/representative, or community representative, etc.)

Task 3.3 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1.   Co-lead and attend meetings/gatherings
    2.   Attend special meetings/gatherings (if approved by State’s Project Manager)
    3.   Attend small group meetings/gatherings (if approved by State’s Project Manager)
    4.   Manage online comment collection tool/map/project website
    5.   Record information for all task meetings
    6.   Provide meeting and outreach information to State for categorized database

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Co-lead and attend meetings/gatherings
    2. Develop categorized database for contacts

Task 4: Develop Maps; Manage and Transfer Data
Task 4 includes the following subtasks:

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Task 4.1: Develop Draft Maps

Successful responder will develop two draft maps, which will be used in various public outreach activities
(detailed in Task 3) leading to developing a final map.

    a. Successful responder will develop Draft Map 1, for Public Outreach Phase 1, based on work from task
       one and input from the PAC.
    b. Contactor will develop Draft Map 2, for Public Outreach Phase 2, based on State-approved information
       identified in Phase 1 public outreach activities. This map will incorporate existing data from State, the
       Minnesota DNR, and other data owners, as necessary. Completion of this task may involve requesting
       additional data from owners.

Successful responder will develop resolution-of-support maps, to be used in State’s communication and
meetings with all road and or/trail owners as State seeks resolutions of support to designate USBR 20. Maps
must clearly show route segments within each owner’s jurisdiction.

Task 4.1 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Develop Draft Map 1
    2. Develop Draft Map 2
    3. Develop Resolution-of-Support Maps

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Approve Draft Map 1
    2. Approve Draft Map 2
    3. Approve Resolution-of-Support Maps

Task 4.2: Develop Final Maps

Successful responder will develop two final maps and associated turn-by-turn directions. Successful responder
will use a State-selected format (the same format as used in all USBR 41 maps and directions) and include
identified data/information. The final map will be based on feedback from partners, the PAC, and public

The USBR 20 final map must:

    a. Be compatible for downloading on computers and smartphones and for hand-held GPS units.
    b. Must include typical features, including scale, major roadways, water bodies, match lines when
       necessary, etc. and use common State symbols for both printed and web maps, whenever practical.
    c. Must be printable using common home equipment.
    d. Must include turn-by-turn directions/mileage cue sheets in both north and south directions.

The Resolution-of-Support maps will be finalized, including revising the draft maps, as necessary.

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                                                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                                            RFP Scope of work
Task 4.2 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1.   Prepare draft and final Map-Format Comparison Document
    2.   Develop final map for navigation compatible with computer and mobile download and GPS devices
    3.   Develop turn-by-turn map for navigation
    4.   Develop Resolution-of-Support final maps

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Review and approve draft and final Map-Format Comparison Document
    2. Review and approve final map
    3. Review and approve turn-by-turn maps

Task 4.3: Manage and Transfer Data
Coordinate Data: Successful responder will coordinate and communicate the following:

    a. Coordinate compiling and managing all data with State’s Geographic Information Services (GIS) and
       Mapping Section, as well as MNIT Enterprise Services Unit (Minnesota’s Information Technology
       agency). State will provide necessary LRS data.
    b. Periodically check in with involved State’s offices to help coordinate data collection, input, and
       formatting for data, and mapping-related tasks.
    c. Provide assistance and suggestions of map content, symbols, layout, data hierarchy, etc. based on
       specific project needs and map uses.
    d. Be available to assist State in coordinating its processes with partners.

Develop Database: Successful responder will put the final recommended networks in a GIS database, which will
include the attributes regarding the type, status, timing, and facility jurisdiction. A consistent classification
system similar to roadway classes will also be assigned to each facility. The networks will be put into a
geodatabase (.gdb format) and will include associated bike route attributes, similar to those for USBR 41 and
USBR 45. For example: on/off road, trail surface type (paved, gravel, nor paved), facility owner, facility
maintainer, control section (at minimum for State’s roads), etc. The attributes and classification system should
follow the Minnesota Trails and Bikeways Data Standard when applicable. At contract start, State will provide a
list of required attributes. Geodatabase tasks must include:

    a. Provide measures for on-road segments and the entire USBR 20 route (overlapping with USBR 45 from
       the Wisconsin border south of St. Paul, branching off in St. Cloud; ending at the North Dakota border in
       or near Moorhead). Mileage must include both total length (cumulative from start to end; i.e. Hastings
       to Moorhead) and segments shared with roads. Mileage must be compatible with State’s data. For
       example, on-road portions must include LRS route identification with measures.
    b. In addition to the geodatabase, Successful responder will provide file formats to include, but not limited
       to, GPX, kml/kmz, and shapefiles (State’s LRS compatible, and approved by State). The data must be
       compatible with Google formats, Adventure Cycling Association’s data format (OpenSteetMap/OSM),
       and other common map partners and platforms.

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                                                                                                      Exhibit A
                                                                                            RFP Scope of work
Add USBR 20 to Google Map bicycle route data: Successful responder will inquire with Google about the
possibility to submit USBR 20 data to Google for inclusion in Google Maps. State is aware Google may not yet
accept routes such as USBR 20. Successful responder will coordinate any data review, edits, and data acceptance
with Google as long as this contract is in effect. State assumes data used for other project work (GPX, OSM, etc.)
will suffice for adding USBR 20 to Google. Successful responder will develop new data, materials, etc. for Google
only if approved by State. State will assume Google-related coordination only if this contract is no longer in

Task 4.3 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Compile and transfer data/shapefiles to State
    2. Report on Google Bike Map transfer options, submit data to Google if possible
    3. Develop Google data formats; only if approved by State’s Project Manager

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Approve data/shapefile transfer to State
    2. Review Google data transfer options and approve additional Google work, if deemed necessary

Task 5: Designate USBR 20
Successful responder will develop submittal documents to formally designate USBR 20 as part of the USBR
system. All documents must be in accordance with American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) application requirements (https://route.transportation.org/). Successful responder will:

    a. Prepare maps to attach to the USBR 20 application. The maps will be based on the final USBR 20 route
       developed based on public outreach. Maps prepared for municipal resolutions of support are supporting
       documents and are accomplished under Task 4. State will submit the application.

Task 5 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Prepare draft and final USBR 20 maps and application documents for State to submit.

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Review and approve draft and final USBR 20 maps and application document
    2. Submit final application to AASHTO

Task 6: Update Existing U.S. Bicycle Routes and Route Maps
Successful responder will assist State in updating the existing U.S Bicycle Routes in Minnesota, USBR 41 and
USBR 45. This process will involve communicating with cities, counties, and other road/trail authorities along
USBR 41 and 45, as well as MnDOT District offices to identify desired route changes. Desired changes may be a

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                                                                                                       Exhibit A
                                                                                             RFP Scope of work
result of newly constructed infrastructure (i.e. new trail construction), challenging existing conditions, or
simplification of route navigation. Work will include updating existing map data and updating turn-by-turn
directions and printable maps for each route. Additionally, USBR 45 maps should be formatted to match the
USBR 41 and USBR 20 maps.

Successful responder will develop and deploy a simple survey/map comment collection tool to be deployed to
road authorities and other individuals who have an interest or local knowledge of U.S. Bicycle Routes in
Minnesota to collect input on existing routes. Successful responder will summarize comments and share with
State. State will discuss suggested changes with the appropriate road authorities and work with Successful
responder to incorporate approved changes into updated maps and directions.

Task 6 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1.   Update existing online maps with new route data collected from cities, counties, and trail authorities.
    2.   Update printable maps and turn-by-turn directions with new route data.
    3.   Update USBR 45 formatting to match USBR 41 and USBR 20.
    4.   Attend meetings with State to discuss route updates and maps
    5.   Develop and deploy public outreach tool and summarize comments
    6.   Prepare to submit route updates to AASHTO

State’s Deliverables Include:

    1.   Convene input sessions with road and trail authorities along existing routes
    2.   Share approved route updates with Successful responder
    3.   Assist with coordinating MnDOT website updates with new maps and directions
    4.   Submit route updates to AASHTO

Task 7: Conceptual Route Signage Plans
Successful responder will create a conceptual signage plan for USBR 20 and for USBR 41. USBR 41 is an existing
designated route, but it does not have signs along the route. The conceptual signage plan could include
elements such as the approximate location of signs, type of sign needed at the approximate locations, total
number of signs needed, and which road authority to coordinate with to install signs in different locations. Using
this information, Successful responder will work with the State to develop a cost estimate for purchasing and
installing signs for USBR 21 and USBR 41.

Task 7 Deliverables

Successful responder’s Deliverables Include:

    1. Conceptual signage plan for USBR 41 and USBR 20
    2. Signage cost estimate document for USBR 41 and USBR 20

State’s Deliverables Include:

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   1. Review signage placement maps for USBR 41 and USBR 20
   2. Review signage cost estimate document

Project Schedule

                         Task                                 Anticipated Duration/Deadlines

 Project Management and PAC                        June 2021- Ongoing, begin at contract authorization

 Route Evaluation & Planning                       June 2021-July 2021

 Public Outreach and Participation                 July 2021-September 2021

 Develop Maps, Manage and Transfer Data            July 2021-December 2021

 Prepare Application and Designate USBR 20         January 2022- May 2022 (Anticipated AASHTO

 Update Existing USBRs and Maps                    January 2022-May 2022

 Conceptual Route Signage Plans                    January 2022-June 2022

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