Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA

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Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                    May 2019                      This publication is brought to you by Mayor Ara Najarian, and
                                            Councilmembers Zareh Sinanyan, Paula Devine, Vartan Gharpetian and Vrej

                       A Message From                     Two More Budget Study Sessions Before
                        Yasmin Beers
                                                               Budget Hearing and Adoption

                        Glendale City Manager

                   Anyone remember the Looney
                   Tunes episode where Bugs Bunny
                   and Daffy Duck argue about what
                   season it is? “Duck season,            The Glendale City Council will hold its second public budget study session
                   wabbit season, duck season,            Tuesday, May 7 at 9 a.m. at Glendale City Hall. The second session will feature
                   wabbit, season!” Well, it’s neither.   budget presentations from each of the City’s departments, a presentation about
                   It’s actually budget season!           the City’s capital improvement program, and fee changes.

                   So what does budget season             A third public session is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14 at 9 a.m. at the same
                   even mean?                             location. The third and final budget study session will feature a discussion about
                                                          the allocation of Measure S funds. A budget public hearing is scheduled for
                   In Glendale, we use a                  Tuesday, May 21 at 6 p.m. Should no further study sessions be necessary, the
                   multifaceted process for the           adoption of the fiscal year 2019-20 budget is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4 at
                   development, approval, and             the Council’s evening public meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
                   implementation of our budget. The
                   budget covers a fiscal year - a        The public is invited to attend all of these meetings to provide their input on the
                   twelve-month period from July 1        City’s budget. Those who cannot attend in-person are encouraged to listen or
                   to June 30. The process involves       watch the sessions and hearing at For more information
                   every department and seeks input       about the City’s budget, visit then click on budget in the
                   from the public. If I had to choose    navigation.
                   one document out of all the plans
                   and reports that are written each[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   year, I would say that the budget                 Verdugo 10K Is This Sunday!
                   is what defines Glendale and what
                   serves as the most important
                   guiding policy document. Simply
                   put, it determines the services we
                   provide, how much each service
                   gets, and how it is paid for. These
                   services are used and depended
                   upon on a daily basis - it is the
                   shower we turn on to get ready for
                   work, the streets or public
                   transportation we use to get to
                   work, and the parks we play in.

                   Months in advance, the Finance
                   Department in coordination with
                   my office and all department
                   directors created a recommended
                   budget. This all-encompassing
                   recommendation is then
                   submitted to the City Council.
                   After receiving the
                   recommendation in April, the City
                   Council reviews and discusses
                   the content in budget study
                   sessions and holds a budget
                   hearing to provide an opportunity
                   for input.

                   Your City Council goes through
                   this process with great care.
                   When reviewing and while
                   deliberating, they clearly discuss
                   the objectives, quantify the
                   results, explore alternatives,
                   evaluate the methodology, and
                   make adjustments as necessary.
                   Tough decisions are made at the
                   dais. The steps that we take to
                   prepare and discuss the budget
                   will provide Council the best
                   possible information to arrive at
                   the best decision.
                                                         It's not too late to register for the 9th Annual Verdugo Mountains 10K Trail Run
                   Without a budget, we would go         & Hike. Race day registration is available from 6 - 7:45 a.m. Presented by the
                   without many of our basic needs,      City of Glendale Community Services & Parks Department to benefit the
                   such as trash pickup, well-           Glendale Parks & Open Space Foundation, this annual event will take place
                   maintained roads, and access to       this Sunday, May 5, 2019. The 6.2 miles and 1,735 foot elevation gain will make
                   information through our libraries.    for one Sunday morning you will never forget! The race begins promptly at 8
                   We encourage you to attend the        a.m. in beautiful Brand Park, 1601 W. Mountain St., Glendale, CA 91201.
                   sessions and provide your
                   feedback. Happy Budgeting!            After the race, participants are invited to enjoy a free pancake breakfast. There
                                                         will also be a Race Expo, offering an opportunity for local health and fitness
                                                         related businesses and nonprofits to exhibit their wares. For more information
                        MakerSpace,                      visit and follow @Verdugo10K for updates.
                   SoundSpace, and Career
                                                          Fire Service Day is May 11 at Station 21

                   Where: Downtown Central
                   Library, 222 East Harvard St.

                   Enjoy free craft making
                   workshops, learn about music
                   production, or delve into in-[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   demand occupations in the
                   Glendale region. Learn more
                   about free monthly workshops
                   and register here.

                     Be a Recycling Block

                   Want to make your block litter
                   free? Learn about our Block
                   Leader program! Organize people
                   in your neighborhood and help
                   educate your neighbors on
                   reducing waste!  To learn more,
                   call (818) 548-3916, visit the
                   program website, or email

                            CALENDAR                     The Glendale Fire Department Fire Service Day is Saturday, May 11 at Fire
                                                         Station 21. The five hours of fun starts at 9 a.m. at 421 Oak St. in Glendale. The
                   Every Tuesday – Zumba for
                                                         free event is open to the public and features a pancake breakfast in the morning.
                   Adults, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                         The event also features live demonstration, antique fire engines, the Glendale
                   Maple Park community Center
                                                         Police Department SWAT vehicle, an appearance by Sparky the Fire Dog, a
                                                         climbing wall, the American Red Corss, and fun activities for kids.
                   820 East Maple Avenue
                   Get in shape while you listen to
                                                         For more information about Fire Dervice Day, call (818) 548-4814 or visit
                   some great music! $1.00 for
                                                Also check out a promotional video about Fire Service Day on
                   activity card holders. $2.00 for
                                                         the MyGlendale YouTube channel. For updates from the Glendale Fire
                   participants who do not hold an
                                                         Department, follow @GlendaleFireCA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
                   activity card. For more
                                                         Recruitment information is available at
                   information, please call (818) 548-

                   May 4 – Hike and Discussion,           GWP to Host First Tailgate Event June 1
                   "Summer Birds on the
                   Riverwalk," 8 - 10 a.m.
                   Glendale Narrows Riverwalk
                   300 Paula Avenue
                   Join the Community Services &
                   Parks (CSP) Department for our
                   first-ever summer bird watching
                   trek along the Los Angeles River
                   in the City of Glendale. This is a
                   rare opportunity to spend time
                   watching the birds that are on the
                   river during the spring and
                   summer months. Our leader for
                   the morning is Alexander
                   deBarros from the San Fernando
                   Valley Audubon Society. Please
                   bring binoculars and camera to
                   view and capture photos of our[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   fine feathered friends. Participants
                   are asked to wear sturdy shoes,
                   protective clothing, hat, and sun
                   protection. This event is free, but
                   space is limited. Call us at (818)
                   548-3795 to reserve your place.        Glendale Water & Power (GWP) is hosting their first ever tailgate event on
                   May 4 – Brand Associates               Saturday, June 1st. The event will have booths featuring GWP programs, utility
                   Music Series, Vicki Ray, 2 - 3:30      truck displays, raffles and prizes, bucket truck rides, and free food while supplies
                   p.m.                                   last. Residents will have the opportunity to test drive electric vehicles without
                   Brand Library & Art Center             any sales pressure. Registration for test drives is required and can be done
                   1601 West Mountain Street              here.
                   The May 4th concert of the Brand
                   Associates Music Series will           The Tailgate event will take place from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Perkins & Parcher
                   feature pianist Vicki Ray              Plazas, 141 N. Glendale Ave. in Glendale. Free parking is available in the Civic
                   performing Daniel Lentz's "River       Center Parking Structure at 650 E. Wilson Ave.
                   of 1,000 Streams" and other
                   works. Admission is free and a
                   reception will follow the                  Last Phase of Illuminated Street Sign
                   concert. Learn more here.
                                                                Replacement Begins June 2019
                   May 5 – Verdugo Mountains
                   10K, 8 a.m.
                   Brand Park
                   1601 West Mountain Street
                   The 6.2 miles and 1,735 foot
                   elevation gain will make for one
                   Sunday morning you will never
                   forget! The race begins promptly
                   at 8 a.m.  After the race,
                   participants are invited to enjoy a
                   free pancake breakfast. There will
                   also be a Race Expo, offering an
                   opportunity for local health and
                   fitness related businesses and
                   nonprofits to exhibit their wares.
                   For more information visit

                   May 8 – Landmark This                  The Public Works Department completed the Downtown Glendale Internally
                   Workshop, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.           Illuminated Street (IISNS) Name Sign Replacement Phase 2 Project at 32
                   Brand Library & Art Center             signalized intersections in the Downtown Glendale area in October 2018. 250
                   1601 West Mountain Street              new signs were installed.
                   The Glendale Historical Society
                   invites you to attend a free           Phase 1 was completed in August 2017. That project replaced 150 IISNS in the
                   workshop on the Glendale               core downtown business district. Phase 3 will start in June 2019 with the
                   Register and Mills Act Property        installation of approximately 139 new IISNS and will cover the remaining
                   Tax Benefit. Co-sponsored by the       downtown area, as well as a nearby area between Glendale Avenue and the
                   Glendale Historic Preservation         easterly city border, south of Lexington Drive and north of Palmer Avenue; and
                   Commission and the Library, Arts       finally, the intersections of Verdugo Road at Mountain Street and Civic
                   & Culture Department. Presenters       Auditorium, and the intersections of Glenoaks Boulevard at Jackson Street and
                   include Lorna Vartanian, Chair,        Geneva Street.[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   and Chris Cragnotti, Vice Chair, of
                   the Historic Preservation             The IISNS Replacement project was necessary since the existing signs were
                   Commission. Learn more here.          installed in the early 1990s and were notably faded from sun damage due to
                                                         deterioration of the protective coating. The new light-emitting diode (LED) signs
                   May 9 – Mother's Day                  require less maintenance and are more energy efficient. The previous signs
                   Celebration, 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.      used obsolete fluorescent bulbs for illumination.
                   Adult Recreation Center
                   201 East Colorado Street              The new IISNS signs adhere to California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
                   Sparr Heights Community Center        Devices recommendation to provide illuminated street name signs with
                   1613 Glencoe Way                      increased font sizes from 6 and 8 inches to 9 and 12 inches for better visibility.
                   Join the Community Services &         The benefits of the new signage includes improved sign visibility, reduction of
                   Parks (CSP) Department as we          maintenance costs, and increased safety for drivers and pedestrians.
                   celebrate moms everywhere at
                   this annual Mother's Day
                   luncheon. Participants must call
                   ahead and make reservations at
                                                                            Glendale On the Move
                   least 1 week prior to the event.
                   For reservations at the Adult
                   Recreation Center, call (818) 548-
                   3778. For reservations at Sparr
                   Heights Community Center, call
                   (818) 548-2187. For more
                   information about Senior
                   Programs & Services, click here.

                   May 10 – Teen Night Out, 5 - 9
                   Pacific Community Center
                   501 South Pacific Avenue
                   Glendale Teen Night Out is
                   designed to provide FREE teen
                   activities that include billiards,
                   ping pong, karaoke, PS4, and          GTV6's newest episode of On The Move is now available! Be sure to tune in to
                   teen coordinated activities.          Charter channel 6 or check the City's YouTube channel for new episodes. In this
                   Snacks and refreshments will be       episode, we check out summer parks programs, Voter Education at Clark
                   served. Please call (818) 937-        Magnet High School, news about ServiceTitan's new home, accessory dwelling
                   7240 with any questions.              units, and the Building Safety Month 2019!

                   May 11 – Riverwalk Workday, 8
                                                         Watch each segment here:
                   a.m. - 12 p.m.
                   Glendale Narrows Riverwalk                    Summer Parks Programs
                   300 Paula Avenue                              Voter Education at Clark Magnet High School
                   Join CSP down by the riverside as             ServiceTitan Press Conference
                   we work to remove invasive plants             Accessory Dwelling Units
                   from the landscaped areas along               Building Safety Month 2019
                   the Los Angeles River.
                   Participants are asked to wear
                   sturdy shoes, protective clothing,       Author Stan Goldman to Discuss New
                   and bring sunscreen, sun glasses
                   and a hat. We'll provide tools,           Book at Downtown Central Library
                   gloves, drinks, and snacks.
                   Families, individuals, clubs, and
                   students needing community
                   service hours are welcome.
                   Groups of 10 or more, please
                   RSVP at (818) 548-3795.

                   May 11 – Brand Associates
                   Dance Series: Grayscale, 6-7
                   Downtown Central Library
                   222 East Harvard Street
                   Grayscale explores the intimate
                   connection between movement
                   and the musical score through
                   collaborations with visual artists
                   and musicians in site-specific
                   performances. Learn more here.

                   May 14 – Teen Mental Health[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   Project, 4 p.m.
                   Downtown Central Library
                   222 East Harvard Street
                   Community Service Project where
                   teens create awareness posters
                   and bookmarks about mental
                   health services for teens. Learn
                   more here.

                   May 15 – 3rd Annual Senior
                   Street Fest, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30
                   Artsakh Avenue Paseo
                   Between Broadway and Wilson
                   Come out and enjoy live music,
                   visit wellness & information
                   booths, get health screenings,
                   and partake in a delicious lunch!
                   the Connect, Create, Contribute
                   Senior Street Fest celebrates
                   Older Americans Month in Many.
                   For more information , call (818)
                                                        Law professor and celebrated television personality Stan Goldman appears at
                   May 17 – Friday Night Lights,        the Downtown Central Library in Glendale to discuss his new book "Left To the
                   5:30 - 8:30 p.m.                     Mercy Of A Rude Stream." His author talk will be held in the auditorium on
                   Verdugo Skate Park                   Monday, May 13 at 7 p.m.
                   1621 Cañada Boulevard
                   Friday Night Lights is offered       In his book, Goldman outlines a piece of the history of the Holocaust (grim
                   every third Friday of the month.     reminders of inhumanity appear on virtually every page), tells his mother's
                   Enjoy some of the newest             remarkable story, ruminates about the perpetrators of the atrocities, and
                   skateboard videos on a big           condemns those who profited by the success of the Third Reich war machine
                   projection screen. There will be a   and the labor of Jewish slaves.
                   raffle and one prize given away
                   monthly. Free snack with the         Although Goldman focuses primarily on his mother, he occasionally employs a
                   purchase of a raffle ticket. Free    wide-angle lens to show us what was going on throughout war-torn Europe; he
                   admission. For more information,     even deals some with the stories of Anne Frank, Raoul Wallenberg, and other
                   please call (818) 548-2786.          Holocaust icons. His mother's story is astonishing; her survival, virtually
                   May 18 – Wilderness Workday,
                   8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                                        As the war was winding down, she was working in the concentration camp and
                   Deukmejian Wilderness Park
                                                        would almost certainly have died there if not for one mans negotiation with
                   3429 Markridge Road
                                                        Heinrich Himmler, who, seeing the end of the war (and realizing what would
                   Help us water our Big Cone
                                                        happen to him), made a deal to release some Jewish women, Goldman's
                   Spruce and Coast Live Oaks,
                                                        mother among them. Learn more here.
                   assist with trail repairs, and
                   remove invasive species from the
                   park. This program is perfect for
                   students who need community
                                                              Student Scholarships Available for[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   service hours. Community and
                   youth organizations are welcome.
                                                                     Building Safety Month in May
                   Please wear sturdy shoes and
                   bring a hat, sunscreen, and
                   protective clothing. Drinks and
                   snacks will be provided. Groups of
                   10 or more, please RSVP at (818)

                   May 18 – One Glendale, After
                   School Youth Sports Program
                   Soccer Championship Day,
                   Consolation game @ 1 p.m. and
                   Championship game @ 2 p.m.
                   Pacific Community Center
                   501 South Pacific Avenue
                   Community Services & Parks
                   invites the public to the One
                   Glendale, After School Youth          The City of Glendale Building and Safety Division and International Code
                   Sports Program’s Soccer Season        Council (ICC) have partnered to offer student scholarships in support of Building
                   Championship Day. Hundreds of         Safety Month. There will be a total of two secondary or higher education
                   spectators are expected to attend     scholarships to rising or graduating high school seniors and current first, second
                   both the consolation game and         or third year students of a two or four year institution. Interested applicants are
                   championship game and cheer for       invited to submit a 1000-word or less essay that illustrates how building codes in
                   the program’s participants. The       a community contribute to the confidence within the community. Each
                   program is designed to provide        scholarship is for $300. The scholarship application is available here.                
                   after school sports programming
                   to youth in eight South Glendale      The ICC is dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the
                   schools in the fourth and fifth       design, build, and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable,
                   grades and is comprised of four       and resilient structures. For close to 40 years, each May ICC has promoted an
                   sports over the course of four        awareness campaign called Building Safety Month. The campaign aims to help
                   seasons: flag football, basketball,   advance innovations in the building industry, to continue the adoption of safe
                   soccer, and volleyball. Each          building techniques worldwide, and to inform the public about what makes their
                   season lasts 8 weeks with a           homes and buildings safe for use. To help individuals, families, and businesses
                   championship game at the              understand what it takes to create safe and sustainable structures, Building
                   conclusion of each season. For        Safety Month highlights the ways communities and its citizens can stay safe in
                   more information, please call         the buildings that they live, school, work, and play in. It brings attention to the
                   (818) 937-7247.                       important work of the code official whose job it is to ensure that all buildings are
                                                         constructed safely and how building departments are a resource for everyone;
                   May 18 – Brand Associates
                                                         from the professional contractor to the weekend DIYer.
                   Dance Series: Versa-Style
                   Dance Company, 6 - 7 p.m.
                                                         This May, the Building Safety Month theme is ‘No Code. No Confidence’. As we
                   Brand Library & Art Center
                                                         face disasters from wildfires, floods and earthquakes, it’s time to reflect on the
                   1601 West Mountain Street
                                                         importance of building codes, building trades and safe construction. Applicants
                   Versa-Style Dance Company
                                                         for the scholarship must answer the following writing prompt in 1000 words or
                   promotes the empowerment,
                   artistry, and value of hip-hop
                   dance culture through full-length
                                                         “With this year’s theme of “No code. No Confidence,” discuss the presence of
                   dance productions, educational
                                                         regulated building codes within your community and its corresponding effect on
                   performances, and deeply rooted
                                                         the level of confidence in your community.”
                   social justice work in the
                   community. Learn more here.
                                                         For more information, please visit
                   May 19 – Tea with Keiko's Tea
                   Class & Open House, 2-4 p.m.
                   Brand Friendship Garden                  Library Offers Online Tutoring Service
                   1601 West Mountain Street
                   Keiko Nakada is an accredited tea
                   instructor in the Urasenke School
                   of Tea. Come and say hello to her
                   and her students in the newly
                   renovated Shoseian Tea House.
                   Enjoy a delicious cup of matcha
                   tea and a sweet, as you learn
                   more about the traditional tea
                   ceremony of Japan. This event is
                   free. Please RSVP by May 17 so
                   we can have enough sweets for
                   you. RSVP to[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   May 22 – Building Safety
                   Month: No Code, No
                   Confidence, 11:30 a.m. -1:30
                   p.m.                                 The Glendale Library. Arts and Culture department provides online tutoring to
                   City Hall - Perkins Plaza            library patrons of all ages. Live tutors are available 7 days a week from 1 - 10
                   141 North Glendale Avenue            p.m. All tutors have a bachelors degree, and are subject and grade-level
                   Join the City of Glendale -          specialists. Online tutoring is available in English and Spanish. Sessions are 20
                   Building & Safety Division for an    minutes each and include subjects such as chemistry, calculus, physics, 4th-
                   annual celebration for               grade math, and writing. Learn more here.
                   homeowners, residents, building
                   professionals, educators,
                   businesses and anyone interested      GWP Online Marketplace Offers Energy
                   in building & safety issues that
                   affect their community.                   and Water Efficient Products
                           Connect with building
                           trade specialists.
                           Discuss your building
                           project ideas with Permit
                           Services staff.
                           Learn about the
                           permitting process, plan
                           check, accessory dwelling
                           units, and more.
                           Free lunch and giveaways

                   Free parking will be available in
                   the Civic Center Parking Garage

                   May 23 – ReflectSpace:
                   THRESHOLD: Passages -
                   Artists Reflect, 7-9 p.m.
                   Downtown Central Library             Glendale Water and Power (GWP) launched its new online marketplace offering
                   222 East Harvard Street              online shopping for energy and water efficient products at discounted prices
                   Artists Sophia Gasparian, Kaloust    after an instant rebate.
                   Guedel, and Gegam Kacherian
                   discuss their work. Threshold        Customers can browse through and purchase a variety of different lighting
                   explores the idea of a threshold     fixtures, smart thermostats, water fixtures, and more that will help them save
                   as a physical, emotional and         money and use water and energy wisely.
                   historical passage and is a
                   reflection on the migratory          Currently GWP offers $100 off smart thermostats, including the Nest thermostat.
                   restlessness of the Armenian         GWP also offers free shipping on all orders for a limited time. Click here to
                   Diaspora. Learn more here.           access the GWP Marketplace and start saving today!
                   May 23 – 90+ Birthday
                   Celebration, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30
                                                              Reduce Waste at Your Business or
                   Adult Recreation Center                          Apartment Complex
                   201 East Colorado Street
                   Join the Community Services &
                   Parks department as we honor
                   seniors who are 90 years of age
                   and older in the community.
                   Music, a special lunch, and the
                   official cake cutting by our
                   birthday honorees are a few of the[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
Two More Budget Study Sessions Before Budget Hearing and Adoption - Glendale, CA
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                   wonderful program highlights of
                   this fabulous tradition. We
                   encourage our Glendale citizens
                   to get involved by participating in
                   Older Americans Month by
                   attending, volunteering, and
                   celebrating one of the many City
                   of Glendale programs in the
                   month of May! To register for
                   lunch at one of our Older
                   Americas Month celebrations,          CalRecycle, the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery,
                   please call (818) 548-3775.           requires businesses and multi-family properties to comply with Assembly Bills
                                                         341, 1826, and Senate Bill 1383 which require the recycling of bottles, cans and
                   May 24 – Teen Night Out, 5 - 9        organic materials. Organic materials include food waste and green waste.
                   Pacific Community Center              Does your business need help recycling these materials? Contact your hauler
                   501 South Pacific Avenue              directly for more information. If your property is serviced by the City of Glendale
                   Glendale Teen Night Out is            call (818) 548-3916 or email for more information.  
                   designed to provide FREE teen
                   activities that include billiards,
                   ping pong, karaoke, PS4, and
                   teen coordinated activities.
                                                            Glendale is re-imagining public transit
                   Snacks and refreshments will be
                   served. Please call (818) 937-
                   7240 with any questions.

                     Reserve a Computer at
                          the Library

                                                         Glendale has grown in population and we continue to develop the downtown
                   Use your Glendale library card to     urban core. How and when people move around the City is changing. As a
                   reserve a computer online. Most       result, Glendale is reimagining the bus network to create customer-focused
                   Library, Arts & Culture sites have    routes, faster and more reliable travel times, and less waiting at bus stops.
                   Dell computers, and Downtown
                   Central also has a number of          Improved public transit can benefit you through less hassle parking, reduced
                   Macintosh computers. Learn more       congestion in your neighborhood, saving money on gas and car maintenance,
                   here.                                 and helping to green our world. Visit to tell us how the bus
                                                         can move you better.
                   @MyGlendaleTeens Now
                                                         Take our survey at You could be a lucky winner of $100.
                      on Instagram!                      Then spread the word – tell friends, family, and colleagues to take the survey,

                                                          Employment Opportunities for Students
                                                                   with Disabilities[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
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                   Follow us on Instagram to find the
                   latest info on volunteer and job
                   opportunities, special events,
                   educational workshops, and
                   places to hang out for teens! For
                   more information, call (818) 937-

                          Looking Ahead                  The Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA) is excited to announce that we have once
                                                         again received funding to operate the Summer Training and Employment
                   June 7 – Teen Workshop: What          Program for Students (STEPS) with disabilities! We are now accepting
                   you need to know about vaping,        applications for summer 2019.
                   6 - 7 p.m.
                   Pacific Community Center              Youth will receive work readiness training and 200 hours of paid work
                   501 South Pacific Avenue              experience at a work site based on their skills, aptitudes, and interests during
                   The Glendale Police Department        the summer months.  
                   will inform teens about vaping and
                   the truth behind the practice. For
                                                         Youth Eligibility:
                   more information, call (818) 937-
                   7243.                                          Must be between the ages of 16-21
                                                                  Must have a disability and be able to work independently in mainstream
                   June 8 – Maple Park All
                   Inclusive Playground Grand
                                                                  Must have right to work documents
                   Opening, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                  If under 18, must be able to obtain a work permit from school
                   Sparr Heights Community Center
                   1613 Glencoe Way
                   Join us for the grand opening of      Most jobs are in the cities of Glendale and Burbank and surrounding areas;
                   the Maple Park All Inclusive          therefore, youth must have transportation to work.
                   Shane's Inspiration Playground on
                   June 8, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. The        Applications are available at the GYA office, located at 1255 S. Central Ave.,
                   program will begin at 10:30 a.m.      Glendale, CA 91204. For more information, call (818) 937-8073.

                   June 16 – International Culture
                   and Friendship Day, 11 a.m. - 3             Be One of Glendale's First Certified
                   Brand Park                                         Green Businesses
                   1601 West Mountain Street
                   Come and experience the music,
                   dance and martial arts of a variety
                   of cultures in 30-minute
                   performances. Hula, Tahitian,
                   Bollywood, Taiko, Maori Hakka,
                   Native American, Japanese Odori,
                   Korean Hwarang Do and more!
                   This event is free! For more
                   information, please contact

                   Check the City's calendar and City
                    Library calendar for changes in
                         date, time, or location.

                                                         The City is looking for environmentally focused businesses to be one of
                                                         Glendale’s first certified green businesses. Does your business recycle, use
                        Holiday Closures                 environmentally efficient lighting, less toxic cleaners and/or promote public
                                                         transit? Then your business may qualify.  
                         Memorial Day holiday
                     Saturday-Monday, May 25-27          A California Green Business Network sticker and City recognition will be
                    City offices and libraries closed.   provided to certified locations. Free assistance certifying your business is
                            Learn more here.             available. Contact City of Glendale at (818) 548-3916 or email Recycling
                                                         Coordinator Regina Wheeler at for more
                    eBooks & Online Media
                                                                Glendale Youth Alliance Accepting[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
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                                                                        Applications Now

                   Read daily issues of the New York
                   Times, take online courses on
         , watch movies and
                   shows on Hoopla, or learn a new
                   language. Check out these online
                   services provided by the Library,
                   Arts & Culture Department by

                      STEAM - Science,
                     Engineering, Art, and

                   Many Library locations have a
                   variety of free STEAM-
                   related programs and
                   workshops that'll inspire and
                   motivate children with fun, hands-
                   on learning activities. Learn more

                       Other Newsletters
                           Community Services and
                           Community Development
                           Economic Development
                           Glendale Water & Power            Reduce Food Waste - Compost
                           Library, Arts & Culture
                           Public Works

                       Previous City Connection
                             Newsletters[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
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                                                         Did you know that 35% of residential waste is organic? Organic materials like
                                                         food waste can be composted and turned into a valuable soil amendment. Learn
                                                         how to begin a backyard composting and/or worm bin by attending Glendale’s
                                                         Compost Workshop on June 8th. Preregistration for the workshop is required
                                                         before May 30th by emailing or pre-register through
                                                         this website.

                                                                Interested in Becoming a Lifeguard or
                                                                         Recreation Leader?

                                                         Spend your summer making great friends and memories as a Recreation Leader
                                                         or Lifeguard! Go to to apply for a position today.  

                                                                Stay Connected!

                      This is an official publication of the City of Glendale, distributed by the Office of Communications and Community
                      Relations. For inquiries, please contact Eliza Papazian, City Connection Editor at or
                                                                          (818) 548-4844.[1/26/2021 3:53:23 PM]
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