Twitter and Election Campaigns: Measuring Usage in Nigeria's 2015 Presidential Election - Covenant Journals

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Covenant Journal of Communication (CJOC) Vol. 5 No. 2, Dec. 2018

              An Open Access Journal, Available Online

Twitter and Election Campaigns: Measuring
Usage in Nigeria’s 2015 Presidential Election

                     Nkiru Comfort Ezeh Ph.D. &
                    Augustine Godwin Mboso Ph.D.

                      Department of Mass Communication
                      Madonna University, Okija, Nigeria
                      National Open University of Nigeria,
                          Study Centre, Uyo, Nigeria.

 Abstract: This study put the effectiveness of Twitter on the radar in
 Southeast Nigeria with regard to the 2015 presidential electioneering
 campaigns of the two leading candidates. The need existed to understand
 if the online platform used by the incumbent President Goodluck
 Jonathan of the Peoples‘ Democratic Party (PDP) and challenger
 Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressive Congress (APC), as part of a
 complimentary media strategy, was effective in shaping voter behaviour
 in that part of the country. Data generated from 200 respondents showed
 that although Twitter provided the information needed via voters‘
 interaction with political candidates, it did not significantly alter voter
 interest nor affect voting decision. Voters could not recall their use of
 Twitter as a factor in casting their ballot owing to post election time
 Keywords: Presidential election, Twitter, campaign, social networking,
 voters, southeast Nigeria.

Introduction                              2003, p. 82). The online interactive
Twitter‘s relevance in politics can       option on the platform makes
be seen in its ability to make the        presidential campaigns especially
politician     connect     with     the   more notable, easier and faster
electorate through text, audio or         (Owen and Davis, 2008) compared
video without the gatekeeping             to other campaigns.               This
interference of the journalist.           observation about Twitter as a New
Candidates and their campaigns can        Media communication channel
gauge reactions to their messages in      prompted this investigation on the
real time. Voters can easily share        extent to which the relatively new
their standpoints while politicians       channel, used complementarily to
can track and respond to voters'          the conventional ones, influenced
evolving views in the course of the       voter interest in the 2015
campaign (Kapko, 2016). Twitter           presidential elections campaign in
helps voters understand political         Nigeria.
issues as they emerge. Voters use         Conversely, some scholars (Bentley
the Twitter platform via the Internet     College, 2006; Wojcieszak and
to read political news, share political   Muntz, 2009; Bushey, 2010; Kapok,
knowledge through information             2016) have argued that though
exchange and obtain responses that        Twitter makes political discourse
enable      them      situate     their   more accessible, the 140-character
participation in politics. Twitter is     limit makes it difficult or impossible
not      new       to      presidential   for campaigners to share detailed
electioneering campaigns around the       policy proposals on the platform,
world. The 2015 presidential              thereby preventing an in-depth
election in Nigeria enabled us to         campaign discourse – an action that
ascertain if the use of Twitter did       can limit awareness (Oresanya, et
influence voter-behaviour.                al., 2017) This they argue makes it
Writers (Palser, 2007; Darly, 2008;       difficult for people to get a greater
Pal & Gonawela, 2017) confirm that        understanding of the candidates'
Twitter is a source of political news     cornerstone ideas. Among these
as it provides new opportunities for      scholars, Kopek particularly notes
unmediated       dialogue     between     that social media outlets like Twitter
candidates and voters, and when the       are     popular     for     publishing
ensuing messages are accepted by          contentious political conversations
these voters, they offer a powerful       which fuel widespread polarization
form of endorsement. The result is        and partisan animosity, as the
that voters‘ access to information        debates at issue turn off more people
increases, leading to ―a revitalized      than they attract. These negative
democracy, characterized by a more        compliments are further proof that
active informed citizenry‖ (Levin,        Twitter should be investigated to

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

determine its relevance to a nation           with regard to how it contributed to
during election periods.                      vote-wiseness.      The     foregoing
Statement of the Problem                      assertions have been problematized
How to provide credible and                   into specific objectives and research
relevant online information to                questions as stated below.
influence voting decisions is a hot           Objectives of the Study
topic among scholars and political              To determine the extent to which
observers of Nigeria‘s political                 candidates in Nigeria‘s 2015
space. Which platform should be                  presidential candidates utilized
deployed: Is it Twitter, Facebook,               Twitter in their electioneering
WhatsApp or the other one, to                    campaigns to induce voter
stimulate voters‘ decision and                   participation.
participation toward a candidate?               To ascertain the relationship
Voters          need        authentic            between the political information
communication channels to access                 provided by Twitter during the
the information that could provide               campaigns and citizens‘ voting
them with comparative narratives                 decision during the 2015
necessary to encourage partisan                  election.
considerations. This paper zeros in             To ascertain voters‘ recall of
on Twitter and the way it shaped                 political    information     about
voters‘ decision in Nigeria‘s 2015               Nigeria‘s     2015     presidential
presidential election which had two              candidates on Twitter and its
main candidates – the incumbent                  influence on voter behaviour.
Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP and
                                              Research Questions
the main challenger - Mohammadu
Buhari of the APC.                              To what extent did 2015
                                                 presidential candidate in Nigeria
An          effective        political
                                                 utilize Twitter in their election
communication medium should be                   campaigns to induce voter
capable of providing information                 participation?
that can guarantee a well-informed
                                                What is the relationship between
citizenry, competent to participate in
                                                 the relevance of political
governance       (Sawant,      2000).
                                                 information provided by Twitter
Political decisions emerge from
                                                 during the 2015 presidential
credible and adequate information
                                                 election campaigns and decision
about policies, programmes and
                                                 making by voters?
activities which the electorate
                                                What is the level of voters‘ recall
requires to vote wisely. The
                                                 of political information on
drawbacks of Twitter as asserted by
                                                 Twitter      about     presidential
Kopek and co-critics made it
imperative to study the platform

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

    candidates and its influence on           Literature Review
    voter behaviour?                          Twitter Community
Significance of the Study                     Twitter, sometimes described as the
Social media is an evolving area of           SMS of the Internet (D‘Monteis
study in communication, especially            2019), is basically a website
as     it    relates     to   political       operated by an organization -
communication. We should be able              Twitter     Inc.     A     technology
to tell if the platform enhanced              entrepreneur Jack Dorsey started the
democracy and disparaged it. The              company in March 2006 and
2015 presidential election in Nigeria         launched the platform in July of the
provided that opportunity to                  same year. Twitter offers social
determine       if     the    political       networking and microblogging
information Nigerians received                services, enabling its users to send
through Twitter influenced their              and read messages called tweets,
voting decisions. This is especially          which are text-based posts of up to
timely as Nigeria has scheduled               140 characters, displayed on the
another presidential election for the         user's profile page. Tweets are
first quarter of 2019.                        publicly visible by default, though
The study is beneficial to political          senders can restrict message
campaigners, desirous of reaching a           delivery to just their followers.
larger number of information                  Users may subscribe to or ―follow‖
seekers, outside the realms of the            other users' tweets (Stone 2009). As
conventional media. It would                  a social network, Twitter operates
explain how Twitter can be                    the followership principle. When
extensively used to propagate                 you choose to follow another
needed information that can lead to           Twitter user, the user's tweets
the expected change in attitude,              appear in reverse chronological
opinions and political behaviour.             order on your main Twitter page. It
The study explains the efficacy of            allows users the ability to update
the Twitter as a veritable interactive        their profile via text messaging or
communication tool that can                   by some apps meant for that
influence voter appreciation of               purpose.
politics and political issues. The            Twitter is regarded by many users as
research report shall also contribute         the best social media platforms for
to emerging literature in political           conveying political messages in
communication, particularly, as it            bite-size pieces to an electorate with
relates to Twitter use in presidential        an ever-decreasing attention span
campaigns.                                    (Moore, 2015). Nigerians who were
                                              at the forefront of Internet users in

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                      CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

Africa (Ayodeji, 2016; Okorie, Loto              24, 2015, a total of 2.6 million
& Omojola 2018; Okorie et al.,                   tweets related to Nigeria‘s elections
2017) keyed into this platform to                were recorded, either through hash
increase their voices and visibility in          tags or handles.
the 2015 presidential election, held             Mohammadu Buhari who only
in March 28, 2015. The key players               joined Twitter in December 2014
in the 2015 presidential election                had over 160,000 followers prior to
were - the Independent National                  the election, and was active on the
Election       Commission             (INEC),    platform with tweets personally
Goodluck Johnathan, Mohammadu                    drafted by him and signed with his
Buhari and their respective parties              initials (Moore, 2015). He operated
as well as the electorate - used                 on the following harsh tags;
Twitter visibly in the build-up to the           #Thisisbuhari,            #Febuhari,
election and during the election and             #Iamready,           #Ichoosebuhari,
2015.                                            #march4buhari,        #IchooseGMB,
The          Independent            Electoral    #MBuhari, #GMB15. His election
Commission (INEC), a body in                     campaign kicked off with regional
charge of conducting elections in                gatherings in each of the six geo-
Nigeria set up a Twitter handle                  political zones. These tags provided
account (and hash tags at                        the opportunity for people to follow
#nigeriadecides,         #nigeriaelection        him across Nigeria as he delivered
#2015INEC etc.) through which it                 the message of ―Change‖.
educated people on the voting                    Goodluck Jonathan also had hash
process, debunked rumours about                  tags like; #GEJWins, #Goodluck
the commission, and sent reports                 #gejnigera,               #GEJ2015,
from polling booths. It was also                 #forwardnigeria,
used by both the political parties               #continuity@pregoodluck,
and voters to communication                      #ichoosegej.     However,     Moore
election issues. Key activists and               (2015)     notes    that    Jonathan
influencers who were already                     abandoned his official Twitter
popular on Twitter leveraged their               account set up in May 2011.
popularity among the socially                    Nevertheless, his media advisor who
connected voting population to                   was a robust Twitter user with a
inform and persuade voters to elect              huge following served as Jonathan‘s
respective candidates, and most                  mouthpiece, pushing the President‘s
importantly do so peacefully                     message of ‗Continuity‘, keeping
(Moore, 2015). According to                      people updated about his political
Oluwatola ( 2 0 15 ) ,            in      t he   plans, and responding to campaign
b u i l d -u p t o t h e e l e c t i o n d a y   issues.
- December 1, 2014 through March

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

Twitter and Presidential Campaign             has been widely used in recent years
Effective communication is crucial            to support electoral campaigning.
to politics. The ability to                   Twitter      reinforces       political
communicate has always been a                 messages and build online and
useful political skill and politicians        offline support that help drive
use persuasive communication to               interesting debates about any
canvass an issue or a cause. This is          politician or political party. Twitter
particularly important in Nigeria             can validly mirror the political
where unemployment, security,                 landscape offline and can be used to
terrorism, etc. (Morah & Omojola,             predict election results to a certain
2011) are the main issues of                  extent (Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan
discussion in the public space that           2014). Yardi and Boyd (2010)
need to be clarified by political             suggest that, in political context,
leaders.      They     use     specific       although the Twitter users are more
communication channels to reach a             likely to interact with others who
particular target audience with a             share the same views as they do in
pre-determined message to generate            terms of retweeting, they are also
the knowledge that can influence              actively engaged with those with
political     behaviour     of     their      whom they disagree. However,
audience. The message and target              replies     between       like-minded
audience will determine, to a large           individuals would strengthen group
extent,      the     most      efficient      identity, whereas replies between
communication medium to be                    dissimilar views could reinforce in-
deployed in influencing voters                group and out-group affiliations.
(Ezeh, Chukwuma & Enwereuzo,                  Ahmed, Joidka and Cho (2016)
2015).                                        assesses the use of Twitter in the
The emergence of the Internet as a            2014 Indian general elections,
medium of mass communication has              which was the first time the country
elicited competition among the                used social media for electioneering
conventional media, like radio,               campaigns. The findings suggest
television, newspaper and magazine            that the new-and-upcoming parties
among others (Ezeh, Chukwuma &                used Twitter for self-promotion and
Okanume, 2017) as noted earlier.              media validation, while established
The place of the social media to              parties used the platform to
rally political support is no longer in       supplement their offline strategies.
doubt. To advance the conversation            The authors also observe that the
and mobilize political support,               winning party‘s electoral success
social media have become a critical           was significantly associated with
political tool for campaign planners.         their use of Twitter for engaging
The microblogging service Twitter,            voters.

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

Ifukor     (2010)    examines       the       political discourse. Analyzing how
linguistic construction of textual            Donald Trump used the power of
messages in the use of blogs and              Twitter to defeat his closest rivalry,
Twitter in the Nigerian 2007                  Hillary Clinton in the 2016
electoral cycle comprising the April          Presidential election in America,
2007 general elections and rerun              Kpako, (2016) asserts that Trump
elections in April, May, and August           was also particularly adept at using
2009. A qualitative approach of               simple language to share his
discourse analysis is used to present         unfiltered views on Twitter in a way
a variety of discursive acts that             that     matched     his    campaign
blogging       and     microblogging          branding. When you read a tweet by
afforded social media users during            Donald Trump you could almost
the electoral cycle. The data were            hear Donald Trump's voice, whereas
culled from 245 blog posts and 923            if you were reading tweets by
tweets. The thesis of the study is            Hillary Clinton from her Twitter
that citizens‘ access to social media         account you could obviously see
electronically empowers electorates           that it was coming from campaign
to be actively involved in                    staffers. You have a sense that every
democratic governance. Electronic             single tweet came from Donald
empowerment is a direct result of             Trump to some extent and this had a
access to social media (and mobile            very persuasive value to the public.
telephony) by more citizens who               The expressed view about Donald
constitute the electorate. This               Trump‘s use of Twitter in 2016
encourages more public discussions            election      shows      that    self-
about politics and makes the                  representation matters in political
democratic process more dynamic               communication        via      Twitter.
than in the pre—social media era.             Essoungou, (2011) notes that one of
An analysis of the data shows that            the most striking novelties of the
there is a dialectical relationship           2011 presidential election in
between social media discourse and            Cameroon was the impressive
the       process     of      political       number       of    candidates    who
empowerment.                                  incorporated social media into their
Twitter is an important platform for          campaign strategies, the meager five
political expression that has helped          per cent Internet penetration in that
people find their voices. The leading         country as of then notwithstanding.
presidential candidate for America‘s          The 2015 Nigeria‘s presidential
presidency used Twitter to energize           election also featured this new trend
their supporters and draw citizens            in political campaigns as candidates
who wouldn‘t have followed                    upgraded their message delivery
                                              with the new communication tools

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

that Twitter offered. The popularity          money spent, race characteristics
of Twitter was such that it presented         and so forth (Shannon, McGregor &
considerable hope for a more                  Logan 2017). Stieglitz and Dang-
informed and active citizenry with            Xuan‘s (2014 cited in Larsson and
the attendant conducive media                 Moe, 2011) study on Twitter use
environment for candidates to                 during the 2011 Swedish general
promote themselves, articulate their          election found that Twitter served as
positions, and interact with voters in        a channel for disseminating political
fundamentally different ways unlike           contents and not for political dialog.
what obtained in the previous                 Stoddart (2013) suggests that the
elections.                                    brevity of the 140-character tweet
Ayodeji, (2016), examines how                 limit has meant that Twitter is being
Nigerian youth formed socio-                  used by politicians for little more
political networks on social media            than broadcasting sound bites. He
platforms of Facebook and Twitter,            notes that rather than Twitter
and how these media influenced the            attracting more potential voters, it
2015 general elections. The findings          seemed to simply report what had
show that not all followers of                already been decided. Rather than
political parties and politicians on          using Twitter to establish a two-way
Facebook and Twitter were their               dialogue which bypasses the media
supporters. Moreover, the platforms           and provides a direct connection
raised the consciousness of Nigerian          with citizens, Twitter merely
youth during the 2015 elections in            reinforced the existing old media
the area of constructive and                  model of one-way communication
destructive arguments directly with           and sound bites.
politicians, which gave birth to new          Graham et al. (2013) present a study
socio-political    movements        of        on political candidates‘ behaviour
followers and antagonists. The                on Twitter during the 2010 UK
results also show that youth                  General        Election      campaign,
networks helped to shape the 2015             focusing on four aspects of tweets:
elections in terms of exposing and            type, interaction, function and topic.
preventing insecurity and fraud.              The study insists that although there
Conversely, other studies (Larsson            were a group of candidates who
and Moe, 2011; Stoddart, 2013;                used Twitter to interact with voters
Shannon, McGregor & Logan 2017)               by, mobilizing, helping and
suggest that Twitter use has limited          consulting them, thus tapping into
power to engage voters and predict            the potential that Twitter offers for
electoral outcomes and that its usage         facilitating a closer relationship with
and the outcome of that usage may             citizens, the politicians mainly used
be predicted by other factors such as         it as a unidirectional form of

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                     CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

communication. This corroborates              come from one central source as in
with (Grant, Moon & Grant 2010)               the conventional media, but from
findings that Twitter is used more            multiplicity of sources - all trying to
for broadcasting than conversing in           influence the opinion of one another
Australia. This, Stoddart (2013),             especially that of those in position
believes is because politicians are           of authority.
often not confident enough to use             Political participation does not take
social media in an engaging way,              place in a vacuum but within a
perhaps because of fear of losing             public     realm      (Polat     2007).
message control.                              Deliberative democratic theory
Theoretical Framework                         gives political organizations an
This study is predicated on the               important role in the public sphere.
Public Sphere Theory (Habermas,               Habermas (1989) defines the public
1962). The core of this theory is that        sphere     as     a    network       for
political action is steered by the            communicating information and
public sphere, and that the only              points of view about the common
legitimate governments are those              good. According to Calhoun (1992),
that listen to the public sphere.             a genuine public sphere should have
Habermas refers notionally to his             the following common features:
public sphere as a space that                    The focus of the discussion in
provides more or less autonomous                  the public sphere is on issues of
and open arena or forum for public                common concern to the Public.
debate. He states that the public                It is inclusive in principle and
sphere is like an intermediary                    should be equally accessible to
system of communication between                   all who may be interested in
formally organized, and informal                  those issues or may be
face to face, deliberations in arenas             influenced by those issues.
at both the top and bottom of the                The      proceeding      of     this
political system (Habermas, 2006).                communicative action is based
To him this type of deliberation is               on     rational     and     critical
the hallmark of the liberal or                    deliberation.
participatory democracy. Public                  The deliberation itself is subject
sphere as he explains further, is                 to normative standard of
―rooted in networks for wild flow of              evaluation, and should be solely
messages      –    news,      reports,            judged on the validity and
commentaries, talks, scenes and                   rationality          of          the
images, and shows and movies with                 communication, rather than on
an       informative,      polemical,             the identity of the speaker or the
educational or entertaining content‖              decision from an arbiter. This is
(p. 415). These contents do not

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

     reiterated by Omojola (2009;             the form of digital music
     2011).                                   distribution); a greater freedom of
McQuail (2005) observes that the              choice,     less     constrained     by
actors in this sphere of deliberation         geography;       the     capacity    to
are politicians and political parties,        disseminate, debate and deliberate
lobbyists, pressure groups or actors          upon issues and to challenge
of civil society. This deliberation           professional and official positions;
has impact on the decision-making             and ability to circulate information,
process in national legislatures and          ideas, and debate freely as well as
in other political institutions as there      the opportunity for eliciting political
is for the learning effects of                will (Dahlgren 2005; Szabó 2007).
ruminating political conversations            Twitter is a classic example in this
among citizens in everyday life.              regard and the centre of the focus of
―The media, when organized in an              this study.
appropriate way, especially when              Method
open, free and diverse, can be                A total of 200 respondents from a
considered one of the most                    population of 12,123 academic staff
important intermediary institutions           that worked in the nine universities
of the civil society‖ (McQuail,               (selected out of 18 of such) in
2005, p. 181). But unlike the mass            southeast geopolitical zone of
media that manipulate the people              Nigeria,          completed         the
rather than help them form opinions           questionnaire. The academia was
in a rational way, access to                  preferred as respondents because
Habermas‘ space is free and                   research has shown that they use the
freedoms of assembly, association             Internet very well and spend more
and expression are guaranteed. This           time online especially with regard to
is because of the gatekeeping                 the use of Twitter in Nigeria.
process which makes the media                 The multistage sampling procedure
selective about the people and issues         was adopted in this study. The first
that pass through their ‗gate‘.               stage involved the selection of
A number of scholars have                     universities. The researchers made a
identified the possibilities created          list of the universities in each of the
by the Internet and digital media             three categories (private, state and
technologies to develop a virtual             federal) in the five states in souteast
public sphere for greater horizontal          zone of Nigeria. Two universities
or peer-to-peer communication; an             were randomly selected from each
unrestricted medium for the                   type.     Of     the    six selected
exchange of information, easy                 universities, two were privately
access to cultural products (e.g. in          owned; two were state universities

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                      CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

while the other two were federal              were valid for analysis. We
universities.                                 observed prima facie that the return
The second stage of the sampling              rate could have been higher but for
involved the selection of the                 the issues respondents had with
colleges in the marked institutions.          recalling their experience on
We made a list of all the colleges of         Twitter.
which two were selected from each             Results
of the nominated university using             General Twitter use for political
the simple random method. The                 participation and voting behaviour
third stage involved the selection of         The study sought to know the
the two departments from each                 percentage of the respondents that
college also using the simple                 had access to Internet for online
random method. This amounted to               communication as a prerequisite for
12 departments selected from the 12           the use of Twitter in political
colleges that emerged from the six            communication. Table 1 below
universities. Of the 200 copies of            presents       the       percentage
the questionnaire distributed, 171

    Table 1: Respondents’ Access to Twitter
          n=171             Internet for on-line          Access to Twitter
                              communication                   account
          Yes                     98.4%                        48.7%
          No                       1.6%                        52.3%

       Table 2: Respondent’s Extent of Use of Twitter

                  n=171                        Extent of tweeting
                  Frequently                            13.7%

                  Not too often                         61.2%
                  When necessary                        14.1%
                  Not at all                            11.0%

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                       CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

        Table 3: Respondents’ extent of following tweets of presidential
        candidates during the 2015 presidential campaign
                n=171                         Following the tweet of
                                              presidential candidate
                Regularly                             5.5%
                Moderately                            6.3%
                Not sure                             74.4%
                Not at all                           13.7%
Table 3 shows the extent to which                the 2015 presidential election
the respondents followed the                     campaign.
presidential candidates‘ tweets,                 Presidential candidates’ use of
during the 2015 presidential                     social media
campaign. The result suggests that               Many scholars assert that the
most respondents did not follow the              Internet is a significant component
presidential candidates on Twitter as            of the sequence that enables a
74.4 percent of the respondents were             candidate win a presidential election
not sure of the extent of which they             (May Joyce, 2010; Morgan-
followed the presidential candidates             Besecker, 2011). The study put this
on Twitter. Another 11.8 percent                 assertion to the test with regard to
moderately followed the presidential             the use of Twitter to solicit votes by
candidates while 13.7 percent of the             Messrs Jonathan and Buhari, the
respondents did not follow the tweet             two leading candidates during the
of any presidential candidate during             2015 presidential election.
  Table 4: Use of Twitter by Jonathan and Buhari according to respondents
                                                               None of
                                       Jonathan       Buhari    Them         Others
  Candidates that use Twitter more
                                         24.3%        7.8%      52.5%        15.3%
  Candidates that appeal to
                                         38.4%        2.4%     41.6.8%       6.7%
  respondents contact with Twitter

Table 4 shows the two leading                    However,      majority    of    the
presidential candidates used Twitter             respondents believed that neither
more extensively than others. Some               Goodluck         Jonathan       nor
24.3 percent of the respondents                  Muhammadu Buhari extensively
claimed that Goodluck Jonathan                   used the social media, while 15.3
used the social media more than                  percent of the respondents believed
Muhammadu Buhari at 7.8 percent.                 that some political candidates not

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                        CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

mentioned on the questionnaire used             study sought to find          out other
the social media more extensively               reasons that might have       persuaded
during the said campaign. However,              respondents to vote in         the 2015
Goodluck Jonathan appealed more                 presidential election.        Table 4
to them through Twitter than                    presents he figures.
Mohammadu Buhari. Next, the
                 Table 4: Reasons that Influenced Vote

                                  n=171                       %
                      Believable information                9.8
                          Satisfies my religious
                           Likeable personality            48.6
                           Credible information            31.0
                                   None                     6.7
                                   Total                   100.0

Table 5: Respondents’ opinion measurement on social media use in political
campaign and participation

             n=171               Strongly                                     Strongly
                                disagree Disagree     Not sure      Agree      agree
   Candidates use Twitter to
                                  3.5%        5.1%                  45.9%       13.3%
      reach some voters                               32.2%
   Candidates use of social
  media to persuade voters to     2.0%        3.1%       34.1%      45.5%       15.3%
    participate in election
    Social media provided
   political information that                         36.9%
                                   .4%        2.4%                  40.0%       20.4%
       persuaded voter-
   Social media provided an
    interaction platform for      16.9%       7.5%       30.2%      40.0%       17.3%
   chatting with candidates
  Voting decision influenced
   by the interaction from        6.7%        16.9%   41.6%         24.7%       10.2%
    social media network

The Table 5 above implies that more             persuasive political information to
respondents believed that Twitter               influence voter behaviour. It means
was used by the presidential                    that more persons and in fact,
candidates in the 2015 presidential             majority of the respondents, agreed
elections in Nigeria, to reach some             that the social media provided an
voters. Again, majority of the                  interactive platform through which
respondents at 60.8 person agreed               voters were able to chat with the
that candidates used Twitter to urge            presidential candidates during the
some voters to participate in                   2015 presidential election. It shows
election; and nearly two-thirds of              also that social media interactions
the respondents believed that the               influenced the voting decision of
social media platform provided                  about one-third of the respondents.

  Table 6: Provision of Political Information by Twitter and Voter Decision Making
        n=171                 Twitter        Twitter            Interaction
                             provided       provided               from
                             political      political             Twitter     Twitter
                           information    information           influenced    largely
                         that persuaded that persuaded             your       influenced
                              voter-         voter-               voting      voting
                          participation participation            decision     behaviour
     Social media
  provided political                           .805**             .326**        .401**
   information that
   persuaded voter-                              .000            .000           .000
     Social media
  provided political         .805**                               .349**        .368**
   information that                             1.000
   persuaded voter-          .000                                 .000          .000
   Interaction from
                             .326**            .349**                           .524**
 Twitter influenced
     your decision
                            .000                .000                             .000
    Twitter largely          .401              .368**             .524   **

  influenced voting                                                            1.000
      behaviour              .000                .000            .000
 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The result on Table 6 shows that                information but had no significant
Twitter provided relevant political             relationship with voter decision

making during the 2015 presidential                and participation in the election. The
   election. The insignificant value of               result therefore, confirmed political
   the correlation testified the assertion            information provided by the social
   from the obtained results. Table 5                 networks during the campaigns did
   was also used to substantiate that                 not influence decision making by
   Twitter        provided        political           voters during the 2015 presidential
   information to voters, capable of                  election.
   influencing their vote decision to                 Recall of content of political
   participate in the election. This view             information shared on Twitter
   was substantiated by the calculated                Recall capability frees content from
   mean value of 3.75 which is greater                becoming transient and ephemeral,
   than the decision point value of 3.0.              since user of the media remembers
   However, the insignificant value of                them and crave repeated access to
   0.000 obtained in Table 6 against                  such communication channels that
   the mean value of 0.0 showed the                   provide the said content. Table 7
   low level of those exposed to such                 sheds light on this.
   political information and the
   expected influence on voter-interest
   Table 7: Content recall on social media as influencing voter behavior
                                              Recall content of political information
                                              posted in the social media network
                               Count            Yes       Not sure   Faintly   NO       Total
 Twitter largely Strongly
influenced       agree                          2.1         6.5       4.8      19.7     33.0
voting behaviour
                                                5.4         16.9      12.5     51.3     86.0
                 Not sure
                                                6.3         19.8      14.7     60.2     101.0
                                                1.8         5.7       4.2      17.3     29.0
                 disagree                        .4         1.2        .9       3.6      6.0
                                               16.0         50.0      37.0     152.0    255.0

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

                                                                 Asymp. Sig. (2-
                                          Value         df           sided)
Pearson Chi-Square                       88.603a       12               .000
Likelihood Ratio                         84.948        12               .000
Linear-by-Linear Association             22.307         1               .000
N of Valid Cases                           255

The result above shows that there is           appreciable number of respondents
no relationship between any                    (98.4%) who had access to Internet,
likelihood that the voter behaviour            but low use of Internet to access
was recalled. At best, the experience          Twitter     (48.7%)    for     online
was faintly recalled. It means, in a           communication was recorded. it is
nutshell, that the respondents did             interesting to know that Internet
not recall their use of Twitter as             accessibility is no longer a major
medium that influenced their voting            problem to Nigerian academics as
decision in the 2015 presidential              many of them now have access to
election in Nigeria. The result                the Internet, though their extent of
therefore     accepted     the    null         utilization of Twitter is still very
hypothesis and rejected hypothesis             low as most of them are not regular
three in respect of the third research         tweeters
question.                                      None of the presidential candidates
Discussion of findings                         under      study    used     Twitter
The first objective of the study was           extensively     to   court    voters.
to investigate the extent 2015                 However, Jonathan appealed more
presidential candidate in Nigeria              to 38.4% of those who accessed the
utilized Twitter in their election             Twitter platforms compared to
campaigns       to    induce     voter         Buhari‘s 2.4%. The use of Twitter
participation. It is understandable            by the two candidates facilitated
that the choice of which platforms             democratic participation in the
used     for     e-campaigning       is        political      process      through
determined by how and where                    communication that could lead to
citizens spend time on the internet.           voter decision during the election.
The study therefore sought to know             The public sphere theory applies to
the percentage of the respondents              this finding since the political
that had access to Internet for online         candidates partook of the public
communication as a prerequisite for            sphere through chatting with Twitter
the use of Twitter in political                users. Through those chats ideas
communication. There was an                    were shared as part of the

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                    CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

communication process. The social             on voter-interest and participation in
media      platform     of    Twitter,        the election.
therefore, enabled citizens to gain           Recall that likeability of the
knowledge of political issues of              candidates is the major factor that
public significance.                          influenced the decisions of the
The opinions of the respondents               respondents as voters according to
were also surveyed to determine if            the finding. This may explain
the use of Twitter during the 2015            succinctly why voters in South-east
presidential electioneering campaign          geo-political zone in Nigeria voted
helped them obtain the needed                 Jonathan (Moore, 2015) in spite of
information that induced their                the record showing that Buhari also
participation and decision to vote in         used Twitter appreciably as an
the election. It was found that               electioneering campaign medium.
majority of the respondents agreed            The study also determined if the
that Twitter provided an interactive          respondents recalled the use of the
platform through which voters were            Twitter for the assessment of the
able to chat with the presidential            presidential candidates through the
candidates at the 2015 presidential           information       disseminated       to
election. The individual needs and            influence voting decision.         The
preferences were freely expressed             outcome was that the respondents‘
and published as opinions through             rate of recall of the posted
chats     which     was     a    clear        electioneering information was low.
demonstration of freedom of                   This translated to low voter
assembly and association and                  participation     and    insignificant
freedom to express and publish their          influence on voting decision and
opinion, according to Habermas                election results.
(1962).                                       There is an issue of note here. The
Caution is imperative at this point           time lapse prior to this 2017 study -
with regard to the foregoing finding.         nearly two years – is a critical factor
Though Twitter platform users had             in the recall sequence and a vital
the freedom to associate with the             component of the outcome of this
presidential candidates, this usage           investigation. This shows time as an
did not influence them entirely to            intervening variable in studies that
participate in 2015 election. The             relate to recall. The result accepted
insignificant value of 0.000 obtained         the null hypothesis that voters did
in Table 5 against the mean value of          not recall their use of Twitter as an
0.0 showed the low level of those             influence on voting decision – an
exposed to the political information          acceptance shaped by the passage of
and the influence of that exposure            time.

Nkiru Comfort Ezeh & Augustine Godwin Mboso                   CJOC (2018) 5(2) 44-65

Conclusion                                    be trivialized as a chat medium but
Academic staff, as prospective                be used as medium for transmitting
voters, used the Internet extensively         political issues of public concern.
for online communication but they             Politicians should maximize the
were no regular tweeters. The 2015            benefits of Twitter as a political
presidential candidates did not use           channel      to      improve    their
Twitter extensively and therefore             relationships with voters as part of
did not appeal to the voters. Though          the     overall     commitment     to
Twitter provided an interactive               revitalizing democracy and civil
platform on which voters could chat           engagement. When usage is
with the presidential candidates in           frequent - regular, engaging and
the build up to the election it did not       consistent in the presentation of
significantly    influence      voters‘       persuasive political information -
decision. The effectiveness of                voter participation can be assured.
Twitter as a platform for voter               There is need, therefore, to
engagement is visible but its use and         determine how best to use Twitter
the way its content is recalled by            platform for effective inducement of
users remains issues of note.                 voter participation in elections. It
Recommendations                               also important for researchers to
Twitter should be used to present             know that time is a critical element
public service agenda in order to             of posteriority in research.
provoke civic vitality. It should not

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