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2 0 1 9 G L O B A L C O M M U N I C A T I O N S R E P O R T Every year, the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism takes a fresh look at the topics and trends shaping the future of the Public Relations industry. Each time we survey profession- als working in the field and students planning to, we discover new insights into what makes PR one of the most dynamic professions in the universe. This year was no exception as we examined the impact of communication technology – what it means for the industry, academia and society.
T H E F U T U R E My boss and mentor for 30 years, Al Golin, loved tell- FRED COOK ing colorful stories about how he started out in Public Director, USC Center for Public Relations Relations. He would remind us of the days when he would bang out a press release on his Remington typewriter, walk across Michigan Avenue and hand deliver it to a friendly reporter in the newsroom of the Chicago Tribune. If the story ran, Al’s secretary would clip it out of the newspaper and send it to the client with a handwritten note saying how great it was. Sixty years later, his stories seem quaint. Typewriters are antiques. Press releases are endangered. Reporters are robots. And the Tribune Tower has been converted into condos. Technology has dramatically transformed the commu- nication profession. In the beginning, the pace of change was gradual. Every few years, a new technolo- gy would replace the older version, sometimes result-
ing in greater efficiency and speed. If you knew how Our mission at the USC Center for Public Relations is to type an email on a Blackberry, you could manage to shape the future of the PR industry and those who it on an iPhone, with a little help from spellcheck. will lead it. Understanding the latest tools of our trade is an important part of that future. To answer some of Today, technology changes so rapidly that it’s hard those questions, we heard from 210 CEOs, 1,583 Public to keep up. Every day, a new app, device or plat- Relations professionals and 378 students in the U.S. form is piled onto the growing tech stack available and around the world. We hope this report shines a to media, marketers and communicators. Like it or little light on where we’re headed. not, our future success relies upon our ability to utilize these new tools for analyzing complex data, engag- ing diverse audiences and measuring the impact of our campaigns at every step of the customer journey. But there are many questions. Which tools should we invest in? Who is responsible for choosing them? Should we build them or buy them? How will they improve our work? Will they really grow our business? How will we teach people to use them? And ultimate- ly, how will they impact society? 3
G O A L S Typically, we survey PR professionals and PR students When we ask corporate communications professionals, for our annual Global Communications Report. This who often report to the CEO, 39% agree that differenti- year we added another very important audience— ating the brand is important, just the same as CEOs. But CEOs—to determine where they think their company’s only 25% report that sales is their highest priority. Not communication efforts should be focused. Working surprisingly, communicators are more focused on defend- with Chief Executive magazine, we questioned more ing reputation and shaping opinion because that is often than 200 business leaders who run small, mid-size their responsibility. and large organizations across the U.S. We compared their answers with those of PR professionals to iden- Interestingly, neither group places a huge priority on tify alignments and gaps. marshaling data and analytics, which is at the heart of what technology does. Data and analytics are a means First, we asked them about their most important for building both brand and sales, and new technology communication goals. Forty-four percent of CEO needs support from the top if it’s going to be effective. respondents state their most important commu- nication goal for 2019 is to sell their products and services, while 39% say their primary goal is to differ- entiate their company’s brand from the competition. In contrast, virtually no one stated their most import- ant communication goal was shaping their company’s position on social issues. 4
Of the following communications goals, which is the most important for your organization in the year ahead? CEOS IN-HOUSE 44% COMMUNICATORS 39% 39% 25% 12% 14% 15% 8% 4% 1% Selling products Differentiating Marshaling data & Defending brand Shaping position and services brand from the analytics to gain when it is under on social issues competition insight into opinions, attack from issues and trends outside forces 5
Are you likely to communicate At a time when high-profile corpora- privacy (45%), healthcare (41%) and about societal issues? tions like Nike and Levi Strauss are diversity and inclusion (28%). More speaking out about societal issues, CEO S controversial issues like immigration it’s fascinating to discover that the (15%) fake news (13%) and gun control majority of U.S. CEOs have little inter- (2%) ranked much lower. est in being part of that conversation. When asked which societal issue they Communicators pick the same topics planned on speaking publicly about, 60% but place a much higher priority on 60% of the CEOs surveyed said they were unlikely to communicate about Not likely 40% diversity and inclusion (64%), which remains an important focus of the Likely any social issue in 2019. overall PR industry. In the “other” cate- gory, many mentioned education as an The percentages are reversed for issue they will address. Overall, it is fair in-house communicators, which to say that today’s senior executives means they are either out of sync IN-HOUSE COMMUNICATORS are more focused on issues that direct- with their bosses, or they realize ly affect their business than those that their employees and customers impact society. CCOs understand that are demanding to know where their mandate but take a broader view of companies and brands stand on the their responsibilities. issues they’re passionate about. 69% For CEOs who do plan to speak out, 31% Likely the most pressing topics are data Not likely
Of those likely to communicate about societal issues, these are the most relevant topics CEOS IN-HOUSE COMMUNICATORS 64% 45% 41% 28% 28% 28% 23% 15% 13% 9% 9% 12% 2% 3% Data privacy Healthcare Diversity & Immigration Fake news Other Gun control inclusion 7
C H A N G E Change remains the only constant in the PR profession. somewhere in between (66%). PR professionals agree Again this year, the vast majority of global PR profes- that many factors will disrupt how we communicate, sionals (66%) predict the coming years will bring but one dominates – Technology. A whopping 83% of considerable or drastic change. Agency executives global communicators believe technological inno- (72%) are more likely to expect substantial change vations will be a significant driver of change in the than their internal counterparts (60%). Students are industry, which is the reason we conducted this study. Expected change in the PR industry over the To what extent will technological innovations next five years drive this change? AGENCY IN-HOUSE Not very much at all 2% 61% 53% Somewhat 16% 32% Considerably 22% 59% 6% 8% 11% 7% To a great extent 23% Some Moderate Considerable Drastic 9
As we have seen in the past two years, the integration is also causing structural changes inside organizations, between PR and marketing is another important trend, agencies and holding companies, some of whom believe according to almost 90% of survey respondents. That integration is more important than independence. Anoth- integration is pushing PR to adopt new technology er result of this integration: PR agencies are hiring more already being used in the advertising world. Competi- creatives and planners from advertising agencies. tion always spurs innovation, and right now PR is play- ing a little catch-up. The merger of marketing and PR Over the next five years, how will PR’s relationships with marketing change? 1% WILL BECOME A LOT LESS INTEGRATED 2% WILL BECOME SOMEWHAT LESS INTEGRATED 8% STAY THE SAME 39% WILL BECOME SOMEWHAT MORE INTEGRATED 51% WILL BECOME A LOT MORE INTEGRATED 10
Which of the following terms best describes the What person or division does your agency normally reporting line of your Communications department? report to inside of your clients' organizations? 4% OPERATIONS 9% BRAND MGMT 45% 37% CEO / PRESIDENT CORPORATE 19% COMMUNICATIONS MARKETING 28% MARKETING 27% CEO 11% OTHER 5% 5% HUMAN OTHER 5% RESOURCES 2% STRATEGIC 2% 1% HUMAN PLANNING LEGAL LEGAL RESOURCES 11
Despite all this change, many PR professionals surveyed believe their revenue and their budgets will grow over the next 12 months, which will benefit everyone. Agency executives (69%) are less optimis- tic than they were last year at this time, when 86% predicted growth. But they’re more optimistic than their corporate counterparts. Only 32% of in-house communicators project their communications budget will grow in 2019, compared to 50% last year. Agen- cies will need to make up the difference with market- ing dollars. 12
In the coming year, do you predict the net revenue for In the coming year, do you predict the budget for your your company will decrease, stay the same or increase? department will decrease, stay the same or increase? AGENCY 86% IN-HOUSE 69% 53% 50% 32% 26% 26% 24% 9% 15% 5% 5% ‘18 ‘19 ‘18 ‘19 ‘18 ‘19 ‘18 ‘19 ‘18 ‘19 ‘18 ‘19 DECREASE STAY THE SAME INCREASE DECREASE STAY THE SAME INCREASE 13
M E D I A The channels for delivering information are also changing. Asked what communications strategies would be most valuable to their companies in the future, 38% of the U.S. CEOs surveyed chose social media and online influencers (shared media), slight- ly ahead of original content distributed through their company’s channels (owned media) at 36%. Traditional media coverage (earned media) ranked third at 14%, while a mere 12% say advertising (paid media) is their most valuable means of communication. Although in-house communicators agree that owned media will be an important communications channel in the future, they place a higher premium on earned than the CEOs. The biggest gap between in-house pros and CEOs is the importance of social media. Agency budgets are even more reliant on earned than the in-house communicators, which may often be the reason agencies are hired. While their revenue from 14
this expertise will decline, media relations is predict- We asked CEOs, which one of the following ed to remain agencies’ dominant revenue generator for the foreseeable future. communication strategies do you feel will be the most valuable to your company On the surface, the paid piece seems contradictory – in the future? becoming less important for CEOs, while more import- ant for communicators. The discrepancy is based on what exactly is being paid for. When CEOs hear paid, they think advertising, while PR people think social, where earned is bolstered through paid support. 38% Shared media 36% Owned media 12% 14% Shared media: social media and online influencers Paid media Earned media Owned media: original content distributed through company channels Paid media: advertising and branded content Earned media: traditional media coverage 15
EARNED OWNED PAID SHARED 47% 37% 34% 32% 28% 24% 25% 22% 23% 21% 22% 20% 18% 18% 15% 12% NOW IN FIVE YEARS NOW IN FIVE YEARS AGENCY IN-HOUSE What percentage of your media revenue is generated from What percentage of your media budget is devoted to work in work in these channels? these channels? 16
How prepared do students feel to work Students are in tune with CEOs. They’re much more prepared to deal with social media than the alterna- within these media channels? tives. That’s where they live, that’s what they learn, and that’s where they’ll work. They need to pay more attention to paid. Owned also needs emphasis. And as a profession, we must prevent media relations from becoming a lost art. In every channel, earned-first will always be the most effective way to tell a story. 70% SHARED 56% EARNED 53% PAID 50% OWNED 17
As all these channels collide, the PESO distinction is In five years, the average person will not becoming irrelevant to consumers. As we have seen 62% be able to make a distinction between in previous years, 62% of communications experts predict future consumers won’t be able to distinguish paid, earned, shared and owned media when they are consuming information. AGREE between a piece of information written by a report- er, paid for by a brand, or shared by an influencer. Another 55% believe they won’t even care where this information is coming from. If this is true, it’s unlikely they will detect a piece manufactured by a machine. In five years, the average person will not care whether paid, earned, shared and owned media 55% AGREE PR professionals recognize that artificial intelligence is altering the media landscape, but they don’t realize are clearly distinguishable. how quickly it’s happening. They predict about 35% of financial reporting will be written by robots in five years, but Bloomberg reports that 30% of their finan- cial stories are already developed by AI. Students predict a greater percentage of robot journalism in the future, but even they may be surprised by the pace of change. 18
In five years, what percentage of news content Bloomberg uses a system called Cyborg, which do you predict will be written by Artificial according to The New York Times is able to assist Intelligence? reporters in churning out thousands of articles on companies’ earnings each quarter. The program can PR PROFESSIONALS STUDENTS dissect a financial report the moment it appears and spit out an immediate news story. In addition to cover- ing earnings for Bloomberg, robots report on minor Financial reporting league baseball for The Associated Press, high school 35% football for The Washington Post and earthquakes 42% for the Los Angeles Times. These machines aren’t yet replacing reporters, but they are helping them Sports coverage modernize the more mundane aspects of their jobs. 30% 35% As AI technology spreads, the PR industry will learn Business coverage how to write press releases that optimize algorithms to ensure the most accurate, positive outcome possi- 26% ble (by the way, fancy diagrams don’t compute). In 37% a few years, PR robots may pitch media robots, but Political coverage will they meet for lunch? 21% 30% General interest coverage 28% 35% 19
T E C H Tech is also important at the top of the organization. Asked what aspects of their communications they would like to advance though future technology, the vast majority of CEOs stuck with tangible business goals. One-third chose customer experience optimi- zation as a primary objective, which opens a whole new area of opportunity for PR professionals – CXPR, where discrete communication is built into each inter- action a customer has with a brand. Customer experience was followed by audience targeting (22%) and measurement of results (22%), which are the beginning and end of that journey. Less clear-cut activities like reputation tracking, trend prediction and crisis management were chosen by fewer than 5% of the CEO respondents. In-house communicators are also planning to marshal technology around the customer. Measuring results is their main objective for new technology, which may finally quantify the real impact of storytelling. 20
In the coming year, which of the following areas of communications would CEOS you most like to advance through the use of new technology? IN-HOUSE COMMUNICATORS 33% 22% 22% 21% 20% 18% 18% 14% 12% 5% 6% 4% 3% 1% Crisis Content Audience Customer Measurement Reputation Trend management creation targeting experience of results tracking prediction optimization 21
What is the primary driver for technology use Marketing and measurement continue to surface as within your agency / department? the key factors in driving the adoption of new tech- nology. The competitive environment is also a big PR PROFESSIONALS factor for PR agencies who now regularly compete with ad agencies, digital firms and management Pressure to deliver measurable ROI consultants, all with deep roots in tech. 28% Integration of communications and marketing 25% Expansion of the number of media channels 19% Increasingly complex competitive environment 18% Expansion of the amount of consumer data 7% Other 4% 22
How do technologies get AGENCY Where does new technology come from? It appears introduced to your agency / IN-HOUSE that the main source for corporate communica- department? COMMUNICATORS tors is outside vendors, which are multiplying like megabits. Senior management plays an import- ant decision-making role, especially on the agen- cy side (48%). The IT department seems to be IT staff 15% more about maintaining than introducing tech, 28% while digital experts and junior staff are the ones who really know what’s hot and what’s not. In the Digital practice / department “other” category, agency executives mentioned 35% that their clients also introduced technology to 34% their firms. Outside vendors or consultants 35% 49% Senior management 48% 26% Junior team members 21% 26% Other 9% 12% 23
How would you rate your company’s current ability to use the latest technology to enhance the effectiveness of its communications? AGENCY IN-HOUSE 48% COMMUNICATORS CEOS 44% 42% 39% 35% 29% 16% 13% 10% 9% 7% 6% Excellent Good Average Below Average 24
It’s clear that technology has become a critical compo- nent of corporate communications for today’s CEOs, and many are relatively pleased with the results. Fifty-four percent of CEOs surveyed rate their compa- ny’s use of the latest communication technology as excellent or good, with 46% admitting to average or below. In-house communicators give themselves significantly lower scores, while agencies think they are more advanced. All three groups view new technology as a valuable investment in achieving their future business goals, but experience says we have a long way to go. 25
The number of tools available to the PR professional is Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Voice Assis- growing exponentially. But few are viewed as very tants – are not considered important to current work important to the communications work currently by roughly two-thirds of PR executives. Customer being done. In fact, media monitoring services like Relationship Management, Search Engine Optimiza- Cision and Zignal Labs, which have been around for tion and Web Analytics fall somewhere in between, years, are ranked as important tools being used today and the importance of those tools is expected to and tomorrow. By contrast, newer technologies – like increase dramatically in the coming years. CURRENT WORK FUTURE WORK 54% 54% 51% 50% 44% 44% 41% 40% 35% 34% 36% 27% 27% 22% 20% 13% Social Website Social media Media Content Search Customer Influencer listening and analytics management monitoring creation engine relationship identification/ analytics optimization management/ management marketing 26 automation
Social media tools show the biggest jump in impor- Interestingly and perhaps alarmingly, only 18% of all tance from the present to the future, which tracks PR executives believe artificial intelligence, which is with the growing importance of that media channel. being heralded as the next big thing, will be a very Over half of the respondents expect social listening important technology for them in the future. But that and influencer identification platforms will be very may be because only 3% claim to be very knowledge- important tools for PR professionals in the future. able about potential AI applications. 34% 33% 28% 23% 19% 18% 15% 14% 12% 11% 11% 3% 2% 2% 1% 2% Paid media Analytics/ News Artificial Voice Conversational Augmented Virtual planning Business dissemination/ intelligence assistants bots reality reality Intelligence syndication 27
Most PR people are confused by the concept of arti- ficial intelligence. Futuristic visions of “Terminator,” “Blade Runner” and “Ready Player One” can be scary, but that world is a long way off. Today, without even realizing it, we’re using AI every day for many mundane activities: asking Siri about the weather, receiving a recommendation from Amazon or requesting an Uber X. These tasks are made possible by machine learn- ing. For the communications profession, AI is mainly an analytics tool that allows us to do quantitative analysis of massive amounts of data – with the hope of making our strategies smarter, our results better and our jobs easier. Most of the tools listed in the glossary of this report are built on some form of arti- ficial intelligence, and they will profoundly change the way we think and work. The PR industry will benefit from artificial intelligence, but we must also be aware of its drawbacks. Open AI, a non-profit research organization founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, recently developed a transform- er-based language model called GPT-2, which is trained to predict the next word based on all the previous words 28
in a text. Given a simple prompt, the model is capa- How knowledgeable are you about future applica- ble of generating a page or two of human-quality text. tions of Artificial Intelligence in communication? Despite the technology’s potential business applica- tions, Open AI has declined to release the latest version to the public, citing a concern that it might be used to “develop deceptive, biased or abusive language at scale.” Meanwhile, Gltr, an MIT-IBM Watson Lab/ 40% Harvard NLP joint project, analyzes texts and predicts whether it was written by a machine. Artificial Intelligence will be very important in future PR work... Not at all 46% Somewhat Agree 18% 3% 53% Very 11% Moderately PR PROFESSIONALS STUDENTS 29
In the next five years, which of the following communication platforms will be the most important to enhancing the When it comes to communications platforms that will effectiveness of communication strategies? be most important in the future, pictures tell the story. YouTube and Instagram, whose popularity are based on photographs and videos, are projected to be the big winners in an era of decreasing attention span. YouTube 48% Google, an AI leader offering a portfolio of technolo- Instagram 46% gy tools, is not far behind. While visual experiences will rule, text-based platforms may not: A mere 5% Google 42% feel Medium will be an important communications 35% platform in five years. Due to the greater number of LinkedIn responses from North America and Europe addresses, Twitter 31% it’s certain that WeChat and Weibo are under-indexed in these totals. Facebook 30% WhatsApp 14% Those who chose “other” predict the dominant plat- form of the future has yet to be invented! WeChat 6% Medium 5% Other* 5% Reddit 4% Weibo 4% Snapchat 3% 30
What technology skills will future PR/communications professionals need to be successful? As the PR profession adopts new technology, PR profes- sionals will need to adopt new skills. Machines may do Big data analytics the analysis, but intelligent humans will be required to 65% translate data into actionable insights. Those insights Video production will be expressed visually, which increases the need for 59% production and design capabilities. Search engine optimization 59% Contemporary undergraduate PR programs teach Digital design coding, analytics and video production, which means 54% a stream of tech-savvy recruits are coming to the User experience rescue. But the technology transformation must be 53% initiated by corporate and agency leaders, who have Predictive AI technologies the authority and the resources to make it a reality. 43% Data management 38% Coding 17% Chatbots 14% Blockchain 8% Robotics 3% 3D Printing 3% 31
What impact will technological changes in media have on PR PROFESSIONALS average citizens over the next five years? STUDENTS Technological changes in media will make average citizens... MORE POLARIZED MORE MISINFORMED MORE ENGAGED 74% 61% 61% 53% 43% 72% 32
PR professionals have a mixed view on the long-term impact communication technology will have on those who are on the receiving end of it. Sixty-one percent agree that the average consumer of information will become more engaged, which is a good thing. But the same percentage (61%) believe that their engagement will be based on misinformation, which is not a good thing. As a result, almost three-quarters (74%) see society becoming more polarized in the future, which seems impossible based on the divisiveness we are already experiencing today. Students are more optimis- tic: Only 43% predict the average citizen will be more misinformed and 53% say they will be more polarized. These statistics highlight the power of communication technology, especially when employed to promote a controversial point of view or disseminate misleading information. Communications professionals have a profound obligation to use these new tools respon- sibly and to denounce those who do not. 33
Al Golin wasn’t a fan of social media. He preferred high-touch to high-tech. He believed in building rela- tionships face-to-face, rather than on Facebook. But there is no turning back. Technology is our future and tomorrow’s leaders will embrace it. For a long time, we’ve championed the art of Public Relations. To remain relevant to our companies and our clients, we must combine that art with science. At the same time, we need to remember that our job is to build relationships. Relationships between companies, brands and people. PR professionals have unparalleled insight, not shared by any other disci- pline, into the elements of human connection. We know how to listen and we know how to tell stories. Technology will enhance these skills, but it will never replace them. 34
In the next five years, how would you compare the importance of PR PROFESSIONAL technology vs. human capital in the communication industry? STUDENTS 46% 47% 30% 31% 23% 24% TECHNOLOGY WILL BE EQUAL IMPORTANCE HUMAN CAPITAL WILL BE MORE IMPORTANT MORE IMPORTANT
G L O S S A R Y Glossary of companies cited in this year’s market trends. This multilingual platform Zignal Labs: Media analytics software Global Communications Survey. Defini- covers social networks, blogs, forums, that uses big data, machine learning and tions curated from online sources by news and public data sources. digital media monitoring to measure the Manuelita Maldonado (MSPR candidate); impact of earned media projects, identi- edited by Nirit Weiss-Blatt, Ph.D. Talkwalker: Social listening and analytics fy reputational risks (e.g., bot attacks), company that uses AI-powered technology and offer a comprehensive competitive SOCIAL LISTENING AND AUDIENCE to monitor online conversations and imag- analysis for strategic decision-making. INTELLIGENCE es across social networks, news websites, and blogs and forums. Its tool provides W E B S I T E A N A LY T I C S Brandwatch: AI-powered social media brand monitoring, competitive analysis, monitoring tool that offers business business intelligence, media response Google Analytics: Web analytics service insights based on online conversations, analysis, and early warning systems. inside the Google Marketing Platform and optimizes targeted influencer, brand that tracks and reports website content and paid social media campaigns. TrendKite: Digital PR platform that traffic. In October 2018, Brandwatch announced uses AI technology to deliver audience a merger with Crimson-Hexagon (below). insights, provide data-driven reports, SimilarWeb: Online market intelligence conduct market research, and find media platform that tracks apps and website Crimson-Hexagon: AI-powered consumer contacts to extend a message across paid, traffic statistics and analytics. It offers insights company that analyzes audienc- owned and shared channels. TrendKite customer insights and provides informa- es, tracks brand perception and detects was acquired by Cision in 2019. tion about a brand’s competitors. 36
SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT marketing, social advertising and custom- billions of online conversations to extract er care through social listening. relevant insights, connect with influenc- Hootsuite: Social media management ers, measure campaign performance, and platform that monitors, measures MEDIA MONITORING identify competitors and market trends. campaign results, and supports content curation and team management. Cision: Earned media management soft- Newswhip: Content discovery and analyt- ware for public relations and marketing ics database that tracks and predicts how HubSpot: Inbound marketing and sales professionals. It provides online, broad- people engage with stories and trending platform that provides tools for social cast, social and print monitoring tools to topics on social media. media marketing, content management, help businesses measure and analyze the customer service, web analytics and impact of their coverage. CO NTENT C R EATI O N search engine optimization. Critical Mention: Media monitoring and Audacity: Free, cross-platform software Spredfast: Social media management reporting platform that delivers real- that allows users to record, edit and software that provides monitoring tools, time broadcast, online and social media combine audio files. marketing and customer care solutions, content to customers in business, govern- competitor analysis, and content curation. ment and non-profit sectors. Canva: Graphic design tool that uses a user-friendly drag-and-drop format Sprinklr: Social media management soft- Meltwater: AI-driven intelligence plat- to design, share and print content. It ware that monitors social media chan- form that provides media and social provides access to a wide array of photo- nels for advocacy marketing, influencer media monitoring tools. It analyzes graphs, graphics and fonts. 37
S EA R C H EN G I N E O PTI M IZATI O N CUSTOM ER R ELATI ON S H I P MANAG E- SugarCRM: Customer relationship M ENT AN D MARKETI N G AUTO MATION management system that collects criti- SEMrush: Online visibility management cal information across sales, service and and content platform that allows brands Eloqua: Cloud-based software platform marketing to build better business rela- to build, manage and measure campaigns for marketing automation that aims to tionships with customers. across all marketing channels. It offers help marketers and organizations manage various tools for search, content, social their campaigns and drive revenue more Zoho: Web-based software company that media and video advertising research. efficiently. Eloqua is a subsidiary of offers a suite of business, collaboration, Oracle Corporation. online productivity and SaaS (Software Siteimprove: Software company that as a Service) applications in order to aid offers cloud-based tools to automate the Marketo: Marketing automation soft- a company’s sales, marketing, finance, process of identifying errors on websites. ware that allows businesses to create, support and recruitment needs. It also offers a collection of integrated automate, manage and track campaigns tools to create high-quality content, across web and social media channels. I N FLU EN C ER I D ENTI FI CATI O N AN D drive better traffic to websites, measure Marketo is an Adobe company. MANAGEMENT digital performance, and work toward regulatory compliance. Salesforce: Customer relationship BuzzSumo: Online tool that offers social management platform whose cloud- media reports and competitor analysis, SpyFu: Online marketing platform that based applications help businesses and identifies influencer shares, topics uses SEO tools and reporting software track customer information, manage and domains. BuzzSumo was acquired to analyze competitors, identify top customer support, create personalized by Brandwatch in 2017. performance metrics, and determine marketing campaigns, connect with areas for improvement. partners and employees, and access AI-augmented analytics. 38
Creator IQ: Influencer marketing soft- brands to create ads, manage when and from all sources to provide insights on ware platform that uses machine learn- where they will run, and track campaign customer behavior, business processes, ing to identify, measure and validate performance. revenue streams, and risks and rewards. relevant creators/influencers for social media campaigns. Google Ads: An online advertising solu- Sisense: Business intelligence software tion that businesses use to promote that allows users to manage, visualize IzeaX: Platform that connects marketers products and services on Google Search, and analyze complex data from multiple with influential creators to help auto- YouTube and other sites. Companies can sources in a short amount of time. mate influencer marketing, analyze customize their campaigns by setting campaign performance, and customize specific marketing goals, budgets, time Tableau: Business intelligence platform content development. frames, audiences and geographic areas. that offers an interactive visual analysis of data in a short amount of time. Traackr: Influencer relationship manage- Twitter Ads: An online marketing plat- ment platform that enables brands to form developed by Twitter where brands manage, validate, measure and scale can build tailored campaigns to promote influencer marketing programs built on products, increase website traffic, and relationships. attract new account followers. PAID MEDIA PLANNING A N A LY T I C S & B U S I N E S S I N T E L L I G E N C E Ads Manager for Facebook and Insta- Qlik Technologies: End-to-end data gram: An online ad management plat- management and analytics platform that form developed by Facebook that allows brings together an organization’s data 39
N E W S D I S S E M I N AT I O N & S Y N D I C AT I O N ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (TOOLS numerical computation. It allows easy FOR DEVELOPERS) deployment of computation across a vari- Business Wire: Company that dissem- ety of platforms, servers and devices. It inates press releases from thousands ONNX.AI (Open Neural Network was originally developed by the Google of companies around the world to news Exchange): Open ecosystem that allows Brain team and is available on GitHub. media, financial markets, investors, AI models to be exchanged between databases, social networks and other different cloud service providers, allow- VO I C E AS S I STANTS audiences. It is a subsidiary of Berkshire ing AI developers to use their models in Hathaway. new places. This project is a collabora- Alexa for Business: Amazon virtual assis- tion between Microsoft and Facebook, tant that automates and simplifies inter- Outbrain: Performance-driven discov- and is available on GitHub. actions with technology in a corporate ery and native advertising platform that environment. This service is integrated distributes digital content on publish- PyTorch: Open-source deep learning with other platforms, which extends its er sites. It uses behavioral targeting to platform for Python, based on Torch, functionality to other services used in recommend online content to individ- often used for natural language process- the workplace. ual readers. ing (NLP). The platform provides a path from research prototyping to production Cortana Skills Kit for Enterprise Devel- Taboola: Online advertising platform deployment. It is primarily developed by opers: Microsoft’s Cortana is a digital for content recommendation, audience Facebook’s AI research group and is avail- assistant that helps users organize and acquisition and native advertising. It uses able on GitHub. manage daily tasks. With Cortana Skills Kit machine-learning algorithms to capture for Enterprise, businesses can build their what kind of content is most likely to Tensor Flow: Open-source machine learn- own speech bots for different domains. engage with each individual. ing software library for high-performance 40
Google Assistant: An AI-powered virtu- Live Chat: Live-chat software tool that EasyAR: Platform where users can devel- al assistant that is primarily available provides help desk software, custom- op augmented reality applications for on mobile and smart home devices. er support and web analytics. This tool Android, iOS, UWP, Windows, Mac and Third-party developers can use its soft- helps e-commerce companies create Unity Editor. ware development kit (SDK) to extend the sales channels to support and engage appliances and build richer experiences with website visitors. VIRTUAL REALITY for their users. Chatbot building and manage- Oculus VR: Company that specializes SiriKit: API for integrating developer ment platform that helps businesses opti- in virtual reality software and hardware applications with Siri, Apple’s intelligent mize conversations with clients across products. It is a division of Facebook assistant. The toolkit helps developers to channels and websites. Technologies. In 2015, Oculus partnered add functionality by building an extension with Samsung to create the Samsung Gear that communicates with Siri. AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) VR for the Samsung Galaxy smartphones. CONVERSATI ONAL BOTS ARCore: Software development kit developed by Google that allows users Amazon Lex: Service for building conver- to build augmented reality applications sational interfaces into any application for Android and iOS devices. using voice and text. It uses the same deep learning technologies that power ARKit: Set of software development tools Amazon Alexa to build conversational that allow users to build augmented real- bots (or “chatbots”). ity applications for iOS. 41
M E T H O D O LO GY The data for the 2019 Global Communications Report DESCRIPTION OF THE PR PROFESSIONALS SAMPLE: was collected through an online survey fielded by the USC Annenberg Center for Public Relations (CPR) The sample included in the analyses encompasses and distributed through PR-related email lists and 1,563 responses from PR professionals, of which 803 social media groups. The survey was live between were PR professionals working in agency/consultan- January 7, 2019, and February 15, 2019. cy establishments and 760 working as in-house PR professionals. 65.6% of the PR professionals were The survey asked questions regarding changes rele- from the United States and the remaining 34.4% vant to the PR industry and the use of technology from other countries. aimed at PR professionals (agency and in-house professionals) and PR students. Responses were Of those working for agencies/consultancies, 41% subjected to extensive data cleaning to eliminate indicated that they headed the organization and 22% dubious response patterns and respondents who had had significant management responsibilities with- misclassified themselves. in the organization. Of the in-house PR profession- als, 39% indicated that they were the most senior The sample for this survey is a “convenience sample.” communication professional in the organization and Consequently, we cannot say that the responses are an additional 40% indicated that they had significant representative of the respective populations. Never- management responsibilities. theless, we believe this data offers numerous direc- tional insights into the attitudes and beliefs of PR The PR professionals in the sample were mostly professionals and students. between 45-54 years old (31%), followed by 35-44 42
years (26%). 37% indicated that they were male, million, and a similar number between $100 million 61% female and 2% other or preferred not to answer. and $1 billion. 7% of the respondents have annual Nearly half (47%) had 20 years or more of working revenues greater than $1 billion, while 19% report experience in the PR industry. revenues less than $5 million. DESCRIPTION OF STUDENT SAMPLE: The student sample encompasses 378 respondents. The student respondents were 21% male, 76% female and 3% identified as other or preferred not to answer. 85% were between 18-24 years old and 13% between 25-34 years. 78% were from the United States. 77% were undergraduate or honors students. 54% had work experience in the PR industry. DESCRIPTION OF CEO SAMPLE: CEOs were surveyed through Chief Executive maga- zine in November 2018. The CEO sample encompass- es 213 responses from companies of various sizes. 20% report revenues between $10 million and $24.9 43
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BOARD OF ADVISORS Dean Willow Bay USC Center for Public Relations Jessica Adelman Torod B. Neptune Gordon Stables Adrienne Cadena James T. Olson Tina McCorkindale DIRECTOR Cathy Calhoun Glenn Osaki Daniel Munslow Fred Cook Janet Clayton Ron Reese Ulrike Gretzel, PhD Alex Cohen Heather Rim Nirit Weiss-Blatt, PhD Stephanie Corzett Stuart Smith Alexandrea Bell ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR R. Matt Davis Don Spetner Yi-Shan (Linda) Chen Burghardt Tenderich, PhD Corey duBrowa Tyler C. Stevens Hafsa Fathima Bob Feldman Kirk Stewart Manuelita Maldonado Matt Furman Michael Stewart Sandra Stanisa CHIEF PROGRAM OFFICER Robert Gibbs Julie Sugishita Patricia Lapadula, design Ron Antonette Cynthia Gordon Oscar Suris Suzanne Boretz, graphics Simon Halls Daniel Tarman Rachelle Martin, website Matthew Harrington Dave Tovar Jasmine Torres, events OFFICE OF THE DEAN Bill Imada Amy von Walter ASCJ TechOps Tina Vennegaard Megan Jordan Julia Wilson Molly Keveney Deanne Yamamoto Tom Lange Blythe Morris Yee Elizabeth Luke Melissa Waggener Zorkin 44
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