Twin River presentation to House Finance Committee - (H 6266) OCTOBER 3RD, 2019 -

Twin River presentation to House Finance Committee - (H 6266) OCTOBER 3RD, 2019 -
Twin River presentation to
House Finance Committee
(H 6266)

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Discussion Topics

1. The biggest risk for RI taxpayers is 85% monopoly control over slot

2. The State is paying IGT a premium of ~$300M above competitive
   rates for their 20-year contract

3. Camelot/Twin River offer RI a significantly better deal

4. The State could make significantly more money for taxpayers if it
   followed industry benchmarks and trends

5. This proposed IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

      to edit risk for RItitle
               Master      taxpayers
                               style is 85% monopoly control over
slot machines

➢ 79% of the State’s gaming revenues are             Lottery General Fund Transfer FY19
  generated from the slot machines
➢ Biggest threat to the State is the 85%
  control of the casino floor by one
     ➢ Efficiency process is broken and does
       not protect the State when one
       company controls more than 50% of the

     ➢ Conflict of interest for IGT to decide
       which and how many of their
       competitor’s machines enter the State

➢ IGT’s dominant share of VLTs is commercially
  unreasonable, unprecedented and
  unsustainable against New England

➢ State needs to maintain competitive checks
  and balances that will drive desired

                                                 Data based on RI Lottery report
Click to edit Master title style
Critical provision of Rhode Island Law


                    Proposed Legislation

       Click machines  significantly
             to edit Master title styleunderperform competition in
       Rhode Island, delivering ~$31,400 less per machine

                   FY19 Income Generated                             FY19 State’s Revenue
                         per Machine                                     per Machine


                                                         Lottery %

Source: Analysis based on RI Lottery Video NTI reports
IGT has
       Click to abused its monopoly
                edit Master title style power and minimized
       investment to the detriment of the State and Twin River

         Scientific Games replaces machines     Scientific Games converts machines
                   3.5x more than IGT                     6.5x more than IGT

Replacements/New Units                        Game Conversions/Existing Units

Source: Twin River reports
       Click with mostly
             to edit     new
                     Master    machines
                            title style IGT is significantly
       underperforming competition at Tiverton

                        Tiverton Daily Net Terminal Income per Machine

                                                                         Avg: $350

                                                                         Avg: $253

Source: Analysis based on RI Lottery Video NTI reports
       Clickefficiency program
             to edit Master title fails
                                  styleto protect the taxpayers if one
       vendor has more than 50% of the machines
             A vendor at 85% may perform 17% below competition and still be deemed “efficient”
            (i.e. $55 a day less per slot machine, or $12,000 less for the State per machine annually)

          Both groups have 50% of machines                                              Group 1 has 85% and Group 2 has
                  on the casino floor                                                  15% of machines on the casino floor

Note: $277 represents the NTI per unit per day for FY2019 [Data based on RI Lottery reports]
       Click monopoly  control
             to edit Master title in RI makes Twin River uncompetitive
       with new Massachusetts facilities

        Plainridge Park Casino                            MGM Grand Casino   Encore Casino

Source: Data based on casino survey by Twin River staff
       Click machine  performance
             to edit Master title style is suffering throughout North
       America and IGT has fallen to third place in many categories
        “While IGT still had the second strongest expansionary share in the period, operators seem
        to not be employing as much IGT content across new floors as they have in the past.” Eilers:
        Gaming Supplier KPIs – 1Q19 (June 25, 2019 page 21)

Source: Eilers Report
Click to edit Master title style
Discussion Topics

1. The biggest risk for RI taxpayers is 85% monopoly control over slot

2. The State is paying IGT a premium of ~$300M above competitive
   rates for their 20-year contract

3. Camelot/Twin River offer RI a significantly better deal

4. The State could make significantly more money for taxpayers if it
   followed industry benchmarks and trends

5. This proposed IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

      ClickState is paying
             to edit MasterIGT
                                   premium of ~$300M above
      competitive rates for their 20-year contract

       VLT (slot machine) central system                                                  Lottery central system
                 fee comparison                                                              fee comparison

                   (Please reference slide 13)                                             (Please reference slide 14-15)

                                                                                                                    per year

                                                          per year

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac and Lottery Annual reports and state documents
      Click to RI’s
               editcomparable     VLT (slot machine) central systems,
                    Master title style
      RI has the highest fee, overpaying on average by 5x

        The VLT (slot machine) central system pricing for comparable states/systems is
                             $2.4M annually, ~$10M lower than RI

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac and Lottery Annual reports and state documents.
*For MA, FY19 Slot GGR was used since MGM did not open until August 2018 and Encore opened in June 2019
        Represents fixed fee contracts                                                                    13
      Click total sales
             to edit    (excl.
                     Master    slotstyle
                            title    machine and sportsbook revenues)
      for US Lotteries

              Based on total sales for US Lotteries, the peer group for RI is Lotteries with
                                        sales of $200M - $400M

                                                                All US lotteries between
                                                                $200M - $400M of sales

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac
            Click to RI’s
                     editcomparable     Lottery systems, RI has the highest
                          Master title style
            fee, overpaying on average by 2x

                               The peer group on average pays 2.4% for vendor fees (excl RI) –
                                                   ~$6.7M lower than RI

Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac and Lottery Annual reports and state documents
*OK Lottery pays 3.99% of total sales to the Lottery central system provider, the $2M extra paid to the vendor in FY18 is not clearly explained. It seems to be a combination of fees, equipment and one-
time development effort for new services                                                                                                                                                                    15
Administration selected
      Click to edit Master       West Virginia and Delaware as
                           title style
      comparable to RI

       Comparing total fees paid for the two systems (Lottery and VLT) against WV and
           DE, RI is overpaying IGT ~$300M over the 20-year contract extension

    Central system vendor fee

                                                                                 $300M+ lower          $285M+ lower
                                                                                 over 20 years         over 20 years

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac and Lottery Annual reports and state documents
Using theedit
Click to  number   oftitle
              Master  retailers
                           style enables suppliers to test their
rates as competitive

  In a lottery contract, most costs for a supplier are closely correlated with the
                           number of retailers it serves.

 Product/Service                            Capital Investment Ongoing Expense   Retailer Based
 Central Computer System                           ✓
 Computer Operations                                                 ✓
 Software Development and Maintenance              ✓                 ✓
 Data Communications                               ✓                 ✓                ✓
 Terminals                                         ✓                                  ✓
 Terminal peripheral equipment                     ✓                                  ✓
 Terminal and Peripheral Equipment Repair                            ✓                ✓
 Field Services                                                      ✓                ✓
 Call Center Services                                                ✓                ✓
 Paper                                                               ✓                ✓
 Supply Chain Services                                               ✓                ✓
 Sales Force                                                         ✓                ✓
 Marketing Support                                                   ✓
Click to edit Master title style
      Lottery system vendor fee per retailer for comparable States

                       RI is paying 300% more than the average

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac and Lottery Annual reports and state documents
Note: Average excludes RI
Click to edit Master title style
Discussion Topics

1. The biggest risk for RI taxpayers is 85% monopoly control over slot

2. The State is paying IGT a premium of ~$300M above competitive
   rates for their 20-year contract

3. Camelot/Twin River offer RI a significantly better deal

4. The State could make significantly more money for taxpayers if it
   followed industry benchmarks and trends

5. This proposed IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

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Camelot/Twin River partnership formed to bid on RI contracts

   Camelot Lottery Solutions (Camelot) is wholly owned by Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan which has Net
    Assets of $142 billion

   Camelot has decades of lottery experience and has delivered outstanding results on several contracts
    including the UK, Illinois and Arkansas

   In Illinois, Camelot successfully delivered the largest transition (from IGT) in US lottery history, rolling out
    50,000 pieces of equipment across 7,200+ retailers and seamlessly converting the lottery gaming system

   Other notable recent achievements:
        Illinois Lottery: First full year of operations resulted in delivering a record of $731M for Illinois Public Schools

        Arkansas Lottery: Camelot partnered to help grow net income by over 35% since 2014; last year delivered a
         record $98.4M to scholarships

        Irish National Lottery: Camelot has partnered to help grow sales by over 20% since 2014 and INL is on target
         to have a record year

                                Camelot/Twin River Key Partnership Elements

   Partnership is binding through 2022 and requires Camelot and Twin River to jointly bid any RFP in RI that
    combines lottery systems and VLTs

   Camelot and Twin River have committed to investing the necessary capital and creating 1100 jobs in RI

   Camelot will be primarily responsible for all lottery and systems components; Twin River will lead VLTs

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Camelot/Twin River bid is significantly better for Rhode Island

      Rhode Island would secure a much better deal through a competitive bid process
      and it should follow the law and allow Camelot/Twin River and others to submit bids

Critical Terms        Camelot/Twin River Bid              IGT Deal            Better Value to State
                                                                              Allows RI to assess
Contract Term         12 years                            20 years (plus 4)   market/technology needs and
                                                                              rebid contract earlier

Total Cost to State   Less than $500 million              Over $1 billion     $500+ million lower cost to RI

                                                                              No change to RI law; perpetual
                                                                              competition on VLTs protects
VLT Share             50%                                 85%
                                                                              integrity of State’s VLT revenues
                                                                              (over $300 million annually)
                                                                              Up to $100 million at risk to
Financial             20% at risk -- $100 million based
                                                                              guarantee satisfaction of all
Guarantee: Jobs       on achievement of all               None
                                                                              commitments and performance
and Performance       commitments including jobs
                                                                              including 1100 jobs for 12 years

                      • $50 million at Twin River for                         ~$75 million of economic
New Development       development and amenities                               development; Twin River
& Construction                                            None                improvements will enhance
                      • New Corporate Headquarters                            ability to compete with MA,
                      of 50,000 sq. ft. in RI                                 driving State gaming revenues

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Camelot/Twin River partnership will deliver 1100 new RI jobs

         Camelot and Twin River investors manage over $150 billion of assets
                and are committed to bid in RI for lottery contracts

                The jobs created by the partnership would be in the following areas

RI Lottery Contract      Partner Operations        TRWH National Growth        New Development

• Jobs created by        • Twin River, Camelot     • TRWH will continue to     • As part of the capital
  replacing IGT to         and its investors and     add jobs in RI as it        commitment by the
  service RI contracts     partners will create      expands nationally with     partnership in the
                           or move additional        pending acquisitions        development and
• Preference would
                           jobs to RI                under contract              expansion of
  be given to hiring
                                                                                 amenities, additional
  RI-based IGT           • We will also acquire,   • TRWH has a strong
                                                                                 jobs will be created
  employees and            relocate and/or           pipeline and desire for
  vendors impacted         grow businesses           additional growth         • Camelot and Twin
  by transition            adjacent to lottery       through mergers and         River each earn
                           and gaming                acquisitions                equity shares in the
                                                                                 partnership by
                                                                                 creating jobs

$100 million guarantee that 1100 jobs will be created & maintained in RI

       ClickRiver has
            to edit   an outstanding
                    Master title style track record of creating jobs in
       Rhode Island

             Nationwide Twin River has ~4,700 employees and we are in the process of
                  adding another ~750 employees through pending acquisitions

                                                                                  As of 10/1:

Source: Twin River HR data, data as of 12/31
       ClickRiver is proud
            to edit  Masterthat
                                  style1500 of our employees are
       members of 12 different unions

             Twin River Casino and Hotel         Tiverton Casino and Hotel

Source: Twin River HR data, data as of 10/1/19
Click to edit Master title style
Camelot/Twin River bid is a much better deal for Rhode Island

 $15M lower fees and $5M higher investment annually compared to IGT

Fee Comparison                  Camelot/Twin River Bid   IGT Deal

Contract Term                   12 years                 20 years (plus 4)

Total Fees                      Less than $500 million   Over $1 billion

Average Annual Fees             $40 million              $55 million

Guaranteed minimum investment   $150 million             $150 million

Average annual investment       $12.5 million            $7.5 million

Average annual license fee
                                $2.1 million             $1.25 million
($25M upfront payment)

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A winning partnership for Rhode Island

“As a key technology partner in Illinois, Camelot also has an agreement with Intralot to
provide the central gaming system and the retail equipment to Rhode Island, should an
open bid process go ahead. Intralot USA has 13 contracts in the US and in the past 10 years
has been selected over the incumbent technology of IGT in four jurisdictions (OH, IL, NM and
LA) and has converted systems technology, retail networks and 19,000 retail locations.”

~Wayne Pickup, CEO Camelot Lottery Solutions

 - Over 20 years lottery industry     - Casino owner and       - Lottery systems and technology
   experience                           manager
                                                               - 13 lottery technology contracts in
 - Experienced lottery operator and   - Rhode Island gaming      the US
   manager, and technology company      partner
                                                               - Converted systems technology,
 - Corporate HQ in Chicago, with                                 retail networks and 19,000 retail
   centres of excellence in London,
                                                                 location from IGT in at least four
   Dublin, Athens and Chicago
                                                                 US jurisdictions

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       System conversions happen frequently in the industry

         In the last 10 years, 15 out of 42 States (36%) have successfully switched system providers
              7 conversions were done by Intralot, 6 by GTECH/IGT and 2 by Scientific Games

                 Jurisdiction                     FY08 Lotery System Vendor                 FY18 Lottery System Vendor
                 Arizona                          GTECH                                     Scientific Games
                 Colorado                         Scientific Games                          GTECH/IGT
                 D.C.                             GTECH (LTE)                               Intralot
                 Illinois                         GTECH                                     Camelot (Intralot)
                 Indiana                          Scientific Games                          GTECH/IGT
                 Kansas                           GTECH                                     Scientific Games
                 Louisiana                        GTECH                                     Intralot
                 Nebraska                         Intralot                                  GTECH/IGT
                 New Hampshire                    Scientific Games                          Intralot
                 New Mexico                       GTECH                                     Intralot
                 Ohio                             GTECH                                     Intralot
                 South Carolina                   Scientific Games                          GTECH/IGT
                 South Dakota                     Scientific Games                          GTECH/IGT
                 Vermont                          Scientific Games                          Intralot
                 West Virginia                    Scientific Games                          GTECH/IGT

Source: Data based on LaFleur’s World Lottery Almanac
Note: Arkansas and Wyoming lotteries were started after FY08 and are not included in the analysis
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Discussion Topics

1. The biggest risk for RI taxpayers is 85% monopoly control over slot

2. The State is paying IGT a premium of ~$300M above competitive
   rates for their 20-year contract

3. Camelot/Twin River offer RI a significantly better deal

4. The State could make significantly more money for taxpayers if it
   followed industry benchmarks and trends

5. This proposed IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

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      Industry developments in bids

       ➢    States such as IL, IN, and NJ went through a competitive bid process to offer long term lottery
            management and systems contracts to vendors

       ➢    All these contracts had revenue guarantees for the State with clearly defined penalties for not meeting

       ➢    In NJ, the contract was awarded for a 15-year term and required a $120M upfront payment

       ➢    GTECH along with its partners initially won all three contracts by providing the highest return guarantee
            to the State

               ➢    They failed to meet their commitments in all three States

               ➢    They re-negotiated all their contracts to lower their guarantees to the State

               ➢    In IL, they were replaced by Camelot

       ➢    In its first year of operations in IL, Camelot generated record sales and significantly exceeded IGT’s

        “Of particular importance in Illinois is the performance-based compensation model, which aligns compensation
        with net returns versus topline lottery sales. Our contract in Illinois also has tiered performance incentives, which
        pays bonuses to the company as we grow returns for the State of Illinois over the term of the contract. A focus on
        growing returns and optimizing performance of the lottery aligns with the State’s mission for successful lottery
        operations. This model is very similar to lottery operating contracts in New Jersey and Indiana, both IGT jurisdictions,
        and a model we recommend the Lottery in Rhode Island consider for its next contract.”
        ~Wayne Pickup, CEO Camelot Lottery Solutions

Note: In IL, GTECH partnered with Scientific Games to form Northstar Lottery group to bid on the contract. In NJ, GTECH partnered with Scientific
Games and OMERS pension fund to form Northstar New Jersey Lottery Group to bid on the contract. In IN, GTECH bid the contract as GTECH Indiana.
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       Instant ticket weekly per capita sales comparison

         Rhode Island Lottery significantly underperforms against New England State Lotteries and
       other industry benchmarks –> Millions of dollars of lost opportunity for the State General Fund

Source: Data provided by Scientific Games International
Note: Rankings based out of 44 jurisdictions
Click to edit Master title style
Discussion Topics

1. The biggest risk for RI taxpayers is 85% monopoly control over slot

2. The State is paying IGT a premium of ~$300M above competitive
   rates for their 20-year contract

3. Camelot/Twin River offer RI a significantly better deal

4. The State could make significantly more money for taxpayers if it
   followed industry benchmarks and trends

5. This proposed IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

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Chronology surrounding employment obligation agreement

Key dates          Description of events
                   Public Law requires “at least 1,000 full-time active employees at wage levels not less
May 2, 2003        than those defined in Rhode Island general laws section 42-64.5-2(7) (“Employment

                   Section 6.3 of the Master contract implements Employment Requirement.
May 12, 2003
                   Post 2009, §42-64.5-2(7) requires 250% of minimum wage

                   Letter from Gerald Aubin to Robert Vincent: “GTECH is required to employ within the
                   State on average during each applicable year at least one thousand (1,000) full time
January 23, 2014
                   active employees at wage rate levels not less than those defined in Rhode Island
                   General Laws §42-64.5-2(7).”

                   GTECH and IGT enter into agreement of merger including commitment to deliver cost
July 16, 2014
                   synergies (i.e. headcount reductions and consolidation of facilities)

                   Employment Obligation Agreement amends the Master Contract to refer to “150% of
July 31, 2014      the minimum wage in effect from time to time pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws
                   §28-12-3.” (emphasis added). Section 2.e
April 7, 2015      GTECH and IGT complete merger
                   IGT closes manufacturing facility in Coventry, laying off 44 people and moving those
                   jobs to Reno, Nevada. Providence Journal, IGT Closing Coventry Factory, April 22,
April 22, 2015
                   2015. Per Sixth Amendment to Master Contract dated June 30, 2016, IGT failed to
                   comply with the employment requirement in 2014 and 2015
August 4, 2017     IGT letter claiming that they are having difficulty in attracting qualified candidates

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This IGT deal is worse than the 2003 GTECH deal

                      2003 Public Law/Master Contract     Proposed Extension

                      $70M new building investment in
Economic Activity                                         No such new capital spend
                      1000 jobs based on the Jobs         1100 FTE based on Minimum Wage
Jobs                  Development Act i.e. 250% of        Act i.e. 150% of minimum wage.
                      minimum wage post 2009              Includes self employed individuals
                      Commitment to expand
                      manufacturing in West               No such guarantees
manufacturing in RI
                      “GTECH will relocate and
                      maintain its world corporate        “the continuance of a significant
                      headquarters in that facility for   presence in the State”
                      the twenty (20) year term”

Year 1 Revenue        $30M                                $55M (2018)

Slot %                50%                                 85%

Presence of
                      No                                  Yes
Competitive Bid
                      Governor and Legislature            Governor negotiated the deal in
                      engaged together                    private without the legislature

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Twin River is more of a home team for Rhode Island

                                               TWIN RIVER
                                            MANAGEMENT GROUP

RI Employees                                        ~2,500                       1,007*

New Jobs added in RI since 2010                     ~1,500                         0

Global Headquarters                          Providence, RI, USA               London, UK

                                                                         YES AS FOREIGN
Publicly traded on stock exchange           YES AS U.S. COMPANY

*Per the joint submission by IGT and the Lottery (Aug 2019)
According to the submission, 1007 includes 37 people with the title “Intern”

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