Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester

Page created by Dean Schroeder
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022
     University of Chichester
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
Welcome to the
                      2022 International Society for the
                       Study of Narrative Conference!
 This year marks the first iteration of the Society’s new conference model: a hybrid event that
 offers both in-person and online participation. The ISSN leadership realized the benefits of online
 conferencing after the success of last year’s event. Virtual participation opens our discussions
 to a much broader range of people who may not be able to attend an in-person event because
 of various reasons, including health and financial. An online conference is also kinder to the
 planet, as it saves the carbon costs accrued by participants flying to the conference venue. But,
 of course, gathering in person has its unique perks, too ( face-to-face networking, serendipitous
 chance meetings, and dancing). For these reasons, the ISSN is committed to offering its members
 a choice going forward. Indeed, we understand the new hybrid conference model as being a vital
 step towards our goals of sustainability, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

 However you participate this year, enjoy!

                      ISSN President Erin James
                       Associate Professor of English at the University of Idaho,
                       First Vice-President of the International Society of Narrative,
                       and Chair of the Society’s Sustainability Subcommittee

2022 Narrative Conference coordinating committee
Gretchen Busl, Texas Woman’s University
Malcah Effron, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hugo Frey, University of Chichester
Sue J. Kim, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Tommy Lynch, University of Chichester
Brian McAlllister, American University of Sharjah
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
Welcome to the University of Chichester
The University of Chichester Narrative Team extend a very warm welcome to everyone who is attend-
ing the 2022 International Conference on Narrative and thank you all for coming.

We have a very exciting programme and will be showcasing the latest research and developments
in narrative research from a wide range of disciplines. We are looking forward to meeting you, both
online and in person, and hope you enjoy the conference.

Best wishes,

                                Dr Sandra Lyndon                                           Dr Eva Mikuska
                                Reader in Childhood and Social Policy         SFHEA, Programme Leader for Prof.
                                Research Degree Coordinator for Social Policy     Doctorate and FDA Early Years
                               Institute of Education, Social                       Institute of Education, Social
                              and Life Sciences                                                   and Life Sciences

                               Prof. Hugo Frey                                               Tommy Lynch
                                Professor and Director of the                                   Reader in Political
                                Institute of Arts and Humanities                                         Theology

                               Heather Robbins                                           Dr Rod Matthews
                                Administrator for the Department of                        Director of Information
                                English & Creative Writing                               and Learning Technology

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Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 1: TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                       1/4

9-10:15 a.m.                      Concurrent Sessions                                                                                      Rooms are in Academic Building (AB), room numbers follow e.g. AB 0.02

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                   AB 2.08 PANEL 2                     AB 1.03 PANEL 3                AB 2.01 PANEL 4                  AB 2.02 PANEL 5                  AB 2.03 PANEL 6                  AB 0.02 PANEL 7

Telling Fact from Fiction:        Gender, Genre, and                  Narrative and Ideology         Being Silent: Interrupted        Cognitive Affordances            Narrative Representations     Exploring Transition
Fictional Narratives and          Gentrification: Narrative                                          and Stalled Dialogue I                                            of Migration in the Public    and Transformation in
their Impact on Reality           Strategies of Gentrification        Chair: Jan Alber, RWTH                                          Chair: Matt Hayler, University   Sphere                        Relation to Homelessness,
                                  Literature                          Aachen University              Chair: Monika Fludernik,         of Birmingham                                                  Therapeutic Communities
Chair: Alice Bell, Sheffield                                                                         Albert-Ludwigs-Universität                                        Chair: Roy Sommer, University and the Unexpected Death of
Hallam University                 Chair: Maria Sulimma,               ‘Narrative Strategies,         Freiburg, & David Richter,       ‘Affordances of Mental           of Wuppertal                  a Child
                                  University of Duisburg-Essen        Ideologies, and the Climate    Queens College/City University   Environments: The Case of
‘The Ethics of Interactive                                            Change Film The Day after      of New York                      Piranesi’, Merja Polvinen,       ‘Narrative Form and              Chair: Sandra Lyndon,
Digital Narrative’, Alice Bell,   ‘The Evil Real Estate Shark         Tomorrow’, Jan Alber, RWTH                                      University of Helsinki           Overlapping Crises’, Simona      University of Chichester
Sheffield Hallam University       and the Tenement Erinyes:           Aachen University              ‘Silence as Device’, Lorna                                        Adinolfi, Ghent University
                                  Gentrification and Gender                                          Martens, University of Virginia ‘Rethinking Cognitive                                              ‘Making Higher Education
‘A Cognitive Model of Reading     in German-language Crime            ‘Narrative as Combat’,                                         Estrangement’, Esko Suoranta,     ‘Narrative Form and              Possible for Those Affected
Autofiction’, Alison Gibbons,     Fiction’, Hanna Henryson,           Dorothee Birke, University of  ‘Debating Silence in the        University of Helsinki            Overlapping Crises’, Marco       by Homelessness –
Sheffield Hallam University       University of Vienna/               Innsbruck                      Vimalakirti Sutra’, Antje                                         Caracciolo, Ghent University     A Transformative and Co-
                                  Stockholm University                                               Richter, Asian Languages and ‘Affordances and                                                      productive Research Project by
‘Seeing Yourself through                                              ‘Moving within Institutional   Civilizations, University of    Narrative Action in Digital       ‘Narratives of and Narratives    Dr Sandra Lyndon and Becky
Fiction: Lying, Intertextuality   ‘“No, it is real: it has to be      and Spatial Structures:        Colorado                        Environments’, Hanna-Riikka       on Migration: A Typology’,       Edwards’, Sandra Lyndon and
and Identity’, Jessica Mason,     real”: Gentrification, the          Analyzing Ideological                                          Roine, Tampere University         Carolin Gebauer, University of   Becky Edwards, University of
Sheffield Hallam University       Neighborhood and the                Ramifications of Smart Female ‘Silence as Powerful                                               Wuppertal                        Chichester
                                  Body in Irvine Welsh’s Porno        Characters’, Jessica Jumpertz, Communication: The Case         ‘Redefining Imagination:
                                  (2002)’, James Peacock, Keele       RWTH Aachen University         of New Amsterdam’, Nathan       Fiction as a Speculative          ‘Narrative Representations       ‘Woodlands, a Place of
                                  University                                                         Richards, Ohio State University Instrument’, Essi Varis,          of the African Diaspora in       Refuge?’, Hazel Rumsey,
                                                                                                                                     University of Oslo                Germany’, Mariam Muwanga,        University of Chichester
                                  ‘“To live in a city is to consume                                                                                                    University of Wuppertal
                                  its offerings”: Speculative                                                                                                                                           ‘Staring Myself in the
                                  Fiction and Gentrification in                                                                                                                                         “I”: The Use of Narrative
                                  Ling Ma’s Severance (2018)’,                                                                                                                                          Autoethnography in
                                  Maria Sulimma, University of                                                                                                                                          Transforming Personal and
                                  Duisburg-Essen                                                                                                                                                        Collective Meaning-Making
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Following the Sudden,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unexpected Death of a Child’,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Denise Turner, University of
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 1: TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                   2/4

10:30-11:45 a.m.                 Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                  AB 2.08 PANEL 2                AB 1.03 PANEL 3                 AB 2.01 PANEL 4                  AB 2.02 PANEL 5                   AB 2.03 PANEL 6                   AB 0.02 PANEL 7

Fictionality and the             Genre and Visibility in        Multi-Narrative Genres and       Narrative Fiction – Slow and Feminist Narrative Theory            Critical Approaches to        Collective Minoritized
Didactics of Sexuality           Contemporary Television        Boundaries                       Fast: Experiencing Pace                                           the Storytelling Boom:        Narratives
                                                                                                                                  ‘A Roman Marriage Plot?          Rethinking Stories of Illness
Chair: Richard Walsh,            Chair: Karen Hornick, New      Chair: Jutta Zimmermann,         Chair: Alexander Scherr, Justus Constructing Character and/       and Wellness                  ‘Alleviating ESL FYC Students’
University of York               York University                Christian-Albrechts University Liebig University Giessen          as Stereotype in the Augustan                                  Writing Anxiety (Writer’s
                                                                of Kiel                                                           Marriage Legislation’, Rebecca   Chair: Hanna Meretoja,        Block) through Exploring and
‘Virtuous Heroines and Sexy      ‘Line of Duty and the                                           ‘Tristram Shandy, Fast or        Shaw, University of Leeds        University of Turku           Teaching Rhetorical Criticism
Vampires – Youth Sexual          Impossibility of Generic       ‘Cathy Park Hong’s Poetry        Slow Narrator?’, Alexander                                                                      with Narrative Perspective
Becoming in Fantasy Novels’,     Rupture’, Rebeccca Wanzo,      Collection Dance Dance           Scherr, Justus Liebig University ‘Coping with the Vestiges        ‘Narrative Labour in Two      on Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s
Signe Uldbjerg, Aarhus           Washington University in       Revolution as Braided            Giessen                          of Presence: The Case of         Contemporary UK Mental        Dictee and Daehyun Won’s
University                       St Louis                       Narrative’, Liz Bahs, University                                  David Foster Wallace’s Brief     Health Settings’, Angela      Raindrops’, Daehyun Won,
                                                                of Surrey                        ‘The Slow Novel: A Complex       Interviews’, Pia Masiero, Ca’    Woods, Durham University      Texas Woman’s University
‘Fact, Fiction and Fantasies     ‘The “I’m Kidding” Trope as                                     Paradigm’, Roy Sommer,           Foscari University of Venice
– Crossdressing Literature       Narrative Device and Marker    ‘Before (and After) Reading      University of Wuppertal                                           ‘From Narrative Mastery to        ‘Micro- and Macro-Narratives
in Times of Absolutism and       of Generic Hybridity on        Braided Narratives’, Corinne                                      ‘“Handsome, Clever, and Rich”:   Narrative Agency’, Hanna          in Contemporary Working-
Restoration’, Ditlev Tamm, KU    Succession’, Karen Hornick,    Bancroft, University of Victoria ‘Understanding Slowness          Emma in the Age of Precarity’,   Meretoja, University of Turku     Class Anthologies’, Christina
                                 New York University                                             Through Mood in Jirô             Sarah Hagelin, University of                                       Schoenberger-Stepien,
‘De-pathologizing Non-                                          ‘Setting Boundaries: Narrative Taniguchi’s The Walking Man’, Colorado Denver                       ‘The (Dis)contents of the         University of Augsburg
normative Minds of Persons       ‘Small Axe and Anthological    Juxtaposition and the            Ella Mingazova, University of                                     Illness Story in a Digital Age:
with So-called Paraphilias’,     Form’, Sean O’Sullivan, Ohio   Negotiation of Identity in       Liege and KU Leuven                                               Audiences, Algorithms, and        ‘Analyzing Mediation and Self-
Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen,       State University               Contemporary Global Novels’,                                                                       Affects’, Korina Giaxoglou,       Mediation in the Narratives of
Aarhus University                                               Jutta Zimmermann, Christian-                                                                       Open University                   Undocumented Americans’,
                                                                Albrechts University of Kiel                                                                                                         Megan N. Medeiros, James
‘Fictionality and Genre in                                                                                                                                                                           Madison University
Pornography’s Fantasy Taboos’,
Yonina A Hoffman, West Point

12-1 p.m.                        Pedagogy Lunch, AB 0.01
                                 Narrative Theory & Hybrid Teaching
                                 (preregister & prepay for bagged
                                 lunches US$11) / Lunch on your own
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 1: TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                      3/4

1:15-2:30 p.m.                 Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                       AB 2.08 PANEL 2                          AB 1.03 PANEL 3                      AB 2.01 PANEL 4                       AB 2.02 PANEL 5                          AB 2.03 PANEL 6

Editorial Narrativities of            Difficult Narration                      Transmedial Authorship and           Cognitive Narratology                 Challenges to Narrative Theory           Focalization
Children’s Comics Magazines                                                    Digital Ethos I: Theory
                                      ‘“The Aesthetic of the Gap”: The                                              ‘Cognitive Narratology and the        ‘Theories of Some, Not All: Historical   ‘First-Person/Third-Person Shift:
Chair: Maaheen Ahmed, Ghent           Limits of Storytelling in the Work       Chair: Laura Piippo, Tampere         “4Es”: The What-It-Is-Likeness of     Contingency, Narrative, and              Narrative Instability and Character
University                            of Jennifer Egan’, Alicia J. Rouverol,   University                           Being Mina in David Almond’s My       Postcolonial Studies’, Siddharth         Liminality in George Eliot’s
                                      University of Salford                                                         Name is Mina’, Emma-Louise Silva,     Srikanth, English, Wake Forest           Adam Bede’, Li Liu, English and
‘Serialities: Segmenting Storylines                                            ‘Negotiating Transmedia              University of Antwerp                 University                               Comparative Literary Studies, The
and Editorial Styles in French Comics ‘Kill Me Maybe: Versional Narration      Authorship’, Valentina Anania,                                                                                      University of Warwick,
Periodicals’, Benoît Crucifix, Ghent  and Multiplied Death in Life After       University of Nottingham, and Jan-   ‘Representation of Mind Processes    ‘Against Narrative’, Philippe Carrard,
University                            Life and Russian Doll’, Matthias         Noël Thon, Osnabrück University      on Thematic and Discourse Levels     Dartmouth College and University       ‘Focalization in Morgan Gould’s
                                      Klestil, University of Klagenfurt                                             in the Prose Writings by Pavel       of Vermont                             Stage Adaptation of Madeleine
‘Visual Styles in French Children’s                                            ‘Negotiating Transmedia              Ulitin’, Daria Baryshnikova, RWTH                                           L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time’, Caitlin
Magazines: From the Comics to the ‘“Windings of [the] Mind”:                   Authorship’, Valentina Anania,       Aachen University                    ‘Narrative Sense and Fictional         E Boyle, Teaching and Learning,
Paratexts’, Maaheen Ahmed, Benoît Guidebooks, Vagabonds, and                   University of Nottingham                                                  Worlds’, Richard Walsh, University of Ohio State University
Glaude and Benoît Crucifix, Ghent     Virginia Woolf ’s Wandering                                                   ‘Fictional Minds: A Cognitive-       York, York, United Kingdom
University                            Narratives’, Lauren Pinkerton,           ‘Yours Truly: Toward a Theory of     Narratological Approach to Javier                                           ‘“An Intimacy With the Wound”:
                                      University of North Carolina at          Transmedial Authorial Ethos’, Maria Marías’ A Heart So White and                                                 Empathic Perspective-Taking with
‘Telling the Comics: Interaction      Chapel Hill                              Makela, Tampere University           Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me’,                                        the Narrator in Kazuo Ishiguro’s A
with Readers, and amongst Readers,                                                                                  Zeynep Kayacik, Ankara University                                           Pale View of Hills’, Katrina Wong Pui
Curated by the Editorial Boards                                                ‘Authorship and Rhetorical Intention                                                                             Gi, English and Related Literature,
of French Comics Magazines for                                                 in Conspiracy Theories’, Samuli                                                                                  University of York
Children (1934-1948)’, Benoît Glaude,                                          Björninen, Tampere University
Université catholique de Louvain
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 1: TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                            4/4

2:45-4 p.m.                     Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                            AB 2.08 PANEL 2                               AB 1.03 PANEL 3                                 AB 2.01 PANEL 4                         AB 2.02 PANEL 5
The Unnatural and Arational                Narration as Action                           Graphic Novels and Comics                       Life Writing and Cognition              Migrant & Refugee Narratives

‘Bringing a Two-System Model of Mind       Chair: Daniel Aureliano Newman,               ‘Minding the Gaps in Ovid’s Amores’,        Chair: Lisa Zunshine, University of Kentucky ‘Reframing the Misrepresented “Migrant
to Unnatural Narratology’, Shoshana        University of Toronto                         Natalie J. Swain, Classics & Ancient History,                                            Crisis” via Testimonial Narratives’, Ana
Benjamin, EFL, Ben-Gurion University                                                     University of Winnipeg                      ‘Writing our Lives to Live Them: The         Belen Martinez Garcia, CEMID (Emotional
                                           ‘Narration as Action’, Daniel Aurelian’o                                                  Cognitive Forms of a Narrative Medicine’,    Culture and Identity), Institute for
‘Musical Shapeshifting: Music and          Newman, English, University of Toronto,     ‘Twisted Time and Space: Reflections on Self Rita Charon, Medical Humanities & Ethics, Culture and Society (ICS), University of
Embodiment in Narrative Fiction’, Zoltan   Angela Du, University of Toronto, Catherine in Graphic Memoir’, Nancy Pedri, English,     Columbia University                          Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; ISSA Applied
Varga, Western Norway University of        Belling, Northwestern University and Yoon Memorial University of Newfoundland                                                          Management, University of Navarra
Applied Sciences                           Sun Lee, Wellesley                                                                        ‘The Role of Multisensory Imagery in Life
                                                                                       ‘Touch Sensitive: Intimacies in Chris Ware’s Writing’, Laura Otis, Emory University        ‘Long-term Effects of Reading Refugee
                                                                                       Building Stories’, Daniel Hannah, English,                                                 Narratives: How It Can (and Can’t) Change
                                                                                       Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON,         ‘How Memories Become Literature’, Lisa       Outgroup Portrayal’, R. L. Victoria Pöhls,
                                                                                       Canada                                        Zunshine, English, University of Kentucky    Language and Literature, Max Planck
                                                                                                                                                                                  Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
                                                                                       ‘A Dive into the Story: Marietta Ren’s        Community Narratives of Urban Cycling in
                                                                                       Phallaina’, Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Department    Mexico and the Poetics of Collective Space
                                                                                       of Literary Studies, Ghent University, Ghent, Appropriation’, Alejandro Zamora, Hispanic
                                                                                       Belgium                                       Studies, York University, Glendon Campus

                                                                                                                        6:15-7:30 p.m.                   Keynote 1: Chris Ware, AB 0.01
4:15-6 p.m.                    Contemporary Narrative Theory I, AB 0.01
                               ‘The Population Unconscious: Reading for Number in                                       7:30-8 p.m.                      Welcome reception, Otters
                               Post-Catastrophe Fiction’, Pieter Vermeulen and Natalya Bekhta
                               ‘Narratology in the Age of World Literature?’, Genevieve Liveley                         8 p.m.                           Newcomers Dinner / Online Social Meetings
                                                                                                                                                         hosted by Sustainability Committee
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                   1/6

9-10:15 a.m.                      Concurrent Sessions                                                                                      Rooms are in Academic Building (AB), room numbers follow e.g. AB 0.02

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                       AB 2.08 PANEL 2                          AB 1.03 PANEL 3                       AB 2.01 PANEL 4                        AB 2.02 PANEL 5                      AB 2.03 PANEL 6

Cycles across Literary Genres and Being Silent: Interrupted and                Page-Turners: Rethinking the          Radio Drama Adaptations:               The Situational Uncanny              Affect and Empathy
Narrative Media                   Stalled Dialogue II                          Book in Narrative Theory              Audionarratological
                                                                                                                     Perspectives I                         Chair: Edward Schantz, McGill         ‘Triple Agent: Practicing
Chair: Lars Bernaerts, Ghent           Chair: Monika Fludernik, Albert-        Chair: David Wylot, University of                                            University                            Heteroglossic Empathy in The
University                             Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg &          Leeds                                 Chair: Jarmila Mildorf, Paderborn                                            Sympathizer’, Jamie Chen, University
                                       David Richter, Queens College/City                                            University & Pim Verhulst,              ‘Shirley Jackson’s Apartment Swaps’, of Iowa
‘Layered and Distributed Closure in University of New York                     ‘The Implied Customer’, Charlotte     University of Antwerp                   Kasia Juno Van Schaik, English,
the Novelistic Cycle’, Lars Bernaerts,                                         Terrell, Worcester College,                                                   McGill University                    ‘Reading as Empathy’, Yaakov
Ghent University                       ‘Silent Statements in the Acts of the   University of Oxford                  ‘Radio Drama as a Mono-Sensory                                               Kroizer, General and Comparative
                                       Apostles’, Michal Beth Beth Dinkler,                                          Medium’, Leslie McMurtry, Radio         ‘The House of Horror and the         Literature, HUJI
‘Big Picture – Little Fragments        Divinity School, Yale University        ‘Real Readers’, Ben Davies,           Studies, University of Salford          Unmapped Situation’, Edward
– Marathon Performance: The                                                    University of Portsmouth                                                      Schantz, English, McGill University ‘Popular Fiction Genres as
Contemporary Play Cycle’, Janine       ‘How Not to Answer: Unreciprocated                                            ‘Sound Illustrations, Fidelity, and the                                      Affective Paradigms: An Affective
Hauthal, Vrije Universiteit Brussel    Dialogue in Chesnutt and Melville’,     ‘Readerly Orientation and the         Narrator in the Gutters: The Audio ‘Host and the Demonic Zoom                Narratological Perspective on
                                       Charlotte Lindemann, Stanford           Limits of Absorption’, David Wylot,   Adaptation of the Sandman Comics’, Situation’, John Bruns, English,          Popular Fiction Studies’, Tero Eljas
‘Performing the Tension between        University                              University of Leeds                   Wibke Schniedermann, English,           College of Charleston                Vanhanen, University of Helsinki
Series and Cycle: Nature Theater                                                                                     Ghent University
of Oklahoma’s Life and Times           ‘How Not to Respond in [English]
from Individual Life Narrative to      Fiction, 1650-1930’, Monika                                                   ‘Making the Unseen Visible: The
Transmedial Commons’, Claire           Fludernik, English Department,                                                French TV Adaptation of Samuel
Swyzen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel;    Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg                                           Beckett’s Radio Play All That Fall’,
Université du Québec à Montréal                                                                                      Pim Verhulst, English, University of
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                       2/6

10:30-11:45 a.m.               Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                           AB 2.08 PANEL 2                             AB 1.03 PANEL 3                             AB 2.01 PANEL 4                               AB 2.02 PANEL 5

The Metamodernist Future of               Non-Normative Representations of            Time in a Time of Reckoning:                The Story of Music: What Music can            Ethics & Narrative
Readership                                Time and Identity in Illness Narratives     Socioeconomic Futures under Pressure        Teach us about Different Media’s
                                                                                                                                  Potential for Narrative                       ‘The Narrative Rhetoric of Marriage in
Chair: Samuli Björninen, Tampere          Chair: Cherie Henderson, Columbia           Chair: Lindsay Holmgren, McGill                                                           Mary McCarthy’s A Charmed Life’, Kelly
University                                University                                  University                                  Chair: Carolien Van Nerom, Vrije              A. Marsh, Mississippi State University
                                                                                                                                  Universiteit Brussel / Research
‘Shrewd, Naive Cynics? On                 ‘A Story of War and All That Follows –      ‘Time, Work, and Compensatory               Foundation Flanders                           ‘An Empirically Grounded Heuristic
Metamodernist Readers’, Elise Kraatila,   Time and Temporality in Post-Trauma         Consumption in University’, Samuel Hull,                                                  for Identifying Features of Narration
Tampere University                        Narratives’, Deborah de Muijnck, Aachen     Law, Yale University                        ‘Narrativity in Operas by Philip Glass:       that Influence Moral Judgement’,
                                          Center for Cognitive and Empirical                                                      Minimalist Narrative with Minimalist          Catherine A. Marple, Department of
‘From Implied Reader to Implied           Literary Studies, RWTH Aachen               ‘Confronting Finitude’, Lindsay Holmgren,   Means’, Carolien Van Nerom, Literary          Communication, Wake Forest University
Fandom? Metamodernism, Interactive        University                                  McGill University                           Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel /
Communication and Metaliteracy’,                                                                                                  Research Foundation Flanders
Markus Laukkanen, Tampere University      ‘Counternarrating Loss in Women’s           ‘Anxious Optimism’, Kariuki Kirigia,
                                          Dementia Fiction in French’, Avril Tynan,   Sociology & Anthropology, Concordia         ‘The Narrative Potential of Music in
                                          Comparative Literature, University of       University                                  Michael R. Jackson’s Meta-Musical
                                          Turku                                                                                   A Strange Loop’, Jade Thomas, Linguistics
                                                                                                                                  and Literary Studies, Vrije Universiteit
                                          ‘Endings-Beyond-Endings – The Ethics                                                    Brussel / Research Foundation Flanders
                                          of Extending Time in Narratives of
                                          Terminal Illness’, Cherie Henderson,                                                    ‘“Effable” Narratives about Music’, Michele
                                          Communications, Columbia University                                                     Chinitz, English, The Graduate Center,

                                                                                                                                  ‘Clarifying The Role of Contrasts and
                                                                                                                                  Deviations in Musical Narrativity’, Hugo
                                                                                                                                  Rodriguez, Music Division, Royal Library
                                                                                                                                  of Belgium

12-1 p.m.                      DEI Comm / N4SJ meeting, Cloisters
                               (preregister & prepay for bagged
                               lunches US$11) / Lunch on your own
Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 June 2022 University of Chichester
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    3/6

1:15-2:30 p.m.                   Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                        AB 2.08 PANEL 2                         AB 1.03 PANEL 3                         AB 2.01 PANEL 4                      AB 2.02 PANEL 5                        AB 2.03 PANEL 6

Transmedial Authorship and             Life Writing                            Medical Narratives                      Rhetorical Narrative Theory I        Poetry                                 Progressions and Transgressions
Digital Ethos II: Algorithm
                                   ‘Paramemoir Revisited’, Irene               ‘Stories Side-by-Side: A Comparative    ‘Ontology and Rhetorical Agency      ‘Character in Coupled Media:           ‘Questioning Protagonism in As Five:
Chair: Hanna-Riikka Roine, Tampere Kacandes, Comparative Literature,           Narrative Analysis of Stories about     in Narrative Ecologies’, Brian       Introducing the Composite              Story Evolution amidst Uncertain
University                         Dartmouth College                           End-of-Life Care’, Tracy Moniz,         J. McAllister, English, American     Dramatic Monologue’, Matt              Progression’, Wanderley Anchieta,
                                                                               Professor, Mount Saint Vincent          University of Sharjah                Martello, University of Virginia       PPGCOM, Federal Fluminense
‘Immersion, Interactivity, and         ‘Postmemory, Metonymy and the           University                                                                                                          University
Facebook’s Strange Temporalities’,     Ethics of Imagination in Katja                                                  ‘Exploring Thematics within the      ‘Revising Latinidad: Race, Poetry,
Joanne Lipson Freed, Oakland           Petrowskaja’s Maybe Esther’, Artis      ‘#FuckCancer. Instagram Practices       Synthetic-Mimetic-Thematic Triad’,   and Cognitive Narratology’,            ‘Digital Textuality and Multimodal
University                             Ostups, University of Tartu /           of Women who Share their Lives          Daniel Candel Bormann, University    Valentina Montero Román,               Progressions in Plascencia’s The
                                       Institute of Literature, Folklore and   with Incurable Cancer’, Afke Wieke      of Alcalá                            University of California Irvine        People of Paper’, Evan VanTassell,
‘Implied Reader of Computer-           Art of the University of Latvia         Betten, Jill van der Kamp and Lotte                                                                                 English Literature, The Ohio State
Generated Texts: Examining Code as                                             Krabbenborg, Institute for Science in   ‘Reading for a Theme: Narrative      ‘The Past and Future Phillis           University
Part of the Reading Process’, Tuuli    ‘Possible Worlds in Adoptee Ghost       Society, Radboud University             Desire on the Scene of               Wheatley=====: Time, Narrative,
Vilja Vellamo Hongisto, Language,      Kingdom Narratives’, Shannon                                                    Representation’, Marina Ludwigs,     Poetry’, Anne Langendorfer, English,
Translation and Literary Studies,      R. Quist, English, Speech, &            ‘In Their Own Words: A Narrative        English, Stockholm University        University of Tennessee
University of Turku                    Foreign Languages, Texas Woman’s        Analysis of Illness Memoirs Written
                                       University                              by Men with Prostate Cancer’, Jill
‘The Voice of the Platform in the                                              van der Kamp, Afke Wieke Betten
Online Debate Regarding the Critical                                           and Lotte Krabbenborg, Institute
Reception of Elämä: esipuhe’,                                                  for Science in Society, Radboud
Laura Piippo, Narrare: Centre for                                              University
Interdiscplinary Narrative Studies,
Tampere University
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                   4/6

2:45-4 p.m.                      Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                              AB 2.08 PANEL 2                               AB 1.03 PANEL 3                                AB 2.01 PANEL 4                              AB 2.02 PANEL 5
After Empathy                                Getting into Narratives and Coming Back Narrative’s Radically Other Worlds:                  Cultural Narratives                          Adoption, Body Construction, and Form
                                             Out                                     Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives                                                            in Narratives of Nontraditional Kinship
Chair: Erin James, University of Idaho                                                                                                    Chair: Alan Nadel, University of Kentucky
                                             Chair: Margarida McMurry, University of       Chair: Melba Cuddy-Keane, University of                                                     Chair: Ellen Peel, San Francisco State
‘A Theory of Narrative Compassion’, Erin     Birmingham                                    Toronto                                        ‘Private Ryan: Saving the Narrative of the   University
James, University of Idaho                                                                                                                Good War (Film)’, Alan Nadel, English,
                                             ‘Pornography, Proverbs, Polemics: The         ‘Refiguring Empathy: Empirical                 University of Kentucky                       ‘Re-naturing the Adoptee: Narrative
‘Feeling Sideways in Feminist Narratives’,   Politics and Rhetorics of Insisting’, Antonio Perspectives on Biographical Storytelling                                                   Strategies of Belonging in Adoption
Tara MacDonald, University of Idaho          J. Ferraro, The Ohio State University         in VR’, Astrid Ensslin, Department of          ‘“What we eat is politics”: Fannie Lou       Comedy’, Marina Fedosik, Writing Program,
                                                                                           Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies,    Hamer, Voting Rights and the Hunger for      Princeton University
‘The Problem with Mirrors: From Empathy      ‘Co-constructing Characters and Narrative University of Bergen                               the Ballot’, Jennie A. Kassanoff, English,
to Entrainment’, Aili Pettersson Peeker,     Ethics in Contemporary (Earnest) Fiction’,                                                   Barnard College                              ‘Unsettling Representation: Frankengenre
English, University of California            Virginia Pignagnoli, University of Zaragoza ‘Towards a Poetics of Multiversion                                                            and Passing’, Ellen Peel, Comparative &
                                                                                           Narratives’, Brian Richardson, English                                                      World Literature and English, San Francisco
‘Is It Enough? Ethical Unknowing, Fictional ‘The Realism Effect and Establishing           Department, University of Maryland College                                                  State University
Thinking, and the Care of St. Ogg’, Heidi   Constructive Authority’, Malcah Effron,        Park
L. Pennington, English, James Madison       Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                                                                                      ‘Chimeric Nonsense: Frankenstein’s
University                                                                                 ‘Palimpsest and Parallax: Multiversion                                                      Creature and Origins Narratives’, Emily
                                            ‘Ameen Rihani’s Transatlantic                  Sightlines and Cognitive Dissonance’,                                                       Hipchen, Nonfiction Writing Program,
                                            Transcendentalism and the Co-                  Melba Cuddy-Keane, University of Toronto,                                                   Brown University
                                            Construction of Lebanese Cedar                 Brian Richardson, University of Maryland
                                            Conservation’, Eric Morel, English,            College Park, and Astrid Ensslin, University
                                            University of Delaware                         of Bergen
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                   5/6

4:15-5:30 p.m.                    Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                          AB 2.08 PANEL 2                       AB 1.03 PANEL 3                      AB 2.01 PANEL 4                      AB 2.02 PANEL 5                        AB 2.03 PANEL 6

Roundtable: Tales from the               Colonial Pasts & Speculative          Visual Narratives                    Sense and Cognition                  Games                                  Neurodivergent Narratologies
Academic Job Market                      Futures
                                                                               ‘Sing to the Lord a New Song:        ‘Co-constructing Narratives          ‘The Rhythmic Role of Unreliability    Chair: Amy Shuman, The Ohio State
Chair: Nicole McCleese, Michigan         ‘Exploring Rhetorical Aesthetics of   Architectural Meta-Narrative at      on Colour: Erasure in Visual         in Braid’, Andrea Fenice, Università   University
State University                         Contemporary Speculative Fiction      Jerusalem’s Tower of David’, Carra   Representations of Race and          degli Studi della Tuscia
                                         in Southern Africa’, Joanna Woods,    Glatt, English Literature and        Intersectionality (c.1400-1800)’,                                           ‘Aesthetic Familiarity: When Autistic
Roundtable Q&A:                          Stockholm University                  Linguistics, Bar-Ilan University     Lorenz A. Hindrichsen, English       ‘Pulling for the Plot … or Not: The    Readers see Themselves in Fiction’,
                                                                                                                    Department, Copenhagen               Serial Legacy and Ludic Evolution      Sean A. Yeager, The Ohio State
Dorothee Birke, University of            ‘Decolonizing Comics: Yahgulanaas’s   ‘Narrative Counter-Photography’,     International School                 of Enticing Characters in Genshin      University
Innsbruck                                Red and Tonatiuh’s Undocumented’,     Glenn Deer, Department of English                                         Impact’, Josh Mishaw, University of
                                         Jeannie Ludlow, English/Women’s,      Language and Literatures, The        ‘Feeling Form: Dance and             Guelph                                 ‘Overreading, or Anti-Diagnostic
Yonina A. Hoffman, West Point            Gender, and Sexuality Studies,        University of British Columbia       Kinesthetic Empathy in                                                      Neurodiverse Interpretive Practices
                                         Eastern Illinois University                                                Contemporary Fictions’, Torsa        ‘Developing a Learning Game            That Suspend the Collapse of Reality
Eric Morel, English, University of                                                                                  Ghosal, English, California State    with Non-Linear Dialogues: Now         in Your Everyday Life’, Jessica
Delaware                                 ‘Narrating (Spain’s) Colonial Past:                                        University                           We’re Talking©’, Amanda Andrei,        Horvath Williams, University of
                                         Reading Sarrionandia’s Text through                                                                             Geospatial Analytic Solutions,         Minnesota
Steven Willemsen, University of          Said’s Theory on the Counterpoint’,                                        ‘Sensory Cyber-Narratives in the     MITRE Corporation
Groningen                                Nerea Eizagirre, University of                                             “Creepypasta” Genre of Digital                                              ‘Against Reading’, J. Logan Smilges,
                                         Nevada                                                                     Fiction’, Sara Bimo, Communication                                          Texas Woman’s University
Brian J McAllister, American                                                                                        & Media Studies, York University
University of Sharjah

5:45-7:15 p.m.                       Booth Lifetime Achievement Award Panel:
                                     In Honor of Robyn Warhol, AB 0.01
                                     ‘Robyn Warhol: Narrative Theory Unbound’, Sue Kim
                                     Comments, Robyn Warhol
                                     ‘Robyn’s Voices’, Helena Michie
                                     ‘Robyn Warhol and the Affordances of Feminist Narratology’,
                                     James Phelan
                                     ‘Engaging Robyn Warhol’, Sue Lanser                                                  7:30-9 p.m.                     Award & Business Dinner/Meeting, Otters
DAY 2: WEDNESDAY JUNE 29, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    6/6

9:15-10:30 p.m.                   Concurrent Sessions, online / AB 1.01

PANEL 1                                  PANEL 2                              PANEL 3                                PANEL 4                               PANEL 5                               PANEL 6

Unreliability                            Narrative Situation and              Fiction & Fictionality                 Silences, Gaps, and                   Theorizing Narrative                  Neurodiversity
                                         Environment                                                                 Undernarration
‘The Narratives They Carried:                                                 ‘“Who am I to Question their                                                 ‘Absent-Present Characters’, Kayla    ‘Autistic Minds in Eliot’s
O’Brien’s “War Stories,” Trauma          Chair: Marcie Frank, Concordia       Historiography?”: Footnotes and the    ‘The Lacunae of Dune’, Edward         Goldblatt, English, The Ohio State    Middlemarch: Dorothea Brooke
Narratives, and What They Mean           University                           Power of Writers and Dictators in      Royston, English, Pfeiffer University University                            and the Aspien Woman’, Margaret
for (Un)reliability’, Ellen Stenstrom,                                        Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life                                                                               A. Fisher, English, University of
English, Indiana University              ‘Robinson Crusoe’s Island’, Marcie   of Oscar Wao’, Joanna Falk, English,   ‘He Answered Me Not at All: Refusal   ‘Deterritorializing Narratives: The   California Santa Barbara
                                         Frank, English, Concordia University The George Washington University       of Dialogue in Ancient Greek          Production of Hybridities Using
‘Bonding Unreliability and the                                                                                       Narrative’, Alice Gaber, Classics,    Chinese Narrative Theory’, Marc       ‘“Please try to be normal!” Autism! in
Complications of Prudence in Pearl’, ‘The Situation of Tao Lin’s Leave        ‘Cruel Optimism and Narrative          Ohio State University                 Herman Lynch, English, University     the Convenience Store’, Casey-Lyne
Logan Pollon, English, University of Society’, Monique Rooney, School of      Efficacy’, Ervin Malakaj, Central,                                           of Calgary                            Naomi Lodge, University of Calgary
Calgary                              Languages and Literature, Australia      Eastern, and Northern European         ‘The Holmesian Great Game,
                                     National University                      Studies, University of British         Disnarration and Undernarration’,     ‘Between the Acts: The Anonymous      ‘Prosthetic Narration: Disabling the
‘Unreliable Narrators as a Vehicle                                            Columbia                               Erica C. Haugtvedt, Humanities,       Mode’, Rebekah Galbraith,             Paper Mind in American Literary
for Critical Self-reflexivity: First                                                                                 South Dakota School of Mines &        Independent Scholar                   Naturalism’, Evan Chaloupka,
Person Narration in Barbara                                                   ‘Out of the Wild: The “Magic Bus”      Technology                                                                  Franklin University
Gowdy’s We So Seldom Look on Love                                             and Competitive Storytelling in                                         Mapping the Fantastic City – and
and the Grotesque, Disturbing,                                                the Public Sphere’, Eric Heyne,     ‘A Rhetorical Approach to Narrative its Crime’, Michael Grifka Wander,
and Repulsive’, Annisha L. Plesche,                                           University of Alaska; Maureen Long, Attention’, Spencer Robins,         English, Ohio State University
University of Calgary                                                         Liberal Arts, Yukon University; and University of California
                                                                              Forest Wagner, University of Alaska

                                                                     NB: These sessions are all taking place online only.
                                                        We have booked Room AB 1.01 which you are welcome to use your own devices
                                                                      with headphones if you would find this helpful.
DAY 3: THURSDAY JUNE 30, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                       1/4

9-10:15 a.m.                     Concurrent Sessions                                                                                       Rooms are in Academic Building (AB), room numbers follow e.g. AB 0.02

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                 AB 2.08 PANEL 2                   AB 1.03 PANEL 3                   AB 2.01 PANEL 4                    AB 2.02 PANEL 5                  AB 2.03 PANEL 6                    AB 0.02 PANEL 7

Transforming Time:              Narrative Approaches to           Models of Complexity              Narrative Agents                   Queer Forms                      You-narratives                     Narrative Modes
Race and (A-)Modern             Science
Temporalities in                                                  ‘Artistic Self-Representations    ‘Ethical Ambiguities and Voice:    ‘Queer Forms and Pronouns        ‘You-narration and                 ‘Resisting the Reader: “The
Contemporary British            ‘Limits to Growth and the         and Cognitive Complexity in       A Reading of “The Monster”         in US and UK Literature’, Lena   Anticipatory Shame in the          Stubborn” in a Historical
Writing                         Limits of Narrative: Complex      Roz Chast’s Can’t We Talk About   in Light of Rhetorical Poetics’,   Mattheis, School of Literature   Millennial Novel’, Denise          Perspective’, Tung-An Wei,
                                Causalities’, Toon Staes,         Something More Pleasant?’,        Mengni Kang, University            and Languages, University of     Wong, School of English and        Foreign Languages and
Chair: Cynthia Quarrie,         Literature, University of         W. Michelle Wang, School of       International College, Macau       Surrey                           Drama, Queen Mary, University      Literature, National Yang Ming
Concordia University            Antwerp                           Humanities, English, Nanyang      University of Science and                                           of London                          Chiao Tung University
                                                                  Technological University          Technology                      ‘Representational Intelligibility
‘Queering Anglo-Saxon Time:      ‘The Fictive Dialogue in                                                                           and the Confines of Framing         ‘The You-ness of the You: The  ‘“She Was a Lady … He So
The Ethics of Autochthonous      Science Communication:           ‘Playing for the Plot, or        ‘And Yet God Has Not Said a      the Self: Carmen Maria              Animation of the Generic You   Dreadfully Below”: Social Class
Belonging in Elizabeth-Jane      Gendered Rhetoric in Danish      rather, Higher-Order             Word: Dramatic Monologists Machado’s In the Dream                    in Melville’s Moby Dick’, Joshua
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Unreliability of Character-
Burnett’s The Grassling’,        Philosopher Frederik Christian   Systemic Understanding’,         as Narrating Agents’, Arta       House’, Annjeanette Wiese,          Parker, University of Salzburg Character Dialogue in The
Cynthia Quarrie, English,        Eilschov’s “Essay on Women’s     David Ciccoricco, English &      Hallaçi, University of Prishtina Humanities, University of                                          Turn of the Screw’, Yingjie
Concordia University             Philosophy” (1749–50)’,          Linguistics, University of Otago                                  Colorado                            ‘The Present and the Past Self Tian, China University of
                                 Valdemar Nielsen Pold, Aarhus                                     ‘Second-Person Point of View                                         in Life Writing: Second-Person Geosciences
‘Vaporizing the Anthropocene: University                                                           as a Narrative Technique         ‘Against Self-Integration?          Narration in Mary Karr’s
Climate Change as Aesthetic                                                                        for Empathizing with and         Collective Narration in             Cherry’, Zuzana Foniokova,     ‘Recent Theories of Authorship:
Dread in Zadie Smith’s NW ’,     ‘Hinges and Stories of Flying                                     Identifying the “Other” in       Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater’,        Department of Czech            Themes, Questions,
Sarah MacDonnell, Concordia to the Moon: A Narrative                                               N. K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season Anke Sharma, John F.                Literature, Masaryk University Approaches’, Mengchen Lang,
University                       Approach to Wittgenstein’s On                                     (2015)’, Monika Mishra, Homi Kennedy Institute for North                                            Shanghai Jiao Tong University
                                 Certainty’, Rhona Jamieson,                                       Bhabha National Institute        American Studies, Literature
‘Leprosy and Light: Leaky        University of Cambridge                                                                            Department, Freie Universität
Times in J. G. Ballard’s The                                                                                                        Berlin
Crystal World’, Priscilla Jolly,
Concordia University
DAY 3: THURSDAY JUNE 30, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                     2/4

10:30-11:45 a.m.                   Concurrent Sessions

 AB 1.01 PANEL 1                   AB 2.08 PANEL 2                 AB 1.03 PANEL 3                   AB 2.01 PANEL 4                 AB 2.02 PANEL 5                    AB 2.03 PANEL 6                   AB 0.02 PANEL 7

 Co-Construction and               Non-normative Bodies           Radio Drama Adaptations:           Time/Chronology                 Racial Forms                       Towards Understanding:            Narratives of Early
 Narrative Multiplicities                                         Audionarratological                                                                                   Systems, Logics & Logistics       Childhood, Students &
                                   ‘The Crip-Futurity of Wakanda: Perspectives II                    ‘The Functions of               ‘“No one sees race here”: Color-                                     Social Work
 Chair: Virginia Pignagnoli,       Afrofuturist Disability                                           Anachronisms in Colson          evasiveness, Multifocalization,    ‘All Told by Machines of Loving
 University of Zaragoza            Storytelling in Spectre: AV’,  Chair: Jarmila Mildorf,            Whitehead’s The Underground     and Contested Space in             Grace: Omniscience and Big ‘Narrative Approach to
                                   D’Arcee Charington Neal,       Paderborn University & Pim         Railroad’, Erin E. McConnell,   Celeste Ng’s Little Fires          Data in De onvolmaakten by Understand how Nursery
 ‘Rereading and                    English, The Ohio State        Verhulst, University of Antwerp    Dept of English, Ohio State     Everywhere’, Erika Gotfredson,     Ewoud Kieft’, Ruben Vanden Workers Understand
 Co-(Re)construction’, Helen       University                                                        University                      English, Purdue University         Berghe, Ghent University   Professional Practice in
 H. Davis, Wilkes University                                      Adapting (to) Identity Politics.                                                                                                 England and Serbia’, Eva
                                   ‘Crip Narrative Medicine:      The Verbal Duel in George          ‘Time is Weird: On the Now-   ‘Free Indirect Discourse        ‘Publishing Logistics and the   Mikuska, University of
 ‘The Dark Labyrinth: The          A Crip Reading of Disease      Tabori’s Short Story and Radio     ness of Literature and Ali    and Narrative Agency in the     Novel’, Daniel Punday, English, Chichester
 Other Side of Time’, Rae          in N. K. Jemisin’s The City We Play Weissman und Rotgesicht’,     Smith’s Seasonal Quartet’,    Modernist Black Atlantic’,      Mississippi State University
 Leigh Muhlstock, Writing and      Became, Shared Stories, &      Inge Arteel, German, Vrije         Courtney Hopf, NYU London     Iida Pollanen, Department of                                    ‘Personalisation under
 Critical Inquiry, University at   Narrative Medicine’, Nicole    Universiteit Brussel                                             Literature, Tampere University                                  Austerity (working title)’,
 Albany                            McCleese, English, Michigan                                       ‘Just This Instant: The                                                                       David J Gaylard, University of
                                   State University               ‘Interactivity in Das Haus,        Chronotope of Forever in      ‘Historical Coincidence in                                      Chichester
 ‘Assumptions and Co-                                             a Radio Play Adaptation            Young Adult Literature’, Emma Narrative and Photography’,
 Construction in Narrative         ‘Plastic Bodies, Plastic       of Mark Z. Danielewski’s           K. McNamara, Ohio State       Cole Morgan, English,
 and Language Pedagogy’,           Minds? Representations of      House of Leaves’, Siebe            University                    University of California Irvine
 Margarida McMurry, Modern         Transgender Children in        Bluijs, Communication and
 Languages, University of          Contemporary Fiction’, Sven    Cognition, Tilburg University
 Birmingham                        Van den Bossche, University of
                                   Antwerp; Ghent University      ‘Retextualization and
                                                                  Audiophonic Remediation:
                                                                  German Radio Play
                                                                  Adaptations of Oscar Wilde’s
                                                                  “The Picture of Dorian Gray”’,
                                                                  Jarmila Mildorf, English and
                                                                  American Studies, Paderborn

12-1 p.m.                          Lunch on your own
DAY 3: THURSDAY JUNE 30, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    3/4

1:15-2:30 p.m.                 Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                AB 2.08 PANEL 2                 AB 1.03 PANEL 3                   AB 2.01 PANEL 4                 AB 2.02 PANEL 5                   AB 2.03 PANEL 6                    AB 0.02 PANEL 7
Challenging Readers            Trauma & Narrative              In Defense of Authorial           Transmedial Authorship and Narrative Liminality:                  Theories of Mind                   Narratives of Industry &
                                                               Intention                         Digital Ethos III: Collective Exchanges and Intersections                                            Nonprofits
‘(Non-)Fiction and Narrative   ‘“nearly-remote and almost-                                                                        between Narrative and Other      ‘Dreams and Heightened
Engagement’, Melina            inaccessible”: Rumination       Chair: Faye Halpern, University   Chair: Maria Makela, Tampere Symbolic Forms                       Narrow Immersivity:                ‘What Makes a Successful
Ghassemi Nejad, Department     and Refusal in Anna Burns’s     of Calgary                        University                                                        Combining Saturation,              Pitch? Content Analyses of
of Literature, University of   Milkman’, Jayda Coons,                                                                             Chair: Sarah Joy Link,           Permeability, Presentationality    the Hungarian Adaptation
Antwerp                        Honors College, University of  ‘Showing the Telling –             ‘Hijacking the                   University of Wuppertal          and Presence’, Marco Bernini,      of Shark Tank Television
                               Tennessee at Chattanooga       Authorial Intention and What       Autobiographical Graphic                                          English Studies, Durham            Program’, Izabella Ilea1,
‘Recognizing and Responding                                   It Means for (18th-Century)        Narrative through Doom           ‘(Dis-)Trust the Paratext:       University                         Dávid Erát2, Titanilla Falusi1,
to Moral Tension through Slow ‘Art Spiegelman’s Architecture Fiction’, Simona Zetterberg-        Patrol and Imp Queen’, Gabriel Reader Guidance in Romantic                                           Rebecca Cohill1, Kata Vitéz1,
Reading’, Kathryn Kirkland,   of the Absence’, Wyatt Sarafin, Nielsen, Scandinavian              Fiandeiro, Literary Studies,     Fiction’, Sarah Joy Link,        ‘Quantifying Reader Theory of      Hanna Ulbert1 and Orsolya
Medicine, Geisel School of    Harvard University              Language and Literature,           University of Wisconsin          English and American Studies,    Mind Use: A Computational          Vincze1, (1) Institute of
Medicine                                                      Aarhus University                                                   University of Wuppertal          Analysis of Behaviour              Psychology, University of Pécs,
                              ‘Literature as Relief: Naja                                        ‘A Bad Review, Good Readers:                                      Descriptions in the                Pécs, Hungary, (2) Institute of
                              Marie Aidt’s When Death Takes ‘Beyond the Coverplot:               Utilizing Authorial Audience     ‘Narrative Liminality and        Nineteenth-Century Novel’,         Sociology, University of Pécs,
                              Something From You Give         Authorial Intention, Rhetorical    in Transmedial Authorship’,      Meta-Literary Reflection in      Claudia Carroll, English,          Pécs, Hungary
                              It Back: Carl’s Book’, Stefan   Passing, and the Rescue of         Ville Hamalainen, Tampere        Contemporary Fiction: Charles    University of Notre Dame
                              Kjerkegaard, Scandinavian       Nineteenth-Century American        University                       Yu’s How to Live Safely in a                                        ‘Small Stories in Charity
                              Department, Aarhus University Women Writers’, Faye Halpern,                                         Science Fictional Universe’,     ‘Narratological Theories           Fundraising Letters and
                                                              University of Calgary              ‘Narrativization of Play         Katja Kanzler, American          of Mental Experience and           the Ethics of Interwoven
                                                                                                 on YouTube: The Templin          Studies, University of Leipzig   their Discontents’, Grzegorz       Individualism’, Andrea
                                                               ‘Authorial Intention and          Institute’s Stellaris: Invicta’,                                  Maziarczyk, John Paul II           Macrae, English and Modern
                                                               Original Paratexts: The Payoffs   Tonguc Sezen, Teesside           ‘Silence as Narrative            Catholic University of Lublin,     Languages, Oxford Brookes
                                                               for Interpretation’, Sarah        University                       Liminality: Ekphrasis,           and Joanna K. Teske, John Paul     University
                                                               Copland, English, MacEwan                                          Curation, and Agency             II Catholic University of Lublin
                                                               University                                                         in Wharton’, Annika                                                 ‘Applied Narratology and
                                                                                                                                  M. Schadewaldt, American         ‘Fission-Fusion Minds in           the Creative Industries:
                                                                                                                                  Studies, University of Leipzig   Renaissance Dramatic               Toward a Needs Analysis’,
                                                                                                                                                                   Discourse’, Miranda Anderson,      Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar,
                                                                                                                                 ‘“Read Very Carefully”: Playful   University of Edinburgh            University of Groningen, and
                                                                                                                                 Pleasures and Ludic Narrativity                                      Silvana Beerends-Pavlovic,
                                                                                                                                 in the QAnon Conspiracy                                              Amsterdam University of
                                                                                                                                 Theory’, Stefan Schubert,                                            Applied Sciences
                                                                                                                                 American Studies, University
                                                                                                                                 of Leipzig
DAY 3: THURSDAY JUNE 30, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                     4/4

2:45-4 p.m.                     Concurrent Sessions

AB 1.01 PANEL 1                 AB 2.08 PANEL 2                  AB 1.03 PANEL 3                   AB 2.01 PANEL 4                 AB 2.02 PANEL 5                  AB 2.03 PANEL 6                  AB 0.02 PANEL 7

Life Writing & Contemporary Rhetorical Narrative                 Digital platforms                 Undernarration                  British Fiction                  Feminist Readings                TransForming Narrative
Issues                      Theory II                                                                                                                                                                Studies: A Roundtable
                                                                 ‘App Fiction and the Post-        Chair: Emily R. Anderson,       ‘“Almost As If a Dead Woman      ‘A Feminist Western?
‘Tweeting Trauma: #MeToo         ‘Rhetorical Approaches: Real    digital Aesthetics’, Bartosz      Knox College                    Had Risen”: Disabled             Narratives of Violence in HBO’s Chair: Cody Mejeur, University
and Forms of Micro-Memoir’,      Readers, Ethics, and Ontology’, Lutostański, University of                                        Characters, Mobility Aids, and   Westworld’, Kristin Jacobson,   at Buffalo, & Chiara Pellegrini,
Leah Anderst, English,           Nicolas J. Potkalitsky,         Warsaw                            ‘The Undernarrated’,            Scenes of Rising in Charles      Stockton University             Newcastle University
Queensborough Community          Independent Scholar                                               Gerald Prince, French           Dickens’s Little Dorrit and
College, CUNY                                                    ‘Old Question, New Medium:        and Francophone Studies,        Great Expectations’, Alexandra  ‘Leonora Carrington and           ‘TransForming Embodied
                                 ‘You Laugh or You Groan:        Narrative Communication           University of Pennsylvania      Valint, University of Southern  Liminality: Writing Between       Narratives’, Cody Mejeur,
‘Arts-Informed Narrative         Charting the Coincidental       in Chat Fiction’, Ekapol                                          Mississippi                     the Feminine and the Natural      Media Study, University at
Reflection on Departure in       and Accidental in Narrative     Cheerapatnakom, Literature,       ‘Undernarrating Vicarious                                       in Surrealist Short Stories’,     Buffalo
the Midst of a Pandemic:         Cinema’, Mattie Jacobs, Film,   Kasetsart University, Bangkok,    Documentary Stories of the      ‘Daniel Defoe’s Crusoe Trilogy: Tove Conway, Department of
Homebound’, Jeffrey L.           University of Wisconsin         Thailand; English and Related     Everyday’, Mari Hatavara,       Novels of Moral Injury’, Fahime English, University of Iowa       ‘TransForming the Trans
Broome, Art Education, Florida                                   Literature, University of York    Finnish Literature, Tampere     Serhattı, English Literature,                                     Novel’, Chiara Pellegrini,
State University                 ‘Exigence Matters: Narrative                                      University                      Middle East Technical           ‘Rewriting the Social Order       Newcastle University
                                 Rhetoric and The Rhetorical     ‘The Great American Podcast:                                      University                      Through Community: Phryne
‘You are Me: Autobiography       Situation’, Stefan Iversen,     The Victorian Origins of the      ‘Video Games and Compulsory                                     Fisher’s Family and Followers’,   ‘TransForming the Paratext’,
in Second Person’, Joanna        Communication and Culture, Serialized Podcast’, Gregory           Undernarration’, Gerald Prince, ‘Shame and the Narrativisation Ruth Garcia, English, New York     Gil Mozer, English, Mesa
Jeziorska-Haładyj, University of Aarhus University               Brennen, School of Literature,    French and Francophone          of Affect in the Victorian      City College of Technology,       Community College
Warsaw                                                           Media, & Communication,           Studies, University of          Novel’, Anja Hartl, Literature, CUNY and Jody R. Rosen,
                                 ‘The Company We Read:           Georgia Institute of Technology   Pennsylvania; Mari Hatavara, Art and Media Studies,             New York City College of          ‘TransForming the Lyrical
                                 A Rhetorics of Recognition in                                     Tampere University; Emily R. University of Konstanz             Technology, CUNY                  Novel’, Joonas Santti,
                                 Joanne Jacobson’s Every Last                                      Anderson, Knox College; and                                                                       Department of Music, Art and
                                 Breath (2020) and Anne Boyer’s                                    Robyn Warhol, The Ohio State                                                                      Culture Studies, University of
                                 The Undying (2019)’, Rosalia                                      University                                                                                        Jyväskylä
                                 Baena, University of Navarra
                                                                                                   Robyn Warhol, English, The
                                                                                                   Ohio State University

                                                                                                                  6-7 p.m.                           Graduate Student & Contingent Faculty
4:15-6:00 p.m.                   Contemporary Narrative Theory II, AB 0.01                                                                           Caucus Meeting / Open buffet, Otters late afternoon
                                 ‘Algorithmic Tales & Tellers: The Potential & Limits of Platformed
                                 Storytelling’, Alexandra Georgakopoulou                                          7:15-8:45 p.m.                     Keynote 2: Ann Rigney, Professor of Comparative
                                 ‘Beyond Gendered Catastrophe: Feminist Narratology and
                                                                                                                                                     Literature at Utrecht University, AB 0.01
                                                                                                                                                     ‘Stories in the Wild: Collective Narratives and How They Are Remade’
                                 Contemporary Television’, Elizabeth Alsop

                                 ‘A Theory of Nonhuman Narrative’, Biwu Shang                                     8:45 p.m.                          Closing Reception, Otters
Recommended foodstops and cafes

1     The Co-operative Food, Spitalfield Ln, Chichester PO19 6SB - 5 min’s walk
2.    Cafe Paradiso, 45 North St, Chichester PO19 1NF - 10 mins’ walk
3.    Wagtail Coffee & Yoga, Gordon House, 1C-1D, Church Square, Chichester PO19 7BD - 13 mins’ walk
4.4   The Cornish Bakery, 27 North St, Chichester PO19 1LX - 13 mins’ walk
5.    Caffè Nero, 70 North St, Chichester PO19 1NB - 13 mins’ walk

                                                                                                 A The University of Chichester is here.




Chichester Cathedral

Market cross          Roman walls
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