Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council

Page created by Steven Luna
Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019–20
Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019–20


                           This plan covers the period

                       Introduction from the Chief Executive

                                      Our purpose

                                      Our strategy

                                     Our priorities
          Building education and cultural partnerships with countries of the
                   European Union and other developed countries

  Strengthening educational and cultural opportunities and connections with India,
         China and other emerging and high-growth developing economies

           Strengthening long-term connections and relationships with the
                next generation in Russia and neighbouring countries

Contributing to stability and security in priority countries, including in the Middle East,
          Africa and South Asia and responding to the Syrian refugee crisis

     Creating international opportunities and connections for young people and
                   for cultural and educational institutions in the UK

                                Organisational change

                                    Managing risks

                            Measuring our performance

                                     Financial plan

Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019–20

  Introduction from the Chief Executive

               As a globally trusted soft power asset, the British Council is ideally
              placed to provide a positive experience of the UK at this critical time.

The UK’s education and cultural sectors are world                 Over the course of 2019–20 we will focus on our
leading. The UK is home to four of the world’s top                five strategic priorities:
ten universities 1 and hosts 450,000 students from
                                                                  1. Building education and cultural partnerships
overseas in higher education. As a research nation we
                                                                     with countries of the European Union and other
account for over 15 per cent of the world’s most highly
                                                                     developed countries.
cited articles. 2 Our rich cultural and heritage sector
attracts millions of people from across the world. The            2. Strengthening educational and cultural
UK is respected for its democracy and rule of law and                opportunities and connections with India,
English is a global language spoken by nearly 25 per                 China and other emerging and high-growth
cent of the world’s population. At the British Council               developing economies.
we are passionate about how we support and work                   3. Strengthening long-term connections and
with these sectors to help address global issues for                 relationships with the next generation in Russia
a more prosperous and secure world, sharing                          and neighbouring countries.
values of openness, tolerance and respect that have               4. Contributing to stability and security in priority
characterised our activity for more than 80 years.                   countries, including in the Middle East, Africa
There are both opportunities and challenges in the                   and South Asia, and responding to the Syrian
current global and UK context. The increasing number                 refugee crisis.
of young people in formal education in developing                 5. Creating international opportunities and
countries is a cause for celebration, but the challenges             connections for young people and for cultural
of creating employment for those young people risks                  and educational institutions in the UK.
instability. The forces of globalisation are improving the
standard of living of millions of people but those same           Highlights in 2019–20 will include a cultural season in
forces are causing discontent and alienation among a              Japan, the UK–Russia year of music, an international
section of some populations. As we prepare to leave               higher education conference in Berlin and celebrating
the European Union, it is important for the UK to                 30 years of the World Wide Web. We will provide a major
strengthen cultural and educational relations with                boost to the teaching of English in developing countries,
member states and globally with countries that are                improve access to UK qualifications and enhance the
important to our future prosperity and security.                  skills and employability prospects for young populations
                                                                  in Africa and elsewhere. With our UK partners we will
As a globally trusted soft power asset, the British
                                                                  support countries whose education systems are under
Council is ideally placed to provide a positive
                                                                  pressure from rapidly changing demographics – for
experience of the UK at this critical time, supporting
                                                                  instance Pakistan, Egypt and Colombia. In China, where
the international ambitions of the UK government
                                                                  we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary, we will
and devolved administrations, and ensuring we grasp
                                                                  continue to build cultural and educational partnerships
the opportunities presented by the changing world.
                                                                  and will be launching a new digital platform to connect
I believe that now is a time to be confident about
                                                                  UK alumni from China.
what we do, and proud of the value of our work to
the UK and to the people we work with abroad.                     Here in the UK we will continue to encourage and
                                                                  enable international opportunities and connections for
                                                                  our young people. In partnership with the Department
                                                                  for Education we will launch a new programme that
                                                                  provides support to schools in England to take
                                                                  schoolchildren on educational trips overseas, and
                                                                  with Creative Scotland we will be launching a scheme
                                                                  to connect artists and arts organisations in Scotland
                                                                  with their peers in the European Union.

1. QS World University Rankings 2019.
2. Elsevier (2017) International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base 2016.

Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019–20

This Corporate Plan updates the strategy set out               The Tailored Review has been a helpful process,
in 2016 and covers in detail the period up to the              allowing us to reflect on our performance and how we
end of this current spending review period in March            can improve. I am pleased to report that the review
2020. Our longer-term ambition is to strengthen our            team was impressed by the professionalism of our staff,
global network across developed and developing                 our progress in finding efficiencies, and the benefits
countries, and use our data, insight and networks to           of our work for the UK and the countries we work with.
enhance the international engagement of the UK                 I welcome the review’s guidance on further improvement
cultural and education sectors. We will convene                – for example around HR systems, boosting the surplus
international conversations on shared values and               and developing a clearer strategic framework. We also
address those factors that impede the sustained                recognise the importance of the British Council’s
growth of our English teaching and exams businesses.           continuing close alignment and co-ordination with
We will use the next few months to engage more                 the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
closely with our stakeholders from all four countries
                                                               We are grateful to our partners, including our close
of the UK as well as our international partners to
                                                               collaborators in Westminster and the devolved
develop our future strategy post-2020.
                                                               administrations, in education and the arts, in the UK
The grant-in-aid funding we receive from the                   and overseas. We look forward to working with you
government remains critical to achieving our                   over the next year.
aspirations. As we approach the next Spending Review,
                                                               Finally, I would like to recognise the work of British
the British Council is in good shape to make a positive
                                                               Council colleagues across our network. Lasting
and significant difference to the UK’s international
                                                               success is always the result of collective effort, and
reputation and influence, by developing mutually
                                                               nowhere is that more true than in the British Council.
beneficial relationships across our work in English,
                                                               Our reputation and achievement rest on the commitment
education and culture. Continued government support
                                                               and hard work of all our people, at every level and in
for our work in developed countries and for arts
                                                               every corner of the globe. My thanks to all of you for
programmes that showcase the UK remains essential.
                                                               all you have done and will do in the future.
Internally, we will continue to ensure a firm financial
                                                               Sir Ciarán Devane
basis for the organisation over the coming decades.
                                                               Chief Executive, British Council
We will drive efficiencies through increased
standardisation, including greater use of shared
services, the adoption of new technologies and a
review of our estates. This plan also sets out how
we will continue to grow surplus, in order to invest
in cultural relations in the developed world.

Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Corporate Plan 2019–20

               Our purpose

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation
  for cultural relations and educational opportunities.

           We create friendly knowledge and
           understanding between the people
             of the UK and other countries.

        We do this by making
       a positive contribution           This enhances the security,
    to the UK and the countries           prosperity and influence
      we work with – changing            of the UK and, in so doing,
 lives by creating opportunities,          helps make the world a
     building connections and                 better, safer place.
         engendering trust.

             We work with over 100 countries
             across the world in the fields of
            arts and culture, English language,
                education and civil society.

      Last year we reached
                                          Founded in 1934, we are
      over 75 million people
                                           a UK charity governed
 directly and 758 million people
                                           by Royal Charter and a
     overall including online,
                                              UK public body.
  broadcasts and publications.

             We combine strategic alignment
              to the UK’s long-term foreign
                 policy priorities with the
          long-standing principle of operational
               independence in our work.

             This is important for our impact in building
             trust for the people of the UK globally and
           is in keeping with our legal status as a charity.

Corporate Plan 2019-20 - - British Council
Delegates at Future News Worldwide. Each year 100
of the world’s most talented student journalists are
invited to attend our intensive media training programme,
a partnership with some of the world’s leading media
organisations. In 2019–20 the event will take place at
the Reuters UK headquarters in London.
Corporate Plan 2019–20

                                       Our strategy

                                               Impact and focus.

Our strategy to 2020 has been developed in consultation          Our strategy continues to build our long-term financial
with UK and devolved governments, UK sector partners,            sustainability, achieving greater surplus and delivering
cities and regions and with stakeholders overseas.               more efficiencies. This is important so that we can
Mutuality remains a core principle, ensuring that benefit        recycle the surpluses we earn back into our work,
accrues to all parties as we build long-term, sustainable        including building relationships with the developed
relationships for the UK based on trust.                         world. We will begin an exercise in 2019–20 to refresh
                                                                 our strategy for the next five years through full
We have five strategic priorities that frame our work and
                                                                 consultation with partners and stakeholders.
which are elaborated further in this plan.
                                                                 Our current strategy is summarised below:

 Purpose statement: Using the cultural resources of the UK, we create friendly knowledge and understanding
 between the people of the UK and other countries.
 01 Strengthen impact          We make a positive contribution to the UK and countries we work with – changing
 against our strategic         lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. This
 priorities                    enhances the security, prosperity and influence of the UK and, in so doing, makes
                               the world a better, safer place. We achieve this by:
                               • Building education and cultural partnerships with countries of the European
                                 Union and other developed countries.
                               • Strengthening educational and cultural opportunities and connections with
                                 India, China and other emerging and high-growth developing economies.
                               • Strengthening long-term connections and relationships with the next
                                 generation in Russia and neighbouring countries.
                               • Contributing to stability and security in priority countries including in the
                                 Middle East, Africa and South Asia and responding to the Syrian refugee crisis.
                               • Creating international opportunities and connections for young people and
                                 for cultural and educational institutions in the UK.
 02 Improve the                • Improving our customer and market research, analytics and insight to better
 experience of our               understand our audiences’ views and preferences, so that we can develop
 customers, stakeholders         services, products and communications that are relevant to them.
 and partners                  • Using this insight we will build stronger, more effective relationships with our
                                 customers and stakeholders so that they understand our work and value,
                                 and seek to engage with us in longer-term mutually beneficial relationships.
 03 Ensure financial
 sustainability and
 maintain operations
 in the developed world        Growing and diversifying income and surplus          Improving our operational efficiency

 04 Invest in our people,
 systems and culture
                                Increasing the capability and          Creating a digitally        Strengthening our
                                 effectiveness of our people          enabled organisation       insight, research and
                                                                                                  evidence capability
 Underpinned by our values      Valuing people         Integrity            Mutuality      Creativity   Professionalism

Corporate Plan 2019–20

External context and strategic challenges
Our strategy reflects a number of external factors and strategic challenges.

 Brexit                                                          Devolution

 As the UK prepares to leave the European Union,                 The devolved administrations in Northern Ireland,
 the UK government’s vision is to maintain a close               Scotland and Wales set the legislative and policy
 and special partnership with the countries of Europe            frameworks in key areas, including education
 and for the UK to develop a stronger international              and culture. Cities are also assuming greater
 role and profile, expanding partnerships and                    responsibilities for economic and cultural affairs.
 ties with nations around the world. In 2019–20                  Cultural relations help to create a more nuanced
 we will continue to build cultural and educational              understanding of the diversity of the UK and build
 relationships with the countries of Europe and                  international connections at city, regional and
 across the world and provide young people in the                country level.
 UK with opportunities to develop the intercultural
 skills and understanding which will support the
 UK’s future reputation and commercial success.

                                                                 Growth of China, India and other
 Security, stability and the refugee crisis
                                                                 emerging economies
 In fragile and conflict-affected states across the              The economies of China and India continue to grow
 Middle East, Africa and South Asia, the ability of              at a rapid rate and there is significant growth in
 extremist and terrorist groups to attract support               countries such as Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia.
 creates risks for the UK and the countries directly             Cultural relations provide a pathway to building
 affected. Cultural relations can help to tackle the             closer ties with high-growth developing economies
 economic, social and civil risk factors that can                in a way that complements traditional methods
 lead to violent extremism. The UNHCR estimates                  of export promotion.
 that since the start of the crisis in Syria, 5.6 million
 people have fled, seeking safety in Lebanon,
 Turkey, Jordan and beyond. In addition, challenges
 of climate change, conflict and poverty in parts
                                                                 Relationship with Russia
 of Africa and Asia mean many more young
 people seek a better life abroad. Our work helps                At a time when the UK’s political and diplomatic
 to build tolerance, understanding and resilience                relationship with Russia is going through a
 and enables young people to gain new skills                     challenging period, it is more important than ever
 through education, which offer positive                         to build cultural, educational and people-to-people
 livelihood opportunities.                                       bridges with the Russian people and contribute
                                                                 to a peaceful prosperous and deep relationship
                                                                 between our nations in the future.

 Growth of digital communication                                 Finance and business context

 By 2020 over 50 per cent of the global population               In many of our core markets there are increased
 will be connected to the internet, creating new                 security, economic and foreign exchange risks and
 opportunities for cultural relations. New digital               there is more intense competition in the English
 platforms and products are increasing the reach                 teaching and exams business areas. With an
 of networks, allowing access to millions more                   upcoming Spending Review there is uncertainty
 people and offering new opportunities for                       over future levels of our grant-in-aid, especially
 interaction and learning. The growing influence                 for our work in developed countries. There also
 of social media and digital connectivity is also                remains uncertainty in relation to our European
 reshaping global politics, society and economics,               Union-funded portfolio of programmes. Growing
 placing increased importance on building trust                  and diversifying our income is therefore a core
 and lasting relationships.                                      feature of our strategy.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

                                     Our priorities

                                         Creating value for the UK
                                           and other countries.

Our priorities have been developed to reflect and               Influence and attraction
support the international ambitions of a wide range
of partners and stakeholders with whom the British               The main way in which we contribute towards UK
Council works across the four nations of the UK as               policy objectives and the UK’s soft power is by
well as meet the needs of our customers and                      supporting the UK’s influence and attraction.
stakeholders overseas.                                           We build mutually beneficial connections and
                                                                 long-lasting relationships between the people of
Our work contributes to the policy objectives,
                                                                 the UK and countries we work with.
international strategies and single departmental
plans of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and            Prosperity and development
other UK government departments as well as those
of the governments of Scotland and Wales and the                 We also support UK objectives related to
Executive Office of Northern Ireland.                            prosperity and development. We contribute
                                                                 to UK and global prosperity by building trust,
We support in particular the UK government’s National
                                                                 connections and skills, which create favourable
Security Strategy and the soft power and global Britain
                                                                 conditions for growth and development.
ambitions managed by the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office. Our approach, which is based on mutuality,
enhances the UK’s influence and promotes values                 Security and stability
which support open societies, tolerance and inclusivity,
contributing to shared security and prosperity.                  In addition, we play a role in supporting objectives
                                                                 related to security and stability. We make a
We support the new international education,
                                                                 lasting difference to the security of the UK and to
science and research priorities of the Department for
                                                                 stability worldwide by building long-term, peaceful
Education, the Department for Business, Energy and
                                                                 and respectful relationships between the people
Industrial Strategy and the Department for International
                                                                 of the UK and people worldwide. We create
Trade, and promote international connections and
                                                                 opportunities and provide positive pathways for
market access for the UK’s English language, education
                                                                 young people and improve governance in fragile
and cultural sectors. We are increasing access to
                                                                 and conflict-affected states.
international opportunities for less advantaged young
people across the UK, and through the management
of over £160 million of official development assistance
we work with partners to contribute to the UK’s national
aid strategy.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

Framework for delivering impact
Our framework for delivering impact is summarised                   that the delivery of impact against our eight result
below. In the light of the Tailored Review, we will ensure          areas links more closely with our strategic priorities.

 Contributing to
                        Prosperity and                                Influence                                   Security
 wider UK/global
                        development                                 and attraction                              and stability

                        1                      2                     3                     4                    5
                        Building               Strengthening         Strengthening         Contributing         Creating
                        education              educational           long-term             to stability and     international
                        and cultural           and cultural          connections           security in          opportunities
 Matched                partnerships with      opportunities         and relationships     priority countries   and connections
 to strategic           countries of the       and connections       with the next         including in the     for young people
                        European Union         with India, China     generation            Middle East,         and for cultural
                        and other              and other             in Russia and         Africa and           and educational
                        developed              emerging and          neighbouring          South Asia and       institutions
                        countries.             high-growth           countries.            responding           in the UK.
                                               developing                                  to the Syrian
                                               economies.                                  refugee crisis.

                        Arts                         English                   Higher education            Skills and
                        People’s lives are           Good English              and science                 enterprise
                        enriched by arts and         teaching helps            People in tertiary          People have the skills
                        culture and cultural         people to study           education and               to be employable
                        heritage is valued.          and work and to           research institutes         and to build inclusive
                                                     develop careers,          get opportunities           and creative
                                                     confidence and            for partnerships,           economies which
                                                     networks.                 mobility, training          support stable and
 Informing                                                                     and collaboration.          prosperous societies.
 across eight           Schools                      Civil society             Testing and                 Women
 result areas           Young people in              and justice               assessment                  and girls
                        schools have the             Citizens interact         Students and                Women and girls
                        knowledge, skills            with states in ways       professionals get           participate in,
                        and understanding            which encourage           internationally             and benefit from,
                        they need to fulfil          collaboration and         recognised UK               decision making
                        their potential.             create stable             qualifications for          and social change.
                                                     societies that work       study, life and work.
                                                     better for people.

 UK and
 overseas                   Overseas customers, clients, partner                         UK and devolved governments
 needs and                    organisations and stakeholders                              and UK sectors and partners

Corporate Plan 2019–20

                                                  Strategic priority 1
                  Building education and cultural partnerships
                   with countries of the European Union and
                           other developed countries.

Our research into the attitudes of young people in              Our global network of over 100 countries and
the G20 countries shows the UK’s attractiveness                 territories includes 44 developed nations. Brexit will
within the EU declined 3 after the referendum. As the           of course have implications beyond Europe, with the
UK prepares to leave the European Union, there is               UK looking to build on existing ties with the developed
still uncertainty over how we will continue to work             countries of Asia, North America, the Commonwealth
with European partners in the fields of culture and             and the Gulf. Our collaborations in developed countries
education, including our continued participation in             such as Japan and Canada, for example, showcase
multilateral framework programmes such as Erasmus+              the UK’s creativity and innovation, help to build our
and Creative Europe. It is clear that the UK will need          competitiveness and support access to new markets.
to strengthen bilateral ties with individual member             In the Gulf we will focus on teaching English and
states, especially in priority countries such as France,        assessment and also help those countries to diversify
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain. In          their economies by supporting educational and cultural
2019–20, there will be a certain amount of rebuilding           reform, brokering new relationships and networks.
to be done, and we will need to work hard to ensure             Our strategy for Hong Kong recognises that cultural
that the UK continues to be a sought-after partner              relations can drive effective trade partnerships through
in Europe.                                                      the development of language skills, qualifications and
                                                                international experience for young people, and at the
Over the past four years in Europe we have radically
                                                                same time promote the sharing of innovation and
changed our way of working. We have adopted a
                                                                expertise between nations. And in the United States
brokering and convening role to link institutional
                                                                we will share the UK’s expertise and experience at a
partners in the European Union with their counterpart
                                                                policy level in areas such as cultural protection.
organisations in the UK. Using partner funding and
working at an institutional level ensures that our work         The examples we have provided help to demonstrate
becomes systemic, with a greater chance of creating             the role the British Council can play in building
change. We focus on the most influential institutions           educational and cultural partnerships with the
and individuals who can help turn the prevailing                countries of the EU and other developed economies.
circumstances towards a more positive future.
We have set a target for every British Council office
in Europe to increase its most influential contacts by
20 per cent over the coming year. This work through             It is clear that the UK will need
institutions – combined with our English language
teaching, delivery of UK exams, our placement of
                                                                to strengthen bilateral ties
language assistants in schools across Europe, and our           with individual member states,
digital offer – means we are able to connect increasing
numbers of young people with the UK. In 2019–20 we
                                                                especially in priority countries
are also celebrating the UK’s creativity and diversity          such as France, Germany,
and will bring our global higher education conference,
Going Global, to Berlin, and lay the foundations for a
                                                                Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania
cultural season between the UK and Italy.                       and Spain.

3. British Council (2018) Powers of Attraction.

Students at our teaching centre in Madrid.
In 2019–20 we will teach over 89,000 learners
of English across the European Union.
Corporate Plan 2019–20

Focus on Europe
Supporting cultural partnerships in Europe
We are leading on the Europe Beyond Access                    co-funded by the European Commission under
project, which is designed to promote disabled                the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme.
access to the arts. Through this project, which is            Our approach is to support community activity by
part-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of               local partners in six countries. This includes the UK
the European Union, we are working with partners              organisation Faith Matters, along with partners in
from the UK, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands,         Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland and
Serbia and Sweden, with activity also taking place            Portugal. Participating organisations are selected
in Poland. We are also leading on the Mutual                  based on their commitment to supporting dialogue
Understanding, Respect and Learning (MURAL)                   and exchanging best practice to foster tolerance
project, which will address increased anti-Semitic            and mutual respect.
and anti-Muslim sentiments in Europe. MURAL is

Building new cultural connections                              Sharing best practice in international
with Italy                                                     education in Germany
The UK/Italy Season will strengthen and build new              Our Going Global conference is firmly established
cultural connections between Italy and the UK in 2020.         on the global higher education calendar, attracting
A season of culture in both countries will show how            more than 1,000 education leaders, government
the arts and sciences enable social cohesion, leading          ministers and chief executives from 70 countries each
to greater cultural diversity, inclusion and well-being.       year. In 2019, Going Global will be held in Berlin, the
It will include delegations, public events, industry           first time it has been held in Europe outside of the UK.
workshops, exhibitions and competitions, supported by
                                                               Alongside its continuing international legacy
a major digital campaign. In 2019 we are organising a
                                                               benefiting higher education systems worldwide,
series of UK cultural delegations to Italy to broker new
                                                               Going Global also brings significant benefit to the
collaborations between institutions in both countries
                                                               UK. It enhances the reputation of the UK higher
in preparation for the season.
                                                               education sector and gives UK institutions the
Celebrating the best of British art in Venice                  chance to develop international relationships,
                                                               introduce new systems and practices, and access
La Biennale di Venezia was founded in 1895 and is now          new markets.
one of the most famous and prestigious international
art biennales in the world, with 91 official national
pavilions. Belfast-born, Glasgow-based artist Cathy            Going Global is
Wilkes will represent the UK at the British Pavilion with
                                                               attended by more than

a major solo exhibition of new work running from May
to November 2019. The exhibition has been curated
by Dr Zoe Whitley, Senior Curator, Hayward Gallery,
who was appointed following an open call, making
her the first ever externally appointed curator. This          education leaders,
appointment is part of our efforts to widen access to
international working for UK visual arts professionals.
                                                               government ministers
                                                               and chief executives.
English language teaching across Europe
Our teaching operations in Europe have been a                 in partner premises to meet demand for more
benchmark for quality and at the cutting edge of              convenient locations.
English language teaching for over 80 years. We will
                                                              Our collaboration with governments in English
reach over 89,000 learners in the coming year, with
                                                              language policy and teacher professional
further business and volume growth in nine of the 11
                                                              development will continue. We will build on the
countries in which we operate, and at the same time
                                                              long-standing bilingual education projects in Spain,
we will stabilise operations as we adjust to changing
                                                              initiate a first major partnership for a new content and
market conditions in Italy and Spain. Our continued
                                                              language integrated learning programme in Île-de-
success will be driven by updating our adult course
                                                              France, and develop English language teaching work
offer, including pilots for virtual (blended) learning
                                                              with a focus on inclusion with German federal states.
in 2019, and by opening more young learner centres

Corporate Plan 2019–20

Strengthening cultural and educational links with Japan
A major cross-sector initiative to celebrate the UK/Japan bilateral relationship will
start in September 2019 at the same time as the Rugby World Cup, culminating in
September 2020 with the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. We are working
closely with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for Digital,
Culture, Media and Sport, Department for International Trade and a range of
cultural partners in both countries.
                                                                                        The cultural
The British Council will lead the cultural programme of UK in Japan 2019–20 to
showcase the UK’s creativity and develop new opportunities and partnerships
with education and cultural organisations in Japan.                                     of UK in Japan
A major focus of the cultural programme will be diversity, inclusion and well-          2019–20 will
being. We will promote the mainstreaming of work by disabled artists and                raise awareness
improve access to culture for those who have fewer participation opportunities,
especially disabled and older people.                                                   of the UK’s
Highlights for the year will include tours by major UK arts institutions including      strengths in
the National Gallery, Courtauld Gallery, Royal Opera House, Philharmonia, London        the creative
Symphony Orchestra and the Burrell Collection. Other highlights are a major
project by international disabled artists led by Graeae Theatre Company and a
                                                                                        industries and
new residency for UK artists at one of Japan’s most iconic cultural heritage sites.     develop new
                                                                                        connections and

Building relationships in the USA                            Establishing connections in the Gulf
through research                                             through culture and sport
In the USA, a high priority country with a multitude         The Gulf Culture and Sports Programme was
of often complex and long-standing relationships             established in 2016 to harness the UK’s soft power
with the UK, we are launching a new programme                assets for greater and longer-term engagement
of thought leadership and research through a series          with young people in the Gulf countries. In 2019,
of events for policymakers, academics, students              we will launch the Youth Sports Award in the Gulf,
and in many cases the wider public.                          helping 1,000 young people to achieve the award.
Our report based on research into the use of the             We have already created opportunities for
term ‘special relationship’ by young people in both          international collaboration through delegations in
countries through the prism of social media will be          2017 and 2018 and in 2019 we hope to welcome
shared in a series of events across the USA in 2019.         more artists from the Gulf to the UK to share their
                                                             work with UK audiences through talks, exhibitions
Future events will include a workshop on the
                                                             and film screenings.
UK’s Cultural Heritage Protection Fund for US
practitioners and policymakers; the launch of
a publication on the contribution of culture to
economic development; the results of research
into the attitudes of young people in both countries         In 2019, we will launch
to faith, religion and belief; and a series of events
on the attitudes of young people in the G20
                                                             the Youth Sports Award
                                                             in the Gulf, helping

countries and the latest rankings in our report
Soft Power Superpowers.

                                                             young people to
                                                             achieve the award.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

                                           Strategic priority 2
     Strengthening educational and cultural opportunities
   and connections with India, China and other emerging and
             high-growth developing economies.

Emerging markets across the world continue to grow              In 2019–20 we will increase the scale of our cultural
and develop with ever increasing influence on the               and educational programmes in India and grow our
global stage. Middle income countries across Asia,              work in assessment and qualifications, impacting
Africa, the Americas and Europe are home to five of             the lives of millions of young people. We will increase
the world’s seven billion people and represent about            our delivery through digital and mobile platforms, to
one third of global GDP. They are a very diverse group          inspire and excite young people to connect with UK
of countries in terms of size, population and income.           ideas and innovation, continuing also to support the
The performance of China for example is unique in               growth in the market for study in the UK. In China we
terms of growth; since the start of the financial crisis        will focus on inward and outward mobility and leverage
in 2008 it has accounted for 45 per cent of the gain            our 40th anniversary year to position the UK as a
in world GDP. Africa is also an engine of growth; in            long-term partner in education and culture and as
2018, five of the world’s fastest-growing economies             leaders in English language assessment. This year we
were African. There are substantial mutual benefits             will be expanding our work in Africa, in support of the
from close co-operation with these countries, helping           UK government’s strategy for the UK in Africa. We will
to contribute to long-term growth and development               engage with individuals and institutions to support
globally and complementing the UK government’s                  opportunities for employment which will contribute
international ambitions.                                        to shared prosperity and development.
The British Council has an important role to play in            The examples we have provided help to demonstrate
providing international opportunities for organisations         how we plan to strengthen education and cultural
and providers from the English language, education,             opportunities and connections between the UK
cultural and society sectors and helping to develop             and middle-income countries.
new partnerships and open new markets. We will
deliver programmes in developing and emerging
economies which are tailored to local contexts                  There are substantial mutual
and needs. We will give young people the skills they
need, including digital literacy, as well as access to
                                                                benefits from close co-operation
trusted international examinations and qualifications,          with these countries, helping
helping to enhance their employability and education
prospects. We will deliver major programmes on behalf           to contribute to long-term
of development bodies such as DFID, supporting                  growth and development
the development objectives of the countries where
we operate and long-term connections with the UK.               globally and complementing
                                                                the UK government’s
                                                                international ambitions.

A research scientist in Mexico.
In 2019–20 we will continue to build research
connections between the UK and countries
worldwide through the Newton Fund.
Corporate Plan 2019–20

Building partnerships in China and promoting mobility through higher education
As China develops its ambitious World Class Universities initiative
we are working with China’s Ministry of Education to deepen strategic
collaborations focusing on regional alliances, subject-specific consortia
and transnational education. Initiatives such as the UK–China Education
and Engineering Research Consortium, UK–Jiangsu 2020 Alliance
and the UK–China TNE Joint Institute Alliance are setting new standards
for high-quality international collaboration. These initiatives will create
opportunities for students, academics and researchers raising the quality
and competitiveness of both UK and Chinese institutions and sharing
opportunities and resources to solve global challenges.
In 2019 we will launch a new digital platform to connect UK alumni from       The promotion
China, providing a critical and influential advocacy group for the UK.        of UK education
There are now over 600,000 Chinese students who have studied in
UK universities – a trend which continues to accelerate with almost           through the
100,000 UK study visas issued to Chinese applicants last year.                Study UK Discover
The promotion of UK education through the Study UK Discover You               You campaign
campaign will aim for a digital reach of over 80 million impressions to
further boost awareness of the UK as a quality study destination for
                                                                              will aim for a
Chinese students.                                                             digital reach of
                                                                              over 80 million
                                                                              to further boost

Improving employability prospects in India through English
                                          Working closely with state governments in India in support of their
                                          educational and economic ambitions, we will scale up our work
                                          on English for Employability in the technical and vocational sector.
                                          We will improve the employability opportunities for 150,000
                                          young people enrolled at the Gujarat government’s 300 industrial
                                          training institutes and the West Bengal government’s 69 polytechnic
                                          colleges. In the ongoing Higher Education Andhra Pradesh project,
       Employability                      due to complete in 2019, we are strengthening English language
                                          outcomes for 86,000 students in 198 colleges. We are currently
      opportunities for                   discussing a second roll-out of this project with partners, through

                                          which we plan to reach a further 100,000 students.
                                          Our digital and mobile learning English for employability courses
                                          such as LearnEnglish Select, English Strokes and the award-winning
                                          app Jobseekers have delivered excellent results and will help us
        young people.                     extend our reach. We will build on the success of projects such
                                          as the Rin Career Academy with Unilever, which helped over
                                          200,000 people develop their careers.
                                          We will strengthen partnerships with leading Indian and multinational
                                          companies such as Standard Chartered, Oberoi Group, Pfizer and
                                          Deloitte and higher education institutions such as IIT Bombay and
                                          National Institute of Technology Patna.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

Strengthening international scientific collaboration globally

We will work with                     By 2020, through the Newton Fund, we will have reached more than
                                      10,000 researchers and students and invested in more than 1,500
                                      mobility grants, PhD placements and scholarships. In 2019–20 we will
                                      work with 300 organisations in the UK across the 17 partner countries,
                                      establishing new partnerships for UK institutions in development
                                      research and maximising the impact of previous research. This will
                                      allow, for example, the roll-out of new technologies to improve food
organisations                         production, tackle the effects of climate change, and ensure sustainable
in the UK.
                                      Since its inception in 2014, the Department for Business, Energy and
                                      Industrial Strategy has funded a Newton Fund grant of approximately
                                      £16 million per annum. This has enabled the British Council to bring
                                      together thousands of researchers and institutions in the UK and
                                      17 emerging economies in the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle
                                      East, generating over £103 million in matched and leveraged funding
                                      to support these new partnerships.

Supporting governments worldwide to                        Getting children into school
raise standards in teacher education                       in Pakistan

The project will help                                      In Pakistan we are delivering phase II of the Take

                                                           a Child to School project. In 2019–20 we aim to
                                                           enrol an additional 100,000 children in school by
                                                           scaling up access to 70 districts and mobilising an
                                                           additional 5,000 young volunteers and a total of
                                                           550 local committees.

school teachers in Upper Egypt.                            We have also secured a partnership with the Khyber
                                                           Pakhtunkhwa government to provide sports kits to
                                                           200 schools in the province.
                                                           The first phase of the project enrolled 225,000
                                                           children across 65 districts in Pakistan, surpassing
                                                           its goal of enrolling 185,000 out-of-school children.
Our work with ministries of education in emerging
and high-growth developing economies helps                 The British Council’s Take a Child to School (TACS)
them meet their ambitions to equip young people            project is co-funded by Educate A Child, an initiative
with the English language skills to live, work and         of Education Above All (EAA), Qatar.
communicate successfully in a global society.
In Egypt, for example, we manage the National
Teacher Training Programme (NTTP), a capacity
building project which responds to the urgent
requirement by the Egyptian Ministry of Education
to improve educational outcomes. The project
will enable 37,000 primary school teachers in
Upper Egypt to improve their English language              The first phase of
and pedagogical skills.
                                                           the project enrolled

Together with partners we will launch online
offers to enable greater access to quality teacher
development resources. In India, Bangladesh,
and Nepal, we are extending the English and
Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) programme,
which has so far reached 17,000 girls and their            children across 65 districts
families, and 1,600 peer leaders, developing girls’
skills and confidence.                                     in Pakistan.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

Using technology to improve customer experience of IELTS in India and China

3 million
                                       IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) is the world’s
                                       most popular English language proficiency test for higher education
                                       and global migration, with more than three million tests taken last year.
tests taken globally                   IELTS is continually innovating to meet the 21st century needs of test
                                       takers, and 2019–20 represents an exciting year for the test globally,
last year.                             and particularly in two of our largest markets, as we roll out IELTS on
                                       computer in India and continue the roll-out of the initiative in China. IELTS
                                       on computer has proved to be a very successful initiative with customers.
                                       It is the same as the paper-based test but offers more choice, more test
                                       dates and faster results. IELTS on computer was introduced in China in
                                       November 2018 in Beijing, closely followed by Shanghai and Chongqing.
                                       India was launched in Delhi in early 2019, and will be followed by further
                                       locations thereafter.

Promoting cultural exchange with Indonesia
In 2019 British Council is working with the Indonesian
Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF) and Ministry
of Education and Culture to deliver a bilateral cultural
programme as part of the London Book Fair 2019                  The series of showcases,
Indonesia Market Focus. The series of showcases,
collaborations and professional development
                                                                collaborations and professional
opportunities taking place in the UK and Indonesia              development opportunities
over 12 months will raise mutual awareness and                  taking place in the UK and
appreciation of our literature and culture, encourage
more books to be translated, published and read, and            Indonesia over 12 months will
help to build lasting connections and trust between             raise mutual awareness and
our two countries.
                                                                appreciation of our literature
                                                                and culture.

Growing creative and social enterprises in developing countries
                                       Developing Inclusive and Creative Economies (DICE) is an ambitious
                                       programme that supports the development of creative and social
                                       entrepreneurship in the UK and five emerging economies: Brazil, Egypt,
                                       Indonesia, Pakistan and South Africa.

These collaborations                   The programme includes a £2 million DICE Fund through which we
                                       have awarded grants to UK sector support organisations, such as impact
will strengthen                        hubs, accelerators and universities, and their partners overseas. These
enterprises which                      collaborations will strengthen enterprises which empower women and
empower women                          girls, foster youth employment and support the inclusion of disabled
                                       people and other marginalised groups.
and girls, foster                      We are also unlocking opportunities for customers and stakeholders
youth employment                       through partnerships with influential organisations such as the Global
and support                            Steering Group for Impact Investment and we expect to engage with
                                       over 600 policymakers and influencers by 2020.
the inclusion
of disabled
people and other
marginalised groups.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

Focus on Africa
Supporting employability and building creative enterprise
Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing a significant bulge in its youth population,        Providing
which is expected to double to over 830 million by 2050. We are working to
improve the employment prospects of young Africans – sharing international             support to

best practice to support curriculum reform and institutional development, and
equip young people with the skills to get a job or start a business. In 2019 we
are investing an additional £2.7 million official development assistance to expand
our skills offer to support the employability of urban youth. The approach will
facilitate access to workforce development and skills training opportunities,          artists and
enterprise creation, and industry collaboration. A three-year programme in southern
Nigeria will link agribusinesses, tech entrepreneurs, investors and business
schools, to raise awareness and increase the uptake of technology by farmers.
UK investment in emerging creative and cultural industries in Africa will help
to improve livelihoods, increase trade and provide opportunities for the next
generation of UK creative talent. The West Africa Hubs programme began in
December 2017 with 25 creative hubs – networks, collectives and shared
workspaces across West Africa. Participants receive training, UK study visits and
grants and are encouraged to collaborate to boost their businesses and stimulate
business growth. In 2019 we are launching an even more in-depth business
incubation programme to support 100 young people not in work or education to
develop their skills and work with UK and West African delivery partners. We will
also support over 50 cultural and creative spaces and hubs across West Africa,
providing training, funding and linking them with UK institutions and expertise,
and through these intermediaries support a further 5,000 artists and
In 2019–20 we will continue to deliver the Impact!Africa Social Entrepreneurship
Summit, an annual event hosted by the British Council and Ashoka. We are
working together to set up the Impact!Africa Investment Fund to mobilise
investment funding for social enterprise and positive change in Africa and
support connections, exchange and opportunities with the UK.

Meeting the demand for English learning
                                                        English Connects is an innovative programme to
                                                        connect the UK to African youth and future leaders
                                                        through English. Started as a pilot in 2018, it will
                                                        continue and expand in 2019. It will improve the
                                                        quality of English language learning and teaching
                                                        and facilitate digital literacy, creating opportunities
                                                        for young people to improve their employability,
                                                        resilience and networks.
                                                        The programme will connect UK English language
                                                        teaching providers, institutions, media and educational
                                                        technology agencies with Africa, focusing on
                                                        francophone and lusophone countries. It will engage
                                                        young Africans with UK broadcast, digital and blended
                                                        English language learning materials; provide UK
The programme will connect                              technical assistance to ministries of education; and
                                                        build English teacher capacity through UK professional
UK English language teaching                            development frameworks. We will engage 2,500,000
providers, institutions, media                          18–35 year olds with our English resources and 5,000
                                                        teachers of English will actively contribute to our
and educational technology                              communities of practice.
agencies with Africa.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

                                              Strategic priority 3
                     Strengthening long-term connections
                   and relationships with the next generation
                     in Russia and neighbouring countries.

Across Russia, neighbouring countries and the                  We recognise the value of working in partnership
Western Balkans there is a mix of active and frozen            to deliver longer-term impact. We work closely
conflicts and disputes, countries with large youth             with local in-country partners, with the UK arts,
populations and in many, but not all, high youth               education and English sectors, with the Foreign
unemployment. There are next generation young                  and Commonwealth Office, and donors such as the
leaders who want to share, learn and be open to                European Union. With corporate social responsibility
international expertise as well as young people who            firmly on the agenda for many countries, we believe
lack the skills and resilience needed to gain                  there will be increased opportunities for the British
employment and play a positive role within society.            Council and our partners.
Through our work we connect the UK with both.
                                                               Cultural and educational opportunities are vital for
The future success of countries in the region will             building long-term connections and relationships,
require young leaders to be inspired and connected             especially when political or diplomatic relations
and young people to have the skills for employability          become difficult. Through our cultural relations
and an ability to communicate, reach out and prosper           approach we are able to reach out, build trust and
both as individuals and within wider communities.              support the next generation.
Across these countries, the environment in which               In all countries we operate at a pace and scale
we operate differs and consequently so does our                appropriate to context. In Russia we operate as the
focus, as we respond to the needs of each context.             Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy.
However, building long-lasting relationships with
                                                               The examples we have provided help to demonstrate
people (especially 18–35 year olds) and connecting
                                                               the role the British Council can play in strengthening
them with the UK is at the heart of our work in all
                                                               long-term connections with Russia and neighbouring
countries. We will continue to increase our use of
digital platforms and online tools to engage with the
next generation as well as face-to-face connections
through training, policy dialogues, workshops and
other activities.                                              We focus particularly on people-
By using the UK’s educational and cultural assets,             to-people engagement in Russia
we will also develop institution-to-institution links –        and the neighbouring countries
particularly universities and arts organisations –
to share research, develop business links, and                 and work on building the UK’s
encourage good governance.                                     attraction and influence through
                                                               our programmes.

Young people in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2019–20 we will continue to create
university partnerships with the UK
across the region.
Corporate Plan 2019–20

Developing enterprise skills across the region
The Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme gives
the next generation opportunities to develop their skills to compete
in a global job market and to start their own businesses. This is achieved
through partnerships between higher education and creative institutions                  In 2019–20
in the UK and overseas which develop entrepreneurship skills among                       the number of
students, graduates and young entrepreneurs.

During 2018–19 we funded 38 new international partnerships in
the UK and in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
                                                                                         will increase to
Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
In 2019–20 the number of partnerships will rise to 50, we will launch a
video pitch competition for over 1,000 students and the annual networking
event will take place in Oxford. We aim to strengthen the programme with
partners including UN agencies, the World Bank and Santander.

Connecting with the next generation in Russia through music
                                       The UK–Russia Year of Music will connect the UK with people in Russia
                                       through the common language of music and make a positive and lasting
                                       difference to UK–Russia relations.
                                       The Year will build on the successes of the UK–Russia Year of Culture
                                       2014, the UK–Russia Year of Language and Literature 2016 and the
The UK–Russia Year                     UK–Russia Year of Science and Education 2017.
of Music 2019 will                     It will celebrate the UK’s and Russia’s rich musical cultures, and our
celebrate the UK’s                     profound respect for each other’s musical traditions and achievements
                                       through a programme that will foster people-to-people contacts
and Russia’s rich                      between our countries. The programme will enhance appreciation
musical cultures, and                  of contemporary and classical music from the UK through diverse,
our profound respect                   inclusive and innovative programming and strengthen capacity and
                                       skills in current and future leaders. It will create new partnerships
for each other’s                       and networks for professional collaboration between individuals and
musical traditions                     institutions, inspire millions of people through digital projects,
                                       broadcasting partnerships and publications, and increase opportunities
and achievements.                      for young people to participate in cultural and education activities.

Building digital skills with the micro:bit in the Western Balkans
In partnership with the UK-based Micro:bit
Educational Foundation, we are supporting schools                   The project aims to reach
across the Western Balkans to introduce innovative
teaching methodologies to bolster programming
and core skills. Pupils receive access to free micro:bit
pocket-sized computers in ICT classes and other
subjects, helping them build the essential digital,
problem-solving and critical-thinking skills they

                                                                 4,500                 1 million
need for their future education and career.
Following a successful pilot, UK Prime Minister
Theresa May announced in July 2018 that the
British Council will be awarded £10 million to run the          primary schools              children
21st Century Schools project in Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro
and Serbia. Over the next three years the project is                 in the Western Balkans.
planning to reach 4,500 primary schools and up to
one million children in the Western Balkans.

Corporate Plan 2019–20

New partnerships in the creative                              Developing skills and learning online
industries in Georgia                                         across the region through English
The UK–Georgia Season 2019 will build                         The English Channel is an online platform that
connections, enhance the UK’s reputation as a                 supports educational, cultural and employment
leader in the development of the creative industries          aspirations of young people in Ukraine, Kazakhstan
and trigger the development of new partnerships               and other countries in the region. It offers free
with national governments, cultural institutions and          English language and entrepreneurial skills wrapped
creative entrepreneurs. It will reach out to young            around contemporary content, from the UK and
people, particularly women and girls, improving               the world. It features interactive bitesize videos
their ability to take advantage of opportunities,             from more than 20 UK partners like Nowness,
building their confidence to pursue careers in the            Barbican, NESTA, Enterprise Nation and Innovate
creative economy.                                             UK introducing them to markets and audiences that
                                                              they did not reach before.
The festival will include work by disabled artists
and disabled-led companies, helping to promote                In 2019–20, we are adding a free membership
inclusive economic growth in Georgia and widening             model featuring social media and LinkedIn badges
partnerships and networks between UK and                      for the completion of language or skills packs; at the
Georgia disability-led arts institutions. We will             same time, we will learn more about our audiences’
collaborate with leading local cultural institutions          digital preferences enabling us to connect them to
and festivals to present a mix of exhibitions,                the relevant UK content and expertise.
workshops and talks focusing on music, film and
the performing arts.

Capacity building in Ukraine’s cultural and creative industries
The British Council’s Creative Enterprise Programme is a global
capacity-building initiative for entrepreneurs working in the cultural
and creative industries. It is delivered jointly by the British Council
and the UK innovations agency Nesta in more than 15 countries.
In 2015 it was launched in Ukraine. Next year, the programme will
expand, developing institutional links in enterprise education between
UK and Ukrainian universities, and drawing on UK expertise to build
capacity across the cultural economy, including film, music and design.
In 2019 the British Council will also promote gender representation and
empowerment in the cultural and creative industries.
Our work in the creative industries sector is delivered, where appropriate,
through our active membership, and recent joint-presidency, of the
EU National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) network in Ukraine. We are
managing the €1.63 million Culture Bridges programme for the EU
                                                                                 Next year we will
Delegation in Kyiv, which funds international mobility and co-operation          join a new EUNIC
opportunities for cultural operators in Ukraine and the EU. Next year            consortium, led
we will join a new EUNIC consortium, led by the Goethe-Institut, to
deliver a €11.6 million people-to-people programme, Europe House.                by the Goethe
                                                                                 Institut, to deliver
                                                                                 a €11.6 million
                                                                                 Europe House.

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