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        The Official Publication of UCA of SME
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                                                 Tunneling & Underground Construction
                                                         www.TUCmagazine.com   Volume 15 N0. 2   June 2021

                  Design for intersecting tunnels
                  Hybrid metro stations
                  RETC returns to in-person meeting

    Special Editorial Supplement from the publisher of                                          Inside!
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                      120 million passengers are travelling through Los Angeles
                      every year. In the past 15 years a total of 10 EPB Shields
                      have been built for more than 35 km of new metro lines.
                      Herrenknecht guarantees the local support with their
                      office in Sumner, WA.

 Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
 Purple Line Section 3 – Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc. /
 Tutor Perini JV
 Purple Line Section 2 – Frontier-Kemper Constructors, Inc.
 Purple Line Section 1 – Skanska / Traylor / J.F. Shea JV
 Regional Connector Transit Corridor - Regional Connector
 Constructors (Skanska / Traylor JV)
 Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor – Walsh / Shea Corridor
 Gold Line Eastside Extension – Traylor Bros., Inc.
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                                                                             June Contents

     Departments                       Cover Story
Chairman’s column                                                             In This Issue
                                                                              The city of Charleston’s Spring/Fishburne US17 Drainage
                                                                              Improvements Project is a five-phase program designed
                4                                                             to alleviate flooding in two drainage basins covering
    Underground                                                               approximately 202 ha (500 acres), or about 20 percent
construction news                                                             of the Charleston peninsula. This project has several
                                                                              objectives: to improve the mobility, efficiency, emergency
                                                                              preparedness and community livability; and, most
                                                                              importantly, to alleviate many of the flooding problems by
              28                                                              reinvesting in the infrastructure. See the article on page
UCA of SME News                                                               16.

   Tunnel demand
          forecast          Feature Articles
              36                                                              16
       Classifieds                                                            Design and construction
                                                                              considerations for intersecting
              37                                                              tunnels — Charleston, SC
 RETC ShowGuide
                                                                              Steve Kirk, Michael Miglioretti, Kyle
                                                                              White, Lindsey Schneider, Jeffrey P.

                                                                              Hybrid metro station for
                                                                              mitigation of construction
                                                                              Oliver Martin

                                                                              UCA returns to in-person meetings
                                                                              with RETC in Las Vegas, NV

                                                                              Margo Ellis


                     Copyright 2021 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc. All rights reserved. TUNNELING & UNDERGROUND CON-
                     STRUCTION (ISSN 0026–5187) is published quarterly by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., at 12999 E. Adam Aircraft        Special editorial section
                     Circle, Englewood, CO 80112-4167. Phone 1-800-763-3132 or 303-973-9550. Fax: 303-973-3845 or e-mail: sme@smenet.org. Website: www.
                     smenet.org. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to TUNNELING & UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION, 12999 E. Adam Aircraft
                                                                                                                                                                      from the publisher of
                     Circle, Englewood, CO 80112-4167. Article copies and back issues available on microfilm or microfiche from Linda Hall Library in Kansas          Mining Engineering
                     City, Mo. Printed by Publication Printers.

                     Reproduction: More than one photocopy of an item from SME may be made for internal use, provided fees are paid directly to the Copyright
                     Clearance Center, 27 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, USA. Phone 978-750-8400, fax 978-750-4470. Any other form of reproduction requires special
                     permission from, and may be subject to fees by SME. SME is not responsible for any statements made or opinions expressed in its publications.                    ™

                     Member subscription rate included in dues.

                                                                                                          Tunneling  &  Underground Construction                      June 2021           1
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                                                   Chairman’s Column

Looking back and looking ahead                                                           Editorial Staff

as term comes to an close                                                                William Gleason

        his is my last column in this          and for the UCA. This is something
        magazine as the Chair of the           I have seen help my own career            Associate Editor
        UCA Executive Committee,               tremendously, so encouraging              Margo Ellis
so it is somewhat inevitable for this          participation is a particular passion     ellis@smenet.org
column to have a look back and look            of mine. We have worked as a group
forward. As the Chair of UCA, you              at UCA to expand the number               Production Graphic Artist
take on the role of a steward, building        of volunteers and there are many          Ted Robertson
on the achievements and leadership             ongoing and new opportunities, such       robertson@smenet.org
of those that have gone before and             as:
trying to push forward some key                                                          Business Staff
objectives into the future. I hope             •    An increase in the number and        Media Manager
to have left some fertile ground on                 quality of guideline publications    Advertising
which future leadership can continue                (e.g., we now have several in the    Gary Garvey
to build.                                           pipeline — risk management,          garvey@smenet.org
     Looking back, I said this in my                TBM selection, alternative
first column two years ago:                         delivery, backfill grouting and      Phone +1-800-763-3132 or +1-303-973-4200
     In addition to continuing the                  others).                             Fax +1-303-973-3845
great work of the UCA, I have three            •    We have created a website
areas of focus for my two-year tenure               and expanded the Down for            Internet www.smenet.org
in the chair:                                       That initiative to engage young
                                                    members and students, bringing       Society for Mining, Metallurgy,
1.   A focus on listening to what                   new blood into the industry.         and Exploration, Inc. Officers
     the industry needs and wants              •    We have expanded our outreach        President
     from the UCA and setting out a                 to colleges and even high schools,
                                                                                         William Edgerton
     clear pathway of action items to               encouraging presentations
     achieve those goals.                           and preparing materials for
2.   A focus on getting more                        presenters.                          President-Elect
     volunteers engaged in UCA                 •    We have encouraged and further       Ronald Parratt
     activities so we can achieve                   empowered the Young Members
     our goals in a reasonable and                  and Women in Tunneling groups,       Past President
     practical timeframe.                           with conferences and other           Robert Schafer
3.   Provide clear and transparent                  events for networking and
     feedback to the industry about                 advancement. Representation          Executive Director
     what the UCA is doing on behalf                of UCA at the newly formed           David L. Kanagy
     of the members.                                SME Inclusion and Diversity
                                                    committee will drive our passion
     After multiple member                          to increase the number and           Underground Construction

engagement surveys and an industry                  influence of these important         Association of SME

leadership survey ahead of the                      groups for the future of our         Executive Committee

strategic planning exercise, it appears             industry.                            Robert Goodfellow (Chair), Mike Rispin (Vice

that we have achieved success for the          •    We have continued our contact        Chair), Michael F. Roach (Past Chair), Mike

first objective. This regular column                with and education of elected        Bruen, Leon J. Jacobs, Shane Yanagisawa,

has been my attempt to meet the                     officials and are creating a “top    Erika Moonin, Mike A. Mooney, Pamela S.

goals of the third objective. I have                underground projects” list to        Moran, Mark Johnson, Matthew D. Preedy, Jon

always tried to be clear on the inner               enhance these education efforts      Klug, Edward Dowey, Tony O’Donnell, Robert

workings and developing news from                   ahead of anticipated federal         A. Robinson, Grover Vargas, Sarah Wilson,

the UCA initiatives and report                      infrastructure investment.           Paul C. Schmall, and Michael Vitale

where you, as members, can get more            •    We have created a dozen new
involved.                                           committees with more than 100
     Engaging more volunteers in                    new UCA volunteers by forming
objective two provides so many
benefits both for the individuals                              (continued on page 12)

2    june 2021    Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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  ADVANCING                                                              www.terratec.co

Bangkok’s Mass Rapid Transit network is quickly expanding to meet the needs of this growing
Asian Mega-City. For the 3.3km Orange Line Project, TERRATEC has delivered a complete tunnelling
solution to contractor, Italian-Thai Development PCL.

Having the final breakthrough completed a full month ahead of schedule, TERRATEC’s continuing
success is a result of robust custom-made TBM designs, a readily available stock of TBM spares and
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throughout tunnelling operations.

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      Tunnel advocate confirmed to No. 2 spot in
             Department of Transportation
       he U.S. Senate confirmed               the long-delayed Gateway rail project     Transportation Trades Department,
       Polly Trottenberg, by a                to alleviate congestion between           AFL-CIO.
       vote of 82-15, to the No.              New York and New Jersey, as well              Trottenberg served on Biden’s
2 spot at the U.S. Transportation             her focus on clean transportation         transition team, worked in the
Department. Trottenberg is a New              technologies and making streets safer     Obama-era Transportation
York Policy veteran who will be               for multimodal users, like cyclists and   Department as assistant secretary and
deputy to Secretary Pete Buttigieg.           pedestrians.                              under secretary for policy, and spent
She will bring more than 30 years                 Trottenberg’s most recent post        12 years working on legislation as a
of experience to helping President            was New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s       Senate aide for Democrats including
Joe Biden sell his $2.25 trillion             Department of Transportation              Charles Schumer (NY), the current
infrastructure package.                       commissioner. She has promised            majority leader.
    Bloomberg Government                      to seek bipartisan solutions for the          Schumer said on the Senate
reported that Biden’s $2 trillion             nation’s transportation needs.            floor that he talked with Trottenberg
infrastructure plan faces pushback                “Throughout my career, I              “regularly” about Gateway. During
from Republicans and corporations             always valued the ability to work         her confirmation hearing, Trottenberg
opposed to the tax increases proposed         with colleagues across the aisle,”        agreed to prioritize the rail and
to pay for the plan. Trottenberg,             she said at her nomination hearing        tunnel project, calling it a “project of
whose nomination was opposed by 15            on March 3.                               national significance.”
Republicans, drew criticism over her              “Her understanding of                     The Biden infrastructure package
efforts in New York City to regulate          transportation issues will help           would double transit spending,
rideshare companies such as Uber              the administration work to get            according to the White House,
Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc.               a package across the finish line,         providing $85 billion to modernize
    Democrats lauded her support of           said Greg Regan, president of the         public transportation. n

Tunnel linking Northern Ireland and Scotland proposed

         igh Speed Rail Group (HSRG)          of Northern Ireland post-Brexit.”         the Scottish parliament and that there
         a group of rail industry experts         Jim Steer, an HSRG board              is a “feasible path to its funding from
         has created a proposal for a         member, said, “There is an urgent         the UK Exchequer that does not
tunnel under the Irish Sea that would         need for both new and improved            adversely impact on other transport
link Northern Ireland to Scotland and         transport links between the four          funding.”
create better connectivity between the        nations of the United Kingdom,                 A government spokesperson
four constituent parts of the United          which have been systematically            said, “We have asked Sir Peter
Kingdom.                                      neglected for too long.                   Hendy to make recommendations
    The Guardian reported that the                “Cross-border travel markets          on how to improve transport
submission from HSRG is expected              for rail were growing strongly over       connectivity between Scotland, Wales,
to be reviewed by Sir Peter Hendy,            the period to 2019. Travel generates      Northern Ireland and England. His
who is expected to publish his interim        economic value, but the opportunity       recommendations will be published
report within weeks.                          for further economic stimulus from        in due course.”
    The proposed tunnel would link            this source will be lost if transport          The prime minister first suggested
the towns of Stranraer and Larne,             network capacity constraints are not      connecting Stranraer in Scotland to
which are 50 km (31 miles) apart              addressed.                                Larne in Northern Ireland by bridge
but a preferred route for the tunnel,             “Building on the transformative       three years ago, an idea that was
based on 120-year-old research by             impact of HS2, HSRG are calling           widely derided by engineers.
the Victorian engineer James Barton,          for these cross-border rail links to           Experts raised concerns about
would be diverted to avoid Beaufort’s         be addressed as a matter of urgency,      the practicality of constructing a
Dyke, a 305-m (1,000-ft) deep trench          safeguarding the strength of the          bridge across the stormy stretch of
in the Irish Sea.                             whole of the UK economy in the            water, which is more than 305-m
    According to the HSRG, the                years ahead.”                             (1,000-ft) deep in places, and said
tunnel would bind Northern Ireland                The pitch submitted to the review     would require dozens of support
closer to Great Britain and would             claims the proposal has the backing       towers at heights “never achieved
“address problems in economic status          of the Northern Ireland assembly and      anywhere in the world.” n

4   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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         with proprietary Badger

GMS Geotechnical • 32 Enterprise Drive, Oakland, MD 21550

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                  Gateway project will be a priority for
                       the Biden administration

         .S. Transportation Secretary        who in 2018 threatened to shut           order to get there,” Buttigieg said. The
         Pete Buttigieg told lawmakers       down the government if a spending        process involves reviewing anything
         that the Gateway rail tunnel        bill directed federal funding for the    that might have changed since the
linking New York and New Jersey              tunnel. Gateway was ineligible for       draft was issued, and coordinating
is of national significance and as           federal taxpayer money, the Trump        with other federal agencies like the
such, the Biden administration is            administration said, because New         U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as
prioritizing the project.                    York and New Jersey hadn’t pledged       well as state agencies that might have
    “This is a regional issue, but one       enough cash.                             jurisdiction, he said.
of national significance because if               Buttigieg said the Federal Rail         Angelo Roefaro, a spokesman
there were a failure in one of those         Administration and Federal Transit       for Senate Majority Leader Chuck
tunnels, the entire U.S. economy             Administration (FTA) are working         Schumer, said Buttigieg has indicated
would feel it,” Buttigieg told members       with New Jersey Transit and the Port     to the New York Democrat that
of the House Transportation and              Authority of New York and New            the environmental review will be
Infrastructure Committee.                    Jersey, as well as with Amtrak and the   approved in May.
    Crains New York Business                 Gateway Development Commission,              “I’ve said that the new
reported that Buttigieg provided             on updates to a draft environmental      administration could break Trump’s
lawmakers with his first update of           impact statement issued in 2017.         petty Gateway roadblock with the
the project. The project was stalled              The impact statement is “a big
by former President Donald Trump             part of what needs to be completed in                     (continued on page 8)

  6   JUNE 2021    Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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Disruption is not an option

                                Reliable® Tunnel Deluge Systems protect
                                your most critical infrastructure assets
                                Reliable deluge systems are the perfect solution for
                                the challenges of tunnel environments:
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                                       simple to maintain and rated for pressures
                                       up to 400 psi (27.6 bar). Available with
                                       a remote resetting pressure regulating
                                       option, the Model DDV features
                                       a compact footprint and can be
                                       installed in any orientation.

                                   •   The industry-leading
                                       low-pressure/high density
                                       TNL280 nozzle features a
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                                       Nickel PTFE (ENT) finish
                                       and anti-reflective black
                                       paint topcoat.                         TNL280

                                Over 100 Years of Reliable Experience
                                Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. has been
                                a trusted source for high-risk fire protection
                                solutions since 1920. Our manufacturing
                                headquarters are in Liberty, South Carolina,
                                USA, while our Sales and Technical Services
                                teams span the globe.

                               Contact our Technical Services team to identify
                                     the ideal solution to your specific need—
Manufacturer and Distributor                    no matter what the challenge.
of Fire Protection Equipment                           reliablesprinkler.com/tunnels
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 Sydney Metro West receives major planning approvals

       he Sydney Metro West                                Second, Sydney Metro has                Olympic Park, North Strathfield,
       project has received two                        received planning approval for two          Burwood North, Five Dock, The
       major planning approvals                        planned precast facilities at Eastern       Bays, Pyrmont and Sydney CBD.
in readiness for the tunnel boring                     Creek, which are to contribute to the           Future planning stages are
machines to start working by the end                   construction of Sydney Metro West.          required for major civil construction
of 2022.                                               The two facilities will manufacture         works such as station excavation
    The planning approvals for the                     148,000 precast concrete segments           and tunneling between The Bays
project are being done in stages                       for the 24-km (15-miles) twin tunnels       and Sydney CBD, for tunnel fitout,
because of the project size.                           between Westmead and Sydney                 station building and operation of
    First, the Sydney Metro West                       CBD. Once built, it is estimated that       the line between Westmead and the
Project Concept has received planning                  it will take passengers 20 minutes to       central business district.
approval from Westmead to Sydney’s                     travel from Parramatta to Sydney                Construction on the Sydney
central business district and for the                  CBD.                                        Metro West project started in late
station excavation and tunneling                           Stations have been confirmed            2020. The first tunneling contracts are
between Westmead and The Bays.                         at Westmead, Parramatta, Sydney             likely to be issued in mid-2021. n

Gateway: Project would repair tunnels under Hudson
(continued from page 6)
                                                       up that pen and heeded the call to          trains under the Hudson River.
‘flick of a pen,’” Schumer said in a                   free the ‘hostage’ that is Gateway.”        Amtrak said it will allow for twice as
statement. “The Biden administration                       The tunnel would carry Amtrak           many trains to run under the Hudson
and Secretary Buttigieg have picked                    and New Jersey Transit commuter             River, including those that are part
                                                                                                   of its Northeast Corridor service
                                                                                                   that connects Boston, New York and
    TUNNELING SPECIALISTS                                              bradshawcc.com
                                                                                                        “The FTA is working closely
           By combining superior craftsmanship with innovative tunnel engineering and
                                                                                                   with project sponsors as it advances
         construction technology, Bradshaw Construction Corporation successfully provides
                                                                                                   through the capital investment grant
            cost effective tunneling solutions to the utility and transportation industries.
                                                                                                   process prescribed in law, which is
                                                                                                   obviously an important part of the
                                                                                                   picture when it comes to funding,”
                  P R O V I D I N G I N N O VAT I V E S O LU T I O N S                             Buttigieg said.
                                                                                                        The Gateway Development
                                     FOR TUNNELING PROJECTS                                        Commission said in a statement
                                                                                                   after the hearing that “we applaud
                                                                                                   Secretary Buttigieg’s public
                                                                                                   commitment to the Gateway
                                                                                                   Program, particularly confirming
                                                                                                   that the Hudson Tunnel Project is
                                                                                                   a project ‘of national significance’
                                                                                                   and setting a rapid timeline
                                                                                                   for completing the project’s
                                                                                                   environmental review.”
                                                                                                        The commission said it’s working
                                                                                                   with local and federal partners
     microtunneling | tbm tunneling | hand tunneling | shaft work                                  to complete the environmental
                                                                                                   review and improve the project’s

                                                                                                   grant rating, “so we can start full
                                                                                                   construction and finally replace
                                                                                                   a 110-year-old one-track-in, one-
    ..                                                                                             track-out delay-prone tunnel with a
            CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION                                                               21st Century rail link between New
                                                                                                   York, New Jersey and the rest of the
                                                                                                   Northeast Corridor.” n

8   JUNE 2021         Tunneling  &  Underground Construction

First tunnel boring machine reaches future Wilshire/
             LA Cienega subway station

       he first of two tunnel boring       were manufactured in Germany                   underground subway project that will
       machines (TBM) working on           by Herrenknecht AG. Metro has                  extend the Metro Purple Line from its
       the D Line (Purple) Extension       contracted with Skanska Traylor Shea           terminus in Koreatown to Westwood/
project in Los Angeles, CA broke           (STS), a joint venture to design and           VA Hospital in West Los Angeles.
through to the Wilshire/La Cienega         build the first section of the project.        Section 1 is expected to be completed in
subway station in Beverly Hills.               The $9.3-billion Metro Purple              2023, Section 2 in 2025 and Section 3 in
    Metro announced that tunneling         Line Extension is a 14-km (9-mile)             2027. n
for the first 6.4-km (4-mile) section of
the subway project is now two-thirds
complete. More than 90 percent of
the tunnels have been mined safely
and Metro anticipates completing
tunnel mining in summer 2021.
Excavation for all three subway
station boxes beneath Wilshire
Boulevard has been completed.
    Elsie, the 910-t (1,000-st), 122-m
(400-ft) long TBM, started west at
the Wilshire/Fairfax station on May
29, 2020, and broke through to the
Wilshire/La Cienega station site
about 1.6 km (1 mile) away on Feb.
25, 2021.
    Reaching this milestone is a

significant win for Metro. Section 1
of project tunneling has presented
challenges that have been successfully
overcome by the project. En route

                                                    KIND OF
to Wilshire/La Cienega, the agency’s
modern, high-tech TBMs have mined
through a unique combination of soils
and geologic conditions, including tar

sands and methane gas.
    Metro’s TBMs were first lowered
into the ground at Metro’s Wilshire/
La Brea station site in the Miracle
Mile area of Wilshire in October 2018.
While advancing, the TBM tunneled                   This is the natural habitat for Brokk’s compact giants.
about 18 m/d (60 ftpd). They worked
five days a week, 20 hours a day.                   With the perfect combination of power, operability
    Metro’s TBMs are pressurized,                   and accessibility our demolition robots provide
closed-face machines that minimize
ground settlement during excavation.                efficient solutions to increase profits.
The tunnel is lined with precast
concrete segments that are bolted
together to form a ring. Segments
are also gasketed to make the joints
between segments water- and gas-                     Brokk Inc.
tight.                                               1-360-794-1277
    When tunneling is finished for this
                                                     Monroe, WA | info@brokkinc.com                    www.brokk.com
project section, both of Metro’s TBMs
will have mined nearly half a million
cubic yards of earth. The TBMs

                                                                              Tunneling  &  Underground Construction   JUNE 2021     9

                 Canada to invest nearly $15 billion
                        for transit projects
        he Canadian government announced plans to invest         achieved with this investment. I am confident that Toronto
        $14.9 billion for public transit project over the next   will receive its fair share of funding from this initiative and
        eight years. The plans include permanent funding of      that it will make a significant contribution to our economic
$3 billion per year for Canadian communities beginning in        recovery in the wake of COVID-19. Our share of this
2026-27.                                                         investment will mean transit expansion, transit vehicles
    According to a government news release, “This                and other system upgrades, jobs and a greener city.”
[commitment] provides cities and communities the                     Markham mayor Frank Scarpitti stated, “This is a
predictable transit funding they need to plan for the future,    positive sign for the Yonge North Subway Extension,
and is part of our plan to create one million jobs, fight        York Region’s top transit infrastructure project. It is one
climate change and rebuild a more sustainable and resilient      of the most studied and justified transit projects in the
economy.”                                                        country and we cannot wait any longer to get shovels in
    “When we invest in public transit infrastructure, we         the ground. By earmarking these infrastructure dollars,
are supporting good middle-class jobs, creating better           the federal government is confirming its commitment to
commutes, fighting climate change and helping make life          making public transit investment a high priority.”
easier and more affordable for Canadians,” said Prime                Ontario’s transportation minister, Caroline Mulroney,
Minister Justin Trudeau. “We will continue to do what it         announced that Ontario had selected five priority projects
takes to ensure our economic recovery from COVID-19              that it hoped the federal government would fund. Four of
and build back a more resilient country for everyone.”           those projects are in Toronto, part of the transit expansion
    Reaction from local municipal leaders was swift. “This       plan that Premier Doug Ford announced in April 2019.
is great news for Toronto and our transit system,” Toronto       Those four projects include:
Mayor John Tory said. “Over the coming days and weeks,
we expect that the details of this commitment will show             •       Building the Ontario Line Subway between Don
the tremendous impact on Toronto transit that will be                       Mills Road / Eglinton Avenue East and Exhibition
                                                                    •       Extending the TTC’s Line 2 Bloor – Danforth
                                                                            subway to McCowan Road / Sheppard Avenue
                                                                    •       Extending the Line 1 Yonge – University subway
                                                                            to Highway 7 / Yonge Street.
                                                                    •       Extending the Line 5 Eglinton light rail transit line
                                                                            to Toronto Pearson International Airport.

                                                                      In a surprise part of the announcement, Mulroney
                                                                 identified a light rail transit line in Hamilton as Ontario’s
                                                                 fifth priority project for federal funding. The Ontario
                                                                 government controversially canceled the project in
                                                                 December, 2019 after previously committing $1 billion
                                                                 toward building the line.
                                                                      The renewed support for the project may, however,
                                                                 result in a shorter line than Ontario and the City of
                                                                 Hamilton had earlier planned. n

10   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
Move Your Career
in the Right Direction
 Find resources for all phases of your career path
 with your UCA membership.

    Professional                      Get Involved                      Career Center
    Development                Inspire the next generation of         Find a new job or career
Earn PDH credits and stay       underground engineers and           insights at the UCA Career
  current with a range of        support Down for That, an           Center and connect with
professional development       exciting workforce initiative at          your next great job.
opportunities, both online        undergroundcareers.org                Create an account at
      and in person.                                                tunnelingjobs.smenet.org

                Make the most of your membership with UCA resources.
                             Learn more at ucaofsme.org

                                             Inspiring tunneling professionals worldwide.


King County Ship Canal Water Quality
Project TBM launched
       he 6.6-m (21.8-ft) diameter            vertical shafts in Ballard, East The tunnel boring machine named Mudhoney
       earth pressure balance tunnel          Ballard, Fremont, Queen          launched on April 19.
       boring machine (TBM) named             Anne and Wallingford can
Mudhoney launched in Seattle,                 collect stormwater and
WA to begin creation of the 4.3-km            sewage flows from each
(2.7-mile) long tunnel that will store        basin and send them 64 m
combined sewer overflow as part of            to 128 m (40 to 80 ft) below
the city’s consent decree with the U.S.       ground to the tunnel. To
Environmental Protection Agency.              bring flows from Queen
    The $225-million underground              Anne into the storage tunnel,
storage tunnel is part of the larger          an additional 12-m (8-ft)
$570 million King County Ship Canal           diameter conveyance tunnel
Water Quality Project.                        underneath the Ship Canal
    Lane Construction, contractor             connects the vertical shafts in
on the tunnel portion of the project,         Queen Anne and Fremont.
launched the TBM on April 19 and              New pipes will connect the
plans to have the overflow tunnel             existing sewer system to the
ready by 2025. When completed, the            shafts.
tunnel can, on average, prevent 75                In some parts of Seattle,
million gallons of polluted stormwater        sewage and stormwater share
and sewage from entering the                  a set of pipes in a combined sewer        and is more than 4,300 m (14,200
neighboring waterways. The tunnel             and stormwater overflow system that       ft) long. The machine includes 18
will capture and temporarily hold             can send untreated co-mingled water       double-disc cutters, 48 scrapers and
more than 29.6 million gallons during         into the environment. The region is       16 bucket cutters, with the ability to
heavy rains.                                  under federal order to prevent the        remove about 360 kt (400,000 st) of
    Engineering News Record                   sewage releases.                          dirt during the dig, including 32 m
reported the storage tunnel is part               Parts for the TBM were shipped        (105 ft) under the Aurora Bridge.
of the larger Ship Canal project              to Seattle from Germany and                    Smaller tunneling machines will
from Seattle Public Utilities and the         assembled in Ballard.                     create conveyance tunnels under the
King County wastewater treatment                  The machine, which requires 10        Ship Canal between Fremont and
division. Along the tunnel path, five         to 15 operators, was built new in 2020    Queen Anne and in Ballard. n

      Chairman’s Column: It has been a privilege
(continued from page 2)
                                             by the many long phone calls and           two years and I hope that we have
• more than a dozen U.S. sub-                difficult decisions that had to be         pushed the ball down the field in a
    committees, each to support one          made.                                      positive way. The staff at SME have
    ITA Working Group.                            We now look forward with a            been fantastic and supportive, as
                                             revitalized desire to get out and          always, and deserve more thanks than
     Looming over the past two               meet again in person, a refreshed          I can adequately give. I look forward
years has been COVID-19. The                 and expanded pool of active                to supporting Mike Rispin as he takes
impact on our businesses and                 industry volunteers and we have a          over in the chair and as I slide into
professional association has been            new strategic plan to capture this         the past-chair role of being one of
challenging. UCA and SME both                enthusiasm and turn it purposely to        the old guys complaining from the
still exist — quite an achievement           the benefit of the tunnel industry.        balcony in the Muppet Show!
given the many casualties among                  Finally, but most important, it            It has been fun. Thanks very much
professional associations. We                has been my privilege to serve you         everybody. n
have run virtual events with some            as the Chair of UCA. The Executive
success and kept up with industry.           Committee has put in a huge amount
                                                                                                 Robert Goodfellow
I would characterize this period             of work on your behalf over the past                 UCA of SME Chair

12   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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  Record advances at the Brenner Base Tunnel
  by double-shield tunnel boring machines
            iners in the Brenner Base          covered 860 m (2,821 ft) in one month.        machines in the Brenner main tunnels
            Tunnel are pushing ahead           The contracting joint venture BTC             had already covered more than 50
            rapidly with the major rail        S.c.a.r.l. (Astaldi S.p.A., Ghella S.p.A.,    percent of the total distance toward
  project. On March 31, 2021, they             P.A.C. S.p.A. and Cogeis S.p.A.) thus         their lot boundary. In stable geologies,
  achieved a new record while excavating       achieved a peak advance rate at the           double-shield TBMs are predestined
  the main tubes in South Tyrol — 860 m        Mauls jobsite. For March 2021, the            for good tunneling performance. As
  (2,821 ft) of tunnel bored and lined in      Brenner Base Tunnel project owner,            the TBM bores, the excavated tunnel
  one month.                                   Austrian-Italian BBT SE, announced            is concurrently lined with concrete
      On the Italian construction lot          an average daily advance rate of 27.7         segments.
  “Mauls 2-3” of the Brenner Base              m (91 m) for Virginia. The daily best              At a total length of 64 km (40
  Tunnel, three Herrenknecht tunnel            performance was 36.75 m (120.6 ft).           miles), the Brenner Base Tunnel being
  boring machines (TBMs) are boring                Matthias Flora, sales and                 built under the direction of Austrian-
  from south to north. They are                project manager at Herrenknecht,              Italian BBT SE will be the longest
  excavating the two main tubes as well as     congratulated the team on the jobsite,        underground rail link in the world.
  an exploratory and later service tunnel      “Our customer BTC’s crews are                 It crosses beneath the Alps between
  12 m (39 ft) below. In March 2021, a         absolute top professionals in their field.    Innsbruck in Austria and Franzensfeste
  new record was set by one of these           Congratulations and our utmost respect        (Fortezza) in South Tyrol/Italy as a
  three machines: the double-shield TBM        for this achievement.”                        particularly efficient flat trajectory, that
  (Ø 10.65 m or 35 ft) named “Virginia”            By early April 2021, the two              is, with very low gradients. n

  ITA accepting award nominations
         he 7th edition of the                 Even Better” replacing “Overcoming            better; Oddities of the Underground;
         International Tunnelling              the challenges.”                              Innovative and contributing
         Association’s (ITA)                       This year the entries can be              Underground spaces; Young Tunneller
  International Tunnelling and                 submitted in eight categories:                of the Year.
  Underground Space awards welcomes                Major Project of the Year - More              Entries can be submitted until
  new applications.                            than €500 million; Project of the             June 30, 2021. The submission
      ITA Awards 2021 will be a digital        Year - between €50 million and                requirements and selection process are
  event. For this edition, a small change      €500 million; Project of the Year             stated in the ITA Tunnelling Awards
  is proposed in the categories notably        including Renovation - up to €50              website: https://awards.ita-aites.org/
  to better specify what is expected in        million; Technical Innovation of the          account-creation. More information
  the category “Beyond Engineering -           Year; Beyond Engineering - making             can be found at https://awards.ita-aites.
  Making Underground Works Projects            underground works projects even               org. n

           Coming Events

                              June 13-16, 2021                                       Nov. 15-17
                              Las Vegas, NV                                          Dallas, TX

                                              Meetings Department, SME, phone 800-763-3132, 303-948-4200,
         More information:                    fax 303-979-4361, email sme@smenet.org

  14   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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tuc  &
                                                 Feature Article 1

Design and construction considerations for
intersecting tunnels — Charleston, SC
       ounded in 1670, Charleston, SC is one of oldest            Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); and new, energy-
       cities in the nation. Since its inception, the city        efficient traffic signals. The infrastructure reinvestment
       of Charleston has experienced difficulties with            (Phases 2 and 3) will consist of constructing improved
stormwater management. With rising tidal waters and               and additional surface collection systems throughout
stronger storms, stormwater management has only become            parts of the basins, drilling and sinking several shafts,
more difficult. Tunnels and trenchless technology have            boring a deep tunnel system to connect the shafts,
roots in Charleston dating back to 1928 when a system             (Phase 4) constructing an outfall from the pump station
of water supply tunnels was constructed to bring a new            to the Ashley River and (Phase 5) constructing a new
water supply from the Edisto River and Foster Creek               pump station adjacent to the Ashley River. Phase 3 was
to the Hanahan Water Treatment Plant to supplement                designed by Black & Veatch and Davis & Floyd Inc.; the
ground water sources. Today nearly 80 km (50 miles) of            contractor was Jay Dee Contractors Inc.; and the support
tunnels have been constructed or designed in and around           of excavation design was completed by FK Engineering.
Charleston for water, waste water and storm water
conveyance.                                                       Geological conditions and concerns
    The city of Charleston first utilized tunnels to address          The geology of the Charleston peninsula is that of
storm water in 1999 for their Meeting Street/Calhoun              an estuary, and as such, the shallow deposits (surficial
tunnel. The city selected tunneling to minimize utility           soils) are influenced by a combination of marine and
impacts and public disruption. Two additional storm               continental processes. The surficial soils were deposited in
water tunnels have been completed since the Meeting               a range of sedimentary facies including fluvial, overbank,
Street/Calhoun tunnel. The Market Street Drainage                 tidal marsh, tidal channel, tidal flat, lagoon, beach, barrier
Improvements Project tunnel was completed in 2013 and             island and shallow marine. Characterized by its extremely
the final phase of the project is pending construction. The       low shear strength and high clay content, the surficial soils
US17 Spring/Fishburne Drainage Improvements Project               are susceptible to significant consolidation and settlement
tunnel system was completed in summer 2020. Additional            over time. As a result, large portions of the peninsula,
basins in the Charleston peninsula also have conceptual           including city streets, are slowly subsiding. However, 15 to
tunnel systems that may be implemented in the future.             21 m (50 to 70 ft) below these surficial soils is a geologic
    The city of Charleston’s Spring/Fishburne US17                formation locally referred to as the Cooper Marl. The
Drainage Improvements Project is a five-phase program             Cooper Marl is a relatively thick layer 45 to 60 m (150
designed to alleviate flooding in two drainage basins             to 200 ft) of olive-green, calcareous, medium-to-stiff,
covering approximately 202 ha (500 acres), or about               sandy/clayey silt. It is an excellent engineering medium
20-percent of the Charleston peninsula. This project has          used extensively for its load-bearing and self-supporting
several objectives: to improve the mobility, efficiency,          attributes. Large buildings are almost exclusively founded
emergency preparedness and community livability;                  on pile supports that extend into the Cooper Marl. The
and, most importantly, to alleviate many of the flooding          Cooper Marl’s strength and standup time can primarily
problems by reinvesting in the infrastructure.                    be attributed to the calcareous bonds, as depicted in Fig. 1.
    The transportation advancements (Phases 1 and 2)              However, these bonds are easily broken by traditional and
incorporated safer travel lanes for vehicles; improved            modern mechanical tunneling methods.
intersections for pedestrian safety and vehicle efficiency;
                                                                       The tunnel system was designed to capture the storm
   Steve Kirk, Michael Miglioretti, Kyle                          water flows from select low points within the Spring and
   White, Lindsey Schneider, Jeffrey P.                           Fishburne basins via drop shafts and transport the storm
                                                                  water through the tunnel system via a pump station and
   Kolzow                                                         outfall to the Ashley River. The tunnel was designed to
                                                                  a depth of 37 to 46 m (120 to 150 ft) below the ground
       Steve Kirk, senior engineering project manager,            surface to ensure adequate clearance was maintained
   City of Charleston; Michael Miglioretti, Kyle White,           from the surficial soils and existing/future building piles,
   member UCA of SME and Lindsey Schneider are                    bridge piers and existing waste water tunnels in the
   field engineer, resident engineer and civil engineer,          project vicinity. The system is comprised of approximately
   Black & Veatch and Jeffrey P. Kolzow, member UCA               2,566 m (8,420 ft) of cast-in-place 2.4 to 3.6 m (8 to 12
   of SME, is project engineer, Jay Dee Contractors, Inc.         ft) finished internal diameter (ID) tunnels, four large-
   email MigliorettiM@bv.com.                                     diameter access shafts 6 to 9 m (20 to 30 ft ID) and eight
                                                                  drop shafts 122 to 137 cm (48 and 54 in. ID).

  16   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
Fig. 1

                                           Cooper Marl exposed during adit excavation and initial support.
    The system design includes four
access shafts and two intersecting
tunnels. The access shafts were
generally referred to as follows:
Lockwood Drive, Harmon Field,
Cannon Street and Coming Street.
The two tunnels were the Main Line
Tunnel and the President Street
Branch Tunnel. The Main Line Tunnel
extended about 680 m (2,225 LF)
from the Lockwood Drive Access
Shaft approximately 0.3 percent
upgrade to the Intersection, and then
895 m (2,935 LF) approximately 1.0
percent upgrade to the Coming Street
Access Shaft. The President Street
Branch Tunnel runs about 396 m
(1,300 LF) from the Harmon Field
Access Shaft 0.3 percent downgrade
to the intersection, then about 680 LF
0.3 percent upgrade to the Cannon
Street Access Shafts. This “V” shaped                           process was repeated until the caisson was extended
alignment serves to ensure that any entrained air can           through the surficial soils and Cooper Marl to the full
travel back to either the Harmon Field Access Shaft or          depth of the caissons. The shafts were excavated within
Cannon Street Access Shaft and that storm water flows to        the surficial coils with a clamshell-type bucket mounted
the Lockwood Drive Access Shaft, where a wetwell, pump          on a crane, and within the Cooper Marl using a small
station and outfall will be constructed in future phases.       mechanical excavator and muck box for spoil removal.
    The intersection location and geometry was a result         This excavation and support methodology allows for
of construction easements and hydraulic boundary                the initial support to act as the final shaft lining. Wall
conditions. Figure 2 provides an aerial view of the surface     thickness design required a minimum of 46 cm (18 in.) of
above the intersection. The President Street Branch             reinforced concrete. This thickness applied for both 6-m
Tunnel was designed to run directly beneath President           and 9-m (20-ft and 30-ft) shafts. An approximately 1.5 m
Street in downtown Charleston. The Main Line Tunnel             (5 ft) 6 m (20 ft shafts) or 2.5 m (8.5 ft) 9 m (30 ft shafts)
alignment generally follows the Septima P. Clark Parkway        thick concrete invert plug was designed to account for
(US17), locally referred to as the “Crosstown,” which           buoyancy forces.
cuts across the Charleston peninsula. Stakeholders along            The Lockwood Drive Access Shaft design consisted
President Street and the Septima P. Clark Parkway include       of a two-pass construction method. Initial support
utilities, schools, homes and local businesses. The resulting   through the surficial soils, and a minimum of 3 m (10 ft)
Intersection design helped minimize impact to these             into the Cooper Marl, was to be constructed of concrete
stakeholders.                                                   caisson, sheet piling, secant piles or slurry wall through
    Support of excavation for the tunnels was designed          the surficial soils. Following support 3 m (10 ft) into the
for a two-pass installation method. The cast-in-place           Cooper Marl, initial support consisted of ribs and lagging,
concrete final lining for the tunnel system used                liner plate or other contractor-selected support through
polypropylene fibers to reduce crack frequency and              the Cooper Marl. The final lining design consisted of 45-
width. Steel reinforcement was only used at tunnel-adit         cm (18-in.) minimum reinforced cast-in-place concrete.
junctions, tunnel-shaft junctions and at the Main Line
Tunnel-President Street Branch Tunnel intersection              Project construction
(the Intersection). The typical minimum thickness of                Lockwood Drive Access Shaft. The first shaft
the concrete lining was 31 cm (12 in.). The Intersection        constructed was the Lockwood Drive Access Shaft
concrete minimum thickness was 51 cm (20 in.).                  (LDAS). The LDAS acted as the primary support shaft
    Three of the four access shafts (Coming, Cannon and         for the Main Line Tunnel construction and is the future
Harmon Field) were constructed using the caisson-sinking        location of the tunnel system pump station. The Main Line
method. A cast-in-place circular reinforced concrete            Tunnel invert meets the LDAS about 10 m (35 ft) above
caisson could sink under its own weight as the native           the base slab invert. This 10 m (35 ft) sump will be used
material in the center of the structure was excavated.          for future tunnel dewatering pump installation and act as
Excavation was stopped at regular intervals to allow            a sediment basin for the tunnel system.
casting of the subsequent portions of the caisson. The              The LDAS is situated on a marsh adjacent to the

                                                                           Tunneling  &  Underground Construction   JUNE 2021    17
Fig. 2
                                                       tuc  &
                                               Feature Article 1

Aerial view of surface above the intersection; President Street runs top-left to bottom-right
and the Septima P. Clark Parkway is the six-lane road running from bottom-center to top-
center.                                                                                          annulus through a series
                                                                                                 of 5-cm (2-in.) PVC piping
                                                                                                 running vertically through
                                                                                                 the shaft walls, reducing
                                                                                                 the skin friction that could
                                                                                                 otherwise cause the caisson
                                                                                                 to “hang-up” in the Cooper
                                                                                                 Marl. The pipes expelled the
                                                                                                 bentonite to the outside of
                                                                                                 the caisson walls. Following
                                                                                                 excavation and sinking, the
                                                                                                 annulus space outside of the
                                                                                                 caissons was grouted to fill
                                                                                                 the voids prior to excavating
                                                                                                 for the tunnel eyes.
                                                                                                     The contractor and its
                                                                                                 design engineer elected to
                                                                                                 increase the caisson wall
                                                                                                 thickness as an additional
                                                                                                 measure to facilitate
                                                                                                 sinking in the Cooper Marl
                                                                                                 formation. The 6-m (20-ft)
Ashley River. To account for flooding from extreme high-          ID shafts (Coming Street and Cannon Street) were 0.7 m
tide events and tropical storms, the shaft area was built up      (2.5 ft) thick. The Harmon Field Access Shaft 9 m (30 ft
from EL 0.5 m (1.5 ft) to about EL 3 m (10 ft) with clean         ID) was 1 m (3 ft) thick. The depths of the shafts ranged
sand, general fill and a stoned surface.                          from 37 to 46 m (120 to 150 ft).
     Support of excavation in the surficial soils utilized            The contractor was required to prevent
steel sheet piles supported internally with steel ribs. The       uncontrollable sinking, which is more typical and
sheet piles were socketed approximately 3 m (10 ft) in            problematic in the weaker surficial soils above the
the Cooper Marl. Excavation was accomplished with a               Cooper Marl. In order to prevent uncontrollable sinking,
clamshell bucket and a small mechanical excavator. The            the contractor preloaded the shaft with hydraulic
contractor installed a 1.5-m (5-ft) tall concrete collar          jacks. The hydraulic jacks were anchored to a concrete
which transitioned the support of excavation from the             counterweight with steel threaded rods and applied
sheet piles to a ribs and lagging system. The ribs and            force to a steel frame that was placed on the shaft. As
lagging extended through the Cooper Marl to the invert            a result, the hydraulic force was exerted onto the shaft.
of the shaft excavation.                                          The pressure applied was generally representative of the
     The LDAS used a 9-m (30-ft) internal diameter cast-          next concrete lift, or approximately 145 to 163 t (160 to
in-place concrete final lining. The concrete final lining         180 st). If sinking was noted while the hydraulic jacks
was a minimum of 45 cm (18 in.) thick and reinforced              were active, force would continue to be applied until no
with steel rebar. The shaft used a 2.5-m (8.5-ft) thick base      additional sinking was noted. The hydraulic jacks were
slab with the top of slab at approximately EL -52 m (-170         applied to the shafts in order to prevent uncontrollable
ft). Shaft concrete final lining was installed from EL -52        sinking during concrete placement. The hydraulic jacks
m (-170 ft) to EL -9 m (-30 ft). The final lining terminates      were also utilized during the excavation process in order
at EL -9 m (-30 ft) where it will connect to future wet well      to encourage incrementally controlled sinking versus
and outfall construction.                                         unexpected and uncontrollable sinking.
                                                                      The caissons were constructed in 3.6-m (12-ft) lifts
    Caissons. The Coming Street, Cannon Street and                with a modular set of 4.2-m (14-ft) tall internal and
Harmon Field Access Shafts were constructed using the             external concrete forms. The additional height was used
caisson sinking method. In order to facilitate sinking, the       for 0.3 m (1 ft) of overlap at the bottom and 0.3 m (1
contractor used a “cutting shoe.” The cutting shoe was            ft) of gap at the top for water-stop installation. These
a tapered cylindrical steel structure built with a larger         forms were only tied together at the top of the forms;
outside diameter than the typical caisson cross-section.          wall-penetrating form ties were not used. The shafts
The cutting shoe aided sinking by reducing the bearing            were maintained in a flooded state while excavation
surface of caisson and creating a shear plane to loosen           progressed through the surficial soils. The flooded state
excavatable material and direct soils to the interior of the      prevented the surficial soils from running into the interior
caisson as the shaft was sunk. In addition to the cutting         of the shaft during excavation and sinking activities. Once
shoe, the contractor pumped bentonite slurry into the             the caisson reached 3 to 6 m (10 to 20 ft) of embedment

18   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction

into the Cooper Marl, the interior could be dewatered.         excavation progressed. Voids behind the initial support
                                                               were filled with grout. The remaining adits were excavated
    Tunnel and adit initial support. The Main Line Tunnel      via hand-mining techniques.
(approximately 1,650 m (5,400 LF) was excavated upgrade            Excavation advancement in the adit tunnels was
from the Lockwood Drive Access Shaft to the Coming             generally consistent throughout the project. Following
Street Access Shaft. Means of excavation included a            initial support and breakout from either of the primary
refurbished open-face soft-ground tunnel boring machine        tunnels, the contractor would “bench” the excavation so
(TBM). The TBM bore was approximately 4.5 m (15 ft)            that the crown of the excavation was one-to-two initial
and utilized a ribs-and-lagging initial support system.        support sets ahead of the spring-line and invert support.
The initial support consisted of steel ribs (W4x13) on         Initial support consisted of rolled steel ribs (W4x13) for
approximately 1.5-m (5-ft) centers with mixed hardwood         the crown and steel beams (W4x13) supporting the ribs.
lagging between the sets. The ribs were assembled within       The steel was typically installed on 1.5-m (5-ft) centers
the tail shield of the TBM and expanded tightly against        with mixed hardwood lagging. Voids behind the initial
the ground after the machine had moved forward. Muck           support were filled with grout.
was removed from the heading using rail-mounted muck
cars.                                                              Tunnel and adit final lining. The tunnel and adits used
    The first 67 m (220 ft) of the Main Line Tunnel was        a cast-in-place concrete final lining. The concrete was
converted to a 4.5 m by 4.5 m (15 ft by 15 ft) horseshoe.      reinforced with polypropylene fibers. Steel reinforcement
This horseshoe section of the tunnel allowed for the           was only used at tunnel-adit junctions, tunnel-shaft
installation of a rail switch for expediting the tunnel        junctions, and at the Intersection. The tunnel concrete
excavation. Two muck car trains were utilized during           forms were reusable, collapsible steel forms. A keyway
excavation. While one train was being loaded with              was installed at the face of each concrete segment/
excavated material, the other train would be unloaded          placement. The pumping location moved as needed to
into a muck area on the surface. Each train generally          facilitate the concrete pump capabilities. Concrete was
consisted of four 15 cy muck cars, a diesel-powered            pumped through a steel slickline with pumping distances
locomotive, and a flat car for supplying the initial support   reaching 610 m (2,000 ft).
system to the TBM. A tail tunnel was also utilized to              The Main Line Tunnel finished internal diameter
facilitate unloading muck trains. The tail tunnel was          was 3.6 m (12 ft). The concrete was placed in a series of
constructed with ribs & lagging initial support and            segments ranging in length, typically 24 to 37 m (80 to
ultimately abandoned with flowable fill grout.                 120 LF). Concrete segment lengths would generally vary
    The President Street Branch Tunnel (approximately          to account for tunnel alignment curvature or planning
610 m (2,000 LF)) was excavated downgrade from the             around junctions. Concrete for the Main Line Tunnel
Harmon Field Access Shaft to the Main Line Tunnel              was pumped from the surface from the Lockwood Drive
Intersection, then upgrade to the Cannon Street Access         Access Shaft the Courtenay Drop Shaft, the Cannon
Shaft. Means of excavation included a refurbished open-        Street Access Shaft and the Ashe Drop Shaft. The
face soft-ground TBM. The TBM bore was approximately           formwork was advanced mechanically with an electric-
3.3 m (11 ft) and utilized a ribs and lagging initial          powered hydraulic form carrier. Concrete was placed at
support system. The initial support consisted of steel         an approximate 0.3 percent grade from the Lockwood
ribs (W4x13) on approximately 1.2-m (4-ft) centers with        Drive Access Shaft to the Intersection and approximately
mixed hardwood lagging between the sets. The ribs were         1.0 percent grade from the Intersection to the Coming
assembled within the tail shield of the TBM and expanded       Street Access Shaft.
tightly against the ground after the machine had moved             The President Street Branch Tunnel finished internal
forward. Muck was removed from the heading utilizing           diameter was 2.4 m (8 ft). The concrete was placed in
rail mounted muck cars. The President Street Branch            a series of segments ranging in length, typically 27 to
Tunnel did not utilize a tail tunnel or switch during the      38 m (90 to 125 LF). Concrete segment lengths would
excavation process.                                            generally vary to account for tunnel alignment curvature
    There were eight adit tunnels extending from the           or planning around junctions. Concrete for the President
primary tunnels to the previously installed drop shafts.       Street Branch Tunnel was pumped from the surface from
Along the Main Line Tunnel were seven adits with               the Harmon Field Access Shaft and the Cannon Street
the remaining adit extending off the President Street          Access Shaft. The formwork was advanced mechanically
Branch Tunnel. Adit tunnel excavation ranged from              with an electric-powered hydraulic form carrier. The
approximately 1.5 m (5 LF) to 163 m (535 LF) along             concrete was placed approximately 0.3 percent downgrade
the alignment. The longest adit, extending to the Cherry       from the access shafts to the Intersection, creating a
Street Drop Shaft, was excavated with a combination of         “v” shape from the Intersection up to both access shafts
mechanical (roadheader) and hand-mining techniques.            (Harmon Field and Cannon Street).
Muck was removed from the Cherry Street Adit with                  The finished internal diameter for the eight adits
a pair of skid steers traversing through the adit as the       was 2.4 m (8 ft). The concrete was placed in a series of

                                                                          Tunneling  &  Underground Construction   JUNE 2021   19
tuc  &
                                               Feature Article 1

Fig. 3
Completed Intersection initial support; President Street Branch Tunnel (left) and Main  Line Tunnel diameter at the
Line Tunnel.                                                                            Intersection was potential air
                                                                                        entrainment and impact to the
                                                                                        hydraulic design of the tunnel
                                                                                        system. Addressing the entrained
                                                                                        air, the Project team proposed
                                                                                        casting pipes in the crown of the
                                                                                        Intersection concrete. The pipes
                                                                                        would connect the crowns of the
                                                                                        two 3.7-m (12-ft) diameter sides
                                                                                        of the Main Line Tunnel in order
                                                                                        to allow for air to flow upgrade
                                                                                        toward the Coming Street Access
                                                                                        Shaft, as originally designed. This
                                                                                        proposal was ultimately accepted
                                                                                        and pursued.
                                                                                             Another challenge regarding
                                                                                        initial support of the Intersection
                                                                                        was maintaining positive
                                                                                        ground support. The contractor
                                                                                        constructed two 3.7 x 3.7 m (12
                                                                                        x 12 ft) adits branching out from
                                                                                        the Main Line Tunnel. These
                                                                                        adits extended out into native
                                                                                        ground to receive the President
segments ranging in length, typically 3 to 15 m (10 to 50       Street Branch Tunnel TBM. The TBM would then “walk”
LF). Seven of the eight adits were completed with one to        through the intersecting Main Line Tunnel and relaunch
three segments. The Cherry Street Adit, approximately           through the opposite adit. The completed initial support
163 m (535 LF), required a series of segments to complete.      system is displayed in Fig. 3.
Typical segments length was 15 m (50 LF), varying
as needed around curves or at the Main Line Tunnel                   Intersection final lining. The Intersection was the final
junction. Concrete final lining for the adits was designed      concrete placed for the tunnel system. The contractor
and installed with a flat (0 percent) grade.                    was elected to complete the Main Line Tunnel, President
                                                                Street Branch Tunnel and adit final lining concrete prior
Intersection construction                                       to forming and placing concrete in the intersection.
    Intersection initial support. The proposed junction         The concrete in the Intersection was formed with a
design needed to address a series of challenges. One of the     combination of custom-built formwork along with
primary challenges was maintaining the minimum design           repurposed 2.4-m (8-ft) ID formwork used for the
wall thickness in the Intersection. The designed wall           President Street Branch Tunnel final lining, referred by
thickness in the intersection was 20 cm (8 in.) larger than     the contractor as “fish mouth” forms.
the typical tunnel section (50 cm (20 in.) instead of 31 cm          The concrete along the Main Line Tunnel used
(12 in.)).                                                      custom-built forms constructed out of steel ribs, timber,
    The Main Line Tunnel TBM bored an approximate               plywood and mixed hardwood lagging. The steel ribs
15-ft (180-in.) diameter tunnel. When accounting for the        were rolled to an approximate diameter of 3.3 m (11
initial support, approximately four inches thick, or 20         ft). Between two steel ribs was plywood reinforced with
cm (8 in.) impacting the diameter, the resulting initial        1.5-m (5-ft) long two-by timber, resulting in 1.5-m (5-ft)
support diameter was approximately 437 cm (172 in.). The        long “quadrant” pieces. Two quadrants bolted together
designed final internal diameter was 3.7 m (12 ft) along        resulted in one 1.5-m (5-ft) long invert section piece.
the Main Line Tunnel 365 cm (144 in.). With the initial         The preassembled quadrant pieces were mobilized to
support, this resulted in an approximate 36-cm (14-in.)         the Intersection via locomotive along the President
projected wall thickness. In order to achieve the required      Street Branch Tunnel. The quadrants were hoisted with
50 cm (20 in.) minimum, the contractor proposed reducing        a previously installed steel monorail, assembled into
the Intersection opening to 3.3 m (11 ft) along the Main        1.5-m (5-ft) invert section pieces, and stored in the Main
Line Tunnel. This design would align inverts at the             Line Tunnel for future installation. The concrete along
Intersection, but the crown would drop down about one           the President Street Branch Tunnel utilized repurposed
foot along the Main Line Tunnel.                                2.4-m (8-ft) steel formwork previously used for the
    The primary concern regarding reducing the Main             President Street Branch Tunnel concrete lining. The

20   JUNE 2021     Tunneling  &  Underground Construction
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