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TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen TT Commons Pro Design TypeType Release Date May 24, 2021 Publisher TypeType Styles 60 styles + 1 variable File Formats otf, ttf, woff, eot, svg TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 2 About TT Commons Pro We introduce TT Commons Pro, a completely Secondly, for the Pro version, we revised all Thus, TT Commons Pro has become a truly redesigned version of the well-established characters in the font, corrected all the out- ultimate workhorse, with which you can solve classic font family that now offers even more lines, edited the shape of some characters, any problems related to layout, printing, functionality and is even better adapted for improved diacritics and small caps. In addition, design, branding, use in the web and appli- today's use. we completely redid the weight distribution in cations. the font family, expanded language support, First, the font height has been increased by For TT Commons Pro we have prepared a and also redrew all the family’s italics from 11%, and now the capital letter height is 700 variable font with three axes of variability: scratch and did completely new hinting. points instead of 630 in the classic version. width, thickness and slant. To use the variable This is done so that the font fits better in the And most importantly, we decided to signifi- font with 3 variable axes on Mac you will need place of system or other modern fonts. cantly expand the functionality of the font MacOS 10.14 or higher. and added two new widths: narrow and wide. 123 AaBb TT Commons Pro Medium 170 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 3 About TT Commons Pro TT Commons Pro consists of 3 subfamilies (Condensed, Normal, Expanded), and each of them is available in 10 weights (Thin, Extra- Light, Light, Regular, Meduim, DemiBold, Bold, ExtraBold, Black and ExtraBlack) and 10 true matching italics. Weights Italics TT Commons Pro Thin TT Commons Pro Thin Italic TT Commons Pro ExtraLight TT Commons Pro ExtraLight Italic TT Commons Pro Light TT Commons Pro Light Italic TT Commons Pro Regular TT Commons Pro Italic TT Commons Pro Medium TT Commons Pro Medium Italic TT Commons Pro DemiBold TT Commons Pro DemiBold Italic TT Commons Pro Bold TT Commons Pro Bold Italic TT Commons Pro ExtraBold TT Commons Pro ExtraBold Italic TT Commons Pro Black TT Commons Pro Black Italic TT Commons Pro ExtraBlack TT Commons Pro ExtraBlack Italic TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 4 TT Commons Pro Condensed Weights Italics Condensed Thin Condensed Thin Italic Condensed ExtraLight Condensed ExtraLight Italic Condensed Light Condensed Light Italic Condensed Regular Condensed Italic Condensed Medium Condensed Medium Italic Condensed DemiBold Condensed DemiBold Italic Condensed Bold Condensed Bold Italic Condensed ExtraBold Condensed ExtraBold Italic Condensed Black Condensed Black Italic Condensed ExtraBlack Condensed ExtraBlack Italic TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 5 TT Commons Pro Expanded Weights Italics Expanded Thin Expanded Thin Italic Expanded ExtraLight Expanded ExtraLight Italic Expanded Light Expanded Light Italic Expanded Regular Expanded Italic Expanded Medium Expanded Medium Italic Expanded DemiBold Expanded DemiBold Italic Expanded Bold Expanded Bold Italic Expanded ExtraBold Expanded ExtraBold Italic Expanded Black Expanded Black Italic Expanded ExtraBlack Expanded ExtraBlack Italic TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 6 Variable version For TT Commons Pro we have prepared a variable font with three axes of variability: width, thickness and slant. To use the variable font with 3 variable axes on Mac you will need MacOS 10.14 or higher. An important clarifica- tion—not all programs support variable tech- nologies yet, you can check the support status here: Width (75–125) Thickness (100–950) Slant (0–10) TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 7 Examples It has been a colonial possession Siberia is vast and sparse, and of Russia since the latter half of the covers an area of over 13.1 million 16th century, after the Russians square kilometres (5,100,000 sq. conquered lands east of the Ural mi.), but is home to merely one- Mountains. fifths of Russia's entire population. TT Commons Pro Thin 16 pt TT Commons Pro Thin Italic 16 pt The territory of Siberia extends Siberia stretches southwards from eastwards from the Ural Moun- the Arctic Ocean to the hills of tains to the Pacific Ocean, and north-central Kazakhstan and to includes most of the drainage the national borders of Mongolia basin of the Arctic Ocean. and China. TT Commons Pro ExtraLight 16 pt TT Commons Pro ExtraLight Italic 16 pt Siberia is known worldwide pri- European cultural influences, marily for its long, harsh winters, specifically Russian, are predomi- with a January average of −25 °C nant in the entire region, due to it (−13 °F). It is geographically situ- experiencing Russian emigration ated in Asia. from Europe. TT Commons Pro Light 16 pt TT Commons Pro Light Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 8 Examples Another account sees the name The region has paleontological as the ancient tribal ethnonym of significance, as it contains bod- the Sirtya (also "Syopyr"), an eth- ies of prehistoric animals from nic group which spoke a Paleosi- the Pleistocene Epoch, pre- berian language. served in ice or in permafrost. TT Commons Pro Regular 16 pt TT Commons Pro Italic 16 pt Specimens of Goldfuss cave lion The Siberian Traps were formed cubs, Yuka the mammoth and by one of the largest-known another woolly mammoth from volcanic events of the last 251 Oymyakon, a woolly rhinoceros million years of Earth's geologi- from the Kolyma. cal history. TT Commons Pro Medium 16 pt TT Commons Pro Medium Italic 16 pt The origin of the name is un- The modern usage of the Sibe- known. Some sources say that ria name was recorded in the "Siberia" originates from the Russian language after the Em- Siberian Tatar word for "sleep- pire's conquest of the Siberian ing land" (Sib Ir). Khanate. TT Commons Pro DemiBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro DemiBold Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 9 Examples Their activity continued for In 630 the Khan of Sibir in the a million years and some sci- vicinity of modern Tobolsk was entists consider it a possible known as a prominent figure cause of the "Great Dying" who endorsed Kubrat as Kha- about 250 million years ago. gan of Old Great Bulgaria. TT Commons Pro Bold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Bold Italic 16 pt Turkic-speaking Yakut migrat- The growing power of Russia ed north from the Lake Baikal in the West began to under- region under pressure from mine the Siberian Khanate. the Mongol tribes during the First, groups of traders began 13th to 15th century. to enter the area. TT Commons Pro ExtraBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro ExtraBold Italic 16 pt The Russian Army was direct- Towns such as Mangazeya, ed to establish forts farther Tara, Yeniseysk and Tobolsk and farther east to protect developed, the last becom- new Russian settlers who ing the de facto capital of migrated from Europe. Siberia from 1590. TT Commons Pro Black 16 pt TT Commons Pro Black Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 10 Examples Other sources contend that 30 June 1908 the Tunguska the Xibe, an indigenous Tun- Event felled millions of trees gusic people, offered fierce near the Podkamennaya resistance to Russian expan- Tunguska (Stony Tunguska) sion beyond the Urals. in central Siberia. TT Commons Pro ExtraBlack 16 pt TT Commons Pro ExtraBlack Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 11 Examples The first great modern change in Siberia At these low elevations are numerous val- was the Trans-Siberian Railway, constructed leys, many of them deep and covered with during 1891–1916. It linked Siberia more larch forest, except in the extreme north closely to the rapidly industrialising Russia where the tundra dominates. Soils are of Nicholas II (r. 1894–1917). mainly turbels (a type of gelisol). TT Commons Pro Condensed Thin 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Thin Italic 16 pt Siberia spans an area of 13.1 million square These mountains extend up to almost kilometres (5,100,000 sq mi), covering 3,000 metres, but above a few hundred the vast majority of Russia's total terri- metres they are almost completely devoid tory, and almost 9% of Earth's land surface of vegetation. The Verkhoyansk Range was (148,940,000 km2, 57,510,000 sq mi). extensively glaciated in the Pleistocene. TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraLight 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraLight Italic 16 pt Around seven million Russians moved to The active layer tends to be less than one Siberia from Europe between 1801 and metre deep, except near rivers. The high- 1914. Between 1859 and 1917 more than est point in Siberia is the active volcano half a million people migrated to the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, on the Kamchatka Russian Far East. Peninsula. Its peak reaches 4,750 metres. TT Commons Pro Condensed Light 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Light Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 12 Examples The West Siberian Plain, consisting mostly This mid- to late-Pleistocene lake blocked of Cenozoic alluvial deposits, is somewhat the northward flow of the Ob and Yenisey flat. In the mid-Pleistocene, many deposits rivers, resulting in a redirection southwest on this plain resulted from ice dams which into the Caspian and Aral seas via the produced a large glacial lake. Turgai Valley. TT Commons Pro Condensed Regular 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Italic 16 pt It is exceptionally rich in minerals, con- A massive eruptive period approximately taining large deposits of gold, diamonds, coincided with the Permian–Triassic ex- and ores of manganese, lead, zinc, nickel, tinction event. The volcanic event is said cobalt, and molybdenum. Much of the to be the largest known volcanic erup- area includes the Siberian Traps. tion in Earth's history. TT Commons Pro Condensed Medium 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Medium Italic 16 pt In the south of the plain, where perma- The Central Siberian Plateau is an frost is largely absent, rich grasslands ancient craton (sometimes named An- that are an extension of the Kazakh garaland) that formed an independent Steppe formed the original vegetation, continent before the Permian (see the most of which is no longer visible. Siberian continent). TT Commons Pro Condensed DemiBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed DemiBold Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 13 Examples Only the extreme northwest was The Lena-Tunguska petroleum prov- glaciated during the Quaternary, but ince includes the Central Siberian almost all is under exceptionally deep platform (some authors refer to it permafrost, and the only tree that can as the "Eastern Siberian platform"), thrive, despite the warm summers. bounded on the northeast and east. TT Commons Pro Condensed Bold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Bold Italic 16 pt A regional geologic reconnaissance Field was discovered in 1971, produc- study begun in 1932 and followed ing from the Vendian Yaraktin Horizon by surface and subsurface mapping at depths of up to 1,750 metres (5,740 revealed the Markova-Angara Arch ft), which lies below Permian to Low- (anticline). er Jurassic basalt traps. TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraBold Italic 16 pt On the north coast, north of the Arc- The climate in this southernmost tic Circle, there is a very short sum- part is humid continental climate mer. Almost all the population lives (Köppen Dfb) with cold winters but in the south, along the route of the fairly warm summers lasting at least Trans-Siberian Railway. four months. TT Commons Pro Condensed Black 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed Black Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 14 Examples With a reliable growing season, an By far the most commonly occur- abundance of sunshine and exceed- ring climate in Siberia is continental ingly fertile chernozem soils, south- subarctic, with the annual average ern Siberia is good enough for prof- temperature about −5 °C and an itable agriculture. average for January of −25 °C. TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraBlack 16 pt TT Commons Pro Condensed ExtraBlack Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 15 Examples An average for July of +17 °C Each town is alternately con- (63 °F), although this varies sidered the Northern Hemi- considerably, with a July ave- sphere's Pole of Cold - the rage about 10 °C (50 °F) in coldest inhabited point in the taiga–tundra ecotone. the Northern hemisphere. TT Commons Pro Expanded Thin 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Thin Italic 16 pt Verkhoyansk, a town further The climate in West Siberia north and further inland, is several degrees warmer recorded a temperature of than in the East where in −69.8 °C (−93.6 °F) for three the north an extreme winter consecutive nights. subarctic climate prevails. TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraLight 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraLight Italic 16 pt The business-oriented But summer temperatures website and blog Business in other regions can reach Insider lists Verkhoyansk +38 °C (100 °F). In general, and Oymyakon, in Siberia's Sakha is the coldest Sibe- Sakha Republic. rian region. TT Commons Pro Expanded Light 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Light Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 16 Examples In the winter, southern Si- Precipitation is high in most beria sits near the center of of Primorye in the extreme the semi-permanent Sibe- south, where monsoonal in- rian High, so winds are usu- fluences can produce quite ally light in the winter. heavy summer rainfall. TT Commons Pro Expanded Regular 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Italic 16 pt In 2008 a research expedi- Pleistocene Park has been tion for the American Geo- created in Siberia in order physical Union detected to do research in relation levels of methane up to to Siberia and global warm- 100 times above normal. ing problem. TT Commons Pro Expanded Medium 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Medium Italic 16 pt Historically, Siberia was Geographically, this defi- defined as the whole part nition includes subdivi- of Russia to the east of sions of several other Ural Mountains, including subjects of Urals and Far the Russian Far East. Eastern federal districts. TT Commons Pro Expanded DemiBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded DemiBold Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 17 Examples Other sources may use It is the largest munici- either a somewhat wider pal entity in the Russian definition that states the Federation with the third Pacific coast, not the wa- largest population count tershed. of all Russian cities. TT Commons Pro Expanded Bold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Bold Italic 16 pt It has some of the world's However, in the south- largest deposits of gold, west where soils are ex- molybdenum, lead, coal, ceedingly fertile black gypsum, diamonds, diop- earths and the climate is side, silver and zinc. a little more moderate. TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraBold 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraBold Italic 16 pt Siberia is extraordinar- The most populous city ily rich in minerals, con- of Siberia, as well as the taining ores of almost all third most populous city economically valuable of Russia, is the city of metals. Novosibirsk. TT Commons Pro Expanded Black 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded Black Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 18 Examples Elsewhere food produc- Thus, the whole region tion, owing to the poor of Siberia (in the broad- fertility of the podzolic est usage of the term) is soils and the extremely home to approximately short growing seasons. 30 million people. TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraBlack 16 pt TT Commons Pro Expanded ExtraBlack Italic 16 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 19 Supported languages TT Commons Pro supports more than 160 languages including Western, Central, North- ern European languages, most of cyrillic, and Vietnamese. Cyrillic Latin Abaza, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Aghul, Altai, Alyutor, Avar, Azerbaijani, Abenaki, Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Alutiiq, Amis, Bashkir, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Buryat, Chechen, Chukchi, Anuta, Aragonese, Aranese, Aromanian, Arrernte, Arvanitic, Asturian, Chuvash, Crimean Tatar, Dargwa, Dolgan, Dungan, Enets, Even, Atayal, Aymara, Basque, Bemba, Bikol, Bislama, Breton, Cape Verdean, Evenki, Gagauz, Ingush, Itelmen, Kabardino-Cherkess, Kalmyk, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Chickasaw, Karachay-Balkar, Karaim, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Ket, Khakas, Khanty, Cimbrian, Cofan, Comanche, Cornish, Corsican, Crimean Tatar, Kildin Sámi, Komi-Permyak, Komi-Zyrian, Koryak, Kumandins, Kumyk, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Delaware, Dholuo, Drehu, Dutch, English, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lak, Lezgian, Mansi, Macedonian, Mari (Hill), Mari Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, Folkspraak, (Meadow), Mongolian, Montenegrin, Nanai, Negidal, Nenets, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz, Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Nganasan, Nivkh, Nogai, Oroch, Orok, Ossetian, Russian, Rusyn, Gooniyandi, Greenlandic, Gwichin, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Rutul, Serbian, Selkup, Shor, Tabasaran, Tajik, Talysh, Tat, Tatar, Hiligaynon, Hopi, Hotcak, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ido, Ilocano, Indonesian, Tsakhur, Tuvan, Udege, Udmurt, Ukrainian, Ulch, Uyghur, Uzbek, Interglossa, Interlingua, Irish, Istro-Romanian, Italian, Javanese, Jerriais, Yakut, Yukaghir Kala Lagaw Ya, Kapampangan, Kaqchikel, Karelian, Kashubian, Khasi, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kiribati, Kirundi, Kurdish, Ladin, Latin, Latino Sine, Latvian, Lithuanian, Livvi-Karelian, Lojban, Lombard, Low Saxon, Other Luba (Luba-Kasai), Ludic, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Vietnamese Maltese, Manx, Maori, Mandinka, Marquesan, Megleno-Romanian, Meriam Mir, Mohawk, Moldovan, Montagnais, Montenegrin, Munsee, Murrinhpatha, Nagamese Creole, Nahuatl, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Nganasan, Niuean, Noongar, Norwegian, Novial, Occidental, Occitan, Oromo, Oshiwambo, Palauan, Papiamento, Pedi, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Potawatomi, Qeqchi, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Rhaeto Romance, Romansh, Rotokas, Salar, Sami Inari, Sami Lule, Sami Nothern, Sami Southern, Samoan, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Seri, Seychellois, Shawnee, Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Slovio, Somali, Sorbian Lower, Sorbian Upper, Sotho Northern, Sotho Southern, Spanish, Sranan, Sundanese, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tok Pisin, Tokelauan, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen, Tuvaluan, Tzotzil, Unami, Venetian, Vepsian, Volapuk, Voro, Wallisian, Walloon, Waraywaray, Warlpiri, Wayuu, Welsh, Wikmungkan, Wiradjuri, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Yindjibarndi, Zapotec, Zulu, Zuni TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 20 Геополитическое применение слова «Сибирь» связано с обозначением всех территорий, лежащих к востоку от Волги. TT Commons Pro ExtraLight 65 pt Russian TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 21 Languages Mod øst løber Anadyr og Amur. Etwas weiter nördlich dieser I sommermånederne besejles de Stadt, in welcher der von Süd- store floder af mange skibe og er westen kommende Irkut einmün- af stor betydning for den inden- det, passiert sie Angarsk. Einige landske trafik. Moderne kanalan- Kilometer unterhalb der Stadt læg har forbundet flere floder durchfließt die Angara den gro- indbyrdes og skaber derved en ßen Bratsker Stausee, wobei sie sammenhængende van De hø- in den äußersten Süden des Mit- jeste punkter er Munku Sardyk telsibirischen Berglands einfließt. (3491 m) i Sajanbjergene og Be- Zwischen Irkutsk und Bratsk ist lukha (4509 m) i Altaj. die Angara schiffbar. Danish German Většina surovin se převáží na jih Сибир разполага с огромно do průmyslových oblastí ke zpra- разнообразие на зонални и cování, případně se vyvážejí do интразонални ландшафти, evropské části Ruska nebo přes което не може да не се от- Severní ledový a Tichý oceán рази на броя и видовото раз- na východ do Japonska, USA a нообразие на животинския Kanady. Města jsou zásobová- и растителен свят по тези na energií převážně z tepelných места. Всеки от ландшафти- elektráren, velký podíl má ale také те на Сибир има свой, в една produkce velkých vodních elek- или друга степен особен жи- tráren (Bratská, Zejská). вотински и растителен свят. Czech Bulgarian TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 22 şùppôrt øf māný förěigñ lăņguåģęs TT Commons Pro Medium 115 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 23 Glyphs Basic Character Set Uppercase A BCDE FG H IJ KLM NO P Q R STU V WXY Z Lowercase abcdefgh i j klmn o pqrstu vwxyz Figures 012345 6789 Cyrillic Uppercase А БВГД ЕЁЖЗ ИЙКЛ М Н О П Р СТУФХЦ ЧШЩЪ Ы ЬЭ ЮЯЄҐЃ ЂЋ Љ ЊЏ ЌЎЈ ІЇЅ Cyrillic Lowercase абвгдеёжз ийк л м н о прстуфхц ч шщъ ыь эюя є ґѓђ ћљњ џ ќўј і ї ѕ Vietnamese Ạ Ả Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Ậ Ắ Ằ Ẳ Ẵ Ặ ẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆĨỈỊƠ Ọ Ỏ Ố Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ộ ỚỜỞỠ Ợ Ư Ụ Ủ Ứ Ừ Ử Ữ Ự Ỳ Ỵ Ỷ Ỹạ ả ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ ằ ẳ ẵặ ẹ ẻ ẽếềểễ ệ ĩ ỉ ị ơọ ỏố ồổ ỗộ ớờ ởỡ ợư ụ ủ ứ ừ ử ữ ự ỳ ỵ ỷ ỹ Punctuation & Symbols !¡?¿‽⸘«»‹›. , : ; ‘ ’ ‚ “ ” „ . . . "' |¦-–— _\/()[] {}·•*#§ © ® ℗ ¶№™@& † ‡ °^ ª º Extended Latin Uppercase À Á Ă Â Ä Ā Ą Å Ǻ Ã Æ A ÉĆČÇĈĊĎ Đ Đ ÈÉĚÊË Ė Ē Ĕ Ę ǴĞĢĜ Ġ Ĥ Ħ ÌÍ Î ÏİĪĮĬIJ ÍJĴ ĶĹĽĻĿŁŃŇŅÑŊẞ Ò Ó Ô ÖŐŌÕ Ŏ Ø Ǿ O EÞ Ŕ Ř Ŗ Ś Š Ŝ Ş ȘŤ Ţ Ț ŦÙ Ú Û Ü Ű Ū Ŭ Ų Ů ɄƏẀŴẄẂÝ Ŷ Ÿ Ȳ ŹŽŻ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 24 Glyphs Basic Character Set Extended Latin Lowercase àáăâäāą å ǻ ã æ a é ć č ç ĉ ċ ďđ ð è é ě ê ë ė ē ĕ ę ǵ ğ ģ ĝ ġ ĥħıìí î ï ī į ĭ i ij íj ȷ ĵ ķĺľ ļŀłń ň ņ ñ ʼnŋßò óô öő ōõ ŏø ǿ o e þŕřŗśšŝ ş șťţțŧù ú û ü ű ū ŭ ų ů ʉə ẃŵẅẁý ŷ ÿ ȳźžż Extended Cyrillic Uppercase Ӓ ЀӦӨӁҖЍӢҒ Ҕ ӠҚ ҜҢҮ Ұ Ӯ ӰҲҸҶҺԦӐ Ӕ Ӷ Ӻ FӖҼҾӜҘ Ӟ Ԑ ӤҊҞҠӃ Ӆ ԒԮӍӇ Ӊ Ԩ Ҥ ѲҨӘ ӚӪ Ԛ Ԥ Ҏ ҪҪҬ Ҵ Ӳ ӼӾӴӋ Ӹ Ӭ ѢҌѴ ӀԜ Extended Cyrillic Lowercase ӓѐӧөӂ җѝӣғҕӡ қҝ ңүұӯ ӱҳҹ ҷ һ ԧӑ ӕ ӷӻғӗ ҽ ҿ ӝҙӟԑӥҋҟ ҡ ӄ ӆ ԓ ԯ ӎ ӈ ӊ ԩ ҥ ѳҩ ә ӛ ӫ ԛ ԥ ҏ ҫҫҭ ҵ ӳ ӽӿӵ ӌ ӹ ӭ ѣҍѵ ӏԝ Mathematical Symbols -+≤ ≥ = ≠ ~ ≈ ¬ ± × ÷ %‰μ ℓ ◊Ω ℮ ∂ ∅ ΔΠ∑√ ∞ ∫ ⌘ Currency € $¥₽£ ¢ ₴ ₿₸ ₹₺ ₩ ƒ₫¤ Figures in circles and arrows ⓪①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ⓿❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿ ←↑→↓↔↕↖↗↘↙ Diacritics ¨˙`´˝ˆˇ˘ ˚ ˜¯ ¸ ˛ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 25 Glyphs OpenType Features Standard Ligatures ff ffi fi fl ffl ffj fj Discretionary Ligatures ft fh fk fb ffh ffk ffb ct st rf rt ft ÏÏ ÏÏ ïï ⁄ ⅟ ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 2/5 ¾ 3/5 3/8 4/5 5/6 5/8 7/8 Numerators, Denominators H0123456789$€₽¥£¢₴₿₸₹₺₩ƒ₫¤H0123456789$€₽¥£¢₴₿₸₹₺₩ƒ₫¤ Superscripts, Scientific Inferiors H0123456789H0123456789 Fractions, Ordinals ⁄ ⅟ ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 2/5 ¾ 3/5 3/8 4/5 5/6 5/8 7/8 º ª Proportional Figures 012345 6789 ₿¢ $ € ₴ ₺ ₽₹£ ₸ ₩ ¥ ₫ƒ¤ Tabular Figures 01234 5 6 7 8 9 ₿ ¢ $ € ₴ ₺ ₽ ₹ £ ₸ ₩ ¥ ₫ ƒ ¤ Proportional Oldstyle 0 12345 678 9 -+ < > ≤ ≥ = ≠ ~ ≈ ¬ ± × ÷ Tabular Oldstyle 01234 5 6 7 8 9 Case Sensitive [] (){}¡¿ ⸘ «»‹›-–— · •@ Localization ДЛФвг джз и й клп тц шщъ ь юѝДЛФ бȘȘș ҒғғҪҫҫ ȚȚțIJ IJ ij ÍJ ÍJ íj ĿL ŀl ŀl ŀl і Glyph Composition ǺǺǻǻǼǼǽ Ǿ Ǿǿ ŌŌō Ӹ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 26 Glyphs OpenType Features Small Capitals №& ₿¢$€₴ ₺ ₽ ₹ £₸ ₩¥¤- + < > ≤ ≥ = ≠ ~ ≈ ¬ ± × ÷ 012345 678 9a b cd e fg h ij k lmnop qrstuv w x yzàáăâ ä ā ą å ǻ ã æ a éćčçĉċď đ ð è é ě ê ë ėēĕęǵ ğģĝġĥ ħı ìí îİï īįĭiij íjȷĵ ķ ĺľļŀł ńňņñʼnŋss ò ó ô öőōõŏøǿ oe þ ŕřŗśšŝşșť ţ ț ŧù ú û ü ű ū ŭ ų ů ʉ əẃŵ ẅẁýŷÿȳźžż ı ì í î İ ï ī į ĭ а б в где ё жз ий к л м нопрстуфх цчшщъ ыь эюядлФѓ ґ ќєђћ љ њ џўјіїѕІ Їӓ ѐӧөӂҗ ѝӣғ ҕ ӡ қҝ ңүұӯ ӱҳҹҷ һԧӑ ӕӷӻғӗҽ ҿӝҙ ӟ ԑ ӥҋ ҟ ҡ ӄӆ ԓ ԯӎӈ ӊ ԩ ҥ ѳҩ ә ӛ ӫԛԥ ҏ ҫҫҭ ҵ ӳ ӽ ӿӵӌӹ ӭ ѣҍѵ ӏԝạ ả ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ ằ ẳ ẵ ặ ẹ ẻ ẽ ế ề ể ễ ệ ĩỉịơọ ỏ ố ồ ổỗộớờởỡợư ụ ủ ứ ừ ử ữ ự ỳỵỷỹĨ Ỉ Ị Caps to Small Capitals -+≤≥ = ≠ ~ ≈ ¬ ± × ÷01 234 5678 9a b cd e fg h i j k l mnop qrstu v wxyz à á ă â ä ā ą å ǻ ã æ a éć č ç ĉ ċďđðè é ě ê ë ė ē ĕ ęǵ ğ ģ ĝ ġ ĥ ħı ìí îİï īįĭiij íjȷĵ ķ ĺ ľ ļ ŀ łń ňņñʼnŋssòóôöőō õŏøǿ oe þ ŕřŗś š ŝ ş șť ţ ț ŧù ú û ü ű ū ŭ ų ů ʉəẃŵẅẁýŷÿȳźžż абвгде ё жз ийк л м н оп р стуфх цчшщъы ь э юя длѓ ґ ќєђћ љ њ џўј іїѕӓ ѐӧөӂҗ ѝӣғ ҕ ӡқ ҝ ң ү ұӯӱҳҹҷ һԧ ӑ ӕ ӷ ӻ ғ ӗ ҽ ҿӝҙ ӟ ԑ ӥҋ ҟ ҡ ӄ ӆ ԓ ԯ ӎӈӊ ԩ ҥѳҩә ӛ ӫԛԥ ҏ ҫҫҭ ҵ ӳӽ ӿӵ ӌӹӭѣҍѵ ӏԝạ ả ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ ằ ẳ ẵ ặ ẹẻẽế ềểễệĩỉ ịơọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợư ụ ủ ứ ừ ử ữ ựỳ ỵ ỷ ỹ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 27 Glyphs OpenType Features Stylistic Set 01 (Stylistic Alternates) IĪĮİÌÍÎ Ï aąăāàáâãäåǻlĺļľ ŀły ý ỳ ŷ ÿ ȳIĪĮ İ ÌÍÎÏ аäІЇуўIÏĨ Ỉ Ị ạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặỳ ỵ ỷ ỹĨ Ỉ Ị Stylistic Set 02 б Stylistic Set 03 Ғғғ Stylistic Set 04 Ҫҫҫ Stylistic Set 05 ДЛФвг джз и й ѝ клп тц шщъ ь юДЛФ Stylistic Set 06 ȘȘșȚȚț Stylistic Set 07 IJ IJ ij ÍJ ÍJ íj Stylistic Set 08 ĿL ŀl ŀl ŀl Stylistic Set 09 ⓪①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ Stylistic Set 10 ⓿❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿ Stylistic Set 11 і Contextual Alternates ẞ…—–: ≥ ≤ ≠ ‽ ⸘ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 28 Basic characters ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 TT Commons Pro Medium 80 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 29 Examples TT Commons Pro Regular 42 pt Sakha is the cold- est Siberian region, and the basin of the Yana has the lowest temperatures of all, with permafrost. TT Commons Pro Regular 32 pt Other sources may use either a somewhat wider definition that states the Pacific coast, not the wa- tershed, is the eastern boundary or a somewhat narrower one. TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 30 Examples TT Commons Pro Regular 24 pt The climate in this southernmost part is humid continental climate (Köppen Dfb) with cold winters but fairly warm summers lasting at least four months. TT Commons Pro Regular 18 pt The climate of Siberia varies dramatically, but it typically has short summers and long, bru- tally cold winters. On the north coast, north of the Arctic Circle, there is a very short (about one month long) summer. TT Commons Pro There is considerable variation, however, between the rain-drenched Regular 12 pt and heavily glaciated east coast and the drier and more continental interior valley. In the heavily glaciated Kronotsky Peninsula, where maritime influences are most pronounced, annual precipitation can reach as high as 2,500 millimetres. TT Commons Pro The road is asphalt in its southern part and near habitations, but changes to gravel about halfway Regular 8 pt north. Another highway connects the local capital with Bolsheretsk. Bus service is available on both roads. Most other roads are gravel-covered or dirt roads, requiring off-road-capable vehicles. There is semi-regular passenger transportation with aircraft. The obvious circular area in the central valley is the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, an isolated volcanic group southeast of the curve of the Kamchatka River. TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 31 CON V E C TT Commons Pro Medium 180 pt T OR TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 32 OpenType features Deactivated Activated Tabular Figures 012345 6789 € $ ¥ £ 0123456789€$¥£ Proportional Figures 012345 6789 € $ ¥ £ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6789 € $ ¥ £ Tabular Oldstyle 012345 6789 € $ ¥ £ 0123456789€$¥£ Proportional Oldstyle 012345 6789 € $ ¥ £ 01 23 45 67 8 9 € $ ¥ £ Numerators H0123 4 5 6789 € $ ¥ £ H01 23 4 5 67 89€$ ¥ £ Denominators H0123 4 5 6789 € $ ¥ £ H01 23 4 5 67 89€$ ¥ £ Superscripts H0123 4 5 6789 H01 23 4 5 67 89 Scientific Inferiors H0123 4 5 6789 H01 23 4 5 67 89 Fractions 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/5 2/5 ½ ¼ ¾ 1/5 2/5 Ordinals 2ao 2ªº Case Sensitive ({[H]}) ({ [H]} ) Standard Ligatures ff fj fi ffi fl ffl ff fj fi ffi fl ffl Discretionary Ligatures ct st rt fb fk 1/2 1/4 ct st rt fb fk 1/2 1/4 Small Caps abcde a b cd e Caps to Small Capitals A BCDE & € $ ¥ £ 0 1 2 3 a b cd e&€$¥£01 2 3 TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 33 OpenType features Deactivated Activated Stylistic Set 01 (Stylistic Alternates) I ayўl Iay ў l Stylistic Set 02 б б Stylistic Set 03 ҒҒ ғ Ғғғ Stylistic Set 04 ҪҪҫ Ҫҫҫ Stylistic Set 05 Д Лвгдж Д Лв гдж Stylistic Set 06 ŞŞşŢŢţ ȘȘș ȚȚț Stylistic Set 07 ÍJ íj íj ÍJ ÍJ íj Stylistic Set 08 L·L l·l l·l l·l ĿL ŀl ŀl ŀl Stylistic Set 09 012345 6 ⓪①②③④⑤⑥ Stylistic Set 10 012345 6 ⓿❶❷❸❹❺❻ Stylistic Set 11 i i Contextual Alternates ß : ?! ¿¡ ẞ:‽⸘ Localization Д ЛвгджбŞŞş Д Лв гджбȘȘș Glyph composition å+´ æ+´ ǻǽ TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 34 Stylistic alternates TT Commons Pro includes big set of Stylistic alternates with more geometric shapes. It covers both Latin and Cyrillic glyphs. Default characters Ideally made yellow lamp Stylistic alternates Ideally made yellow lamp TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 35 Localization Localization feature allows to adapt text glyphs according to selected languages. Localized forms are activated automatically based on the language declared in the language field. Font contains localized forms for Serbian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Modavian (Romanian) and Catalan. Историческият център на София е разположен непосредствено на юг от центъра на Софийското поле. Default text Историческият център на София е разположен непосредствено на юг от центъра на Софийското поле. Bulgarian localization TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 36 Small caps Small caps are used in running text as a form Pp of emphasis that is less dominant than all uppercase text, and as a method of emphasis or distinctiveness for text alongside or instead of italics, or when boldface is inappropriate. TT Commons Pro Medium 400 pt TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 37 Examples TT Commons Pro Regular 40 pt Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, located in the western north Pacific, is the deep- est Earth's point. TT Commons Pro Regular 30 pt The western Pacific has many major marginal seas, including the East China Sea, the Philippine Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk. TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 38 Proportional oldstyle 12 - 12 They reached the Cook Islands, Tahiti, and the Marquesas by 700 CE; Hawaii by 900 CE; Rapa Nui by 1000 CE; and finally New Zealand by 1200 CE. Austronesians may have reached as far as the Americas, although evidence for this remains inconclusive. Tabular figures 12 - 12 The Pacific also contains the deepest point in the Southern Hemisphere, the Horizon Deep in the Tonga Trench, at 10,823 meters (35,509 feet). The third deepest point on Earth, the Sirena Deep, is also located in the Mariana Trench. Tabular oldstyle 12 - 12 At around 1300 to 1200 BCE, a branch of the Austronesian migrations known as the Lapita culture reached the Bismarck Archi- pelago, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, and New Caledonia. From there, they colo- nized Tonga and Samoa by 900 to 800 BCE. TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
TT Commons Pro Font Family Type Specimen 39 About TypeType Contact us TypeType company was founded in 2013 by TypeType Foundry Ivan Gladkikh, a type designer with a 10-year 197101, Russia, St. Petersburg experience and Alexander Kudryavtsev Aptekarskiy pr., d. 2, bld. 3, of. 7 an experienced manager. In the past 7 years we’ve released more than 40 font families, and the company has turned into a type foundry with a harmonious team. Our mission is to create and distribute only carefully drawn, thoroughly tested, and per- fectly optimized typefaces which are available to a wide range of customers. Copyright © TypeType Foundry 2013-2021. Our team unites people who represent diffe- All rights reserved. rent countries and continents. Thanks to such For more information about our fonts cultural diversity, our projects are truly unique please visit TypeType Foundry website and global. Most of the texts used in this specimen are from Wikipedia. TypeType Foundry, St. Petersburg, 2021
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