Think you have Solved Direct-Answer Question Answering? Try ARC-DA, the Direct-Answer AI2 Reasoning Challenge
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Think you have Solved Direct-Answer Question Answering? Try ARC-DA, the Direct-Answer AI2 Reasoning Challenge Sumithra Bhakthavatsalam, Daniel Khashabi, Tushar Khot, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Kyle Richardson, Ashish Sabharwal, Carissa Schoenick, Oyvind Tafjord, Peter Clark Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. {sumithrab,danielk,tushark,bhavanad,kyler,ashishs,carissas,oyvindt,peterc} arXiv:2102.03315v1 [cs.CL] 5 Feb 2021 Abstract MC: Many animals depend on plants for (A) shelter [correct] (B) pollination (C) seed dispersal (D) sunlight We present the ARC-DA dataset, a direct-answer (“open re- DA: Many animals depend on plants for what? food | shelter sponse”, “freeform”) version of the ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge) multiple-choice dataset. While ARC has been in- MC: A solution with a pH of 2 can be increased to a pH above 7 by fluential in the community, its multiple-choice format is un- adding (A) an acid. (B) water. (C) a base. [correct] (D) hydrogen. representative of real-world questions, and multiple choice DA: A solution with a pH of 2 can be increased to a pH above 7 by formats can be particularly susceptible to artifacts. The ARC- adding what? a base DA dataset addresses these concerns by converting questions to direct-answer format using a combination of crowdsourc- What best describes skin? (A) stiff (B) flexible [correct] (C) brittle ing and expert review. The resulting dataset contains 2985 (D) hard questions with a total of 8436 valid answers (questions typ- DA: [Rejected: Too ambiguous as a DA question] ically have more than one valid answer). ARC-DA is one of the first DA datasets of natural questions that often re- MC: Water freezing is an example of a (A) liquid changing to a quire reasoning, and where appropriate question decompo- solid [correct] (B) solid changing to a liquid (C) gas changing to a sitions are not evident from the questions themselves. We de- solid (D) gas changing to a liquid scribe the conversion approach taken, appropriate evaluation DA: Water freezing is an example of what? liquid changing to a metrics, and several strong models. Although high, the best solid | phase transition | change of state of matter | a change in scores (81% GENIE, 61.4% F1, 63.2% ROUGE-L) still leave state | state change considerable room for improvement. In addition, the dataset provides a natural setting for new research on explanation, as MC: How are the stem of a tree and the stem of a flower most many questions require reasoning to construct answers. We similar? (A) Both are soft. (B) Both have thorns. (C) Both support hope the dataset spurs further advances in complex question- the plant. [correct] (D) Both have woody bark. answering by the community.1 DA: How are the stem of a tree and the stem of a flower most similar? both support the plant | support leaves | both carry water | both carry nutrients | they support the plant Introduction Multiple-choice (MC) datasets are popular and common in Figure 1: Multiple-choice (MC) questions from ARC, and the NLP community, e.g., CommonsenseQA (Talmor et al., their direct answer (DA) equivalents in the new ARC-DA 2019), OpenbookQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018), and VCR dataset. Alternative DA answers are separated by a |. (Zellers et al., 2019), in particular because of the ease of automatic evaluation. However, they have two notable draw- backs: First, they are unnatural (real-world questions rarely come with answer options). Second, the multiple-choice for- HotpotQA (Yang et al., 2018), DROP (Dua et al., 2019), and mat is particularly susceptible to artifacts, where systems ROPES (Lin et al., 2019), are crowdsourced, and thus tend learn short-cuts to obtain a high score (Gururangan et al., to explore a single, specific style of reasoning in a controlled 2018). setting. Similarly, while there are many NLP datasets of direct- What is missing, still, are direct-answer (DA) datasets of answer questions (also called “open response” or “freeform” natural questions exploring a wide variety of problem types questions), e.g., SQuaD (Rajpurkar et al., 2016), TriviaQA and reasoning styles, and where answers are not constrained (Joshi et al., 2017), and NaturalQuestions (Kwiatkowski to be spans of a source text. This work alleviates this gap by et al., 2019), the majority of these are span-retrieval supplying such a dataset, namely ARC-DA, a direct-answer (“lookup”) tasks where a question is matched against a version of the ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge) multiple- given/retrieved sentence or paragraph to identify an answer choice dataset (Clark et al., 2018). Note that ARC-DA ques- span. The few DA datasets that do target reasoning, e.g., tions are not necessarily more difficult than the original ARC questions (we find scores on ARC-DA are roughly similar 1 ARC-DA is available at to those on ARC), rather they are more natural, avoiding the
multiple-choice format. 1. Initial Question Filtering: Remove questions where the The original ARC dataset contained questions collected question sentence4 contains one of several empirically- from a large number of science exam and quiz sources. It chosen filter phrases, e.g., “Which of”.5 Questions con- has proven useful for the community, stimulating new re- taining these phrases were observed to usually be ill- search in reasoning-based QA, e.g., (Musa et al., 2019; Bo- formed without the answer options, e.g., “Which of these ratko et al., 2018; Ni et al., 2019; Xie et al., 2020), and as of items contains only a liquid?”. January 2021 has 35 entries on its leaderboard2 . ARC is par- 2. Collecting Answers: Each question was then posed to ticularly interesting from an NLP perspective: the questions five independent crowdworkers as a DA question, and the were authored by human experts (e.g., examination boards), workers were asked to: they are sensible and high quality, they avoid the repetition common to crowdsourced datasets, they are highly varied • Answer the question (enter a free-form answer). If in both the language they use and the reasoning skills they there were multiple answers, they were asked to enter are designed to probe, and they are practical, understand- two or three. able, and motivating. Arguably, the combination of these • Identify if the question had one, several, or many an- factors makes the dataset a useful “Grand Challenge” for swers, or if the question was nonsensical. the field (Clark and Etzioni, 2016) (The current top score on If the question was too ambiguous or nonsensical, the ARC-Challenge is 81.1%, thus still with room for improve- crowdworker had the option of not providing an answer. ment). The work here, ARC-DA, thus builds on this, pro- The crowdworker interface is shown in Appendix A. viding a direct-answer version of part of the ARC dataset. 3. Additional Filtering: The questions were further filtered, Several examples of original ARC questions and the ARC- only retaining: DA versions are shown in Figure 1. We first describe the method used for the conversion, and • questions that had answers from at least two workers. then present baseline scores using strong T5-based mod- • questions where at least two worker-provided answers els. Evaluating DA questions poses an additional challenge, had some non-stop-word overlap. compared with scoring MC questions. To address this chal- Otherwise the question was deemed too open-ended and lenge, we use both human judgements (obtained with GE- rejected. NIE, an automated crowdscoring pipeline (Khashabi et al., 2021)), and automated metrics. Although high, the best In-House Review scores (81% GENIE, 61.4% F1, 63.2% ROUGE-L) still The resulting questions were then reviewed by in-house leave considerable room for improvement. In addition, the (“expert”) workers, who performed the following opera- dataset provides a natural setting for new research on ex- tions: planation, as many questions require reasoning to construct answers. We encourage the community to make use of 1. Question Filtering: Rejected questions that still ap- this dataset to make further progress in advanced question- peared too open-ended (e.g., “Name an insect.”). answering. 2. Answer Verification: Reviewed crowdworker answers to remove incorrect answers, and add additional missed an- ARC-DA Dataset swers. Naı̈vely, one can convert MC to DA simply by removing the 3. Question Rewording: Reworded questions that were answer choices, and using the correct answer choice as the poorly phrased or incomplete as standalone questions, target answer.3 However, there are several problems that can e.g., “The cell structure that makes a plant cell more rigid arise: than an animal cell is the” becomes “The cell structure • There may be multiple ways of wording the correct an- that makes a plant cell more rigid than an animal cell is swer. called what?” • There may be multiple possible correct answers, and in 4. Answer Modification: For long (wordy) answers, ensure some cases too many to enumerate all of them. that a shorter version including just the salient terms is • The question itself may be ill-defined without answer op- also present. For example, for the question: “In what form tions. does water vapor exist in the atmosphere?”, the crowd- workers gave two answers: “An invisible gas in the air”, To address these problems, we convert the 7787 ARC MC and “An invisible gas”. As the simple answer “gas” is suf- questions to DA using the process described below. ficient for this question, the expert would add “gas” as an Crowdworker Annotation additional answer option. 4 We start with a large scale crowdsourcing process to filter Many questions are multi-sentence, with a preamble before the questions to those suitable for the DA setting and collect actual question sentence. 5 alternative correct answers for them: The filter phrases are: which of, most, best, least, est, order, supports, characteristic, trait, which object, which statement, be- 2 low, which is, which are, example, which term, conclusion, which 3 Indeed, this is the approach taken by (Lin et al., 2020) to use would, which item, which action, which two, which sentence, (a filtered subset of) ARC in a direct-answer setting. which one, sequence, which fact, which . 2
Train Dev Test num. questions 1250 338 1397 num. answers per qn (avg) 2.75 2.72 2.92 num. words per answer (avg) 2.11 1.94 2.27 Table 1: Statistics of ARC-DA, with 2985 total questions. Rating Score strongly agree 1.00 agree 0.75 neutral 0.50 disagree 0.25 strongly disagree 0.00 Table 2: GENIE’s crowdworker ratings of a model’s answers Knowledge Types are mapped to real-value scores as shown. This process was run over the entire ARC question set. Ap- proximately 60% of the original questions were removed during crowdworker annotation (50% in the initial question filtering, 10% more in the additional filtering), followed by another 10% during in-house review, resulting in 2985 ques- tions in the final ARC-DA dataset. Although the final dataset is less that half the size of ARC, it is still large enough for models to learn the style of the task (e.g., see Table 3 later), without simply memorizing the task itself, thus avoiding large-scale supervised training pitfalls. This trend towards more realistically sized datasets is seen elsewhere also, e.g., OBQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018), QASC (Khot et al., 2019), Reasoning Types TRACIE (Zhou et al., 2020). Figure 2: Comparison of the distribution of questions among Train/Dev/Test Split different knowledge (top) and reasoning types (bottom), We retain the same train/dev/test labels for questions as in comparing ARC with ARC-DA. Overall, the distributions the original ARC dataset, resulting in approximately simi- are roughly similar. Data is from sampled annotations cre- lar proportions as ARC. We also do not separate the orig- ated by (Boratko et al., 2018). For a detailed description of inal ARC-Easy and ARC-Challenge questions, but instead the categories, see (Boratko et al., 2018). merge them into a single dataset. We do this because the la- bels “Easy” and “Challenge” were based on the MC choices. (Switching from MC to DA can result in a “Hard” ques- a result, scoring is necessarily approximate. However, this tion becoming conceptually easy, and vice versa). However, should not be a reason to shy away from such problems; we do retain the original Easy/Challenge labels as metadata valid comparisons can still be made, and there are obvious in the ARC-DA dataset. The resulting dataset statistics are benefits to working in the more realistic DA setting. summarized in Table 1. We propose two ways to score answers to ARC-DA: The first is human scoring via GENIE6 , a human-in-the-loop Knowledge and Reasoning Types leaderboard framework that scores answers using an auto- We found that the distribution of knowledge and reasoning mated crowdsourced pipeline (Khashabi et al., 2021). GE- types required by ARC-DA questions, as classified by Bo- NIE streamlines the human scoring of machine-generated ratko et al. (2018), to be roughly the same as in ARC, see answers by automatically posting them on crowdsourcing Figure 2 (created using Boratko et al’s data). For a detailed platforms, collecting qualitative human judgements (con- description of these categories, see (Boratko et al., 2018). verted to numeric scores using the rubric in Table 2), then performing statistical analyses to quantify uncertainty. It Evaluation Metrics also includes various constraints to ensure quality control. To use GENIE, we submit our answers to the leaderboard, It’s not immediately clear how one should score answers to then wait for the task to complete (which follows a fixed, pe- DA questions. Doing this is more difficult than for MC ques- riodic schedule). Note that GENIE is publicly available for tions, as (usually) the set of gold DA answers is incomplete. other researchers interested in this dataset. Further, even if the answer is unique conceptually (e.g., the Second, we consider two popular automatic metrics to answer “gravity”) it may be phrased in multiple ways (“the 6 force of gravity” “gravitational force”, “gravitation”, ...). As Available at 3
score answers by comparing them to the (typically incom- Score (Test Set) plete) set of gold answers, namely ROUGE and an F1 word- Model: GENIE F1 ROUGE-L overlap measure. T5 + ARC-DA (no IR) 66+3 −3 50.0 UnifiedQA + ARC-DA (no IR) 72+2 53.5 55.7 For ROUGE (Lin et al., 2006), we use the F1 score for −3 UnifiedQA + ARC-DA (w/ IR) 75+2 −2 59.6 61.2 the ROUGE-L variant which considers the longest common UnifiedQA + ARC-DA/MC (no IR) 75+2 55.4 57.5 subsequence, thus penalizing words out of order.7 For the −2 UnifiedQA + ARC-DA/MC (w/ IR) 81+2 −2 61.4 63.2 simple F1 word-overlap measure, we adopt the conventions from the SQuAD dataset (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) in terms of ignoring punctuation and a few stop words. For both Table 3: Results on ARC-DA test set (1397 questions), both ROUGE and F1, we take the maximum score over all of without and with IR, according to different metrics. GENIE the gold answers for a given question (i.e., an answer is is a human (crowdsourced) metric, F1 and ROUGE-L are scored against its best-matching gold answer), and then av- automated metrics. The GENIE score includes a confidence erage over all the questions. interval (+/-), as shown. (GENIE is our preferred measure.) We note that both ROUGE and F1 have known intrinsic pitfalls. For example, as F1 ignores word order, the pre- Score (Dev Set) diction “from solid to liquid” would be considered a perfect Model: EXPERT F1 ROUGE-L match for the gold answer “from liquid to solid”. UnifiedQA + ARC-DA (no IR) 78.8 53.9 55.4 UnifiedQA + ARC-DA (w/ IR) 84.0 63.0 65.2 For these reasons, our preferred metric for ARC-DA is UnifiedQA + ARC-DA/MC (no IR) 78.7 55.5 59.5 GENIE (despite the turnaround time), which also alleviates UnifiedQA + ARC-DA/MC (w/ IR) 85.9 63.7 66.8 the problem of missing gold answers. Table 4: Results on ARC-DA dev set (338 questions). Here Empirical Evaluation we show human evaluation by one of the authors (EXPERT), We next describe a few strong baseline systems for ARC-DA rather than GENIE scores. and report their performance. Baseline Models a max of Na training examples per question. In our ex- periments, we used Na = 4. Each training instance thus To build a strong baseline model, we start with (a reimple- has a single gold answer, and the fine-tuning otherwise fol- mentation of) UnifiedQA (Khashabi et al., 2020), a QA sys- lows the T5 procedure of using teacher forcing (Williams tem trained on multiple QA datasets using the text-to-text and Zipser, 1989). Note there is a (deliberate) asymmetry pretrained T5 transformer (Raffel et al., 2020) (we use the in train/test: Each training instance encourages the system 11B version). We then fine-tune two models on ARC-DA, to predict a particular gold answer, while each test output one using sentences retrieved from a general corpus of text is considered correct if it predicts any of the gold answers. K, and one without. The input to these models is the ques- This style of teaching for questions with multiple answers tion Q (plus retrieved sentences, for the first model). The has been found effective in previous work, e.g., (Bosselut desired output is a correct answer to Q. We call the result- et al., 2019; Rashkin et al., 2018). ing models UnifiedQA + ARC-DA. For the “without IR” variant, the same process is applied For the “with IR” (Information Retrieval) variant of Uni- except the input to the model is simply: fiedQA + ARC-DA, given a question Q, we retrieve 10 sen- $question$ = Q tences K1 , ..., K10 from the corpus K using Q as the search query (here, using ElasticSearch). For K, we use the Aristo Since UnifiedQA is question-format agnostic,8 we also Corpus, a Web-crawled corpus containing 280GB of general create variants of the above models (again with and with- and science-related sentences augmented with ≈80k addi- out retrieval) by fine-tuning them jointly on ARC-DA as tional science textbook sentences (Clark et al., 2016). The described above as well as on the original multiple choice input to the model is then: questions of ARC. The resulting models are referred to as UnifiedQA + ARC-DA/MC. $question$ = Q ; $context$ = K1 ...K10 The desired output of the model is a correct answer to the Results question. To train the model, since we (typically) have mul- The results for the models are shown in Table 3. To help tiple, alternative gold target answers A1 , ..., An in the train- interpret the GENIE scores, note that crowdworkers label ing data, we generate Na training examples for each ques- answers according to the rubric and corresponding real val- tion, where each example uses a randomly sampled answer ues as shown in Table 2. For comparison, one of the authors from Ai . In other words, each individual gold answer (of manually scored the answers on the development set, us- which there are a few per question) and unique question are ing a principle of partial credit for non-ideal answers; this is used to construct an individual training example, capped at shown under the EXPERT column of Table 4. 7 8 We use the implementation from That is, given an MC question, UnifiedQA will output an an- research/google-research/tree/master/rouge, with stemming turned swer choice label; while given a DA question, UnifiedQA will gen- on. erate an answer directly. 4
There are several results of note. First, the scores training is helping answer DA questions. This phenomenon are high in absolute terms, with the human-scored GE- is reminiscent of the discovery in the original UnifiedQA pa- NIE/EXPERT numbers being roughly comparable to scores per that multi-format training can provide an overall boost in on the original MC questions, found to be 86.8%/92.6% individual scores (Khashabi et al., 2020). without/with IR.9 This suggests that the DA questions are not necessarily harder than the MC versions, despite the for- Summary mat change, although they are more natural (non-multiple- Progress in QA requires new datasets in more realistic set- choice). While intuitively one might expect DA questions tings, for example using natural questions that require more to be more difficult to answer as the number of potential an- than a “lookup” answer. The ARC-DA dataset addresses this swers changes from 4 to a potentially infinite number, some need, containing a direct answer version of (a subset of) the may also be easier as any correct answer is valid, allowing ARC multiple-choice questions. These questions are expert the model to sidestep subtle distinctions that may be used in (examination board) authored, high quality, sensible, and the MC choices. avoid the repetition common to crowdsourced datasets, mak- Second, the GENIE scores slightly underestimate the ing them of particular interest to NLP. We have also shown “true” score, which we take as the EXPERT score (Table 4), that baseline scores, although strong, are far from perfect, namely the score one might expect to receive in an exami- offering a new challenge to the NLP community, as well as nation setting with a professional grader. This may be due a new setting to study explanation in the context of ques- to occasional annotation errors and/or unreliable annotators tions requiring reasoning. We invite readers to take up this that slip through GENIE’s quality controls. (Also note the challenge! GENIE score in Table 3 is on the test set, while the EXPERT The ARC-DA dataset is available at score in Table 4 is on dev, which may account for some of, and the GENIE hu- the difference (test performance is typically slightly worse man evaluation framework is publicly available at than dev)). While in principle the upper bound on the EX- PERT score is 100%, namely for a perfect set of answers, our preliminary tests suggest the GENIE upper bound (for ARC-DA) may be around 90% for a perfect set of answers Acknowledgements due to this noise, given GENIE’s current pipeline (additional Thanks to all in the Aristo team and the additional expert improvements to GENIE are under consideration). reviewers Kirsten Barber, Rosann Morrow-Clark, Tao Li, Third, the automated metrics are only a loose approxi- and Anjali Tandon who contributed to this dataset. The mation of the true target. In absolute terms, there is a signif- TPU machines for conducting experiments were provided icant gap between the automated metrics (F1 and ROUGE- by Google. L) and the human evaluations (GENIE and EXPERT), sug- gesting that there are indeed additional answers and answer References phrasings missing in ARC-DA gold answers. We also see M. Boratko, H. Padigela, D. Mikkilineni, P. Yuvraj, R. 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Appendix A. Instructions to Crowdworkers Below are the instructions provided to the (Amazon Mechanical Turk) crowdworkers for answering DA questions: Instructions (click here to collapse/expand instructions) This HIT is to write down some answers to 5 science questions, so that we can test an AI system (Aristo) that we are developing. The questions were originally taken from multiple choice exams, but we are wanting to convert them to "direct answer" format. Your task is to write down one or more answers to the questions. As the questions originally came from multiple choice exams, there may often be more than one answer. In those cases, please enter two or three possible answers separated by a ";", e.g., For Q: Which is an animal? you might enter three answers "dog; cat; elephant". Here is an example: Question: A ball is tossed up in the air and it comes back down. The ball comes back down because of Enter your answer(s): gravity (If you see more than one answer, enter two or three separated by ";", e.g. "flower; tree; plant".) Now select the appropriate option below about this question: There is a clear, single answer There is conceptually just one answer, but it could be expressed in different ways (enter 1-3 examples above) There are several (2-4) different, correct answers to this question (enter 2-3 examples above) There are many different, correct answers to this question (enter 2-3 examples) The question makes sense, but I don't know the answer (enter "don't know" as the answer) This question doesn't make sense or is unanswerable (enter "?" as the answer) Comment: In this case, there's one clear answer ("gravity"), hence the worker has entered it and checked the first box. Some more examples are below, please read them carefully! Some important notes: Some questions might sound a little strange. This is because they were originally a multiple choice question. Try and answer it as best you can. For "Which..." questions, think of these as asking a "What..." question, for example: Question: What is an example of an animal? Your answer (for example): dog; cat; mouse put down two or three example answers separated by a ";", e.g., "dog; cat; elephant". If you can see a couple of ways of answering a question, put them down separated by a ";". For example: Question: Sleet, rain, snow, and hail are forms of: Your answer (for example): weather; bad weather; precipitation Question: Which type of energy does a person use to pedal a bicycle? Your answer (for example): motion; kinetic energy Some answers might be a phrase or sentence, e.g.,: 7
Feel free to use the internet to help get information. BUT If you happen to find exactly this question on the internet (e.g., as part of a multiple-choice exam), please don't read the answer and in particular don't copy in the multiple-choice answer! We are wanting "natural" answers to this question rather than the original multiple choice answer, so copying in the multiple-choice answer defeats the point. If you're unsure, or it's taking too long to work out the answer, enter "don't know" and select the "I don't know the answer" choice If the question doesn't make sense or is unanswerable, enter "?". For categorizing the question, just use your best judgement. Thank you for your help! You rock! 1. Examples of questions where there is a clear, single answer Q:In New York State, the longest period of daylight occurs during which month? Your Answer: June Q: Which form of energy is needed to change water from a liquid to a gas? A: heat Comment: In these cases, there's one clear answer. 2. Examples of questions where There is conceptually just one answer, but it could be expressed in different ways Q: A dog opens its mouth and lets its tongue hang out. A human's body produces sweat. These are two ways that organisms may adjust to Your Answer (for example): warm weather; hot temperatures; hot weather; heat Q: What is the main source of energy for the water cycle? A: sun; sunlight; sunshine Comment: As there are several different ways of describing the answer, they are listed above separated by ";". Aim to enter two or three such variations. The above answers are just examples, others are possible. 3. Examples of questions where There are several different answers to this question Q: Water freezing is an example of Your answer (for example): a phase change; something solidifying Q: Which tool is used to measure the volume of a liquid? A: graduated cylinder; measuring cup; volumetric cylinder Q: Which characteristic is inherited rather than learned A: eye color; skin color Comment: The above answers are just examples, others are possible. 4. Examples of questions where There are many different answers to this question Q: Which food is a fruit? Your answer (for example): apple; banana; cherry Q: An example of a poor health habit is: 8
A: sitting around all day; eating candy; smoking Comment: The above answers are just examples, others are possible. 6. Examples of questions where the question doesn't make sense or is unanswerable (enter "?" as the answer) Q: Which is the largest? Your Answer: ? Q: Which animal is preparing for a seasonal change in the environment? A: ? Q: Which object is the best conductor of electricity? A: ? Comment: Enter a "?" if the question doesn't make sense or is unanswerable. Thank you for your help! You rock! 9
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