True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building

True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
Tr u e D  ig n B uil d S p  ia li st s

                                   During construction

                                     Finished building
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building




True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
                                                        Ironwood Building
                                                        Systems marked its
         4806D – 6A Street NE                           30th Anniversary
       Calgary, Alberta T2E 4B5                         in 2007 and we are
          Tel: (403) 277-1950                           proud to showcase
          Fax: (403) 277-2445                           our people, abilities,
                               achievements and
                                                        future goals with you in
                                                        this special publication.
                                                           Whether you are an
                                                        established customer,
                                                        or hearing about
                                                        Ironwood for the
                                                        first time, welcome!
             Contents                                   It is my hope that
                                                        you will learn more
Welcome ........................................ 3      about Ironwood and
                                                        that it will further
                                                        the connection
People ............................................ 4   between your building needs, and our design, manufacturing and
                                                        construction skills.
                                                           Ironwood Building Systems stands alone in the industry as a true
Sustainable Design Principles ..... 5                   designer, manufacturer and constructor of high quality, steel based
                                                        buildings for any purpose. Compared to standard steel buildings,
The Ironwood Systems ................ 7                 our systems make no compromise in fulfilling your specific end use.
                                                           From the very beginning, the same mindset has driven Ironwood
                                                        Building Systems’ management and staff. Our structures offer
Municipal Buildings .................... 10             unmatched long-term durability, high-tech energy efficiency,
                                                        the use of ecologically sustainable materials, extremely low
                                                        construction waste and safety under extreme environmental
Agriculture Buildings.................. 12              conditions.
                                                           One phrase can sum up our business: “It is about the quality.”
                                                           As an example, while we strive to offer the best value to your
Commercial Buildings ................ 14
                                                        infrastructure budget for the actual building construction, features
                                                        such as our R60 roof system and R28-32 “sandwich panel” walls
International News ..................... 18             will allow you to initially spend less for a lower cost heating/cooling
                                                        system than required for a conventional building, and then save
                                                        every following year on lower fuel costs.
Residential ................................... 19         For long-term peace of mind, the Ironwood Building Systems
                                                        Point Load Design offers superior strength in the high snow areas
                                                        of the Rockies, the winds of southern Alberta and the coastal
                                                        earthquake zones.
                                                           We are also proud that true ecological sustainability is achieved
                                                        in our structures by the use of steel recycled from automobiles
                                                        and manufactured wood members produced from five-year-cycle
PROJECT MANAGER                    Garry Harris         farmed trees. Truly a building that you can feel good about working
                             Tel: 403.560.5522          in.
                            Fax: 403.251.7881              To graphically illustrate just how Ironwood Building Systems
                         can improve your business, our new headquarters, scheduled for
                                                        completion in 2008, will incorporate the very best of our suppliers’
ART DIRECTOR                         Richart Bocxe      products, and our industry leading designs and construction
PUBLISHER                            Jim Thornton          I would like to thank our staff, management, suppliers and
                                                        business partners for the commitment and professionalism which
Published for IRONWOOD by:
                                                        makes it possible for Ironwood Building Systems to be your
Calgary, Alberta                                        premier structure provider.
Tel: (403) 287-9818                                  Sincerely,

All rights reserved ©2007 Printed in Canada             Lyle L. Schmidt, CEO / President

                                                                                                         IRONWOOD            3
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building

    Henry D. Driedger, P. Eng.                       Jason C. Dyck
    Senior Systems Engineer / VP                     Senior Project Manager

    Henry started consulting to Ironwood in          Jason joined Ironwood in 1993 as a labourer,
    1985, and then joined the Ironwood team          then Apprenticed as a metal building
    in 1993 as our Systems Engineer. In 1997,        erector and finally achieving his goal as a
    Henry became a partner, the Senior Systems       Journeyman. Jason’s hard work and unique
    Engineer and the Vice President, heading         abilities has moved him from Labourer to
    up our Product Services Division. Henry’s        Journeyman to Foreman to Construction
    background in structural steel and in building   Manager and now today as Senior Project
    systems has contributed greatly in allowing      Manager heading up our Construction
    Ironwood to grow into a major Design-Build,      Division.
    Engineering and Construction company.

True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
Ironwood Building Systems strives to achieve current industry sustainable design principles:

1. Energy Efficiency                   technologies on a net zero pollution       4. Construction Waste
The use of passive heating and        basis is preferred.                        As far as possible, minimize
cooling technologies is encouraged.                                              construction dust and waste, and re-
                                      3. Indoor Environment                      use construction materials.
2. Renewable Energy and               The use of non-toxic materials for
   Materials                          better indoor air quality (IAQ) and day-   5. Landscape Maintenance
The use of renewable materials,       lighting to all work areas is of primary   Provide a landscape maintenance
materials with low embodied energy    consideration.                             program without pesticides or
and the use of power from renewable                                              herbicides.

                                                                                 6. Recycled Water and
                                                                                 Rainwater harvesting technologies
                                                                                 and provision of alternate storm
                                                                                 water management strategies, which
                                                                                 recharge groundwater and supplement
                                                                                 on-site irrigation, are encouraged.

                                                                                 7. Waste Water
                                                                                 Treat grey water with an on-site
                                                                                 system like a bio-swale rather than
                                                                                 discharging to the public sewer

                                                                                 10. Noise Control and Pollution
                                                                                 Incorporate suitable acoustic measures
                                                                                 to reduce noise levels emanating from
                                                                                 the site.

                                                                                 11. Energy Efficient Lighting
                                                                                 Energy efficient light fixtures are used
                                                                                 for lighting all indoor work areas and

                                                                                 12. Fixture Types
                                                                                 Provide dual flush and/or low flush
                                                                                 toilets and fixtures.

                                                                                 13. Limit Use of Material Finishing
                                                                                 Improve indoor air quality and
                                                                                 sustainability by limiting unnecessary
    ������������������������                                                     material finishing on both exterior and
    �����������������������                                                      interior surfaces.
                                                 ���������������                 14. On-Site Recycling
                                                                                 Provide for on-site recyclable-content
                                                                                 collection and thereby reduce garbage

   ������������������������                                                      for the landfill site.

                                                                                 15. Live and Work
 �������������                                                �����������             Opportunity
 �������������                                         ������������������        Provide a residential suite for “on-site
 ������������������                                   ������������������         live and work” opportunity.
 �������������������                                 �������������������

                                                                                                  IRONWOOD              5
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
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6        IRONWOOD
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
Ironwood Building Systems offers custom made
           as well as our standard systems

True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
IRONWOOD ENGINEERED                                                     IRONWOOD GUIDE TO PRODUCTS
BUILDING SYSTEMS                                                        AND SERVICE
and “COMBINATION” buildings are engineered to conform to the            One of the key attributes of IRONWOOD BUILDING SYSTEMS LTD.
requirements of the latest edition of the National Building Code        is our ability to work within a wide range of design specifications.
(NBC) of Canada. The design flexibility which allowed us to develop      With our three main building systems -”WOOD-STEEL”, “ALL-
our three main building systems also gives the ability to combine       STEEL”, and our latest “COMBINATION”, we are able to provide
the features of pre - engineered buildings with conventional            solutions for practically all design problems, including firewalls,
technology whenever applicable. The result of our emphasis on           high insulation values, low maintenance finishes and easy future
the “BUILDING SYSTEM” is our ability to provide the best solution       expansion as your business grows.
possible for your building needs and minimize on - site labour
                                                                        ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENTS
STRAIGHT COLUMNS                                                        A unique IRONWOOD feature is our ability to enhance our basic
IRONWOOD BUILDINGS are designed to provide the maximum                  building systems to fit most architectural requirements. By
useable space inside the building. The straight columns enable          incorporating features such as surface applied accents, custom
traffic paths, placement of furniture, equipment, shelving and           facades, stucco panels and other conventional finishing methods
overhead fixtures adjacent to the walls. In an Institutional /           (brick and stucco), we are able to provide a building which will
Recreational building this means no structural obstacles to             blend with any design environment. We also carry one of the
negotiate. For the Commercial / Industrial building owner the           widest varieties of cladding products available in the industry,
straight wall does not limit the useable floor area by more than the     ranging from hidden fasteners systems to curved panels!
size or the goods at the floor level even when stacked high in the
building. In addition bridge cranes can provide better coverage of
the floor area inside a straight column IRONWOOD BUILDING.               CONSTRUCTION SERVICES
                                                                        Ironwood has always maintained a hands-on approach in the
OPEN WEB TRUSSES                                                        Construction Industry. We have found that by staying involved in
Our open web truss design provides the strength required for            General Contracting we are constantly taking on new and exciting
a variety of roofing systems and snow loadings with clear span           projects, thus enabling us to stay on the Industry’s leading edge.
distances to 160 feet or more. Intermediate columns with a webbed       Ironwood’s foremost marketing approach is with a dealer network
truss permits a building of virtually any size. The IRONWOOD            throughout Western Canada. We service the local market with our
straight truss is a standard in our building packages with the option   own construction division. By doing so, we remain extremely
of substituting the parallel or tapered trusses. We have the ability    competitive on all sizes of projects. Our work ranges from small
to work with our customers in designing the structural systems          storage buildings to large warehousing and manufacturing
which will best suit their individual building project.                 facilities.

IRONWOOD BUILDING SYSTEMS offers the choice of steel and/               ENGINEERING SERVICES
or wood secondary framing. Our steel framing systems provide            A key to the success of any manufacturing company is its
long bay spans and non - combustible construction, while wood           technical expertise. Ironwood’s Engineering and Technical staff
secondary framing allows high insulation values and substantial         provide the years of experience required to identify and solve
cost savings in framing and finishing. The low cost of either system     the many problems designers and architects are typically faced
leaves more of the budget free for architectural treatments and         with. We have a unique ability to combine the best features of
upgrading interior finishes.                                             both pre-engineered and conventional technology to produce
                                                                        the best product for the application. Our people are committed to
CLADDING FINISHES                                                       providing fast, effective service required to keep our customers
IRONWOOD offers one of the most comprehensive selections of             satisfied and to bring projects in on time !
cladding products available in the industry. Especially attractive
are the architectural metal roof and wall systems provided by
AEP SPAN in a wide assortment of colours and profiles. Further
information on cladding products and accessories is available in
IRONWOOD’S building products catalogues.

Northern Lights Trucking

                                                                                           CALGARY, AB
specializing in structural steel and                                                Phone: 403-612-4477
over dimensional speciality hauling                                                   Fax: 403-938-7456

                                                                                                                  IRONWOOD                9
True D ign Build Sp ialists - During construction Finished building
Municipal Buildings

     Recreation Centre
     Beaumont, AB

                           Recreation Centre
                           Gull Lake, AB

Dance Hall
Lake Louise, AB

Fire Hall
Exshaw, AB


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                                                       IRONWOOD     11
Agricultural Buildings                                          Equestrian Centre

     Riding Arena                                                             Box Stalls


Farm Shop                                         Equipment Storage

 Hay Storage                                       Seed Cleaning

         One of many 4-H and other
       community projects sponsored
       by Ironwood Building Systems
           over the past 30 years.




                                                                                    IRONWOOD          13
Auto Sales

     Condo Bays

                                                    Car and Truck Wash

     Self Storage                                   Hangar

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Tire Store                       Saturn Dealership

Quick Lube                       Processing Plant

Professional Building            Office/Shop

Grasse Lumber Sales Ltd.

 �����������������������������   ���������������
                                                     IRONWOOD   15
Steel - Aluminum
 Stainless Copper
     Proud To Have Partnered With
      Ironwood For Over 25 Years

 Industries Served:
 • Metal Building:
      Flashings, Sub-Girts, Roof Curbs                ��������������������������������������������������

 • Glazing:                                   ��������������                             ����������������
      Backpans, Laminated Panels,             ��������������������������������     �����������������������
      Brakeshapes                             �������������������                   ���������������������
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 • Signage:
      Sign Blanks, Posts,Wayfinding,
      Exclusive All Metal Sign Board System

     Grant Metal Products


Ford Dealership

Truck Shop                          Commercial Retail

Office/Shop                          Church

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                                                                     IRONWOOD                17
Calgary high-tech shelter
         protects volcano victims
     DAVID HEYMAN                                                              several times over.
     Calgary Herald                                                            “It’s very rewarding,” said
                                                                               Karen Larsen, the vice-president
     It can survive 240-kilomtere-per-                                         of projects for Maranatha, who
     hour winds, severe earthquakes,                                           visited the island recently and
     searing-hot volcanic ash – and                                            saw the shelter packed with
     now the Calgary-designed 7,000-                                           refugees.
     square-foot shelter is a sanctuary                                        Other shelters on the island are
     for hundreds fleeing an erupting                                           also crammed with families who
     volcano on the Caribbean island      ics all over the world.              have lost everything, but are
     of Monserrat.                        The building, which can hold         making do with their uncomfort-
     “When we’re able to provide          200 people, has been used for        able situations.
     things like that, it’s a great op-   both temporary and permanent         “I visited one of the shelters in
     portunity,” said Henry Driedger,     housing for hundreds of escap-       Monserrat, saw how crowded
     vice-president of IRONWOOD           ing islanders.                       they were, saw how great they
     Building Systems. The company        Only 4,000 of Monserrat’s            were doing about being able to
     built the shelter here and shipped   12,000 residents remain on the       live together given the circum-
     it off to be completed on-site,      island since the volcano came to     stances and how they had been
     near the small island community      life in 1996. Volcanic ash and       able to negotiate their own living
     of St. John’s.                       boulders have claimed about          space and their food situation.
     Ironwood designed the structure      two-thirds of the 100-square ki-     These people have done really
     in August 1996 at the request of     lometer island, and most of the      well.”
     Maranatha Volunteers, a Califor-     residents have clustered around      Maranatha purchased the shelter
     nia-based Christian non-profit        the northern coast away from the     shell from IRONWOOD Build-
     charitable group that recruits       danger zone.                         ing Systems, including delivery,
     volunteers to construct orphan-      The Ironwood shelter is in the       and built it with volunteer labor.
     ages, churches, schools and clin-    safe zone and is proving its worth

                             SOUTHERN                                      ����������������
                              TRUCKING                                     ���������������������

18      IRONWOOD
Residential Buildings

                        IRONWOOD   19


                                   Ironwood Building
                                   Systems is building their

True Dign Build Spialists
                                   new shop in greener
                                   pastures! • 403-277-1950
                                   2007 is not only the year to celebrate
                                   their 30th Anniversary but also to
                                   begin building a brand new state-of-
                                   the-art facility.
                                     This expansion will give
                                   IRONWOOD the opportunity to
                                   serve their clients according to
                                   Alberta’s rapid growth.
                                     The new headquarters will
                                   be located in The Wagon Wheel
                                   Industrial Park east of Balzac and
                                   opening in 2008.
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