Tristel Stella for simple cystoscope reprocessing

Page created by Eddie Patel
Tristel Stella for simple cystoscope reprocessing
Tristel Stella for simple
cystoscope reprocessing

Time for a change at the                        Decontaminating cystoscopes
                                                Senior practice nurse Jacquie Fielding
Reading Urology Partnership                     explains, “We routinely perform
                                                flexible cystoscopies, which are
                                                endoscopies of the bladder via the
When the Reading Urology Partnership            urethra. The cystoscopes used to
moved away from the Berkshire                   perform this procedure must be
                                                cleaned and disinfected between uses.
Independent Hospital site and                   We have five consultants working here
into their own premises as part of              and the number of cystoscopies we
                                                perform varies but, for example, we
Berkshire Health Ltd, they needed               have done eight today. The practice

a quick yet reliable method of                  only has two cystoscopes so we are
                                                relying on them to be made ready for
decontaminating cystoscopes. Having             re-use quickly.”

researched all the possibilities, they          While the team was hospital-based,
opted for the convenience and rapid             a large Lancer washer was used for
                                                various endoscopes from a number
turnaround times afforded by the                of departments, including the
Tristel Stella disinfection system.             cystoscopes. The running time of the
                                                machine was at least 40 minutes,
                                                making the total turnaround time about
                                                an hour. Berkshire Health Limited
                                                looked into having a similar system
                                                for the new premises, but not only was
                                                there a large financial outlay it would
                                                also have required the removal of
                                                part of a wall. It is recommended that
                                                such disinfector washers are situated
                                                between a dirty room and a clean
                                                room to maintain the integrity of the
                                                disinfected item prior to surgery. Using
                                                an offsite decontamination service
                                                was another alternative. However,
                                                this would have required the purchase
Tristel’s portable Stella disinfection system
with Pulse attachment and sporicidal Fuse       of eight new cystoscopes. At a cost
for Instruments burstable sachet                of around £15,000 each this simply
                                                wasn’t viable.
Tristel Stella for simple cystoscope reprocessing
The main features of Stella:
                                                                                           • Controlled cycle time and
                                                                                           • Reduces amount of
                                                                                             disinfectant needed per cycle
                                                                                           • Unique shape creating
                                                                                             protective environment
                                                                                           • Single-use of disinfectant in a
                                                                                             manual process
                                                                                           • Best practice for partially
                                                                                             immersible instruments
                                                                                           • Recording of all events
                                                                                           • Small, battery powered,
                                                                                             mobile device
                                                                                           • Easy set-up and low
                                                                                           • Low capital investment

Stella is a revolution in                    Combined with a concave lid, this
                                             guarantees that all inner surfaces of the     The benefits of using Stella
instrument disinfection,                     compartment are also sterilised to prevent    Pulse Disinfection System
a system developed with                      later contamination of the cystoscope.        and Tristel chlorine dioxide
                                             Stella is a battery operated mobile device    based Fuse for Instruments
practicality in mind.                        that can be set up anywhere near a sink       include:
                                             or other drain reservoir. By detaching the
                                                                                           • Quick turnaround of
Introducing Stella                           Stella IQ control unit, the base and lid
                                                                                             instruments allows faster
Jacquie continues, “We were really           can double-function as a sterile case for
                                                                                             patient throughput
lacking suitable alternatives, then          transportation and short term storage.
one of our consultants saw the Tristel                                                     • Significant cost savings
Stella disinfection system at a British      Jacquie remarks, “The instrument                in comparison to a fully
Association of Urology Surgeons meeting      remains in the Stella case until use. In my     automated washer disinfector
and was bowled over by it. We were wary      experience, the unit is much lighter and
                                                                                           • Safety and peace of mind for
initially as it seemed too good to be true   easier to carry into the treatment room
                                                                                             doctors, nurses, infection
and there are so many rules about the        than the plastic trays used in hospitals.”
                                                                                             control officers and patients
cleaning of cystoscopes, but having done
thorough research we are delighted that       “When I joined the practice and saw the      • Fast, safe and convenient
Stella meets the necessary criteria.”        Stella in use, I was amazed,” adds Carol        decontamination of solid state
                                             Williams, practice nurse. “I was used to        catheters
The Reading Urology Partnership started      these big, industrial washers and the         • Recommended by catheter
using Stella in October 2011. The system     Stella was so small and easy to use. It         manufacturers, including
is designed for the disinfection of          seemed to be so perfectly designed.”            for use with high resolution
small and medium-sized heat-sensitive                                                        manometry catheters
instruments. It combines the simplicity of   In practice
manual soaking with the safety features      Jacquie continues, “Stella lives up to our
and sophistication of an automated           expectations. The cystoscope turnaround
washer-disinfector. Stella has a five        times are very quick – just a wash by hand
litre capacity and its inner compartment     and ten minutes in and out of the Stella
optimises the amount of disinfectant         – so around 20 minutes in total. An audit
needed to cover the instrument.              trail book is provided which includes a
The disinfectant fills the instrument        sheet to be inserted in the patient notes.
compartment and a small volume               A log can be printed regularly for practice
flows over the edges into the overflow       use.”
Tristel Stella for simple cystoscope reprocessing
“Another advantage of Stella is that it    Performing a service                         In conclusion
requires no maintenance and therefore       Julia Rahman, practice manager, joins        The team couldn’t believe that there
no maintenance contract,” adds Carol.       the conversation, “With the Stella, we       could be such a simple solution to their
“We’ve only once had a problem with         are able to plan cystoscopies as part of     needs. Jacquie concludes, “We were
the system. I phoned Tristel and they       our clinics, and provide a better service    amazed that no other urologists seemed
were incredibly helpful. The guy stayed     to consultants and patients as a result.     to be using it. Tristel put us in touch
on the phone until we’d managed to                                                       with a team in New Zealand who were
troubleshoot and solve the problem.         Around 20% of cystoscopies are               using Stella and they just raved about
He also followed up later to make sure      unscheduled but even if the cystoscope       it. Now, with six months use ourselves, I
everything was still ok.”                   isn’t yet prepared, it can be ready for      can completely understand why.”
                                            use in twenty minutes – a waiting time
The team also finds it reassuring being     that patients find perfectly acceptable.
responsible for their own cystoscope        In some urgent cases, the sooner
cleaning rather than sharing with           the cystoscopy can be performed,
other departments like they did             the sooner life-saving treatment can         For further details regarding Tristel’s
in the hospital. Jacquie explains,          commence. Or the sooner the patient is       Stella system, or to find out more about
“Not all endoscopes have the same           reassured they have the all clear.           any of Tristel’s other products, please
requirements and, unlike many others,                                                    contact:
cystoscopes must be kept sterile. In the    The Stella is a really neat piece of kit
past we have had to cancel cystoscopies     that does the job perfectly. It enables us   Tristel Solutions Limited
when there were problems with               to perform our service and to keep the       Lynx Business Park, Fordham Road,
sterilising the scope (either not kept      consultants happy.”                          Snailwell, Cambridgeshire, CB8 7NY
sterile or washer broke down). We’ve                                                     Tel: +44 (0)1638 721500
not been in that position since using the                                                Fax: +44 (0)1638 721911
Stella.”                                                                                 Email:

Tristel Solutions Ltd                                                                                April 2012
Tristel Stella for simple cystoscope reprocessing
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