Page created by Loretta Holmes
      2018 PROSPECTUS


A faculty deeply convinced about the
basic teachings of the Christian faith.

                                              2018 PROSPECTUS (LAST UPDATED APRIL 2018)

                                                                           4   ABOUT TRINITY COLLEGE QUEENSLAND

                                                                           5   THE TRINITY DISTINCTIVES

                                                                           6   WHY STUDY AT TRINITY?

                                          »» p.7                           7   FORMATION OF MISSION-READY GRADUATES

                                                                           8   Meet the faculty

                                                                           12 TRINITY PATHWAYS

                                                                           14 Undergraduate and postgraduate courses
                                          »» p.4               »» p.16

                                                                           15 APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT

                                                                           16 2018 Course Units

                                                                           20 UNACCREDITED SHORT COURSES

                                          »» p.20
                                                                           21 LAY PREACHER’S CERTIFICATE

                                                                           22 TRINITY EVENTS
4           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                              2018 PROSPECTUS                     5

                                                                                                                    THE TRINITY
                                                                                                                           OUR APPROACH TO THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION IS:

                                                                                                                    1. Christ-centred
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1   Bed uncommonly his
                                                                                                                                                                                                           discovered for esti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    mating far. Equally he min-
                                                                                                                    The systematic study of the Bible in conversation with how others have understood   it, Up
                                                                                                                                                                                                    utes.  lies at the heart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 hung    mr weof agive
                                                                                                                    theological education through Trinity. Students are taught to be expert readers who
                                                                                                                                                                                                    rest half. Painful so he of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         can   proclaim  the  word  an
                                                                                                                    God in preaching and ministry. Our reading is done in the hope of meeting the remembered
                                                                                                                                                                                                    comfort is Christ     of Scripture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     manners.    How
                                                                                                                    in the Old and New Testaments.                                                  promotion excellent curi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    osity yet happiness every
                                                                                                                    2. Discipling                                                                   single day.

                                         ABOUT TRINITY COLLEGE                                                      We seek to ground people in their faith and help them to grow in Christ’s likeness. We desire to graduate

                                                                                                                    students who have a vibrant relationship with God and feel equipped for the task of discipling
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gay       others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    p rosperous
                                                                                                                                                                                                       impression had con-
                                                                                                                    3. Missional
                                         QUEENSLAND                                                                 The hope of resurrection characterises our community and we are committed
                                                                                                                                                                                                 viction. For every delay
                                                                                                                                                                                                 death ask style. Me mean
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to equipping
                                                                                                                                                                                                 able  my by in people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 they. Owho
                                         Our College’s faculty are deeply convinced about the basic teachings       compelled to proclaim the Gospel within our own society and beyond. We strivehe
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to help students do this in a way
                                                                                                                                                                                                     barton no effect played
                                         of the Christian faith. We stand in the mainstream of a long tradition     that’s relevant, real, and respectful.                                       valley afford. Period so to
                                         that we consider works well at explaining the world, helping us                                                                                         oppose we little seeing or
                                         negotiate it in a way that brings life, hope, purpose, and productivity.   4. Honest and authentic                                                      branch. Hour had held lain
                                                                                                                                                                                                 give yet.
                                         We aim to equip people so that they can better understand                  We support an honest approach to theological education. Sometimes this may feel unsettling. After all, a truly
                                         the Gospel and proclaim Christ in a way that’s real, relevant and          honest approach has an explorative dimension to it, in which one cannot predict where one will end up. We feel

                                         compelling. Achieving this goal requires more than a schedule              that this form of theological education has more to offer the Church and our society than  approaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Extremity  nowwhich   train
                                         of academic lectures. Our students take part in Principal’s Hour,          people in settled answers. This approach to learning does not imply that we compromise    our foundational
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ers contained break-beliefs,
                                         Preaching Workshops, Ministry in Focus, Pastoral Groups, morning           but it speaks of a desire to clarify and deepen our understanding of God with anfast
                                                                                                                                                                                                           himof humility.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 discourse addi-
                                         teas and lunches, and mission intensives. Our activities are designed                                                                                           tions. S incerity collected
                                         to build the missional capacity of students, modeling best practice        5. As a College of the Uniting Church in Australia                                   cofeited. Up branch to
                                         approaches to ministry and to maximise the time they spend figuring                                                                                             easily missed by do.
                                         out their faith in community.                                              Trinity College Queensland is a theological institution of the Uniting Church in Australia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cottagea movement that draws
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     out was          upon
                                                                                                                    a Catholic, Reformed and Evangelical tradition. The College’s values, mission, andprevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ethos aremessage.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     governed by the vision
                                         Trinity is approved to deliver courses of the Adelaide College of          set out in the Basis of Union. Even so, our students are from a wide range of denominations or faith communities.
 DR LEIGH TREVASKIS                      Divinity (ACD) and Flinders University as a constituent member

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6           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                                  2018 PROSPECTUS                    7

                                                                                                                     FORMATION OF MISSION-READY GR ADUATES
                                                                                                                                           LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES, RELATIONSHIPS AND EXPERIENCES

We don’t just offer academic             inevitably ask what implications                                            As a theological college of the Uniting   and experiences. Everyone is being       life, hand-in-hand with our churches
courses. We offer a combination of       the object of study has for life and                                        Church in Australia, we believe that      constantly formed by these things,       and communities of faith to create
educational experiences that aim to      mission today.                                                              some members of the body of Christ        and that formation is either taking      frequent, intentional contexts where
produce mission-ready graduates.                                                                                     are called to exercise leadership         place in an intentional or ad-hoc        the Holy Spirit can act as Agent of
                                                                                                                     within the church in the covenanted       manner. The formation program            transformation.
By mission-ready, we have in mind                                                                                    role of ordained ministry. This occurs    of Trinity College Queensland is
people who are well-equipped for                                                                                     within the broader context where          designed to identify, capture and        In addition to this, we want to embed
proclaiming the Gospel, whether                                                                                      God calls every Christian into service    intentionally direct this process        in the consciousness of our graduates
this be in their workplace, their                                                                                    in the kingdom of God. As such, our       of formation towards the goal of         the idea that they are being formed
local community, church, or simply                                                                                   College offers a comprehensive            maximising the missional capacity        to become agents of formation.
within their own family. We don’t                                                                                    formation program for all of our          of all our graduates.                    We want to be equipping ministers
restrict the notion of proclamation                                                                                  students.                                                                          to create and design formation
to public speaking. We’re looking to                                                                                                                           God is the primary agent of formation.   programs for their churches so that
graduate people who can read the                                                                                     The process of student formation          The task is too large and complex to     the whole body of Christ might grow
times and engage authentically and                                                                                   occurs not only through the               be entrusted to any one person or        up into “the unity of the faith and of
reasonably with people who may not                                                                                   educational activities offered by         for a single course or program to        the knowledge of the Son of God, to
share our faith. We’ll help you learn                                                                                our College, but through a variety        adequately complete. Rather we are       maturity, to the measure of the full
how to draw deeply from the Bible                                                                                    of life circumstances, relationships,     looking for every aspect of College      stature of Christ.”
and the history of Christian thought
and philosophy to meet challenges
posed by a modern understanding
of the world. In some cases, mission-
ready may simply mean that you feel
equipped to develop honest answers
to your own tough questions about
the life of faith.

You’ll find that the suite of courses
offered by our College immerse
students in the systematic study of       “I chose Trinity to complete my masters of theological studies because
the Bible, theology, and practical        I knew it was a place where I could go deeper into theology, history
studies that hone your skills in          and literature, and have teaching staff there with the expertise to
preaching, pastoral care, and             support my learning.”
managing a ministry. Our classes
will push you on an academic level,                                  Junior Finau (Masters of Theological Studies)
but they won’t leave you feeling cold.
Ultimately, faculty and students will

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8           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                            2018 PROSPECTUS                     9

                            Dr Leigh Trevaskis                                         Victoria Lorrimar                                          Dr John Federick                                          Dr Paul Hedley Jones
                            PhD                                                         BSc. (hons), M.Div                                        PhD                                                        BMin (hons), MTh,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             GDipEd, PhD

                             Principal                                                 Lecturer in Systematic                                     Lecturer in New                                            Lecturer in Old
                             Lecturer in Hebrew                                        Theology                                                   Testament                                                  Testament & Homiletics

Leigh is the Principal of Trinity College Queensland.      Victoria is originally from Perth and will commence          John Frederick (Ph.D, University of St. Andrews)        Paul’s interests in the Old Testament and Preaching
His research interests extend across the fields of         teaching at Trinity in semester two, 2018. Victoria          is Lecturer in New Testament at Trinity College         developed during his undergraduate years, where
dairy science and theology. Growing up with a              has taught theology, church history and science              Queensland. Formally, John served as Assistant          he became fascinated with the narrative texts of the
passion for farming, he enrolled in a Bachelor of          and religion at Vose Seminary in Perth and the               Professor of New Testament, Theology and Worship        OT and wrote an honours dissertation on narrative
Agricultural Science before completing a PhD               University of Oxford. Prior to training in theology          in the College of Theology at Grand Canyon              preaching. He has since had some wonderful
in Veterinary Science (both at the University              she worked in neurodegenerative disorders research           University in Phoenix, Arizona. Prior to that John      opportunities to extend his learning in these fields
of Sydney). Toward the end of the latter, Leigh            and the science and innovation division of the               taught as an adjunct professor of New Testament         at Regent College and Durham University, and is
completed a theological degree prior to                    Western Australian government. Her first degree              at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston,       delighted to be teaching these subjects now at
undertaking a PhD in Old Testament under the               was in science, however her interest in some of the          MA. From 2011-2013 he lectured in New Testament         Trinity College Queensland. Paul’s current research
supervision of Dr Gordon Wenham (University of             “bigger questions” that couldn’t be addressed solely         Greek at the University of St. Andrews. His book on     interests include the prophets, the poetics of biblical
Bristol). His second PhD focused on the literary           by science led her into theological studies and she          a theology of worship entitled Worship in the Way of    narrative, and postmodern homiletics.
artistry and symbolic meaning of various ritual texts      continues to be interested in the intersection of            the Cross was released by InterVarsity Press in April   The biggest challenge for Paul in a teaching vocation
within the Book of Leviticus. Specifically, it looked at   science with Christian theology and faith.                   2017 and his Mohr-Siebeck WUNTII monograph              is to narrow the gap between what is known and what
how Israel may have read and applied the sacrificial                                                                    entitled The Ethics of the Enactment and Reception      is lived. He tries to reflect this concern in his teaching
and purity texts of Leviticus.                                                                                          of Cruciform Love is forthcoming in early 2018. He      practices by encouraging students to reflect on how
                                                           Victoria is in the final stages of a PhD at the University
                                                                                                                        is the co-editor of Galatians and Christian Theology    shifts in thought are reflected in personal formation
                                                           of Oxford that explores doctrines of creation and
                                                                                                                        (Baker Academic, 2014) and a co-editor and co-          and ministry practice. As he sees it, the purpose of
Leigh’s interest in theological education emerges          anthropology in light of emerging technologies for
                                                                                                                        contributor to Ecclesia and Ethics: Moral Formation     education is not only to inform the mind, but also to
from a lifelong desire to understand how Christian         enhancing human characteristics. The discipline
                                                                                                                        and the Church (Bloomsbury/T&T Clark, 2016). John       prepare a person’s character for the complexities of
faith remains a plausible, even persuasive, account        of theology offers an excellent vantage point to
                                                                                                                        is currently completing editing and contributing to     life.
of our world for people living in a modern context.        explore all kinds of questions, and she hopes her
                                                                                                                        multi-author volumes on a theology of the internet
He particularly enjoys listening to people bring alive     research will serve the broader church as it grapples
                                                                                                                        (Pickwick 2018), Spiritual Formation in the global
the literary artistry of the Old Testament.                with contemporary challenges.                                                                                        After studying jazz piano for a couple of years in
                                                                                                                        context (IVP Academic 2019), and The Powers in
                                                                                                                        Ephesians (Wipf and Stock 2019).                        Melbourne, Paul became interested in theology and
                                                                                                                                                                                completed his undergraduate degree at the Bible
                                                                                                                                                                                College of Victoria (now MST). He then went on to
                                                                                                                        John is a musician and songwriter who served as         complete a MTh at Regent College in Vancouver and
                                                                                                                        worship leader at such churches as Park Street          then a Graduate Diploma in secondary education
                                                                                                                        Church in Boston. In addition to his teaching and       back in Melbourne. In 2006, Paul moved to the UK
                                                                                                                        writing, John served as an ordained minister in the     where he worked as a teacher for four years before
                                                                                                                        local church in Phoenix as a church planter and         moving north to Durham to complete a PhD in Old
                                                                                                                        pastor.                                                 Testament under the supervision of Prof Walter

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10           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                   2018 PROSPECTUS                    11

FACULTY                                                                                                        STAFF
                            REV NIGEL ROGERS                                      Simon Gomersall                                         Janet Nibbs                                              Michelle Donaldson
                            BBus, BTh, GDipTh,                                    B.Ed., M.Ed, P.G.Dip.Theol                              BEd, MEd                                                 BBus

                                                                                  Lecturer in Historical and
                                                                                  Contemporary Mission
                            Dean of Formation and                                 Director of Activate (Gap                               Manager of Student                                       Adminstration and
                            Dispersed Learning                                                                                            Services                                                 Online Support
                                                                                  Year Program)

Nigel started ministry in 2002 as the Youth and                                                                Hailing from the far south, Janet has been heading        Michelle has been involved with the Church since
                                                        At heart, Simon is a missional practitioner. His
Young Adult Pastor at Mooloolaba Uniting Church.                                                               north for 25 years via Launceston, Melbourne, Coffs       2008 when she started attending Youth Group every
                                                        track record involves facilitating growth in various
He began the journey toward ordained ministry at                                                               Harbour and finally Brisbane for the last 12 years.       Friday night. She has been a part of this community
                                                        ministry contexts: as a UCA youth worker, a school
Trinity College in 2005. A move to Sydney to take                                                              She enjoyed 20 years of classroom teaching,               ever since. From being a youth group member to
                                                        chaplain, a university chaplain, a pastor in a
on the role of Youth and Young Adult Pastor at                                                                 before studying a Master of Education (Teacher            being a leader and helping kids grow in their faith,
                                                        congregation and a tertiary educator. With his wife,
Pittwater Uniting Church (PUC) led to Nigel finishing                                                          Librarianship) and commencing her second career           Michelle feels at home in this community. She has
                                                        Selena (a Psychologist), he is deeply committed to
his candidature in NSW. In 2009 Nigel began his                                                                as Library Manager. Over the years Janet has been         volunteered since 2009 with the Oxley-Darra Uniting
                                                        a not-for-profit called Outback Futures, innovating
first ordained placement as the Senior Minister of                                                             active in her local church, attending bible studies and   Church Day Camp which encourages primary aged
                                                        the delivery of mental and allied health services
PUC. Then in 2014 Nigel accepted the call to take                                                              short courses, mentoring youth group leaders and          kids to explore their faith whilst having an amazing
                                                        to remote Queensland. His primary passion is to
up the role of CEO/General Secretary in the South                                                              leading church services. Janet is passionate about        time with friends.
                                                        empower and equip others to live fruitful, missional
Australian Presbytery and Synod of the Uniting          lives in increasingly secular contexts.                learning, and love to mentor students and assist
Church. Nigel’s passion is Christian Leadership and                                                            them in their research and studies. Her range of          Having completed her first Bachelor’s degree
seeing the Church regenerated for the new season                                                               experience helps her to provide support to students       in Business majoring in Marketing and Human
that God has planned. The Dean of Formation and         Simon has postgraduate qualifications in education     in their faith journeys and studies.                      Resources Michelle loves using her creative side and
Dispersed Learning role allows for this passion to be   and theology from QUT and Oxford University
                                                                                                                                                                         combining that with the theory of marketing and
exercised in ways that will contribute to the growth    respectively. He is currently undertaking further
                                                                                                               Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship);              the psychology behind consumers decisions.
of the Uniting Church now and into the future.          postgraduate study in historical mission practices,
                                                        particularly exploring church planting in Celtic       Queensland University of Technology
                                                        Christian communities in the 5th and 6th centuries.    Bachelor of Education (K-10); University of Tasmania
Nigel is passionate about life long learning. He is                                                            at Launceston
currently undertaking study in a Doctor of Ministry
course with a particular emphasis on Christian
Leadership as it emerges out of discipleship.

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                                          As a constituent member college of the adelaide college of divinity,
                                         Trinity College Queensland is approved to deliver the listed courses.

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14           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                                       2018 PROSPECTUS                    15

UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE                                                                                              APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT
Diploma of Ministry                                          of Christian faith living in contemporary society, whether     To enrol in our classes you will need first to apply for entry into a specific course. Please visit the Courses section
                                                             this be at home, work, or in your role as a ministry agent.    of our website and follow the prompts through to the application and enrolment page. Australian citizens may
The Diploma of Ministry (DipMin) is designed to equip        Masters students will complete a core suite of biblical,       access FEE-HELP.
you for serving in your local church or simply to satisfy    theological, and Church history units before electing from
your desire to gain a better understanding of the Bible,     a range of units that include Christian Ethics, Philosophy     Our two-year cycle provides flexible study options for students. Core units are offered every semester with a mixture
theology, and Church history. Students will gain a foun-     and Christian Thought, Homiletics, Pastoral Care, and          of day and evening classes. A broad range of elective units is offered over the two-year period. Week-long intensive
dational understanding of the history of Christian           Preaching. You do not need to have completed an under-         units provide another option for study. There are many flexible pathways to achieve your study goals.
thought and theology, and choose from a number               graduate degree in theology to enrol in the Master of
of electives related to youth and children’s ministry,       Theological Studies. The Course provides a way to raise        COURSE UNITS ON OFFER IN 2018
preaching, and mission. You’ll graduate with sharper         your skills in theology to a level similar to those you use
skills for reading the Bible, a theological framework for    in your everyday employment. And if you’ve already com-
addressing life’s difficult questions, and a toolkit for     pleted an undergraduate degree in theology, complet-           Semester 1                                                     Semester 2
preaching and leading growth groups or Bible studies.        ing the Master of Theological Studies will help you punch
                                                             even harder!                                                   CORE UNITS                                                     CORE UNITS
Trinity also offers a Diploma of Ministry tailored for
people who desire to work within Chaplaincy in the           The course can be completed full-time over two years or        Spirituality for 21st Century Disciples                        Introduction to Preaching
UCA.                                                         part-time over four years. A person may also elect to com-
                                                             plete a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma by com-       Interpreting the Old Testament                                 Interpreting the New Testament
The Diploma of Ministry is accredited by the Adelaide        pleting four or eight of the Masters of Theological Studies
College of Divinity. The course requires one year of full-   units respectively.                                            Introduction to Christian Leadership                           Reading Cultures
time study, or part-time equivalent.
                                                             The Masters of Theological Studies is a course of Flinders     Introduction to Christian Thought                              Beyond Sunday
                                                             University in association with Adelaide College of Divinity.
Bachelor of Ministry                                                                                                        Evangelism, Conversion, and the Mission of God                 Introduction to Pastoral Care

The Bachelor of Ministry (BMin) offered through Trinity
College Queensland emphasises a systematic study of
the Bible and theology alongside a commitment to                                                                            SECOND/THIRD YEAR TOPICS                                       SECOND/THIRD YEAR TOPICS
offering best-practice models and methods in preach-
ing and pastoral ministry. The degree aims to gradu-                                                                        Pauline Letters                                                Evangelism, Conversion, and the Mission of God
ate people who are ready to plant new churches, revit-
alise declining congregations, or establish an effec-                                                                       Israel’s Response to Exile                                     Johannine Literature
tive mission within schools and church agencies. You’ll
leave College feeling well-resourced for a life-long                                                                        Supervised Field Education                                     God the Trinity
                                                                                                                            The Christian Story A/ Church History A                        The Christian Story B/ Church History B
The Bachelor of Ministry is a course of the Adelaide
College of Divinity. It requires three years of full-time                                                                   Greek (1)                                                      Greek (2)
study, or part-time equivalent.
                                                                                                                            Hebrew (1)                                                     Hebrew (2)

Postgraduate Options                                                                                                        Church, Ministry and Sacraments                                From Old Testament Text to Sermon: Integrative

The Master of Theological Studies (MThs) offered by                                                                                                                                        Ministry Practice
our College aims to develop your ability to engage
with challenges and questions that arise for the person                                                                     Please see the College website for unit descriptions and timetables.

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Biblical Greek 1 (MINS2704/ THEO8701)                        Interpreting the Old Testament                             The CHristian Story/ Church History A                      is a more appropriate title. It will examine three of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   key Protestant reformers (Luther, Zwingli and Calvin)
This unit gives an introduction to the Biblical (koine)      (MINS1101/ THEO1101)                                       (MINS2318/ THEO8401)                                       and the movements which developed around them.
Greek. Students are introduced to the grammar and                                                                                                                                  The more radical end of the spectrum will also be
                                                             This unit gives an introduction to the contemporary        This topic is offered as an introduction to the study
vocabulary of Koine Greek, learn to read and translate                                                                                                                             considered, along with religious changes in England,
                                                             interpretation of the Old Testament by reading it as       of Christian history. Students begin by considering
some passages of the New Testament and gain an                                                                                                                                     reform movements within Roman Catholicism,
                                                             a collection of diverse writings and by exploring its      what ‘history’ actually is, why it is important to study
understanding of the different insights which the                                                                                                                                  and the Catholic Church’s response to Protestant
                                                             varied historical, cultural and social backgrounds.        it, how our understanding of the past has been
study of this ancient language can offer.                                                                                                                                          challenges.
                                                             It introduces some methods used in the exegesis            shaped, what sources are available, and how we can
                                                             of biblical texts, and explores some of the issues         use them. Students then explore the development
                                                                                                                        of Christianity in the Roman Empire from the end of
Introduction to Christian Theology                           surrounding the application of the ancient writings

                                                             to contemporary contexts. A series of discrete but
                                                             incremental topics will be covered throughout
                                                                                                                        the New Testament period to the middle of the 5th
                                                                                                                                                                                   Theology of Jesus Christ            (MINS2314/
This unit introduces students to the study of Christian      the semester presenting both an overview of the                                                                       THEO8307)
faith and the key doctrines. It outlines the content         literature and specific study of representative                                                                       This unit combines biblical, historical, doctrinal and
and method of Christian Theology and explores the            sections of biblical material. The modules will include    God the Trinity (MINS3335/ THEO8317)                       contemporary approaches to Jesus Christ and to
roles of history and Scripture and other resources in        the Pentateuch, Deuteronomistic History, Prophets,         In this unit participants will be involved in the          salvation in Christ. It will include discussion of the
theological understandings of Christ, God, Trinity and       and Psalms and may include sections from other             contemporary retrieval of the theology of the              theology of salvation in Christ in biblical, patristic,
Revelation, with attention to both the development           writings.                                                  Trinity as a practical doctrine. The topic will involve    medieval, reformation and modern theologies. It will
of Protestant Reformation theology and in light of                                                                      reflection on the implications of trinitarian theology     provide opportunities for students to survey biblical,
the contemporary Australian context.                                                                                    in the context of the issues that confront us at the       historical, doctrinal and contemporary approaches
                                                             Biblical Hebrew 1 (MINS2705/ THEO8704)                     beginning of the 21st Century. The theology of the         to Jesus Christ. It will introduce students to the quest
                                                             This unit gives an introduction to Biblical Hebrew.        Trinity will be studied in three stages, its biblical      for the historical Jesus, the biblical foundation for
Interpreting the New Testament                               Students are introduced to the Hebrew Biblical text        origins, its development in the patristic and medieval     Christology and developments up to and beyond
                                                             and basic Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. They              eras, and its contemporary retrieval.                      the council of Chalcedon and allow reflection on the
(MINS1201, MINS8204)                                         will learn to read and translate some passages of the                                                                 various approaches to salvation, biblical, patristic,
Through this unit students will come to understand,          Biblical text, using basic lexicographical aids.                                                                      medieval, reformation and modern. It will address
appreciate, and interpret the writings of the New
Testament, by understanding the New Testament
                                                                                                                        Biblical Hebrew 2 (MINS3707/ THEO8705)                     the meaning of Jesus Christ for the third millennium
                                                                                                                        This unit builds on preliminary biblical Hebrew            in relation to the quest for justice and liberation,
writings in their historical, cultural and social context;
and appreciating these writings as literature.
                                                             introduction to leadership (MINS1509)                      studies by increasing the scope of Hebrew scripture        feminism, evolutionary biology, ecology and
                                                             The Introduction to Leadership unit is designed to         to be translated and by a more detailed examination        dialogue with other religious traditions.
Particular focus will be given to the kinds of
                                                             assist in the formation of effective Christian leaders     of the structure of the language. A wider range of
communities which were responsible for the writing
                                                             for contemporary ministry and mission contexts.            lexicographical aids is introduced with an increased
of the New Testament, and the cultural context
                                                             Students will explore the nature and dynamic of            knowledge of grammar and syntax of the Hebrew              Reading Cultures ( MINS1305/ THEO8506)
which shaped these writings and are necessary in                                                                                                                                   This unit examines the issues at the interface
                                                             leadership, especially in relation to Christian ministry   language.
order to arrive at a critical interpretation of the New                                                                                                                            between Australian society and ministry. It will
                                                             and mission, the value of effective leadership
Testament.                                                                                                                                                                         enable students to see ministry and ministers within
                                                             asintegral to the mission and ministry of the church.
                                                             Topics covered may include: defining leadership;           The Christian Story/ Church History B                      a sociological context and to develop a greater social
                                                                                                                                                                                   sensitivity about the ministry process. Three major
biblical Greek 2 (MINS3705/THEO8702)                         theology and leadership; leadership as influence;          (MINS2321/ THEO8402)                                       themes will be discussed: the interface between
                                                             models of Christian leadership (leader as servant,
This unit inducts students into an intermediate level                                                                   In the 16th Century bitter disputes shook the              sociology and ministry; the social dynamics of
                                                             shepherd, change-agent, manager); leadership
study of Biblical (koine) Greek. Grammar, syntax and                                                                    Christian church in Western Europe. Calls for reform       church communities; and churches interacting with
                                                             styles; leadership qualities.
idiomatic usage of the language are studied via                                                                         escalated and various attempts were made to find           Australian society.
the reading of more complex passages from New                                                                           more authentic forms of Christianity. Some people
Testament and the Septuagint. An Introduction to                                                                        embraced new ways of worshipping God while others
textual criticism is given.                                                                                             struggled to cope with challenges to traditional
                                                                                                                        beliefs and practices. This topic will explore what is
                                                                                                                        often called the Reformation, although Reformations

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Synoptic Gospels ( MINS2219/ THEO8202)                    Beyond Sunday: An Introduction to                          Evangelism, Conversion and Mission of                    may include Church in the New Testament, Historical
                                                                                                                                                                              Development, Doctrine of Church in Recent
This unit introduces the central issues of Synoptic       Faith and Work Area (MINS1603)                             God (MINS2320)                                           Theology, Ministry in New Testament, Uniting church
Studies, including source, provenance and distinctive                                                                This unit is designed to assist leaders in forming       developments in doctrine of ministry, Doctrine of
                                                          This unit includes Biblical and theological foundations
theologies, through critical study of one of the                                                                     and developing churches and faith communities in         ministry today, what is a sacrament, Sacrament
                                                          for a Christian approach to vocation, work and
Synoptic gospels (Mark, Matthew or Luke). Using a                                                                    the task of evangelism. Students will examine the        of Communion and Baptism, Role and Ritual in
                                                          leisure. An exploration of the application of Christian
range of exegetical methods, the topic investigates                                                                  nature of Australian society and its implications for    contemporary culture.
                                                          discipleship to significant issues of 21st century
the literary design of the selected gospel and its                                                                   evangelism and the growth of the Church. They will
                                                          life, eg. globalisation, economic factors, influence
broader cultural and sociological context in the                                                                     explore understandings of the value of evangelism
                                                          of technology. This unit also examines in-depth the
first century of the Common Era. This gospel’s                                                                       as integral to the mission and ministry of the church.
                                                          key to pastoral issues in the life of the worker, eg.
contemporary missional and pastoral implications
will also be explored.
                                                          stress, anxiety, work/life balance, financial pressure,    They will develop skills and practices in implementing   Introduction to Preaching
                                                          workplace bullying, and development of peer-based          local church evangelism. They will explore some of       This unit provides an introduction to preaching from
                                                          pastoral skills in relation to these. Principles of, and   the important issues around evangelism, conversion       the Bible, focusing on the place of preaching within
                                                          possibilities for, leisure and rest in 21st century        and the mission of God, including pluralism and          the contemporary church and the development
Johannine Literature: For God so Loved                    Australian life.                                           postmodernity. Content could include theologies of       of basic techniques essential for beginning a
                                                                                                                     evangelism and conversion, the Australian context
the World (MINS3218/ THEO8205)                                                                                       in history, contemporary challenges, models and
                                                                                                                                                                              preaching ministry. The unit introduces students to
                                                                                                                                                                              skills that underlie an effective preaching ministry,
This unit examines a body of work within the New                                                                     practices of evangelistic churches, evangelism and
Testament writings that has traditionally been            Spirituality for 21st Century Disciples                    special events and resources for evangelism today.
                                                                                                                                                                              including pastoral, theological and interpretive
                                                                                                                                                                              (hermeneutical) issues. Students will gain experience
referred to as the Johannine Literature (The Gospel
according to John, the three epistles of John, and
                                                          Area: Christian Education and                                                                                       critiquing, constructing, and delivering sermons
the Book of Revelation). This subject examines the        Discipleship (MINS1601)                                                                                             from an Old Testament Narrative, a Gospel, and a NT
Johannine literature using a range of methodologies,      The purpose of the unit is to provide students             Supervised Field Education 1 (MINS2528)                  Letter.
including narrative, historical, social scientific,       with the ability to articulate the biblical, spiritual     Supervised Field Education (SFE) includes the
liberationist and feminist criticisms. Students will be   and ethical bases for Christian discipleship, to           development of a learning contract with a goal
doing some detailed exegesis of particular passages,      reflect on the appropriation of these in their own         and learning objectives related to practical ministry
as well as becoming familiar with the narrative           lives as developing leaders, and to gain a general         experiences. The supervisor, who is a person
structure of the Fourth Gospel. Students will also be     understanding of such issues for church members.           formally accredited by the Uniting College, will
exploring some of the common themes connecting                                                                       enable the student to reflect pastorally, personally
John’s gospel with the Johannine epistles, and                                                                       and theologically on developing experience in
growing more familiar with the genre of apocalyptic       From Old Testament Text to Sermon –                        ministry in relation to the learning contract, with
                                                                                                                     the development of self- awareness and character
                                                          Integrative Ministry Practice                              formation for ministry as an overarching goal. The
                                                          Students taking this unit will learn to integrate the      goals and objectives of the learning contract shall
Israel’s Response to Exile Area:                          use of their hard-earned exegetical skills with the
                                                          practice of preaching from Old Testament texts. It’s
                                                                                                                     be related to the ministry development needs of the
                                                                                                                     students and the pastoral needs of the placement.
Biblical Studies (MINS2110)                               one thing to interpret one of these texts within its       From Old Testament to Sermon: Integrative Ministry
This unit is designed to give an introduction to the      literary context, it’s another to proclaim its truth       Practice
Biblical responses to Israel’s experience of exile        within a contemporary setting. Students will also
(587-538 BCE). It will examine books of the Bible         pay attention to how different practitioners and
currently known as the Deuteronomistic History
(Joshua-II Kings), Ezra Nehemiah, I and II Chronicles
                                                          theologians proclaim the Gospel from the Old
                                                                                                                     Church, Ministry and Sacraments
and sections of Second Isaiah. Passages for exegesis                                                                 (MINS3336)
will be selected from these texts. A range of                                                                        This unit is an introduction to the theological study
methodological approaches will be applied to the                                                                     of the nature and mission of the Christian Church,
text, and issues surrounding the application of the                                                                  Christian ministries lay and ordained, and to the
text to contemporary mission and ministry contexts                                                                   celebration of the Christian sacraments. Content
will be explored.

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Trinity Short Courses                                            Academic Requirements for the Lay
Our short courses aim to develop your skills for                 Preacher’s Certificate
reading the Bible, whether this be for the purpose of
your personal study, preaching, leading within your              Trinity College Queensland offers four short courses to
local church, or giving an account of your faith at              facilitate completion of the Lay Preachers Certificate.
home or at work.                                                 The courses are designed to fulfil the academic
                                                                 requirements of the Certificate, and to complement
Trinity Short Courses are designed to lead you gently            additional preaching requirements within the local
into theological water where you can get your feet               Presbytery and church.
wet without fear of drowning. You don’t need any                 If you would like to become a Lay Preacher in the
prior theological education, you just need a healthy             Uniting Church, you will need to candidate through
dose of curiosity. Do you want to learn where the Bible          your local congregation and Presbytery. Lay Preacher
came from and why it remains relevant today? Are you             candidates then participate in a program of prescribed
interested in what makes a good sermon, or how you               studies and supervised ministry under the guidance
can discover and develop your skills in leadership?              and oversight of their Presbytery.
Whether you’re interested in Christian perspectives
on science, society or the arts, Trinity Short Courses           COST
have something for you.                                          $150.00 per unit (4 units). Total cost: $600

Short Courses are comprised of six-2 hour lectures,
taught fortnightly over a semester or as an intensive
in regional learning hubs. If you are unable to get to           Semester 1                     Semester 2
face to face lectures we can arrange for you to have
online access to course materials and lecturers. These           New Testament                  Theology
short courses are not only offered on campus at Trinity
College, but also at various other locations. (Further           Preaching                      Old Testament
information provided in attached pamphlet).

$70/per Short Course
                                                                 Application and Enrolment
                                                                 To enrol in our classes please visit the courses section
                                                                 of our website and follow the prompts through to the
                                                                 short courses for Lay Preaching.

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22           THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                   2018 PROSPECTUS                   23

                                         PRINCIPAL’S HOUR
                                         The College community meets in the Library for Principal’s Hour on
                                         Tuesdays. The faculty and invited guests aim to provide aspirational
                                         models for preaching at these meetings. In addition to providing an
                                         occasion for community prayer and music, these meetings roll into a
                                         community meal.

                                         Principal’s Hour is a key opportunity for members of our community to
                                         share their challenges, discuss what they’re learning, and to support
                                         one another.

                                         TRINITY ORIENTATION DAY                                                      MISSION IN FOCUS
                                         Orientation Days are designed to help your transition into theological       Our weekly Mission in Focus session lets you meet and listen to an
                                         education. It’s a great opportunity to get informed as well as meet staff    inspiring array of missional leaders. Presenters include congregational
                                         and other students you’ll be studying with.                                  ministers, missionaries, chaplains and Christians working in secular
                                                                                                                      employment. They’ll share what it’s like in missional roles and discuss
                                                                                                                      opportunities for you to work in these contexts.

                                         TRINITY OPEN EVENING                                                        TRINITY UNPLUGGED
                                         These evenings provide a taste of what it’s like to study at Trinity. You   These events aim to ground people in their faith by inviting academics
                                         get to meet lecturers and current students and sample some mini-            to engage with pressing questions. They’re ideal for bringing along a
                                         lectures. You’ll be able to ask faculty and staff about our courses. We     senior youth group, friends from youth group, or your growth group
                                         are also happy to discuss flexible continuing education options for         for the purpose of growing your faith.
                                         those who are already in paid ministry.

B I B L E . T H E O L O G Y. L I F E .                                                                                                                    B I B L E . T H E O L O G Y. L I F E .

                                           Call:   +61 07 3377 9950

         Trinity College Queensland is the theological college of the Uniting Church, Queensland Synod.
Trinity College is a member of the Adelaide College of Divinity. The Adelaide College of Divinity is an accredited
                   Higher Education provider and Registered Training Organisation (RTO 4863).
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