"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho

"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho

"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
FOREWARD BY THE                                  with the efforts to improve the lives of all   INTRODUCTION
                                                 Basotho through its Programmes.
OF FINANCE                                       The structure of the crisis Lesotho faces is   The preparation of this year’s Budget
                                                 diverse, but the following statements          benefitted from the interactions
As the Government continues along the            characterises   succinctly     what     the    Government officials have had with the
path of job creation, the Government of          Government of Lesotho has to face:             public and the many challenges they face.
Lesotho seeks to ensure that Basotho citizens                                                   Although diverse and wide-ranging, the
                                                 ▪   Poverty, hunger and joblessness are high
are informed and aware of the objectives of                                                     most common and systemic challenge is the
                                                     and even higher amongst the youth;
their Government and the tools being                                                            lack of jobs. Thus, creating jobs is the
utilized to achieve these objectives. The        ▪   Ill-health is pervasive and there is       underlying concern for this budget. Many
National Budget expresses the Government             persistent mismatch between skills         of the proposals made will also reflect this
of Lesotho’s priorities and programmes as            needed and that are produced;              important concern.
well as its economic and social policies. The                                                   In response to consistent shortfall in cash
resources used to finance the expenditures in    ▪   Hundreds of our young people looking
                                                                                                and foreign reserves as well as volatile SACU
the National Budget come from you, the               for jobs dropped out of school at end
                                                                                                revenues, the depreciation of South African
people of Lesotho. For this reason, the              primary school when they were 12 years
                                                                                                Rand against major world currencies and its
Ministry of Finance has prepared, for the            old or at Form E when they were only 17
                                                                                                negative impact on the external debt stock
first time, a Citizen’s Guide to the                 years of age;
                                                                                                and strong recurrent expenditure growth
Government’s Budget for Financial Year           ▪   The fiscal resources required to redress   which have put pressure on budget deficits,
2019/2020.                                           the situation are scarce and limit any     the government will adopt the following
We believe that knowledge empowers and               meaningful        participation      by    principles which will underpin and guide the
the Government of Lesotho is interested in           government.                                FY2019/20 budget:
empowering all Basotho. As such, we want         Dr Moeketsi Majoro                             a) Achieve consistency of the medium term
the fundamentals of the National Budget to                                                      fiscal framework and medium term
be understood by all. Furthermore we seek        Minister of Finance
                                                                                                expenditure framework to national priorities
to ensure that all segments of the Basotho                                                      and efficiency, effectiveness and value for
population understand the expenditure                                                           money in public expenditure;
programme that will be undertaken during
the financial year beginning on April 1 to                                                      b) Adopt a budget that is affordable,
further advance the country’s job creation. It                                                  sustainable, credible and responsive to the
is hoped that with this Citizen’s Guide, each                                                   growing needs over the medium term;
citizen of Lesotho will be able to identify

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
c) Achieve efficiency in domestic revenue        be implemented during the Financial Year           THE  BUDGET      AT   A
mobilisation to finance government               beginning April 1, 2019 and ending on
programmes while limiting the dependence         March 31, 2020. This financial year is             GLANCE: THE BIG PICTURE
on external financing;                           referred to as “FY 2019/2020” or “Fiscal           EXPENDITURE
                                                 Year 2019/2020”.                                   The Government has budgeted a total of
d) Improve monitoring, transparency and                                                             M19,012.1 million to meet its obligations
accountability to ensure expenditure
                                                 WHAT IS THE NATIONAL                               and provide goods and services to the
efficiency; and lastly,                                                                             citizens for Financial
e) Prioritise the elimination and curtailment
                                                                                                    Year 2019/2020. This sum is allocated
of accumulation of arrears.
                                                 A national budget is an annual financial           across the following major categories of
                                                 statement presenting the government's              expenditure:
WHY A CITIZEN’S GUIDE                            proposed revenues and spending for a
TO THE BUDGET?                                   financial year that is passed by the legislature
                                                                                                          Table 1 Share of Major Categories of Expenditure
                                                                                                                       (in millions of Maloti)
                                                 and is presented by the Finance Minister to        Public Debt                                            1,130.70
The Ministry of Finance supports the view
                                                 the nation. A budget is drawn up for               Total Recurrent Expenditure                           12,703.70
that the annual budget must not only be
                                                 each financial     year and      it    contains       Ministries, Departments and Agencies   10,273.00
made public but must also be made available                                                            Statutory Expenditure                   2,430.70
                                                 information on the estimated value of
to the citizens in an easily understood                                                             Total Capital Expenditure                              5,177.70
                                                 revenues and value of costs. If government
format. National Budgets by their very                                                                 GOL                                     2,840.40
                                                 does not have enough money to do                      Donor Grants                            1,015.10
nature tend to be long and detailed with
                                                 everything it would like to do, then it uses          Donor Loans                             1,322.20
several supporting documents all of which                                                           TOTAL                                                 19,012.10
                                                 this planning process to prioritise its
are generally expressed in technical terms.
                                                 spending and focus the money on the things
The publication of a Citizen’s Guide an
                                                 that are most important to the tax payers.
initiative to bring aspects of the budget to a
                                                 Budgeting is simply balancing expenses
wider cross-section of persons in an easy
                                                 with income. If they don't balance and you
reading format with less emphasis on the use
                                                 spend more than you make, you will have a
of technical terminology.
                                                 problem. Many people don't realize that
The Guide focuses on the Expenditure             they spend more than they earn and slowly
Budget of the Central Government which is        sink deeper into debt every year.
funded from the Consolidated Fund and
provides budgetary information on the
major projects and programmes which will

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
REVENUE PROJECTIONS                                                                                   demonstrates an decrease of 11% compared
                                                                                                      to 2018/2019 external grants budget.
The Government expects to generate
18,128.4 million from Revenue and Grants
in FY 2019/20. Tax Revenue, is budgeted at
                                                                                                      EXTERNAL LOANS
M7,878.3 million and is expected to account                                                           These are monies coming from foreign
for 43.5% of total Revenue while SACU                                                                 Governments        and       International
revenue is M6,226.0 million (34.3% of total                                                           Organisations with Government obligation
revenue).                                                                                             to pay back. For the 2018/2019 Budget,
                                                                                                      external loans are projected at M1,322.2
                                                                                                      million, which demonstrates an increase of
    Table 2: Major Categories of Revenue                                                              9% compared to 2018/2019 external loans
           (in millions of Maloti)                    Any budget has to be financed and the           budget.
Tax Revenue                                7,878.30   2019/2020 budget will be finance with
                                                      domestically generated revenues, borrowing      DO ORDINARY MOSOTHO
Grants                                     1,015.10   domestically and externally and grants from     LEND MONEY TO
Other Revenue                              3,009.00   development partners.                           GOVERNMENT?
SACU                                       6,226.00                                                   Anyone from within or outside the country
                                                                                                      can lend money to the Government by
Total Revenue                             18,128.40   DOMESTIC RESOURCES
                                                                                                      investing in Government Bonds and or
                                                      The overall target is estimated at M18,128.4    Treasury Bills through competitive and non-
                                                      million, of which, SACU is M6,226.0             competitive auctions in the Central Bank of
                                                      million, tax revenue is M7,878.3 million and    Lesotho.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY                                  other revenue is M3,009.0 million. This is an
                                                      overall revenue increase of 13 percent over     WHY SHOULD GOVERNMENT
COME FROM TO FUND THE                                 the 2018/2019 target of M16, 099.6 million.     BORROW?
BUDGET?                                                                                               Essentially, the government borrows so that
                                                      EXTERNAL GRANTS                                 it can enable higher spending without
                                                                                                      having to increase taxes. The annual amount
                                                      These are monies given by development
                                                                                                      the government borrows is known as the
                                                      partners with no requirement to be repaid.
                                                                                                      budget deficit. The total amount the
                                                      For the 2019/2020 Budget, they are
                                                                                                      government has borrowed is known as the
                                                      projected at M1,015.1 million which
                                                                                                      national debt or public sector debt.
                                                                                                      Borrowing means the government can meet

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
a temporary shortfall by borrowing, rather       The industry, has not changed much in the       establishment of the tourism development
than having to immediately cut back on           last 50 years, despite fervent calls for        fund, which shall be funded by the tourism
spending. Like an overdraft facility,            beneficiation in other sectors.                 development levy. The Ministry and the
government borrowing gives the government                                                        Tourism Development Corporation are in
more flexibility and means they can                                                              discussion with potential investors, several of
maintain wages and spending commitments                                                          whom, have joined the investment
without having to keep cutting spending.                                                         laboratories being launched tomorrow.

                                                                                                 The construction of both Mpiti-
BREAKDOWN OF                                                                                     Sehlabathebe and Marakabei Monontša
EXPENSES                                                                                         roads present new opportunities for tourism
The resources are allocated to different                                                         in the northeast and southeast regions of
sectors      of the      economy-agriculture,                                                    Lesotho. Talks are underway between
                                                 To take the sector forward, Government has      Lesotho and South Africa officials on several
manufacturing, tourism and creative arts,
                                                 localised the brokerage service for wool and    cross-border investments including a cable
and technology Line Ministries, Local
                                                 mohair trading and plans to tightly regulate    car at Mont Aux-Sources and cross-border
Authorities and Districts have the
                                                 the industry and introduce other reforms to     tourism at Sehlabathebe. As many of the
responsibility to spend this money in line
                                                 create more value in the sector. With the       tourism sites including Letša la Letsie are
with the law on activities which will help the
                                                 assistance of the Brent Hurst Foundation,       degrading fast, the Ministry will work closely
country achieve its national objectives
                                                 Government will explore during 2019             with the Ministry of Water to apply best
                                                 opportunities for value addition including in   practices learned from Tšehlanyane and
WHERE DOES THE MONEY                             the production in Lesotho of baby clothing,     Bokong Nature Reserve biosphere and the
                                                 sportswear, and footwear. To raise              Integrated      Catchment       Management
GO?                                              productivity per animal, the Ministry of        programme. M171 million will be allocated
AGRICULTURE                                      Agriculture and Food Security will distribute   to the Ministry of Tourism, Environment
Close to 30,000 farmers are involved in wool     300 ewes as breeding stock to the wool and      and Culture in FY2019/20 for these
and mohair production in Lesotho, with           mohair farmers in the southern part of the      initiatives.
revenues ranging between M200 and M300           country.
million annually. Commissions and other
charges are estimated between 20 and 50          TOURISM AND CREATIVE
percent of revenues, mainly going to middle      ARTS
men and without government deriving any
                                                 To continue promoting investment in the
tax. Productivity per animal averages 2.7
                                                 tourism sector, Cabinet has approved the
kilograms compared with 5 in South Africa.

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
LRA and Postbank, to bring their services         The Mining Khotla held in November 2018
                                                 closer to the people using this infrastructure.   has opened dialogue between the mining
                                                                                                   operators and Lesotho businesses on the
                                                                                                   opportunities available in the sector. This is
                                                                                                   in line with the local purchase policy
                                                                                                   announced last March. The Ministry of
                                                                                                   Mining is implementing the Minerals and
                                                                                                   Mining Policy and is presently reviewing
                                                                                                   existing agreements to ensure compliance
                                                                                                   with the vision of the policy. The underlying
                                                                                                   principle for this policy is that all minerals
INFORMATION AND                                                                                    below ground belong to Basotho and
COMMUNICATION                                                                                      Basotho must benefit more than anybody
                                                                                                   else whenever the minerals are extracted. To
In order to accelerate the implementation of                                                       address concerns about the industry,
the e-government, Government will establish                                                        government will draw up and implement a
                                                 The mining industry in Lesotho, dominated
46 community e-services centres, housed in                                                         comprehensive policy implementation plan
                                                 by diamonds, is important, as it accounts for
the Postal Services branches and agencies                                                          during 2019. M42.1 million has been
                                                 about 5.7 percent of GDP and half a billion
countrywide. With this model, the ministry                                                         allocated to the Ministry of Mines.
                                                 maloti in government revenues from an
of Communications, Science & Technology,
                                                 estimated production of 1.3 million carats in
will provide online access to government
                                                 2018. Three mines, Letšeng, Kao and
services using post offices as a delivery
                                                 Liqhobong have entered commercial
vehicle. Procurement processes for the
                                                 production, while Mothae, Lemphane, Kolo
equipment of 5 e-Services Centres
                                                 and Northern Fissures are still in the
(Sehlabathebe, Ketane, Mapholaneng,
                                                 preparation phases. The full operation of all
Sehonghong and Mt. Moorosi) are at
                                                 these mines will expand the scope for
advanced stage, with the rest of the 41 e-
                                                 additional revenues as well as increase
service centres to be established under the e-
                                                 business opportunities for local companies.
government Infrastructure Phase II project.
                                                 In addition, it is expected that the
Two such service centres (Mantsonyane &
                                                 geochemical mapping process, which will
Kubake Community councils) have since
                                                 identify in full Lesotho’s mineral potential,     MANUFACTURING
been completed. It is worth noting that the
                                                 will be completed in 2019.                        Government wants to be clear that after 40
idea is that the e -service centres will also
enable other government agencies, namely                                                           years, the industry should move up the value

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
chain into high value garments that could       which will serve approximately 18,000
penetrate boutique markets in Europe.           people residing in four zones in the Maseru
CGM seems to have transformed itself and        district. Two more zones namely, zone 20
left the AGOA market to focus on the large      and 3 (St. Michaels and Senekane
regional market for garments which has          respectively) are under construction as well
enabled it to establish links with the          as water supply from TY to Lekokoaneng
domestic economy and to mentor Basotho          reservoir, which is expected to serve 4,000
to enter the garment chain. There is a worthy   people. Under Rural Water Supply and
lesson to learn from this transformation.       Sanitation Project, 25 new water supply
                                                systems serving about 10,227 people and
WATER                                           2,437 VIP latrines will be constructed during
Water harvesting and construction of several
bigger water reservoirs can significantly                                                           With the aim of improving the Health
develop effective land and water resources      ENERGY                                              Sector, Government has secured 36 Cuban
management. To this effect, Government          Connection of our households to electricity         doctors to be engaged in hospitals and clinics
has joined efforts with the Government of       has been increasing very rapidly, although          around the country. The Ministry of Health
Germany and the European Union to               from a very low base of only 5 percent in           will further employ thirty-five 35 Basotho
implement activities under Integrated           2005. Today, 207,000 (39 percent) of the            doctors and 252 nurses. To effectively tackle
Catchment Management Project with a view        537,000 Lesotho households have been                the cancer burden, the Ministry has
to protect water sources, rejuvenate            connected to electricity. It is plausible that in   developed a comprehensive National Cancer
agricultural land and preserve the mountain     the near future, every household will be            Control Plan. In the meantime, the Ministry
ecosystem.                                      connected to electricity. However, as               has expanded cancer and renal care services
                                                connections increase the demand will far            by sending patients for treatment at Apollo
                                                outstrip bulk supply. The Ministry of Energy        Hospital in India. To date, 3 kidney
                                                is exploring mobilising more hydropower (in         transplants have been performed on Basotho
                                                collaboration with the LHDA), and wind              patients in India. Health professionals
                                                and solar power. Two solar investments are          (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) have been
                                                about start at Ha Ramarothole in Mafeteng           trained in India to facilitate the
                                                to generate 90MW by 2025. One of the                establishment of National Chemotherapy
                                                investments is led by a private company, One        Centre in Lesotho.
                                                Power, which is planning to generate 20             With regard to HIV and AIDS, the Ministry
                                                MW. It is interesting that this private idea        will, as a means to reduce incidences and
The Ministry of Water has completed
                                                has been incubated by our own Appropriate           increase the coverage of Anti-Retroviral
construction of a water supply network,
                                                Technology Department.

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
Treatment (ART), continue to provide           modernising social grants systems and           EDUCATION
increasing multi-month ARV dispensing to       expanding its reach to ultimately cover all     The Ministry of Education and Training will
allow Basotho working locally and in the       councils nationally. Plans are underway to      develop transition policy to facilitate
Republic of South Africa enough                reduce the age of qualification from 70 to 60   progression of learners from lower basic
medication to cover 3-6 months. The            years, and this will be done gradually          education schools to secondary schools in an
Ministry will further increase targeted HIV    beginning in FY2020/21. In the meantime,        endeavour to ensure inclusiveness in
testing and services to key populations such   the old age grant is increased by M50 per       learning. It will further upgrade and build
as Factory Workers, the Lesbian Gay            month. Also the African Committee of            appropriate infrastructure in four high
Transgender Bisexual and Intersexual           Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the        schools (St. Catharine’s, Abia, Motsekuoa
(LGTBI) community, migrant workers,            Children (ACERWC) Office will soon              and Mount Royal) for learners with special
adolescents and young women.                   relocate from Ethiopia to Lesotho               educational needs. Furthermore, the
                                               permanently. This is a demonstration of the     Disability Equity Bill has been tabled before
At 11 percent of the national budget, health   confidence Lesotho enjoys in the area of        Parliament to pave way for disability grants
services consume the next largest portion      social development.                             and a Disability Trust Fund.
after education. The budget proposes M2.4
billion be allocated to the Ministry of        M419.2 million has been set aside for the       The escalating number of sponsored
Health.                                        Ministry of Social Development. In              students and sponsorship costs, tight fiscal
                                               addition, the Ministry of Finance will cater    constraints and poor loan recoveries call for
                                               for old age grants. During FY2019/20 plans      an urgent implementation of Loan Bursary
                                               will be finalised to relocate the Old Age       Fund (LBF) Reforms. In the coming
                                               Pension to the Ministry of Social               financial year, the National Manpower
                                               Development.                                    Development Secretariat (NMDS) will
                                                                                               review and amend the legal framework
                                                                                               governing the LBF, including the National
                                                                                               Manpower Development Council (NMDC)
                                                                                               Act of 1978 and the Loan Bursary Fund
                                                                                               (LBF) Regulations of 1978. It will further
                                                                                               review and improve the Resource
                                                                                               Mobilisation and Financing Model of the
In order to care for the most vulnerable of                                                    fund by changing endorsement and
our people, Government has established a                                                       repayment of loan bursaries from partial to
social grants program that encompasses child                                                   actual incurred costs of sponsorships. In an
grants and old age grants. The Ministry of                                                     endeavour of ensuring equitable access to
Social Development is in the process of                                                        bursaries in light of the constrained funds,

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
the NMDS will develop the ‘Means Testing        programme that will contribute significantly     upgrading the road on the South African
Mechanism’ which will seek to ensure that       to national output for many years to come.       side.
bursaries are granted in favour of students     Given the current resource constraints and
from financially disadvantaged families.        the magnitude of the required financing,         The Ministry of Public Works will also
                                                Government will tap on PPPs as the main          undertake feasibility and design studies for
Government traditionally invests a very large   engine for implementing these large              the expansion of the Kofi Annan road and
share of its budget in education. The Budget    projects. Legislation for PPPs will be           the upgrading to bitumen standard of the
proposes that M3.1 billion (17 percent of the   presented in Parliament during the year.         Thaba Phatšoa road.         In addition to
total budget) be spent on education with        However, work is underway to set up the PPP      construction of new roads and maintenance
M2.4 billion allocated to the Ministry of       Unit and the Ministry of Finance presently       of existing ones, Government will construct
Education and M577 million for loan             has adequate legislative authority to initiate   thirteen foot bridges throughout the
bursaries.                                      PPP projects.                                    country. This will include two major
                                                                                                 suspended foot bridges between Ha
                                                                                                 Potomane and Shalane over Senqu River
                                                                                                 and between Hlotse and Likhakeng over
                                                                                                 Hlotse River. M955.5 million has been set
                                                                                                 aside to enable the Ministry of Public Works
                                                                                                 and Transport to perform these tasks.

                                                                                                 NATIONAL REFORMS
                                                                                                 POLITICAL AND
                                                The construction of the 66 kilometre             CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS
INFRASTRUCTURE                                  Marakabei to Monontša road in Butha-             The National Reform Agenda is proceeding
During FY2019/20 government will adopt          Buthe has commenced and joins the Mpiti-         briskly. The inclusive National Leaders
decisions on Maseru relief infrastructure       Sehlabathebe road whose construction             Forum (NLF), the National Dialogue
that will include north and south by-pass       began in late 2018. The bill for both roads      Planning Committee, the Multi-Stakeholder
roads, toll roads where appropriate,            will be M2 billion when complete. Both           National Dialogue are holding their
residential and office development using        roads will enhance tourism opportunities         meetings as expected. District consultations
government-owned sites, as well as a smart      between Lesotho and South Africa.                will be held in April 2019 where Basotho in
city. These decisions will also outline how     Government will soon open talks with the         their diverse formations will have a direct
the private sector will take part in these      Republic of South Africa on the prospect of      opportunity to be part of the dialogue
initiatives. This will be a multi-year build    opening a border at Monontša and                 process leading to reforms.

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"JOBS" 28/02/2019 - Government of Lesotho
PUBLIC SECTOR REFORMS                                                                               year transitional program at the end of which
Mr Speaker, on 1st April 2019, Government                                                           some of the beneficiaries would either have
will launch an upgrade to the Integrated                                                            founded their own businesses or found new
Financial Management Information System                                                             jobs. In FY2019/20, 8,500 youngsters, of
(IFMIS) which will address the existing                                                             which 3,500 will be graduates, will be
challenge of inaccurate financial statements                                                        assisted into internships and public works
and delays in payment of suppliers. The new                                                         programs.
system will do away with paperwork and will
provide users stronger control tools. As it       The 2014 Decentralisation Policy should
will have tracking functionality, chief           thus be implemented in earnest, with
accounting officers will be able track            requisite legislation brought to the House
payments to suppliers and ensure payment          soonest. During FY2019/20, Government
on time.                                          will formulate and conclude a fiscal
                                                  decentralisation roadmap, which shall set
                                                  standards for the use of national financial
Local government service began with local
government elections in 2005. Fourteen
years later, decentralisation remains fragile,    PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMME                            WHAT ARE THE
with central government still performing          Government is pained by the weakness in
most of the functions that are better                                                               MEASURES TO INCREASE
                                                  the economy and the rampant joblessness.
performed by councils. Delivery of services       There are 10,000 graduates that are looking       REVENUE?
to far reaching places by the central             for placement, but can’t find any opening         Budget is supported by new revenues and
government is inefficient at two levels: first,   and many have been waiting for more than          collection efficiency measures. During
the prioritisation of needs is not done by the    10 years. Below this group, there is even a lot   FY2019/20 government intends to
people who need the service, and secondly,        more needing a job placement. The                 introduce the following legislation:
the central government is far from every          proposals in this budget will create 20,000
community in land. Over and above this,           new jobs by the end 2021. But to ease the
paying councillors without allocating them        current     pressure     and     desperation,
responsibilities is not only inefficient; it      Government proposes a public works and
duplicates costs government incurs in the         internship program and set aside M300
delivery of services.                             million to cover the allowances under this
                                                  program. The details of the program will be
                                                  finalised by end of April, but it will be a 2-

 MINISTRY OF FINANCE – CITIZEN’S BUDGET                                                                                                       9
•   Enactment of Tax Administration         initiatives generated M15 million and M17           workshops       and      consultative
       Bill;                                   million, respectfully.                              meetings: (iv) ministers to cut their
   •   Enactment of the VAT Bill which                                                             delegations to the bone; (v) limiting
       will provide for implementation of      In an effort to mobilize the resources to           the number of nights any minister
       the reverse charge mechanism on         address the identified fiscal challenges,           can spend in outside meetings to 5
       VAT on imported services.               Government will scale up the VDP program.           only. Exceptions to be granted under
                                               The current zero rating on exports of natural       additional justification by a
   •   Enactment of Income Tax Bill
                                               resources will be replaced by VAT                   specialised committee and rarely; (vi)
   •   Enactment of the Customs Bill;
                                               exemption in an effort to reduce revenue            ministers to actively control
Furthermore, Government will implement         leakages emanating from high VAT refunds            international travel in their
the Tax Modernization Programme which          claimed by the mining industry.                     ministries; and finally, ministers to
will include, amongst others, the              Government will also zero rate sanitary             produce international travel reports
implementation of VAT non-compliance           towels as a way to increase access and              total time and amounts spent on
detection      solution.    The    Customs     improve school attendance.                          travel.
Modernization         Programme      entails                                                   ▪   Eliminate      all      supplemental
upgrading border IT infrastructure and         WHAT ARE THE                                        subsistence allowances including
introducing      a    Coordinated    Border                                                        quarter rates
Management through the Trade Related           MEASURES TO REDUCE                              ▪   Except for His Majesty, Members of
Facility and the National Single Window, as    EXPENDITURE?                                        Parliament and Statutory Officers,
well as rehabilitation of Sani Top and Van     During FY2019/20 government will                    all public servants travel economy
Royeen commercial border posts.                implement in full the following measures:           class;
                                                  ▪ Reduce ministerial international
Government will also repeal the tax
                                                     travel by undertaking the following.
regulation that granted 100% accelerated
                                                     (i) the Right Honourable the Prime
depreciation for mining so as to curb
                                                     Minister to set up a special
revenue leakages and review the Precious
                                                     committee       to    authorise     all
Stones Order 1970 and Mining and
                                                     ministerial international travel with
Minerals Act 2005 in order to align them.
                                                     the purpose to reduce such travel
Mr Speaker, in FY2018/19 Government                  including; (ii) government to use its
through the LRA implemented the                      foreign representatives to attend         ▪   The Government of Lesotho shall
Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) and               most meetings; (iii) ministers to             acquire one travel agent to provide,
the Small Business Taxation (SBT). The two           attend       only     representational        for a fee, all its flight booking
                                                     meetings and to avoid conferences,            services. Such an agent shall be IATA
                                                                                                   accredited. An expression of Interest

 MINISTRY OF FINANCE – CITIZEN’S BUDGET                                                                                              10
has been issued and a tender will             disciplinary action. Only Principal               Immigration Offices send vehicles to
      soon be finalised.                            Secretaries should be assigned an                 the district each day;
  ▪   Reduce government phone expenses              official vehicle and all other officials      ▪   Instruct LRA to collect non-tax
      by lowering existing allowances,              below this level should not be                    revenues;
      including cutting all spending limits         entitled to such vehicles.                    ▪   Reduce ministerial gross salary by 5
      on phone usage and negotiate better       ▪   Eliminate all international training              percent;
      value for money with the telecom              except that which is fully funded—the         ▪   Eliminate the interest benefit on
      suppliers. Enable an internal (free)          PS and Minister to enforce this                   MPs loans and the possibility of
      telephone      network       for    all       requirement. When international                   write-off of the loans following a mid-
      government        offices    including        training is fully funded, Government              term election;
      abroad;                                       will not pay any additional amount.           ▪   Eliminate the procurement of
  ▪   A cap of M5,000 per month to be to        ▪   Reduce the incentive to travel by                 refreshments         and        official
      be applied to all ministers;                  adopting the lower UN rates and                   entertainment; and
  ▪   Use communication technology                  amend the Annex B of the Ministry             ▪   Set price limits in IFMIS to curtail
      more effectively—the Ministry of              of Public Service Circular Notice                 the overcharging of government.
      Communications, Science and                   Number 8 of 2009 to reduce Per
      Technology to submit a proposal               Diem rates.
      before end March that includes            ▪   Reduce the cost of foreign missions
                                                                                               WHY SHOULD CITIZENS
      teleconferencing in districts and             by reducing their number of                PARTICIPATE IN BUDGET
      overseas and to train all senior              missions and reviewing the formula         FORMULATION,
      officials on modern communication             for calculating salaries.
      technologies;                             ▪   Reform the method of appointing
                                                                                               MONITORING AND
  ▪   Freeze all government hiring;                 diplomats,        particularly   those     EVALUATION?
  ▪   Reduce government fleet costs. All            responsible for financial matters.         Citizens and civil society have the right to
      government vehicles to be parked          ▪   Reduce the cost of accessing districts.    monitor the implementation of the budget
      outside office hours; introduce a         ▪   Government should deliver more             of Government. Citizens are encouraged to
      permit system managed by the                  and more services through local            monitor performance of works and services
      Government Secretary. Deploy                  government structures. This requires       done by service providers. Citizens’
      police to impound vehicles that do            the active implementation of the           participation in the monitoring and
      not      have     permits.     Release        2014 Decentralisation Policy.              evaluation of budget execution provide
      impounded vehicles only on the            ▪   Coordinate all trips to the districts      Government with an opportunity to be
      strength of demonstrable corrective           through a central coordination             accountable to the citizens on the use of
      measures taken by the PS. PSs that            system—the Post Office and                 public funds.
      do not take action, to face

MINISTRY OF FINANCE – CITIZEN’S BUDGET                                                                                                    11
This increases citizens’ confidence in the        the Budget, before it is approved by
Government using their money and thus             Parliament.
promote citizens’ understanding and
ownership of Government programs which            You are also encouraged to follow the
increases the likelihood of their success. To     debates by Members of Parliament (MP) on
this end, Citizens should request managers        the proposed 2019/2020 National Budget
of public funds to report on the level of         on Lesotho Television. The budget becomes
implementation of planned and budgeted            a law after it is passed by Parliament. After
activities. Districts should hold open days to    the approval, the budget can be found in the
provide citizens with information about           form of Government Gazette at the Ministry
Government activities. These open sessions        of Law and Constitutional Affairs –
are       important        in      monitoring     Government Printing. A soft copy of the
implementation         and    evaluation    of    complete Appropriation Act can be accessed        This guide is published under the authority of
performance contracts.                            at the Government website and of the              the Minister of Finance
                                                  Ministry of Finance:
                                                                                                    Editor-in-Chief: PS Finance
WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH                              www.gov.ls/www.finance.gov.ls                     For more information contact:
THIS INFORMATION?                                                                                   Ms. Maleshoane Lekomola -
                                                  In addition, every fiscal year, the               maleshoane.lekomola@gov.ls
This booklet is Lesotho’s 2019/2020               Government produces a Citizen’s Guide to
Citizens' Budget. It is a simplified version of                                                     Tel: 22320039
                                                  the budget that is distributed in all districts
the proposed 2019/2020 National Budget            and Civil Society Organizations. A soft copy
that was presented by the Honourable              of the Citizen’s Guide to the budget is also      The Newsletter is available on the
Minister of Finance on Tuesday 12th March,
                                                  available on the website of the Ministry of       Ministry of Finance website:
The Citizens’ Budget explains how the             It is the right of every Mosotho to have
Government proposes to raise money and            information about the National Budget.
where it intends to spend it, in a simplified     Talk to your neighbours, Government
manner that is easy for citizens to               Officers or your Leaders about this
understand. You are, therefore, encouraged        information and share it with other people
to read the Citizens’ Budget and if you have      in your community!
any comments, please contact your area
Member of Parliament (MP) to raise the
matter during the Parliamentary debates on

 MINISTRY OF FINANCE – CITIZEN’S BUDGET                                                                                                   12
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