Treatment for Low Back Pain Attributed to Underlying Presumptive Etiology

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Treatment for Low Back Pain Attributed to Underlying Presumptive Etiology
American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics                 

                                                                           Review Article

Treatment for Low Back Pain Attributed to
Underlying Presumptive Etiology
A. Krishna Sailaja*

Associate Professor, RBVRR Women’s college of pharmacy, Affiliated to Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India


 Address for              In these days back pain is becoming a serious problem in middle age
 Correspondence           and old age people. Back pain is not a disease but it is a symptom for
                          specific problem in the body. In this review a detailed discussion was
 Associate Professor,     made on the reasons, associated problems and various treatments
 RBVRR Women’s            available for the treatment of back pain.
 college of pharmacy,
 Affiliated to Osmania    Keywords: Low back pain, Presumptive etiology, Old age people,
 University, Hyderabad,   Middle age people.
 E-mail: shailaja1234

        Back pain is an extremely common          Musculoskeletal disorders also one of the
problem that causes people to seek medical        serious reasons of back pain. Lumbar
attention. Every one experiences back pain        radiculopathy, also called sciatica, refers to
at least one time in their entire life.           back and leg pain caused by an irritated
Generally back pain occurs in the age group       nerve in the lumbar spine. It is often
of 35-55. There are several reasons for back      associated with numbness in the leg. It tends
pain.     Various    metabolic    disorders,      to affect one leg and the pain and numbness
autoimmune diseases and physiological             can extend below the knee to the calf, foot,
conditions present back pain as a symptom.        and ankle. It tends to affect people age 30
General back pain which have been                 and older. Spinal stenosis is another
generated due to stress will resolve on its       condition that is related to lumbar
own without any treatment. Presence of            degenerative disk disease. This tends to
back pain for more than six weeks indicates       affect people that are 60 and older. It
serious health problem. The back pain which       involves a combination of back and leg pain,
occurs at night time is more dangerous and        often with numbness that tends to be worse
requires attention. Other symptoms are            with standing and walking and is relieved by
fever,     chills   and     night    sweats.      sitting down or flexing forward at the waist.

American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics                 
Treatment for Low Back Pain Attributed to Underlying Presumptive Etiology
Sailaja ______________________________________________________ ISSN 2349-7211

Another cause of back pain is an acute           Nerve irritation
vertebral compression fracture. These                     The nerves of the lumbar spine can
usually occur in elderly people with             be irritated by mechanical pressure by bone
osteoporosis.                                    or other tissues from their roots at the spinal
                                                 cord to the skin surface. These conditions
Function of the low back                         include lumbar disc disease (radiculopathy),
        The low back serves a number of          bony encroachment, and inflammation of the
important functions for the human body.          nerves caused by a viral infection.
These functions include structural support,
movement, and protection of certain body         Lumbar strain (acute, chronic)
tissues. While standing the lower back is                A lumbar strain is a stretch injury to
functioning to support the weight of the         the ligaments, tendons, and/or muscles of
upper body. In bending, extending lower          the low back. The stretching incident results
back is involved in the movement.                in microscopic tears of varying degrees in
Therefore, injury to the structures for weight   these tissues. Lumbar strain is considered
bearing, such as the bony spine, muscles,        one of the most common causes of low back
tendons, and ligaments, often can be             pain. The injury can occur because of
detected when the body is standing erect or      overuse, improper use, or trauma. If the
used in various movements.                       injury to soft tissue is present for more than
        Protection of soft tissues of the        three months this injury is commonly
nervous system and spinal cord as well as        classified as "acute". If the strain lasts longer
nearby organs of the pelvis is a critical        than three months, it is referred to as
function of the lumbar spine and adjacent        "chronic."Lumbar strain occurs in people in
muscles of the low back.                         their 40s, but it can happen at any age. The
                                                 severity of the injury ranges from mild to
Risk factors for back pain                       severe, depending on the degree of strain
        Following conditions are highly risk     and resulting spasm of the muscles of the
factors for back pain.                           low back. The diagnosis of lumbar strain is
 A mentally stressful job                       based on the history of injury, the location
 Pregnancy                                      of the pain, and exclusion of nervous system
 A Sedentary life style                         injury. X- ray testing is helpful to determine
 Age                                            the bone abnormalities1.
 Anxiety
 Depression                                     Lumbar radiculopathy
                                                          Lumbar radiculopathy is nerve
 Gender- back pain is more common in
                                                 irritation caused by damage to the discs
    women than men.
                                                 between the vertebrae. This damage to the
 Obesity
                                                 disc may be because of degeneration of the
 Physical work                                  outer ring of the disc, traumatic injury, or
        Common causes of low back pain
                                                 both. This rupture causes the "sciatica" pain
(lumbar backache) include nerve irritation,
                                                 of a herniated disc that shoots from the low
lumbar strain, lumbar radiculopathy, bony
                                                 back and buttock down the leg. This pain
encroachment, and conditions of the bone
                                                 commonly increases with movements at the
and joints.
                                                 waist and can increase with coughing or
                                                 sneezing. In more severe instances, sciatica
                                                 can be accompanied by incontinence of the

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bladder.     The    sciatica    of    lumbar       who are significantly affected by structural
radiculopathy typically affects only one side      scoliosis may require treatment with bracing
of the body. Lumbar radiculopathy is               and/or surgery to the spine. Adults
suspected based on the above symptoms.             infrequently are treated surgically but often
Nerve testing (EMG/electromyogram and              benefit by support bracing. Spina bifida is a
NCV/nerve conduction velocity) of the              birth defect in the bony vertebral arch over
lower extremities can be used to detect            the spinal canal, often with absence of the
nerve irritation. The actual disc herniation       spinous process. This birth defect most
can be detected with imaging tests, such as        commonly affects the lowest lumbar vertebra
CAT or MRI scanning. (See figure 1.)               and the top of the sacrum.

Bony encroachment                                  Injury to the bones and joints
        Any condition that results in growth               Fractures (breakage of bone) of the
of the vertebrae of the lumbar spine can limit     lumbar spine and sacrum bone most
the space for the adjacent spinal cord and         commonly affect elderly people with
nerves. Causes of bony encroachment of the         osteoporosis, especially those who have taken
spinal nerves include foramina narrowing,          long-term cortisone medication. For these
spondylolisthesis (slippage of one vertebra        individuals, occasionally even minimal
relative to another), and spinal stenosis.         stresses on the spine (such as bending to tie
Spinal-nerve compression in these conditions       shoes) can lead to bone fracture. In this
can lead to sciatica pain that radiates down       setting, the vertebra can collapse (vertebral
the lower extremities. Spinal stenosis can         compression fracture). The fracture causes an
cause lower-extremity pains that worsen with       immediate onset of severe localized pain that
walking and are relieved by resting.               can radiate around the waist in a band-like
Treatment of these afflictions varies,             fashion and is made intensely worse with
depending on their severity, and ranges from       body motions. This pain generally does not
rest, and exercises to epidural cortisone          radiate down the lower extremities12.
injections and surgical decompression by
removing the bone that is compressing the          Degenerative bone and joint conditions
nervous tissue. (See figure 2.)                            As the age advances, the water and
                                                   protein content of the body's cartilage
Bone and joint conditions                          changes. This change results in weaker,
         Bone and joint conditions that lead to    thinner, and more fragile cartilage. Because
low back pain include those existing from          both the discs and the joints that stack the
birth (congenital), those that result from wear    vertebrae are partly composed of cartilage,
and tear (degenerative) or injury, and those       these areas are subject to wear and tear over
that are due to inflammation of the joints         time. Degeneration of the disc is called
(arthritis).                                       spondylosis. Spondylosis can be noted on X-
                                                   rays of the spine as a narrowing of the normal
Congenital bone conditions                         "disc space" between the vertebrae. It is the
       Congenital causes of low back pain          deterioration of the disc tissue that
include scoliosis and spina bifida. Scoliosis is   predisposes the disc to herniation and
a sideways (lateral) curvature of the spine that   localized lumbar pain ("lumbago") in older
can be caused when one lower extremity is          patients. Degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis)
shorter than the other or because of an            of the facet joints is also a cause of localized
abnormal architecture of the spine. Children       lumbar pain that can be detected with plain X-

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ray testing. These causes of degenerative back       on whether or not the tumors affect the
pain are usually treated conservatively with         nervous tissue. Tumors of these areas are
intermittent heat, rest, rehabilitative exercises,   detected using imaging tests, such as plain X-
and medications to relieve pain, muscle              rays, nuclear bone scanning, and CAT and
spasm, and inflammation10,11.                        MRI scanning.

Other causes of lower back pain                      Other symptoms and signs associated with
       Other causes of low back pain include         low back pain7,8
kidney problems, pregnancy, ovary problems,                  Symptoms that can be associated with
and tumors.                                          low back pain include numbness, tingling of
                                                     the lower extremities, incontinence of urine or
Kidney problems                                      stool, inability to walk without worsening
        Kidney infections, stones, and               pain, lower extremity weakness, atrophy
traumatic bleeding of the kidney (hematoma)          (decreased in size) of the lower extremity
are frequently associated with low back pain.        muscles, rash, fever, chills, weight loss,
Diagnosis can involve urine analysis, sound-         abdominal pains, burning on urination,
wave tests (ultrasound), or other imaging            dizziness, joint pain, and fatigue.
studies of the abdomen.
                                                     Diagnosis of lower back pain9
Pregnancy                                                    The diagnosis of low back pain
        Pregnancy commonly leads to low              involves a history of the illness and a physical
back pain by mechanically stressing the              examination. Apart from abdomen and
lumbar spine and by the positioning of the           extremity evaluations, rectal and pelvic
baby inside of the abdomen. Additionally, the        examinations may eventually be required as
effects of the female hormone estrogen and           well. Further tests for diagnosis of low back
the ligament-loosening hormone relaxin may           pain can be required including blood and
contribute to loosening of the ligaments and         urine tests, plain film X-ray tests, CAT
structures of the back. Pelvic-tilt exercises        scanning, MRI scanning, bone scanning, and
and stretches are often recommended for              tests of the nerves such as electromyograms
relieving this pain.                                 (EMGs) and nerve conduction velocities
Ovary problems
       Ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and          Low Back Pain-Medications13,14
endometriosis not infrequently cause low                    Medicine can decrease low back pain
back pain. Precise diagnosis can require             and reduce muscle spasms in some people.
gynecologic examination and testing.                 But medicine alone isn't an effective
                                                     treatment for low back pain. It should be used
Tumors                                               along with other treatments, such as walking
        Low back pain can be caused by               and using heat or ice.
tumors, either benign or malignant, that
originate in the bone of the spine or pelvis and     Medication choices
spinal cord (primary tumors) and those which                There are several medicines your
originate elsewhere and spread to these areas        doctor may recommend, depending on how
(metastatic tumors). Symptoms range from             long you have had pain, what other symptoms
localized pain to radiating severe pain and          you have, and your medical history.
loss of nerve and muscle function depending

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        The medicines recommended most             Role of Physical exercise in the treatment of
often are:                                         back pain2,3
                                                           Here are a few stretching exercises, as
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and nonsteroidal           reported by the Times of India, which can be
anti-inflammatory drugs                            performed at the working place itself.
        Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
like ibuprofen and naproxen. These medicines       Neck stretch
can be purchased without prescription. But                 Stand straight with the feet apart.
stronger doses require prescription.               Entwine the fingers and hold the nape of the
                                                   neck. Look upwards toward the ceiling and
Muscle relaxants                                   stretch your neck to release pressure.
        These medicines can help to relief
muscle spasms along with low back pain.            Shoulder shrugs
Side effects, such as drowsiness, are common.               This exercise helps in releasing
                                                   stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Inhale
Opiate pain relievers                              deeply, grip the shoulders with the fingers and
        These are very strong medicines that       lift them up to the ears. Hold for five seconds
are sometimes tried to ease sudden, severe         and release.
back pain that has not been controlled by
other medicines. They are usually taken for        Arm raises
only 1 to 2 weeks.                                         This exercise will be performed by
                                                   using a water bottle as a dumbbell, hold it in
Antidepressants                                    the right hand. Bend the elbow, raise the arm
        Some of these medicines, such as           over the head and repeat with other hand.
amitriptyline and duloxetine, not only treat       This exercise can be performed at the
depression but also may help with chronic          working place itself.
        Other medicines sometimes used for         Hand circles4,5
low back pain are:                                         Clench both fists and stretch the hands
                                                   out in front of you. Rotate the wrists, first
Anesthetic or steroid injections                   clockwise and then anti-clockwise for five
       These have been prescribed for              minutes each. This exercise can be performed
chronic low back pain. They may give short-        at the working place itself.
term relief from leg pain related to a back
problem.                                           Back hug
                                                           Cross the arms and place the right
Anticonvulsants                                    hand on the left shoulder and the left hand on
       These are sometimes used to treat low       the right shoulder. Inhale and exhale deeply,
back pain, even though there isn't strong          hold for five seconds and release.
evidence that they help.
                                                   Leg extension6
Botox injection                                            While sitting, extend the legs straight
        This is a shot into the back muscles. It   out in front of you, so they are parallel to the
has not been well tested for chronic low back      floor. Flex and point the toes downward in
pain.                                              front of you. Repeat the exercise five
                                                   times. Beneficial for the abdomen and legs,

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practice leg extensions at work place twice a         6.    Sherman KJ, et al. (2011). A randomized
day.                                                        trial comparing yoga, stretching, and a self-
                                                            care book for chronic low back pain.
CONCLUSIONS                                                 Archives of Internal Medicine, 171(22):
        In this review detailed discussion was        7.    Chou R (2010). Low back pain (chronic),
made on the main causes, symptoms and                       search date April 2009. Online version of
diagnostic procedures for lower back pain.                  BMJ Clinical Evidence: http://www.
The main reason for low back pain absolutely
                                                      8.    Wilk V. Acute low back pain: assessment
depends on its precise cause. For example,                  and management. Australian Family
acute strain injuries generally heal entirely               Physician. 2004; 33: 403-407.
with minimal treatment. On the other hand,            9.    Deyo RA, Weinstein JN. Low back pain.
bony abnormalities that are irritating the                  New England Journal of Medicine. 2001;
spinal cord can require significant surgical                344: 363-370.
repair and the outlook depends on the surgical        10.   Jenner JR, Barry M. ABC of rheumatology:
result. Different procedures are discussed for              low back pain. BMJ. 1995; 310: 929-932.
the treatment of back pain. Long-term optimal         11.   Devereaux MW. Low back pain. Primary
results often involve exercise rehabilitation               Care. 2004; 31: 33-51.
programs that can involve physical therapists.        12.   Anema JR, Steenstra IA, Bongers PM, et al.
                                                            Multidisciplinary rehabilitation for subacute
Physical exercise is always helpful for
                                                            low back pain: graded activity or workplace
controlling the different types of back pain.               intervention or both? A randomized
                                                            controlled trial. Spine. 2007; 32(3):291-298;
REFERENCES                                                  discussion 299-300.
                                                      13.   Chou R, Huffman LH. Medications for acute
1.   Hu SS, et al. (2006). Disorders, diseases, and         and chronic low back pain: a review of the
     injuries of the spine. In HB Skinner, ed.,             evidence      for    an     American     Pain
     Current Diagnosis and Treatment in                     Society/American College of Physicians
     Orthopedics, 4th ed., pp. 221–297. New                 clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med.
     York: McGraw-Hill.                                     2007; 147(7):505-514.
2.   Furlan AD, et al. (2008). Massage for low-       14.   Chou R, Huffman LH. Nonpharmacologic
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     reviews.                                               pain: a review of the evidence for an
3.   Furlan AD, et al. (2005). Acupuncture and              American Pain Society/American College of
     dry-needling for low back pain. Cochrane               Physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann
     Database of Systematic Reviews (1).                    Intern Med. 147(7):492-504.
4.   Hsieh LL, et al. (2006). Treatment of low        15.   Chou R, Qaseem A, et al. Diagnosis and
     back pain by acupressure and physical                  treatment of low back pain: a joint clinical
     therapy: randomized controlled trial. BMJ,             practice guideline from the American
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                Figure 1. Cross-section picture of herniated disc between L4 and L5

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                      Figure 2. Figure explaining about the disk herniation

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