Translation of Weiman Kou's 'Corona Virus' Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy - Ejournal ...

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Translation of Weiman Kou's 'Corona Virus' Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy - Ejournal ...
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa
                                                                          Vol. 6, No. 2 October 2020, Page 91-97

                                                                                               P-ISSN: 2406-9019
                                                                                               E-ISSN: 2443-0668
                                               Available Online at

Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into
 Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy
                         Mirsa Umiyati1* and I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi2
                       Postgraduate Program in Linguistics, Universitas Warmadewa
                  Jl. Terompong No. 24, Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Received: 11/08/2020                       Revised: 15/10/2020                          Published: 29/10/2020
How to cite (in APA style):
Umiyati, M., Susanthi, I, G, A, A, D. (2020). Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-
     19 Prevention Educational Strategy. Retorika: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 6(2), 91-97. doi:

Abstract - The Covid-19 pandemic having been spreading throughout the world has resulted in the
emergence of various literary works with the aim of educating the wider community on how to anticipate it.
One form of literary work helping educate and is well responded to by the community, especially school-
aged children, is comics. Comics are very effective in attracting people to listen and read since the
information is conveyed in attractive pictures and in easily digestible language. The comics written are
translated into various languages so that people in the regions and speakers of other languages can receive the
messages conveyed through the comics in question. Identifying the advantages of comics in educating the
prevention of Covid-19 around the world, this research focuses on examining the process of translating a
comic by Weiman Kou into Balinese. Translation is an effective way to develop learning, not only in college
but also in the wider community environment. This study examines the procedure for translating comics by
graduate students of linguistics. The results showed that the comic was translated by literal, calque, and
borrowing procedures. In order to achieve quality translation results, it is suggested that translating does not
only apply three types of procedures but also many other types of procedures, including communicative and
idiomatic procedures. By applying these procedures, the message conveyed is perceived the same to both the
source language reader and the target language reader.

Keywords: Equvalent Term; Comic; Covid-19 Pandemic; Translation Procedure

  I. INTRODUCTION                                              Indonesia are favored by readers. Therefore,
        Many literary works from one language                  several comics written in foreign languages
  have now been reported not only using the                    have become best-sold comics. Turning away
  language itself but also using other languages               from comic readers who understand foreign
  through various media, including comics.                     languages, there are also readers who have no
  Comic is a form of literary work that uses                   idea of the foreign language meanings. As a
  immovable images arranged in such a way as                   solution this type of reader understands the
  to form a storyline (Wafa’ & Tjahyadi, 2017).                meaning of the text in the comic through the
  Not only pictures, speech balloons are also                  interpretation of the meaning of the images
  included in a comic. These speech balloons                   therein. However, can the message digested
  are writings about what characters say.                      only through images be fully received by the
        The foreign language comics in                         readers? Of course not. Therefore, translation

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Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy

plays an important role at this level.                      types of translation based on global goals,
       Translation is a process of transfering              namely adaptation and naturalisation.
the meaning or ideas from the source                        Naturalisation is one of a number of
language (hereinafter is referred to as SL) into            translation     procedures      proposed      by
the target language (hereinafter is referred to             (Newmark, 1998). Naturalisation as explained
as TL), including the transfer of style                     is a way of translating by adapting the SL
(Soemarno, 1983). Translation is defined as                 forms especially pronunciation as the first
an activity to reproduce messages from SL                   step. Naturalisation appears as a part of the
into TL using the closest, parallel and                     literal translation procedure which is
reasonable equivalent, both in the way of                   categorised as one of the types of borrowing
expressing the meaning and the style of                     (Vinay et al. 1995), or naturalised borrowing
writing (Pratama, 2016). Then, a translator                 (Molina & Albir, 2002) namely borrowing in
refers a person who transfers the meaning or                which a term of SL is adjusted to the rules of
the ideas from the SL into the TL. Translation              pronunciation and TL term spelling.
is certainly more effective in re-delivering                       Adaptation in translation is one of the
messages conveyed through the SL into the                   procedures applied in diverting messages
TL if it is carried out using certain techniques            from SL into TL idiomatically. Adaptation is
or procedures (Ndruru, 2017). The translation               “oblique translation”, namely the idiomatic
technique is a way to transfer the meaning of               translation procedure proposed by Vinay et al.
the SL to the TL. This is in line with what was             (1995). Several examples of adaptations can
stated by Benjamin (2011) that translation is a             be found in a number of translations of
mode. More than that, the translation                       Indonesian texts into English and vice versa.
technique is a method used to transfer                      For     example,     in     the    context    of
messages from SL to TL, applied at the level                correspondence, ‘Dear Sir’ (English) has the
of words, phrases, clauses and sentences by                 equivalent Dengan Hormat (Indonesian) as a
referring to the canonical rules or structures of           salutation expression in letter writing.
the TL, and not the structure of the SL                     Another example can be seen from the
(Hasyim, 2015).                                             introduction of the terms keanekaragaman
       Furthermore, technique is not the only               hayati and ketahanan hayat to shift the
thing a translator needs. Translation of comics             meaning of the English terms ‘biodiversity’
is carried out with several procedures,                     and ‘biosecurity’ (Jayantini, 2010).
including as mentioned by Pratama (2016) in                        There is a comic written by Weiman
her research that translation of comics is                  Kou, a painter, a comic being sought by many
based on procedures such as borrowing,                      translators everywhere. The comic is entitled
equality, translating person as idiomatic                   “Corona Virus (COVID-19)”. Corona virus
expressions,      exclamation      words     and            disease 2019 or is well known with term
translations, removing elements in translation,             Covid-19 is a type of virus that attacks the
and changing the punctuation in translation.                human lungs. So far, the prevention of the
       Apart from the forms of speech baloons,              corona virus is still being voiced on TV,
there are also various kinds of onamatopies                 YouTube and radio, but only this comic has
which are one of the things that need to be                 voiced prevention through a literary work.
taken into account when translating comics                  This comic has been translated into various
(Benjamin, 2011). Another and fundamental                   other local languages, including Balinese.
problem in translation is obtaining the                            A number of studies that have been
equivalence between SL to be translated and                 carried out support this research, including the
TL which is the result of the translation                   research on the error in the equivalent of
process. Equivalence can only be obtained if                words in the translation text of Mini Crime
the translator understands the true meaning of              “Dinner ohne Britta!” by students majoring in
the SL text and is able to re-convey it with the            German Literature (Wulandari, 2018). The
correct composition and choice of words in                  research aims to identify the forms of word
the TL (Emzir, 2016). The equivalence is also               equivalent in the translation text of Mini
voiced in the meaning of the translation itself.            Krimi “Dinner ohne Britta!” which is
       Speaking of translation, there are two               translated by the students and explains the

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Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy

causes of these errors. The results of this                 on translation quality (Wafa’ & Tjahyadi,
study reveal that there are 3 (three) forms of              2017). The purpose of this study is to analyse
equivalent word errors in the translated text,              the translation techniques, methods and
including errors in matching words with                     ideology used by the translator in translating
words, errors in matching words with phrases,               the forms and functions of directive
and errors in matching words with clauses.                  illocutionary speech act in these comics and
Moreover, it was also found that these errors               to assess the quality of the translation of the
caused a mismatch of contextual meaning                     form and function of the directive
between SL and TL and ineffective sentences                 illocutionary speech act contained therein.
in TL. Additonally, it is revealed that there are           The findings of this study indicate that there
three shortcomings of students, namely the                  are 273 directive illocutionary speech act
lack of vocabulary in German, a lack of                     discovered. The quality of the translation of
understanding of German and Indonesian                      directive illocutionary speech acts in the
culture, and limited time in translating.                   comic includes three aspects, namely
       Another research is research conducted               accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The
on translation techniques and the quality of                translation    quality     of   the    directive
translation of sentences containing satirical               illocutionary speech act in the comic tends to
expressions in the novel “The 100-Year-Old                  be good. The percentage of translation aspects
Man who Climbed Out of the Window and                       of accuracy, acceptability, and readability is
Disappeared” (Dhyaningrum et al., 2016).                    very high.
This study aims to determine the complexity                        Based on this background, the
sentences containing satirical expressions,                 equivalent words in translation of the Weiman
types of satirical expressions, rhetorical                  Kou’s “Corona Virus” (Covid-19) Comic in
devices in satirical expressions, translation               Balinese are very important to be studied.
techniques, and the impact of translation                   What's more, the study of this object has
techniques on the quality of translation of                 never appeared in previous studies. In a
sentences containing satirical expressions in               specific level, there are two objectives of this
those words. The results of this study                      research, namely to examine the procedure for
indicated     that    sentence     constructions            translating Weiman Kou’s “Corona Virus
containing satirical expressions consisted of               (Covid-19)” comic in Balinese and the
complex sentences, simple sentences,                        ideology in translating the comic.
compound sentences, compound complex
sentences, and minor sentences. The types of                II. METHOD
satirical expression consist of personal,                         This study makes use of qualitative
episodic, experimental and textual satires. The             research method. The qualitative research
rhetorical devices that most often appear in                method referred to here is a research method
satirical expressions are irony, ridicule, and              used to examine objects and subjects naturally
sarcasm. The translation techniques that have               and is not contrived and the role of the
the highest frequency are equivalent,                       researcher is as a key instrument (Sugiyono,
linguistic compression, pure borrowing,                     2006). Furthermore, Sugiyono (2006) argued
transposition, and subtraction. Translation                 that qualitative design is a research design
techniques that appear most frequently make a               whose data are in the form of qualitative
positive contribution to the overall quality of             descriptisve, personal documents, field notes,
translation. From the assessment of the three               respondent’s words and actions, documents,
quality aspects, the conclusion of the study is             and others. The same thing view was stated
that translator is quite capable of applying                by Moleong (1988) that qualitative research is
translation techniques. There is a positive                 a research in which data are collected in the
impact of the techniques applied and the total              form of words, pictures, and not numbers.
translation quality.                                              The data studied in this study are the
       Other research related to this study the             equivalent words found in the comic Weiman
one conducted on translation techniques,                    Kou's “Corona Virus (Covid-19)”. An excerpt
methods, ideology in the comic entitled                     from the text in the comic into Indonesian is
“Baby Blues Siaga Satu Anak Pertama by                      shown below.
Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott” and its effect

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Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy

                                                            Procedures for Translating Medical Terms
                                                                  Based on the results of data analysis, it
                                                            was found that in translating medical terms
                                                            from English to Indonesian various translation
                                                            procedures were used. Among them are
                                                            borrowing, literal translation, calque, and
                                                                  Borrowing is a translating technique by
                                                            taking words directly from SL as the
   Fig 1. Excerpt of Text in “Corona Virus                  equivalent into TL. Molina & Albir (2002)
            (COVID-19)” Comic                               explained that in the borrowing technique, a
                                                            translator can use two ways, the first is called
       The data were collected through content              pure borrowing and the second is called
analysis. Content analysis is a variety of forms            naturalised borrowing. In pure borrowing the
of document analysis. The data that has been                translator retains the SL word or term without
obtained are then analysed qualitatively                    making any changes into the TL. With the
through content analysis technique. According               naturalised borrowing, the translator borrows
to (Spradley, 1980), content analysis includes              SL words or terms, but the pronunciation of
several stages, namely; domain, taxonomy,                   the words is adjusted in the TL, mostly at
componential analysis, and finding cultural                 phonological level.
values. Content analysis was carried out by                       The transfer of terms using the
reading the comic “Corona Virus (COVID-                     borrowing technique found in the translation
19”, both the original comic and its translation            of the comic "Corona Virus" is described as
into Balinese, identifying the equivalent words             follows.
in the two versions of the comic, giving the
data codes, analysing the word equivalents by                   1.    If you just one     Jika Anda
looking at the words in the comic. Corona                             of them is          salah satu dari
Virus (COVID-19) and Balinese comic                                   infected, the       mereka yang
translation. After the data were analyzed, they                       virus might         terinfeksi,
                                                                      spread through      virus mungkin
are presented descriptively.
                                                                      you to everyone     menyebar
                                                                      else                melalui Anda
III.  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                              ke orang lain
      This section describes the initial stages
of the analysis, namely the study of the                        2.    Separating          Memisahkan
translation of the comic “Covid-19” from                              Covid 19            Covid-19
English into Indonesian. The written data of
this research were taken from these comics
and their translation into Indonesian in the                      Datum (1) shows the application of
translation class. The data is then grouped                 pure borrowing technique, in the occurrence
based on the problem formulations that have                 of borrowing the word SL ‘virus’, without
been described.                                             making any changes to the TL version. In this
      The analysis in this section is carried               case, borrowing is used in specific health
out sequentially on each datum, namely                      science.
explaining the translation procedure and                          The application of foreignisation
followed by an analysis of the translation                  ideology in the translation is used when
ideology used in the translation process of the             translating foreign a term. Translator in this
comic. Translation is carried out by the                    case students still retains the foreign term
second grader at the postgraduate students in               form in TL. The word “virus” in SL is still
Linguistics of Universitas Warmadewa in the                 translated as virus in TL, without changing
Translation class.                                          anything; this is where the pure borrowing
                                                            technique works. Meanwhile, the term in the
                                                            TL still contains foreign element and indicates

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Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy

the application of foreignisation in the                   pronunciation adjustment in TL due to the
translation.                                               different phonological system of the TL,
        Likewise with datum (2) which shows                namely the Indonesian phonological system.
pure borrowing application. In this                        This shows the application of the
translation, there is a borrowing technique                domestication ideology in the translation of
applied to the translation of the SL term                  the term SL into TL.
‘Covid-19’, without making any changes to
the terms in TL. In this case, pure borrowing              Literal Translation
is used in specific health science. Covid-19,                     Literal translation is done by translating
which stands for corona virus disease 2019, is             word for word. Literal translation is also found
translated directly into the TL in an                      in the translation of the terms of health in the
abbreviated form ‘Covid-19’.                               comic “Covid 19” from English into
        The application of foreignisation                  Indonesian. The following is an illustration.
ideology in translation is realized when
translating foreign term. Translators in this                   5.    If you are able    Jika Anda dapat
case are the postgraduate students, still retain                      to work or         bekerja atau
foreign term in TL. The term ‘virus’ in SL is                         study at home      belajar di
still translated into a virus on the TL, without                      and visit only     rumah dan
                                                                      essential          hanya
making any changes, and the phenomenon is
                                                                      places when        mengunjungi
called pure borrowing application process. In                         you need to, it    tempat-tempat
this process, the application of the                                  will help to       penting ketika
foreignisation process in the translation is                          greatly reduce     Anda perlu, itu
shown.                                                                the spread         akan sangat
     3.   People with         Penderita                                                  mengurangi
          asthma or poor      asma atau                                                  penyebaran
          immunity.           kekebalan
                              buruk.                            6     So let’s do our    Jadi mari kita
                                                                      part to stay       lakukan bagian
     4.   Rubs with 60%       Gosok dengan                            safe        and    kita untuk tetap
          to 95% of           alkohol 60%                             protect others     aman dan
          alcohol are         hingga 95%                              from        this   melindungi
          most effective      paling efektif                          virus!             orang lain dari
          against viruses.    melawan virus.                                             virus ini!

       Datum (3) shows the realisation of the                   7     Separating         Memisahkan
application     of    naturalised     borrowing                       covid-19           covid-19
technique. In the translation results, it can be
seen that there is a technique of borrowing to                    Data (5), (6) and (7) show the phrases
the SL word ‘asthma’ into the TL but the                   translated word for word from SL into TL.
pronunciation of the word is adjusted to the               Among other things, ‘…reduce the spread’
pronunciation of the TL word sound system,                 (SL) is translated to mengurangi penyebaran
and then it becomes ‘asthma’. In this case, the            (TL), ‘…stay safe’ (SL) is translated into tetap
word ‘asthma’ has undergone an adjustment in               aman (TL), and ‘separating Covid-19’ is also
pronunciation in the TL, namely Indonesian.                translated word for word into TL to
This shows the application of the                          memisahkan       covid-19.    Therefore,     the
domestication ideology in the translation                  translation in this section applies the literal
process, because pronunciation has been                    translation technique. Loss and gain of
adjusted to the TL sound pronunciation                     information does not occur in these data.
       Likewise with datum (4), which shows                Domestication in Translation
the application of naturalised borrowing                         Translation of the data (5), (6) and (7)
technique. In SL there is the word ‘alcohol’               above is done literally. This shows the
but it is translated as ‘alkohol’ in TL. In this           application of the domestication ideology in
case, the SL word ‘alcohol’ has undergone a                the translation. Domestication in this

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Translation of Weiman Kou’s ‘Corona Virus’ Comic into Indonesian: Covid-19 Prevention Educational Strategy

translation is exposed because the term health             In other words, the translator replaces
is translated into the TL without any foreign              elements of SL culture with cultural elements
elements that are still attached to the TL                 that have the same characteristics in the TL
                                                           and those cultural elements are familiar to TL
     8.    keep     hands    menjaga                       readers. The results of this study also indicate
           clean             kebersihan                    the application of this ideology in translating
                             tangan                        the comic “Covid-19” as shown in the
                                                           following illustration.
       Datum (8) shows the translation is done                 10.    Stay in touch      Tetap
word for word from SL into TL, such as the                            with them in       berkomunikasi
phrase ‘keeps hands clean’ (BSu) translated as                        other ways!        dengan mereka
menjaga kebersihan tangan (TL). Hence, this                                              dengan cara
translation is included in the category of literal                                       lain! tetap
translation. However, hands clean in SL                                                  menjalin
translates to kebersihan tangan in TL. This                                              komunikasi
indicates a shift in translation. The shift can                   Datum (10) shows the application of
occur because SL and TL have different                     adaptation technique, especially in translating
structures. In datum (5), there is a shift in the          the phrase ‘saty in touch’ which literally
structure from SL to TL, in that, the position             means sentuh in TL. However, in this context,
of the MODIFIER and HEAD in SL and                         the use of the phrase ‘stay in touch’ can
Indonesia in phrase construction is different.             contain the meaning of tetap berkomunikasi
In other words, Indonesian has a phrase                    used in the TL. In other words, the translator
structure, M-M (modified-modifier), while                  replaces elements of SL culture with cultural
English has an M-M (modifier-modified)                     elements that have the same characteristics in
structure.                                                 the TL and those cultural elements are familiar
                                                           to the TL readers. In datum 10, it is clear that
Calque                                                     the element of the domestication ideology is
       Vinay et al. (1995) explain that an SL              realised, namely in translation by replacing the
word or phrase is translated and used directly             term with a cultural elements that is familiar to
in TL. This technique has a special                        TL readers.
characteristic, in that, the occurrence of SL
structural interference in the TL and                      IV. CONCLUSIONS
translation is carried out literally or literally.                The results of the research and
                                                           discussion that have been presented in the
     9.   alcohol-based      handrub                       previous sections produce several conclusions
          hand rub           berbasis alcohol              to be drawn on in this study. Firstly, there are
                                                           several procedures implemented by the
       Datum (9) show that the SL phrase                   translator, in this case the second grader of
'alcohol-based handrub' is translated directly             postgraduate students in Linguistics of
into one TL phrase, namely handrub                         Universitas Warmadewa in translating the
berdasarkan alkohol, so that the translation               comic “Covid-19” as part of practical work in
shows the application of the calque procedure,             the Translation class. The translation referred
namely the occurrence of TL structural                     to is the translation of English medical terms.
interference. In this data, it is clear that there is      Each of them is borrowing, literal translation,
foreignisation in the translation, because                 calque, and adaptation. In the borrowing
foreign terms are retained in the TL.                      procedure, students applied pure borrowing
                                                           and naturalised borrowing. In applying the
Adaptation                                                 literal translation       procedure, students
      Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000)                translated SL word for word into TL. The
explained that adaptation is a translation                 calque procedure was applied by taking SL
technique by replacing SL elements with                    elements and reusing them as a substitute for
elements that are accepted and familiar in TL.             TL elements, causing interference to occur in
                                                           SL. Adaptation was applied when the

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