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ON THE PROCESSING OF NONWORDS IN WORD NAMING AND AUDITORY LEXICAL DECISION Yu-Ying Chuang1 , Marie-lenka Vollmer1 , Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan1 , Susanne Gahl2 , Peter Hendrix1 , and R. Harald Baayen1 Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen1 ; University of California at Berkeley2 yu-ying.chuang@uni-tuebingen.de; marie.voller@online.de; elnaz.shafaei-bajestan@uni-tuebingen.de; gahl@berkeley.edu; peter.hendrix@gmail.com; harald.baayen@uni-tuebingen.de ABSTRACT The effect of neighborhood density was interpreted as reflecting lexical competition, the hallmark of Nonwords are often used to clarify how lexical pro- word processing. The effect of phonotactic probabil- cessing takes place in the absence of semantics. This ity, which in their data was strongly correlated with study shows that nonwords are not semantically vac- neighborhood density, was understood as arising at uous. We used Linear Discriminative Learning [2] the sublexical level. Nonword processing would to estimate the meanings of nonwords in the MALD then be driven primarily by phonotactic probability. database [14] from the speech signal. We show that In a subsequent study, Vitevitch and Luce [16] re- measures gauging nonword semantics significantly ported that in lexical decision, nonword processing improve model fit for both acoustic durations and can also involve the lexical level, if nonwords co- RTs. Although nonwords do not evoke meanings activate real words that then enter into a process of that afford conscious reflexion, they do make con- lexical competition. However, by assumption, non- tact with the semantic space, and the angles and dis- words still do not have their own specific semantics. tances of nonwords with respect to actual words co- In this study we show that nonwords are not se- determine articulation and lexicality decisions. mantically empty and that nonword-specific mean- ings do co-determine lexical processing. This idea is Keywords: Nonword, auditory lexical decision, in fact not new. Take sound symbolism, for example. lexical processing, Linear Discriminative Learning. If nonwords would not activate any semantics, it is hard to explain the well-established finding that cer- 1. INTRODUCTION tain nonwords are consistently associated with spe- cific semantic concepts: a nonword such as baluma Nonwords are widely used in a variety of linguis- is typically associated with objects with round curvy tic experiments. In lexical decision tasks, for exam- shapes ([9, 13]). ple, they are used not only to balance word decisions The goal of the present study is to complement with nonword decisions, but also to help conceal the investigations of phonological aspects of nonword experimental manipulation of word materials. processing with an exploration of their semantic When nonwords are themselves the target of effects. To that end, we extracted the nonword study, the obvious absence of clear meanings for data from the Massive Auditory Lexical Decision nonwords has led researchers to use nonwords to (MALD) database [14], and examined acoustic du- study lexical processing without any interference of rations and reaction times. Specifically, we gener- semantics. For example, Vitevitch and Luce [15] ated semantic vectors for nonwords, using the algo- contrasted nonwords with words to distinguish the rithms of a new cognitively and linguistically moti- loci where different effects occur. Examining the vated theory of the mental lexicon, Linear Discrimi- effects of phonological neighborhood density and native Learning [2]. phonotactic probability on spoken word recognition with a shadowing task, they found effects with oppo- 2. METHOD site sign for words and nonwords. Whereas higher diphone probability and denser similarity neighbor- 2.1. Materials hoods predicted longer reaction times for words, they predicted shorter reaction times for nonwords. We obtained the recordings and reaction time data Vitevitch and Luce argued that the effects of of the nonwords from MALD. The nonwords, all phonological neighborhood density and phonotac- composed of phonotactically legal syllables, were tic probability arise at different processing levels. recorded by one male native speaker of English and
were responded to by 231 native listeners in a lexi- procedure as for the word matrix C w . Using (2), we cal decision task. In what follows, we analyzed only then derived the semantic matrix for nonwords ŜS nw , correct responses. This left us with 9,573 data points each row of which represents the predicted semantic for the acoustic durations, and 96,049 for the RTs. vector (ŝsnw ) of a nonword. 2.2. Estimating nonword meaning 2.3. Predictors Following Landauer and Dumais [11] and subse- For the analysis we considered five variables as pre- quent work in distributional semantics, we approx- dictors. The first two are measures of phonological imated word meanings by means of vectors of form, whereas the latter three are semantic measures real-valued numbers, henceforth semantic vectors. derived from ŜS nw . We made use of the semantic vectors described in Phonological Neighborhood Density (PhonND): Baayen et al. [2], which were derived from the The number of words which have an edit distance TASA corpus [8, 12]. The computational model of one phone (by addition, deletion, or substitution) of Linear Discriminative Learning (henceforth LDL) from the nonword. This measure is provided by developed in this study maps a numeric vector rep- MALD. resenting a word’s form onto a numeric vector rep- Biphone Phonotactic Probability (BiphProb): resenting a word’s meaning. The mean biphone phonotactic probability of a non- Formally, let C w denote the matrix specifying word. This measure was obtained from the on- words’ forms, and let S w denote the matrix speci- line phonotactic probability calculator developed by fying words’ meanings. The form and meaning ma- Vitevitch and Luce [17]. trices have the same number of rows, one for each Euclidean Distance from Nearest Neighbor word. Thus, in C w , a given row vector c w represents (EDNN): The Euclidean distance of the position of a the form features of one specific word, whereas in nonword in the semantic space from the position of S w , the corresponding row represents the semantic its nearest word neighbor. This was calculated by vector (ssw ) of that word. We define a matrix F that using the FNN package of R [3]. maps the form vectors in C w as precisely as possible Average Lexical Correlation (ALC): The mean of onto the semantic vectors of S w . Using the notation the correlations of a nonword’s semantic vector ŝsnw of linear algebra, this mapping can be written as: with each of the words’ semantic vectors s w . Cor- relation, similar to consine similarity, is a measure (1) C w F = S w . of the angle of two vectors. The smaller the angle The mapping F is equivalent to a two-layer network is, the more similar the two vectors are, and hence without hidden layers. Given the matrices C w and the higher the correlation. Higher ALC indicates F , equation (1) can be solved (see [2] for mathe- that the nonword has “landed” in a denser semantic matical details). Given the mapping F and a set of neighborhood. nonwords, the form vectors of which are brought to- Nearest Neighbor Correlation (NNC): The maxi- gether as the row vectors of a matrix C nw , we can mum correlation between a nonword semantic vec- estimate the semantic vectors of these nonwords by tor ŝsnw and a word semantic vector s w , taking into post-multiplying the matrix of form vectors with F : account all word vectors. Its value is high when the angle between ŝsnw and s w is small, suggesting the (2) C nw F = ŜS nw . nonword is semantically similar to a word. Form and meaning vectors were constructed for the 3. RESULTS 19,412 words from MALD for which TASA-based semantic vectors were also available to us (cf. [2]). 3.1. Nonword duration The semantic vectors constructed in this study were used to build the semantic matrix S w . The form ma- Statistical analyses were conducted using the Gener- trix C w was derived from the speech signal using the alized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) [18], which Frequency Band Summary (FBS) features [1]. For allows the modeling of nonlinear functional rela- the present dataset, there was a total of 26,336 dis- tions between one or more predictors and the re- tinct FBS features. A word’s form vector specifies sponse variable. To avoid problems of interpreta- which of these FBS features are present in that word, tion due to multicollinearity (the pairwise correla- using binary coding with 1 for presence and 0 for tions of these measures are: EDNN-ALC: r = −0.28; absence. For the 9,573 nonwords in MALD, we cre- EDNN-NNC: r = −0.45; ALC-NNC: r = 0.57), we per- ated a second form matrix (CC nw ), following the same formed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on
the three semantic measures. The PCA loadings for Table 1: PCA loadings for the semantic measures. these measures are presented in Table 1. We in- cluded PC1 and PC2, which together accounted for PC1 PC2 PC3 87% of the variance in the semantic measures, into EDNN 0.51 0.80 -0.30 our regression analyses. ALC -0.58 0.59 0.58 We fitted a GAMM to the nonword durations, NNC -0.64 0.12 -0.76 with as predictors PC1 and PC2, as well as from the two phonological measures of PhonND and BiphProb. The upper panels of Figure 1 visualize 2 2 the partial effects of the two phonological factors. Duration 0 0 Both are well-supported predictors for nonword du- ration, but their effects are opposite. Accordingly, −2 −2 nonwords in a denser phonological neighborhood −4 −4 edf = 5.32 edf = 1.00 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 are produced with shorter duration, while nonwords 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 with higher phonotactic probability have longer du- PhonND BiphProb ration. This pattern of results fits well with previous 2 2 work on PhonND effects on duration. Gahl et al. [7], Duration 0 0 based on a different model, the two-step interactive activation model of lexical access of Dell [5] and −2 −2 Dell and Gordon [6], hypothesized that increasing −4 −4 edf = 4.59 edf = 3.08 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 PhonND should be associated with shorter word du- −4 −2 0 2 4 −2 −1 0 1 2 rations. That prediction was confirmed based on a PC1 PC2 corpus of spontaneous speech. The semantic measures, the partial effects of Figure 1: Predictor effects on nonword duration. The shaded area indicates 2 standard error bounds. which are presented in the bottom panels of Fig- ure 1, are also predictive. Inclusion of these pre- time (r = 0.37), and is the dominant predictor dictors increased model fit substantially (∆ AIC = when reaction times are measured from word 1845 units). For both PCs, we found upward-sloping onset, we focused on reaction times measured from trends. Since PC1 is a dimension that contrasts EDNN nonword offset. Responses that were made before on the one hand with ALC and NNC on the other stimulus offset were excluded. RTs were Box-Cox hand, if PC1 is large, a nonword is distant from other transformed (λ = 0.26). words, has landed in a sparse neighborhood, and is semantically dissimilar to any word. Under this con- 200 200 dition, durations increase. PC2 is an orthogonalized dimension that aligns EDNN and ALC. A large value of 0 0 RT PC2 indicates that the nonword is again distant from −200 −200 other words, but now it is in a dense region of se- edf = 5.40 edf = 4.09 −400 −400 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 mantic space. In this case durations increase as well. PC1 may be capturing nonwords that stand out se- 0 1 2 PhonND 3 4 5 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 BiphProb 0.08 0.10 mantically as nonwords, similar to the way in which 200 200 a novel taste can stand out as distinct from previ- ously experienced tastes. The lengthening effect of 0 0 RT PC1 may thus relate to previous work on spoken −200 −200 word duration [10, 4] that observed longer word du- edf = 4.00 edf = 2.5 −400 −400 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 rations in connection with decreased entropy. PC2, −4 −2 0 2 4 −2 −1 0 1 2 on the other hand, may reflect what in interactive ac- PC1 PC2 tivation models would be understood as competition among semantic neighbors [6], resulting in longer Figure 2: Predictor effects on nonword RTs. The durations in speech production. shaded area indicates 2 standard error bounds. 3.2. Nonword RTs We again made use of a GAMM to predict RTs from the two phonological measures and the two se- Most responses were executed after nonword offset, mantic PCs, now also including by-subject and by- with only a few exceptions (1.5%). Given that nonword random intercepts. Compared to a baseline nonword duration is well correlated with reaction model with only the two phonological measures,
model fit significantly improved with the inclusion of the two semantic measures (∆ AIC = 141 units). As shown in the upper left panel of Figure2, RTs increase with PhonND, suggesting that it is harder to reject a nonword when it has many word neigh- bors of similar phonological make-up. The effect of BiphProb, on the other hand, is much attenuated and irregular in shape. Both semantic measures re- veal downward trends. As for duration, the effect of PC1 levels off for low values. 4. DISCUSSION This study shows that nonword processing is in- Figure 3: Semantic neighbors (Nw 1 and Nw 2) can fluenced not only by form similarity (as gauged be at the same distance d of a target nonword Tnw by phonological neighborhood density and biphone and yet be at different angles (α1 and α2 ) from the phonotactic probability) but also by nonword se- target vector, and hence differ in their semantic mantics. First consider the effects of form similarity. similarity (as guaged with the cosine similarity or correlation measures). Form effects on RTs support Vitevitch and Luce’s proposal that nonword processing in the lexical de- the similarity in orientation for the neighbor with the cision task is determined by PhonND [16]: The ef- smallest angle α. Larger positive values of PC1 rep- fect of PhonND on RTs was strong, whereas that of resent nonwords with a large radius d and large an- BiphProb was weak and U-shaped. For words, Gahl gle α1 , i.e., less semantically similar neighbors. Or- et al. [7] showed that PhonND and BiphPhon are thogonal to this, larger values on PC2 represent non- positively and strongly correlated, and have simi- words with large radius d but small angles (α2 ), i.e, lar effects on acoustic duration. For the nonwords semantically more similar words. of our study, however, their effects are opposite, and the two measures are not well correlated (r = The analysis of the RTs suggests that the radius d −0.12). This may be due to the much wider range may inform lexicality decision, as for nonwords with of syllable types and word lengths in the MALD larger radius d (i.e., larger EDNN), reaction times are nonword data. For instance, when we restrict the shorter. Such stimuli are clearly nonwords. The lev- dataset to CVC nonwords, the syllable type figur- eling off of the effect of PC1 on RTs and durations ing in Gahl et al., a positive correlation between may reflect the consequences of using a threshold θ PhonND and BiphProb emerges. Another poten- for nonword decisions based on the radius d: tial cause that leads to the discrepancy between the present study and the previous one is genre differ- RT ∝ I[d≤θ ] a + I[d>θ ] (a − bd), b > 0, ence. While we examined productions elicited by a naming task, Gahl et al. investigated spontaneous where I[x] evaluates to 1 if x is true, and to 0 other- speech. We leave the interaction of syllable struc- wise. For stimuli with large d, their nonword status ture, word length, morphological complexity, genre is so clear that they can be produced with confidence type, and phonological measures for future investi- by the speaker reading out the nonwords, resulting in gation, as the focus of the present study is on seman- longer durations [10, 4]. tic influences on RTs and durations. In conclusion, the present study offers evidence Figure 3 helps clarify the semantic effects we ob- that nonwords do project into semantic space, and served. The semantic vector of a target nonword that where they land in this space affects both speech is shown in blue, and the vectors of two words are production (acoustic durations) and comprehension shown in red and orange. These words are at the (RTs). Furthermore, it appears that not only se- same Euclidean distance d from the target, but the mantic similarity (the angles between nonword and angles between their vectors and the target nonword word vectors) but also the Euclidean distance be- vector differ: α1 > α2 . The EDNN measure is the tween these vectors plays a substantial role. Pos- radius d to the closest neighbor. The ALC and NNC sibly, lexicality decisions are based, at least in part, measures relate to the angles α. The ALC measures on whether the semantic distance of a nonword to how closely oriented the nonword target vector is to its nearest word neighbor is greater than some fixed the mean of all word vectors, and the NNC measures threshold.
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