Transforming big data into smart data - FCM INSIGHT - FCM Travel Solutions

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Transforming big data into smart data - FCM INSIGHT - FCM Travel Solutions

big data into
smart data
Transforming big data into smart data - FCM INSIGHT - FCM Travel Solutions
FCM INSIGHT   Smart Data

              Not Big Data
              More data has been                    Big Data is everywhere. Today,
                                                    Google receives 40,000 search
              created in the past two               queries every second; Facebook
              years than in the entire              users send 31.25 million messages
              history of the world.                 and view 2.77 million videos every
                                                    minute. Yet less than 0.5% of all
                                                    data is ever analysed – let alone
              By 2020, about 1.7 megabytes per      interpreted and the findings used
              second of new information will        to improve a product or service.
              be created for every human being
              on the planet1 using 50 billion       Data is also being shared more
              connected devices. By then, our       than ever before. In 2016, Business
              accumulated digital universe of       Travel News reported that travel
              data will have grown to 44 trillion   data distribution was more
              gigabytes.                            important to 60% of chief financial
                                                    officers, senior management and
                                                    budget owners than it had been 12
                                                    months earlier, with 70% sharing
                                                    travel policy compliance data with
                                                    senior management.

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Transforming big data into smart data - FCM INSIGHT - FCM Travel Solutions

                  Although savings data ranks         The opportunity this creates is
                  highest in importance amongst       for corporate buyers to challenge
                  senior management, travel           the reasons for travel, to identify
                  satisfaction is also a key          smarter ways in which to apply
                  performance metric. The link        travel policy and ultimately to
                  between employee satisfaction       leverage further savings.
                  and company performance is
                  now overt.                          In business travel environment, the
                                                      term ‘Big Data’ can be misleading.
                  For most travel managers, data      After all, the various fields of
                  is a tool to reduce costs and       travel data from TMCs and other
                  ensure travellers’ well-being by    suppliers has not changed much
                  enhancing the travel experience     over the last 30 years. Smart data
                  through a better understanding of   is more appropriate; the additional
                  individuals’ needs.                 data, over and above conventional
                                                      travel cost, purpose and policy
                                                      compliance, that provides the
                  Based on assessments                context to travel spend by
                  that 25% of all business            explaining why travellers behave
                  travel spend is un-                 the way they do.

                  managed, that means
                  $278 billion a year is

                  By 2020, about 1.7 megabytes per
                  second of new information will be
                  created for every human being1                                                                             Page 3
Transforming big data into smart data - FCM INSIGHT - FCM Travel Solutions
FCM INSIGHT      Smart Data

                & engagement
                 One of the trends fuelling          Meanwhile meetings planners
                 the mega-trend of Big Data is       try to give delegates the best
                 Personalisation. Increasingly       possible experience by collecting
                 important in travel and meetings,   and analysing data collected from
                                                     previous events to tailor delegate
                                                     messaging and information.
                 travel managers
                 want to drive greater               Live Engagement Marketing (LEM)
                 compliance by giving                enables planners to create and
                                                     leverage engagement at their
                 travellers options to               events using event apps to interact
                 match their personal                with delegates, and vice versa.
                 tastes and needs.

                Data analytics
                                                     The task of mining and analysing         Their challenge (and opportunity)

              57                 %
                                                     information other than that              is making sense of why travellers
                                                     captured via the TMC is proving          make their buying decisions;
                                                     daunting for many corporates.            understanding the impact of those
                                                                                              decisions on the travel programme
                                                     The problem with Big Data is that        and then changing the policy as
              of travel managers rank data           it’s, well, too big and therefore        required.
              and analytics in their top three       hard to use effectively. Hence
              time-consuming activities2.            industry terminology moving on to        There’s little point crunching
                                                     smart data and then to predictive        numbers if the process does not
                                                     analytics. Smart travel managers         add value to travel management.
                                                     have recognised that the secret          And despite not having the tools
                                                     lies in the quality, not the volume of   to collate and interpret data from
                                                     information available.                   sources such as social media.

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                  So what travel-related data is smart,
                  and therefore actionable?
                  Large corporates have in-house         However internal, controlled social     This knowledge means that
                  Business Intelligence teams who        media platforms can provide             choices match the traveller’s tastes
                  have the systems, such as data         valuable additional data through a      more closely and, when automated
                  consolidation platforms, and           better understanding of traveller       within the online booking
                  processes that can provide the         perceptions of the programme and        process, involves no further
                  required insight into travel-related   organisation.                           human interaction. Meanwhile
                  behaviour.                                                                     the traveller feels respected and
                                                         To understand traveller behaviour,      valued.
                  The organisations able to draw on      travel managers are segmenting
                  this resource tend to have mature      their travellers, looking at the most
                  programmes and need to do things       frequent trips made by air, rail or     The Return on
                  differently to find more savings       car and assessing how much could        Investment from Big
                  and are doing so by challenging        be saved by switching travel mode       Data depends on what
                  existing thinking. By adding the       or by meeting virtually instead.
                  travel category they can spread        Travel managers can also use
                                                                                                 each organisation is
                  the cost across different areas of     smart data to quantify the impact       trying to do or change.
                  the business to create a compelling    of business travel on employee
                  business case faster than if the       productivity by comparing the time
                  travel category was managed on         cost of different travel modes.         Forbes magazine estimated
                  its own.                                                                       that, for a typical Fortune 1000
                                                         Traditionally, TMCs relied upon         company, a 10% increase in data
                  Social media and apps are              traveller profiles to segment their     accessibility will result in more
                  increasingly used by travellers        travellers and to capture personal      than $65 million additional net
                  to share information, although         preferences. Today, smart data          income. There are other, less
                  the problem with this medium is        takes that understanding to a           easily quantified benefits such as
                  it tends to reflect one person’s       new level by highlighting whether       better employee engagement,
                  perspective on the truth.              a traveller changes their seat on       highlighting serial non-compliance
                                                         the plane or requests a room in a       and proactively bringing suppliers
                                                         specific part of a hotel.               into policy.                                                                                                     Page 5
FCM INSIGHT   Smart Data

              All too often, the time,
              emotions and money invested
              don’t add up to the hoped-for

                                                                                     increase in data accessibility will

                                                                                     result in more than $65 million
                                                                                     additional net income.

                                              As always, stakeholder buy-in is       implementation of smarter
                                              essential. Big Data provides an        working policies and processes.
                                              opportunity for buyers to bring        However this requires the TMC
                                              procurement, travel managers,          to invest in the technology that
                                              finance, security, IT and HR to the    enables changes to be made within
                                              table, followed by travellers and      travel programmes, bringing
                                              meeting planners, by shining a         together data analytics and the
                                              light on how corporate travel and      people with travel and expense
                                              meetings activity really impacts       expertise to create meaningful
                                              on the financial performance of an     outputs.
                                                                                     Both TMCs and their clients
                                                                                     have to understand that there
                                              Many have already                      are no cure-all solutions. TMCs
                                              recognised the link                    are investing heavily in their
                                              between travel policy                  data capabilities but can only
                                                                                     extrapolate travel data across
                                              and employee retention,                their own client bases, and each
                                                                                     company data set has its own
                                              but few know the tipping point for     unique needs.
                                              a high performer’s resignation.
                                                                                     Amongst the plethora of data
                                              The analysis of smart data             analytics providers, data standards
                                              should give a valuable insight into    between the various data sources
                                              business travel frequency, mode        are often different, requiring
                                              of transport and length of trip that   further investment and lower ROI.
                                              could lead to absenteeism.

                                              The TMC should play a central
                                              role in data analytics because
                                              the TMC is responsible for the

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TEARS                                                                                         There are eight key
                                                                                              steps to travel data

                  1.                                     4.                                   6.
                          Bring business                              Once you’ve received                Engage with your
                          stakeholders together                       the analysis of your                steering group and TMC
                          to discuss the business’                    available data, your                at every stage. Each
                  objectives, challenges,                group of stakeholders should         will contribute expertise, toolkits
                  opportunities and priorities such      review to review and assess the      and technology to initiate business
                  as employee engagement and the         findings against the business’       transformation.
                  organisation’s digital channels.       priorities. The travel programme

                                                         has to suit the needs of both the              Recognise your travellers

                             Identify the potential      traveller and the company.                     for giving their feedback.
                             sources of travel-related                                                  Rewarding good behaviour

                             data available from your               Apply the analysis to     is the natural progression from
                  TMC and expense management                        your travel programme,    understanding what motivates the
                  providers, as well as data from                   evaluating any possible   traveller – and why.
                  employee feedback forms, social        changes to policy based on the

                  media and other channels.              findings, but ensuring that your                Always respect data
                                                         TMC’s systems can implement the                 protection rules and

                             Don’t try to analyse the    required changes.                               regulations.
                             data yourself. Engage
                             your organisation’s
                  Business Intelligence unit or
                  outsource to a team of people who
                  know what they are doing.                                                                                                  Page 7


2.   Sabre - Travel Manager 2020 report

     About FCM

FCM is a single global brand providing a    It has always been personalised service
comprehensive range of corporate travel     that sets FCM apart from the rest and
and expense management solutions. We        we blend this with innovative technology
have a presence in more than 95 countries   and unrivalled access to content to drive
and are regarded as one of the top five     the optimum performance of your travel
travel management companies in the          programme.
world. FCM is responsible for the travel
programmes of some of the world’s most      Contact us today to find out how FCM can
successful corporate brands.                elevate the performance of your corporate
                                            travel programme.
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