Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022

Page created by Edgar Pena
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
TRIMESTER         2   2022
                C O U R S E   B R O C H U R E

Create Future
Of Church.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
College Mission
           AOIC seeks to provide Christian men and women
        with relevant, practical and academic Christian training
         programs so that churches will have well- trained and
       effective workers / leaders that can promote and carry out
                   the mission of Christ to the world.


cyfj;jpy; jpUr;rigapd; Copaj;ij nra;a NjHr;rpngw;w>ey;y Copaf;fhuHfis
 cUthf;fpf;nfhLf;f> nghUj;jkhd> nray;Kiwapyhd> juk;thHe;j fpwp];jt
       gapw;r;rpia kf;fSf;F toq;fNt ,f;fy;Y}hp ,aq;fptUfpwJ.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

                     Kings in Ancient Israel
                                        CODE: OT359/BOT 659
                   MAY 4, 5, 6 (WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                          MAY 7 (SATURDAY @10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
                  MAY 10, 11, 12, 13 (TUESDAY - FRIDAY @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                      Early bird registration by: April 18

    The narrative of the various kings in the Old Testament gives insights into how the Lord deals with
the nation of Israel when the kings succeeded or failed to obey Him. This course will acquaint the students
      with the historical contexts, theological themes and significance in the life of the various kings.

         Text: Baldwin, Joyce, 1 and 2 Samuel, Leicester: IVP, 1988; Brueggemann,Walter, 1 & 2 Kings,
  Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys, 2000; Selman, Martin J., 1 Chronicles & 2 Chronicles, Leicester: IVP, TOTC, 1994.

                           Dean recommendation: A good bible or general elective.


                Dr Siew Woh,              DMin

                Siew Woh is currently retired and now resides in Sydney. He used to work in the marketplace
                for 24 years before he became a pastor for about 20 years. He is happily married to Tan Suan
                Guat and has two sons and three grandchildren.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

         The Epistles of James, Peter and Jude
                                                    CODE: NT330/BNT552
                                    MAY 7, 14, 21, 28 I JUNE 4, 11, 18, 25 I JULY 2, 9
                                             (SATURDAYS @2 PM - 4:30 PM)
                                                 Early bird registration by: April 22

        This course is a short survey in the Catholic Epistles of the writings of Jesus’s brothers and Peter as per tradition in
       the canonical New Testament. The students will interact with these apostolic letters to gain a unique perspective on
    First-Century Christians’ worldview and their life as Jewish believers around the time of the destruction of the Temple in
 AD 70 under heavy persecution by both their former Jewish communities and the Greco-Roman society in which they existed.
    It will also contrast how these apostles taught the Church and instructed believers from a perspective other than Paul’s
     as his mandate was one to the Gentiles, which often in more recent centuries has been challenging when the modern
   views conflict with those of the first-century believers. Special attention will be given to the original setting and intention
     of the writings as opposed to what modernity has twisted it to come to mean for many contemporary readers utilizing
                 the Hellenistic-Judaistic-Greco-Roman cultural backgrounds of that day rather than the depictions
                             forced upon the text by later traditions unaware of its appropriate animus.

                     Texts: Jobes, Karen H. Letters to the Church: A Survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles.
            2011; Oropeza, B. J. Churches Under Siege of Persecution and Assimilation: The General Epistles and Revelation.
                                                 Eugene, Or: Cascade Books, 2012.

                                            Dean recommendation: A good bible elective.


Dr Theo Philos,            PhD

Theo Philos is an independent scholar as well as a spiritual mentor to young people. He is an avid reader and researcher
and studies various ministries online to get a broad perspective of how Christianity is understood by the modern believer
from a wide variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and theological systems. His doctoral studies focused on the Ancient
Near Eastern contexts in the Old Testament. He is currently involved in a teaching ministry in a restricted access country.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

            Paul’s Prison Epistles
                              CODE: NT345/BNT558
            MAY 9, 16, 23, 30 I JUNE 13, 20, 27 I JULY 4, 11, 18
                       (MONDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                           Early bird registration by: April 25

        This course is an analytical and expository study of the books of
Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philippians in terms of structure and context.

                               Text: A Course Compendium

                Dean recommendation: A good bible or general elective.


     Richard Lamb, MA
     Rich served with IVCF/USA for 25 years, and has taught and developed leaders in ministry and
     other organizations for over 35 years, in over 40 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin
     America. He earned an MA in Human Relations and Organizational Development from Azusa
     Pacific University. He has authored several books, including Following Jesus in the Real World
     (translated into Chinese, Korean and Indonesian) and The Pursuit of God in the Company of
     Friends, and the training curriculum Sketches of Leadership.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

                                 Gospel and Culture
                                                CODE: MI423/MIS721
                              MAY 17, 24, 31 I JUNE 7, 14, 21, 31 I JULY 5, 12, 19
                                        (TUESDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                              Early bird registration by: May 2

                          Cultures both shape, and are shaped by the people that belong to them.
 Hence, how do cultures shape understandings of the gospel and the practices of Christianity? Conversely, how might
Christians offer meaningful critiques and be influencers of their societal cultures in ways that are faithful to the gospel?
  This course explores culture and its different dimensions as they relate to the beliefs and practices of Christianity.
             It will also investigate the concept of contextualization in relation to: 1) cross-cultural mission,
                     and 2) the local church in a world of changing cultural norms and postmodernity.

Texts: Tan, Hann Tzuu Joey. The Beasts, the Graves, and the Ghosts: A Study of Contextualized Preaching During Chinese Festivals.
            Langham Monographs: UK, 2020; Chia, Edmund Kee-Fook, Asian Christianity and Theology Inculturation,
                            Interreligious Dialogue, Integral Liberation New York: Routledge, 2022.

                            Dean recommendation: A core course for almost all study programs.


                        Dr Chan Nam Chen, PhD
                        Chan Nam-Chen serves as the executive director of AsiaCMS, a trans-denominational missions
                        agency with activities currently focused on nations in South Asia and South-East Asia. AsiaCMS
                        is part of the global Church Mission Society (CMS) network. He has been in fulltime ministry for
                        forty years, serving in the past as a cross-cultural church planter, senior pastor, and denominational
                        leader. His PhD in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary focuses on the intersections
                        of church, culture, intercultural leadership, and migration studies. He has published academic
                        essays in local and international publications.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

                      Ministry Ethics and
                    Leadership Effectiveness
                                            CODE: PS412/PTH716
                           MAY 25 I JUNE 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 I JULY 6, 13, 20, 27
                                  (WEDNESDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                          Early bird registration by: May 3

        This course focuses attention on ministry ethics in relation to family, fellow workers, local church,
   Christian organizations and denominational bodies. Scripture and sample codes of ethics will be discussed.
 This course is a study of the basics of ministry ethics: vocation, moral choices, personal life, church and ministry
relationships, standards of performance, administration and ethics, ethical concerns in pastoral care/counseling,
         and contemporary issues such as divorce and remarriage, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality,
                            child abuse and racial problems in relation to pastoral care.

            Text: Trull, Joe E., and James E. Carter. Ministerial Ethics: Moral Formation for Church Leaders.
                        Winnipeg: Media Production Services Unit, Manitoba Education, 2012.

                            Dean recommendation: A good ministry or general elective.


                   Dr Stefan Sos, ThD
                   Stefan is the Founder-Director of SOS Ministries International. He teaches at various Bible
                   colleges around the world conducting leadership training for pastors and leaders in many
                   countries. He has written several books such as OT Exegesis on the Books of Proverbs and Job,
                   Homiletics, Ministerial Ethics, Pneumatology, Spiritual Leadership, Preaching in the 21st Century,
                   Holy Spirit in Missions, Angelology, and The Fivefold Ministry. Stefan graduated from International
                   Bible Institute and Seminary, USA.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                    English Courses

                Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
                                                 CODE: OT311/BOT511
                                MAY 19, 26 I JUNE 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 I JULY 7, 14, 21
                                         (THURSDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                               Early bird registration by: May 4

      This course gives an analysis of the main theological themes and their relevance today in the light of the literary,
historical and cultural contexts and the intertextual relationships of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. These three post-exilic
       prophets had great messages from God for the people of Israel and those messages can transform us today.

                     Text: Hill, Andrew E. Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: An Introduction and Commentary.
                                          Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2012.

                                         Dean recommendation: A good Bible elective.


                        Dr Anthony Loke, PhD
                        Anthony is an independent researcher, lecturer, author, and preacher. He is currently an
                        adjunct lecturer with BCM and AOIC. He served 32 years as an ordained Methodist minister,
                        and 19 years as a full-time lecturer in the Old Testament in Seminari Theoloji Malaysia. He
                        completed his PhD in Old Testament from the University of Wales, UK in 2011. He has authored
                        12 books and continues to write in “The Old Testament Made Simple” series. His wife, King
                        Lang, is a trainer with a local international school. She has an MTh in Christian Education and
                        Med from OUM. They have two adult children.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                     English Courses

                         Theology of Happiness
                                              CODE: TH324/THE623
                             MAY 20, 27 I JUNE 3, 10, 17, 24 I JULY 1, 8, 15, 22
                                       (FRIDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                            Early bird registration by: May 5

 In this age of positive psychology, the church is in a great need to explore the Bible theologically to build biblically
authentic perspectives on happiness and human flourishing. So, this course walks the students through the Bible to
        understand and experience God’s gift of happiness not just as a way of thinking but as a way of living.
       This study involves using theological and exegetical methods to analyze the Bible texts and sociological
                  research findings to show the relevance of the biblical perspectives on happiness.

                                        Text: A reader prepared by the instructor

                              Dean recommendation: A good theology or general elective.


                     Dr Joseph Raj, PhD
                     Joseph, AOIC Academic Dean & Tamil Dean, ministered in the Assemblies of God of North India
                     as a missionary sent from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. His missionary work included
                     planting and pastoring churches, and teaching in AG Central Bible College, New Delhi. He did
                     his MDiv in Southern Asia Bible College and MTh (Old Testament) in South Asia Institute of
                     Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Andhra University,
                     India in 2019. He is passionate about bringing forth biblical truths through an exegetical
                     approach for the total development and transformation of people. Hence he is interested in
                     life-coaching with biblical values. His wife Evangeline serves as an administrator in Shalom
                     Community Church, which he pioneered five years before in Salem, India.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church - TRIMESTER 2 2022
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                     English Courses

                                       Man and Sin
                                           CODE: TH201/THE501
                            JULY 16, 23, 30 (SATURDAYS @10 AM - 1 PM)
                  JULY 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 (MONDAY - FRIDAY @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                          Early bird registration by: July 1

From ancient times, man has always inquired into his nature and origins, resulting in many differing world views.
     This course presents the biblical teaching on man and sin, identifies and corrects current unbiblical
          ideas and teachings with regard to the same, and points out practical implications thereof.

       Text: Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker Book House, 1998. Parts 5 & 6.

                      Dean recommendation: A core theology course for all study programs.


                   Dr Joseph Raj, PhD
                   Joseph, AOIC Academic Dean & Tamil Dean, ministered in the Assemblies of God of North India
                   as a missionary sent from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. His missionary work included
                   planting and pastoring churches, and teaching in AG Central Bible College, New Delhi. He did
                   his MDiv in Southern Asia Bible College and MTh (Old Testament) in South Asia Institute of
                   Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Andhra University,
                   India in 2019. He is passionate about bringing forth biblical truths through an exegetical
                   approach for the total development and transformation of people. Hence he is interested in
                   life-coaching with biblical values. His wife Evangeline serves as an administrator in Shalom
                   Community Church, which he pioneered five years before in Salem, India.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022               Counseling Courses

             Group Counseling
       (Group Dynamics in Counseling)
                                           CODE: CO318/PCO618
                                  MAY 10, 17, 24, 31 I JUNE 7, 14, 21, 28
                                    (TUESDAYS @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                        Early bird registration by: April 26

              This course provides a basic introduction to group process and group counseling.
    Using group stages as context, this course will focus on factors affecting the group process including
leadership/co-leadership styles, diversity of group members, and relationship of group activities to counseling.
             Emphasis will be given to group principles and experiential practices with a focus on
                                        developing and leading a group.


                  Stephanie Tan,                MA (Pastoral Counseling)

                  Stephanie Tan has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling (AOIC). She was nominated as the
                  best student under the 2017’s Allen award. Her calling and desire are to journey with people in
                  helping them navigate their trial and tribulation. She has been actively involved with numerous
                  short-term mission trips to China, Nepal, Sabah, and Thailand. Besides her counseling works
                  with teens, couples, and families for almost a decade; she also runs various parenting seminars,
                  workshops, and classes for leaders and school settings.

                  Stephanie is also a Fellow of ICSA/Chartered Governance Professional and has obtained various
                  professional qualifications in Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing Terrorism, STEP
                  together with Conventional and Islamic Financial Planning. Her 23 years of professional practice
                  focus on corporate governance, compliance works, and tax planning.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022               Counseling Courses

        Counseling Theories & Techniques
                                            CODE: CO418N/PCO713N
                                      MAY 12, 19, 26 I JUNE 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
                                       (THURSDAYS @7:30PM - 10:30PM)
                                            Early bird registration by: April 28

                This course is an introduction to major counseling theories of therapeutic intervention.
   These include psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive/behavioral, existential, developmental, and various systems
approaches to counseling. Students will be challenged to examine these secular approaches to mental wholeness and
 begin an integration of these theories with their Christian worldview. They will gain an overview of the techniques and
               practices derived from the major psychotherapeutic systems relevant to counseling skills.


                      Dr Yeo Pei Li, Ph.D; KB, PA
                      Dr. Yeo Pei Li is the Dean of Counseling Studies & faculty of AOIC. She is a licensed counselor with
                      the Malaysian Board of Counselors since 2003. She specializes in career guidance and counseling,
                      trauma work, as well as couple and family therapy. She has also been involved in various
                      educational institutions since 2004 in the capacity of a student counselor, senior lecturer, and
                      trainer. Her doctorate is in counselor education and supervision from Regent University.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022               Counseling Courses

                       Multicultural Counseling
                                                CODE: CO462/PCO752
                                        JULY 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
                                 (TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS @7:30PM - 10:30PM)
                                             Early bird registration by: June 21

    This course is designed to provide students with the foundation, contextual dimensions, basic knowledge, and skills
for functioning as competent lay counselors within their communities. Emphasis will be placed on the helping process in a
   variety of community settings and through various stages of needs, such as crisis, grief and loss, treatment planning,
             referral, support and advocacy. Basic theoretical, scriptural and practical issues will be considered,
                           including the importance of multicultural awareness and the need for a
                                          balanced approach to counselor self-care.


                       Rudy Liu C, M.Coun, MCS, Dip.Th
                       Rudy is the founder and Chaplain of Kairos Resource Care Center, a JKM registered care center
                       primarily catering to the academic and social needs of children with Learning Disabilities. He has
                       extensive working experience in the corporate sector ranging from Advertising, Sales, and
                       Marketing to Human Resource Management; Christian ministries ranging from Church-based
                       uniform units (the Boys’ Brigade & the Royal Rangers) to Christian leadership (Deacon, Cell leader,
                       the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, Elder, Missions & Pastor). He is currently pursuing his
                       PhD in Education through research with the Asia-e-University. Rev. Rudy Liu is married to Pastor
                       Ruby Loh for thirty years and they have three grown-up children, Rachel, Reuben, and Reuel.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                   Tamil Courses

                             Yhf;fhtpd; ,iwapay;
                                            Luke’s Theology
                                        CODE: TH450T/THE650T
    Nk (MAY) 4, 5, 6 (Gjd;fpoik - nts;spf;fpoik/WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                      Nk (MAY) 7 (rdpf;fpoik/SATURDAY @10:00 AM - 12:30 PM)
Nk (MAY) 10, 11, 12, 13 (nrt;tha; fpoik - nts;spf;fpoik/TUESDAY - FRIDAY @7:30 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                    Kd;tUgtu;fSf;fhd gjpT:            April 18

  gupRj;j Mtpapd; gzp> ,iwapay; kw;Wk; Copaq;fspd; gFjpfspy;; Yhf;fhtpd;
       ew;nra;jpapypUe;J kw;Wk; mg;Ngh];jyu; elgbfspypUe;J Yhf;fhtpd;
                             gq;fspg;G Muhag;gLk;.


                 Kidtu; N[hrg; uh[ ;
                 Dr Joseph Raj, PhD
                 Joseph, AOIC Academic Dean & Tamil Dean, ministered in the Assemblies of God of North India
                 as a missionary sent from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. His missionary work included
                 planting and pastoring churches, and teaching in AG Central Bible College, New Delhi. He did
                 his MDiv in Southern Asia Bible College and MTh (Old Testament) in South Asia Institute of
                 Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Andhra University,
                 India in 2019. He is passionate about bringing forth biblical truths through an exegetical
                 approach for the total development and transformation of people. Hence he is interested in
                 life-coaching with biblical values. His wife Evangeline serves as an administrator in Shalom
                 Community Church, which he pioneered five years before in Salem, India.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                   Tamil Courses

              tpRthrq;fspd; fhuztpsf;fq;fs;;
                                       CODE: TH417T/THE782T
             Nk (MAY) 9, 16, 23, 30 I [Pd; (JUNE) 13, 20, 27 I [Piy (JULY) 4, 11, 18
                          (jpq;fl;fpoikfs;/MONDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                   Kd;tUgtu;fSf;fhd gjpT:            April 25

,e;j ghlnewp fpwp];jt ek;gpf;iff;fhd fhuzq;fis Kd;itf;fpwJ. tpRthrj;jpw;Fk;
   gFj;jwpTf;Fk; ,ilapyhd cwTf;F cupa ftdk; nrYj;jg;gLfpwJ. fpwp];jt
   ek;gpf;iff;fhd fhuzq;fis Kd;itf;fpw nfhs;ifapy; cs;s topKiwfisg;
Gupe;Jnfhs;sTk;> ekJ #oypy; fpwp];jt ek;gpf;iff;F vjpuhf vOg;gg;gl;l rthy;fs;
     kw;Wk; rpf;fy;fis MuhaTk; ,J tbtikf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. fpwp];jt cyff;
      fz;Nzhl;lj;ij kw;w cyff; fz;Nzhl;lq;fSld; xg;gpLtjw;Fk; kjpg;gPL
                       nra;tjw;Fk; ftdk; nrYj;jg;gLk;.


                Kidtu; N[hrg; uh[ ;
                Dr Joseph Raj, PhD
                Joseph, AOIC Academic Dean & Tamil Dean, ministered in the Assemblies of God of North India
                as a missionary sent from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. His missionary work included
                planting and pastoring churches, and teaching in AG Central Bible College, New Delhi. He did
                his MDiv in Southern Asia Bible College and MTh (Old Testament) in South Asia Institute of
                Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Andhra University,
                India in 2019. He is passionate about bringing forth biblical truths through an exegetical
                approach for the total development and transformation of people. Hence he is interested in
                life-coaching with biblical values. His wife Evangeline serves as an administrator in Shalom
                Community Church, which he pioneered five years before in Salem, India.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                   Tamil Courses

                            kfpo;r;rpapd; ,iwapay;;
                                      Theology of Happiness
                                        CODE: TH324T/THE623T
               Nk (MAY) 19, 26 I [Pd; (JUNE) 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 I [Piy (JULY) 7, 14, 21
                         (tpahof;fpoikfs;/THURSDAYS @8 PM - 10:30 PM)
                                     Kd;tUgtu;fSf;fhd gjpT:            May 4

 Neu;kiw cstpaypd; ,e;j Afj;jpy;> kfpo;r;rp kw;Wk; kdpjtsk; Fwpj;j Ntjhfkj;jpd;
cz;ikahd fz;Nzhl;lq;fis ,iwapay; uPjpahf Muha;e;J cUthf;f rigf;F kpFe;j
 mtrpak; cs;sJ. vdNt> ,e;j ghlnewp khztu;fis Ntjhfkj;jpd; %yk; Njtdpd;
  mDgtpf;fTk; xU rpe;jid topahf kl;Lky;y>
  xU tho;f;if KiwahfTk; elj;JfpwJ. kfpo;r;rp gw;wpa Ntjhfk fz;Nzhl;lq;fspd;
  nghUj;jj;ijf; fhl;l NtjhfkEhy;fs; kw;Wk; r%ftpay; Muha;r;rp fz;Lgpbg;Gfis
            gFg;gha;T nra;a ,iwapay; kw;Wk; tpsf;ftpay; Kiwfisg;
                    gad;gLj;Jtij ,e;j Ma;T cs;slf;fpaJ.


                 Kidtu; N[hrg; uh[ ;
                 Dr Joseph Raj, PhD
                 Joseph, AOIC Academic Dean & Tamil Dean, ministered in the Assemblies of God of North India
                 as a missionary sent from Tamil Nadu, a southern state of India. His missionary work included
                 planting and pastoring churches, and teaching in AG Central Bible College, New Delhi. He did
                 his MDiv in Southern Asia Bible College and MTh (Old Testament) in South Asia Institute of
                 Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India. He completed his PhD from Andhra University,
                 India in 2019. He is passionate about bringing forth biblical truths through an exegetical
                 approach for the total development and transformation of people. Hence he is interested in
                 life-coaching with biblical values. His wife Evangeline serves as an administrator in Shalom
                 Community Church, which he pioneered five years before in Salem, India.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                 Chinese Courses

                            2022年5至7月 第二学期
                               ZOOM 远程课程
                          八打灵中文夜校 (晚上8:00~10:30)

                       Christology / Soteriology
                         每星期一 : 5月 9日~ 7月 25日
                         *请在 4月 25日之前,注册报名。
                               课本 : 讲义



     王长辉讲师 M.C.S.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                 Chinese Courses

                                 2022年5至7月 第二学期
                                    ZOOM 远程课程
                               八打灵中文夜校 (晚上8:00~10:30)

                              每星期二 : 5月10日~ 7月26日
                              *请在4月 26日之前,注册报名。
                                   课本 : 讲义



          严世恩讲师 M.Div.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                 Chinese Courses

                             2022年5至7月 第二学期
                                ZOOM 远程课程
                           八打灵中文夜校 (晚上8:00~10:30)

                        Mission Toward Chinese
                           每星期三: 5月4日~ 7月27日
                          *请在4月 20日之前,注册报名。
                               课本 : 讲义





      严世恩讲师 M.Div.
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022                 Chinese Courses

                                2022年5至7月 第二学期
                                   ZOOM 远程课程
                              八打灵中文夜校 (晚上8:00~10:30)

                   Spirituality and Emotional Health
                              每星期四: 5月5日~ 7月28日
                              *请在4月 21日之前,注册报名。
                                   课本 : 讲义


     调节和转移,以及处理人际关系的资源管理 。



         杨颂胜讲师 Ph.D(Cand)
Transform Disciples. Create Future Of Church.   TRIMESTER 2 2022

                                                                         EARLY BIRD RATE / 早鸟费 / Muk;g   fl;lzk;

                                                                        UNDERGRAD FEE
                                                                               本科生      RM325
                                                                                  研 究 生 RM475
               网上注册 / Md;iyd;         gjpT                                    GRAD FEE
               English course / jkpo; ghlnewp

                                                                            旁 听 / Mbl; RM280
                                                                         NORMAL RATE / 般费 / tof;fkhd fl;lzk;;

                                                                        UNDERGRAD FEE
                                                                               本科生      RM355
                                                                                  研 究 生 RM505

                                                                              GRAD FEE

                                                                            旁 听 / Mbl; RM310

                   ONLINE PAYMENT
          网上付款 / Md;iydpy;      gzk; nrYj;Jjy;
                    PUBLIC BANK
                ACCOUNT : AOIC BERHAD
                                                                  For other applicable non-course fee,
                ACCOUNT #: 3225092308                             please refer to our website:
                                                                  nghUe;jf;$ba gpw fy;tpfl;lzq;fSf;F>
                                                                  vq;fs; tiyj;jsj;ijg; ghu;f;fTk;:

                                                                  + 603 7887 3259 - Direct Line

              + 6011-5630 7994




                                       47301 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR.
                           DIRECT LINE : 03-7887 3259 • WHATSAPP: 011-5630 7994
                                              EXTENSION SITES:
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