Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud

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Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
German American
  Trade Quarterly
  1st Quarter 2021 | Vol. 33 | No. 1 | $7.50

Siemens USA:
Technology to Transform the Everyday
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
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Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
E D I T O R I A L                                                                                               C O N T E N T S

2    020 was a challenging year for
     all our members and everyone.
The pandemic, political uncertainty
                                                                                nC OV E R
                                                                                Siemens USA:
                                                                                                   S T O R Y

                                                                                Technology to Transform the Everyday           4
and disruptions to supply chains
were just some of the difficulties we
                                                                                nE C O N O M I S T S           C O R N E R
had to overcome. But as we turn our
attention to 2021, we see opportuni-                                            Eye on Inflation                              12
ties ahead. Our recent German
                                                                                nS P O T L I G H T S
American Business Outlook (GABO)
survey underlined that neither                                                  Confidence in US market remains
COVID-19 nor challenges in bilateral                                            strong among German companies                  9
trade and investment flows changed                                              Interview with Oliver Leptien, HELM U.S.      14
the confidence and strong coopera-
tion that characterize the German-
                                                                                The Bavarian Industry in the US               16
American relationship. The US                                                   Interview with Georg Hansajürgens,
remains attractive not only as a                                                of Deutsche Leasing                           18
trading partner, but also as an
investment location, and many                                                   nSTARTUP SERIES
German companies continue to                          Peter Riehle,             STEP USA alumnus MyPostcard                   21
identify closely with the United                    President & CEO
States through their US subsidiaries.          Wittenstein North America        nG TA I       I N D U S T R Y       T A L K
German companies are indicating               Chairman, Board of Directors,
                                                     GACC Midwest
                                                                                End-of-life rotors to be disposed of in an
their willingness to invest in the US
by not only expanding and strength-                                             environmentally friendly manner in the US 22
                                         This new year is also one for change
ening existing operations, but also      in leadership for our network. After
by establishing new locations, sales                                            nCROSSROADS
                                         two years as the Chairman of the
and service offices, and manufactur-                                            How good intentions can be misinterpreted 24
                                         German American Chambers of
ing facilities.                          Commerce, I would like to introduce
                                                                                nMEMBER PROFILES
                                         and welcome Crispin Teufel, CEO of
The rollout of vaccines on both sides    Lincare Holdings, Inc., as my          Rippleworx:
of the Atlantic makes me hopeful that    successor. As the new Chairman of      We not only Analyze, we Actionize!            26
the worst of the pandemic will be        our organization, I wish him much      Indeed:
over soon. The data from GABO            success and ask that you support
underlines this optimism for 2021, as                                           From Human-first to Humane Innovation         28
                                         him as much as you have supported
market expectations are positive.        me during my tenure.
According to GABO, 92% of the                                                   nSKILLS AT WORK
surveyed companies expect growth         Yours sincerely,                       Swoboda Inc. Apprenticeships                  30
for their business, exceeding the
expected growth of the US economy.                                              nJ-1 SUCCESS STORIES
And, despite economic uncertainties,
                                                                                Gregor Ziegler, J1 visitor                    32
43% of companies surveyed plan to
increase their workforce this year.      Peter Riehle
Many of our member companies here                                               nWHAT'S ON YOUR DESK?
                                         President & CEO Wittenstein North
in the US will do so by joining one of   America                                Catherine T. Malone,
our GACC-managed apprenticeship          Chairman, Board of Directors, GACC     Director, Skills Initiative, GACC South       33
programs to build sustainable talent     Midwest
pipelines for years to come.
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
C O V E R        S T O R Y

       Siemens USA:
       Technology to Transform the Everyday
       By: Barbara Humpton, President and CEO of Siemens USA

      B   efore I joined Siemens a decade
          ago, I wanted to learn more
       about the why of our company.
                                                            applying technology with purpose.

                                                            Would I get to continue addressing
                                                                                                                into the company’s mission and
                                                                                                                portfolio, the answer to my question
                                                                                                                could not have been clearer: Since
                                                            the world’s biggest challenges at                   our founding in Germany in 1847,
       I had begun my career in the early                   Siemens?                                            Siemens has been inventing the
       1980s at IBM assigned to projects                                                                        future. Here was a company that
       that were critical to national                       Looking for answers, I turned to                    pioneered a transcontinental cable
       security. These early experiences                    Siemens’ annual reports and what I                  that was foundational to globaliza-
       had sparked a passion in me for                      could find online. And as I delved                  tion – a company that helped bring

    The Houston METRO runs Siemens light rail vehicles on the city’s three light-rail lines, with ridership rates of nearly two million trips per month.

4      German American Trade Q1 2021
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
C O V E R        S T O R Y

electricity to society while creating   Once you start looking for it,          the United States over the past two
the world’s first electric railway.     Siemens technology is everywhere.       decades, including to strategically
                                        We commute in cars designed with        acquire US software companies. This
I also was drawn into the story of      Siemens software, built in factories    commitment to leveraging digital
Siemens in America, where we’ve         running on Siemens automation,          innovation in the US market has
been doing business for more than       charged—if they happen to be            spurred the reinvention of our
160 years. After making his first       electric—by a renewable and             company into the largest industrial
business contacts in the United         decentralized Siemens smart grid.       software provider worldwide – one
States, our founder, Werner von         Siemens employees work in smart         that supports 90 percent of Fortune
Siemens, himself a game-changing        buildings that keep us comfortable      500 industrial companies. It also
inventor and entrepreneur, wrote to     and healthy as we work towards          makes Siemens uniquely qualified to
his brother that it would be “really    carbon neutral operations by 2030.      serve customers as they pursue their
a sin” to overlook the American         We take trips on Siemens trains and     own reinvention. For while the last
market. He was certain that no          on planes brought to life using         decade was about connecting
other country had greater market        Siemens technology. And we rely on      consumers, this is the moment for
potential.                              lifesaving drugs sped to market         industry, infrastructure, and
                                        thanks to Siemens innovations.          mobility – all growth markets that
Today, what began                                                               will rely on Siemens to help them
as just a few scattered                 Now Siemens is entering a new           converge the physical and virtual
                                        chapter under our new global CEO,       worlds of production and opera-
orders has grown into                   Roland Busch. We’ve executed the        tions.
                                        biggest structural realignment of
Siemens’ largest market                 our company in its history. We’ve       This speaks not only to the strength
worldwide, generating                   turned a conglomerate into three        of our business but how I think of
                                        focused companies, Siemens AG,          Siemens as a national asset. Siemens
$23 billion in annual                   Siemens Healthineers, and Siemens       is supporting the vital industries
                                        Energy, that are ready to address the   and critical infrastructure forming
revenue in 2020.                        global megatrends grounding our         the backbone of America’s economy.
Siemens employs                         company strategy – climate change,      Our company is driven to build
                                        urbanization, an aging global           technology with purpose. We are
50,000 employees,                       population, an increasingly global      transforming the everyday, for
works with more than                    supply chain, and the digital           everyone – from more agile and
                                        transformation impacting all aspects    productive factories, to more
24,000 US suppliers                     of society.                             intelligent and resilient buildings
                                                                                and power systems, to more reliable
and serves customers                    And our US market is integral and       and sustainable transportation.
in all 50 states and                    indeed a driving force in this new
                                        chapter and the company’s future.       This is what our company stands
Puerto Rico.                            Siemens has invested $40 billion in     for, and what has guided us amid an

                                                                                              German American Trade Q1 2021   5
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
C O V E R        S T O R Y

    unprecedented and unexpected                    with this foundation in place, we               ahead isn’t a return to the way
    healthcare, economic and societal               then went to work adapting our core             things were. Rather, the shock of a
    crisis.                                         capabilities to serve the needs of the          global pandemic has only acceler-
                                                    nation – from helping the U.S. Army             ated the reshaping and rebuilding of
    Disruption fueling                              Corps of Engineers build a 110-bed              the markets we serve. As a new
    innovation                                      temporary medical facility in                   normal emerges, we are seeing an
    Our response to the global pandemic             Westchester County, New York in                 emphasis on processes that are more
    began by asking ourselves a simple              less than three weeks, to creating a            digital, flexible, and resilient.
    question: What can we do?                       digital twin of a ventilator for
                                                    Medtronic so manufactures could                 Prior to the pandemic Siemens’
    More than half of our employees                 license and produce this crucial                Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS)
    transitioned to remote work practi-             medical device at scale to meet                 were mainly used for tracking assets
    cally overnight. Our environmental,             increased demand.                               throughout the manufacturing
    health and safety teams acted quick-                                                            environment. However, when the
    ly to protect manufacturing and                 This crisis has been a tremendous               pandemic hit, manufacturers had to
    field service employees to maintain             stress test for every aspect of the             find a way to keep employees safe,
    the continuity of our business. And             global economy. Yet, what lies                  adhering to physical distancing and

    Siemens supports the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, Georgia with air purification and thermal imaging technologies.

6   German American Trade Q1 2021
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
C O V E R        S T O R Y

contact tracing guidelines, while       comes to smarter infrastructure. To       Sacramento, California where we
continuing essential production         create safer indoor spaces in             produce some of the nation's most
activities.                             response to the pandemic, Siemens         energy-efficient passenger and
                                        has been deploying building               light-rail trains, an investment in
This is when Siemens began looking      technologies in new ways to               US production that also positions
for a way to adapt this technology      performantly improve the health           Siemens to contribute to the Biden
to keep our employees and our           and safety of indoor environments.        Administration’s vision to reinvest
customers’ employees safe. We           Schools, senior care and healthcare       in passenger rail.
repurposed the RTLS technology to       facilities, even cultural institutions,
create a wearable solution combined     are now implementing air purifica-        Additionally, mayors have made
with software to track human            tion, thermal imaging, UV lighting        clear that electrifying transportation
interactions in the workplace.          and an array of HVAC technologies         as a way to reduce emissions and
Programming social distance             to support reopening plans. These         improve air quality will play a
guidelines into the system, we          steps forward are also driving            critical and immediate role in
invented a highly accurate, real-       energy efficiency gains while             creating jobs and driving economic
time contact tracing and physical       making the steps towards a smart          recovery. Sixty percent of leaders
distancing solution.                    building more tangible for building       who participated in our U.S.
                                        owners and managers.                      Conference of Mayors Survey with
Anonymized badges and sensors                                                     the Harris Poll indicated that electric
track employees in the workspace in
                                        Similarly, when it comes                  mobility would play a crucial role in
real-time. As they move throughout                                                revitalizing their cities.
the facility, workers are alerted       to mobility, Siemens
when they get too close to others                                                 And, in Wendell, North Carolina,
for too long. The RTLS then tracks      Mobility is helping transit               Siemens completes the other piece
and stores that data for several days   agencies adapt to low                     of the transportation puzzle – one
so that if anyone does happen to get                                              that’s foundational to decarbonizing
sick, the necessary data can be         ridership and using                       US infrastructure: manufacturing
deanonymized so that employees                                                    the EV charging equipment that will
who came into close contact with
                                        downtime to enhance                       power electric vehicles for our
the infected employee are notified to   passenger safety by                       families, fleets for our nation’s
quarantine. Management at our                                                     supply chain, and the bus routes
Houston facility have credited the      providing the technology                  connecting people to opportunities
technology for maintaining health       for contactless payment                   and vital services across our
and safety while keeping the plant                                                communities.
up and running. At the same time,       and assisting passengers
the process of implementing a new                                                 Building a more
software solution is making it easier
                                        to maintain social                        resilient future
for manufacturing teams to envision     distance.                                 My optimistic outlook during the
a connected factory floor. A                                                      pandemic has been that moments of
customer now deploying the              The 35 transit agencies we support        disruptions create the greatest
technology reports turning to it as a   nationwide also are envisioning           opportunity to shape the future we
win-win, both for manufacturing         how travelers can return to future        want. It’s in times like these when
and for digital transformation.         trips that are faster, safer and more     we question how things work and
                                        sustainable. It's from our solar-pow-     look for a better way forward. And
We see similar momentum when it         ered manufacturing plant in               as we embrace this idea and model

                                                                                                 German American Trade Q1 2021   7
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud
C O V E R        S T O R Y

    adaptation for customers, four          – ideally before even they know.
    strategic priorities will guide our     We’ve been thinking about this in
                                                                                     My optimistic outlook
    ambition to be the leading technol-     the context of national response.        during the pandemic has
    ogy company for the industries we       When the pandemic struck, leaders
    serve.                                  turned to a physical stockpile of        been that moments of
                                            emergency items and had to confront
    First, technology with pur-             supply shortages and distribution        disruptions create the
    pose. We are helping customers          challenges. Well, at the beginning of
                                                                                     greatest opportunity to
    solve concrete problems while           the pandemic, when Medtronic asked
    becoming more sustainable and           Siemens to help create a digital twin    shape the future we
    more efficient in the process. For      of their ventilator, we captured the
    example, Comfy, our cloud-based         design in a digital set of plans,        want. It’s in times like
    platform for managing buildings, is     specifications and instructions. This
    an innovative, secure solution to       then enabled other manufacturers to
                                                                                     these when we question
    return to work faster and safer.        license that intellectual property and   how things work and
                                            participate in producing what the na-
    Second, empowerment. Our                tion needed at scale.                    look for a better way
    employees, customers and partners
    should feel empowered to use our        This taught us a valuable lesson         forward.
    technology, while our own culture       about how to reinvent national
    must encourage collaboration, risk      response. What if the Siemens
    taking and big ideas. When the San      software we used to support
    Antonio City government was             Medtronic – tools used by more
    inundated by housing assistance         than 140,000 companies globally –
    requests during the pandemic, our       could also be leveraged to create a
    low-code platform, Mendix, was          digital stockpile, or a strategic
    used to quickly develop an app to       digital twin reserve? Imagine a
    digitize processes and meet demand.     continually updated library of
                                            digital replicas of everything from
    Third, a growth mindset.                respirators to vaccines and masks,
    Curiosity and initiative are what       along with the digital blueprints of
    drive us. What you know is less         how to manufacture these items,
    important than your willingness to      combined with an agile, flexible
    learn new things. We invest $37         industrial base.
    million in continuing education for
    employees. We also grant billions of    We are now working to advance
    dollars' worth of Siemens hardware      this from concept to reality, and
    and software to schools, colleges       I believe we can. We have tools,
    and universities to spark an interest   after all, that expand what’s
    in STEM and in pursuing the             humanly possible. We have people
    technical fields that matter to our     applying these tools with inspiring
    customers.                              purpose and who believe in our
                                            mission of transforming the every-
    Finally, the most important             day. And, as it began in Germany
                                                                                      Contact Information:
    priority of all is customer             174 years ago, Siemens will always
    impact. We want to know what            be at our very best when tasked           Siemens USA
    customers need as early as possible     with inventing the future.                >>

8   German American Trade Q1 2021
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud

Confidence in US market
remains strong among
German companies:
82 percent plan investments in 2021
By James Freeman, GACC

G     erman companies continue to
      remain overwhelmingly
optimistic about their business
                                         survey results on January 28. Andreas
                                         Fibig Chairman & CEO of Interna-
                                         tional Flavors & Fragrances (IFF)
                                                                                 Deutsche Bank in New York provided
                                                                                 insights on the US economy. Com-
                                                                                 menting on the economic impact of
prospects in the US, expecting           welcomed the guests and acknowl-        the pandemic, Luzzetti said, “The
further growth and robust profit         edged the GACC sponsors whose           backdrop is that this is a very unusual
margins. All this despite the            support make the event so successful.   recession and a very unusual recov-
daunting challenge of the COVID-19       The survey results were tabulated by    ery.” Despite significant economic
pandemic. That’s the key finding of      KPMG Germany and presented to our       setbacks, he predicts growth in 2021
this year's German American              GABO audience by Andreas Glunz,         boosted by fiscal stimulus and the
Business Outlook (GABO).                 Managing Partner International          vaccine rollout. “In line with our
                                         Business, KPMG Germany.                 recently published view, inflation
More than 200 GACC members and                                                   should moderate after a mid-year
other stakeholders in the German-        Prior to Glunz's presentation,          jump, but the magnitude of the latest
American business community logged       Matthew Luzzetti Chief US Economist     fiscal package has skewed inflation
on for our virtual presentation of the   and Head of US Economic Research at     risks more clearly to the upside.”

                                                                                                German American Trade Q1 2021   9
Trade Quarterly German American - Siemens USA: Technology to Transform the Everyday - AdmiralCloud

                                         The program included a panel         90% of compa-
                                         discussion on the implications of
                                         the survey results. The panel was    nies surveyed
                                         comprised of leaders in the          stated they
                                         German-American business
                                         community:                           generated
                                             Antonis Papadourakis,           profits after
                                              CEO at Lanxess Corporation,
                                              Peter Riehle,                  taxes in 2020
                                               President and CEO
                                               of WITTENSTEIN holding         that our business in the service
                                               Corp.                          and entertainment industries will
                                               Crispin Teufel,               pick up this year. Meanwhile,
                                                Chief Executive Officer       we’ve experienced tremendous
                                                at Lincare Holdings, Inc.     growth and opportunities in our
                                                Katrin Zimmermann,           food processing and packaging
                                                 Managing Director, The       sectors as well as government
                                                 Americas, TLGG moderated     spending services.”
                                                 the panel.
                                                                              As the the leading provider of
                                            Pete Riehle of WITTENSTEIN        respiratory solutions for people in
                                             and Crispin Teufel of Lincare    their homes, Lincare Holdings did
                                             Holdings shared how their        quite well in the 2020 pandemic
                                              companies are faring during     environment. Its products allow
                                              the pandemic: “Supply chains    people to be treated for covid-
                                              have definitely been a          related respiratory illness at home,
                                               challenge for us and for our   thus freeing up much needed
                                               customers,” said Riehle.       hospital beds. Crispin Teufel said
                                               With his company in about      that Lincare's success is due in
                                         35 different industries in the US,   great part to the company's
                     “In line with our   he said business successes and       respiratory products. On the flip
                                         declines varied. “We’re hoping       side, the company’s business
            recently published view,                                          related to physician practices, sleep
                                                                              labs and elective surgeries has not
          inflation should moderate                                           been as robust. Teufel pointed out
     after a mid-year jump, but the                                           that the pandemic has led Lincare
                                                                              to make great strides in digitiza-
      magnitude of the latest fiscal                                          tion. “We’re definitely going to
    package has skewed inflation                                              continue on that path even when
                                                                              the pandemic is behind us, and as
 risks more clearly to the upside.”                                           a result we’ll keep growing as a
                                                                              company,” he stressed.
     Matthew Luzzetti Chief
         US Economist and                                                     Another company represented on
                                                                              our GABO panel is Lanxess, a
      Head of US Economic                                                     leading company in specialty

      Research at Deutsche                                                    chemicals. “We did very well in
                                                                              2020 compared to our peers. It
         Bank in New York                Matthew Luzzetti                     was our best 4th quarter in eight

10    German American Trade Q1 2021

years,” said Antonis Papadourakis.        Despite uncertain business conditions,
“We remain very optimistic for 2021,
and plan to continue investing in the     82% of the surveyed companies are still
US.” A key element in the com-            planning investments in the US market
pany’s success has been the develop-
ment of CheMondis, a new global           Following the GABO January 28              The GACC Midwest GABO
marketplace for chemical products.        event, GABO forums were organized          event received great feedback
“We figured that there would be a lot     by GACC Midwest, GACC Philadelphia         from participants – overall, they
of value in creating this B2B             and GACC Pittsburgh. The GACC NY           enjoyed the forum and found it
platform for chemicals,” Papadoura-       also partnered with the German             beneficial for their businesses.
kis, explained.                           American Business Council (GABC) to        Many people also commented
                                          present the survey results to a Boston     that they appreciated Frank Sporto-
One of the biggest concerns German        audience, with Consul General Nicole       lari’s engaging insight as president
companies in the US have according        Menzenbach of the German Consulate         of AmCham.
to the GABO survey is the persistent      General Boston among the many
shortage of skilled workers. To help      noteworthy guests.                         It looks like 2021 will be another
mitigate this problem, companies like                                                dramatic year ushered in by a
WITTENSTEIN and Lanxess have              More than 140 people logged on to          much needed wave of optimism. It
incorporated highly successful            the GABO forum presented by the            will be interesting to see how
apprenticeship programs, facilitated in   GACC Midwest, featuring panel              German companies in the US
large part by the GACCs. All of our       speakers:                                  respond to the challenges and
GABO forum panelists emphasized             Peter Riehle, Chairman of the Board     opportunities that await them.
how valuable apprenticeship pro-             of Directors of GACC Midwest and
grams are to their businesses and how        President & CEO of WITTENSTEIN
                                                                                       To download the full
strongly committed they are to them.         North America
                                                                                       GABO 2021 report,
                                             Frank Sportolari, President of
                                                                                       visit any of our regional
The GABO report received extensive            American Chamber of Commerce in          GACC websites:
media coverage in widely respected            Germany (AMCham) and President
German outlets such as Handelsblatt,          of UPS Germany, Austria and              >>
Börsen-Zeitung,dpa/AFX-Line und WZ            Switzerland                              >>
Westdeutsche Zeitung Düsseldorf               Mark Tomkins, President & CEO of        >>
among others.                                  GACC Midwest

                      Top economic challenges for German companies in the US in 2021

        Source: German American Business Outlook 2021, KPMG in Germany and the German American Chambers of Commerce

                                                                                                    German American Trade Q1 2021   11
E C O N O M I S T ’ S           C O R N E R

                                                   Eye on Inflation
                                                   By Clarissa Dann, Deutsche Bank Corporate Bank

                     After 30 years of
                                                   W        ith the Georgia Senate
                                                            elections having given the
                                                                                             forecast, based on the initial
                                                                                             US$1trn fiscal package? “Consider-
                 low inflation, could              Biden administration more scope to        ing the net stimulus relative to our
                                                   get its proposals through both the        baseline, a $1.9tn fiscal stimulus
                  this benign era be               House of Representatives and the          package could, in theory, add about
                                                   Senate; Treasury Secretary Janet          two percentage points to our current
              under threat as huge                 Yellen’s advice to “go big” with an       growth forecast of 6.3% (Q4/Q4) and
                                                   initial US$1.9trn proposal has, notes     push the unemployment rate to 4%
                    spending stimulus              Deutsche Bank Research US econo-          or below by year-end, they note in
                                                   mists, “introduced potential for          their 5 February 2021 report, Parsing
             programmes roll out?                  meaningful upside risk to our             the potential boost from the Biden
            And how is monetary                    already well-above consensus              fiscal plan.
                                                   economic forecast for this year”.
                 policy responding?                Boosting recovery?
                                                                                             If the stimulus comes in at
                                                                                             US$1.3trn in the event of Republican
                       Deutsche Bank’s             So what would be the incremental          resistance to the “big” package, the
                                                   uplift of this additional US$0.9trn       GDP uplift reduces to 0.75% and
           Clarissa Dann reports.                  on the team’s original growth             unemployment looks set to hit
                                                                                             around 4.3%
                                Figure 1 Biden’s fiscal proposal
      Provision                                                                              Another factor considered in the
                                                                Deficit Impact ($bn)
                                                                                             report is the degree to which
      $1,400 stimulus checks                                                      $465       observance of social distancing
                                                                                             reduces the ability of households
      Aid to state and local governments                                          $350       and businesses “to spend on goods
      Additional unemployment benefits                                                       and services in particular sectors”
                                                                                             and prompts “higher precautionary
      Vaccination funding                                                         $160       savings motives”.

      Fund school reopening and increase funding to                                          Inflation and monetary
      schools and colleges
      EITC expansion                                                              $120       In our May 2020 flow article,
      Provide rental and small landlord support                                              Covid-19 and inflation, we exam-
                                                                                             ined whether or not such stimulus
      Provide support to childcare providers                                        $25      packages could lead to hyperinfla-
                                                                                             tion and whether precautionary
      Other policy changes                                                        $200       savings habits could bring about
                                                                                             deflation.1 “As individuals worry
      Total Reported Cost                                                 $1.9 trillion
                                                                                             about what might be around the
                                                               Source: CRFB, Deutsche Bank

12   German American Trade Q1 2021
E C O N O M I S T ’ S        C O R N E R

                          “The need to reduce large debt burdens
                            will bring about the return of inflation”
                                   Oliver Harvey, Strategist,
                                    Deutsche Bank Research
corner, they don’t spend,” we noted.                 objective is being closely managed.
Deutsche Bank Macro Strategist                       They quote Chair Powell’s observation
Oliver Harvey makes the point that                   that “well-anchored inflation expec-
the combination of unprecedented                     tations are critical for giving the Fed
government stimulus packages,                        the latitude to support employment
retreating globalisation, the increase               when necessary without destabilising
in bargaining power of certain sectors               inflation. But if inflation expectations
of the labour market as well as the                  fall below our 2% objective, interest
need to reduce large debt burdens will               rates would decline in tandem. In
bring about the return of inflation.                 turn, we would have less scope to cut
                                                                                                       expectations and track their
              Figure 2: Index of common inflation expectations                                         common movement (see Figure 2).
                                                                                                       It can be seen that “evidence that
                                                                                                       expectations slipped in the wake
                                                                                                       of the 2014/15 oil price collapse”,
                                                                                                       and how expectations recovered
                                                                                                       once the Fed announced its
                                                                                                       change to the way it would
                                                                                                       conduct monetary policy and the
                                                                                                       increased stimulus packages were
                                                                                                       put on the table.

                                                                                                       While the spectre of hyperinflation
                                                                                                       is not lying in wait just yet,
                                                                                                       Luzzetti, Weidner and Ryan note
                                                                                                       in a separate report that “going
                                                                                                       big” on fiscal stimulus has shifted
Source: Ahn and Fulton (2020), Deutsche Bank
                                                                                                       the balance of risks around
It is therefore no surprise that                     interest rates to boost employment                inflation more clearly to the
managing inflation and inflation                     during an economic downturn,                      upside (see Healthcare tailwind
expectations have, according to                      further diminishing our capacity to               presents upside risk to Fed’s
Deutsche Bank economists Matthew                     stablise the economy through cutting              near-term inflation forecasts).
Luzzetti, Justin Weidner and Brett                   interest rates.”
Ryan “taken on increased importance
at the Fed in determining monetary                   Using methodology developed by                    Clarissa Dann
                                                                                                       Editorial Director of Marketing,
policy”. In their 17 February report,                Federal Reserve Board researchers,
                                                                                                       Deutsche Bank Corporate Bank
Monitoring inflation expectations,                   Luzzetti, Weidner and Ryan created
they highlight recent comments from                  an index to synthesize many com-
the Federal Reserve that the stated 2%               monly cited measures of inflation


                                                                                                                     German American Trade Q1 2021   13

     Five Questions for Oliver Leptien,
     President & CEO for HELM U.S.
     GAT: HELM is one of the many             have access to supply sources either
                                                                                         Oliver Leptien
     German hidden champions. Can you         through long-term offtake agree-
     tell us more about what HELM does?       ments and/or domestic and global
                                              access. As 2021 will likely encompass
     Oliver Leptien (OL): We are a            both scenarios, I feel that being a
     Hamburg-based, family-owned              “boutique service provider” with
     company that began over 120 years        highly customized solutions shows
     ago and have had a presence in the       that HELM is well-positioned for the
     U.S. for more than 50 years. We are a    future. Even though we have been in
     multifunctional distribution company     the USA for more than 50 years,
     specialized in chemicals, crop           there is a tremendous opportunity for
     protection, active pharmaceutical        domestic growth, including potential
     ingredients, pharmaceuticals, and        acquisitions.
     fertilizers. Furthermore, we provide a
     wide range of services to our            GAT: What do you feel is the
     business partners, including market-     biggest strength of your company
     ing, sales, supply chain management,     right now?                                 Oliver Leptien is President & CEO for
     logistics, and financial services.                                                  HELM U.S. Corporation in Houston,
                                              OL: Here in the U.S., our capability       Texas. In his 30 years in chemical
     Today, HELM is one of the largest        to continuously develop new ways of        distribution, he overlooked regional
     independent chemicals marketing          value creation for our partners that       and global businesses as well as vari-
     enterprises worldwide. With more         are significantly different from           ous industry portfolios ranging from
     than 100 subsidiaries, sales offices,    traditional distribution models is a       base chemical and petrochemical
     and engagements in over 30 coun-         major strength. This ability gains         commodities to chemical specialties,
     tries, HELM generates revenues of        additional importance as we are            including food, pharma, and cos-
                                              marketing a growing number and             metic raw materials. One focus point
     around $6 billion per year.
                                              volumes of renewable chemicals.            throughout his career has been the
                                                                                         development of internal entities and
     GAT: What is the current economic        Next year, we expect to generate
                                                                                         organizations towards sustainable
     outlook for 2021 for HELM U.S.?          nearly 20-25% of our revenue with
                                                                                         success. His professional passion is
                                              renewable chemicals.
                                                                                         the development of high-performance
     OL: Despite the ongoing challenges,                                                 teams and environments.
     we are optimistic when looking into      Still, the biggest strength in the U.S.
     2021. Our business models are            is our team. They are innovative and
     increasingly intriguing to the U.S.      creative, which builds confidence         GAT: What was the path you took
     chemical industry. In oversupplied       with our partners. Our people are the     to get to where you are today?
     markets, we often guarantee sales        driving force that has allowed us to
     outlets combined with financially        triple our sales volumes within the       OL: The answer is simple: A fully
     attractive tools for significant         past three years, including a COVID-      detailed life plan with all needed
     production volume to producers.          driven 2020. I am very grateful to        steps and sound execution. Well, that
     For high-demand products, we often       work with such an outstanding team.       is not exactly what happened.

14   German American Trade Q1 2021

Life taught me early on that having      happens to you while you're busy
                                                                                     Contact Information:
objectives but staying flexible and      making other plans" (John Lennon).
going the extra mile is a good idea.                                                 11700 Katy Freeway
When I was 24, I had the opportunity     GAT: What are your interests                Energy Tower - Suite 600
to work in Mexico City. At the time,     outside of work?                            Houston, TX 77079, USA
my main competitor was HELM de                                                       Phone: +1 (281) 6230100
Mexico. If someone had told me, that     OL: I appreciate deep and meaning-          Email: >>
about 25 years later I would be          ful conversations with friends and          >>
overlooking HELM's U.S. Chemicals        sometimes even strangers. Especially        >>
and Pharmaceuticals Business, I          with people with differing opinions.
would have laughed.                      That said, I experienced quite some        disrupted due to COVID, so we both
                                         challenges in the past year due to         look forward to being able to explore
Overall, my path is a mix of a           COVID. Personal encounters have            again in the future. One positive side
genuine interest in people, keeping      decreased significantly and can only       of having to stay in is that we have
my sense of humor, and choosing to       poorly be substituted via video calls. I   developed what, at least the two of us
look on the bright side. Combining       have always enjoyed travel. Even           would consider, pretty decent cooking
those with not taking myself too         though my job has allowed me to see        skills during 2020. Fortunately, we
seriously and focusing on good           many places in the world over the          both like getting out into nature for
results turned out to be a good recipe   years, I deeply enjoy traveling with       extended walks to counter the newly
for me. In the end, “Life is what        my wife. This has been significantly       achieved cooking skills a bit.

                                                                                                   German American Trade Q1 2021   15

     The Bavarian Industry
     in the United States
     In 2020, the trade volume between the US and
     Bavaria was nearly 28 billion Euros. This makes the USA
     Bavaria's second largest trading partner after China.
     Economic Impact of                      Bavaria's Economy Creates              details: every euro of sales revenue
     Bavarian Business and                   Value and Employment                   generated by Bavarian business and
     Industry in the USA                     in the United States                   industry in the US generates an
     Trade between the United States and     Bavarian companies provide high        additional 1.45 Euros in sales
     Bavaria is not only strong but is by    levels of value creation, production   revenue. Bavarian companies add to
     far the country with the most direct    and employment in the United           the prosperity in the USA: for every
     investments in the US according to      States. They provide more than         euro of value added by the Bavarian
     the current vbw study: The Economic     576,000 jobs and contribute more       industry in the US another 2.28
     Impact of Bavarian Business and         than 85 billion Euros to the total     Euros are generated by US compa-
     Industry in the USA. In total, these    gross value added in the US That is    nies. Bavarian companies are a
     amount to 71 billion Euros. This is     half a percent of the total value      job-creation engine in the USA: each
     not much less than the total direct     added in the US.                       job created at a Bavarian company in
     investments of Bavarian companies                                              the US secures 2.47 additional jobs
     in all member states of the EU. The     The economic impact study contains     nationwide specifically in employ-
     total value here is 83 billion Euros.   a whole range of other important       ment-intensive sectors that purchase

                                                                                    “Our friendship with
                                                                                    the USA is unshakeable.
                                                                                    Now it is a matter of
                                                                                    consolidating and further
                                                                                    expanding it “ said
                                                                                    bayme vbm vbw
                                                                                    CEO Bertram
                                                                                    Brossardt on
                                                                                    January 11th, 2021
                                                                                    at the online conference
                                                                                    of the vbw on the
                                                                                    US election: 'New
                                                                                    President, new Politics'.

16   German American Trade Q1 2021

goods and services which help                 have maintained a liaison office in        decision makers and think tanks.
accelerate the economy.                       New York. This underlines the              The US Liaison Office coordinates
                                              positive economic relationship             the political exchange of opinions
Multilateralism and                           between the State of Bavaria and the       and experiences for the vbw and its
Transatlantic Partnership                     United States fostering and furthering     member associations.
The Bavarian industry associates Joe          collaboration.
Biden’s presidency with the hope of
encouraging the USA towards                   After successful 10 years, Mrs.
strengthening the World Trade                 Dagmar Cassan, Executive Director
Organization (WTO) fostering                  Emeritus is leaving the US Liaison
multilateralism and a revitalization          Office in New York. Her successor as
of the transatlantic partnership.             of October 2020, the newly appointed
“What we need are talks with the              director is Christoph Kolle.
will to reach agreement and coopera-                                                      Contact Information:
tion. This is particularly true of            The US Liaison Office in New York
conflict issues such as the subsidy           works as the interface of economic
dispute over the aircraft manufactur-         activities and political concerns for
ers Boing and Airbus, the steel and           the member companies from Bavaria
aluminum tariffs, as well as for the          in the USA. US companies wishing to
Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and the            invest in Bavaria can also receive
transatlantic dispute over the                advice. The services for members
taxation of the tech industry,”               include the support of market
says CEO Bertram Brossardt. The               development, access to government
vbw relies on a goal-oriented dialog          and administration, regional econom-
with the USA.                                 ic development as well as banks and
                                              private equity firms. The office is         Christoph Kolle
bayme vbm vbw US Liaison                      closely integrated by having an             Director
Office Under New Manage-                      extensive network of companies,             bayme vbm vbw US Liaison Office
ment in New Location                          business leaders, international
                                                                                          The Chrysler Building
Since 2010 the Bavarian associations          financial service providers, political
                                                                                          405 Lexington Avenue, 37th Fl.
                                                                                          New York, NY 10174
 Employment effects of Bavarian business in the USA, in persons                           P. 646 .237 .0410
                                                                                          M. 917 .216 .9569

  500,000                                           143,878
                                                                                          US Impact Study 2020
  300,000                         266,334
                                                                      576,211             If you would like to learn more about
  200,000                                                                                 the October 2020 US Impact Study,
                                                                                          please find the link here:

                  direct           indirect         induced            total              ServiceCenter/Au%C3%9
                employment       employment        employment       employment            Fenwirtschaft/International-
Source: BEA (2020); OECD AMNE Database (2020); own caculations of TwinEconomics (2020)    Impact-bavarian-businesses-USA.jsp

                                                                                                       German American Trade Q1 2021   17

     Alternative financing
     solutions in challenging times
     An Interview with Georg Hansjürgens,
     Member of the Board of Deutsche Leasing
     GAT: What is the current situation         year. If you just look at the US,
                                                                                           Georg Hansjürgens
     for German small and medium-sized          German exports have even dropped
     enterprises (SMEs) who are invest-         by 12.5 percent compared to 2019.
     ing or exporting internationally?          However, on a German and European
                                                level, countries have reacted quickly
     Georg Hansjürgens (GH): It is              to the crisis with national and
     turbulent. Due to the corona pandem-       supranational aid programmes, which
     ic, the situation is unstable, and it is   businesses are making use of. The
     difficult to make clear predictions. A     question remains how long SMEs can
     lack of sales markets, interrupted         pull through. As the number of
     supply chains, and fewer new orders        infections are still high and many
     have resulted in serious slumps in         countries are enduring another
     exports. In 2020, according to the         lockdown (as of February 2021), SMEs
     Federal Statistical Office, German         must brace themselves to keep their
     exports worldwide shrank by 9.3            business going while still investing to
                                                ensure their companies future.             Georg Hansjürgens is a member of the
     percent in comparison to the previous
                                                                                           Board of Deutsche Leasing and since
                                                                                           2020 responsible for International
                                                                                           Business. Previously, he held various
                                                                                           management and board positions in
                                                                                           foreign companies of the Deutsche
                                                                                           Leasing Group.

                                                                                          GAT: How can SMEs still invest?
                                                                                          What are the current financing

                                                                                          GH: Times of disruption always
                                                                                          come with new opportunities. Now
                                                                                          more than ever, there is a chance for
                                                                                          SMEs to take a closer look at their
                                                                                          financial planning. A waterproof
                                                                                          financing plan consists of a mixture
                                                                                          of financing tools tailored to the
                                                                                          company’s liquidity situation.
                                                                                          Companies that combine solid

18   German American Trade Q1 2021

business development with their            using the object against paying a fee
financing planning will weather the        without touching your credit line.        Quick Facts
storm. Three possible alternatives to      Sale-and-lease-back as well as            Offices in Chicago, Atlanta
a classic loan which preserve              factoring are favourable solutions to     and Toronto
liquidity are finance lease, sale-and-     raise hidden reserves and strengthen      More than 30 local employees
lease-back, and factoring. Addition-       the liquidity of a company, by either     (Risk, Sales, Operations)
ally, sales financing is generally         selling new or used capital goods.
                                                                                     German and English
becoming more attractive.                  Sales financing, or rather, sales
                                                                                     speaking experts
                                           solutions based on export finance
GAT: What are the benefits of              business are also very popular, as they   Possibility to provide Off-balance
these finance solutions?                   can be covered by the national Export     solutions in accordance with
                                                                                     US-GAAP and HGB
                                           Credit Agency (ECA), i.e. a state
GH: Finance lease generally is an          guarantee for sales finance solutions.    Financial products:
attractive option to invest in all kinds   Risks, as the country risk or the           Finance Lease
of goods such as new machines,             customer creditworthiness, are usually      Loan
vehicles, hard- or software, by just       covered by 95 percent.                      Operate Lease

                                                                                                  German American Trade Q1 2021   19

     GAT: What lies beyond                are accelerating. To keep pace,
                                                                                Key Facts about Deutsche Leas-
     the horizon? How does the            SMEs have to innovate and             ing:
     “new normal” look like?              invest. The crisis acts like a
                                                                                Deutsche Leasing is the leading solutions-
                                          burning glass on corporate
                                                                                oriented asset finance partner for German
     GH: After all, the consequences      strategy. Those who reflect
                                                                                medium-sized companies and offers a wide
     of the COVID-19 pandemic             the situation well and                range of investment-related finance solu-
     also show one thing: cost            sustainably will emerge from          tions (asset finance) and other complemen-
     pressure for companies is increas-   it stronger. As a result, there       tary services (asset services).
     ing, while at the same time          can and will be no return to the
                                                                                Established in Germany in 1962 as a
     market and technology upheavals      “old normal".
                                                                                manufacturer-independent leasing com-
                                                                                pany, Deutsche Leasing Group (DL) joined
                                                                                the “Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe” (Savings
                                                                                Banks Finance Group) in 1990 and quickly
                                                                                became its centre of competence for leasing
                                                                                and factoring.
                                           Contact Information:
                                                                                Deutsche Leasing USA was established in
                                           Deutsche Leasing AG
                                                                                2007, offering highly flexible and tailor-made
                                           Frölingstraße 15 - 31
                                           61352 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe         solutions to the US subsidiaries of German
                                                                                customers in North America. Over the past
                                           +49 6172 88-00
                                                                                years, DL USA has supported more than 150
                                           >>       manufacturers—including start-ups as well as
                                           >>      established companies—to obtain the funds
                                           solutions/international-financing/   needed for their investments and strengthen
                                           german-companies-in-the-us           their credit history.

20   German American Trade Q1 2021
S T A R T U P       S E R I E S

STEP USA alumnus
MyPostcard among Deloitte’s
Technology Fast 50 in 2020
By Andrea Diewald, GACC

M      yPostcard clinched a Deloitte
       Technology Fast 50 Award,
ranking 28 based on the percentage
                                            market leader in the postcard app
                                            sector. MyPostcard brings the good
                                            old postcard into the digital age.
of sales growth over the fiscal years
(2016-2019). MyPostcard achieved            Marco Hülsmann, COO and CTO
growth of 267,48 percent during that        of MyPostcard, considers the
period, making it one of the 50             turnover growth rate of 267,48
fastest growing technology compa-           percent over the last four years to be
nies in Germany.                            particularly positive. “One of our
                                            particular strengths has always been
The MyPostcard app allows its users         our clear focus on technology.
to design and send personalized             However, the last year in particular
greetings featuring their own photos        has shown us that innovation and          class team are the reason why we
as real printed postcards. MyPostcard       flexibility are important attributes      were able to further expand our
takes care of printing and interna-         for scalability. That and our first-      market leadership,”says Hülsmann.
tional delivery. With three million
downloads, the Berlin-based company          About MyPostcard                         “The winners of the Deloitte Technol-
is now the most successful and, with         The postcard of tomorrow: MyPost-        ogy Fast 50 show how innovation
a rating of 4.6 stars, the most popular      card is Germany’s most successful        and entrepreneurial success can be
postcard app, making it the German           postcard app, letting customers send     combined through their products and
                                             their own photos as real printed         services,” explains Dr. Andreas
  About STEP USA                             postcards. The app is currently avail-   Gentner, Partner and Head of
                                             able in ten languages and is home        Technology, Media & Telecommuni-
  STEP USA is a 5-day startup boot
                                             to the world’s largest collection of     cations EMEA at Deloitte.
  camp launched and organized by the
                                             postcards for sale with more than        “I wish our participants and award
  German American Chamber of Com-
                                             50,000 designs available. With the       winners all the best for their entre-
  merce New York (GACC NY). A highly
                                             help of an international network of      preneurial future. Their success
  successful program, it focuses on fa-
                                             printing houses, MyPostcard takes        makes the future look bright for
  cilitating U.S. market access for young
                                             care of printing and delivering the      Germany as a tech location.”
  innovative companies and takes place
                                             personalized postcards. Founder and
  four times a year. It also exists in a
  virtual format. STEP USA prides itself
                                             CEO is Oliver Kray, a designer and       The MyPostcard app
                                             serial entrepreneur. The company
  on having created a network of more
                                             is headquartered in Berlin with an       allows its users to design
  than 300 STEP USA alumni, more than
                                             additional office in New York and cur-
  60 U.S. incorporations, and 35 invest-
                                             rently employs 30 staff. It is ranked
                                                                                      and send personalized
  ment rounds. It is tailored to the
  needs of startups who intent to scale
                                             among the top 1000 fastest growing       greetings featuring their
                                             companies in Europe according to the
  their business internationally.
                                             Financial Times, even achieving place    own photos as real
  >>                          19 in the e-commerce sector..
                                                                                      printed postcards.

                                                                                                    German American Trade Q1 2021   21
G T A I      I N D U S T R Y    T A L K

       End-of-life rotors to be disposed
               of in an environmentally
             friendly manner in the US
                                               Article by Ullrich Umann, Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)
                                               Translation from German by Sandy Jones, GACC

                                               Rotor blades from amortized wind turbines
                                               contain valuable raw materials. German waste
                                               management companies will encounter a growing
                                               US market in this business segment in 2021.

                                               I n the US, the first wind turbines
                                                 were installed in the 1970s right
                                               after the oil crisis led to temporary
                                                                                         have been looking for ways to keep
                                                                                         tens of thousands of rotor blades
                                                                                         whose maximum operating life has
                                               shortages in energy supply. Since         expired or will expire in the coming
                                               then, several waves of wind farm          years from simply being dumped in
                                               construction have swept across the        landfills. Instead, they are to be
                                               country, with an exponential              returned back into a materials cycle.
                                               increase in the last decade.
                                                                                         An important reason is that the
                                               However, with a maximum operating         materials used are quite valuable. For
                                               life of 25 years, the environmentally     example, the French company Veolia
                                               sound disposal of end-of-life wind        has turned recycling into a lucrative
                                               turbines, especially the fiberglass-      business. Its American subsidiary
                                               coated rotor blades, has become a         VNA (Veolia North America) was
                                               serious problem.                          able to sign its first contract in late
                                                                                         fall 2020 with wind turbine manu-
                                               Good opportunities for                    facturer GE Renewable Energy.
                                               German waste management
                                               companies to enter the                    Veolia turns GE rotors into a
                                               market                                    raw material for use in ce-
                                               There are various technologies for        ment manufacturing
                                               recovering materials from the             Although GE Renewable Energy has
                                               amortized rotor blades or for turning     its headquarters in Paris, just like
                                               decommissioned wind turbine blades        Veolia, both companies agreed to
                                               into ultramodern flooring, for            recycle decommissioned GE rotor
                                               example. For German suppliers of          blades in the United States. Under
                                               corresponding technologies, 2021          the terms of the contract, VNA will
                                               marks an extremely favorable time to      dismantle end-of-life rotors and
                                               enter the US market.                      break them down into their compo-
                                                                                         nent parts at a facility in Missouri.
                                               Various methods in                        Bob Cappadona, Chief Operating
                                               development                               Officer in VNA’s business unit
                                               For years, US wind farm operators         Environmental Solutions and

22   German American Trade Q1 2021
G T A I   I N D U S T R Y         T A L K

Services, says: "By returning wind       Pellets appeal to environ-
                                         mentally conscious customers              About the Author
turbine rotors - which are primarily
made of fiberglass - back to cement      However, rotor blades can also be
production as a raw material             turned into pellets and panels. In
substitute, we reduce the amount of      2019, for example, Global Fiberglass
coal, sand and minerals needed to        Solutions began production in the
make the building material."             United States of a product called
                                         EcoPoly Pellets. A panel version is
According to research by business        currently being worked on.
consulting company Quantis, Veolia's
process helps reduce CO2 emissions in    In order to emphasize the environ-
cement production by 27 percent and      mental aspect of EcoPoly Pellets
water consumption by 13 percent.         sales, the pellets are provided with
                                         certification indicating their origin
Fiberglass to be recovered               from decommissioned wind turbines.
The National Renewable Energy            Specifically, the customer is able
Laboratory's (NREL) National Center      track the recycling process via data
                                                                                   Ullrich Umann
for Wind Technology is also tinkering    from an RFID (radio frequency
with the recycling of rotor blades.      identification) chip.
                                                                                   1130 Connecticut Ave., NW
Here, the plan is to extract a type of                                             Suite 1200
resin from end-of-life rotors that can   EcoPoly pellets can be made into a        Washington, DC 20036
be reused in industrial production.      variety of other products, such as        T +1 (202) 629 5712
                                         warehouse pallets, flooring or even       >>
A different approach is being taken      parking bollards, according to the        >>
by Tennessee-based company Carbon        supplier. Global Fiberglass Solutions,
Rivers, which is cooperating with        meanwhile, plans to process up to        guidelines for the storage and
utility companies PacifiCorp and         7,000 rotor blades per year at its two   disposal of end-of-life wind turbines,
MidAmerican Energy on this issue.        facilities in Texas and Iowa.            but also incentive systems to
The focus here is on reusing the                                                  ultimately relieve landfills.
fiberglass used in the rotor blades.     Statutory regulations
The DOE (Department of Energy) is        still missing                            The regulations could include,
providing financial support for such     What is still missing in the US are      among other things, extended
development work.                        environmental regulations specifi-       manufacturer responsibility not
                                         cally for the disposal of decommis-      only for the safe operation of
Another method coined Re-wind is         sioned rotor blades. That is why         wind turbines, but also for the
being developed jointly by universi-     everything being done at the             environmentally sound disposal of
ties in the US, Ireland, and Northern    moment takes place either on a           end-of-life wind turbines. US states
Ireland. Here, too, fiberglass is        voluntary basis or in a legal vacuum.    with a larger share of wind energy,
recovered and then used for power        Service providers of corresponding       such as Texas and Iowa, should
transmission in civil and under-         disposal processes, as well as           also become more involved in
ground engineering or on the roofs       environmental activists, would           building infrastructure to recycle
of emergency shelters, towers, etc.      therefore like to see statutory          end-of-life rotors.

                                                                                                 German American Trade Q1 2021   23

     How good intentions can
     be totally misinterpreted
     By John Otto Magee
     Introduction                              Clichés                                   Americans are superficial is a
     Whenever we interact with another         Let’s take a simple, common, but          German misunderstanding about
     person they are interacting with us.      very important example. A typical         Americans. We Americans have our
     This sounds rather obvious. So, let’s     situation involving Americans and         misunderstanding about Germans,
     go little deeper.                         Germans. It involves a major              such as Germans have no sense of
                                               misunderstanding that Germans have        humor. We all know that both
     When we interact with another             about Americans, that Americans are       misunderstandings are silly, dumb,
     person, we do our best to read them,      superficial.                              untrue, frankly, embarrassing.
     to understand them, so that we know
     how best to react. Much of our            I have heard it hundreds of times, in     Klaus the German
     behavior is in reaction to others, to     one form or another: Amerikaner           The point I want to make about
     what they say and do.                     sind oberflächlich, in English            interactions is that they are always
                                               Americans are superficial. I don’t        participatory. Let’s take Klaus, a
     That is the meaning of reaction. But      want go into detail about this            German, who meets Judy, an Ameri-
     often we are so focused on under-         particular misunderstanding.              can, and they engage in small talk.
     standing the other person, on
     reading what they say and do, on          We all operate on misunderstandings       Klaus being German, wants to
     reading the signals they send, that       about other cultures, whether we          discuss subjects of substance. That is
     we forget that they are doing the         care to admit it or not. I, John          what Germans do. Germans often
     same with us. When I, John, am            Magee, know very little about any         bring up subjects of substance. They
     interacting with Annegret, she,           other culture other than the US, my       want different viewpoints, different
     Annegret, is interacting with me,         home culture, and Germany, where I        opinions. They want a lively
     John.                                     have lived for more than 25 years.        discussion, even a debate.

     I know that his sounds obvious,           Any thoughts I have about France,         But wait, Americans are different. In
     trivial, so self-stated. But wait, what   Italy, Mexico, China, India are based     small talk situations Americans avoid
     does it really mean? We have to be        on little to no knowledge, even less      subjects of substance. They avoid
     aware of how what we say and do is        experience. Per definition any and all    subjects which could lead to lively
     interpreted, perceived, understood,       thoughts I have about those coun-         discussion or debate. Americans bring
     misunderstood, by the other person.       tries and cultures are over-simplified,   up subjects which are light, non-
     Yes, I am reading Annegret’s signals.     inaccurate, very likely wrong.            political, non-controversial, such as
     But Annegret is reading the signals I                                               the weather or sports or vacation or
     am sending. Signals I am sending                                                          food, anything to keep things
     consciously or unconsciously.                                                               calm and civil.

24   German American Trade Q1 2021

                                                                                  About the Author:

Americans do not go into depth in       Judy asks Klaus what he thinks of
such situations. That’s why it’s        Atlanta. She asks him how the
called small talk. We could also call   conference is going. She might even
it shallow talk. Shallow vs. deep. Or   ask Klaus how his flight to the US
call it superficial talk, meaning on    went. How does Klaus react? Most
the surface, keep on surface.           likely surprised. “What, my flight? I
                                        want to talk about Corona-virus.”
Americans can do deep talk. In fact,    This goes back and forth and Klaus
they’ve been doing it for more than     gets impression that Judy is, well,
two hundred and fifty years. You        superficial.
need only take a closer look at
American history.                       Miss the Point
                                                                                  John Otto Magee has lived and worked
                                        I could spell out in great detail the     in Germany 25+ years, consulting for
Judy the American                       German reaction to American small         many well-known German brands as
Ok, so let’s get back to Klaus          talk. I will not, because I want to       well as governmental organizations.
and Judy. They are in Atlanta at a      make a bigger point, actually two         He is an expert in explaining the dif-
conference. They are colleagues,        bigger points.                            ferences in how Americans and Ger-
but only recently working together.                                               mans think and work. Visit his website
They are excited to finally meet.       The first point is, Klaus sees the        Contrasting Cultures to learn more on
Even though, frankly, their             interaction with Judy, and with           how to effectively navigate German-
                                                                                  American workplace interaction.
collaboration has not gone all          other Americans during conference,
that well thus far.                     as verification of what everyone in       >>
                                        Germany knows, namely that
At a dinner many folks get together.    Americans are superficial.              from what the other party is
Klaus and Judy are there. It is their                                           experiencing in the interaction. Our
chance to meet and do some small        The second point is that it does not    behavior influences their behavior.
talk. Klaus then brings up topics of    occur to Klaus that Judy is reacting    Their behavior influences ours. We
substance. And since it is the year     to him. In other words, that his        are participating in this together. It
2021, and they are in US, and           actions are leading Judy to pull        is participatory, and not separated.
America is always a topic in            back, to not engage, to try to
Germany, Klaus wants talk about         lighten up the conversation.            We all know this, right? But, do we
controversial current developments                                              take it enough into consideration
in US: politics, race relations,        Klaus is not aware of how his           when we interact? I think not. Or
response to the COVID-19 virus,         actions affect Judy, thus affecting     not enough. There is considerable
the economy, etc.                       Judy’s reactions to him. Klaus most     risk, considerable danger, in not
                                        likely is not aware that Judy           taking enough into account how our
As stated, these are not topics         perceives him as overbearing,           actions affect the other party.
Americans feel comfortable with         provocative, rude, maybe purposely
in a small talk setting, most           picking a fight with her.               And why? Because they may
certainly not in a business setting.                                            misinterpret our intentions. Because
So what does Judy do? She pulls         All Interactions                        they may misinterpret who we are.
back, does not engage, tries to         My message here is that every           And vice versa. We misinterpret
lighten up conversation, to change      interaction is participatory. We        their intentions. We misinterpret
the subject.                            cannot separate what we experience      who they are.

                                                                                                German American Trade Q1 2021   25
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