Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat

Page created by Laurie George
Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
Measures adopted
by the Catalan
Government to
face the COVID-19

Updated: 12/6/2020
Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
00.   Introduction............................................................................................................... 3
01.   Department of Economy and Finance ...................................................................... 4
02.   Department of Presidency ........................................................................................ 9
03.   Department of Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency ............... 14
04.   Department of Home Affairs ................................................................................... 20
05.   Department of Education ........................................................................................ 26
06.   Department of Health ............................................................................................. 28
07.   Department of Territory and Sustainability ............................................................. 31
08.   Department of Culture ............................................................................................ 32
09.   Department of Justice............................................................................................. 34
10.   Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Family ................................................... 40
11.   Department of Enterprise (Business) and Knowledge ............................................ 51
12.   Department of Digital Policy and Public Administration .......................................... 58
13.   Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food ..................................... 63

Independent Regulatory Authority
14.   Independent Regulatory Authority: the Catalan Audio-Visual Council .................... 68

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
00. Introduction
Since the beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic, the Government of Catalonia has
adopted a series of measures trying to
reduce the effect of the crisis on health,
economy and social aspects. Throughout
the government’s departments, there has
been an effort to allow flexibility and cut red
tape for many administrative procedures.

Specific measures can be found online at the
following address: General information for
mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

The website regularly updates all the
information concerning the pandemic in

Twice a day, the president, vice-president,
and Minister for Health, Home Affairs and
Presidency hold meetings to evaluate the
situation and propose measures to mitigate
the effects of COVID-19.

The measures included in this document are
classified according to the different
departments of the Government of Catalonia
and the moment of the crisis at which they
have been adopted: emergency phase
(March – April 2020)       and recovery phase
(April – June 2020)    .

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
01. Department of Economy and
Measures adopted in the                    Financial assistance for self-
emergency phase                            employed workers
                                           €7.5m has been allocated to self-
Tax measures                               employed workers economically
 A moratorium on the deadlines for the    affected by COVID-19. The aid can be
  payment and self-settlement of some      up to €2,000 for self-employed
  taxes (namely the Government of          workers who prove a drastic and
  Catalonia’s own taxes as well as         involuntary reduction in their turnover.
  Spain’s taxes “ceded” to regional        They need to prove that they are
  governments) until the end of the        registered in activities that health
  state of alarm.                          authorities have decreed the closure
 The suspension and interruption of       of and do not have other sources of
                                           income. It plans to benefit about 4,500
  deadlines      for      management,
  inspection and collection procedures.    self-employed       workers.       More
 A moratorium on payment until
  October 2020 of the tax on stays in
  tourism     establishments,  which       Ensure payment of public
  companies were supposed to pay in        procurement
  April 2020.
                                           To ensure that companies working for
 The elimination of taxes related to      the Government of Catalonia maintain
  individual waste management and a        their employment even though they
  regulation for reducing the tax on       cannot provide services effectively due
  industrial and construction waste by     to COVID-19. The Catalan Government
  50% will be put in place.                will pay the wages and expenses of
 The reduction of the water rate for      insurance policies to workers. This
  domestic users and economic              includes cleaning contracts, transport to
  activities (from 1 April 2020 until 31   school and school meals, special
  May 2020) by 50%. Vulnerable             education centres, surveillance, and
  families, or those affected by COVID-    work and service contracts awarded by
  19, will be able to apply for social     the Government of Catalonia and its
  benefits and pay nothing for this        public sector.
  concept. More information.

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
Flexibilisation of administrative           Notify suspension and reduction
procedures                                  of working hours online
Procurement boards may meet without         Creation of a dossier for temporary
face-to-face      attendance,     while     employment regulation by COVID-19,
respecting the transparency required by     which justifies the closures protected by
the Law on Public Sector Contracts.         legal rules as well as the closures that
                                            have been determined by other
                                            administrations, and also those that
Liquidity line for SMEs and self-
                                            have to be closed due to lack of supplies
employed (bank guarantees;                  or due to isolation by the health
€750m)                                      authorities. Both suspension and
The ICF (Catalan Institute of Financing),   reduction of working hours can easily be
which is the public financial institution   done online.
owned by the Government of Catalonia,
and Avalis of Catalonia guarantee 80%
of the loans given by financial
institutions to Catalan SMEs and self-      Measures adopted in
employed workers who have liquidity         the recovery phase
problems because of COVID-19.
Companies who apply for loans under
                                            Business activity flexibility in the
this scheme cannot lay off workers.
                                            waste management field
More information.
                                            A 50% reduction of the industrial waste
                                            tax and the construction waste tax
Culture liquidity loans (10 MEUR)           during the months of April 2020 and May
Loans to help cultural companies            2020. The fees associated with the
affected by COVID-19 deal with liquidity    telematics   processing      of   waste
constraints. More information.              documents and in the register of people
                                            producing waste in Catalonia have been
                                            100% discounted. Waste bonds for non-
Moratorium of rents
                                            hazardous waste managers have been
A moratorium on the rents of public         abolished, a measure that could mean
housing and commercial spaces               the release of about €40m. More
administered by the Catalan Habitat         information.
Agency starting in April 2020. Around
20,000 families will benefit.
                                            Economic benefit for foster
                                            Implementation    of   an    emergency

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
financial benefit for the foster care of     Search for COVID-19 measures
children involuntarily separated from        and aid
their family due to medical treatments or
                                             The search for measures and aid for
isolation measures that affect their
                                             COVID-19 is a tool aimed at companies
parents.        When           emergency
                                             and self-employed people. The tool
circumstances so require, children
                                             generates a Q&A session. The result of
between the ages of 6 and 12 can
                                             the questionnaire is a report of the
receive benefit. The amount of the
                                             measures, grants or subsidies that may
benefit is €326 for children from 0 to 9
                                             correspond to each one. Information on
years and €362 for children from 10 to
                                             the requirements and the necessary
12 years, although these amounts can
                                             documents are provided together with
be increased due to disabilities of the
                                             direct access to the application process
child, the number of foster children or
                                             when it becomes available. More
other circumstances that require special
dedication. More information.

                                             Grants for the environmental third
Additional deferrals in the
payment of the water fee
                                             €600,000 has been allocated as direct
The self-assessments of the water tax
                                             aid to associations and foundations of
are carried out by the supply entities,
                                             the environmental third sector affected
which must pass them on to the bills of
                                             by COVID-19, to ensure the continuity of
their subscribers. These entities, both
                                             its activity aimed at protecting and
public and private, are implementing
                                             improving the environment in Catalonia.
measures to boost the liquidity of the
self-employed and SMEs, postponing
either billing or payments until the state   Subsidies for the tourism sector
of alarm finishes. For this reason, an       €3.5m has been allocated as subsidies
interest-free deferral of the part of the    for professionals and micro-enterprises
self-assessments of suppliers that           in the tourism sector affected by the
corresponds to invoices for self-            health crisis and who are in any of the
employed workers and SMEs deferred           following categories:
by the entities themselves, for a
                                              Tourist accommodation
maximum period of six months is
                                               establishments: hotels, apartments,
provided. Hotel establishments and
                                               campsites and rural tourism
campsites will pay the water tax for the
water they consume until 31 December
2020, provided that the consumption is        Tourist mediation companies.
greater than six cubic meters per month.      People or companies that contribute
More information.                              to the dynamism of tourism and

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
promote stays all over Catalonia.
 Qualified tour guides.
More information.

Credit line for the sports sector
€10m has been allocated as loans to
help sports entities affected by COVID-
19 deal with liquidity constraints.

                                           Urgent measures: shock plan for
Emergency benefit for basic
                                           people, companies and territory
                                           59 MEUR will be allocated to a shock
€20m has been allocated as emergency
                                           plan. The set of measures focuses on
aid of €200 per household (a one-off
                                           working people who have been
payment). The money must be used to
                                           financially affected by the health crisis
buy food, pharmacy, and other basic        and groups at risk, self-employed and
supplies. The aim is to help the
                                           small businesses to resume activity and
economic sustainability of families in a
                                           maintain productive capacity and jobs,
situation of economic vulnerability as a   cooperatives and companies in the
result of COVID-19. This emergency aid
                                           social      economy          and      local
is for self-employed and employed
                                           administrations to strategically plan
people with family obligations who have
                                           economic reactivation based on the
suffered a reduction of more than 30%
                                           analysis of the needs of the territory.
of their income due to COVID-19. More
                                           The final aim is to palliate the social and
                                           work-related consequences of the
                                           sanitary crisis in Catalonia. There is also
€70m aid for companies affected            a fund for school parents associations
by COVID-19                                (AMPA) and other businesses that
                                           provides dining services to schools,
The Catalan Institute of Finances (ICF)
                                           whose activity has been stopped due to
and the European Commission, with the
                                           the COVID-19. In total, it expects to
support of the Ministry of Vice
                                           directly benefit 1,500 companies, as
Presidency and Economy, have
                                           well as 4,300 people working directly
launched ‘ICF Eurocrèdit COVID-19’, a
                                           and thousands more indirectly. More
new financing line for SMEs affected by
COVID-19. With an initial endowment of
€70m, it will be fully supported by the

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
3.9 MEUR to promote projects in              The Catalan Tax Office (ATC) will
the social and cooperative                   help citizens file their personal
economy                                      income     tax   returns   during
The Catalan Government has agreed to         confinement
allocate 3.9 MEUR to finance unique          The Tax Agency will contact, through a
projects for socio-economic reactivation     free telephone, with people who need to
due to the COVID-19 crisis. This line is     receive personalized assistance.
aimed at cooperative and social
economy companies that generate              Webinars to Catalan SMEs about
employment through the creation of new       European funds
business projects, business lines,
                                             The Catalan Government has created a
companies, markets and at the same
                                             channel where users can learn about
time take advantage of strategic
                                             European funds regarding the COVID-
opportunities in the sector of activity or
                                             19 pandemic. More information.

                                             7.3 MEUR to financial aid for the
A viewer to consult the
                                             logistics and transport sector
emergency contracts awarded by
                                             between 2020 and 2021
the Government of Catalonia
during the COVID-19                          The Government of Catalonia provides
                                             funding     for  the    promotion    of
The General Directorate of Public
                                             decarbonisation of fleets, aid for
Procurement        has     designed    an
                                             investment in computer technology,
interactive tool that allows checking data
                                             training and professional associations,
of public contracts in execution awarded
                                             the establishment of a working group on
by the Government of Catalonia and its
                                             sectoral     tax   plans     and    toll
Public Sector, through the emergency
procedure, on the occasion of the health
crisis generated by the COVID-19. This
viewer allows obtaining updated              Creation of a Commission for the
information on the object, the               elaboration of the Plan for
contracting authority, the amount and        economic recovery and social
the winner of each of these contracts        protection (CORECO)
formalized since 12 March 2020.
                                             The Commission will be advised by a
                                             technical committee. Further, it sets six
                                             work groups (local administration, social
                                             protection,      research,         digital
                                             development, and green agenda).

Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
02. Department of Presidency
Measures adopted in                        economic      recovery      and    social
                                           protection, will build on the ‘Decalogue
the recovery phase
                                           for the socioeconomic recovery for the
                                           municipalities of Catalonia’ (recently
Financial support to local                 presented by municipal entities and
administrations                            available here). The main objective of
                                           this table is to create a space for
The       Secretariat     of     Local
                                           constant         engagement          and
Administrations and Relations with
                                           coordination between all public
Aran has advanced 61 MEUR (50% of
                                           administrations. More information.
the Catalan Local Cooperation Fund)
to strengthen budget liquidity of local
administrations in Catalonia. The          Investment policies for local
allocation of these funds has been as      authorities
follows: 18 MEUR to County Councils,
                                           In the context of COVID-19, the
43 MEUR to Town Halls and €181.000
                                           Catalonia’s government will continue
to Decentralized Municipal Entities.
                                           executing investment policies for local
The secretariat has also launched a
                                           administrations through the different
specific funding stream to cover the
                                           programmes that can be planned and
costs related to COVID-19. The main
                                           mainly through the Single Works and
goal of these actions is to strengthen
                                           Services Plan (PUSOC), which is key
local administrations structures and
                                           for the economic recovery and
help them establish social and
                                           territorial revitalization. This plan,
emergency support measures.
                                           which was stalled because of the state
                                           of emergency, will soon enter the
Creation of a dialogue table with          resolution phase. A 5-year multiannual
local and provincial authorities           funding agreement with an amount of
                                           250 MEUR has been reached. It is
In order to drive the social and
                                           important to highlight a specific funding
economic recovery from COVID-19
                                           stream with 90 MEUR for Town Halls,
and support economic sectors in
                                           Decentralized Municipal Entities and
difficulties,   the Government        of
                                           Local Councils with less than 5,000
Catalonia has created a ‘bilateral table
                                           inhabitants. Local authorities have
of       dialogue’  together        with
                                           submitted 2,575 applications.
representatives     from       Catalan
municipalities and provinces. This
dialogue table, which is part of the
recently created Commission for the
Measures adopted by the Catalan Government to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Updated: 12/6/2020 - Gencat
Involvement of regional                   Support Olympic athletes
authorities in de-confinement             Exceptional measures to support the
measures                                  postponement of the 2020 Tokyo
One of the main priorities of the         Olympic Games for the 530
Government of Catalonia has been to       competitors included in the high-
guarantee the participation of Local      performance programme, including
Authorities in the decision-making        extra 9 MEUR to guarantee its
process related to de-confinement         continuity during 2021.
measures, adapting them to the
different sectorial and territorial


Measures adopted in the
emergency phase

                                          Measures adopted in
Flexibilisation of deadlines              the recovery phase
Immediate measures regarding grants
and their due justification: suspend      Updated set of prescriptions
deadlines (with no effect whatsoever
                                          concerning physical activity and
on     contract       suspensions    or
                                          practice by elite, professional,
terminations); provision of finance to
                                          high-performance or federation
beneficiaries needing it; any other
measure to avoid damage for the           sports
beneficiaries derived from any other      Different measures if:
procedural aspect of grants. Adapt         The sport disciplines or practices at
open calls for grants accordingly: to       stake are considered of national
accelerate availability of resources        interest by Spain's Higher Council
independently        from     budgetary     for Sports, or
approval process; suspend deadlines
                                           The sports are regulated by
for the submission of accompanying
                                            federations not covered by point 1 or
documents for those sports entities
having received 80% or more of their       It involves top professional leagues
operative grants; analyse and prepare       (1st and 2nd division for Football,
new calls to support local councils and     ACB league for basketball).
sports entities affected by COVID-19.     Usage of sports facilities will continue

to be practically impossible and              departments and other institutions.
measures of prevention and distancing
will continue to apply. There will be
additional restrictions in sports
involving animals (e.g. horses, where       Measures adopted in
previous appointments will be needed,       the recovery phase
and no other human presence will be
allowed during the exercises) and high
speeds (skating, cycling, which require     Increase in hours of help offered
a 10-metre distance instead of 2            at the helpline for victims
metres).                                    There has been an increase in hours of
                                            help offered by helpline professionals
                                            for victims of gender-based violence.
                                            There has also been an intensification
                                            of the helpline’s promotion by
Measures adopted in the                     broadcasting information on it in
emergency phase                             different media across the region since
                                            the 19 March 2020.

Campaign against gender
                                            Intensification of phone and
                                            emails contacts
Launching of a campaign to facilitate
access to a helpline for women unable       The    Information     and   Attention
to call for help or write to services due   Services for Women, which usually
to being confined with the perpetrator.     attend people on a face-to-face basis,
                                            on top of phone calls and emails, have
 The permanent telephone service
                                            been working hard to maintain all
  for women in situations of gender-
                                            services only through phone calls and
  based     violence    has    been
                                            emails (and on-site in case of
  strengthened and complemented
  with a WhatsApp chat with the aim
  of ensuring no woman is neglected
  during       confinement.    More         Calls against sexist violence
  information.                              have increased by 88% during
 A new section has been introduced         confinement
  to the website, displaying the            The number of phone calls regarding
  services that are available for           gender-based violence during the last
  women experiencing gender-based           two weeks of the confinement has
  violence during lockdown, from all        been the highest of the entire period.
  the      different    government          Between 16 March and 30 April, the

number of services provided has            to    make     sure     that   gender
reached the total of 2,173 calls, an       mainstreaming is on the agenda,
increase of 88% compared to the            regarding actions for the protection of
services provided between January          public health, to secure children’s
and February the same year, and an         schooling and towards caring for the
average of 47 daily calls compared to      most vulnerable and at risk.
an average of 25 before the
confinement. The following figure
                                           Informative materials with
outlines the 88% increase. Monday 20
April had 76 calls, the maximum of the     recommendations, services and
period.                                    new measures to help dealing
                                           with gender-based violence
                                           A series of informative documents with
                                           recommendations, services and new
                                           measures to help to deal with gender-
                                           based violence during the crisis are
                                           available for women in situation of
                                           gender-based violence, people from
                                           their immediate environment or
Activation of the Intervention             professionals dealing with gender-
Service for Urgent Crisis                  based violence:
Regarding the Intervention Service for      Recommendations for identifying a
Urgent Crisis, which is activated when       situation of gender-based violence
there is a femicide, to give
                                            Recommendations for women in
comprehensive      care     to    those
                                             situations of gender-based violence
surrounding the victim; it has been
activated successfully since the            Recommendations for women who
lockdown period started (only once so        suffer gender-based violence and
far).                                        do not live with the aggressor
                                            Recommendations for women who
Work group to study how                      suffer gender-based violence and
children are being affected by               live with the aggressor
the COVID-19 crisis                         Guide to aid for social protection
The Observatory for the Rights of            and economic recovery
Children has created this group, which
is included in the Plan for Children’s
Progressive and Controlled Transition
out of Isolation. The Catalan Women’s
Institute has presented proposals to try

‘#AgafaElGuant’. Children and             situations of gender-based violence
young people free from sexist             have participated in an online training
violence                                  on aid and resources within the
                                          framework of COVID-19.
A campaign under the baseline
‘#AgafaElGuant’ has been launched to
increase the protection and safety of     A pilot project is launched to
children, teenagers and young citizens    support practices of local
from gender-based violence arising        professionals that assist women
from the COVID-19 crisis. The aim is      in situations of gender-based
that children and young people can
identify the manifestations of violence
they may suffer, showing them             The project is organized by the Catalan
resources and promoting a virtual         Women’s         Institute    for     the
support space and a collective sorority   municipalities or counties and the care
that puts an end to their isolation.      services for women (SIAD). The
                                          objectives of the ‘Workshop to
                                          Accompany, Assist and Recover
                                          women in situations of gender-based
                                          violence in SIAD’ are the following:
                                           Incorporating strategic perspectives
                                            as a tool to tackle gender-based
                                           Presenting tools to incorporate
Professional training to improve
                                            professional    assertiveness   in
care for women victims of                   tackling gender-based violence.
gender-based violence in the
                                           Identifying personal        limits   in
context of the social crisis of
                                            professional practice.
                                           Reviewing roles and functions
A series of three trainings sessions on     within the framework of the territorial
‘Aid and resources for women who            area of reference, in tackling
have suffered gender-based violence’        gender-based violence.
have been launched, aimed at
                                           Detecting symptoms and effects of
supporting the work of professionals in
                                            Burnout Syndrome and Trauma
gender-based violence care units in
                                            Syndrome as risk factors in
the context of the health, social and
                                            professionals working to address
economic crisis.
                                            gender-based violence.
In the first edition of the course, 150
care professionals for women in

03. Department of Foreign Affairs,
    Institutional Relations and
Measures adopted in the                    strengthen cross-border cooperation
                                           through its main programmes. The
emergency phase
                                           General Assembly of the Euroregion
                                           Pyrenees Mediterranean agreed to
Identify and share best practices          modify its 2020 working plan and
Through its delegations abroad, the        annual budget to identify lines of action
Government       of   Catalonia   has      to cope with COVID-19 consequences.
identified best practices abroad to        The government actively collaborates
learn and apply those measures, which      with     several    European         and
are proving to be most effective.          Mediterranean networks, such as the
                                           Four Motors for Europe, CRPM-CIM
                                           and     Mediterranean       Cooperation
Support of Catalans abroad                 Alliance, to exchange good practices
The       Department      has      been    and deliver common analysis of the
coordinating and helping Catalans          measures to be taken at EU level.
abroad who are attempting to return
home by providing up to date
information on restrictions, information
on administrative obligations in           Measures adopted in
different countries, among many other      the recovery phase
initiatives. The Department has
provided aid to over 2,800 people
                                           Cross-border and interregional
since COVID-19 started.
                                           The Working Community of the
Strengthening of the territorial           Pyrenees, under the Presidency of the
cooperation instruments and                Government        of    Catalonia    has
networks                                   launched a questionnaire to analyse
The Working Community of the               the consequences of the pandemic.
Pyrenees, under the Presidency of the      The results of this exercise identify an
Government of Catalonia, has created       Action Plan for recovery that includes
a COVID-19 working group to                major initiatives in the four axes of the
                                           CTP Strategy: Climate change, Socio-

economic territorial development,           The       Mediterranean     Cooperation
Mobility, connectivity and accessibility    Alliance, a platform which brings
and territorial Governance. The             together more than 200 European and
exercise also identifies priorities         Mediterranean territories, launched a
addressed to the new EU territorial and     statement       calling   for   specific
cross-border               cooperation      programmes and more funding for
programmes.                                 territorial    cooperation    in    the
The         Euroregion         Pyrenees     Mediterranean, a region where the
Mediterranean has launched a                crisis generated by COVID-19 will
COVID-19 aid Fund with a total              make the balance between economic,
amount of €700,000 available and            social and biodiversity development
open to projects and actions within the     more necessary. Moreover, the CPMR
five sectoral domains of the EPM            has launched an open letter signed by
agenda: innovation, environment,            20 European regions addressed to
higher education and research,              European institutions and bodies to
tourism and culture. The aim of the         adopt a new pact on migration and
Fund is to reduce the impact of the         asylum and demanding more shared
sanitary crisis and to relaunch the         responsibility on behalf of the
economy of the EPM territories as well      territories.
as to foster a higher resilience capacity
and a stronger cooperation between          Follow up of expatriated staff
the Euroregional actors to help them
                                            and aid workers from Catalan
overcome the crisis. The Euroregional
                                            cooperation organisations
aid Fund will last for 18 months and
candidates who want to benefit from         The pandemic health situation in the
the COVID-19 aid Fund will have to          country where the expatriated staff is
apply between 8 June and 31 October         placed must be analysed. If
2020. More information.                     repatriation     is    recommended,
                                            according to recommendations of
The Four Motors for Europe network
                                            health authorities from this country,
has set up a Working Group on
                                            staff must return and expenses
COVID-19 in order to exchange good
                                            generated by the expatriated staff
practices and explore possibilities for
                                            during the in-country period will be
collaboration in different areas. To this
date, there has been a meeting with
political representatives from each
region to set the ground for this
collaboration and a meeting between
the Environment ministers to establish
common guidelines for future actions.

Flexibility of ongoing                       Additional funds in order to
cooperation projects and                     respond to the COVID-19
programmes terms and                         pandemic
adjustment of activities                     A reserve fund of 1.3 MEUR has been
If an entity is obliged to cancel its        created to subsidize international
activities due to the impossibility of       humanitarian actions to face the
carrying them out because of the             COVID-19 pandemic. The fund will
health crisis, the entity should report it   cover the areas of health, education,
formally to Catalan Agency for               access to water or food security,
Cooperation Development (ACCD)               among others, and will allow
and, if need be, request a prolongation      responding to the pandemic in
of the activities’ implementation.           countries with greater vulnerability.

Collaboration to readapt                     Support to the United Nations
cooperation                                  Central Emergency Response
Collaboration         with        public     Fund
administrations and organisations from       The ACCD continues to support the
other countries we work with; and            United Nations Central Emergency
reformulation of collaboration with          Response Fund (CERF). The support
multilateral organisations to redirect       started several years ago, and now
fund for measures against COVID-19.          ACCD has made a contribution of
Meetings         with      cooperation,      €290,000.
humanitarian and emergency aid
NGOs to detect potential partnerships
                                             The Advisory Council for the
and actions to be carried out.
Nowadays, ACCD is working on the             Sustainable Development of
definition of the 2020 call for funding,     Catalonia (CADS) publish the
adapted to the current situation.            report ‘One pandemic,
                                             numerous lessons and 17 goals
                                             that we must not put in
Training to face new challenges
on cooperation
                                             On 14 April 2020, the council issued a
Organisation of 3-days training (28 - 30
                                             statement on the management of the
April 2020) about Technology and
                                             new reality after COVID-19 in terms of
Cooperation     (Digital Organising),
                                             sustainability. According to the council,
concerning the challenges of the
                                             the way out of this crisis lies in
connection of social and technological
                                             curtailing degradation of nature;
                                             fostering an economy that serves

humanity while respecting the limits of   Reflection on COVID-19 with
the planet; better funding for public     experts and think tanks
health and social care systems,
                                          IDEES, the Center for Contemporary
especially for older people; and
                                          Studies’ magazine, is curating an
committed investment in research.
                                          updated section of the most relevant
                                          reports by leading think tanks and
                                          research institutions worldwide. The
                                          section features an analysis of the
                                          most relevant ideas and proposals of
                                          these reports and offers a link to them.
                                          Together with the Ministry of the
                                          Economy and the Advisory Council on
                                          Sustainable Development, IDEES
                                          Magazine has put together a series of
The CADS takes part in an Open
                                          online debates to shed some light on
Letter ‘Responding to COVID-19:
                                          the effects of the pandemics in six
Building social, economic and
                                          different areas: the Economy, Global
environmental resilience with             Health, Society, Climate Change,
the European Green Deal’ of the           Democracy and Geopolitics.
EEAC Network
On 20 April 2020, the chair of the
                                          Identification and visualisation
European network of advisory councils
                                          of pools of data concerning the
on Climate Change, Environment and
Sustainable Development (EEAC)
issued an open letter. With a call to     The Secretary of Transparency and
understand the link between COVID-        Open Government has identified
19 and the ecosystem degradation, to      several potential open data datasets
increase      resilience   to    future   concerning the impact and evolution of
pandemics, and to use the EU Green        the COVID-19 pandemic, to help the
Deal and some other EU strategic          institutions, professionals and citizens
instruments (such as the MFF and          understand how this is affecting and
Horizon Europe) to boost a social and     how this will affect our lives. These
economic       recovery    based     on   datasets have been published in the
sustainability principles.                Government’s Open Data Portal
                                          (access our COVID-19 data) and it is
                                          our goal to have all data visualised to
                                          make it easier to understand by the
                                          citizens. (See our open data COVID-19
                                          evolution dashboard.)

how our data related to COVID-19
                                          hosted on the Open Data Portal is
                                          being reused by citizens, data
                                          scientists and other user profiles.
                                          Access to the catalogue.

                                          ‘Jo Pregunto’: citizen
                                          participation initiative with
COVID-19 Standards, data                  Health Minister Alba Vergés
quality and interoperability              The Secretariat of Transparency and
improvements                              Open Government (Ministry of Foreign
The Secretary of Transparency and         Action, Institutional Relations and
Open Government is working with           Transparency) and the Secretariat of
Open Data Charter on the definition of    Health Care and Participation (Ministry
international standards in relation to    of Health) have teamed up to launch
COVID-19 open data, to apply these        the first edition of ‘Jo Pregunto’ (I ask),
standards to our health system open       an initiative aimed at deepening
data and make them comparable with        governmental        accountability     and
the different open data collected and     transparency and allowing citizens to
published by each country. We are         directly address doubts and questions
working to make our data accessible in    to Government Representatives. Out
English as well as having it published    of the 341 questions registered, Health
and available in the European Open        Minister Alba Vergés answered the
Data Portal (access our data).            most voted ones, which organized in
                                          three       main       areas:      chronic
                                          symptomatology           in    COVID-19
Communication and
                                          patients, PCR tests and de-
transparency                              confinement phases. All questions
The Secretary of Transparency and         were public, allowing the participants
Open Government has centralised and       to engage in a fruitful debate around
integrated, in a unique website, all      the main issues and prioritize the most
open data datasets and initiatives that   important ones, and the exercise
are available concerning the impact       helped to bring forward neglected
and evolution of the COVID-19 crisis,     topics that had been kept out of the
to have an open and transparent           public agenda by mainstream media,
communication with the citizens.          thus helping the Government to better
Moreover, we have created a               diagnose the issues at stake. In the
catalogue of the different examples of    coming weeks, other government
                                          representatives will take part in this

initiative.    The      digital   portal   Transparency and Open Government,, the Government’s     the Government of Catalonia has
Platform      to    facilitate   citizen   identified best practices abroad, as
participation in Catalonia, hosted this    well as recommendations launched by
session. More information.                 international and European institutions
                                           and think tanks. These best practices
                                           have been delivered to the technical
Website information on COVID-
                                           committee in charge of drafting the
19 and European funds                      COVID-19 crisis recovery plan, which
The website of the European funds in       will be structured based on the SDGs.
Catalonia has opened a new section to
gather the financial resources of the
                                           Euromediterranean relations and
EU at the disposal of Catalan
organizations to contain the pandemic      COVID-19
and the crisis caused by the COVID-        On the 25th anniversary of the
19. In addition to news and calls for      Barcelona Process (1995-2020), the
proposals, it will highlight the EU-       Catalan Government, in collaboration
funded projects in Catalonia related to    with the IEMed, is promoting the
the COVID-19 crisis. More information.     “Dialogues of the Mediterranean +25”
                                           cycle. Within the framework of this
                                           initiative, different seminars with
Support to representation in EC
                                           participation of actors from both sides
committees                                 of the Mediterranean will take place to
The department has contacted all the       analyse the challenges for the region
representatives      of       Catalan      at a complex time of post-COVID-19
administration     in      European        recovery, with proposals addressed to
Commission committees to analyse all       the European cooperation in the
the adjustments needed or introduced       region. The first one of these
on the work of each committee due to       Dialogues will address the COVID-19
COVID-19 crisis. When necessary, the       crisis as an accelerator of the
department has provided specific           digitalisation path in the region:
support.                                   ‘Digitalising Mediterranean small and
                                           medium enterprises: a path towards
                                           innovation development in a post-
Identification of good practices
                                           COVID era’.
for economic and social
Through its delegations abroad, the
Secretary for Foreign and European
Affairs and the Secretary for

04. Department of Home Affairs
Measures adopted in the                     an authorised activity, the Department
                                            of Home Affairs has launched a Self-
emergency phase
                                            responsible       Mobility   Certificate
                                            (available online). Its use is non-
Enforcement of confinement                  mandatory,     it   allows    for    the
measures:                                   standardisation of procedures and can
                                            only be requested by police officers.
In order to enforce confinement
measures and reduce citizens’
mobility,       Mossos        d’Esquadra    Update and activation of
(Regional        Police    forces),    in   PROCICAT (Civil Protection Plan
coordination with Local Police forces,
                                            of Catalonia)
have set up police-controls all over the
                                            The Action Plan for Emergencies
territory. Citizens found outside have to
                                            related    to   Emerging High-Risk
justify their mobility based on the
                                            Transmissible Diseases (revised on 4
exceptions laid down in the Royal
                                            March 2020) is the existing plan to
Decree on the State of Alarm. As a
                                            manage emergencies arising from
result, over the last four weeks, the
                                            these diseases, give support to the
Metropolitan Area of has experienced
                                            strategy from the Directorate General
an important reduction of mobility rates
                                            of Public Health to minimise the spread
(nearly 65%).
                                            of the pandemic, maintain basic
                                            services and coordinate all the actors
                                            involved in the response. (Available in
                                            The plan includes two Emergency
                                            Phases, which foresees specific
                                            actions depending on the severity of
                                            the situation. The first phase of the
                                            plan was activated on 12 March 2020
                                            and it implied civil protection measures
Self-responsible mobility                   (beyond sanitary ones) and actions to
certificate                                 guarantee the provision of basic
                                            services. Some of the decisions taken
In order to help police officers in their
                                            so far include:
patrolling tasks and help citizens make
sure that a specific movement outside             The restriction of movements in
corresponds or does not correspond to              the municipalities of Igualada,

Vilanova del Camí, Santa              Information on activity
       Margarida de Montbui and              restrictions
       Òdena due to the amount of
                                             The Directorate General of Civil
       COVID-19 cases there (link to
                                             Protection has launched an online site
       the decision)
                                             giving citizens all the necessary
      The suspension of activities in       information about how to proceed in
       schools and universities (link to     case of a COVID-19 related
       the decision)                         emergency and what is allowed or not
      The coordination, support and         allowed      under     the     current
       information to local authorities,     circumstances. It includes a FAQs
       which also play a role in civil       page that is updated twice a day.
       protection measures
From an organisational perspective,          Gender-based violence
the Steering Committee of the Plan
                                             Bearing in mind that confinement
(Home Affairs and Health Ministers) is
                                             measures can lead to an increase in
the maximum authority responsible for,
                                             the number of gender-based violence
among others, evaluating the situation,
                                             cases, Mossos d’Esquadra has
deciding on the measures and
                                             doubled      efforts and    intensified
communication           strategy      and
                                             contacts with women who had
prioritising basic services. It receives
                                             previously reported their cases to the
assistance from the Advisory Council
and      the    Technical      Committee
(Representatives and experts from
Health Services, Police Forces, Civil        Social media
Protection,      Medical      Emergency
                                             Official social media accounts from the
Services and other actors that analyse,
                                             Department of Home Affairs, Civil
evaluate and propose actions). The
                                             Protection      Units   and     Mossos
Information and Communication Office
                                             d’Esquadra are constantly engaging
coordinates and channels all the
                                             with citizens to update them on the
information given to citizens and the
                                             crisis, answer their questions and
Action Group (specialized bodies with
                                             explain their actions. As an example,
their own resources) implements the
                                             Mossos d’Esquadra recently shared a
actions      and     measures      (health
                                             video in sign language to reach a
services, police forces, civil protection,
                                             broader audience.
logistical infrastructures, etc.).

                                             Awareness-raising on the use of
                                             112 emergency number
                                             Due to the increasing amount of

COVID-19 related calls to the 112            and services available for them (24h
emergency number instead of the 061          free telephone helpline 900 900 120;
CatSalut Respon (Health Answer), the         email                          address
Department has elaborated a video  
explaining the proper use and purpose        and WhatsApp 671 778 540). As
of this number so that the service does      Mossos      d’Esquadra      emphasise,
not collapse. This way, calls requiring      judicial and police forces continue to
an emergency response (ambulance,            work to eradicate any kind of violence
police or firefighters) can be managed       and, despite the state of emergency,
without delay. More information.             victims are allowed break confinement
                                             to ask for help. More information.

Measures adopted in
the recovery phase

Guidelines to address gender-                Storytelling to celebrate Sant
based and domestic violence                  Jordi
during confinement
                                             Sant Jordi is a special festivity in
Mossos d’Esquadra has published a            Catalonia, when streets are full of
set of action guidelines for people who      people buying and offering books and
could be victims of gender-based and         roses. Since this year’s celebration
domestic violence and who, due to            could not take place in normal
confinement measures, are forced to          circumstances, police officers decided
spend more time with their aggressor.        to read children stories through their
This guide includes specific advice and      corporate Instagram account. Mossos
action      procedures         for   each    d’Esquadra wanted to thank children
vulnerability group (women, children,        for their behaviour during confinement.
teenagers       and      persons      with   More information.
disabilities) as well as all the resources

Website with recommendations                 Recommendations to ensure the
to better address confinement                safe return of children onto the
Civil Protection has launched a              street
website         with      the     main       Following the decision to allow children
recommendations, advice and good             onto the street one hour per day from
practices     to     ensure    a  good       26 April 2020 onwards, Civil Protection
confinement while reducing its               has elaborated a document with basic
negative effects. On the one hand, the       information so that families know what
website offers guidelines to ensure          they are allowed to do. To ensure the
solidarity    and      support   among       proper implementation of this measure
neighbours and help those in situations      and avoid huge concentrations of
of vulnerability. On the other, it also      people undermining social distancing
offers care advice for children, people      measures, the Technical Committee of
with disabilities and elderly persons        PROCICAT has also approved a
and practical recommendations so that        proposal of timeslots according to age,
citizens adopt healthy and dynamic           which has been sent to the Central
routines. More information.                  Government. More information.

Distribution of masks for those              Corps of Firefighters of
using public transport                       Catalonia
Following the decision on 13 April 2020      Catalan Firefighters’ action during
to put an end to the restriction of labour   COVID-19 focused on areas such as
activity to essential services, Red          logistical support to build temporary
Cross and Civil Protection volunteers        health infrastructures, distribution of
distributed masks in public transport        masks, operative support to disinfect
stations     and     interchanges       in   buildings and infrastructures in critical
municipalities with more than 30,000         situations and operative support in
inhabitants so that citizens could go to     managing multiple-victim scenarios.
work safely. More information. In the        Furthermore, the Corps has also
following days, the remaining masks          offered firefighters with nursing
were distributed among nursing homes         knowledge and ventilators to hospitals
throughout Catalonia to offer a better       all over the territory. All these actions
protection to both workers and               are subject to the guidelines of Health
residents. More information.                 Authorities. More information.

Exit Strategy                             the competent organs within the
                                          Government of Catalonia, in close
On the 28 April, the Government of
                                          collaboration with representatives from
Spain adopted the ‘Plan for the
                                          the local level, are in charge of drafting
Transition towards new normality’,
                                          them. Once adopted by the Technical
which sets the main parameters and
                                          Committee of PROCICAT, they are
instruments to return to normal life.
                                          publicly available here.
This Plan, which started in 4 May,
foresees four phases of two-week          To explain the de-confinement process
duration each. More information.          to all the citizens, this official webpage
When it comes to the Exit Strategy, the   contains detailed information on the
final decision on the move from one       implications, measures in force and
phase to another must come from the       evolution of each one of these ‘sanitary
National Ministry of Health based on a    Regions’. So far, the Ministry has
process of common governance with         published an updated Q&A in English
the Autonomous Communities. More          with the implications of the different
information.                              phases. Restrictive measures will ease
                                          as sanitary regions move from one
In Catalonia, the Technical Committee
                                          phase to the other.
of    PROCICAT,       which    gathers
representatives from all the actors       To complement this process and raise
involved in the management and            awareness on the exit strategy and
application of confinement measures,      self-protection measures in a more
presents and decides on the               accessible and understandable way,
proposals,     which    the   Steering    Civil Protection’s official twitter is
Committee has to adopt. The               constantly      publishing    graphic
Committee is made up of the Home          information on, for example, the
Affairs and Health Ministers.             mandatory use of masks (link), the
                                          recommendation of time slots for
From the end of May on, Catalonia’s
                                          outdoors activities (link) or security
exist strategy proceeds by seven
                                          measures in cafés and terraces (link).
‘sanitary regions’: Barcelona, Central
Catalonia, Girona, Lleida, Pyrenees
and Aran, Tarragona and Ebre. To          Story telling on the Exit Strategy
move from one phase to another, the
                                          On the 21 May, Police Officers from
proposal has to be adopted by the
                                          Mossos d’Esquadra went live on their
Committee before being handed over
                                          official Instagram and Facebook
to the Central Government for the final
                                          account to read children a book called
                                          ‘Ja puc sortir de casa’ (I can already
When it comes to the ‘de-confinement      leave home). Recently written by
plans’ of the different public services   Lourdes Campuzano. This book
and socioeconomic sectors of activity,

explains children the measures and
recommendations that they should
follow when they go out on the street
through the story of two siblings.
Medical experts from the hospitals
‘Sant Joan de Déu’ and ‘Germans
Tries i Pujol’ gave their advice for the
elaboration of this book. More

05. Department of Education
Measures adopted in the
                                             Helping those in need
emergency phase
                                             Adoption of urgent measures to
Supporting Online Learning                   prevent malnutrition wherever there
                                             are children exposed to such risk
Launching of an action plan to support
                                             (depending on public support to get hot
distant     learning,  including      the
                                             meals). Mobilisation of resources to
distribution of 22,000 laptops with
                                             support companies delivering a.o.
connection to pupils without access to
                                             transport and catering services to
such equipment. It also created 600+
(mostly Moodle-based, but also using
Google classroom and Microsoft
Teams) environments so all education         Supporting families
providers can deliver virtual education.     Publication of a website with guidance
More information. It distributed more        and support on home-schooling and
than 100 pedagogical projects for this       distant-learning       etology,      with
period of confinement to all institutions    subthemes such as: time spent with
needing it, arranged in a searchable         families; relation between families and
manner (by educational level, by             schools; Healthy usage of technology;
subject-matter). Access to the search        values, support for children; promotion
engine. It also decided to grant             of a healthy life. More information.
unrestricted access to all educational
contents of its Open Institute of
Catalonia (IOC) platform. All contents       Measures adopted in
of IOC.                                      the recovery phase

Cancellation of exams
                                             Adaptation of calendars
The Department decided to call off
tests for: 6th graders in primary (7 April
2020), and for joint "batxibac"              The Department decided to move up
(batxillerat-baccalauréat, recognised        the calendar for registration to the next
both in Spain and France) secondary          academic year (2020-21) for all levels
education completion. Likewise, it           (primary, secondary, vocational) and
shared guidelines on how to evaluate         made all necessary arrangements for it
students with learning outcomes              to take place online wherever possible,
acquired before and during the               or in a secured manner physically (with
lockdown.                                    all    hygienic    measures).       More

information. A final decision on           A specific decision has been made to
whether and how to return to school        re-inforce alertness regarding the
before the summer break has yet to be      frequency      of     cleaning,   the
made.                                      manipulation of objects, recommended
                                           vaccinations, etc.

Virtual orientation days during
May 2020, sessions, services               Setup of a specific portal to
and support to provide guidance            support the emotional side of
to students while choosing their           going back to school having
post-compulsory education path             suffered the collateral
It has received more than 1.6 million      consequences of a lockdown
visitors, as per graph below:              Resources have been compiled in this
                                           website, available to all staff and to the
                                           public at large.

Check the dedicated portal here.
Check the general         website    on
educational offer here.

Re-opening of educational
centres located in regions which
have been moved to stage 2 out
from March 2020 lock-down and
State of alarm
As per the limitation and social
distancing imposed by PROCICAT
plan, plannings will need to be adapted
so as to allow for non-coincidence of
large numbers of pupils.
As of stage 3, groups of up to 10 pupils
will be able to sit in the same

06. Department of Health
Measures adopted in the                    dashboard and a heat map. This
                                           allowed public decision-makers and
emergency phase
                                           individuals     to   access    reliable
                                           information to track the situation on
Stop COVID-19 application
                                           real time. Furthermore, open data from
On 18 March 2020, the Government of        all COVID-19 tests has been made
Catalonia launched an app intending to     available to the public.
control and detect new COVID-19
cases in Catalonia. Every patient
registered with symptoms will be           Temporal hospitals set up at the
monitored daily (or more frequently).      ‘Fira de Barcelona’ and other
Thus, it will benefit both patients, who   locations
will get personalised feedback based       To take care of stable COVID-19
on their symptoms, as well as the          patients and prevent the collapse of
government, obtaining real-time data       hospitals, the Health Department set
about the evolution and incidence of       up several hospitals that could
the illness in the Catalan territory. If   increase bed capacity if needed.
needed, a medical emergency service
                                           One of the spaces was the CEM
can also be activated according to the
                                           Olímpics Vall d’Hebron, as an
situation of the user. More information.
                                           extension of the Vall d’Hebron
                                           University     Hospital          that
                                           accommodated up to 132 patients.

                                           Healthcare professionals were
                                           reincorporated at hospitals and
                                           Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many
                                           healthcare professionals have been
Real-time data centre                      reincorporated into the health system,
The Department of Health and the           especially in Igualada Hospital,
Agency of Health Quality and               situated in La Conca d’Òdena (its
Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS)            primary catchment area), which was
released a website gathering all the       the first detected COVID-19 hotspot in
information about the pandemic             Catalonia. From the 25 March, all
situation in Catalonia including a         professionals working at Igualada
                                           Hospital had been tested for COVID-

19. In addition, this centre welcomed       increase the capacity of use of this
42 direct hires of new healthcare           device are highly valuable. The
professionals to strengthen the care in     Department of Health has provided
the region and 180 beds were                support to initiatives such as 3D-
allocated from the General Hospital of      printed or other novel ventilation
Catalonia specifically for patients in      systems and devices, in the validation
this area. More information.                process at the regulatory agencies with
                                            the purpose of enabling the mass
                                            production and use in the event
‘My health’
                                            another peak puts pressure again to
An online form was made available in        the need of such devices. Report by
order for citizens to have easier access    the Agency of Health and Quality
to their files. This used to be a           Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) on
procedure that had to be done in            newly approved procedures, devices
person but can now be made online in        and joint ventures.
order to ensure that people do not
need to go to a health centre in the
context of the health emergency             Clinical trial
caused by COVID-19. This measure            The Department of Health is co-
was created with the intention to avoid     leading a clinical trial study, which
the collapse of health centres. More        started in March 2020 with the aim of
information.                                evaluating the effectiveness of a
                                            preventive    strategy    to   reduce
                                            transmission and, therefore, the
Hotels hosted mild patients with
                                            incidence of COVID-19 in the
COVID-19                                    population during the outbreak by
Hotel beds were available for hospitals     COVID-19 in Catalonia.
to allocate patients who had symptoms
but could not isolate at their homes due
to the difficulties of their environment.
Healthcare professionals and social         Measures adopted in
health workers assisted the patients,       the recovery phase
who had primary care support.               Healthcare professionals will
                                            receive a COVID-19 premium as
Fast track validation of 3D                 a compensation for their
printed ventilators                         extraordinary efforts
As ventilators are a critical device to     The premium will range from €350 to
assist some of the patients with            €1,350. 800 of these professionals
COVID-19, initiatives helping to            were able to stay at hotels (more than

15,000 overnight stays), opened for        The e-Health site, ‘La Meva
this purpose during the peak.              Salut’, has been made widely
                                           available and more flexible
170,000 serological tests will be          Increased availability will foster tele-
performed to healthcare                    medicine and distance support. This
professionals                              service has experienced a surge, with
                                           a 300% rise in new registrations, and
These tests are a priority in the exit
                                           with 1,000 doctors working remotely.
strategy. Permanent monitoring is
                                           More information.
underway to support the differentiated
de-confinement (according to the
                                           Efforts to re-instate basic
epidemiological situation of each
health region).                            ordinary activities, such as
                                           blood donations, organ
                                           transplants, or colorectal testing
2 out of 4 temporary COVID-19              to target groups.
sites are now being dismantled
                                           ER activity was down by almost 50%
However, preparations are already          during this crisis, but healthcare
underway to face a second wave, so         provision for chronic diseases was
the other two sites will remain inactive   maintained.
but open and ready. The actions
include anticipated procurement of
strategic material, equipment, and         Exit Strategy
chemical      and        pharmaceutical    The Health minister is part, along with
substances. A still-ongoing campaign,      the Home Affairs Minister, of the
‘#JoActuo’, was set up to facilitate       Steering Committee that adopts the
donations and has managed to gather        decisions taken by the Technical
individual donations, adding up to         Committee of PROCICAT with regard
more than 1 MEUR, a million gloves,        to de-confinement measures. This
millions of masks of all types, more       strategy is described in the department
than 10 T of hydro alcoholic gel, rental   of Home Affairs section.
cars and trucks and volunteer drivers,
non-perishable foodstuffs, bottled
water, and so on.

You can also read