Towards Efficient Trajectory Generation for Ground Robots beyond 2D Environment
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Towards Efficient Trajectory Generation for Ground Robots beyond 2D Environment Jingping Wang∗1,2 , Long Xu∗1,2 , Haoran Fu3 , Zehui Meng4 , Chao Xu1,2 , Yanjun Cao1,2 , Ximin Lyu3 and Fei Gao1,2 Abstract— With the development of robotics, ground robots are no longer limited to planar motion. Passive height variation due to complex terrain and active height control provided by special structures on robots require a more general naviga- arXiv:2302.03323v1 [cs.RO] 7 Feb 2023 tion planning framework beyond 2D. Existing methods rarely considers both simultaneously, limiting the capabilities and applications of ground robots. In this paper, we proposed an optimization-based planning framework for ground robots considering both active and passive height changes on the z- axis. The proposed planner first constructs a penalty field for chassis motion constraints defined in R3 such that the optimal solution space of the trajectory is continuous, resulting in a high-quality smooth chassis trajectory. Also, by constructing custom constraints in the z-axis direction, it is possible to plan trajectories for different types of ground robots which have z-axis degree of freedom. We performed simulations and real- world experiments to verify the efficiency and trajectory quality of our algorithm. Fig. 1: Two cases where the z-axis height of the ground robot changes. In Fig.(a), the robot must pass through a complex I. I NTRODUCTION overpass to reach the target, and the height of the chassis Navigation is an increasingly important task with appli- is passively varied by terrain constraints. Fig.(b) shows a cations in autonomous systems such as robotics and au- wheeled bipedal robot that can change the height of its head tonomous driving. Among different types of robots, ground to accomplish more complex tasks. robots are seemed to doomed to be constrained on the ground, where the terrain shape should be taken into account. However, dealing with the above situations in autonomous Furthermore, with the advancement in mechanism, sensing, navigation is non-trivial. Traditional works [5]–[16] relieve and designs, the application scenarios for ground robots this by assuming that the robot work on a flat surface, which continue to be enriched. Many ground robots are now capable largely simplifies the robot’s work scenarios and restricts the to work beyond a flat plane. Specifically, there are two motion capabilities. Some works [17]–[19] consider complex situations shown in Fig.1 where it is necessary to consider terrain but ignore the active height change of ground robots. the change in the height of the robot. The inability to well handle the passive and active height 1) The ground is not flat, it may be rugged terrain or variation will greatly limit the capabilities of ground robots, facilities with multi-layered structures. In this case, the further limiting the applications. ground robot’s chassis height will passively undulate To compensate for the shortcomings of existing methods, with the terrain (Fig.1a). in this paper, we design an optimization-based planning 2) The robot has degrees of freedom perpendicular to the framework for ground robots to generate trajectories con- horizontal direction, such as wheeled bipedal robots sidering both active and passive height changes. [1], [2] and mobile manipulator robots [3], [4]. In this The proposed algorithm is composed of a pre-analysis case, the ground robot can actively change the height procedure and a gradient-based Spatio-temporal trajectory of certain parts (Fig.1b). optimizer. Firstly, we filter the original point cloud to provide This work is supported by the Technology Cooperation Project a search space for the front end of the trajectory generation (TC20220507025) from the Application Innovation Laboratory, Huawei considering the robot’s size. We then construct a penalty Technologies Co., Itd. field defined in R3 which embodies the characteristics *Indicates equal contribution. 1 State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang Uni- of the terrain shape. Finally, we optimize the trajectory versity, Hangzhou 310027, China. (Corresponding author: Fei Gao) with smoothness, collision, dynamical feasibility, terrain 2 Huzhou Institute of Zhejiang University, Huzhou 313000, China. traversability, and other customized cost terms. Our algo- 3 School of Intelligent Systems Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, rithm can cope with non-planar environments and supports Shenzhen 518107, China. 4 Applicaion Innovation Laboratory, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. active z-axis degree of freedom. We perform comprehensive E-mail: {gaolon, cxu, and fgaoaa} tests in simulation and the real world to validate our method.
Contributions of this paper are: which utilized an improved A* algorithm for path searching, 1) We propose a novel field construction algorithm in R3 , significantly increasing efficiency. But this approach is only which describes the level of danger for a robot trying applicable to special robots with adsorption ability. [18] uses to get a foothold in space. sparse tensor voting and accelerates the process with GPU. 2) We propose an optimization-based planning framework After building a connectivity graph between global point for ground robots, which can generate trajectories be- clouds by the concept of k-Nearest-Neighbor (k-NN) and yond 2D space efficiently. constructing a Riemannian metric, it searches for trajectories 3) We open source our software1 for the reference of the towards the flattest direction. Nevertheless, due to the lack community. of enlightenment, the Dijkstra algorithm it uses is inefficient. II. R ELATED W ORKS III. P OINT C LOUD P RE - PROCESSING A. Navigation in 2D Cartesian space Inflating point clouds is a typical approach in motion Navigation in 2D Cartesian space for ground robots can planning to ensure safety. However, this approach is not be translated into elegant mathematical problems, spawning suitable for our work, because some point clouds in the numerous practical studies. Methods can be divided into environment represent traverasable areas like the ground, and sampling-based methods and optimization-based methods. cannot be simply considered as obstacles. In fact, in the Sampling-based methods [5]–[8] are widely used for robot process of optimization-based trajectory generation, the final motion planning. The probabilistic planners [9], [10] repre- trajectory must be safer than the initial trajectory after the sented by Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) [11] obtain optimization process due to the safety constraints. Therefore, a feasible path by expanding the state tree rooted at the the key is to ensure that the initial trajectory is in the robot‘s starting node. Some improved approaches [12], [13] were C-space. In this work, the initial trajectory is provided by a later proposed. However, sampling-based methods confront front-end path searcher. a dilemma between computation consumption and trajectory To this end, we proposed a more concise approach to quality which limits the direct application in realistic settings. ensure the safety of the initial trajectory. This approach Optimization-based methods [14]–[16] usually construct the directly processes the original point cloud and is named Valid planning problem as a mathematical optimization problem Ground Filter (VGF). The raw point cloud records the spatial and solved using numerical optimization algorithms. Com- location information of the object surface, but not all parts monly, the safety constraints are made by safe motion of the object surface are available for the robot to stand on. corridor or Euclidean Signed Distance Functions (ESDF) We defined criteria for the “valid” points in the point cloud [20]. as follows: 1) The point is on the upper surface of an object. B. Navigation considering the terrain shape 2) The local area near the point is flat enough which means Trajectories computed with the assumption of flat terrain the robot does not collide or topple. may turn out to be highly suboptimal or even unfeasible Denote the original point cloud by M and the point cloud when mapped onto the 3D terrain surface. To incorporate after VGF by M s . M s is defined as follow: the 3D shape of the terrain in motion planning of ground robots, several works have been proposed. Krüsi et al. presented a practical approach [17] to global M s ={p ∈ M |D = K(p, r), ∀pd ∈ D, pdz ≤ pz or motion planning and terrain assessment for ground robots pz − pdz in generic 3D environments, which assesses terrain geome- pdz > pz , arctan ( q ) < θ)}, (1) try and traversability on demand during motion planning. (px − pdx )2 + (py − pdy )2 It consists of sampling-based initial trajectory generation, where D is the neighboring points of p within radius r. In followed by precise local optimization according to a custom practice, the value of r should be greater than the minimum cost measure to directly generate a feasible path connecting ball radius that can wrap around the robot, and θ is the two states in the state space of a ground robot’s chassis. How- maximum tilt angle of the surface on which the robot can ever, simultaneous terrain assessment during path searching stand. The pipeline for iteratively processing each point is seriously reduces computational efficiency, and the initial stated in Algorithm 1. RRT-Connect [21] trajectory sampling results in long path Fig.2 illustrates the process of VGF and the result in a search times when dealing with large or complex scenes. demo scenario. After VGF, the points in M s all represent Additionally, the final trajectory is biased to longer due to the valid surface on which the robot can stand. The path no prior global evaluation. searching process will be performed on M s to obtain a safe To solve the above problems, some approaches perform path considering the size of the robot. pre-evaluation of global point clouds based on tensor voting [22], improving planning efficiency and trajectory quality. IV. S AFETY P ENALTY F IELD [19] described a solution to robot navigation on 3D surfaces, For aerial robots, safety constraints can easily be added 1 to trajectory optimization using ESDF [23] or safe flight
Algorithm 1: Valid Ground Filter pose). Input: M, r, θ To avoid situation 1), we also use the ESDF map defined in Output: M s the grid map which pushes a 3-dimensional trajectory away begin from objects in any direction. Moreover, the penalty function M s ← ∅; based on ESDF is defined in R3 , which is convenient for the for each p ∈ M do optimization problem. Dp = GET N EIGHBORS(p, r); To avoid situations 2) and 3), the estimation of robot for each pd ∈ Dp do posture is necessary. We evaluated the posture of the robot in if pdz < pz then various places by fitting the local plane using RANSAC [25]. pz −pd Specifically, estimates were made in the position of each 3D α = arctan ( √ z ); (px −px ) +(py −pd d 2 y) 2 grid, considering that the penalty function should be defined if α < θ then in R3 . However, point clouds exist only close to the object. M s ← M s ∪ p; So we use a Downward Projection Strategy: return M s ; p = [x, y, z]T is a point in space, and H : R3 7→ 3 R ×SO(2) represents the result of the robot pose estimation 0 0 at position p. We define p = [x, y, z ]T the point that is projected downward onto the surface of the nearest object from p. 0 H(p) = H(p ) = [pc , φ]T (2) The value of H is the RANSAC fit to the local point cloud 0 at p . Where pc = [xc , yc , zc ]T is the COM(center of mass) of the local plane, φ is the angle between the local plane normal vector and [0, 0, 1]T . To avoid the errors caused by the wrong direction of normal vector, φ = min(φ, π − φ). Obviously, for a given position p , a larger φ is more detri- mental to the robot. And 2-norm of the gradient ||∇H(p)||2 reflects the sharpness of the robot’s positional change when moving near p. Therefore, we defined a travel penalty function S : R3 7→ R: 2 p S(p) = λf H(4) (p) + λm ( ||∇H(p)||2 ), (3) Fig. 2: The Valid Ground Filter Processing. To facilitate this where λf and λm are weights. we show side views. Figure (a) illustrates the specific process Thanks to the downward projection strategy, the travel for four points: According to the criteria, point A is feasible. penalty function S is defined in the entire R3 but there are Point B is too close to the lateral obstacle. Point D is too only horizontal gradients existing on a continuous terrain. close to the obstacle above. And the plane where point C is In addition, to ensure a certain safety margin, we performed located is too inclined. Figure (b) shows the determination equidistant diffusion of function S, denoted by S 0 . Since the of the points after completing a traversal. Figure (c) shows map is represented by a grid-map, the diffusion process also the final results of VGF. proceeds discretely. Assume that t is the diffusion distance, construct the matrix A ∈ Rm×m which meets the following conditions: 1) m = 2dt/rg e + 1 , where rg is the resolution of the corridors [24] so that trajectories do not collide with ob- gridmap. √ m−1 stacles. However, since the ground robot is constrained on |i− 2 |2 +|j− m−1 2 2 | the ground, it is not enough for safety constraints to contain 2) Ai,j = max{0, 1 − rg t }. 0 only collision-free term (for example, a trajectory that makes Then, we can get the S by performing a convolution a vehicle run off a cliff meets the collision-free constraint but operation on the values of the function S at each horizontal is extremely dangerous). layer with A as the convolution kernel. In this paper, the safety constraint ensures that no hazards Fig.3 shows the result of function S after distribution in occur while the ground robot is walking along the trajectory, a demonstrative environment. and we define hazards as follows: 1) Collision between robot and object. V. T RAJECTORY G ENERATION 2) The robot standing in a too tilted position. In this section, we present our method to incorporate safety 3) The robot undergoes large positional changes (e.g. and dynamical feasibility constraints into our optimization falling from the edge of a step and drastic change in process. In addition, custom tasks for different types of
An m-dimensional M -piece trajectory is defined as p(t) = pi (t − ti−1 ) ∀t ∈ [ti−1 , ti ), (5) th and the i piece trajectory is represented by a N = 5 degree polynomial: pi (t) = cTi β(t) ∀t ∈ [0, Ti ), (6) (a) the point cloud (b) top view (N +1)×m where ci ∈ R is the coefficient matrix, β(t) = [1, t, ..., tN ]T is the natural basis, and Ti = ti − ti−1 is the time allocation for the ith piece. TMINCO is uniquely deter- mined by (q, T). And the parameter mapping c = M(q, T) can convert trajectory representations (c, T) to (q, T), which allows any second-order continuous cost function J(c, T) to (c) side view be represented by H(q, T) = J(M(q, T), T). Hence, we can get ∂H/∂q and ∂H/∂T from ∂J/∂c and ∂J/∂T easily. Fig. 3: Distribution of function S in a demonstrative en- To cope with the constraints G(p(t), ..., p(3) (t)) 0, such vironment, which describes some of the properties of the as safety assurance and dynamical feasibility, we discretize safety penalty field proposed in Sec.IV. Fig.(a) shows the each piece of the trajectory as κi Constraint Points [27] point cloud map of the example environment which includes p̃i,j = pi ((j/κi ) · Ti ), j = 0, 1, ..., κi − 1. Then the discrete multi-level structures and sloping floors. Fig.(b) and Fig.(c) constraints can be transformed into weighted penalty terms, show the distribution of the diffused function S in R3 space which can form the cost function J(c, T) by addition. from different perspectives. Color represents the value of S. C. Optimization Problem Formulation ground robots can be achieved by constructing custom con- We formulate the beyond 2D trajectory generation for straint terms. To begin with, we introduce a computationally ground robots as an unconstrained optimization problem: efficient feasibility check method that applies to a wide range min J(c, T) = λs Js + λt Jt + λm Jm + λd Jd , (7) of constraints. Then this method is used in a constrained c,T trajectory optimization process. where λk , k = {s, t, m, d} are the weights of each cost A. Path Searching function. 1) Safety Assurance Js : We use the method proposed in We use a front-end path searcher to provide the initial [23] to maintain an ESDF from point clouds. Combining trajectory. Since smoothness and dynamic feasibility are it with the safety penalty field we designed in Sec.IV, we considered in the back-end optimization, the path searching can keep the robot moving in the traversable area, the cost becomes relatively simple and only the variation of the function and gradients are: robot’s position needs to be considered. In this work, we use A* [26] algorithm to search the path ( on the grid-map. Thanks to the VGF process, unsafe areas 0, S 0 (p̃i,j ) ≤ sthr , Gs (p̃i,j ) = (8) after considering the robot size have been excluded from the S 0 (p̃i,j ) − sthr , S 0 (p̃i,j ) > sthr , search space. In addition, the fact that the robot motion is ( constrained on the ground surface reduces the number of dthr − d(p̃i,j ), d(p̃i,j ) < dthr , Gc (p̃i,j ) = (9) cells to be searched, and only the cells extremely close to 0, d(p̃i,j ) ≥ dthr , the upper surface need to be considered. i −1 M κX X Ti Js = C(Gn (p̃i,j )) · , (10) B. Trajectory Representation i=1 j=0 κi In this work, we adopt TMINCO [27] for our trajectory κXi −1 ∂Js j Ti representation, which is a minimum control effort polynomial =3 Q(Gn (p̃i,j )) · β( Ti ) · (∇SdT ) · , (11) trajectory class defined as ∂ci j=0 κi κi κXi −1 TMINCO = {p(t) : [0, TΣ ] → Rm |c = M(q, T), ∂Js Q(Gn (p̃i,j )) 3j (4) = · [Gn (p̃i,j ) + · Ti · (∇SdT )ṽi,j ], q ∈ Rm(M −1) , T ∈ RM ∂Ti κ κ >0 }, j=0 i i (12) where p(t) is an m-dimensional M -piece polynomial trajec- tory with degree N = 2s − 1, s is the order of the relevant where Gn = Gs + Gd , ∇SdT = ∇S 0T − ∇dT , sthr is the integrator chain, c = (cT1 , ..., cTM )T ∈ R2M s×m is the poly- safety threshold, ∇S 0 is the gradient of S 0 in p̃i,j , dthr is nomial coefficient, q = (q1 , ..., qM −1 ) is the intermediate the collision threshold, d(p̃i,j ) is the distance between p̃i,j waypoints and T = (T1 , T2 , ..., TM )T is the time allocated and the closet obstacle, ∇d is the gradient of ESDF in p̃i,j . for all pieces, M(q, T) is the parameterPM mapping constructed C(·) = max{·, 0}3 is the cubic penalty, Q(·) = max{·, 0}2 from Theorem 2 in [27], and TΣ = i=1 Ti is the total time. is the quadratic penalty.
P2) Total Time Jt : We minimize the total time Jt = M i=1 Ti to improve the aggressiveness of the trajectory, the gradients are ∂Jt /∂c = 0 and ∂Jt /∂T = 1. 3) Smoothness Cost Jm , Dynamical Feasibility Jd total: To ensure that the trajectory is smooth enough and can be executed by the agent, we choose the third order of the (a) Indoor Experiment and Hardware Settings of Diablo: Diablo ith piece trajectory (jerk) as control input, optimize the crouched down and passed under two tables marked as pink dot integration of it and limit the maximum value of velocity grid, the lower line is the result of the projection of the trajectory and acceleration in the same way as in [28]. Readers can (upper line) onto the ground. The trajectory length is 6.9m, planning refer to [28] for more details about the cost function and time consuming is 10.1ms. gradients. VI. R ESULTS A. Implementation details To validate the performance of our method in real-world applications, we deploy it on a direct-drive self-balancing wheeled bipedal robot called Diablo2 (Fig.1b). All computa- tions are performed by an onboard computer with an Intel Core i7-8550U CPU, which is shown in the right side of Fig.4a. We utilize Fast-lio2 [29] for robust LiDAR-based localization and point cloud map generation. Furthermore, a (b) Outdoor Experiment: Diablo is demanded to come up to a MPC controller [30] with position and velocity feedback is higher plane via the barrier-free access, the trajectory(rainbow fitted to the robot for trajectory tracking. The unconstrained colored line) length is 26.48m, planning time consuming is optimization problem is solved by an open-source library 59.89ms. LBFGS-Lite3 . It is worth noting that the height of Diablo hd can be varied in the interval [hmin , hmax ], as shown in Fig. 4: Real-World Experiments Fig.1b. We choose h = hmin in point cloud pre-processing and add a custom penalty to constrain this additional degree of freedom: M Z Ti X Jh = ||pi(3) − hG (pi ) − hS (pi )||2 dt, (13) i=1 0 where hG is the height of ground and hS is the most suitable height calculated according to the floor height and ceiling height. In simulation, a desktop PC with an Intel i7-12700 CPU and Nvidia GeForce RTX2060 GPU is used. B. Real-World Experiments We present several experiments in both indoor and outdoor cluttered environments. In the indoor experiment, as shown Fig. 5: A four-wheeled differential robot navigating au- in Fig.4a, we deliberately keep Diablo at a high altitude tonomously through the uneven forest. to test whether the added z-axis degrees of freedom could help the planner cope with such complex single-level indoor proves that the proposed algorithm can efficiently solve the scenarios, thus Diablo needs to crouch down and pass under problems of motion planning in a multi-layered environment. the table to reach the target. C. Simulation Experiment In the outdoor environment, Diablo is demanded to come up to a higher plane, as demonstrated in Fig.4b. There are In order to testify the effectiveness of our method in more two ways for humans to ascend this plane, by stairs or extensive, rugged and complex environments, we built an through barrier-free access, while for Diablo, there is only open-source simulation environment based on Unity4 . There one way of the latter. In this test, the point clouds at the are some typical scenarios, including uneven forests, criss- stairs are filtered out by the VGF because their normals are crossing viaducts, multi-level underground parking garages, too horizontal, allowing the planner to “intelligently” select etc. We simulate a four-wheeled differential robot driving barrier-free access to generate trajectories. This test also in different environments. Similar to real-world experiments, we use the MPC controller mentioned in Sec.VI-B for trajec- 2 3 4
TABLE I: Methods Qualitative Comparison Z-axis Velocity Method Continuity freedom information Proposed Support 4 4-order Liu’s [18] No support 8 0-order Krüsi’s [17] No support 8 4-order TABLE II: Methods Quantitative Comparison Scenario Method ta (s) len(m) κm (m−1 ) Proposed 0.27 85.75 0.042 Uneven Liu’s [18] 2.43 86.90 0.174 Forest Krüsi’s [17] 0.92 90.69 0.136 Proposed 1.28 62.75 0.076 Abandoned Liu’s [18] 50.7 72.90 0.252 Station Krüsi’s [17] 2.9 86.33 0.104 tory tracking. Fig.5 shows the robot navigating autonomously through one of the simulation scenarios — the uneven forest. More details about the simulation environment are given in the attached multimedia. D. Benchmark Comparisons In this section, we compare the proposed planning algo- Fig. 6: Trajectory visualization in uneven forest (top) and rithm with Liu’s method [18] and Krüsi’s method [17]. We abandoned station (bottom). first qualitatively compared such methods and the results are in Table I. It’s clear that only our method support z- consuming. Krüsi’s method uses RRT-Connect as the front axis freedom, which is why Diablo could squat through the end, but in the optimization based on RRT* [31], the table in the indoor experiment. Besides, although Krüsi’s termination condition that takes into account the efficiency method can generate 4th order continuous trajectory, due to leads to insufficient iterations of the algorithm, thus there is a the fact that the trajectory is parameterized by the mileage, higher probability that the final trajectory is not topologically no information about the robot velocity and acceleration on optimal, resulting in a longer trajectory length, as shown in the trajectory can be obtained. Liu’s method only connects the abandoned station scenario in Fig.6. points on the point cloud without generating new waypoints, In Table II, our method achieves better performance in resulting in poor continuity and smoothness of the trajectory, terms of terrain assessment time consuming ta , trajectory as is evident in the comparison of the mean curvature length len and mean curvature of the trajectory κm , which mentioned in the next paragraph and the visualization of the shows that the terrain assessment algorithm we propose is trajectory in Fig.6. simpler and more effective, and the trajectories generated Further, to quantitatively measure the performance of based on the proposed safety penalty field and planning the trajectory, some generic quantitative evaluation metrics framework achieve higher quality. are used to comparing, including terrain assessment time consuming ta , trajectory length len and mean curvature of VII. C ONCLUSION the trajectory κm which reflects the smoothness of the tra- jectory. We chose two scenes in our simulation environment, In this paper, we presented a construction method of a one is the uneven forest mentioned in Sec.VI-C, and the field function defined in R3 to constrain the motion of other is an abandoned station with multi-layer structures, as ground robot. Using the field function, an optimization-based shown in Fig.6. All parameters are finely tuned for the best planning algorithm is proposed for ground robots beyond performance of each compared method. 2D environment. Real-world experiments and simulation More than two thousand comparison tests are performed benchmark comparisons validate the efficiency and quality in each case with random starting and ending states. The of our method. However, there is still space for improvement result is summarized in Table II. It states that the terrain for our method. Although generating trajectories beyond 2D assessment time of Liu’s method is much longer than that of environment, the 3D grid map is still somewhat redundant, the other two. Despite the acceleration by parallel computing causing additional memory usage. Moreover, the offline with GPUs, it takes a long time to transfer a large number processing limits some online applications. of point clouds between GPUs and CPUs, and the large In the future, our research will focus on the improvement number of nearest neighbor searches required to construct of memory utilization while ensuring the navigation capa- the connectivity graph with the concept of k-NN also causes bility beyond 2D environment for ground robots. Besides, the terrain assessment in his method to be extremely time- to further exploit the advantages of the efficiency of our
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