Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences

Page created by Andrew Brooks
Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences
Work with our students

          Placement, graduation and practical assignments

Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences

                                                                                                                                                                   Year 1
                                                                                                                                             Propaedeutic phase including the following modules:
                                                                                                                             Intro Tourism | Consumer behaviour | E-business fundamentals | Experience design

                                                                                                                                                                      Year 2
                                                                                                                                                 Main phase including the following modules:
                                                                                                                            Tourism destinations | Recreation & hospitality | Travel industry | Research | Aviation |
                                                                                                                                   Tourism business | Marketing | Fieldwork | Digital, green and social skills
                                                                                                                                        Choice for the track: Attractions and Theme Parks Management
                                                                                                                                                                  (year 2 and 3)

                                                                                                                                      Year 3 | semester 1                                     Year 3 | semester 2
                                                                                                                                  Placement or specialisation*:                           Placement or specialisation*:
                                                                                                                                           > E-tourism                                        > Tourist Experience
                                   As a partner in the tourism industry, we would be happy                                             > Tourism Business                                   > Design & Development
                                   to work with you. The students of our professional
                                                                                                                                          * 1 mandatory placement (20 weeks) and 1 specialisation area for each student
                                   bachelor’s programme of Tourism Management can set
                                   to work for you on a placement or graduation assignment
                                   or another type of practical assignment.                                                            Year 4 | semester 1                                      Year 4 | semester 2
                                                                                                                                              Minor                                              Graduation Phase

                                   Tourism Management
We are Breda University
of Applied Sciences                The professional bachelor’s programme of Tourism Management is taught in
                                   English and prepares students for careers in the international tourism industry.
Some 7,000 students from           The programme has a practical orientation and is delivered by highly qualified and
over 100 countries are             international lecturers with years of experience in the industry.                                                                                                                        Good to know
studying at our international                                                                                              My work placement
higher education institute.        In the first year of study, students are familiarised with the tourism and recreation   in Bogota is quite exciting!                                                                   >	Our degree programmes have recorded high
Our campus is situated in the      sector in general. They work on projects and attend courses such as marketing,                                                                                                            scores in Keuzegids HBO for many years now.
south of the Netherlands, in       e-business, financial management, and consumer behaviour. As from year 2,               I am currently doing a work                                                                       Keuzegids is an independent consumer guide
the city of Breda, only 100 km     students will deepen and specialise their knowledge and skills.                         placement at voyage by frosch                                                                     that assesses and compares the quality of
from both Amsterdam and                                                                                                    colombia in Bogota. It is a tour                                                                  higher education (hbo) programmes in the
Brussels. Our institute,                                                                                                   operator for corporate as well as leisure
formerly known as NHTV                                                                                                     travel and MICE. In this context I work in
Breda, was founded in 1966           PROGR AMME FAC TS                                                                     the department of Voyage Colombia, helping with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          > We received international recognition from,
as a provider of bachelor’s                                                                                                planning of holiday trips for individual travellers and
courses in tourism and             > English-taught                                                                        families or small groups. The company assignment                                                 among others, the UN World Tourism
leisure, and in this field it is   >	
                                     4 years, 3-year track available to pre-university graduates
                                                                                                                           that was created for me definitely meets my interests,                                           Organization and the World Leisure
currently the largest and          >	
                                     20-week work placement in the third year
                                                                                                                           because it deals with the development of a sustainable                                           Organization.
leading education institute in     > 18-week graduation assignment                                                         tourism product and I am very much interested in
the world. New professional        > Degree title: Bachelor of Arts                                                        the aspect of sustainable tourism. I also had to carry                                         > With 50 years of experience, we have an
and academic bachelor’s and        >	
                                     Career examples: E-commerce manager at an attraction park,
                                                                                                                           out some research about sustainable tourism and                                                  extensive international network. Our
                                      product manager at a tour operator, digital marketing
master’s programmes have                                                                                                   conduct a market analysis. In the end I will have to                                             cooperation partners include TUI, NBTC,
                                      specialist for an online booking platform, sustainability
been developed since then.                                                                                                 present everything to the company. Quite exciting!”                                              Transavia, Sunweb, Groupe Pierre Vacances,
                                      coordinator in a holiday village, consultant at a destination
Today we offer degree                                                                                                                                                                                                       Center Parcs, and Disney.
                                      marketing organisation, policy officer at a local council, yield
programmes in the domains                                                                                                  Kristina Holzer
                                      or revenue manager for an airline company, and many more
of Games, Media, Hotel,                                                                                                    Student Tourism Management                                                                     > We have the special feature of
Facility, Logistics, Built                                                                                                 Doing her work placement at Voyage by Frosch Colombia                                            ‘internationalisation’, awarded by the NVAO
Environment, Tourism and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands
Leisure & Events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Flanders).

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Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences
Placement, graduation                                                                                                                How can our students
    and practical assignment                                                                                                             help you?
    Do you want to make use of our students’ innovative views of                                                                         To give you an idea of what our students can do for you, we will give you a few
    the tourism and recreation industry?                                                                                                 examples of workday activities and assignments that students may work on
                                                                                                                                         during a work placement, graduation project or practical assignment. The degree
    Practical experience both at home and abroad                                                                                         of depth of the assignment or research depends on the year of study that the
    Does your company have plans to develop a sustainable tourism product? Do you                                                        student is in.
    finally want to see that social media plan worked out in detail? Or would you like to
    have research conducted in the area of influence marketing? Our students would
    be happy to help you. They are trained to become highly skilled professionals in                                                      >	Marketing a product via online and offline    > Developing tourism development
    the tourism and recreation industry and are keen on acquiring practical experience                                                       distribution channels                           scenarios and policy plans for
    both at home and abroad.                                                                                                                                                                 destinations and companies
                                                                                                                                          > Writing a social media strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                           > Developing sustainable products and
                                                                                                                                          > Implementing a website conversion                concepts
                                                                                                                                            optimisation strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                           > Carrying out a feasibility study
                                                                                                                                          > Initiating an online marketing plan
    The students are motivated and inquisitive                                                                                            > Mapping out and/or optimising business         > Conducting a quality survey among
                                                                                                                                            processes                                        customers
    At De Jong Intra Vakanties, we host a couple of students in
    placement positions every year. Our experiences are nothing                                                                           > Developing a tourist experience based on       > Facilitating or contributing to
    but positive. Students have good basic knowledge which                                                                                  Design Thinking principles                       facilitating multi-stakeholder decision-
    allows them to set to work straight away. It never takes long                                                                                                                            making processes
    before they are regarded as colleagues, which says it all. The quality is always high.                                                > Setting up job profiles / appraisal
    The students are motivated, inquisitive and keen on gaining practical experience.                                                       procedures / staff handbooks
    What’s interesting about our company, is that students can experience the entire
    tour operating process. Every facet of their studies – and more - is dealt with here!”

    Coby van Dongen
    De Jong Intra Vakanties, Commercial Director

                                                                                                                                            The students are flexible and have what it takes

                                                                                                                                            The students of Breda University of Applied Sciences are
                                                                                                                                            flexible and have what it takes. They possess the right
    Student availability*                                                                                                                   mentality and attitude to complete the placement period
                                                                                                                                            successfully. Thanks to this and the positive attitude they have,
    Work placement | Professional bachelor year 3                                     20 weeks in Sep-Jan or 20 weeks in Feb-Jun            they are able to learn a lot in a short period of time, in many
    Work placement | Associate degree year 2                                          20 weeks in Sep-Jan                                   different areas. The international character of Belvilla ensures a good connection with
    Graduation assignment | Professional bachelor last year                           18 weeks in Feb-May                                   the curriculum of the degree programme.”
    Practical assignments | All study programmes                                      Possible all year round**
                                                                                                                                            Sanne ten Voorde
     * During the summer holidays (July and August) our students are not available for a placement, graduation or practical assignment
3   ** Please send practical assignments in time; we then examine whether and where this assignment fits within the curriculum              Belvilla AG, Contract Manager for the Netherlands                                           4
Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences
How does it work?                                                                                The graduation project
                                                                                                     Upon completion of the theoretical part of
                                                                                                     the programme and the work placement,
                                                                                                                                                    > The host company offers a professional
                                                                                                                                                      workplace and preferably a
    The practical details                                                                            the student will put his or her knowledge        reimbursement for costs incurred (travel
                                                                                                     to use in the graduation phase. This             expenses, accommodation). Whenever
                                                                                                     involves completing a reasonably complex         possible, students arrange their own
                                                                                                     assignment, for instance in the field of         insurance and, if necessary, a work
                                                                                                     management, communication, research,             permit and visa.
    On these two pages you will find the practical details regarding work                            e-business or marketing.
    placements, graduation projects and practical assignments.
                                                                                                     On the part of the degree programme, the       Practical assignments in education
                                                                                                     student will be supervised by a lecturer.      We find it important for our students to
    The work placement                                If you are interested in working with          The student will inform the supervising        work on practical assignments as much as
    The work placement is an important                our students, we would like to ask the         lecturer about the progress of the             possible. To this end, we are constantly
    component of the study programme,                 following of you:                              assignment(s). An oral assessment takes        looking for cases and challenges to
    aimed at giving students the opportunity          >	During the work placement, the student     place to conclude the graduation period.       incorporate in our curriculum. We
    to apply their acquired knowledge and                will participate for a period of 20 weeks   The report produced by the student will be     encourage our students to work in
    skills to real-life, professional situations in      in a department within your tourism or      assessed by the supervising lecturer and a     learning communities, in which students,
    order to learn from this process. During             recreation business, for instance in the    graduation committee.                          lecturers and industry partners motivate
    the placement period, students will be               department of Sales, Marketing and                                                         and stimulate each other in exchanging
    required to develop several competencies             Communication, Procurement and                                                             knowledge.
    (or develop them further) as defined by              Product Management, Groups and              If you are interested in working with
    the degree programme staff.                          Incentives, Yield Management, or            our students, we would like to ask the         Examples of assignments:
                                                         E-Commerce.                                 following of you:                              > Analysing the customer journey
    On the part of the degree programme, the          > For about 20% of the time and during         >	You may expect the student to be able        including all online and offline
    student will be supervised by a lecturer.            working hours, the student will work on        to work independently. The time to be         touchpoints
    The role of this supervising lecturer                a company assignment defined by you            spent on guidance and support does not      > Writing an advisory report on the
    comprises, among other things, evaluating            (or together with the student)                 need to be more than 1 or 2 hours a           marketing of a new product
    the work placement by means of talks with         > You will appoint a company supervisor           week (after an induction period).           > Conducting research into conversion
    the student and the company supervisor.              for the purpose of introducing the          > Alongside his or her research                  optimisation and developing a plan
    The student will keep his or her                     student to your employees, supervising         assignment, a student may also assist in      for this
    supervising lecturer up to speed on the              the student’s performance and                  the workday activities of your company.
    progress of the placement activities and             assignments, and having regular                This is something that will be decided on
    assignment(s).                                       progress talks with the student (at least      in consultation with the student. The
                                                         twice).                                        student’s performance of the workday
                                                      > Your company will be ultimately                 activities will not be subject to                          How to submit your vacancy
                                                         responsible for the work carried out by        assessment.                                                If you have a suitable and challenging placement,
                                                         the student or students.                    > You will appoint a company supervisor                       graduation project or practical assignment, please
                                                      > The host company offers a professional          for the purpose of introducing the                         inform us by submitting your offer via
                                                         workplace and preferably a                     student to your employees, discussing            
                                                         reimbursement for costs incurred (travel       the graduation proposal and assignment
                                                         expenses, accommodation). Whenever             description(s) with the student, and \                     Do you have any questions or would you like to
                                                         possible, students arrange their own           supervising the student (focusing on the                   discuss what would best suit your company or
                                                         insurance and, if necessary, a work            assignment).                                               assignment? Please feel free to send an e-mail to
                                                         permit and visa.                            > The student will have access to the                         our placement office and we will contact you as
                                                                                                        necessary information (annual report,                      soon as possible.
                                                                                                        policy plans, data).
                                                                                                     > Your company will be ultimately
                                                                                                        responsible for the work carried out by
                                                                                                        the graduate student.

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Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences
We would be happy to
work for you!
We and our students are always keen on gaining valuable
practical experience in renowned organisations in the tourism
and recreation industry. Do you have an interesting placement
position or an intriguing research assignment for one or more
of our students? We would be happy to work for you.


                                                                              Breda University of Applied Sciences
                                                                              Marketing and Communication

                                                                              graphic design

                                                                              Waldo van Bokhoven | BOWfor
                                                                              Arno van der Linden | BUas


                                                                              Andy van Tilborg


                                                                              Notten Grafische Oplossingen

                                                                              April 2021 edition

                                                                              No rights can be derived from
                                                                              the information in this prospectus

                     address                                                  telephone
                     Mgr. Hopmansstraat 2 | 4817 JS Breda | The Netherlands   +31 76 533 22 03
                     e-mail                                                   website
Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences Tourism Work with our students - Placement, graduation and practical assignments - Breda University of Applied Sciences
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