Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO

Page created by Russell Watson
Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO
Astronomical News                                                                                              DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5152

                  Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla

                  Laura Ventura 1                               The solar eclipse of 2 July 2019, whose       outline of the eclipse project was drafted
                  Claudio Melo 1                                path of totality included La Silla Obser­     in 2013, and a project plan for a big
                  Lars Lindberg Christensen 1                   vatory, provided a stunning culmination       ­public event was prepared and approved
                  Mariya Lyubenova 1                            to the celebrations of the 50th anniver-       by the ESO Directors Team in June 2018,
                  Fernando Comerón 1                            sary of La Silla, ESO’s first observatory,     one year before the event.
                                                                which was inaugurated on 25 March 1969.
                                                                The thousands of visitors who came to         The La Silla site provides a stunning
                      ESO                                       La Silla for the eclipse were only a small    ­setting, combining an astronomical obser-
                                                                fraction of the hundreds of thousands          vatory and a beautiful landscape; in
                                                                of people who travelled from all over the      ­addition, given the high likelihood of good
                  On Tuesday 2 July 2019, in the late           world to the narrow strip of land that          observing conditions during the event,
                  afternoon, a total solar eclipse took place   would find itself under the shadow of the       it became a desirable location to enjoy
                  over ESO’s La Silla Observatory; totality     Moon for almost two minutes.                    the eclipse. For that reason, ESO decided
                  lasted 1 minute and 52 seconds. For                                                           to open the observatory to as many visi-
                  this very special event, ESO decided to       By 2011, ESO’s education and Public             tors as the infrastructure and logistics
                  open the doors of the observatory to          Outreach Department had already                 would allow.
                  the public, providing over one thousand       received the first requests from the public
                  visitors with a unique vantage point          to come to La Silla to witness the 2019       Figure 1. La Silla during the total solar eclipse,
                  from which to witness this spectacular        eclipse and/or to take pictures, videos       which resulted in almost two minutes of totality at
                  natural phenomenon.                           and make precise measurements. An             20:39 UT.
ESO/R. Lucchesi

                                                                                                              The Messenger 177 – Quarter 3 | 2019                  43
Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO
Astronomical News                                 Ventura L. et al., Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla

                                                                                                                                        Figure 2. The President
ESO/M. Zamani

                                                                                                                                        of the Republic of
                                                                                                                                        Chile, Sebastián Piñera,
                                                                                                                                        pictured with Chilean
                                                                                                                                        high school students
                                                                                                                                        while visiting La Silla.

                In addition to the general public, La Silla       past 50 years, ESO had the pleasure of          is difficult even from space-based probes.
                was honoured to welcome the President             inviting a large group of students and          La Silla hosted an array of scientific and
                of the Republic of Chile, Sebastián Piñera        senior citizens from the municipalities of      outreach observations carried out by
                and his wife, Cecilia Morel. They were            La Higuera, La Serena, and Coquimbo             teams that used dedicated equipment to
                accompanied by the Ministers of Science,          to witness the eclipse from La Silla. The       perform a variety of observations,
                Technology, Knowledge and Innovation,             group, who had a special meeting with           described in Christensen et al. on p. 47.
                Andrés Couve, and of Education, Marcela           President Piñera and the First Lady,            Notably, even the NTT was used to obtain
                Cubillos, as well as by the Undersecret­          engaged in a lively conversation with them.     spectroscopy of the solar corona, an
                aries of Foreign Affairs, Carolina Valdivia,      In addition to the students from the            observation that critically depended on
                and of Tourism, Mónica Zalaquett, along           Coquimbo Region, La Silla also hosted the       perfect synchronisation — a miscalcula-
                with other authorities from the Ministries        sixteen winners of a contest organised          tion could have resulted in direct expo-
                of Science and Foreign Affairs and                by CONICYT, the National Council of Sci-        sure to the radiation of the solar surface
                ­members of the National Congress.                ence and Tech­nology of Chile, among            and severe damage to the telescope
                 Although the President and the First Lady        children selected from schools across the       optics and instrument. The experience of
                 could not stay at La Silla for the eclipse,      country.                                        the telescope operators ensured that this
                 they had the opportunity of visiting the                                                         was expertly avoided (see Dennefeld
                 3.6-metre telescope, where they were             Most of the members of the ESO Science          et al., p. 54). Another notable experiment
                 received by the Director General of ESO,         Outreach Network (ESON), ESO’s network          included the use of the Rapid Action
                 the President of the ESO Council, and            of outreach representatives in the Member       Telescope for Transient Objects (TAROT)
                 other members of the ESO management.             States and beyond, were present at              to reproduce the famous Eddington
                 After this visit, both the President of          La Silla as well. For them, the eclipse was     experiment during the historical eclipse of
                 Chile and the ESO Director General gave          the highlight of a tour of the ESO facilities   1919, when the deflection of the light
                 speeches at a tent set up to host over           in Chile that included Paranal and the          from stars near the line of sight of the
                 60 media representatives — both national         Atacama Large Millimeter/­submillimeter         Sun was used to verify the predictions of
                 and international — who had registered           Array (ALMA). Other members of this tour        Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
                 to provide live coverage of the event.           group included eight social media influ-
                 They then moved to the VIP area, by the          encers selected from 300 participants in        Aside from the special guests mentioned
                 New Technology Telescope (NTT), where            a #MeetESO social media competition 1           above, over 700 people travelled to
                 they met with diplomatic representatives         including the winner of the La Silla Total      La Silla. Around a tenth of these visitors
                 of ESO Member States and Partners, and           Eclipse Public Com­petition 2.                  came from Chile, with the rest travelling
                 other distinguished guests.                                                                      from abroad — mostly Europe and
                                                                  A total solar eclipse offers a rare possi­      North America. An area with a wonderful
                As a symbol of the deep appreciation of           bility to carry out scientific experiments      view of the eclipse was prepared for the
                ESO toward the local community which              ­targeting the physical properties of the       public and was equipped with a large tent
                has hosted its first observatory for these         lower solar corona, observation of which       with seats, where snacks and beverages

                44         The Messenger 177 – Quarter 3 | 2019
Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO
Figure 3. Some of the 1000 visitors to La Silla are

                                                                       S. Lowery
                seen here observing the eclipse from an area near
                the Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST),
                during the performance by Steve Rothery and friends.

                were served. Polyclinic services were
                installed at the former control building of
                the Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Tele-
                scope (SEST), and two ambulances fully
                equipped to provide first aid were posi-
                tioned along the public viewing area. Infor-
                mation on the safe viewing of the eclipse
                had been given in advance to all those
                attending, and glasses with filters certified
                for solar viewing were distributed.

                As part of the programme of activities
                offered for all the visitors, solar tele-
                scopes were set up for public observa-
                tions before and during the partial phases                         along, resulting in a truly impressive dis-     band, appropriately entitled “La Silla”.
                of the eclipse. The visitor centre at                              play of telescopes, cameras and a wide          The performance was a collaboration
                La Silla offered a brand-new exhibition                            variety of imaging aids.                        with Rick Armstrong, who played bass
                about ESO, including informative panels,                                                                           guitar. It was an honour to host Rick
                the simulation of an old control room and                          ESO made sure that the spectacle                ­Armstrong, the elder son of astronaut
                a collection of astronomical instrumenta-                          enjoyed at La Silla could be followed            Neil Armstrong, particularly in the same
                tion pieces rescued from the observatory                           across the rest of the world, offering a live    month as the 50th anniversary of the
                over the course of its 50-year history,                            webcast that combined high-resolution            first lunar landing.
                showing the evolution of detectors from                            images of the eclipsed Sun with views of
                photographic plates to CCDs. Two itiner-                           the site from several vantage points, con-      Despite the expectation of the cold tem-
                ant exhibitions were also installed for the                        veying the atmosphere at the observatory        peratures typical in July at La Silla, and
                occasion: the already very popular audio-                          (see Figures 3 & 4). In addition, a team of     the non-negligible probability of adverse
                visual show “ALMA sounds”, created from                            expert photographers from ESO ensured           meteorological conditions, the weather
                millimetre-submillimetre signals detected                          that excellent images of high technical         on the eclipse day was especially compli-
                by ALMA; and paintings by Chilean artist                           and artistic quality were obtained, a sam-      ant, adding to the special character of the
                Silvana Zúñiga that, using luminescent                             ple of which are shown in this article.         event. The sky remained clear and cloud-
                paint, illustrate concepts like light pollu-                                                                       free for the whole day, temperatures were
                tion and multi-wavelength astronomy.                               A special treat was a concert by British        mild and virtually no wind blew, making
                The visitor centre also hosted public talks                        musician Steve Rothery (of Marillion fame)      the outdoors experience even more
                given by ESO experts on popular astron-                            and his band, who performed against the         pleasant and memorable.
                omy topics. Finally, public tours to the                           impressive backdrop of the Swedish–
                NTT and the 3.6-metre telescope were                               ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST)
                                                                                                                                   Figure 4. The moment worth waiting for: totality.
                organised. The area reserved for public                            antenna. The concert ended with the pre-        With the Sun only 14 degrees above the horizon, day
                viewing offered ample space to set up                              miere of a new record by Steve R­ othery        turns into twilight. The VIP platform at the NTT is
                the equipment that many visitors brought                           and Riccardo Romano, a member of his            seen on the right.
ESO/M. Zamani

                                                                                                                                   The Messenger 177 – Quarter 3 | 2019            45
Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO
ESO/P. Horalek
                 Astronomical News                                       Ventura L. et al., Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla

                  Figure 5. A composite photo with exposures of          Moon completely covering the disc of                       Contemplating one of the most majestic celestial
                 v­ arying duration showing filamentary details in the                                                              phenomena was enhanced spectacularly by excel-
                                                                         the Sun. The corona appeared bright and
                  solar corona.                                                                                                     lent meteorological conditions and the wonderful
                                                                         compact, typical of the period near mini-                  landscape of ESO’s first observatory. While those
                                                                         mal solar activity, and, through the tele-                 particular factors were beyond ESO’s control, the
                 As the partial eclipse phase started and                scopes, a protuberance could be seen                       success of the experience for visitors on that day
                                                                                                                                    required planning, coordination and organisation
                 progressed during the early afternoon, an               toward the northwest of the solar disc.
                                                                                                                                    and the effort of colleagues across ESO. The
                 atmosphere of mounting excitement built                 Most of those witnessing the phenome-                      authors would particularly like to thank the staff in
                 up in anticipation of the extraordinary                 non reacted emotionally, with abundant                     the Department of Communication, La Silla Logistics
                 moments to come. People witnessed the                   exclamations of wonder, hugs and tears.                    and operations, IT support, ESO’s Representation in
                                                                                                                                    Chile, La Silla Paranal Safety, and everybody else
                 progress of the covering of the solar disc              As the first Baily’s beads appeared, sig-
                                                                                                                                    who worked hard in the preparation and execution of
                 with dedicated protective glasses at the                nalling the end of the total eclipse phase,                a unique event in ESO’s history.
                 beginning, but as totality approached, the              the 1 minute and 52 seconds of totality
                 changes in illumination of the surrounding              seemed to many way too short.
                 landscape became increasingly obvious,
                 giving the scene an unreal appearance.                  The deep impressions left by totality                      1
                                                                                                                                     #MeetESO social media competition: https://www.
                 The blue of the sky became deeper and                   almost turned the last partial eclipse            
                 deeper while a band of intense orange —                 phase — during which the solar disc pro-                   2
                                                                                                                                     The La Silla total eclipse public competition:
                 often seen in the middle of twilight —                  gressively reappeared from behind the
                 encompassed the entire horizon. At the                  Moon — into an anti-climax, despite the                    3
                                                                                                                                     ESO press release for the total solar eclipse:
                 same time, a noticeable drop in the tem-                beautiful show put on by the partially            
                 perature was felt as the solar irradiation              eclipsed Sun advancing toward the horizon
                 decreased.                                              until the end of the eclipse near sunset.
                                                                         Further impressions of the event can be
                 Finally, the shadow of the Moon reached                 seen online2.                                              a
                                                                                                                                         his is the only total solar eclipse that will be visible
                 La Silla. In a matter of seconds, the sliver                                                                           from an ESO observatory for more than 212 years,
                                                                                                                                        when La Silla will be close to the north of the path
                 of the uncovered solar disc thinned until
                                                                                                                                        of totality during the total solar eclipse of 28 August
                 disappearing as the sky quickly dark-                   Acknowledgements
                                                                                                                                        2231. An annular eclipse will be visible from La Silla
                 ened, stars became visible, and the solar               The authors feel privileged to have witnessed this
                                                                                                                                        next century, on 9 January 2187.
                 corona shone in stark contrast with the                 once-in-a-lifetime experience at La Silla, as the next
                 surrounding sky and the black disc of the               total solar eclipse visible from there will be in 2231a.

                 46             The Messenger 177 – Quarter 3 | 2019
Total Solar Eclipse Over La Silla - ESO
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