TORONTO - English Camps - Access English

Page created by Terry Smith
TORONTO - English Camps - Access English

  English Camps
TORONTO - English Camps - Access English
Demi Pair

       Make friends from

                                                                          around the world

                                                                             English Classes
       ACCESS Summer English                                                 ACCESS classes focus on teaching fundamental skills
                                                                             (grammar, writing, reading, speaking and listening) in an
       Language Camps                                                        integrated way. Teachers use the communicative approach,
                                                                             and careful attention is paid to ensuring lessons are both
                                                                             interactive and fun. Students will practice speaking in pairs
       are designed for children and teens who want to have
                                                                             and small groups. All classes pay special focus to developing
       fun while they are learning English! Participants will make
                                                                             oral skills. On the first day of class, students will take a writ-
       friends from around the world, visit exciting tourist sites, and
                                                                             ten and verbal English language test, and are then placed in
       get to know Canada all at the same time.
                                                                             the corresponding level with a mix of students from other
       Students will attend weekday morning English classes, and
       take part in exciting daily afternoon trips and activities. The
       weekends include day trips to various destinations. Led               Trips & Activities
       by our teachers, the trips are a fun way for students to see          Trips and activities are an integral part of the ACCESS Sum-
       the Toronto area with their classmates, meet students from            mer English Language Camp program. We believe that stu-
       other countries around the world, and practice English all at         dents learn through doing, and participating in after school
       the same time!                                                        activities is a great way to practice newly learned English
                                                                             language skills! Teachers and Activity Staff join the students
       Students have the option of choosing from two camps: Our              to supervise and encourage interaction in English.
       TORONTO CENTRE camp gives students the excitement
       of living and studying in a big city. Our TORONTO WEST
       (Hamilton) camp gives students the experience of living in            Students
       a smaller city located in between Toronto and Niagara Falls.          Our students come from a number of different countries
       Students visit Toronto on many of our teacher-guided day              around the world including: Russia, Korea, Spain, Japan,
       trips. Whichever camp they choose, students are guaranteed            Venezuela, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and more. All
       to go home with memories to last a lifetime                           students are expected to speak in English during class time
                                                                             and while on all trips and activities.

       Dates                                                                 Teachers
       Our Toronto camp runs from end of June to the second                  All teachers are university graduates, TESL certified, and
       week of August. Students can choose periods of 2 weeks or             have extensive experience teaching students from diverse
       more.                                                                 cultural backgrounds. our students!
TORONTO - English Camps - Access English
TORONTO CENTRE                                                     TORONTO WEST (HAMILTON)
population: 2.8 million                                            population: 350,000

 Location: Downtown Toronto                                         Location: Hamilton (Toronto-area)
 Our camp is located at Yonge & Bloor streets, in the centre of     Located on the campus of Hillfield Strathallan College (a
 downtown, close to the University of Toronto, and a 1-min-         prestigious private school), ACCESS’ Summer Camp has
 ute walk from the Yonge/Bloor subway station. ACCESS is            beautiful, new buildings, with top rated facilities. Class-
 surrounded by shops & cheap restaurants offering interna-          rooms are modern and equipped with the latest technology.
 tional food.                                                       The campus has a gym, basketball, volleyball & tennis courts,
                                                                    soccer fields, as well as WIFI and a computer area. Conve-
 Trips & Activities:                                                niently located in between Toronto & Niagara Falls, Hamilton
 Daily teacher-guided morning activities plus one day trip          is a quick 45 minute drive from both cities, making it the
 every Saturday are included. Sundays are spent with friends        perfect location to visit and learn English.
 or Host Families.
                                                                    Trips & Activities:
 Transportation:                                                    Students experience the perfect combination of teacher-
 The Toronto bus and subway system are safe and easy to             guided trips & activities both in the Hamilton area, and in
 use. Students and teachers will use local transit to travel to     Toronto and Niagara. We use chartered buses on all trips.
 all weekday morning activities. Because students will take
 the bus/subway daily to and from school, they must be              Transportation:
 mature enough to use public transportation on their own.           Students living in residence have a 2- minute walk to class.
 Students must purchase a TTC pass to get to/from school as         Students in Homestay take the bus or can pay an extra cost

 Accommodation: Homestay                                            Accommodation: Residence & Homestay
 Students live in Homestay with Canadian families. Hosts            Students live in shared suites on-campus at Mohawk Col-
 provide three meals per day and a warm, comfortable home           lege’s new, modern residence. All students are supervised
 environment. All host families have been carefully screened        by their group leaders and/or ACCESS staff who live on site.
 by our Homestay Coordinator to ensure safety. Students under       Students each have their own private bedroom (with double
 14 years will be placed in a homestay with an older student        bed) in a shared two-bedroom suite. In the suite there is a
 who will accompany them to school, or will be escorted to/         small kitchenette (refrigerator and microwave), as well as a
 from school daily on the TTC (additional fees apply). Residence    full washroom with shower. The residence is equipped with
 accommodation is available (groups only) at nearby University      a laundry room, games room, and even a small movie the-
 of Toronto.                                                        atre! Tasty breakfasts, lunches & dinners are included daily
                                                                    for all students in residence. Homestays are available for
                                                                    students who would like a full cultural experience of living
                                                                    with a friendly, Canadian family.
TORONTO - English Camps - Access English
                              Monday              Tuesday          Wednes-             Thursday          Friday              Saturday

                 Week         Walking tour        Eaton’s          Lake Ontar-         Go Karting        CN Tower            Niagara
                 1            (U of T,            Centre           io Harbour                                                Falls
                              Chinatown,                           Boat Tour                                                                      Packages with Residence or Homestay
                              City Hall)
                 Week         Sports Day          Toronto          Canoeing            Royal             Inline              Canada’s
                 2            Mini Golf           Beaches          on Lake             Ontario           skating             Wonder-              15 hours / week of English classes (Mon-Fri)
                                                  (swimming,       Ontario             Museum                                land
                                                                                                                                                  on-campus residence, single room, shared suite
                 Week         Toronto             Indoor           Sports Day          Casa Loma         Ontario             Ripley’s             with all meals
                 3            Islands             Rock             at High                               Science             Aquarium             (TORONTO WEST has on-site chaperone)
                                                  Climbing         Park                                  Centre              or Water-
                                                                   (soccer,                                                  park                 or
                 Week         Movie               Fort York        Sports Day          Gardiner          Toronto             Departure
                 4                                                 Bowling             Museum            Zoo
                                                                                                                                                  Host Family accommodation with 3 meals / day
                                                                                       Clay                                                       weekday teacher-guided activities
                                                                                                                                                  all entrance fees
                                                                                                                                                  charter bus to all trips/activities (Toronto West
                           Monday          Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday       Friday          Saturday         Sunday

                 Week      am: Class       am: Class                     FULL DAY:      a.m.:Class      CANADA           BBQ, hiking              teacher-guided trip every Saturday
                 1                                        FULL DAY                                      DAY              (students in             (one less than number of weeks booked)
                           pm: mini        pm:            ENGLISH        Emerald        Canadian        ACTIVITIES       residence
                           golf, rock      Laser Tag      CLASSES        Lake Party     games &         WITH HOST        only)                    activity every Sunday
                           climbing        & Arcade                                     activities      FAMILY
                                                                                                                                                  (TORONTO WEST residence students only)
                 Week      FULL DAY        am:                           FULL DAY:      a.m: Class      FULL DAY:        BBQ,
                 2         TRIP:           Dundurn        FULL DAY       TORONTO                        TORONTO          Bayfront Park
                                                                                                                                                  airport transfers (two-way)*
                                           Castle         ENGLISH        Centre         Hiking in       CN Tower,        (students in
                                                                                                                                                  all materials
                           NIAGARA                        CLASSES        Island &       Hamilton        Eaton’s          residence
                           FALLS           pm: Class                     evening                        Centre, Free     only)
                                                                                                                                                  medical insurance
                                                                         boat cruise                    time

                 Week      am: Class       am: Class                     FULL DAY:      a.m: Class      FULL DAY:        BBQ,                     all registration & placement fees
                 3                                        FULL DAY                                                       Limeridge
                           pm:             pm: Beach      ENGLISH        Canada’s       pm:                              Mall (students
                           bowling         Volleyball /   CLASSES        Wonder-        movie           Grand River      in residence
                                           swimming                      land                           Rafting          only)
                                           at beach                                                                                               Not Included:
                 Week      am: Class       a.m: Class                    FULL DAY:      a.m: Class      FULL DAY:        BBQ, Hess
                 4                                        FULL DAY                                                       Village                  daily transportation to/from school
                           pm: Bay-        pm:            ENGLISH        TORONTO        pm:             NIAGARA          (students in             (TTC pass, bus pass, or bus tickets needed)
                           front Park      Laser Tag      CLASSES        IROQUOIS       Wild Wa-        FALLS            residence
                           & Hutch’s       & Arcade                      INDIAN         terworks        with stop at     only)                    transportation on trips & activities (TORONTO
                           Fish &                                        VILLAGE        water park      Outlet Mall
                                                                                                                                                  CENTRE ONLY) - TTC pass required

                        Above calendars are samples only. contact us to find out trips & activities planned for your dates

                                                                                                                                                  escort to/from school daily            $150 / week
                                                                                                                                                  (TORONTO CENTRE) - mandatory
      HOMESTAY PACKAGE                                        RESIDENCE PACKAGE                                        NO ACCOMMODATION           for under 14 years of age
  2 weeks                               $2375                 2 weeks                      $3395                       2 weeks            $1750   daily drives to/from school daily      $150 / week
                                                                                                                                                  (TORONTO WEST only) - mandatory
  3 weeks                               $3620                 3 weeks                      $4550                       3 weeks            $2550   for under 14 years of age
  4 weeks                               $4620                 4 weeks                      $5870                       4 weeks            $3300   Custodianship Letter                   $150
  Additional weeks                      $980                  Additional weeks             $1300                       Additional weeks   $725    *Early or Late arrivals/departures     $100 each
                                                                                                                                                  (before 7am or after 11pm)             way
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