TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand

Page created by Chad Conner
TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
                                                          Issue 1

Classic Car Winner

        PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE
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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
                                     The Club is pleased
                                     to announce we have
                                     a new range of 30th
                                     anniversary clothing
                                        The first item is the
                                     Short Sleeve Polo In
                                     Black Or Navy Blue.
                                        The shirts are made of
                                     a premium antibacterial
                                     BIZ COOL fabric, 100%
                                     breathable, with moisture
                                     wicking properties.
                                        The Polo features the
                                     30th Anniversary logo
                                     especially developed for
                                     this occasion.

                                        All details of sizes for
                                     men and women, and
                                     prices, are on the updated
                                     Merchandise page on the
                                        The second item is a
                                     matching Club cap with
                                     the same logo as the
                                        All other current Club
                                     merchandise is listed on
                                     the website, with detailed
                                     instructions of how to
                                     order and pay.
                                        Once ordered you will
                                     receive both an online and
                                     an email notification.
                                        You’ll also notice a
                                     Shopping Basket icon on
                                     the header of all website
                                     pages, which enables you
                                     to check status at any
                                        Happy motoring, and
                                     happy purchasing.

                                     Webpage link:


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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
 w w                                CONTENTS                               JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2020
                                            4                                  15
                                                Club Committee &                      Waitangi Day Christmas
                                                Regional Co-ordinators                Drive – Kapiti Coast
Contributing Guidelines
Feel free to submit articles via email.     4   Warm welcome to our
                                                newest members

Articles should be no longer than 900
words.                                          From the President,
Include your name (and the article              Keith Jones

author’s name if different), contact
details and use full names in text.             To (MG)B or not to (MG)B –
                                                Northern /Auckland
If you submit an article, you agree to

have it edited as the Editor sees fit.          Dawson Falls & Wilkies
The NZ MX5 Club does not pay for                Pools – Taranaki

If the article has been published before                                              Mahia & Ocean-Going
in any form, please indicate.
                                                                                      Waka – Hawkes Bay
TopDown is read by all ages, so take

this into account when considering                                                     Newcomers & Old hands
subject material and language.                                                         – Kapiti Coast
No article which the Editor or the
NZ MX5 Club deems to encourage
breaking the law, either directly or by
inference, will be printed.
                                                                               19     Cross Hills Gardens –
                                                                                      Kapiti Coast

Picture Guidelines
High resolution JPEGs are preferred.
                                            8   Christmas Barbeque –
                                                Kapiti Coast

(300 dpi). The preferred method for               Mystery Christmas Run –
submission of images is by email. No
single image should exceed 8 MB.
All photographs must be submitted with
the permission of the photographer.
Vehicle registration numbers will be
shown unless removal is requested.
Please Note: The Editor cannot
guarantee a date for publication. The
above are guidelines only, and may be

varied in exceptional circumstances.                                                  Coast to Coast –
Deadline for Next Issue:
April 1st 2020                                                                 23     Milestones of the MX-5
                                                                                      and the Club

Contents copyright © 2020
Design and Edit: Brian Thurogood
                                            12    MX-5 Success at Ellerslie
                                                  Classic Car Show             24     Ellerslie Classic Car
                                                                                      Show Success

Printer: Brebner Print, Hamilton.
                                                  Photo Credits:                             Club Sponsors
                                                Front and Back Covers                        and “Trade Off”
                                                    Brenda White                             Classifieds
Disclaimer: This magazine does not
necessarily reflect the opinion of the
Editor or the Committee of the MX5
Club of New Zealand. It is intended
to provide general articles and
information only. While every care has
been taken to ensure the accuracy of
the information it contains, neither the
Editor, Committee or the authors can
be held liable for inaccuracies, errors
or omissions. Copyright is reserved
throughout. No part of this magazine
can be reproduced or reprinted
without the express permission of the
Editor. All information is current at the   Effective February3, 2020, sport-tuned suspension components are now
time of printing and the Editor takes no                   standard on MX-5 Grand Touring models.
responsibility for any factors that may     New available color options feature Polymetal Gray, Red Nappa Leather
change thereafter.                                                  and Gray cloth soft top.                        3

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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
National                                       Regional Co-Ordinators
            Committee                      Whangarei / Twin Coasts               Manawatu
    President                              Terry Conaghan                        To be advised.
    Keith Jones, 027 436 2568,             Phone: 09 437 0898               Mobile: 027 237 0084                  Kapiti Coast / Wellington
                                           Email:        Sharon and Keith Ewing
    Vice-President                                                               Phone: 06 379 7709
    Ron Bol, 021 068 7951,                 Northern / Auckland                   Mobile: 027 274 4443
                                           Allan Boot                            Email:
    Secretary                              Mobile: 027 260 0667
    Marilyn Harp, 021 617 729,             Email:           Nelson / Tasman                                                     To be advised.
                                           Waikato / Hamilton
    Treasurer                                                                    Marlborough
                                           Gary and Maureen Major
    Sandra Jones, 027 428 4606,
                                           Phone: 027 242 6783                   To be advised
    Committee Members
                                           Bay of Plenty / Tauranga              To be advised
    Mark Brinsbury                         Karen Struiksma                 Mobile: 027 342 7189                  Dunedin / Otago
    Jenny Wieland                          Email:     Clint Trewin                                                              Phone: 03 455 3246 (Work)
                                           Hawkes Bay / Napier/                  Mobile: 027 435 8510 (A/hours)
    Graeme Banks                           Hastings                              Email:
                                           Mike & Rosemary Hurley
    Denis Smith                            Phone: 06 878 9265                    Southland / Invercargill                     Mobile: 021 152 6573                  Peter Glover
                                           Email:                                Phone: 03 217 7187
    Barry Potenger                                                               Mobile: 027 634 3900
    Murray Lee                             Taranaki                  Nora Hunn
    Donna Lee                              Phone: 06 761 8864                       Mobile: 027 2160 608
    Allan Boot

      Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand Inc              Membership subscriptions – $70.00 per car, per year for full
      PO Box 15551, New Lynn, Auckland               membership, including TopDown magazine. For membership
      Email:                    application forms, visit our website or email the Membership                           Co-ordinators – Murray & Donna Lee on

    A warm welcome to our newest members:                                        Northern / Auckland
                                                                                 Lori Robinson
    Otago                                  Taranaki                              Rob Price
    Bob Farrell                            Garry & Robin Answell                 Suresh & Pushpa Hallikeri
    Duncan Ashford & Sheena Ashford-Tait   Keith Cochius                         Barrie & Karen Butterworth
                                                                                 Simon Waymouth & Rosana
    Kapiti Coast / Wellington              Hawkes Bay / Napier/Hastings          Houthuesen
    Carl & Frank Williams                  James & Julie Ludlam                  Rhian Rowlands & Keith Martin
    Chester Whitwell & Sarah Wade                                                Jack & Rita Tolley
    Brendon Wood & Elizabeth Scollay       Bay of Plenty / Tauranga              Ross Monn & Linda Williams
    Selwyn Warren                          Ross & Julie Hemera                   Gary & Heather Lawson
    Les & Barbara Jones                    Cliff & Bev Inskeep                   Wendy Palenski
    Manawatu                               Waikato / Hamilton                    Peter Croad
    Julie Watson                           Roger & Jan Skipper                   Brian & Diane Watson
    Patrick & Wendy Duffy                  Anne Stuart                           Kevin Mellon
    Stan & Kate Garmonsway                 Barbara Ann McLaughlan                Andy & Vanessa Hancock
    Warren & Marion Rowe                                                         Julia Denton
                                                                                 Adrian Kjellberg
                                                                                 David & Dee Barrett

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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
and I occasionally go on line to answer people’s
                 From the                            queries. If you own an NA or NB model, and
                                                     have a question about your car; whether it is a
                 President                           recommendation for brake pads, or why you are
                                                     getting wet carpets, I would recommend that you
                                                     join the Forum and check out your problem. I
                                                     would 99% guarantee that someone has asked
                                                     the question before and the answer is there.
                                                        Because the MX-5 Forum has been little used
                                                     in recent years, there is not a lot of information
                                                     on the NC model and almost nothing on NDs.
                                                     This could easily be overcome by Club members
                                                     joining the Forum and posting their questions
                                                     and answers to bring it up to date. An alternative
                                                     would be for the Club to set up its own Forum.
                                                     Personally I am not in favour of duplicating things
                                                     unless there is a significant advantage in doing so,
                                                     but if there sufficient demand the Committee will
                                                     look into it. Please let me know your feelings.
I hope you all had a good Xmas and wish you             – Keith Jones, President
well for 2020.
   Back in January an enquiry was received from a
new member about upgrading the audio system in
his newly acquired JDM NC to better receive NZ
radio frequency bands. He had previously used
band expanders, but did not want to go down this
route again. Through some emails to other NC
owners in the Northern region I was quickly able
to give him some options to consider, but this
request made me think back to a very effective
information sharing service that I used frequently
when I was new to the MX-5 back in the early
   This was the MX-5 Forum. It originally started
as a forum for MX-5 Club of NZ members, but
was opened up to all MX-5 owners around the mid
2000’s. Those of you who have owned an MX-5
for a long time probably remember the Forum and
how useful it was for answering questions on all
matters MX-5.
   However, with the introduction of Facebook,
the Forum has lost its popularity over recent
years.It still exists


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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
new members ... and an mgb
    January 18th, 2020
    We got a well deserved Saturday sleep-in                        Northern / Auckland
    with a more leisurely 10.45am meet at BP
    Drury. It was good to see a few new members                 Report & Photo by Barry & Sue
    and a nice turnout of 26 cars, mostly NCs, a
    few more NDs, then the odd and diminishing
                                                                  Top Photo by Marilyn Harp
    numbers of NAs and NBs.                                 of congenial conversation.
       After the usual socialising and our new co-             I invited a friend who is considering purchasing
    ordinator Allan Boot giving us run info, we set off     a NC even though he belongs to the MG Club and
    at 11.30am. We were quickly off the motorway            owns a MGB roadster. Of course there was some
    and onto the rural roads which we all enjoy so          good old banter from the MX-5 club members
    much. We soon broke up into smaller groups and          regarding owning a MGB, and being able to throw
    the light traffic volumes providing the opportunity     away his tool kit once he purchased an MX-5.
    to push our cars a little.                                 It was kind of unfortunate, but still very
       Surprisingly, Grant was designated the leader,       entertaining, when he had to push-start the
    usually most of us have trouble keeping up with         MGB with his wife in the drivers’ seat. He
    him. This time he must have slowed down as              received some well deserved applause from our
    they arrived at the Kaiaua Hotel with five cars still   members. I heard later that a new starter motor
    behind him.                                             was required.
       It was a short run this time out through                The weather was kind to us once again,
    Ararimu, Mangatawhiri and Mangatangi towards            sunny with a bit of cloud cover and tops down
    the coast, stopping to look at the spectacular          all the way.
    views from Findlay Rd. We all arrived safely at            Another very good run and I managed to not
    lunchtime for a fish and chip pub lunch and lots        lose my hat on this run.

TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
January 26th, 2020
After weeks of no rain the lead up to the
weekend brought a change with misty light
rain arriving Friday afternoon and again
Saturday morning. Sunday dawned overcast
but with a higher cloud base.
   We met Sunday morning at the InkPot café,
Mitre 10 building in Stratford, where refreshments
were had. A good central meeting place between
Hawera, Opunake and New Plymouth.
   Heading out to our cars the clouds cleared and
the sun shone through, upping the temperature
and looking good for what was to come. Off we
went, 18 MX-5s, tops down, wind in the hair,
driving county roads just made for a sports car
cruise. We drove from Tariki north of Stratford to
Hawera in the south without going on the main
   Approximately 2 hours later we arrived at our
lunch destination, Dawson Falls Café, approx.
1000m up Mount Taranaki. After a rather lengthy
lunch: the Mountain was extra busy with visitors
this day, the hardy amongst us walked 25 mins to
Wilkies Pools.
   Due to the recent lack of decent rain there
wasn’t a lot of water in the pools, but a few
teenagers were having fun sliding and jumping        Taranaki
into one of the deeper pools. Apparently the water
was very cold as they didn’t stay in for long.
          Report by Grant Roe
        Photos by Annette & Jock                                7
TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
Christmas Barbecue – Take two

    The club met at Ground Up, Pauatahanui on          went well past the time we were to start the run,
    5 January 2020 and although the weather            as everyone caught up and patiently waited for
    wasn’t great, it was a million times better than   coffees. We set off over the Haywards and north
    the original scheduled meet for 8 December,        onto SH2, briefly turning off at Silverstream.
    which was a complete wash-out and had to be        There was a line of around 20 MX-5’s moving
    cancelled.                                         slowly through the Silverstream village, then
      There was a real sense of friendship and we      winding our way up Blue Mountain and on though
                                                                      Whiteman’s Valley.
                                                                         Past streams, bush and
                                                                      sheltered farmland, then
                                                                      descending back down North of
                                                                      Upper Hutt and back onto SH2
                                                                      again for a decent 45 minute run
                                                                      with Christmas lunch held on
                                                                      knees or in boots.
                                                                         This is the second time we
                                                                      have attempted a run around
                                                                      this area, and once again, there
                                                                      were multiple wrong turns and
                                                                      necessary shortcuts taken to
                                                                      get to the venue for the belated
                                                                      Christmas lunch.
                                                                          Although the BBQ area outside
                                                                      had been set up at our hosts Tony
                                                                      and Pauline’s, the weather forced
                                                                      us inside the house – all 46 of us!
8                                                                     We didn’t let the weather stop us

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TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
Kapiti Coast
        Report & Photos by Gayle
having a great time, with a Christmas theme –
dressed in red and green, with Christmas hats -
and an amazing lunch.
   The food was delicious and we broke the
chatting up with a Christmas quiz and pass the
   We presented Kapiti clubs’ “camp mother”
Sharon, with a gift hamper to thank her for all she
does for the club throughout the year, and sang
her “Happy Birthday” celebrating a special one!
   It was a really great turnout, with many old
friends and a lot of new ones too – another
tribute to the effort Sharon and Keith put into the
   Luckily the rain held off for the run but things
got pretty windy as the afternoon progressed,
and the rain eventually arrived, but it didn’t stop
us having a wonderful day.
   Although it was late, it was a great way to
celebrate the end of the year and the beginning
of the new one. We look forward to another year
of adventures with everyone.

TOPDOWN 2020 Classic Car Winner - PLUS MX-5 PEOPLE AND THEIR MONTHLY RUN REPORTS - Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand
mystery christmas run
     The Christmas Run had a mystery
     destination, which didn’t deter members
     and 16 cars met at the Shakey Pear Café at
     Pioneer Village in Stratford for coffee and
     cake to start the day.                                    Report by Jock
       As there was a fair amount of speculation           Photos by Lesley & Jock
     about the lunch destination, an impromptu
     sweepstake was run with Amy collecting        Whangamomoana to the Stratford Mountain
     a destination guess from everyone. There      House and many places between and beyond.
     was quite a range of suggestions spanning       Most cars were decorated for the occasion,

and with the weather very pleasant, we set off         relocated to New Plymouth) just north of Urenui.
through Stratford turning east on the Forgotten          After a pleasant lunch, Father Christmas kindly
World Highway.                                         distributed the secret Santa gifts and a little
   The ‘Whanga’ option looks promising, but            chocolate went to the best dressed attendees,
we turn off before Toko and meander our                and the best decorated car.
way through Ratapiko and Kaimata before                  Then it was relaxation in the spacious grounds
approaching Inglewood.                                 before heading for home.
   The Mountain becomes a possibility but we             Did anyone guess the destination correctly?
turn back inland and meander through more              No. The nearest suggestion was about 35 kms
great MX-5 roads before emerging on Highway 3          away.
at Motunui.                                              A good run to end a year of varied, interesting
   From there it is a straight run to Cafe 487 (on     and well supported runs. Thanks to all the
the former site of Mike’s Brewery – which is now       organisers.
      January Impromptu Evening Beach Run
After a mixed bag of weather in early January,         together to start the year off. After petanque and
things began to improve and our year kicked            ice creams all round, we headed home with the
off with a short-notice, mid-week evening run          setting sun on our backs.
to Opunake Beach.                                         Pam and Bruce took a detour to check out the
   Eleven cars made the run for 6.30pm fish and        Festival of Lights in Pukekura Park on their way
chips on the beach. South cars met at Eltham and       back to Hawera, completing a mountain circuit in
arrived at the beach at about 5.30pm. We later
realised that south of the mountain, they probably
                                                       the process.
haven’t worked out daylight saving time which                  Report by Jock Sutherland
might explain why they had eaten when the north
cars arrived for 6.30pm!
   Sadly, the southerly wind took the edge off a                         Taranaki                           11
bit, but never-the-less we all enjoyed a relaxed get
Northern / Auckland

     February 9th, 2020                               wind was giving us a hard time.
     Just in case you have not heard Northern           Once we got the display up it was time for
     MX-5 won the best display at this prestige       the members to get into the clown outfits.
     Classic car show.                                Some really weird people emerged, but hey it
        At 8am on show day a group of members         worked. The clowns and colours attracted a
     arrived at the Ellersiie race course to set up   lot of punters over the day.
     our display. Brenda and Marilyn had spent          Allan Boot our new co-ordinator was
     a lot of time on design and gathering the        dressed as a Ring Master and with a
     goodies, which included a May pole with          megaphone and some great sales pitch he
     heaps of coloured streamers and bunting.         had people coming to our display. All clowns
        This was to compete in the show theme         worked all day, talking to people and promting
     competition which was a carnival theme.          the club and our cars.
     Our display was based on THE GREATEST              We managed get a number of people with
     SHOWMAN movie. lt took us close to an hour       MX-5s to join our club and some were going to
     to assemble. The weather was fine but the        purchase one and join. Margaret sat in her RF
                                                      for most of the day, working the roof up and
            Report by Morrin Layton                   down This was also a great attraction.
12         Main photo by Marilyn Harp                   We had 10 cars on display. Frank kindly
     w w

                 supplied three special cars – a rare NB coupe,
                 a original NA and a beautiful blue NB with all
                 the accessories one could think of.
                   There was another NA, an ND and three RFs,
                 one the latest 30th year special ,and two NCs.
                 All the cars were beautifully prepared and
                 looked stunning in the sun.
                   By mid afternoon the wind had pretty well
                 wrecked our display, however the judges
                 must have seen it before destruction. At 3pm
                 the word came that we should head to the
                 Pavilion for the prize giving.
                   The organisers read out the first five
                 places which included a number of the usual
                 traditional classic car big boys.
                   We thought that’s us out, but lo and
                 behold they called overall first place the
                 MX-5 Car Club. We sat there for a moment       13

                                    w w
like stunned mullets (not as stunned as some
     more high profile clubs). A couple of cups and
     a cheque for $750 for the club made the long
     hot day worthwhile.
        We have been at the show for a number of
     years, and possibly the Mazda MX-5 is now
     recognized as a Classic.
        A special thanks to the members that
     supplied their cars and dressed as clowns,
     and very special thanks to Marilyn and Brenda
     for the inspirational design and huge effort in
     preparing the event for us.

                                                       Photos (except where noted)
14                                                          by Brenda White
Waitangi Day “CHRISTMAS” Drive
We could not have our Christmas
Drive before Christmas because
of flooding in Wellington, so had
our Christmas Barbecue on 5th
   It had seem a while since our last
drive so I decided to see who was
interested in a Waitangi Day Drive.
Fifteen cars turned up.
   From Featherston we headed out
the back of the Lake around to Lake
Ferry. There was not a breathe of
wind here and the sun was shining
as we sat outside in the shade and

                                                       Kapiti Coast
                                               Report & Photos by Sharon
                                        enjoyed the great Wairarapa weather.
                                           After lunch we went to go to the windmills near
                                        Martinborough, but most of the cars followed a car
                                        that was heading home and only six of us made it
                                        to the wind mills.

                                           Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable day.        15
     Sunday 15th December and with a weather
     forecast of cool with showers, we assembled                       Hawkes Bay
     at BP Bay View for our run through to Mahia
     and a catch up with our Gisborne MX5                        Report by Mike Hurley
     cousins. Only the organiser was late. Mike
     won’t live that down!
                                                               Photos by Trish Wiseman &
        As the day progressed and we made our way               Rosemary Hurley (right)
     north, Trish and Roger leading the way, the
     promised rain didn’t eventuate. We duly arrived    I’m not sure I am brave enough to go to sea in
     in Mahia about 12.30ish only to find that the      one. Much rather be in the “5” on the road.
     Waka of the Tuia 250 Encounters had arrived           We had lunch at the local tavern (fortuitously
     and were on the beach by the boat ramp.            pre-booked). They always do a good meal
        These ocean going Waka had assembled here       here, and we are nearly classed as regulars.
     for a celebration and restock before departing     As usual lunch stretched out a bit and soon
     for the Pacific Islands. They had come in on       enough time to head home. We all chose to do
     the high tide, so were well and truly out of the   our own thing on the way home, so those that
     water and we were able to inspect them at close    like to hurry along a bit went, and the snails
     quarters. Some of our group got on board one.      followed along at leisure. Another nice day out
     They are reasonably large vessels up close, but    with good company.


For all your
  Mechanical Work : Tune ups : Lubes : Brakes
                 Stockists of
                 Castrol Oil &
                 Toyo Tyres          Don Mclean
123 Colombo Street, Hamilton     Ph/Fax 07 847 5484         Mob: 027 475 7590
newcomers ... and old hands of 40 years
     Sunday 16th February
     The Staglands Wildlife Reserve was                                     Kapiti Coast
     established in 1972 by John Simister,
     occupying 25 acres in native bush, in the                    Report & Photos by Ceinwen
     Akatarawa Valley, 20 kms inland from
     Waikanae.                                                A swing bridge took us over the river and back for
        Six cars set off from Waikanae, and five from       more to see and do, cart rides, a children’s corner,
     Birchville at the other end of the Valley. We all      and freedom to climb amongst goats and deer. The
     arrived at Staglands at about 11am. As it was a        only cell phones seen were for taking photos.
     perfect day for being outdoors, we settled in for        The whole Reserve is well worth a visit. A bit
     early lunch. Some brought a picnic, others ordered     costly perhaps, but there is a lot to maintain and
     from the Cafe.                                         staff to pay. Some of our group had never been
        There was genuine delight as we followed easy       there, some hadn’t been for 40 years, some didn’t
     and well-maintained paths, seeing peahen and           know it is so big.
     chicks, guinea fowl, so many varieties of tame           A very enjoyable outing indeed. Thanks
     birds, fish, turtles, goats with kids, deer, horses,
     pigs and rabbits. Charming interaction with
                                                            Ceinwen and Godfrey for organising this drive.
                                                              A book The First Forty Years has been         •
     feeding and petting the bigger critters.               published by John Simister, available online (along
        The cockatoo said hello, sitting on someone’s       with more info) at
     arm, trying to teach him “Kia ora”.                    wildlife-history


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Cross Hills Gardens at Kimbolton
Sunday 17th November
Thirteen cars gathered at the Woolshed Café                            Kapiti Coast
Sanson at 10.30 for a coffee, chat and roll
call with weather becoming better as the day              Report & Photos by Tony & Wendy
moved on.
   It is pleasing to note that Kapiti has experienced   were a great sight together with some highly
an influx of new members over the past couple of        scented varieties. The first bit of excitement was
years who are keen participants and bring a new         experienced by most of us wandering about in an
level of interest to the club.                          Azalea maze which some found rather difficult to
   We left Sanson at about 11.30 and proceeded          exit – very tricky to say the least.
through Fielding and headed North towards                  The garden is testament to a dedicated effort
Kimbolton – interesting to note that from Fielding      over many years of care and attention with many
there are only two very slight bends in the road        rare species of trees and plants on view, plus
all the way to Kimbolton – an area steeped in           waterfalls, ponds and many more features on all
history and surrounded by magnificent farming           sorts of levels.
country.                                                   The day before our visit the annual fair had
   This road is also an alternative route to state      taken place with over 4500 visitors – 100 vendors
highway 1 which it eventually joins at Mangaweka.       – food stalls everywhere – amazing to thinks that
Tops were down and we enjoyed bright sunshine           takes place in such an isolated spot.
all the way.                                               We lunched at their very nice café and were on
   Cross Hills Gardens was formed in 1970               our way home at about 3 p.m. – This was a very
                                                        easy run of about 380 kms from Wellington and
and boasts over 2000 varieties of Azaleas and
Rododendrons, which were in full bloom and              back – enjoyable company and a great day out.

                   CITY GARAGE
                    Full mechanical & auto electrical repairs;
        I           WOF’s, tunes, lubes, brakes, clutches
        T           Carried out by expert Mazda trained technicians
        E                       Supporting the MX5 Club with a 5% rebate
                                            16 Waverley St, Auckland
                                 Phone 09 379 5649 Email:                           19

                                                                              w w
                                              Report by Allan Boot – Photos via
              Northern / Auckland             Janet Dymond and Shelley Willett
     22nd March 2020
     In setting out this run my
     objectives were to:
        • have participants travel some
           roads they may not have been
           on for a while (gets harder and
        • visit East and West coast
           beaches and fill a jar with sand
           from each one – Black and
        • start somewhere different that
           no one will have been before.
        • encourage a few new members
           to come and some that hadn’t
           been for a while.
        How did it go? Ticked all the
        The run was 130km and was
     supposed to take 2.5 hours. It
     started at Mangere Memorial hall
     – significantly this is situated at
     the narrowest part of Auckland’s
     isthmus. No one had ever been
     there before!
        We arrived to high winds and a few
     spots of rain that saw us taking cover
     under the building eves and listening
     to the local Samoan community in
     full song at church inside. Definitely
     something new for us all.
        As a coordinator you put a lot
     of effort into trying to get route


     w w
instructions accurate and to this end Morrin             Imagine my surprise when 20 minutes later the
had kindly pre-run it as well and made some           first 2 cars came in. Yep our very spirited front
worthwhile changes. Then I sent it to our resident    runners, Grant and Frank! Followed about 10
geek Leon who found a road sign error at 2.09 am      minutes later by my daughter Annaliese with a big
on Saturday morning. Thank you guys.                  grin.
   After a briefing and sharing the trophy from the      She and a girlfriend had very windswept hair!
Ellerslie Concours event we were off to dodge the     The girls said they had sprinted down the beach
drops..                                               to get their jar filled at Bethell’s and were trying to
   Imagine my horror as half the field of 22 cars     catch the leaders. It is never a race!! The apple
went out the carpark the opposite way to what I       doesn’t fall far from the tree (sprinting excepted).
had envisioned (I thought there was only one way      I will be checking the next batch of speed camera
out!!) making the first few instructions completely   notices carefully.
wrong.                                                   Participants were then treated to some tight
   After packing up signs Kay and I headed off        windy roads initially and suburban driving, then
in the ND and kept our eyes peeled for MX-5s.         more free flowing semi-rural ones to finish. I was
Didn’t see one which had me really second-            thrilled to see them all arrive including newcomers
guessing instructions. My daughter was off in         to the club.
my NA and was tucked up near the front with the          The odd navigational error by some
more spirited drivers I was told later!! The roof     (communication errors I’m told!!) meant a few
went down very quickly, and we enjoyed the run        later arrivals but everyone seemed to enjoy it and
through Scenic Drive in amongst some lovely           as a coordinator you judge run successes by the
colourful trees at a moderate pace.                   smiles. There were plenty. Phew.
   We took a little shortcut to get to the finish        Drinks and a meal and a successful raffle saw
about an hour ahead of the pack and organise          people soaking up the views of stunning Orewa
things with the Orewa surf lifesaving club in their   beach and each other’s camaraderie before
fabulous facilities.                                  heading off home at a reasonable hour.
Left: Keith Dymond at Bethells Beach. Below: Frank and Shelly Willett at Orewa Beach.


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      Sponsor                     Product/Service                              Benefits to Club Members
      All Care                    Specialist roof, interior, zip and plastic   Discounts to Club Members.
      18 Arklow Lane              window repair and replacements.
      Whangaparaoa                The best for MX-5 cloth and leather          Event Prizes.
      Ph (09) 4241711             repairs
      Mobile: (027) 283 7533
      Autoway Services Ltd        For all your Mechanical work, Tune-          5% discount on Parts and Labour to
      123 Columbo St              ups, Lubes, WOFs, Alignments and             members.
      Frankton, Hamilton          more!                                        Spotted Campaign Major Sponsor,
      Ph (07) 847 5484                                                         Membership Card Sponsor 2001/2,
                                                                               Magazine Advertiser, Prizes.
      BROOMFISH AUTOMOTIVE        Mazda MX-5 parts.                            10% discount for Club Members.
      Internet sales only:        Ships nationwide.                            When ordering, use coupon code                                                      “MX5CLUB” to get the discount.
      PH: 027 7337410
      City Garage              Full mechanical and auto electrical             10% discount to Club members.
      16 Waverley St,          repairs; WOFs, tunes, lubes, brakes,            Magazine Advertiser
      Auckland                 clutches. Carried out by expert Mazda           5% rebate to MX5 Club
      Ph (09) 379 5649         trained technicians
      CLASSIC COVER INSURANCE     Motor vehicle insurance                      10% on premiums.                                                   Must give Club membership number when
      0800 456 254                                                             obtaining quotation.
      Dent Magician               Dents removed with no painting.              $140 per panel retail.
      NZ Wide                     It’s fixed or it’s free! Mobile service,     10% discount for Club Members.
      Ph 0800 No Dents            approx 30 minutes per dent
      Ph 0800 66 33 68
      Mazda Dealers                                                            10% discount for club members on parts
      Nationwide NZ
      Screen Wiper Solutions      Silicon wiper blades retail for $69.95       Major discount for Club Members.
      9/90 Elizabeth Knox Pl      but SWS offer them to MX5 club               To order, go to and select the
      St Johns                    members for $39.95. Available to all         model you need. Enter the promo code MX5
      Auckland 1072               cars, not just MX-5s.                        and your club membership number.
      Wanganui Motors             The Mazda Dealer to see in Wanganui          10% discount on parts.
      82 Ridgeway Street
      Ph (06) 349 0930

     ACCOMMODATION:                           ACCOMMODATION:                             WELLINGTON REAL ESTATE
     BAY OF PLENTY                            TAUMARUNUI                                 Got too many MX-5s for your current
     2 bedroom Bach, backing onto Ohiwa       “The Quietest Motel In Town!”              garage? Need a bigger home to store
     Harbour.                                 Taumarunui lies at the confluence of       car parts? Call me if you are thinking (search:         the Ongarue and Whanganui Rivers.          of selling in the Wellington Region.
     ohiwa hideaway)                          Fully self contained and serviced daily.   Professional advice, excellent service
     15% Discount to club members.            Plenty of off-street secure parking. Opp   and free market appraisals available for
     Email:                 RSA. 10% discount to MX5 members.          Wellington Western, Eastern, Southern
     Phone: 027 501 8748                      Your host Michaelle is an MX5 Club         and Northern areas.
                                              member. Phone: (07) 895 8063               Call Katie Underwood on
                                     Email:            (027) 248 2061, (04) 894 3717 or
     POWER PROTECTION                                email on
     For computers etc, Online Power                                           
     Solutions. Supplier of APC by            Do you have a trade, job or skill that     Licensed Salesperson under the Real
     Schneider Electric, Socomec and Eaton                                               Estate Agents Act 2008.
                                              you think others may want to use?
     UPSs (Uninterruptible Power Supplies),   Trade Off is exclusively for Club
     single and three phase, and Power        members, and it’s free to list! Simply
     Filters. Contact Willie Williamson on    email your BRIEF ad (up to 50 words)
     021 WILLIE (021 945 543)
                                              to and
                                              put Trade Off in the subject line.

     w w
milestones of the MX-5 and the club
Reproduced from page 16 of the Club newsletter, February 2000


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Ellerslie Classic Car Success

                                        Photos by Brenda White
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