Top 50 League Tables March 2019 - POWERED BY - Barbour ABI

Page created by Julian Webb
Top 50 League Tables March 2019 - POWERED BY - Barbour ABI

                                          MARCH 2019



                                      Top 50 Summary

                                     League tables

                                      Top 50 Clients

                                       Last 12 months

                                      Top 50 Architects

                                       Last 12 months

Top 50 League Tables                  Top 50 Contractors

March 2019                             Last 12 months

                                     POWERED BY

                       POWERED BY…

                                      �   �          PAG E 1

 50 Welcome                                                                                                                                                                                   TO P

Welcome to our Top 50 League
                                                                                                                                                                                          MARCH 2019

Tables report                                                                           Barbour ABI is a leading provider of construction intelligence services. With a team of       Home

Designed to provide company intelligence for those working within construction and      in-house research specialists and a dedicated lead economist, it provides commercially        Welcome
beyond, we report on the top 50 clients, architects and contractors for the month,      relevant insight and unique analysis of trends and developments within the building and
                                                                                        construction industry.                                                                        Top 50 Summary
as well as the last 12 months.
                                                                                        Barbour ABI is the chosen provider of industry data and indicators for Government            League tables
Methodology                                                                             bodies including the Office for National Statistics and the UK Government’s National
The tables are compiled using a mix of survey data from some of the UK’s largest        Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline, which outlines future construction and              Top 50 Clients
contractors, as well as data from Barbour ABI’s database of contracts, awarded          infrastructure projects where public funding is agreed. Barbour ABI also provides data for     March
in that month or 12 month period. All tables include contracts worth £100k              independent organisations, such as the Construction Products Association.
or more and tendered and negotiated contracts, but exclude frameworks and                                                                                                              Last 12 months
masterplans. The clients and architects tables are based on contract data, and
                                                                                        Hinderton Point, Lloyd Drive, Cheshire Oaks, Cheshire, CH65 9HQ
ranked by projects worked upon on which a contractor has been appointed in that                                                                                                       Top 50 Architects
                                                                                        T: 0151 353 3500
month or 12 month period. Contracts are only included once financial closure has
                                                                                        E:                                                                        March
been confirmed.
                                                                                        W:                                                                         Last 12 months
                              Steve Shelley
                                                                                             barbour-abi                                                                              Top 50 Contractors
                              Steve is Barbour ABI’s Senior Analyst within the
                              Economics Team, specialising in construction and the           barbour_abi
                              built environment. He leads on Barbour ABI’s research
                              and outputs on the construction sector, assessing the                                                                                                    Last 12 months

                              trends and the developments which impact on it.
                                                                                        Partner of the Infrastructure and Projects   Chosen provider of Construction New Orders
                              Steve sits on the CPA Forecasting Panel as well as        Authority in providing the National          estimates to the ONS                            POWERED BY
                              heading up the New Orders analysis and delivery for the   Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline

                              Office of National Statistics.

                                                                                                                                                                                      �   �          PAG E 2

 50 Summary                                                                                                                                                                                                  TO P

 TOP CLIENTS FOR THE MONTH                                       TOP ARCHITECTS FOR THE MONTH                                      TOP CONTRACTORS FOR THE MONTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                         MARCH 2019
½ HS2 head the Top Clients table for March awards thanks to     ½ AHR, Nicholas Grimshaw and Farrells occupy the top three        ½ A Joint Venture of Mace and Dragados head the top
  the proposed new Euston Super Station. Work forms part of       spots in March thanks to their involvement in the HS2              contractors table for March awards thanks to their contract     Home
  HS2 Phase 1 London to Birmingham route.                         Euston Super Station.                                              for Euston Super Station, part of the new HS2 proposals.
½ Private developer Northacre Plc took the runner up spot       ½ Squire and Partners sit in fourth thanks to their work on the      Work is expected to cost £1.65 billion but no confirmed
  with their £350 million re-development of New Scotland          re-development of New Scotland Yard.                               start date has been announced as of yet.                        Top 50 Summary
  Yard to provide luxury apartments alongside retail and        ½ Harris Partnership had a busy month with 4 of their designs     ½ Multiplex sit in second position with the award of New
                                                                                                                                                                                                    League tables
  office space.                                                   being awarded to main contractors in March at a total cost         Scotland Yard re-development for Northacre Plc at a cost
½ Commercial and Industrial Developers DB Symmetry                of £131 million.                                                   of £350 million. This follows on from last months award for     Top 50 Clients
  make up the top three clients for March with a £120 million                                                                        Chelsea Barracks of £250 million.
  distribution facility in Darlington.                           ARCHITECTS: APRIL 2018 TO                                        ½ Vinci finish of the top 3 with their 7 awards this month
                                                                 MARCH 2019 HIGHLIGHTS                                               totalling £230 million. Works for University College London      Last 12 months
 CLIENTS: APRIL 2018 TO                                                                                                              provided £90 million of the total. The scheme will provide a
 MARCH 2019 HIGHLIGHTS                                          ½ The major influence of HS2 in the last 12 months led to
                                                                                                                                     mix of accommodation along with teaching space. Work is         Top 50 Architects
                                                                  the same three architects occupying top spots in the table
                                                                                                                                     due to commence July 2019.
½ RWE Npower Plc’s Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm, at            for the period. AHR remained active on other projects                                                                               March
  a cost of £1.8 billion, provided most of the total value of     with their total of 42 projects awards totalling just under     ½ Morgan Sindall were particularly active, being awarded
  contracts.                                                      £2 billion.                                                        13 projects at a cost of £95 million.                            Last 12 months

½ Another renewable company in the shape of, Moray              ½ BDP were best of the rest for value of works, seeing their
                                                                                                                                   CONTRACTORS: APRIL 2018 TO
  Offshore Renewables, took second place thanks to their          involvement in awards totalling £851 million.
                                                                                                                                   MARCH 2019 HIGHLIGHTS                                             Top 50 Contractors
  950MW Moray Firth Offshore Wind Farm, totalling               ½ Sheppard Robson were active with their 21 projects                                                                                  March
  £1.79 billion.                                                  totalling £729 million.                                         ½ Kier are sitting at the top of the table for the rolling
                                                                                                                                     12 month period of April 2018 – March 2019 with awards           Last 12 months
½ The most active client over the period was the Department
  of Education whose 114 awards totalled £951 million.                                                                               totalling in excess of £2 billion.

½ Network Rail awarded 80 projects at a cost of £480 million.                                                                     ½ Wates Construction had a busy period with their 48 awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                    POWERED BY
                                                                                                                                     totalling £1.6 billion.
                                                                                                                                  ½ Morgan Sindall were awarded 127 projects totalling just
                                                                                                                                     over £1 billion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     �   �          PAG E 3

 50 Clients: March                                                                                                                                                                                            TO P

 Rank     Clients
                                                                Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Clients
                                                                                                                                                 Value of
                                                                                                                                                            Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                             projects      Total value of projects

   1     HS2                                                      1650             1         26    Adam Asset Management Limited                   34          1
   2     Northacre Plc                                             350             1         27    St Modwen Developments Plc                      30          4
   3     DB Symmetry                                               120             1         28    Click Properties Limited                        30          1

         South West London and St Georges NHS
                                                                   118             2
                                                                                             29    Cambridgeshire County Council                   30          4                                      Top 50 Summary
                                                                                             30    Persimmon Homes Limited                         27          2
   5     Swansea City and County Council                           104             2                                                                                                                 League tables
                                                                                             31    Stoke-on-Trent Regeneration Limited             25          1
   6     First Base Limited                                        100             1
                                                                                             32    Clarion Housing                                 24          1
   7     University College London                                  90             1
                                                                                             33    Eastleigh Borough Council                       23          2          Total number of projects    Top 50 Clients
   8     EcoWorld London                                            90             1

                                                                                             34    University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust       22          1                                       March
   9     West Midlands Combined Authority                           83             1
                                                                                             35    Goodman Logistics Developments UK Limited       22          1
   10    Manchester Airport Group Plc                               80             1                                                                                                                   Last 12 months
                                                                                             36    Cameron Hall Developments Limited               21          1
   11    Verdion Properties                                         80             1
                                                                                             37    Network Rail Infrastructure Limited             21          11
   12    University of Edinburgh                                    78             2
                                                                                             38    East Renfrewshire Council                       21          1                                      Top 50 Architects
   13    Allied London Properties Limited                           73             1
                                                                                             39    Leicestershire County Council                   20          1
   14    Prime (UK) Developments Limited                            70             2                                                                                                                   March
                                                                                             40    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea     20          1
   15    Sirius Minerals                                            50             1
                                                                                             41    University of Leeds                             20          1                                       Last 12 months
   16    Reigate & Banstead Borough Council                         46             2
                                                                                             42    North Durham Acute Hospitals NHS Trust          20          1
   17    Coventry City Council                                      41             2
                                                                                             43    Versant Developments                            20          1        HS2 head the Top
   18    Royal Bank of Canada                                       40             1                                                                                                                  Top 50 Contractors
   19    McAleer & Rushe Limited                                    40             1
                                                                                                   Polar Technology Management Group Limited
                                                                                                   Central Bedfordshire Council
                                                                                                                                                                        Clients table for March
   20    Terrestrial Developments                                   40             1
                                                                                             46    Redcliff MCC LLP                                19          1        awards thanks to the
   21    Derwent London                                             40             1                                                                                                                   Last 12 months
   22    Severn Trent Water Limited                                 38             4
                                                                                                   Basildon District Council
                                                                                                   North Lanarkshire Council
                                                                                                                                                                        proposed new Euston
   23    Stoford Properties Limited                                 38             2
                                                                                             49    North Cumbria University Hospital NHS Trust     19          1        Super Station.               POWERED BY
   24    Euro Garages Limited                                       37             2
                                                                                             50    Another Place Lakes Limited                     18          1
   25    Clowes Developments                                        35             2

Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
                                                                                                                                                                                                      �   �          PAG E 4

 50 Clients: Last 12 months                                                                                                                                                                                              TO P

 Rank     Clients
                                                              Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Clients
                                                                                                                                      Value of
                                                                                                                                                 Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                                Total value of projects
   1     RWE NPower Plc                                         1944               6         26    Prologis UK Limited                  253         5                                                            Home
         Moray Offshore Renewables
         Highways England
                                                                                                   Chelsea Barracks Partnership
                                                                                                   National Grid Plc
                                                                                                   Earls Gate Energy Centre Limited
                                                                                                                                                             £19,942m                                            Welcome

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Top 50 Summary
   5     Herefordshire Council                                  1000               2         30    London Luton Airport Limited         200         6
   6     Department For Education                                952              114        31    Lidl UK GMBH                         199         54                                                          League tables
   7     Houses of Parliament                                    650               1         32    Reuben Brothers Limited              185         1
   8     Cheshire East Council                                   615               5         33    University of Edinburgh              179         11        Total number of projects                           Top 50 Clients

   9     Network Rail Infrastructure Limited                     481               80        34    Liverpool City Council               178         20                                                            March
   10    Ministry of Defence                                     426               19        35    Cambridgeshire County Council        178         21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Last 12 months
   11    Sellar Developments                                    400                1         36    St Modwen Developments Plc           175         28
         University Hospitals of Leicester NHS                                               37    Corby Land & Development Limited     172         3
   12                                                           400                3
                                                                                             38    Able UK Limited                      165         1                                                            Top 50 Architects
   13    University of Cambridge                                 399               19
                                                                                             39    NHS Grampian                         164         2
   14    Manchester City Council                                360                13                                                                                                                             March
                                                                                             40    IM Properties PLC                    154         5
   15    Northacre Plc                                          350                1                                                                         April 2018 to March 2019 highlights
                                                                                             41    Bruntwood Estates Limited            152         6                                                             Last 12 months
   16    Scottish & Southern Energy                             350                1
                                                                                             42    Gazeley Properties Limited           151         7        ½ RWE Npower Plc whose Triton Knoll
   17    Argent Group                                           345                6                                                                           Offshore Wind Farm at a cost of £1.8 billion
                                                                                             43    London & Quadrant Housing Trust      151         3
                                                                                                                                                               provided most of the total value of contracts.
   18    Quintain Estates & Development Plc                     345                6
                                                                                             44    Gloucestershire County Council       150         39                                                           Top 50 Contractors
         Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospital
                                                                                                                                                             ½ Another renewable company in the shape
   19                                                           335                1         45    Whitbread PLC                        148         50         of Moray Offshore Renewables took                  March
         NHS Trust
                                                                                             46    London Borough of Brent              148         15         second place thanks to their 950MW
   20    Derwent London                                          323               3
                                                                                             47    London Borough of Croydon            143         4          Moray Firth Offshore Wind Farm, totalling          Last 12 months
   21    Manchester Airport Group Plc                            316               6                                                                           £1.79 billion.
                                                                                             48    Norfolk County Council               143         11
   22    University College London                               314               3                                                                         ½ The most active client over the period was
                                                                                             49    London Borough of Tower Hamlets      141         7
   23    Transport for London                                   307                4                                                                           the Department of Education whose 114            POWERED BY
                                                                                             50    Legal and General Group PLC          136         14         awards totalled £951 million.
   24    MEC London Property 2 LP                               300                1
   25    Leeds City Council                                      259               23                                                                        ½ Network Rail awarded 80 projects at a cost
                                                                                                                                                               of £480 million

Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 �   �          PAG E 5

 50 Architects: March                                                                                                                                                                                 TO P

 Rank     Clients
                                                              Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Clients
                                                                                                                                         Value of
                                                                                                                                                    Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                     projects      Total value of projects

   1     AHR Building Consultancy Limited                       1654               2         26    Campbell Driver Partnership Limited     37          2
   2     Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners Limited                   1650               1         27    Pollard Thomas & Edwards Architects     35          3
   3     Farrells                                               1650               1         28    Gensler Associates                      34          1
   4     Squire and Partners                                    350                1         29    AEW Architects                          32          5                                      Top 50 Summary
   5     Harris Partnership                                      132               4         30    IDP Group                               31          2
   6     CF Moller Denmark A/S                                   118               2         31    Design Buro                             30          1                                     League tables
   7     ACME                                                   100                1         32    Michael Sparks Associates               27          2
   8     Buckley Gray Yeoman Architects Limited                 100                1         33    BDP                                     27          1          Total number of projects    Top 50 Clients

   9     Broadway Malyan                                         95                2         34    Alan Camp Architects                    24          1                                       March
   10    AJA Architects LLP                                      91                3         35    FAL Architects                          24          1
                                                                                                                                                                                               Last 12 months
   11    Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands                           90                1         36    Stride Treglown Limited                 23          2
   12    ICA Architects & Designers                              81                2         37    Persimmon Homes Limited                 22          1
   13    Bennetts Associates                                     77                1         38    TP Bennett Llp                          21          3                                      Top 50 Architects
   14    Chapman Taylor & Partners                               73                1         39    Page & Park Architects                  21          2
   15    HOK International Limited                               67                2         40    Michael Laird Architects                21          2
   16    Cartwright Pickard Architects                           52                2         41    DLA Design Group                        21          2                                       Last 12 months
   17    Stephen George & Partners                               51                6         42    GD Lodge & Partners                     21          1
   18    UMC Architects                                          48                4         43    Iain Gaul Architects                    21          1        AHR, Nicholas
                                                                                                                                                                                              Top 50 Contractors
         PRP Architects
         HFP Architects
                                                                                                   Noviun Architects
                                                                                                   Associated Architects
                                                                                                                                                                Grimshaw and Farrells
   21    Morris and Company Limited                              40                1         46    Penoyre & Prasad Architects             20          1        occupy the top three
                                                                                                                                                                                               Last 12 months
   22    Perkins & Will                                          40                1         47    Studio Spicer Architects                20          1
                                                                                                                                                                spots in March thanks
   23    Urban Innovations                                       40                1         48    Mountford Pigott Partnership            20          1
   24    Isherwood McCann Architects                             40                3         49    Kyle Smart Associates                   20          1        to their involvement in
                                                                                                                                                                                             POWERED BY
   25    Glancy Nicholls Architects                              40                3         50    Whittam Cox Architects                  19          2        the HS2 Euston Super
Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
                                                                                                                                                                                              �   �          PAG E 6

 50 Architects: Last 12 months                                                                                                                                                                                      TO P

 Rank     Architects
                                                              Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Architects
                                                                                                                                      Value of
                                                                                                                                                 Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                                Total value of projects
   1     AHR Building Consultancy Limited                       1949               42        26    Corstorphine & Wright                286         16                                                      Home
         Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners Limited
                                                                                                   PRP Architects
                                                                                                   Bond Bryan Partnership
                                                                                                   Eric Parry Architects
                                                                                                                                                             £21,019m                                       Welcome

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Top 50 Summary
   5     Sheppard Robson                                         729               21        30    IBI Group                            264         17
   6     Jestico Whiles & Associates                             716               18        31    Powell Dobson Architects             263         15                                                     League tables
   7     Squire and Partners                                    637                11        32    MAKE Architects                      250         7
   8     Allford Hall Monaghan Morris                            592               11        33    Stride Treglown Limited              246         27        Total number of projects                      Top 50 Clients

   9     Wilkinson Eyre Architects                              546                7         34    PHP Architects                       241         11                                                       March
   10    UMC Architects                                          516               27        35    Stephen George & Partners            241         22
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Last 12 months
         Adamson Associates (International)                                                  36    PDP London                           238         5
   11                                                            510               3
                                                                                             37    Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects     234         11
   12    Ryder Architecture                                     436                18
                                                                                             38    Stanton Williams                     228         2                                                       Top 50 Architects
   13    Michael Sparks Associates                               421               20
                                                                                             39    Patel Taylor Architects              220         2
   14    Purcell                                                 412               16                                                                                                                        March
                                                                                             40    Bennetts Associates Architects       220         5
   15    Renzo Piano Building Workshop S.r.l                    400                1                                                                         April 2018 to March 2019 highlights
                                                                                             41    HTA Design LLP                       204         9                                                        Last 12 months
   16    HKS Architects Limited                                  396               6
                                                                                             42    All Clear Designs Limited            201         2        ½ The major influence of HS2 in the last
   17    Harris Partnership                                     360                51                                                                          12 months led to the same 3 architects
                                                                                             43    KSS Group Limited                    199         7
                                                                                                                                                               occupying top spots in the table for the
   18    Hawkins Brown Architects                               356                11
                                                                                             44    Broadway Malyan                      196         13         period. AHR remained active on other
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Top 50 Contractors
   19    Scottish & Southern Energy                             350                1                                                                           projects with their total of 42 projects
                                                                                             45    Glancy Nicholls Architects           193         17                                                       March
   20    NBBJ                                                   344                2                                                                           awards totalling just under £2 billion.
                                                                                             46    Leach Rhodes & Walker LLP            190         12
   21    Falconer Chester Hall Architects                        318               12
                                                                                             47    Pascall & Watson Architects          190         4        ½ BDP were best of the rest for value of        Last 12 months
   22    Norr                                                   306                24                                                                          works, seeing their involvement in awards
                                                                                             48    HOK International Limited            187         4
   23    Allies & Morrison Urban Practitioners                   297               11
                                                                                                                                                               totalling £851 million.
                                                                                             49    Chetwood Associates                  184         10
   24    AJA Architects LLP                                      294               21                                                                        ½ Sheppard Robson were active with their      POWERED BY
                                                                                             50    Penoyre & Prasad Architects          184         6          21 projects totalling £729 million.
   25    Faulkner Browns                                         292               18

Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
                                                                                                                                                                                                            �   �          PAG E 7

 50 Contractors: March                                                                                                                                                                                TO P

 Rank     Clients
                                                              Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Clients
                                                                                                                                         Value of
                                                                                                                                                    Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                     projects      Total value of projects

   1     Mace/Dragados Joint Venture                            1650               1         27    Engie Regeneration Limited              34          14
   2     Multiplex Construction Europe Limited                  350                1         28    Simons Construction Limited             32          4
   3     Vinci Construction                                     230                7         29    Mid-Group                               30          1
   4     Buckingham Group Contracting Limited                   229                5         30    Eric Wright Group                       28          2                                      Top 50 Summary
   5     ISG                                                     181               8         31    BAM Construction                        28          2
   6     McLaren Construction Limited                            127               2         32    Mace Limited                            27          3                                     League tables
   7     Sir Robert McAlpine Limited                             119               4               Galliford Try Partnerships and
                                                                                             33                                            25          2                                      Top 50 Clients
   8     Morgan Sindall Plc                                      95                13
                                                                                                   Regeneration East Midland                                      Total number of projects
                                                                                             34    GMI Construction Group Plc              25          2

   9     JRL Environmental Limited                               90                1                                                                                                           March
                                                                                             35    John Graham Construction Limited        24          3
   10    Balfour Beatty Group Limited                            90                2
                                                                                             36    GF Tomlinson Group Limited              24          3                                       Last 12 months
   11    Willmott Dixon Construction Limited                     89                9
                                                                                             37    Cala Group                              24          2
   12    Midland Metro Alliance                                  83                1
                                                                                             38    EG Carter & Company Limited             23          2
   13    BCEGI Construction (UK) Limited                         80                1                                                                                                          Top 50 Architects
                                                                                             39    Persimmon Homes Limited                 22          1
   14    Lendlease Construction (EMEA) Limited                   73                1
                                                                                             40    Metnor Construction Limited             21          1                                       March
   15    Winvic Construction Limited                             71                4
                                                                                             41    Extentia Group                          20          1
   16    Kier Construction Limited-Building UK                   69                9                                                                                                           Last 12 months
                                                                                             42    Barratt & Canniford Limited             20          1
   17    DMC Mining Services Limited                             50                1
   18    Galliford Try Construction                              47                6
                                                                                             43    atelierBUILD Limited                    18          1        A Joint Venture of Mace
                                                                                             44    Erith Contractors Limited               18          1                                      Top 50 Contractors
         HG Construction
         Wates Construction Limited
                                                                                             45    Stepnell Limited                        17          2
                                                                                                                                                                and Dragados head the
   21    Skanska UK                                              42                2
                                                                                             46    VolkerFitzpatrick Limited               17          2        top contractors table for
                                                                                             47    MCS Group Limited                       16          2                                       Last 12 months
         McAleer & Rushe Limited
         Terrestrial Developments
                                                                                             48    Countryside Properties (UK) Limited     16          1
                                                                                                                                                                March awards thanks to
   24    Amey LG Limited                                         40                5
                                                                                             49    Noel Regan & Sons Limited               15          1        their contract for Euston    POWERED BY
   25    Robertson Group Limited                                 39                5
                                                                                             50    TSL Projects                            15          1
                                                                                                                                                                Super Station.
   26    A & H Construction & Development                        36                2

Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
                                                                                                                                                                                              �   �          PAG E 8

 50 Contractors: Last 12 months                                                                                                                                                                                              TO P

 Rank     Contractors
                                                              Value of
                                                                                Number of
                                                                                            Rank   Contractors
                                                                                                                                            Value of
                                                                                                                                                       Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MARCH 2019
                                                                                                                                                                      Total value of projects
   1     Kier Construction Limited-Building UK                  2020              155        27    Countryside Properties (UK) Limited        318         10                                                         Home
         Wates Construction Limited
         Mace/Dragados Joint Venture
         Mace Limited

                                                                                                   Henry Construction Projects Limited
                                                                                                   Hill Partnerships Limited
                                                                                                   McLaughlin & Harvey Construction


                                                                                                                                                                   £27,172m                                          Welcome

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Top 50 Summary
   5     Vinci Construction                                     1170               31
                                                                                             31    Readie Construction Limited                248         16                                                        League tables
   6     Galliford Try Construction                             1133               77
                                                                                             32    BAM Nuttall/ Morgan Sindall JV (BMJV)      244         1
   7     Balfour Beatty Group Limited                           1109               45
   8     Morgan Sindall Plc                                     1024              127
                                                                                             33    Interserve Plc                             222         33        Total number of projects                         Top 50 Clients

                                                                                             34    A & H Construction & Development           221         20
   9     John Graham Construction Limited                       943                67                                                                                                                                 March
                                                                                             35    Ardmore Construction Limited               214         5
   10    Winvic Construction Limited                             891               33
                                                                                             36    JVR Kier & VolkerFitzpatrick               200         1                                                           Last 12 months
   11    BAM Construction                                       844                45
                                                                                             37    Knight Build Limited                       198         3
   12    McLaren Construction Limited                            774               18
                                                                                                   Morgan Sindall VolkerFitzpatrick Joint
   13    Willmott Dixon Construction Limited                     765               85        38
                                                                                                                                              196         1                                                          Top 50 Architects
   14    Bowmer & Kirkland Limited                               756               54
                                                                                             39    Costain Group Plc                          191         3                                                           March
   15    Multiplex Construction Europe Limited                   753               12
                                                                                             40    McLaughlin & Harvey                        180         10       April 2018 to March 2019 highlights
   16    Bouygues Group                                          733               16                                                                                                                                 Last 12 months
                                                                                             41    Watkin Jones & Sons                        169         4
   17    ISG                                                    684                59                                                                              ½ Kier are sitting at the top of the table for
                                                                                             42    RG Carter Limited                          166         33         the rolling 12 month period of April 2018
   18    Sir Robert McAlpine Limited                            683                31
                                                                                             43    BCEGI Construction (UK) Limited            162         2          – March 2019 with awards totalling in
   19    Buckingham Group Contracting Limited                   663                36                                                                                excess of £2 billion.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Top 50 Contractors
                                                                                             44    BAM Nuttall                                161         17
   20    VolkerFitzpatrick Limited                               623               32                                                                              ½ Wates Construction had a busy period             March
                                                                                             45    Alun Griffiths Contractors Limited         154         30
   21    Engie Regeneration Limited                             444                66                                                                                with their 48 awards totalling £1.6 billion.
                                                                                             46    FM Conway Limited                          153         19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Last 12 months
   22    Robertson Group Limited                                 393               41                                                                              ½ Morgan Sindall were awarded 127
                                                                                             47    JRL Environmental Limited                  150         2
   23    McAleer & Rushe Limited                                 391               9                                                                                 projects totalling just over £1 billion.
                                                                                             48    Cruden Group Limited                       148         30
   24    Lendlease Limited                                       373               3
                                                                                             49    Benniman Limited                           144         15                                                        POWERED BY
   25    Laing O'Rourke                                          355               6
                                                                                             50    J Murphy & Sons Limited                    137         12
   26    Galliford Try/ Costain JV                               349               1

Totals taken from March 2019 •   *Information taken from Barbour ABI database
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