TOGETHER World Mission MonthMonth - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
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TOGETHER In the Diocese of O C T 2 0 2 0 FREE wagga.catholi World Mission Month inside FRATELLI TUTTI 3 PLENARY COUNCIL 5 IN OUR SCHOOLS 16 MASS TIMES 20 Learn more about World Mission Month on page 7...
2 BISHOP'S VOICE TOGETHER Plenary Council IN THE DIOCESE OF WAGGA WAGGA is published monthly, eleven times per year, and is available free at parish churches, schools, presbyteries and religious houses throughout the Wagga Wagga Diocese. Bishop Mark Edwards OMI - Bishop of Wagga Wagga Diocese Publisher What you or I want for the Church document seems to catch up the hopes and the rest of my time here. The Diocese of Wagga Wagga may well be exactly what God wants concerns that I have seen expressed. Many Six people from our diocese will be McAlroy House 205 Tarcutta Street for the Church, however, while there of the issues seem to be common across delegates at the Plenary Council: Edmund Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 is no doubt that God speaks to us multiple people and perspectives, though (Ed) Brown, Wendy Catrell, the Rector of in our hearts and through our lives, different groups often have proposed quite the seminary, the Vicar General, the Vicar Editor/Designer Karene Eggleton none of us can presume that what we different solutions. And it tries to express for Education (if we have one) and the want is God's will.For this reason, the this as a part of the communion of faith bishop. There will be a commissioning of Printer whole Church in Australia is involved gathered around Christ which we are. If the these delegates early next year. The Riverina Media Group Peter Street Wagga Wagga 2650 in a process of discernment to determine next version is even better, I look forward whether our voice and/or that of others is to seeing it. I invite you to explore the plenary Submissions revealing what God wants. We are grateful to Fr Bernie Thomas and council website at: TOGETHER would not be possible without the voluntary The reflection, submission and eventual Charlene Robson for the way that they labour and cooperation of many publication of the responses of over provided opportunities for engagement contributors from within the 200,000 Catholics to the question 'What do with the Council, particularly in the diocese and beyond. Submissions you think God is asking of us in Australia Listening and Dialogue phase. I invite for publication are welcome but not always guaranteed to be printed. at this time?' was only the first stage of you to look for opportunities to continue a process of discernment. Theological this engagement as we approach the Advertisers reflections on six themes that came out assemblies. TOGETHER acknowledges of and was based on the initial responses The Plenary Council, as it points the way with gratitude the generous support of advertisers. Please was a further development of this. A small forward for the Church in Australia, will show your support to our team is now at work creating a working help to identify issues that our diocese advertisers where possible. Please document or Instrumentum Laboris which should address and propose guidelines for note that products and/or services advertised in this publication are integrates and sets in a context of solid how this might be done. I expect that from not necessarily endorsed by this ecclesiology and a theology of discernment it will come the agenda for our diocese for publication nor by the bishop of material from the six discernment papers this diocese. and from the Light on the Southern Cross Copy deadline (the Church's review of best practice 15th of the month prior to governance). publication As a person who has been involved in this process from the start, I can attest that Contact Us All news stories, advertising the Church is certainly not a gathering of enquiries, correspondence and like-minded individuals. However, we are subscriptions to: a communion of faith. By monitoring our Together own responses when we listen to others, PO Box 473 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 we begin to understand who we are and what lies deepest in our hearts. Testing the Email spirit in these responses requires honesty, openness, and a willingness to recognise Facebook that I might not be right. As a part of this process, it is important to stay connected togetherwagga with various sincere, faith-filled groups where our ways of seeing things might be Phone 0437 738 726 challenged. Member of the I recently received and reviewed an early Australasian Catholic Press Assoc. draft of the working document for the Annual Subscriptions Plenary Council. Though it was still in need $33 Australia of work, I thought it was impressive. This Bishop Mark recently visited the Mt Erin Heritage Centre in Wagga Wagga. $44 Overseas Prayer Intention for October - Pray with Pope Francis The Laity’s Mission in the Church A busy, Sunday morning at our North London parish. A request between Masses. “Please give me of those charged with leadership and responsibility. At other times, we suspect we’re not worthy of it; that We pray that by the virtue of baptism, the laity, permission, Father, to do this certain thing (exactly only the holy are qualified. especially women, may participate more in areas of what must remain private) if the church allows it.” The full, active participation and leadership of Another parishioner, known as a forthright character, the laity, sacramentally mandated in baptism, is responsibility in the Church. chided the questioner: “What do you mean, if the not a devolved power! At times there can be an Visit this link to hear the Pope deliver his monthly prayer: church allows it! The church is all of us.” But far from erroneous “power-culture” in the church, presenting being ill-tempered, it was a lovely moment. Each felt as clericalism or hierarchicalism, which is at odds a different warmth for their church. with what we’re meant to be, all of us, in response to Pope’s Worldwide We are invited to lift our eyes, our imaginations and our hearts, to something much greater; not as the One who came not to be served but to serve. So, together, let us pray! Prayer Network a distant prospect but as a present reality of which we’re already part. At times it’s too great for us to take David Stewart, SJ Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (United Kingdom) APOSVLESHIP OF PRAYER in. Some of us refuse it because of the inconsistency TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 3 Friendship and solidarity key themes in Pope Francis’ letter A world that looks beyond a global pandemic with no roadmap can find one in Pope Francis’ new encyclical, which Archbishop Mark Coleridge says “is not just for believers but for the entire human family”. Published on 4 October, the Pope’s deeply into feverish consumerism and third encyclical is entitled Fratelli Tutti new forms of egotistic self-preservation,” (Brothers and Sisters All) – words taken Pope Francis writes. from St Francis of Assisi, who the Pope “God willing, after all this, we will think says has inspired what he writes. no longer in terms of ‘them’ and ‘those’, “It is a vision of the dignity of every but only ‘us’.” Archbishop Coleridge human being from which flows the call said the current divisions and conflicts all to build a new culture of fraternity and around are a road to nowhere. dialogue,” said Archbishop Coleridge, “The Holy Father speaks of ideologies president of the Australian Catholic that seek to divide rather than unite, policies Bishops Conference. that value certain people over others and “In his previous encyclical Laudato Si’ economic systems that prioritise profit (Praise Be to You), Pope Francis spoke over people and the planet,” he explained. of care for our common home. Here he Archbishop Coleridge noted that many speaks of care for each other, the family of those whom Pope Francis describes as that dwells together in the common home.” often undervalued or treated inequitably Pope Francis writes early in the – women, older people, unborn children, encyclical: “It is my desire that, in this people who are trafficked, Indigenous our time, by acknowledging the dignity peoples, people with disability, migrants of each human person, we can contribute and refugees – are similarly those left on to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to the margin or cast aside in Australia. fraternity. “In this country we may be tempted “Let us dream, then, as a single human to think that the Pope is talking about family, as fellow travellers sharing the elsewhere, but he’s not. True, he’s talking same flesh, as children of the same earth about the whole world – but he’s also which is our common home, each of us talking about us,” the archbishop said. bringing the richness of his or her beliefs “Pope Francis offers a grand yet simple and convictions, each of us with his or her vision of human interconnectedness. own voice, brothers and sisters all.” We’re all connected to each other in ways The Pope started work on the encyclical we scarcely imagine. Our task now is to before COVID-19 struck. But he says work out what this means in practice as that the need for local, national and we look beyond the pandemic. international solidarity has become even “In what he offers in this letter, the Pope more important now. The pandemic has can help with that. It’s impassioned yet created in many people a sense of the tender, visionary yet practical, radical yet interdependence of communities and reasonable.” the fragility of human beings left to themselves. Read Fratelli Tutti and access L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, featured a front page headline about Pope Francis' new encyclical, "Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship". Free copies were “Once this health crisis passes, our worst other material at: distributed by volunteers at the end of the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican response would be to plunge even more Oct. 4, 2020. (CNS photo/ IPA/Sipa USA, Reuters) OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
4 NEWS Catholic Church supports SRE in public school education The provision of Special Religious Education (SRE) has been integral to NSW public education since the Public Instruction Act 1880. by Anna O’Dwyer CCRESS Liaison Officer It was, and remains, an important never before, there have been recent, but not new, and culture that guides ethical and moral choices. It acknowledgement and reminder that education calls from the NSW Primary Principals Association, forms an awareness of and respect for all cultures, as is centred on the child as a whole person, with the NSW Secondary Principals Council, and the NSW they see their buddies go off to their SRE or SEE class, family, culture, ethnicity, life experience, faith Teachers Federation to remove SRE from Public and promotes harmony in the community. Classroom affiliation and spirituality together defining the School timetables, to simplify a crowded curriculum teachers who have developed a relationship with their character and identity of the child. and give the time back to teaching. However, SRE time students know that unless they are “seeing” the whole Recognising and providing for all these aspects of was never “taken away” from teachers. It has always child, they are not teaching the whole child, nor is the the child promotes mental health and respects human been an integral part of NSW Public Education. child learning to capacity. dignity. Further, Article 29 of the Convention on the It is appropriate and right that the NSW Department The Catholic Church supports parent/carer choice Rights of the Child states that our children have a right of Education seek to streamline curriculum content of SRE in class time for the thousands of Catholic to an education which respects their cultural identity and ensure that students are getting the best education families that send their children to public schools and affiliation, and includes the development of a that can be provided. Indeed, the Catholic Church, in NSW and call to both sides of politics to support sense of responsibility towards others, and respect for along with many other interested parties, is keen the legislated right of parent/carers to continue to cultural diversity. The Australian Curriculum General to hear about all the content which Principals and choose SRE as part of their children’s public school Capabilities state that students will communicate Teachers might decide is overcrowding our children’s education. across cultures, consider and develop multiple days at school. perspectives and empathise with others. Certainly, However, no attention should be taken from the children must know, understand and respect their own learner at the midst of the education process. All ? cultural identity before they can compare it to others. parents have the right to choose that their child’s At a time when children, for their essential well- education includes a knowledge and understanding of being, need connection to their faith and culture like their faith. It is, after all, this connection to their faith Best Covid read? The myth going around is that Covid-19 has given Have you ever thought about teaching SRE? everybody more time for reading and recreation. Over 100 volunteer SRE Teachers generously donate their time each week to teach SRE in Reviewed by Fr Reece Beltrame public schools in our diocese. But classes are growing Unfortunately, as many of us know, that simply isn’t true, which was why I was so happy to discover & we need more help. that Father Servais Pinckaers' latest and last book If you are able to help an hour or two a week please “Passions & Virtue” (he passed away two months contact Trevor Dal Broi 0407 537 994 after completing it) is well under 150 pages. or Training is provided. Despite the relatively compact size of the book, it took far longer to get through than expected due to the profound depth and clarity into his investigation of the integration of the emotions in Christian life. I found myself at each chapter, sometimes page by page, stopping to ponder on the human and divine truths therein. Father Pinckaers has successfully conveyed the joy which is inherent in Christian life, while at the same time not shying away from the trials and crosses which are an inescapable part of life. The reader of this book will be led to think deeply on many of the common human emotions and experiences. Why does everybody on earth like the idea of love and yet the demands that love make of us are enormous – is love tyrannical? Which is the greater spiritual joy or sensible joy? Are the virtues joy filled or burdening? Is piety about obedience to law or following the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Is humour virtuous and what role can it play in Christian life? Is there a void in modern psychology in regards to virtue? Some works of moral or spiritual philosophy are strictly for nerdy types but Father Pinckaers has written so beautifully that he has made it accessible to many, although a little nerdiness will greatly assist in “Passions & Virtue” can be purchased at the taking up of this fantastic read! TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 5 Dates locked in for Plenary Council assemblies The two assemblies for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia will be held in Adelaide from October 3-10, 2021, and in Sydney from July 4-9, 2022. The new dates mean that the events in April 2022, including the celebration of the Plenary Council New South Wales school holidays, has effectively moved 12 months Easter in the Latin Rite and Easter in from the original plan of a first the Eastern Rite, meant that the plan assembly in October 2020 and to hold the second assembly then was a second assembly in June/July unworkable,” he said. 2021. “The one-year change to our initial Plenary Council president Archbishop timeline affords each of us the Timothy Costelloe SDB said the opportunity for a more extended place in a societal context that’s been Archbishop Costelloe said prayer, confirmation of the specific dates will period of individual and collective altered by the pandemic,” she said. dialogue and discernment have been help in the formulation of a revised discernment leading into the first “The recently-published discernment foundational pillars of the Plenary program of preparation for Council assembly than we would otherwise papers were finalised in the midst of Council journey and will continue to delegates, who were announced in have had.” the pandemic. They are a key step be so. March, and for the whole Catholic Plenary Council facilitator Lana in the process of discernment and “I encourage everyone to read community. Turvey-Collins said that this time will preparation for all of us. The time the discernment papers and to Archbishop Costelloe said the be utilised for all people to re-engage and space between now and the first take some time in prayer, asking bishops’ preference to hold the second with the journey of discernment toward assembly, now in October 2021, the Holy Spirit to continue to guide assembly in April 2022, announced the Council assemblies after the impact enables deeper reflection, dialogue our path toward the assemblies last month, had to be revisited. of the COVID-19 pandemic. and consideration of how we’ve all and beyond,” he said. “The confluence of a number of “A renewed engagement will take been affected by recent global events.” Fr Mahedy celebrates Open every Tuesday and Wednesday 10am to 2pm and also by appointment Open the first Saturday of every month 10am to 2pm his 80 th birthday When Bishop Mark visited the Culcairn Parish recently he gifted Fr Mahedy, a fellow Hawks tragic, with a Parking: Please use Mt Erin Boarding School entrance or Kildare Ave entrance. mask which he proudly wore to celebrate his 80th birthday in Albury. We wish you all the best for your 80th year Fr Mahedy and hope you enjoyed your spectacular tiramisu birthday cake with your family. Would you like to receive your copy of Together via email? Simply email us at: and we will add you to the mailing list. Fr Mahedy (front) with his sisters Catherine and Pauline and his brother John celebrating his 80th birthday. OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
6 NEWS Ryneharts gets a makeover Long time Together supporter, Jackie Gash, has chosen the pandemic to change her store's name and location. Ryneharts had been established for over 60 years Jackie is always dressed immaculately and loves providing boutique style ladies fashion with a nothing more than helping women transform their look. personalised service. She hopes that during these trying times people Jackie wanted to include a broader demographic and can be encouraged to shop locally and get a friendly opted for a name change, a location change and a funky personalised service not available in online shopping. new look. Jackie's new store is called Dressed by Jackie Dressed by Jackie stocks a lot of Australian made and is located at 202 Baylis St Wagga Wagga next door to Target, just across the road from the old premises. The new store has been met with many positive responses from customers who love the current spring and summer collection. Jackie Gash in her new business, Dressed by Jackie clothing for casual, cocktail and formal wear, race day outfits, unique handmade jewellery, handbags and much more. For friendly personalised service visit Dressed by Jackie 202 Baylis St, Wagga Wagga - 0435 838 654 TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
C AT H O L I C M I S S I O N 7 World Mission Month October 1 marks the beginning of World Mission Month, a time when Catholics all over the world join together to support and celebrate global missionary work. It also marks the feast day of St Therese of Lisieux, the patron of the missions. “October is an opportunity for us to from 1975 to 1979, and the nearly twenty give particular attention to the work years of civil war that followed, is still of mission,” says Catholic Mission felt today. Buried, unexploded landmines National Director Fr Brian Lucas. still cause accidents across the country This year World Mission Month in today. Distressingly, although many October focuses on the essential work organisations are working to clear these of priests, religious and lay missionaries landmines, on average, 100 accidents in Cambodia, supporting people with and casualties still occur each year – and disability and their families. there is little support provided for these “Through our prayerful support and people. Your donation will help Bishop solidarity, and through our generosity we Kike and the Arrupe Centre continue to are able to make available resources to make a difference in Cambodia today. those mission churches,” says Fr Brian. The Arrupe Centre provides children “To help spread the gospel, and also to and youth, like Chen, with shelter, food be of service to people who are often very and healthcare, education and career vulnerable.” opportunities to help empower them and Dara’s story build their future. The Centre works in Dara was only 11 years old when he lost conjunction with the Outreach program, Dara (left) with Chen at the Arrupe Centre. his hand and most of his eyesight when another Church-run mission project in he picked up an unexploded ordnance Battambang, which provides practical he found on his family farm. Concerned support - such as food, microloans, about being able to provide the special scholarships for the siblings, and repair care and education now needed, Dara’s of homes - to the families of the Arrupe parents were grateful when the Arrupe residents. Without this critical support, Centre, established by Bishop Enrique many families would struggle to provide ‘Kike’ Figaredo Alvargonzalez, offered adequate care and support for their loved their son a home and the support he needs. ones. Your support will help them reach Now, two years on, Dara has been able out to the most vulnerable in communities to learn Braille, enjoys going to school like Chen’s around the world. and playing with his friends at the home. To donate visit: There are many more children like Dara who rely on the life-changing support provided by Bishop Kike and the Arrupe Centre. Your gift today can help the Centre reach out to children and young Bishop Enrique 'Kike' with children at the Arrupe Centre. adults with disability and help empower them to create a bright future. Chen’s story At just 16 years old, Chen’s life changed in a moment when he stood on a landmine that took both of his legs. With his family already struggling to make ends meet, they were unsure if they would be able to provide the necessary care for Chen. Thankfully, Bishop Kike, offered a lifeline, which has opened up many doors for Chen. The Arrupe Centre, established by Bishop Kike in north-western Cambodia in 2001, has been a home for many people, especially children, with disability – helping to empower them and offer opportunities they might otherwise not have. However, there are many more children like Chen that rely on the support and care that the Arrupe Centre provides. By donating today, you can help restore dignity and empower people living with a disability, like Chen. The impact of the Khmer Rouge regime OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
8 NEWS Idyllic Samoa holds hidden struggles When you imagine what it might be like in the Pacific Island of Samoa, no doubt there are images of a crystal blue ocean and palm trees dotting a pristine beach. by Lauren Hichaaba and Tina Newton In fact, this is true as Samoa is the country for offering a high-quality bursting with an abundance of technical education that is supported by natural beauty. Samoa Qualifications Authority (SQA) As in most Pacific countries, the courses. people with their welcoming spirit It has been an important year for DBTC The Don Bosco Co-educational College and Vocational Centre, Salelologa and contagious smiles are even more as for the first time in its history welcomed beautiful than the surrounding landscape. the enrolment of female students. The engine at 4:00am to circumnavigate The longer the Covid-19 crisis persists The deeply traditional society prides newly enrolled female students have the entire island to pick up students. the greater long-lasting effects on the itself on its hospitality and welcoming been excelling in traditional trade Like DBTC, it has earned an excellent whole community, especially young nature. The concept of ‘Alofa’, Love, classes offered by the school. This year reputation for a sound academic people which make up a large proportion pervades every aspect of their life. has also seen the introduction of a new education and students happily, albeit of the 200,000 population. With many Within this seemingly idyllic reality hospitality course, offering all students wearily, will travel up to two hours each students finding it difficult to pay schools there are, however, serious struggles in the opportunity to study and learn skills way to attend. Both schools are run in the fees, the schools in turn struggle to find Samoa and this is particularly true for including sewing and cooking which style of St. John Bosco, they are known the funds to pay teachers etc. We are so young people. There are very limited will provide them with job opportunities and respected for the holistic education, thankful to the ongoing benefactors who employment opportunities and many within the tourism industry. The encompassing – mind, body and soul. enable the good work of both the schools young people leave their beloved addition of these courses has ensured Included in providing a holistic to continue. homeland in order to support their that the school provides a well-rounded education is honouring, celebrating ‘Fautasi’ the sentiment ‘to build as families in neighbouring New Zealand education to their graduates. and cultivating pride in the student’s one’ is very much applicable to the and Australia. On the remote island of Savai’i, Don rich Samoan heritage and culture. One entire educative work of the Salesians Over the past forty years, the Salesians Bosco College and Vocational Technical example of this is evidenced in the of Don Bosco throughout Samoa. Over of Don Bosco have been working Centre (DBCVTC) was opened in 2011. participation of the DBTC students the past forty years of Salesian presence alongside the local community to This school is very important for the joining in the ‘Fautasi’ (long boat) race in Samoa, it has been through a unified improve the lives and futures of young future livelihoods of young people, as each year. The school is known as the vision of local and missionary Salesians people throughout Samoa. The Salesians Savai’i is essentially still comprised of team to beat in this traditional race. to work for the empowerment of young work on both major islands of Samoa, subsistence farmers. There is a growing Their captain, Ms. Zita Martel, has people. Through their hard work, Upolu and Savai’i, with their work tourism business on the island however instilled in students over many years the persistence and determination they have primarily focused on schools and many of the employees are hired importance of ‘Fautasi’, to build as one. been able to establish these schools that parishes. from abroad due the lack of qualified This meaning reflects the teamwork, genuinely offer young people and their Don Bosco Technical Centre (DBTC), personnel in Samoa. DBCVTC is giving hard work and dedication that is required families a chance at a better life. the first Salesian school in Samoa, was young people an opportunity to gain by each and every team member in order opened in 1989 on the ‘main’ island of qualifications in Cert.1 Hospitality so to be successful. For further information, Upolu, located on the outskirts of the they can find employment within the Although Samoa has remained free of please contact Tina at the capital of Apia. The mission of the school tourism industry and are not forced to Coronavirus infections, they have not was to offer a ‘second chance’ education leave their families and home. been left untouched by the devastation Salesian Missions office on to those that have not been successful Don Bosco College is the only Catholic it has caused. The pandemic has had a (03) 9377 6060 or visit in mainstream schooling. Today it has High School on the entire island. Each detrimental impact on the already fragile www.salesianmissions a wonderful reputation throughout morning the school bus fires up its noisy Samoan economy, boarder closures have crippled the tourism industry of which many families rely on for their livelihood. “It all begins with seed” • Insist on Hart Bros quality assured seed • Growing, cleaning, sales and distribution of all broadacre seed varieties • Cleaning, treating and sizing farmer’s retained canola seed • Phone: 02 6924 7206 • Fax: 02 6924 7271 Coffin Rock Lane, Temora Rd Junee 2663 “Remember: Hart Bros Seeds Spring Field Day is 2nd Wednesday in October” The Don Bosco Technical Centre in Alafua which caters for young men aged 16-22. TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED 9 Archbishop from Beirut: We want to know the truth about the explosion Lebanon has been experiencing a series of dramatic shocks recently, political, economic and most recently physical. Who cares at the very fabric of Christian society? Does the international community appreciate the true value of Lebanon for the Middle East? The pontifical foundation ACN visited Lebanon mountains and stay around the port for work, it last week and interviewed Archbishop Paul was a way to earn their living. And gradually they Abdel Sater, Maronite Archbishop of Beirut. created their own streets, their own regions, areas. Mgr. Paul Abdel Sater, Maronite Archbishop of Beirut. So most of the area around the port is inhabited by Photographer: CRTN/David Jones. Copyright: Aid to the Your Excellency, on 4 August 2020 there was an Christians. And it seems also that the way the blast Church in Need. enormous blast that occurred at the port. Where went off, it was directed toward this area. What is the Church doing practically today were you at the time of the explosion? How would you describe the emotional climate to help the families and to try and begin lives I was in my office. I didn't hear the sound of it. I at the moment? again? felt this push of air, hot air coming in through the The days following the blast, people were thanking The parish priests have been working night and day windows which were broken. I saw all the glass God, because they were still alive; but they were for eight weeks. They have been visiting people and around me. My desk was covered with glass. The also sad because they had lost loved ones and checking if someone needs help. We are trying to floors in my office were also covered with glass. The their homes. They feel, all of them, that a miracle repair their damaged homes. We are also trying to door had been blown away. So I knew there had been happened. It's true, we lost more than two hundred provide food for them if it's needed. We undertake an explosion. I didn't know what really happened, and thousands of injured people. Why? Because if visits to encourage people who have been hit by the but I realized that it was an explosion. The whole you see the destruction, the amount of destruction, explosion and who wish to stay in their homes. chancery was very badly damaged. No windows, there should be more than 200 people killed. And Saint John Paul II said: Lebanon is a message. no doors, nothing. Everything was coming down. everyone has a story how he or she was saved, how If Lebanon is not able to resolve its challenges, An older priest had injuries to his face. And another they left the place where they should have been, as if what are the potential implications for the employee, who was down on the first floor, was pushed by someone and they were saved from being whole region and therefore how important is blown a distance of four meters from where he stood. killed or injured. Lebanon for this whole region? The big door of the chancery fell on him, broke his Afterwards people started asking the question, the It is true, and the proof is that on the second day after ribs and his skull. But thank God he's alive. And we obvious question, 'why did this happen?' And you the explosion, we had people coming from all areas lost one other employee in another building. He was could feel a sense of anger, not hatred, but anger, of Lebanon, Christians, Muslims, young people, they killed by the blast. why is it happening again? When is it going to stop? all worked together to clean the damaged area to help Your Excellency, the greatest damage occurred Now, people are thankful because they have been people get their things out of their destroyed homes. to the Christian quarter. Why was the Christian helped by other people to get back to their homes. So, it is true, Lebanon is a message. You cannot find quarter so particularly damaged by this bomb But they keep asking the same question: why? such solidarity between people, but in Lebanon, blast? Who did it? We want to know the truth, especially yes. Now, if Lebanon loses that it will mean that Because the closest area is inhabited by Christians those who lost their loved ones, who were killed or fanaticism will increase in the area. And when you around the port. They used to come from the disappeared. have fanaticism, there is destruction because people will not see the human person in front of them. They will see someone who is against them, their enemy, but not the human person. What's good in Lebanon until now is that we are still able to see a person in front of us, not his ideology, not his ideas, not his convictions, but a person who needs to be loved, to be cared for. With whom can we live if this is lost? Until now, people who wish to live in freedom were always able to come to Lebanon and experience this freedom. Sadly, I believe the international community does not appreciate the true value of Lebanon. It's rare to find it in the Middle East and Lebanon is this country and it needs to be preserved by the international community. "The people in Lebanon are people who need love, they need to be cared for." To donate to ACN's emergency appeal for Lebanon visit: Muslim and Christian youth working together. Photographer: Maria Lozano. Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need. OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
10 NEWS Crazy Hair Day at Henschke Primary helped to raise funds for Catholic Mission Henschke held a fun, fund-raising day for Missions to replace their traditional Mission stalls. Each student contributed a gold coin to be part of "Crazy Hair Day". It was too hard to choose the best as they were all so terrific with their creative parents and children going 'crazy'! Henschke raised $720 to support Catholic Mission. Well done! Even Father Paddy, Father Anto and Michael Perry joined in on Crazy Hair Day while celebrating Mass with the Year 5 students. ALAN HARRIS MCDONALD 76 Copland Street, Wagga Wagga 6921 4913 RM2508646 ALL YOUR FUNERAL NEEDS ARE NOW IN ONE LOCATION Crematorium Chapel Refreshments Room TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 11 COVID-19 Diocesan ST PAULS PUBLICATIONS Protocols Effective Friday 24 July 2020 AUSTRALIA A NEW HABIT 1. Covid-Safe Business b. Sacred Host to be offered only, All Parishes must comply with not the Precious Blood. the NSW Government requirement c. No touching at the sign of peace. to complete a Covid-Safe Plan and d. No offertory procession. register as a Covid-Safe Business. e. No congregational singing. 2. Maximum Attendance f. No collection plates are to be OF MIND Places of worship are limited to 100 used, but money/envelopes placed people, subject to the one person per at collection points. four square metre rule (excluding 6. Communion to Sick and Elderly clergy and liturgical ministers). Persons Normal pastoral practice continues Towards an 3. Hygiene practices Understanding of a. Sanitisation of hands before including Communion to sick Doctrine, Science entering the church, hall, prayer persons in hospitals, aged care and Scripture room, etc. homes and private homes. Denis Nickle b. Wiping down of pews and 7. Anointing of the Sick with Kaye Bryan, Carmel Wallis, common areas at conclusion of Normal Pastoral Practice continues. John Goonan and Stephen Kemmis Mass or gathering. a. Anointing of the sick in hospitals, c. Priest and Extraordinary Ministers aged care homes and private Many Catholics, particularly parents, of Holy Communion to purify homes if permitted to enter. teachers and others involved in faith hands with sanitiser before and b. If the person has COVID-19, after offering Holy Communion. please consult the Bishop’s formation, can be disconcerted by d. Limit the use of communal books. Office. advances in knowledge and scientific Ensure they are cleansed between 8. First Penance & First Holy developments which appear to con ISBN 978 1 925494 55 6 ︱ 32 pages use. Communion flict with their own recollection or $5.95 4. Register of people upon Normal Pastoral Practice continues, understanding of Catholic doctrine. Published by entering the church, hall, prayer respecting liturgical and pastoral St Pauls Publications Australia room, etc. protocols. Addressing key areas where this a. Name, phone number and/or 9. Confirmation apparent conflict is most prevalent, email to be recorded The sacrament of Confirmation b. To be kept in a safe place in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga A New Habit of Mind demonstrates Published (respecting privacy laws) for at is to be delayed until term 4. If all that advances in general knowledge, in collaboration with least 28 days. is clear at that time, Parish Priests far from diminishing the Church’s c. Funeral directors to keep will have delegated authority for timeless truth, shed greater light on attendance register for funerals. Confirmations for this year. them. What is important is that we 5. Eucharist Most Rev Mark Edwards OMI cultivate, in the words of Pope Paul VI, a. Holy Communion in the hand only. Bishop of Wagga Wagga ‘a new habit of mind’ to recognise this. ORDER ONLINE AT l Cars l Trucks Address: 35 Meredith Street, Strathfield NSW 2135 Tel: 02 9394 3400 Email Sales: l Buses l Utes 6921 9977 TRIBUNAL OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH - Diocese of Wagga Wagga - 6-10 Edward St, Wagga Wagga Outreaching to all those who have experienced a marriage breakdown and would like the Church to look into the validity of their marriage. Enquiries to the Tribunal Office at McAlroy House PO Box 473 Wagga Wagga 2650 Phone: 6937 0017 Email: plus LIQUOR LOCKHART • EAST ALBURY JINDERA SPRINGDALE HEIGHTS OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
12 C E N TA C A R E Phone 1300 619 379 At Centacare, we are passionate about supporting all people in our community. We are a part of the Wagga, Albury, Griffith, Finley, Junee (and surrounding) communities, and we believe that the wellbeing for all individuals is... SUPPORT FOR YOUR LET US SUPPORT YOU SUPPORT FOR MENTAL HEALTH? WITH YOUR NDIS PLAN? WORK STRESS We offer individual, couples or Your Centacare NDIS We can talk with your workplace family counselling sessions to coordinator will work with you to: to help you develop an help support you to achieve a Employment Assistance Program » Find quality supports better sense of wellbeing. This is (EAP), which offers short term » Link you with the right available for all people at any counselling sessions for staff to providers age of their life. talk through difficulties that they » Assist with coordination of a might be facing. range of supports tailored for Our Mental Health Nurse, can your needs also assist with community based Your workplace doesn’t offer » Build your capacity to self nursing support for people EAP? That is okay, call us to book manage and reach set who are experiencing severe an appointment with one of our personal goals or complex mental health » Provide you with support and counsellors. (*Service limited to Griffith, Leeton and encouragement with social Narrandera) and community access SUPPORT WITH YOUR SCHOOL WELLBEING SUPPORT PROGRAMS FOR RELATIONSHIP, OR A PROGRAM PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS SEPARATION? AND CARERS? For our children to think right, We offer individual, couples or they must first feel right. Our We offer a wide range of family counselling sessions to help School Wellbeing Practitioners parenting education groups support you to strengthen and work with students, families that focus on building skills and improve your relationships. and school staff within Catholic knowledge so you can tackle We also offer family group Diocese to help children feel those tricky parenting moments conferencing which helps provide right and maximise their learning. and enjoy a positive relationship best outcomes for children Referral through school required. with your children. based on their current needs. Have you separated? We offer HAVE YOU RECENTLY In whichever way you support mediation services for parents SETTLED IN AUSTRALIA? your family - by being a parent, who have separated and want grandparent, carer or support to work out a plan on how to co- Our settlement, Engagement person, one of our great groups parent. We can also support you and Transition Support team could help you improve your with navigating the Family Law (SETS), can help you to feel relationships. systems through councelling and better connected and advocacy. supported in your community. TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 13 Residents urged to take part in Vinnies Community Sleep Out Where there's a will, there's a way. That is the thinking behind this year's St Vincent de Paul Society's annual community sleep out event. by Talia Pattison As with most things this year, on October 23 for the event. events have either had to "I think it's something easy we can be cancelled or done a little all be doing from our homes to support differently. Vinnies," he said. The latter is the theory Vinnies has "You can make it into a bit of fun for gone with, coming up with a new way the whole family as well. to host its community sleep out event "It's a good chance to support the in Leeton. work Vinnies does. Rather than getting together in "I think if the pandemic has shown groups for the fundraiser for the us anything, it's that we can still find organisation, Leeton shire residents ways to do good for the community." are now encouraged to "rough it" at The idea behind these community home. sleep outs is to give participants a Whether that be sleeping on the small taste of what it is like to sleep couch for the night, rolling out the rough. swag in the backyard or even sleeping Currently more than 116,000 people in your car while it's tucked away in in Australia go to bed each night the garage, the ideas are endless. without a safe and secure place to live. The idea behind the community sleep NSW accounts for over a third of the out is to raise money for Vinnies work national total with well over 37,000 in local communities offering food, people experiencing homelessness. clothing, temporary accommodation and support with bills to people You can register to take experiencing hardship. part and donate at Leeton volunteer with Vinnies Brian Brian Troy from the St Vincent de Paul Society in Leeton prepares for the community sleepout. Troy is preparing to roll his swag out communitysleepout Photo: Talia Pattison VOLUNTEER TODAY We are urgently in need of volunteers to work in our Vinnies shops across the Riverina. If you have some spare time in your week we would love to hear from you. Please phone 13 18 12 to find out more. OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
14 NEWS Catholic aged care services left disappointed by budget The Morrison Government has missed a crucial opportunity to tackle the underlying financial pressures facing the residential aged care sector in today’s budget, says Catholic Health Australia. Catholic Health Australia (CHA) says currently operating at a loss, and almost the sector needs an urgent injection 70 per cent are operating at a loss in of funding to tackle the triple regional Australia. whammy of declining revenues, “Unless more money is made available rising costs and public expectations now there is a very real concern that that standards need to rise. many care homes will be facing closure." CHA, the largest non-government Staff costs account for almost 70 per grouping of aged care services in cent of budgets, but the amount the Australia, also says the announcement of sector has received from the government $1.6 billion for 23,000 extra home care has not kept up with the real increases packages is welcome but will still leave in wages and costs. Between 1999-2000 80,000 people on the waiting list. and 2018-19, subsidy levels increased Pat Garcia, CEO of CHA said: “The by 70.3 per cent in nominal terms, aged care sector has been underfunded whereas provider input costs increased for years, staff are underpaid and many by 116 per cent. homes are operating at a loss. It is calling on the Government to revise “We shouldn’t be in this position and the current approach to the indexation of older Australians deserve far better from wages and base it instead on the ABS our political leaders. It’s disappointing Wage Price Index. that once again the aged care sector It is also calling on the Government has largely been forgotten in today’s to announce a strategy for releasing budget.” and funding the additional home care Catholic Health Australia says the packages required to tackle the home Government’s investment of $91.6 care package queue and the growing million to transition to a new funding demand for home-based aged care and model for residential aged care is support services. welcome, but will do nothing to address Mr Garcia said: “An extra 23,000 the immediate financial pressures facing packages will make a huge difference many aged care facilities and says an to many older Australians, and their interim solution is needed urgently. families and carers. But we need funding Mr Garcia said: “We know that to start flowing to reach everyone on the more than half of aged care homes are waiting list.” 4/41-43 Moorong St Lillypilly Wines Wagga Wagga Ph: 6921 6366 Family Owned Boutique Winery Fax: 6921 6493 Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm We sell Cattle at the Wagga Livestock Marketing visit us and have a taste Centre every Monday and Sheep and Lambs every Thursday and also offer a range of services: 47 Lillypilly Rd, Leeton NSW 2705 Tel: 02 6953 4069 • Paddock sales, over the hook sales and direct to feedlot sales • On farm Stud Sales • Auctions Plus Sales • Clearing Sales • Rural property sales ROB GEDDES MW Australian Wine Vintages 2015 Lillypilly Noble Blend For any of your livestock or property needs contact one of our friendly agents: Tim Francis 0428 263 852 Alex Croker 0428 326 810 JAMES HALLIDAY -5 STARS Matt Hawker 0418 861 320 Australian Wine Companion 2015 Sam Sutton 0448 080 607 David Kosa 0432 064 188 Helen De Costa 0448 353 764 Email: Lillypilly 2011 Noble Blend TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 15 First Reconciliation celebrations Fr Henry Ibe recently conducted two First Reconciliation ceremonies in Urana and Oaklands. Above: Fr Henry Ibe with Casey Butler & Ben Coghill from St Xavier's School in Urana. Right: Fr Henry Ibe with Ryan Sheridan, Skye Moloney & Harrison Nixon at St Columba's Church in Oaklands. Great Cycling Challenge update Fr Casanova has been cycling many kilometres towards his fund raising goal of $5000 to help raise much-needed money for fighting kids cancer. Fr Casanova is participating in the Great Cycling Challenge during the month of October. His goal is to ride 1000 kilometres and to raise $5000. To date he has ridden a wopping 548.5 kilometres and raised $3474.56. Keep up the amazing work Fr Casanova! To donate visit: Shop 10 Neslo Arcade, 117 Baylis Street Wagga Wagga Ph 6921 7813 au/Riders/FrThomasCasanova OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
16 SCHOOLS IN OUR DIOCESE St Francis De Sales Regional College, Leeton Congratulations to Year 12 and their dedicated Year Leader, Mr James Sullivan. St Francis De Sales were able to celebrate a final Mass together with just Year 12 students and their pastoral staff. Many thanks to the College Chaplain Fr Tony Oboshi. St Patrick's Primary School, St Anne's Primary, North Albury Holbrook Year 5 have been busy learning all about the gold rush in preparation for their incursion. They The school was abuzz with the were asked to create a diorama which shows their excited chatter as the students knowledge of what life was like in the gold fields. returned to St Patrick’s... they They used inspiration from videos, readings and certainly embraced their new play photos to create individually designed dioramas. spaces and the Spring sunshine! Kildare Catholic College, Wagga Wagga St Joseph’s Primary, Year 10 students participated in the Catholic Mission Socktober Knee Up Challenge! Narrandera Year 5 participated in a STEM day where they built Rube Goldberg machines to perform an everyday task. They needed to transfer kinetic energy through cause and effect relationships. They had to work together as a team, showing resilience and patience to constantly change their machine to successfully complete the task. TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
SCHOOLS IN OUR DIOCESE 17 St Peter's Primary, Coleambally St Patrick's Primary, Griffith Stage 2 & 3 were very excited to hear back from our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, after recently sending him some letters. The students enjoyed the new Ultimate Frisbee activity during their sports lessons. Marian Catholic College, Griffith Henschke Primary, Wagga Wagga Announcing the Marian Catholic College Leaders for 2021. College Captains: Brooke Aloisi and Imreet Singh Vice Captains: Amanda Harrison and Connor Sully Congratulations to these students and best wishes for 2021. Congratulations to Ella, Marley and Harry who received their Certificates of Reconciliation from Father Paddy as they prepare for Confirmation this month. OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
K i Dser 18 corn Craft... Saints joke ideas with your name, age and school to: & Send your coloured picture, word search or and Together Editor PO Box 473 Objects Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 We’d love to hear from you! Matching OCTOBER SAINTS & FEAST DAYS Game This is a fun All Saints’ Day game for all ages to enjoy! W or d S e a r c h It is also so easy to assemble. & Find all of the words or phrases in the puzzle that are in BOLD in the We used: How to make: word bank below: St. Therese of the Child Jesus • black foam board • We attached the pictures with narrow strips Guardian Angels • string for hanging the of cardstock folded in half, gluing one half St. Francis of Assisi objects to the picture and the other to the board, St. Bruno creating a “hinge.” Be sure to glue your Our Lady of the Rosary • ”s” hooks cardstock to the very top of the back of your St. John XXIII • colour pictures of the pictures so that the pictures can be flipped St. Callistus I saints-we specifically chose up to reveal the image on the back of each St. Teresa of Avila images of the saints that saint picture. This image on the back will St. Ignatius of Loyola did not show their objects, match the object for that saint. St. Luke to make the game a little • Below each picture, we poked small holes St. Paul of the Cross more challenging and slipped an s-hook in each hole for St. John Paul II • objects associated with hanging objects. St. John of Capristrano each of the saints St. Anthony Claret • Use a little string or ribbon and hot glue to St. Simon • pictures of these objects create loops on your objects for hanging. St. Jude TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
NEWS 19 Creative Celebrate The Mass Kids Reßection, Renewal, Prayer of the holy sacriÞce “The Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Church’s life” (Catholic Catechism) ÒDon't be afraid to return to the CommunityÓ Pope Francis Check out these wonderful coloured in Wednesday 21 October pictures by some very talented children. - The origin of the Mass - Why come to celebrate? (we come to share our story) Wednesday 28 October - Introductory Rite -Liturgy of the word (we come to know our rising from the dead) Wednesday 4 November - Liturgy of the Eucharist (we come to break the bread) - Offertory (we offer ourselves) Wednesday 11 November Celeste Shaw - Age 6 - Holy communion (Christ’s gift to us) Saint Mary McKillop Alana Scholz - Year 4 - We are sent forth into the community to be a life giver (we are called to heal the broken) College, Albury St Patrick's, Holbrook Time: 7.30pm - 9 pm Venue: Church Hall (next to Church) Griffith Facilitators: Sr Theresa Foley RSM (Spiritual Director) Ph: 0429 661 401 Mrs Kay Scobie (Charismatic Renewal) Resources: - DVD’s from Broken Bay Institute - “The Mass” by Fr Tony Doherty All welcome and please bring your Bible Please write your name on sheet in foyer For information & bookings 0429 661 401 Jess Hulme - Year 4 Connor Tyndall - Year 3 The Community needs You and You need the Community St Patrick's, Holbrook St Patrick's, Holbrook Together is on Facebook VISIT US AT: Advanced & Together is on Twitter VISIT US AT: Ken & Ken Mary& Mary Pty Pty Morley Ltd, Trading as Ltd, Trading as AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICS 596 Hume St, Albury 1866701w Auto Measuring Systems For all your Auto Electrical Repairs • Exchange Service • Breakdown Service l Exchange Baked Enamel Service • Repairs • Air Conditioning l Breakdown Service & Servicing l Air Congratulations Conditioning l Repairs & Servicing Courtesy Car Available on your 100th anniversary We are recommended repairer for: 24 hour towing • Prescriptions • Health & Medication checks • Sleep Apnoea Services • Flu Vaccination Service Jamie Morley 69 215 251 RM2802640 • Webster-pack Medication Management • Diabetes Australia Agent (NDSS) 6925 4242 • Be Good to Yourself Weight Management • Fine Fragrances PAT ZIRILLI AMCAL CHEMIST 398 - 400 Banna Ave, Griffith 0431 290 725 Unit 5, 73 Dobney Ave, Wagga Wagga Ph: (02) 6962 3596 Fax: (02) 6962 4931 11 19 Houtman Forge St, Wagga Street, WaggaWagga Wagga Mobile: 0428 254 211 Lic No: MVRL47719 OC TOBER 2020 - TOGETHER
20 MASS TIMES Mass times across our Diocese Thursday - 10.15am Saturday - 9.00am Weekday Masses Monday - Friday - 7.00am, 5.30pm Thursday - 9:30am (Assumption Villa) Friday - 9:15am and 5:30pm Marrar Confessions Sacrament of Penance Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm Friday - 4.30pm to 5.30pm Friday - 4:45-5:15pm Confessions Saturday - 11.30am to 12.30pm Saturday - 5:30-5:50pm 1st Saturday - 5.30pm Marian Catholic College Chapel Eucharistic Adoration Allawah Village 185 Wakaden Street Griffith St Joseph’s Church Leeton First Thursday of each month. Sunday - 9.00am Friday - 4:30pm Mass at 9.15am Wagga Wagga - Cathedral Holbrook Lockhart Albury St Michael’s Cathedral Corowa Our Lady of Sorrows St Mary’s Church St Patrick’s 125 Albury Street, Holbrook 55 Ferrier St, Lockhart Church Street, Wagga Wagga 515 Smollett St, Albury St Mary’s Star of the Sea 1st & 3rd Sunday - Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Weekend Masses Monday - Friday 7:00am, 12:45pm Weekend Mass Times Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm 2nd Sunday - 8.00 am 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturday (Vigil) - 6:00pm Weekend Masses Saturday - 9:30am Sunday - 9:00am 4th & 5th Sunday - 10.00am 2nd & 4th Sunday - 8:00am Saturday - 12:15pm Vigil (Saturday) - 5:00pm Weekday Masses Weekday Masses Weekday Masses Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm Sunday - 8.00am, 10.00am, and 5:30pm Refer to Parish Bulletin available in the Phone parish for details Tuesday - 9:00am & Friday - 10:00am Sunday - 8:00am, 10:00am and 5:30pm Latin Mass - Sunday 12 noon Church or on the parish website Confessions Confessions Up to 5 mins before Mass. Confessions Weekday Mass Times Confessions/ Reconciliation Before Mass on weekends Urangeline St Terence’s Church Monday - Thursday 12:30pm - 12:40pm Monday to Friday - 7:00am Saturday - 11:00am-12:00, 5:30-6:00pm St Francis De Sales Church of the Currently no Masses. Friday 12:00-12:40pm & 6:30pm-6:45pm Tuesday & Thursday - 9:30am St Pius X, Coreen, Pioneers Saturday 11:00am-12:00noon & 4:30pm-5:30pm Latin Mass Mondays - 7pm in the Adoration Chapel 1st, 3rd Sunday - 10:45am Mass Hume Highway, Bowna 2nd Sunday - 11:30am Mulwala Rosary times Monday to Thursday 12:25pm and First Friday - 5:30pm Rosary before Mass Culcairn St Brigid’s Saturday 11:55am (before Mass) Carmelite Monastery Saturday - 9.10am and 4.30pm St Patrick’s Culcairn Howlong Havelock Street, Mulwala Weekend Masses Sunday - 7.40am and 9.40am 10 Morshead Street, Wagga Wagga 1st, 4th Sunday - 8:00am 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday - 8:00am Monday - Friday - 7:30am 2nd, 3rd Sunday - 10:00am St Brigid’s 2nd, 4th Sunday - 6:00pm Saturday Vigil Saturday - 8:00am Sunday - 9:30am 5th Sunday - Vigil Mass 6:30pm (Saturday) Hovell St, Howlong Weekday Masses St Mary’s Chapel Albury - North Albury Henty Church of the Good Shepherd Refer to parish notices Vianney College, 17 Durack Circuit 2nd, 4th Saturday Vigil - 6:30pm Queen Street, Walbundrie St Joseph’s Sunday - 9:00am Sacred Heart Mate Street, North Albury 1st Sunday - 10:00am Weekend Mass Times Barooga Mt Erin Chapel Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm 3rd, 5th Sunday - 8:00am Howlong Weekend Masses Kildare Catholic College Sunday - 9.30 am Walla Walla Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 10:00am Edmondson Street, Wagga Wagga Weekday Masses 1st & 4th Sunday - 6:00pm (Sunday) Walbundrie 2nd, 4th Sunday - 8:30am Sunday - 10:00am (Extraordinary Form) Tuesday to Friday 9.30am or as printed in Weekday Masses Sunday - 9:00am Weekday Masses Refer to parish notices weekly newsletter Vary according to needs and are Masses Confessions Before weekend Masses Howlong Wagga Wagga First Tuesday of month – Mercy Place announced in the Sunday bulletin 1st & 3rd Tuesdays - Oolong Nursing - Kooringal 11.00am – Includes sacrament of anointing Confessisons Confessions Before each weekend Mass Home 10:00 am Narrandera Saturday - 5.15 - 5.45 pm Saturday 9.00 am - Howlong For other Masses during the week, see Narrandera Sacred Heart Lake Albert Road, Kooringal Darlington Point the parish website. St Mel’s Church, Audley Street Weekend Masses Albury - Lavington Oliver Plunkett Reconciliation Howlong Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm Sunday - 9:30am Saturday Vigil - 5:30pm Hay Road, Darlington Point Saturdays 9:30am (after 9:00am Mass) Weekday Masses Sunday - 9:00am and 5:30pm Holy Spirit 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 8.30am 5:30pm - 5:55pm Tuesday - 5:30pm Children’s Liturgy during 9:00am Mass Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm 2nd, 4th Sunday - 6:00pm (Saturday Vigil) Walbundrie Wednesday, Thursday - 7:30am Weekday Masses Sunday - 8.00am, 10.00am Weekday Masses Sundays 8:30am - 8:55am Friday - 5:30pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 7:00am St Mary’s Jindera - 9.00am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (subject to changes announced in the Tuesday and Thursday - 5:45pm Weekday Masses Saturday - 9:30am Monday - Friday - 7.00am Friday - 8.30am - Darlington Point St Peter’s Jerilderie Sunday bulletin) Confessions Confessions Saturday - 9.15am Cnr of Currawong Crescent and Friday - 4:30-5:20pm; Saturday - 10:00am - 10:30am Confessions St Joseph’s Kingfisher Avenue, Coleambally Saturday - 9.30-10:00am Saturday - 8.15am, 5.00pm Coreen Street, Jerilderie 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 10.30am and 5:00-5:45 pm Wagga Wagga St Mary’s Jindera - Sunday 8.30am 2nd, 4th Sunday - 8.00am 1st, 3rd, 5th Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm 2nd, 4th Sunday - 10:30am Grong Grong - South Wagga Weekday Masses Weekday Masses 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 8.00am Albury - Thurgoona Thursday - 8.00am Coleambally Holy Hour - Friday 5.00pm - 6.00pm at Are announced in the Sunday bulletin Galore St Kevin’s Church Our Lady of Fatima Bourke Street, Wagga Wagga Darlington Point 2nd & 4th Sunday - 8:00am Weekend Masses Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Masses Confessions Junee 15 minutes before 10.00 am Mass on Saturday Vigil - 5:00pm Sunday - 8:30am, 10:30am & 5:30pm Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm Sunday or by request St Joseph’s Tarcutta Sunday - 9.30am, 5.30pm (Syro-Malabar Rite) 21 Kitchener Street, Junee Weekday Masses St Patrick’s Uranquinty Monday - 8.00am Finley Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm Sunday - 9:30am St Francis Xavier Sydney Street, Tarcutta Sunday - 8:30am Tuesday - 10.00am Sunday - 8:30am Weekday Masses - Our Lady of St Mary’s Weekday Masses Wednesday - 8.00am Ladysmith Fatima 1 Denison Street Finley Monday - 9:00am Thursday - 7.00pm (Mass Novena and Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm Wednesday - 10:00am Sunday - 10.15am Tuesday - 7:00am Benediction) Confessions Thursday - 11:00am (Ethel Forrest Centre) Weekday Masses Wednesday - 9:00am Friday - 10.00am Before all Masses Friday - 5:45pm Are announced in the Sunday bulletin Thursday - 7:00am Confessions Anointing Mass Confessions Friday - 9:00am Prior to Masses Marian Foyer, Henschke Hall Saturday - 5.30pm-5.55pm Saturday - 10.30 - 11.00am Confessions The Rock 4th Tuesday of the month - 10:30am Saturday - 10:30-11:00am; Sunday - 9.00am-9:25am & 5.00pm-5.25pm 6:00-6:15pm or by appointment Weekday Masses - Calvary Hospital Monday-Friday - 8:00am (except public Thursday - 7.00pm following Novena Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Ganmain Illabo and Junee Reefs St Mary’s 102 Urana Street The Rock holidays) Alternate Sundays - 8:00am Weekend Masses Aged Care Facility Masses St. Brendan’s Ganmain Sunday - 8:00am (Extraordinary Form) Forrest Centre Berrigan Sunday Mass 9:00am Khancoban Sunday - 10:00am Every Thursday - 11:00am Weekday Masses Nan Roberts Nursing Home Weekday Masses Monday - 7:00am St Columba’s Monday to Friday: Church of St Joseph the Worker - The Haven 4 Corcoran Street, Berrigan Sunday - 9.00 am Tuesday - 6:00pm 3rd Tuesday of the month - 10:30am December-February 7:30am (Tues., Wednesday - 7:00am (Extraordinary Form) 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 6:00pm Saturday Thurs.) & 5:30pm (Mon., Wed., Fri.) Weekday Masses RSL Rememberance Village Vigil 9.00 am Thursday - 7:00am 2nd Tuesday of the month - 10:30am March-November 5:30pm Confessions 2nd, 4th Sunday - 10:30am Saturday: 8:00am (usually in the Confessions Confessions Savernake Prior to Sunday Mass Up to 5 minutes before Mass. Saturday - 10:30-11:30am convent except 1st Sat. in the church). 1st Sunday - 5:00pm Confessions Weekday Masses are announced in the 8.00-8.55am Sunday and 30 minutes Leeton Tocumwal Wagga Wagga Sunday bulletin before all Masses. - West Wagga Confessions before Saturday Vigil Masses St. Patrick’s Matong 6:00pm Saturday St Joseph’s Leeton Wade Avenue, Leeton St Peter’s Charlotte Street, Tocumwal Confessions 30 min before Mass Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm Saturday Vigil - 5.30pm Holy Trinity Church Bardia Street Ashmont Coolamon Sunday - 10:00am (First Sunday of the Sunday - 8.30am Monday - Saturday - 7:00am St Michael’s Griffith month is Italian) St Patrick’s Yanco Weekday Masses Thursday - 9.30am Friday - 10:15am Sunday - 7.30am and 9.00am Sunday - 8:00am Confessions Sunday - 9:00am, 10:30am and 5:30pm Sacred Heart Confessions Tuesday - 9:00am Half an hour before weekend Masses Our Lady of the Blessed Eucharist Warrambool Street, Griffith Church Saturday - 4.45 - 5.15pm Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm Weekday Masses in Leeton Benedict Avenue San Isidore Masses Saturday - 8.00am Monday - 9:00am Monday, Wednesday & Thursday - 6:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday - 7.30am, 9.00am, (Italian), Tuesday (Yanco) - 9:00am Saturday Vigil - 6:00pm Friday - 7.30am 10.30am, 6.00pm Wednesday - 9:00am continued on page 21... TOGETHER - OC TOBER 2020
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