Hope for the future - North Somerset Council

Page created by Antonio Ramsey
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council

Hope for
the future
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
Wash hands

                    Cover face

                   Make space

Still the most important ways to protect yourself
        and your loved ones from Covid-19
            Even if you’re vaccinated or tested

                        Thank you
 for helping stop the spread of Covid-19 in North Somerset
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
Dear reader...
As we head into spring, we may look                We are very aware of the pressures                  increase in council tax, along with
back over a very challenging year                  on local businesses. We are providing               a 3 per cent social care premium,
for everyone. How our communities                  advice and distributing cash support                which the government has forced us
have coped with restrictions on our                as quickly as we can – more than                    to charge given that they have not
freedoms, the work to look after                   £55m by early February (see page                    funded those pressures (see page 16).
our most vulnerable has been truly                 14). We have a dedicated business                   To avoid more cuts to essential services
amazing. We are so grateful to so                  hotline 01934 888 114 and email                     and address our green agenda, we
many people, volunteers, partners                  businessgrants@n-somerset.gov.uk.                   won’t be providing a free collection of
and our council staff and contractors.             Once the lockdown eases it’s clear that             garden waste which now becomes an
                                                   many businesses will need ongoing                   optional, chargeable service, as it is in
Our social care teams have adapted
                                                   help, and we are working to move                    every other council in the South West.
to new ways of working, roads have
                                                   projects forwards and doing our best to
been maintained and gritted, library                                                                   Thank you all. Please keep safe.
                                                   maximise the use of local frms.
services are there for us, and waste                                                                   Cllr Don Davies
and recycling continues to be collected.           Sadly, too many people have also
                                                   had to cope with the loss of loved                  The Executive
We are pressing ahead with waste
                                                   ones and to care for those taken ill as
and recycling through the council’s                                                                    Cllr Don Davies (Independent)
                                                   result of Covid-19. The pandemic has
own company, NSEC, which takes                                                                         Leader of North Somerset Council
                                                   taken its toll on the mental wellbeing
over responsibility on Saturday 27                                                                     Cllr Mike Bell (Liberal Democrat)
                                                   of us all but we are working up a
March (see page 4).                                                                                    Deputy Leader
                                                   plan for a return to normality, with a
                                                   key part being how we continue to                   Cllr Mark Canniford (Liberal Democrat)
We have been doing work we have
never done at this scale before                    support the wonderful networks of                   Cllr Ashley Cartman (Liberal Democrat)
– Covid testing, test and trace,                   volunteers in our communities that                  Cllr Catherine Gibbons (Labour)
supporting 190 adult social care and               have grown during the crisis.                       Cllr Bridget Petty (Green)
care homes with £10m of additional                                                                     Cllr Mike Solomon (Independent)
                                                   Doing all this has fnancial implications
support, sourcing items such as
                                                   and, unlike central government, we                  Cllr James Tonkin (Independent)
1.2m items of PPE and training and
                                                   must set a balanced budget. So we
                                                   will be asking for a 1.99 per cent

                                                                4   News update
                                                                                                              20   Cutting carbon emissions
                                                               10   Vaccinating
                                                                                                              24   A wander in
                                                                    North Somerset
                                                                                                                   Weston Woods
                                                               12   Helping communities
                                                                                                              28   New vision for
                                                                    return to normal
                                                                                                                   Weston’s shopping centre
                                                               14   The road to
                                                                                                              30   Protecting a
                                                                    economic recovery
                                                                                                                   wetland habitat
                                                               16   Creating a strong
                                                                                                              34   Tackling domestic abuse
                                                                    fnancial footing
                                                                                                              47   Contact details
                                                               18   Changes to garden waste

North Somerset Council does not endorse or recommend any commercial products or services advertising in Life magazine.

This publication is available in large print, Braille or audio formats on request. Help is
also available for people who require council information in languages other than English.

                                                                www.n-somerset.gov.uk      l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil             3
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council

    Recycling and waste services return to
    council ownership this month
    Recycling and waste services          From Saturday 27 March,                 NSEC will prioritise and improve
                                          recycling, garden waste and black       resident experience of the recycling
    in North Somerset will soon
                                          bin collections, plus the three         and waste service. Biffa staff will
    be delivered by a new council-        recycling centres in Weston-super-      transfer over to the new company
    owned company called                  Mare, Backwell and Portishead,          and there will be no immediate
    North Somerset Environment            will all be operated by the newly       changes to any collection days or
    Company (NSEC).                       established company.                    routes.

    Last year, councillors agreed to      The new arrangements deliver the        An annual charge for garden
    end the current recycling and         best possible value for money for       waste collections, which the council
    waste contract with Biffa by mutual   North Somerset council tax payers,      originally planned to introduce in
    agreement and instead establish the   support the council’s ambition to be    spring 2020 but delayed due to
    wholly council-owned company to       carbon neutral by 2030, and provide     Covid, will be introduced from 1
    run services.                         an opportunity for the council to       April.
                                          make improvements to the service.

 For more information about garden waste changes see page 18 or go to

Great Western Freeport could create almost 50,000 jobs
The West of England Combined              across the aerospace and nuclear         Economic modelling shows it could
Authority (WECA) is bidding to            sector, the region’s universities and    bring in an economic return of £3
host a Great Western Freeport that        colleges, innovation centres, local      billion each year to the regional
could create up to 50,000 jobs in         authorities and business networks.       economy.
the region and 90,000 nationally.         A Great Western Freeport would           It would bring regeneration
The Combined Authority has put            be based around Bristol Port, the        and jobs and boost the region’s
together the bid – which was              UK’s most centrally located deep         reputation as a global leader in
submitted to the Government in            water port, with additional tax and      high-value design and innovation,
February – working with public            customs sites at Avonmouth and           building on strengths in aerospace,
and private sector partners,              Severnside, Junction 21 Enterprise       nuclear and food manufacturing.
including large-scale businesses          Area and Gravity Smart Campus.

    For more information visit: www.westofengland-ca.gov.uk/freeport

4     North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
For the latest updates on North Somerset’s news visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/news

Plans to uncover hillfort move forward
Plans to uncover Worlebury                accessible for future generations          to help manage this. The licence,
Camp Iron Age hillfort in Weston-         to enjoy, while also managing the          which has now been approved by
super-Mare for the frst time in           surrounding woodland responsibly.          the commission, covers the hillfort
200 years have moved a step                                                          site which is about 10 per cent of
                                          In 2019 the council adopted a
forward.                                                                             the whole of Weston Woods.
                                          Conservation Management Plan to
The hillfort, which is a Scheduled        preserve the hillfort. The plan’s main     The council will now draw up
Monument, has been on Historic            objectives are to address the damage       more detailed plans that ensure
England’s Heritage at Risk Register       to the archaeological features and         the protection of the site whilst also
since 2016.                               to include new interpretation and          recognising the views of residents and
                                          signage to raise awareness and             people with an interest in the site.
The hillfort is a nationally important    understanding of the monument.
heritage asset and, as owners of                                                     Once the plans are completed the
a Scheduled Monument, North               The main damage to the hillfort is         council will apply to the National
Somerset Council has a duty               caused by vegetation and trees so          Lottery Heritage Fund for a grant to
to preserve it and make it fully          the council applied to the Forestry        help fund the project.
                                          Commission for a felling licence

 More information on the plans to safeguard the future of the hillfort are available on the council’s website
 at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/hillfort

Think NHS 111 first for the right care
If you have an urgent but non life-threatening       Clinicians, such as nurses, doctors,
medical need, make sure you use NHS 111              pharmacists and paramedics, play an
frst rather than going straight to A&E.              increasingly important role in NHS 111.
                                                     In many cases clinicians in the service can
NHS 111 will help you right away and if you          assess patients and provide the advice you
need urgent care, the NHS can book you in to         need over the phone without having to visit
be seen quickly and safely at an appropriate         a physical service
local service such as a minor injury unit or the
out-of-hours GP. If you need an emergency            You should still dial 999 if you have a
ambulance, one can be dispatched immediately.        life-threatening illness or injury.

                                                   www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil      5
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
 New electric vehicle
 charging point installed
 The frst in a series of new electric vehicle (EV) charging
 points is now ready for use in Kewstoke.
 The 22kW charger provides              To use the Revive network,
 two charging bays conveniently         users can sign up at
 located in Sand Road Car Park.         www.revivecharging.net
 This is good news for electric
                                        The network of new EV
 vehicle owners visiting the area
                                        charging points, along with
 as well as local residents and
                                        the Portishead Marina rapid
                                        charging hub, underlines
 A parking order will help              North Somerset Council’s
 ensure the smooth running              strong commitment to the
 of the charger, with owners            Climate Emergency and to            Are you fostering
 asked to only occupy the               creating more sustainable
 charging bays while their car          travel options for residents and    privately?
 is charging (unless charging           visitors.
                                        The £7.1m investment from
                                                                            Private foster carers are being
 The project, which plans               the Offce for Zero Emission         reminded they need to inform North
 to install 30 charging bays            Vehicles (OZEV) for the Go          Somerset Council about their living
 across North Somerset, will            Ultra Low West project will         arrangements.
 include both fast (7 and               deliver approximately 120           Private fostering is an informal arrangement
 22kW) and rapid chargers               EV charging bays across the         when a child under 16 (or 18 if disabled)
 (50kW) as part of the West             Revive network, including a         stays with someone who is not a close
 of England Local Authority             rapid charging hub in each of       relative for more than 28 continuous days.
 owned Revive network.                  the four council areas.
                                                                            A close relative is a step-parent,
 Revive is free to join and             For independent one to one          grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or
 will include use of North              advice about switching to           aunt, whether of full blood, half blood or
 Somerset’s fagship rapid               electric, book an appointment       marriage.
 charging hub due to open               with the Travelwest EV expert.
 in the Spring in Portishead            Visit travelwest.info/              Examples of private fostering might
 Marina.                                electric-vehicles                   include:
                                                                            M a teenager living with the family of

A lifeline during lockdown
                                                                              a boyfriend or girlfriend
                                                                            M children living with a friend’s family
Hot meals continue to be                The drivers, who wear PPE,            as a result of parental separation,
                                        can leave meals on doorsteps          divorce or arguments at home
delivered to vulnerable
residents across North                  if needed, to keep self-isolating   M children sent to this country for
Somerset and have been a                residents safe.                       education or health reasons by
                                                                              parents who live abroad.
lifeline during lockdowns.              Find out more by calling
                                        01275 882 155, emailing             Anyone who is privately fostering,
Meals on wheels drivers carry
                                        community.meals@                    or aware of a private fostering
out essential welfare checks on
                                        n-somerset.gov.uk or visiting       arrangement, can contact North
residents while delivering the
                                        www.n-somerset.gov.uk/              Somerset Council on 01275 888 808 or
                                        communitymeals                      cyps.careconnect@n-somerset.gov.uk

6   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
                                                                           The steps we’re taking                    to line
                                                                                                                       ur a
      The Russets                                                          to keep our residents safe                    av nd
      Care Home                                                                                                                 le

      A safe, secure and caring environment
                                                                            Temperature       Touch point
                                                                            testing for       cleaning and
      The Russets is open for admissions                                    residents,        robust infection
                                                                            colleagues        control
                                                                            and visitors      procedures

     “    The St Monica Trust has been providing high quality care for
     older people for 100 years and despite the challenge of Covid-19,
     our care homes are the same safe, secure and engaging places to
     live that they always have been.

     Our aim of providing the best experience of ageing has not changed.
     With our robust infection control procedures, financial stability
     and dedicated colleagues, you can be sure that we will be here         A good supply     Pre-bookable,        Activities
     for you or your loved-one no matter what the future brings.

     David Williams, Chief Executive of St Monica Trust
                                                                   ”        of PPE for all
                                                                                              socially distanced
                                                                                              visiting available
                                                                                                                   colleagues to keep
                                                                                                                   you engaged and
                                                                                                                   connected with

   Call 0117 919 4262 or go online for more information www.stmonicatrust.org.uk/russets
   The Russets, specialist dementia care home in Sandford, North Somerset.
   Short-term respite care also available. Registered Charity 202151.

Elections scheduled for May
At the time of Life going                      These elections will take place at            Key registration deadlines for the
                                               a time when Covid-19 continues                May elections are:
to print, elections were still
                                               to present risks to public health.
expected to take place                         Depending on the infection rate,
                                                                                             M last day for the council to
                                                                                               receive applications to register –
this spring.                                   measures taken to control the
                                                                                               Monday 19 April (midnight)
                                               spread of the virus may change as
On Thursday 6 May residents                                                                  M last day to receive applications
                                               we approach May.
in North Somerset will go to the                                                               to vote by post, postal proxy or
polls to have their say on who                 This means the council cannot                   request to amend or
will be the new Police and Crime               currently answer all the questions              cancel existing postal vote
Commissioner for the Avon and                  you may have about how the                      arrangements –
Somerset Police area.                          elections will be run. However,                 Tuesday 20 April (5pm)
                                               it is working closely with central
Two by-elections are also                                                                    M last day for applications to
                                               government, the Electoral
scheduled, for the North Somerset                                                              vote by proxy (other postal
                                               Commission, the wider electoral
Council ward of Portishead East,                                                               proxy, see above) –
                                               community and public health to
and the parish council of                                                                      Tuesday 27 April (5pm).
                                               help ensure you can stay safe
                                               when casting your vote in May.

 Find out more at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/voting

                                                        www.n-somerset.gov.uk    l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil               7
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
Help provide a snapshot
of modern society

Households across North                 Households will receive a letter in     those aged 16 and over on sexual
                                        early March with a unique access        orientation and gender identity.
Somerset will soon be asked
                                        code. Paper copies available on
to take part in a survey                request.
                                                                                Results will be available within
which gives a snapshot of                                                       12 months but personal records
                                        The census will include questions       will kept for 100 years for future
modern society.
                                        about your sex, age, work, health,      generations.
Census 2021, carried out by the         education, household size and
Offce for National Statistics (ONS),    ethnicity.
takes place on Sunday 21 March.
                                        For the frst time there will also
It’s a once-in-a-decade event to give   be a question about whether you
the most accurate estimate of all       have served in the armed forces,
people and households in England        as well as voluntary questions for
and Wales.

Results will help plan and fund local
services, such as schools, doctors’       What is the census?
surgeries, emergency services and
                                          The census is a once-in-a-
transport routes.
                                          decade survey that provides
Charities use the information to help     the most accurate estimate of         What if I don’t speak English?
get funding and businesses use it to      all people and households in          Translation booklets are
help decide where to set up.              England and Wales.                    available to download from the
The census has been carried out           It asks questions about you           website. If your language isn’t
every decade since 1801, with the         and your household to build a         there, call 0800 141 2021.
exception of 1941.                        picture of society.
                                                                                Can I get help?
This is the frst year it will be                                                Visit the help pages at
                                          Why should I take part?
run predominantly online. Lisa                                                  www.census.gov.uk or call
Wareham, census engagement                The census helps the                  0800 141 2021
manager for North Somerset, said:         government understand what
“It’s vital that residents complete       society needs now and will            What happens if I don’t
the census because it’s is our            likely need in the future. It helps   complete it?
chance to show how Covid has              with planning and funding
                                                                                You could face prosecution,
affected our lives and to help            services in your area.
                                                                                have a hefty fne (up to £1,000)
shape our future.”
                                                                                and a criminal record.

8   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
                                                                    Getthe conversation
                                                                         vocal, be heard

Give your views on the
natural environment
Would you like to give your views on the future
of North Somerset’s natural environment?
The area’s landscape – including         Read more about the draft
green spaces, wildlife and               Green Infrastructure Strategy
waterways – is important to us all.      and have your say by visiting

We depend on nature for food,
                                         www.n-somerset.gov.uk/                       Go online to
materials, clean air and water,
                                                                                      question councillors
climate regulation, food prevention,
pollination and recreation.                                                           Social media is providing
                                                                                      another opportunity for people
However, the environment can be                                                       to ask questions directly to North
quite fragile and needs careful                                                       Somerset’s councillors.
management to fourish.
                                                                                      Facebook Live chats take place
North Somerset Council has
                                                                                      every month with executive
therefore developed a draft Green
                                                                                      members of the council.
Infrastructure Strategy to outline
how the natural environment in                                                        You can ask a question in
the area will be protected and                                                        advance by sending the
enhanced over the coming decade.                                                      council a private message
Green infrastructure is about                                                         through its Facebook page
connecting places and habitats to                                                     at www.facebook.com/
make them the best they can be.                                                       NorthSomersetCouncil or on the
                                         The consultation will be available           day during the live event.
It includes green and aquatic spaces     until early April.
and other physical features on the                                                    The recording is available on the
land, coasts and marine areas, in                                                     council’s YouTube channel, with
both rural and urban settings.              Read more about the                       subtitling, for you to watch later
                                            climate emergency on
                                                                                      if you can’t make the live event.
The strategy covers the period up           page 20 and the latest on
until 2030, the year North Somerset                                                   Visit www.youtube.com/user/
                                            Portbury Wharf nature reserve
Council is aiming for the organisation                                                NorthSomersetCouncil
                                            on page 30.
and area to be carbon neutral.                                                        Council meetings are also live
                                                                                      streamed virtually and saved on
  Comment on consultations                                                            the YouTube channel. Written
                                                                                      statements and petitions can still
  All consultations run by North Somerset Council are listed at
                                                                                      be submitted. Find out more at
  Sign up to receive email alerts when new consultations are opened.                  how-speak-council-meetings

                                                   www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil        9
Hope for the future - North Somerset Council
Vaccinating North
Coronavirus has been called
the biggest health emergency
since the Second World War
but the vaccination rollout is
giving hope for the future.

It’s been a diffcult 12 months
as everyone has had to                   Vaccination rollout continues
adapt to new ways of living              Vaccinations are being                             More and more places are
                                                                                            becoming vaccination sites to make
and changing restrictions but            carried out across North                           it as easy as possible for you to
it’s essential that everyone
                                         Somerset for eligible                              attend when you’re invited. If you’re
continues to respect the current                                                            having trouble getting to your local
rules and works together to                                                                 appointment and don’t have friends
bring infection rates down.              The NHS is inviting eligible people                or family to help, speak to your GP
                                         on a phased basis so it’s important                about community transport.
The vaccination gives us hope,           you wait for your letter, as you will
                                                                                            Getting your vaccination as quickly
with the prospect of being able to       not be able to book without one.
                                                                                            as possible is the best way to
do more of the things we love as
                                                                                            protect yourself from coronavirus.
this year unfolds.

So please continue to play your
part and look forward to a brighter
future. Thank you for everything
you have done so far to keep
yourself, your family and your
community safe.

                                         Figures from the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area up to the end of January.

10   North Somerset Life • Spring
Somerset                                                       Stay home        |   Protect the NHS |         Save lives

Rapid testing for
people without                            Watch out for                             Beware of fake text messages
                                                                                    claiming to be from the NHS
                                          vaccination scams                         asking for your bank details and
symptoms                                                                            fake social media messages
                                          Scammers are using the Covid-19           offering to send you self-injection
Community rapid tests are                 vaccine to target vulnerable              vaccines for a fee.
available for people to fnd out if        people so be on your guard
they have coronavirus even if they        against fraudsters.                       Report fraudsters by contacting
don’t have symptoms.                                                                Crimestoppers. Visit
                                          The NHS will never ask for a fee          www.crimestoppers-uk.org or
Research shows that one in three          for the vaccine, it is completely         call the Covid fraud hotline
people with coronavirus do not            free.                                     anonymously on 0800 587 5030
have any symptoms but could still
pass it on to others so rapid testing
identifes these people so they can
self-isolate and help stop the spread.
                                         Get a Covid test if you                    Local test and trace for
                                         have symptoms                              North Somerset
Critical workers and volunteers
who work in the community are            Anyone with symptoms of                    A local test and trace system is
encouraged to get tested twice a         Covid-19, no matter how mild,              now running in North Somerset to
week.                                    should self-isolate and book a test.       support the national NHS service.
It’s vital that those who test           The symptoms are a new                     North Somerset Council launched
negative continue to follow the          continuous cough, loss of or               the new service in January to
latest social distancing and             change in sense of taste or smell,         contact people who have had a
hygiene rules.                           or a high temperature.                     positive Covid test, to help them
                                                                                    keep themselves and the virus
Rapid testing is currently available     Book online at www.gov.uk/
at Hutton Moor Leisure Centre, in        get-coronavirus-test or call 119.
Weston-super-Mare, Somerset Hall                                                    Staff from the council’s public
in Portishead, and Scotch Horn           You can now arrive at a testing site
                                                                                    health teams are making the calls
Leisure Centre in Nailsea, from          in Weston-super-Mare on foot or
                                                                                    and will offer advice about where
8.30am to 5pm every day, with            by car for your appointment.
                                                                                    to get fnancial and practical
evening opening until 7.30pm                                                        support while self-isolating, as well
                                         The site, at Locking Road car park,
on Tuesdays and Thursdays, for                                                      as identifying close contacts to
                                         is open 8am to 8pm seven days a
anyone aged 16 and over.                                                            pass back to the national service.
                                         week and free parking is available
For more information about locations     while you do your test.
                                                                                    The local team complements NHS
and to book visit                                                                   Test and Trace by picking up calls
                                         The mobile site at Castlewood, in
www.n-somerset.gov.uk/rapidtesting                                                  where the national team have
                                         Clevedon, and the centre at Bristol
                                         Airport also continue to operate.          been unable to get hold of cases
                                                                                    within 24 hours.
                                         Information about fnancial and
                                         practical support available for            National calls will come from
                                         anyone who needs to self-isolate is        0300 013 5000 or
                                         available at                               0300 123 7790 and local calls
                                         www.n-somerset.gov.uk/together             from 01934 313 777.

                                                  www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil        11
Helping communities
return to normal
Continuing to work with the dedicated network of volunteers across North
Somerset will be key to returning to normal life when the pandemic is over.
Life changed beyond recognition          support from family and friends with   The council has committed to
last March when the country              organisations that could help them.    sustaining North Somerset Together
went into lockdown to combat                                                    as a means of working with
                                         It also connected those who wanted
Covid-19 and North Somerset                                                     communities in the long-term.
                                         to volunteer or donate with the
Council quickly joined forces with
                                         right organisations, and signposted    It is now the foundation for
charities, town and parish councils,
                                         businesses to relevant information.    the council’s future work with
local businesses and volunteers to
                                                                                communities, town and parish
respond rapidly to changing needs.       By the end of January, North
                                                                                councils and voluntary sector
                                         Somerset Together had made more
A new coalition – North Somerset                                                partners.
                                         than 9,000 referrals to network
Together – was launched to link
                                         partners since last March.
socially-isolated residents who had no

  In the frst nine months of
  coronavirus, North Somerset
  M became a network of
    68 partner organisations
  M dealt with more than
    9,000 referrals for
  M worked with about
    2,500 volunteers
  M made more than
    1,000 video calls.

12   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Dealing with Lockdown #3
Within a week of the third lockdown being announced                             to establish how long-term needs
                                                                                can be met, such as loneliness
in early January, North Somerset Together partners                              and isolation, mental health and
confrmed that were ready to respond.                                            wellbeing, food poverty, digital
                                                                                exclusion and community transport.
This meant all towns and larger       programme through GP surgeries,
parishes in North Somerset had        by providing patient transport            To do this, the council is
coverage of the support network,      services.                                 broadening the membership
thanks to new and original                                                      of North Somerset Together to
                                      More specialised support continues
volunteers stepping forward.                                                    include new communities and
                                      to be available through partners
An enhanced centralised referral      such as Citizens’ Advice North
process was established to help       Somerset, Curo and Alliance               This includes working with town
prioritise referrals that came via    Homes.                                    and parish councils who want to
the National Shielding Support                                                  develop their own local strategies,
Service (NSSS).                       Looking to the future                     working with health colleagues on
                                                                                the development of an integrated
Anyone aged over 70 who               Community-led early intervention          health system for North Somerset,
registered with the NSSS and          services will continue to be              and improving the way that the
indicated they needed additional      delivered in a post-Covid world.          council engages and empowers
support were also referred to the
                                      North Somerset Council is working         communities.
council’s wellness service for an
assessment.                           with other partners in the network

Where required, emergency food
requests were dealt with through        North Somerset Together can provide practical support
the council’s community meals           to residents through a network of local volunteers.
service while network support was
                                        There are links to local organisations that can help if you have
put in place.
                                        fnancial challenges, as well as advice on mental and physical wellbeing.
Organisations within the network
                                        Find information and support at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/together
are also supporting the vaccination
                                        or call 01934 427 437

                                               www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil    13
The road to economic
A region-wide economic recovery plan has been launched to help businesses and
residents get the support and guidance they need.
Coronavirus continues to be a risk       Locally, a dedicated contact centre   Training and support is also
to people’s jobs and livelihoods as      has been set up by North Somerset     available for those just starting
well as their health but businesses      Council to guide business owners      out or needing to develop their
can get the help they need to            through the scores of government      employability skills.
adapt, build resilience and              grants available.
prepare for the future.

Free support for
all businesses
Is your business struggling              This confdential and impartial        Starting in Business course runs
                                         advice comes from accredited          regularly online.
because of the pandemic?
                                         advisers and is being delivered
                                                                               Specialist workshops are also
All businesses in North Somerset         as part of the West of England
                                                                               available in sustainability, ethical
can access free support and              Universal Business Support
                                                                               fnance, business resilience,
advice to help them recover from         Programme, funded by North
                                                                               digital, food and drink.
the economic downturn caused by          Somerset Council and the West of
Covid-19.                                England Growth Hub.                   North Somerset Council has also
                                                                               launched targeted programmes
North Somerset Enterprise Agency         Sessions can take place in-person,
                                                                               of support for those businesses in
is offering a range of free,             following social distancing
                                                                               sectors which have been hardest
comprehensive courses, including         guidelines, or virtually.
                                                                               hit by Covid-19 restrictions, such
help with business continuity,
                                         For start-ups and those needing       as tourism and events.
fnance, developing an online
                                         support to grow, a three-day
presence and re-focusing activity.

 If you are a business operating         co.uk, call 01934 418 118 or
 in retail, tourism or the creative      email info@nsea.biz
 industries, contact business@n-
                                         A region-wide support guide has
 somerset.gov.uk for guidance.
                                         also been published for small and
 For information about the support       medium-sized businesses, through
 offered by North Somerset               the West of England Growth Hub.
 Enterprise Agency visit www.            Visit www.wearegrowth.co.uk

14   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Don’t miss out on grants
Grants are still available to support        The amount of grants available
businesses through the pandemic              makes it tricky for people to
so make sure you get the money               navigate so a specialist team can
you’re entitled to.                          help business owners identify
                                             which ones they are eligible for
Up until early February, North
                                             and how to claim.
Somerset Council had given out
more than £55m of government                 The number and nature of the grants
grants to more than 4,000                    is complicated, depending on the
businesses but many eligible                 nature of the business and its size.
businesses had still not come
                                             Call 01934 888 114 or email

  Helping job seekers improve their skills
  Two projects have launched in North Somerset for residents to gain skills and help them fnd work.

  Some areas of North Somerset               of digital barriers to work, support     To target this, the Get Connected
  have seen signifcant rises in              for people who want to start             programme is open to low-income
  unemployment since the pandemic            their own business, and general          residents on Universal Credit or
  started so the council has received        support to address homelessness,         with few or no qualifcations,
  funds from central government to           addiction and other issues.              particularly in areas where digital
  launch these projects which will                                                    exclusion levels are high.
                                             At the same time, a programme of
  address the barriers to employment.
                                             digital help and support is being        Eligible residents can borrow one
  Tailored programmes of advice              put in place to increase the level       of 120 laptops for up to
  and support will help job seekers          of basic digital skills.                 12 months.
  in North Somerset’s most deprived
                                             The pandemic has proved that             They will be supported through
                                             the internet is a key utility for        the year and encouraged to sign
  Where possible, this will be               everyday life and knowing how to         up for courses which will improve
  delivered through libraries, as they       use it is an essential skill.            their confdence, employment
  are accessible, safe community                                                      prospects and connectivity and
  spaces with free IT facilities and wi-f.                                            reduce social isolation.

  Services provided by Opportunity                                                    To fnd out more call Jane
  North Somerset partners includes                                                    Goodison on 07990 805 512 or
  careers and education information                                                   email
  and advice, youth wellbeing                                                         jane.goodison@n-somerset.gov.uk
  and employment support, a job
  brokerage service, an assessment

                                                      www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil      15
Value for money

Creating a strong
financial footing
A new budget has been approved for the fnancial year ahead which sets out how
North Somerset Council will retain, protect and improve services for local people.
The past year has brought new                Richard Penska, head of fnance     North Somerset remains a low-
challenges for everyone but this             at North Somerset Council, said:   taxing council overall. At the time
budget is a commitment to building           “Like everywhere, the pandemic     of Life going to print, a council
an open, fairer and greener                  has changed things locally,        tax rise of 1.99 per cent was
organisation on a sound fnancial             bringing new social, health,       expected.
footing.                                     environmental and economic
                                                                                   On top of this, an additional
                                             challenges to address.
Almost £200m is being                                                              3 per cent has been added
invested in projects which                                                         specifcally for adult social
will have a positive impact              “The budget protects the services         care.
for local people, including               that will help our communities           The demands on council
community infrastructure,
business, tourism and
                                          to recover and thrive, while             services increase each year but
                                          also investing in tangible               the knock-on effects of Covid-19
cultural recovery, the climate
                                                                                   has put even more pressure on
emergency, active travel,                 projects that will bring quality to      the council’s fnancial position.
and improving outcomes
for vulnerable adults and                 people’s lives and make North
                                                                                   Despite this, the council was
children.                                 Somerset a better place to live –        expecting to end this current
                                          both now and in the future.”             fnancial year in a broadly
                                                                                   balanced position.

16   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Value for money

Building and improving local facilities
The budget sets out proposals to           M supporting the continued                    opening the railway line from
develop projects which will help             regeneration of Weston’s                    Portishead and Pill into Bristol.
make North Somerset a more                   seafront, including securing the
                                                                                     M Investing in schools, such
attractive place to live and visit.          future of the SeaQuarium site,
                                                                                       as the Winterstoke Hundred
                                             Birnbeck Pier for the RNLI and
These include:                                                                         Academy and Baytree
                                             at the Tropicana in due course
                                                                                       expansion at Clevedon
M investing in the ‘Great Lakes’ –
                                           M continuing to work with
  the Marine Lakes in Clevedon                                                       M Further investment in Weston
                                             Parkwood Leisure to reopen
  and Weston-super-Mare, and                                                           town centre, including a new
                                             the Playhouse Theatre
  Portishead Lake Grounds                                                              transport hub at Alexandra
                                           M investing in local transport              Parade, public open space
M continuing support to leisure
                                             infrastructure, including                 enhancements, and a new
  centres to re-open and for
                                             delivering the MetroWest                  business plan for the Sovereign
  residents to return to the gym
                                             scheme with the West of                   Centre, to stimulate the town’s
                                             England partners and re-                  economic recovery.

What council tax
can I expect to pay?
This year’s anticipated rise of 1.99 per cent, plus
the 3 per cent levy for adult social care, means
an average Band D household would pay
£1,505.03 in 2021/22 for North
Somerset’s share of the council tax bill
– about £28.94 a week.

The fnal bill also includes charges
for Avon and Somerset Police
Authority, Avon Fire and Rescue,
and town and parish councils.

North Somerset Council has no
control over the level of these charges.

Council tax support                          Manage your council tax bill online
Council tax support can help if              View and download your latest council tax bill online at a
you have little or no income to pay          time to suit you when you sign up for e-billing.
your council tax. Find out if you’re
eligible for the means-tested support        You can also access many other council services, such as reporting
and how to apply at www.n-                   issues regarding streets, roads, parks and more, through MyAccount.
                                             Visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/myaccount

                                                    www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil    17

Changes coming to gar
An annual charge is coming to garden waste collections
in North Somerset from April.

                                         What next?
The annual charge is £50 per bin
(or three sacks) and each household
can have up to two bins.
                                         Letters have been sent to all          Households eligible for the council
This has not been an easy decision       registered properties to explain the   tax support scheme will also
to make but council fnances are          changes and what to do next.           qualify for a subsidised garden
under great pressure and income                                                 waste collection service.
                                         If you do not want to pay, you do
from this chargeable service will
                                         not have to do anything. However,      Initially, the day and frequency of
make it self-fnancing.
                                         you will no longer receive a           collections will not change and you
This in turn will free-up resources to   garden waste collection after          should continue to use your existing
protect essential services, such as      Thursday 1 April.                      garden waste bin or sacks.
care and support in the community.
                                         If you do want to continue, you        Properties which sign up to the
More than two-thirds of councils in      can get a 10 per cent early bird       new service will receive a permit
England already charge for their         discount if you sign up by             to stick on the lid of the bin to
garden waste collections, including      Friday 16 April.                       identify it clearly.
all neighbouring areas.
                                         Visit www.n-somerset.gov.uk/           Any unwanted garden waste bins
The changes will also make               gardenwaste and follow the link.       will not be collected straight away
a positive contribution to the                                                  but the council will let residents know
                                         You can make a one-off payment
council’s carbon emissions target                                               how to do this later in the year.
                                         or pay by direct debit. Payment
by encouraging home composting,
                                         can be made online or by calling       For more information visit
which is the most sustainable way
                                         01934 888 802.                         www.n-somerset.gov.uk/gardenwaste
to dispose of garden waste.

10 per cent discount
when you sign up by
Friday 16 April

18   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021

rden waste collections
Could you compost?
 If you choose not to sign up for
 the garden waste collections
                                        Composting at home
                                        Home composting is the most               over the coming weeks to help
 you’ll need to decide whether
                                        environmentally friendly and              get you started and answer some
 composting is right for you,           cheapest way of dealing with              common questions.
 or if you’ll take your garden          garden waste.
                                                                                  The Zoom sessions will take place
 waste to a recycling centre.           Chris Davies, from Uphill, said:          from 1-2pm on Wednesday 24
 The council is looking at supporting   “We have composted for more               March and 7.30-8.30pm on
 new projects to encourage and          years than I can remember.                Thursday 1 April.
 enable more composting.                “You save money on buying bags of         Spaces on each session are
                                        compost as well as knowing you are        limited. If demand is high more
 It hopes to set up more community
                                        doing your bit to save the planet.”       dates will be added.
 composting sites, such as the one
 run by Winford Parish Council.         Compost bins can be bought from           Book a place by emailing
                                        the council for a discounted price        gardenwaste@n-somerset.gov.uk
 If you are involved in a local         of £10 this year, including access
 gardening, nature or community         to a free e-learning course.
 group, or allotment association,                                                    Read about the new
 and would be interested in starting    The range of composting products             council-owned company –
 a community composting site, email     will also be expanded.                       North Somerset Environment
                                                                                     Company – taking over
 gardenwaste@n-somerset.gov.uk          Online Zoom talks with an expert
                                                                                     recycling and waste services in
                                        in composting will also take place
                                                                                     March. See page 4

 Collecting recycling and waste in the pandemic
 Recycling and waste                    M navigating big collection vehicles         your bins and boxes. Make
                                          around more parked cars as                 sure items such as tissues and
 collections have continued in            more people stayed and worked              PPE are bagged and placed in
 North Somerset throughout                at home.                                   your waste bin. Put used tissues
                                          Avoid parking on corners and               and disposable cleaning cloths
 the coronavirus pandemic.
                                          opposite junctions to help avoid           securely within disposable
 Crews have faced new challenges:         missed collections. If a recycling         rubbish bags. Place into another
                                          vehicle can’t get through, neither         bag, tie securely and keep
 M collecting an extra 80 tonnes of       can an emergency vehicle                   separate from other waste for at
   recycling per week on average,                                                    least 72 hours before putting in
   compared to 2019.                    M keeping crews safe
                                                                                     your external bin.
   Can you reduce and reuse as            Help crews by washing your
   much as possible in 2021?              hands before and after moving

                                                 www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil   19
Weston emergency
        Climate Vision

together to cut
carbon emissions
Tackling climate change is at a critical point as world leaders head to the UK later this year re-affrm their
commitments in halting a global emergency.

Scientists say that countries have       Being greener is also one of the       Area-wide emissions can only be
only a limited time to act if the        council’s over-riding corporate        reported annually when national
world is to stave off the worst          aims so climate change is now a        data becomes available but some
effects of climate change.               deciding factor in all policy and      council emission fgures can be
                                         strategy decisions going forward.      reported more regularly.
The good news is that many of the
world’s largest economies are on-        This also means the council needs      The latest report compares
board, such as Joe Biden moving to       to take a leadership role across the   emissions for April to September
reinstate the US to the Paris climate    area to encourage, support and         2019 to the same period in 2020.
agreement just hours after becoming      enable others to reduce their own
                                                                                Results shows a dramatic reduction
president, and China’s pledge to be      carbon emissions.
                                                                                of 29 per cent – more than 1,000
carbon neutral by 2060.
                                                                                tonnes of CO2 – between the two
Locally, North Somerset Council
                                         Progress on becoming a                 years, mainly due to different ways
declared a climate emergency             carbon-neutral council                 of working because of coronavirus
in February 2019 and later that                                                 and factors such as the on-going
                                         Carbon emissions are regularly
year published its frst action plan                                             switch to LED street lighting.
                                         reviewed by North Somerset
towards becoming carbon neutral
                                         Council as it works to become a
by 2030 and to support residents
                                         carbon neutral organisation and
to lead greener lives.
                                         area by 2030.

                                         Make or break                          Under the Paris Agreement,
                                                                                governments agreed to avoid the
                                                                                worst impacts of climate change by
                                         World leaders are coming to the        trying to limit global temperature
                                         UK later this year in a ‘make or       increases to well below 2ªC above
                                         break’ moment to tackle climate        pre-industrial levels by the end of
                                         change.                                the century.

                                         Glasgow is hosting the UN Climate      However, scientists say that the
                                         Change Conference of the Parties       world is currently on track to hit
                                         (COP26) in November, a follow-up       3ªC of warming by the end of the
                                         to the Paris summit of 2015.           century.

20   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021

                                                                                      Make a change
                                                                                      Small changes can make a
                                                                                      big difference to our carbon
                                                                                      emissions, such as what we eat,
                                                                                      the products we buy, how we
                                                                                      power our homes and the way
                                                                                      we travel.

                                                                                      Read North Somerset Council’s
  Businesses now face many               Potential projects could help                climate emergency strategy, plus
  challenges as a result of Covid-19     businesses save money on their               how to make greener choices in
  but the council’s new economic         energy bills and reduce their                your daily life, at
  plan sets out commitments to build     greenhouse gas emissions.                    www.n-somerset.gov.uk/
  a green, digital, people-centred                                                    climatechange
                                         The grants can help fund between
                                         40 and 80 per cent of eligible costs,
                                                                                      f NatureandClimateNorthSomerset
  There is also an opportunity to        depending on the project chosen and
  promote tourism in the area as a       the size and location of the business.
  low-carbon alternative to travelling
                                         A free carbon survey and report is
                                                                                      Be a climate hero
  abroad, as well as low carbon
                                         also available to help businesses            Use a simple tool to calculate your
  investment such as retroftting
                                         decide on which project they would           own carbon footprint at
  buildings and community
                                         like to fund.                                www.pawprint.eco
  renewable energy.
                                         Green Business Grants are funded
  Green Business Grants                  through the West of England
  up for grabs                           Combined Authority’s West of
                                         England Recovery Fund and the
  Grants of up to £15,000 are            European Regional Development
  available to small and medium-sized    Fund.
  businesses in North Somerset to help
                                         They are available until
  them go greener.
                                         Friday 25 June. Visit
This would be
catastrophic,                            Becoming Carbon                           activities, and to help people be
to extreme
                                         Literate                                  motivated to reduce emissions.
heatwaves,                                                                         As a result, North Somerset Council
                                         A training programme in Carbon
wildfres, foods and droughts,                                                      was awarded a bronze award from
                                         Literacy has been established at
losing the ability to grow food and                                                the Carbon Literacy Trust, named the
                                         North Somerset Council for offcers
crops, coral reefs being destroyed,                                                frst Carbon Literate Organisation in
                                         and councillors.
global sea levels rising and tens of                                               the South West, and the frst English
millions of people displaced.            The training aims to create an            Carbon Literate local authority
                                         awareness of the carbon dioxide           outside Greater Manchester, where
                                         costs and impacts of different            the scheme originated.

                                                  www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil     21
Today is the day
There’s never been a more important time to stop smoking than now.
Smoking kills over 100,000 UK residents
every year and this was before the pandemic.      Stopping smoking allows your body
If you smoke, now is the time to quit so that
you can stay healthy and out of hospital.
                                                  to repair itself.
                                                  After eight hours oxygen levels return to normal; after two
Covid-19 can cause life threatening damage        days, your lungs start clearing out smoking debris; after three
to the lungs, heart and compromises the           days breathing becomes easier; and within weeks, your heart
body’s immune system.                             attack risk begins to drop.
Smoking also damages the heart, lungs and         Exposure to second-hand smoke also increases the risk of
immune system placing you at greater risk of      complications from respiratory infections, especially in children.
developing severe disease from Covid-19.
                                                  It also increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
If you smoke, you are more likely to develop      During this time, when people are spending most of their time
long-term health conditions such as diabetes,     at home, it’s important to protect others from tobacco smoke.
emphysema as well as many types of cancer,
heart attacks and strokes increasing the
likelihood of hospitalisation.

Smokefree North Somerset can offer you
the support you need to successfully stop         Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all support is currently
smoking.                                          delivered via telephone or video chat.

It offers a 12-week programme of expert           Call 01275 546 744, text HELP to 0780 000 1316
behavioural support with a trained,               or visit www.smokefreenorthsomerset.co.uk
friendly advisor and stop smoking aids
                                                  For more information on covid-19 and smoking visit
which are free for those who don’t pay for
prescriptions, or at a greatly reduced cost for
those who do pay.

22   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Local events

The changing face of events
North Somerset has always had a lively and                                            Go online to find up-to-date
                                                                                      listings of any virtual or
diverse events calendar with many long-standing                                       in-person event:
and much-loved annual events.                                                         Performance art organisation
                                                                                      Theatre Orchard hosts digital
But the Covid-19 pandemic means            As Life went to print, the spring/         experiences to fll the soul. Visit
it’s been an incredibly tough year         summer events calendar was                 www.theatreorchard.org.uk or fnd
for the events industry, one which         still uncertain but, with the ever-        them on social media at
is largely supported by freelancers        increasing number of vaccinations          www.facebook.com/
and very often volunteers.                 taking place, work was being done          TheTheatreOrchard
                                           behind-the-scenes to prepare for a
Damage to the supply chain, rising                                                    Cultural organisation Culture
                                           time when some form of outdoor
costs of implementing Covid-19                                                        Weston organises its own events and
                                           events can return, restrictions
measures on-site and current                                                          promotes other agencies. Visit
uncertainty means it is still a huge                                                  www.cultureweston.org.uk or
challenge.                                 Some organisers have also risen            www.facebook.com/cultureweston
                                           to the challenge by hosting events
The events industry was forced to                                                     Find out about events taking place at
                                           online, with ever more innovative
adapt last year and a small number                                                    the Tropicana this year
                                           ways of working and presenting
of Covid-safe events took place                                                       www.tropicanaweston.co.uk
                                           their events virtually.
under government guidelines at                                                        Follow North Somerset Council’s
the time.                                                                             seafront Facebook page for
                                                                                      updates, at www.facebook.com/

Harry’s Cider at the eat:Portishead festival last year

                                                     www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil   23
Take time
         Take  time out

A wander in Weston Woods
Take a woodland wonder and a trip back in time at Weston Woods.
                                          Weston Woods was grassland until        There are many paths to take
     Walk information                     the 1820s when landowner John
                                          Hugh Smyth Pigott planted trees to
                                                                                  through the woods. Those heading
                                                                                  south lead back down to the
     Distance: about 1 mile from the      create a private game reserve.          hillside streets, such as Bristol Road
     car park at end of Worlebury                                                 Lower, while going north leads
                                          Once the trees began to mature he
     Hill Road to the hillfort.                                                   towards Kewstoke Road and
                                          opened the woodland for public
                                                                                  Sand Bay.
     Diffculty: a fat route. Watch        use, creating drives and walks to
     your footing on the hillfort.        take in the views.                      A wooden play area provides fun
     Can get muddy so wellies                                                     for younger children, while older
                                          During the First World War about
     recommended.                                                                 ones can visit the purpose-built
                                          80 per cent of the trees were felled
                                                                                  BMX track.
     Be Covid aware: the woods            for military use.
     are popular with walkers                                                     At a junction in the paths is the
                                          Since then, the wood has naturally
     and dog owners. Be mindful                                                   water tower, built in 1925 to
     of up-to-date lockdown                                                       supply houses in Worlebury.
     restrictions and abide by the        Weston Woods covers about 130
                                                                                  On the wall nearby is a blue
     latest guidance, including           hectares and the south-eastern
                                                                                  plaque marking when General
     that on hygiene and physical               section, called Ashcombe
                                                                                  Dwight Eisenhower visited Weston
     distancing.                                      Wood, is classed as
                                                                                  Woods for one night in 1944
                                                           ancient semi-natural
                                                                                  en-route to the D-Day landings.
                                                                                  Troops camped in Weston Woods
                                                                This area is
                                                                                  between the Toll Road and the
                                                                 best visited
                                                                                  water tower, hidden from enemy
                                                                 in Spring
                                                                                  planes by the tree cover.
                                                                  when the
                                                                  ground is       The blue plaque was installed last
                                                                  covered in      year by Weston-super-Mare Town
                                                                 wildfowers.      Council.

24    North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
                                                                           out –– Walk

To the west of the water tower you         Hillforts                                      Worlebury Camp covers about
might see the Picwinnard cairn, a          are                                            10 hectares and has a set of
mound of stones.                           defended                                       seven banks and ditches on the
                                           settlements – mostly found on              eastern ramparts.
The stones were built up in previous
                                           hilltops – that are surrounded by
centuries by fsherman from                                                            The banks appear as rubble now
                                           circuits of banks and ditches.
Birnbeck Island, who would throw a                                                    but in the Iron Age they would have
stone on the pile for good luck.           It may have been home to about             been dry-stone walls, also called
                                           200 people in the Iron Age. Many           ramparts, up to 20 foot high.
From the water tower there are
                                           hillforts would have been places
two paths to take, both leading to                                                    These are most impressive at the
                                           of refuge, though, and not always
Worlebury Camp Hillfort (the left-                                                    eastern end, with a single rampart
                                           lived in year-round.
hand path is less muddy).                                                             still visible along the southern slope.
                                           In the Iron Age most people would
This Iron Age hillfort dominates the                                                  The holes in the ground within the
                                           have lived in small settlements
western end of Weston Woods and                                                       hillfort are stone-cut grain storage
                                           and farmsteads throughout the
was designated as a scheduled                                                         pits. Ninety-three were excavated
                                           landscape and farmed the fertile
monument in 1915, a nationally                                                        in the 19th century with discoveries
                                           higher ground.
important archaeological site due                                                     of charred grain, weapons and
to its rare coastal location, size         Remnants of the prehistoric feld           animal bones.
and considerable defences.                 system, known as Celtic felds, are
                                           still visible today to the east on
                                           Worle Hill.

A detailed plan of the hillfort from the 1886 survey, taken from the book
Worlebury: An Ancient Stronghold in the County of Somerset by CW Dymond (1886).

                                                     www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil     25
at the heart of
major projects

A number of major                        One survey focussed on local bat
                                         populations and how they move
infrastructure projects are
                                         around the area.
planned for North Somerset
                                         Banwell sits in some of the
over the coming years and
                                         North Somerset and Mendip Bat
sustainability is at the heart of        Specialist Conservation Area,
each one.                                which is one of the region’s
                                         European sites of international
In February 2019 North Somerset
                                         importance for wildlife.
Council declared a climate
emergency and it aims to become          It provides a habitat for two bat
a carbon neutral council and area        species – the Greater and Lesser
                                                                                 The surveys give a clear
by 2030.                                 Horseshoe bats – and includes
                                                                                 understanding of how many bats
                                         hibernation roosts such as Banwell
This includes taking big steps                                                   are in the area, how they use the
                                         Bone Caves.
towards a more energy-effcient                                                   environment, and how the council
built environment and the use of         These caves provide a cool and          can ensure steps are taken to
more renewable energies.                 consistent temperature for the bats     protect their populations in the
                                         to slow their metabolic rate and        bypass’ design.
Life takes a look at what this means
                                         sleep through winter rather than
for two upcoming projects…                                                       Other studies include wintering
                                         look for food.
                                                                                 bird surveys, archaeological
                                         The landscape around Banwell            surveys, ground investigations and
Protecting the bats                      offers a rich foraging habitat that     watercourse surveys to improve
                                                                                 understanding of potential food
of Banwell
                                         helps feed and maintain the bat
                                         population throughout the rest of       risks.
                                         the year.
                                                                                 The council is due to appoint a
Over winter, ecological surveys
                                         Protection of local wildlife is a key   contractor to draw up designs
were carried out in the area of the
                                         priority for the Banwell bypass         for the bypass this spring and
proposed Banwell bypass.
                                         project.                                results from these surveys will help
These surveys are vital to help                                                  ensure the project meets ambitious
understand and reduce the                                                        environmental standards.
environmental impacts of the
bypass’ design.

26   North Somerset Life • Spring 2021
Green future for school expansion
                                       Environmentally friendly               More environmentally friendly
                                                                              materials and techniques will
                                       building materials and                 be included in design and
                                       renewable energy sources               renewable sources will make the
                                       will be key priorities of              building more energy effcient.
                                       design for a new school site           In addition to its green
                                       in North Somerset.                     credentials, the Winterstoke
                                                                              Hundred Academy scheme will
                                       Winterstoke Hundred Academy,           also offer a range of learning
                                       in Locking Parklands, Weston-          and job opportunities for local
                                       super-Mare, welcomed its frst          people.
                                       pupils in September and the
                                       planned expansion will provide         Plans include a new pavilion
                                       900 additional places when             for a Winterstoke Hundred
                                       complete.                              Sustainability Academy, which
Further wildlife surveys will then
                                                                              will showcase modern methods
take place later in the year so that   Contractor Kier was chosen to          of construction and provide
badgers, otters, birds and more        design the expansion, in part,         employment and training
can be properly protected as the       because of its record of building      support for a range of trades,
project moves forward.                 to top environmental standards.        technical and professional roles
The bypass designs will be put to      Kier is also certifed by the           in sustainable construction.
consultation later in the year and     Carbon Trust Standard for best         It is hoped these roles will
work is expected to be completed       practice in carbon management.         be available to local young
in 2024.
                                       The new school building is             people looking to start a career
Once fnished, the bypass will          a major investment so it’s             in construction, as well as
help to reduce local environmental     important to look to the future        other residents wanting to try
impacts, such as traffc congestion     and refect that in the building        something new.
in Banwell village, and support        design.                                Consultation on the school
the development of future homes
                                                                              expansion designs will start in
subject to the new Local Plan.
                                                                              the spring.
The scheme is funded by the
government’s housing agency
Homes England, after North
Somerset Council successfully bid
for £97.1m.

The money will also fund a
range of other infrastructure
improvements, such as the
expansion of Winterstoke Hundred
Academy in Locking Parklands.

                                             www.n-somerset.gov.uk   l @NorthSomersetC f NorthSomersetCouncil    27
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