Together, we can - Metropolitan

Page created by Edith Flynn
Together, we can - Metropolitan
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Together, we can
Metropolitan Life is part of Momentum Metropolitan Life
Limited, a licensed life insurer and authorised financial services
(FSP44673) and registered credit provider (NCRCP173).
Together, we can - Metropolitan
Helping our clients achieve their financial life goals
Together, we can - Metropolitan
We’re part of the
Momentum Metropolitan family
Momentum Metropolitan Holdings            are accountable for the entire
Limited, based in South Africa, is a      value chain of their businesses.
financial services Group listed on the    Business units consist of Momentum
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and           Life, Momentum Corporate,
on the Namibian Stock Exchange            Metropolitan Life, Momentum
with a secondary listing on the           Investments, Momentum Metropolitan
A2X Markets Exchange.                     Life Africa, Guardrisk, Momentum
                                                                                          DOING BUSINESS IN
                                          Short-term Insurance, Momentum
The Group delivers its products and       Insurance (previously Alexander Forbes    AFRICAN
services, which include life insurance,   Insurance), Eris, Momentum Multiply                    COUNTRIES
savings and investments, healthcare       and Momentum Money. Our leading
and non-life insurance and value-adding   client-facing brands are Momentum and
client engagement solutions to            Metropolitan, staffed by over 13 000             BILLION
                                                                                     ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT
individuals, companies and institutions   employees with a nationwide footprint.
through its portfolio of businesses.
The Group’s federal operating             Our purpose is: To enable businesses     LEADING BRANDS
model promotes an entrepreneurial         and people from all walks of life to     Asset Management
mindset in its business units, which      achieve their financial goals and life   Employee Benefits
                                                                                   Investment Savings
                                                                                   Rewards Programmes
                                                                                   Health Care
                                                                                   Property Management

Together, we can - Metropolitan
aspirations. As a Group, we have a proud      Charter (FSC) reflects our commitment,
             legacy of leading the empowerment             through our transformation strategy,
             of people in the financial services           to move beyond compliance and actively
PASSIONATE   industry. We also believe in aligning         contribute to a transformed, vibrant
EMPLOYEES!   with like-minded companies by offering        and globally competitive financial sector
             beneficial partnership solutions. For us,     in South Africa.
             it’s all about our clients and their needs.
             Our Group model is structured into            Our cumulative investment in the
             full value chain business, a products         empowerment finance component
             and solutions business, and Group-wide        of the FSC B-BBEE codes is R34.3 billion,
             functions. This way of working encourages     which includes a R1.6 billion investment
             growth and has a practical focus on           in renewable energy.
             the client.
                                                           During F2020 we invested over
             Momentum Metropolitan is also the             R70 million in enterprise and supplier
             first major insurance Group to achieve        development and supported 741 SMEs.
             a Level 1 B-BBEE rating, under the            We also substantially exceeded our
             revised Financial Services Charter.           preferential procurement targets.

             Our Group’s status as a Level 1 Broad-
             Based Black Economic Empowerment
             (B-BBEE) contributor and our
             participation in the Financial Services

                                                                         METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 02
Together, we can - Metropolitan
Committed to moving
beyond compliance
Our Group’s status as a Level 1 Broad-       to a transformed, vibrant and globally          DURING F2020 WE INVESTED OVER

Based Black Economic Empowerment             competitive financial sector in South Africa.         MILLION
(B-BBEE) contributor and our participation   During F2020 we invested over R70 million       IN ENTERPRISE AND SUPPLIER

in the Financial Services Charter (FSC)      in enterprise and supplier development          DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORTED

reflects our commitment, through our         and supported 741 SMEs. We also                        SMEs
transformation strategy, to move beyond      substantially exceeded our preferential
compliance and actively contribute           procurement targets.

Together, we can - Metropolitan
A responsible
corporate citizen
The Momentum Metropolitan Group               positive, measurable difference to youth     learners can quickly use to earn an income.
qualifies for inclusion in the FTSE4Good      unemployment among 16 to 25-year olds.       Our investment in making a measurable
Index Series and the FTSE/JSE Responsible     Despite the interruption of our efforts by   difference to youth unemployment is
Investment Top 30 Index. We are               the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic we       also contributing to the achievement
signatories to the United Nation’s (UN)       were able to help 750 young people find      of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)   employment in F2020, 40% of whom were        Development Goal (SDG) 4 and 8.
(see for more information)       female. We have found that job security is   The Group invested R28 million in its
and The Momentum Metropolitan                 greatest for students who have completed     youth employment, financial literacy and
Foundation, an independent not-for-profit     our ICT programmes. As a result, we are      staff volunteer programmes in F2020.
company, has mandated our corporate           including a greater variety of lower level
social investment team to make a              IT skills training in our programme that

                                                                                                          METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 04
Together, we can - Metropolitan
Our support of society, small business and
communities during the Covid-19 lockdown
The Group’s efforts to protect the           to water and enable testing. We also          Guardrisk contributed to the
vulnerable from the impact of the            contributed to government’s Solidarity        South African Future Support
Covid-19 lockdown included making            fund, which provided financial and            Trustto support small businesses
donations in emergency funding available     resourcing support for Covid-19               that were unable to operate
to the Red Cross and the United Nations      relief efforts. Our Group Chief               during lockdown. In totality, we
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and our             Executive Officer also donated one            provided more than R500 million
partners working in communities              third of his salary for three more            in client relief related to the pandemic,
to distribute food, provide access           months to the solidarity fund.                from March to June 2020.

Committed to good governance
The Group applies the King IV                experienced board. The majority of its        which requires that a minimum of
recommended principles throughout            board members are independent                 50% of its board members are black.
its South African business and applies       non-executive directors (70%). Its gender     Currently, 35% of the members of the
appropriate and bespoke best practice        diversity and promotion of racial diversity   board are female. The board still needs
governance in all the countries in which     policies include a target for female          to meet its racial target as currently
it operates. It has a diverse, skilled and   membership of 30% and a racial target,        47% of its board members are black.

Together, we can - Metropolitan
Our purpose
is to enable businesses and people from
all walks of life to achieve their financial
goals and life aspirations. The best interests   Our values
of our employees, clients and society
remain top of mind as we navigate new
territory and adapt to a new reality
brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

                                                 Accountability   Diversity                 Excellence

                                                  Innovation      Integrity                 Teamwork

                                                                         METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 06
Together, we can - Metropolitan
Metropolitan Life                                                                 Introducing
– at a glance                                                                     Metropolitan Life
Metropolitan Life is a part of                                                    Metropolitan Life is one of the largest long-
Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited                                                term insurance companies in South Africa,
                                                                                  with client-centric solutions at our core.
                                                                                  Metropolitan Life was established over
                                                                                  120 years ago in 1897 as the African Homes
doing business                       proudly employed                             Trust with the purpose of providing finance
                                                                                  to those who could not afford to buy their
                                                                                  own homes.
           years                                               employees
                                                                                  We have grown from a one office-business
                                                                                  in Paarl in the Western Cape province
empowered clients                    average monthly claims pay-out               into one of the largest financial services
                                                                                  companies in South Africa with over
   million+                                              million+                 140 branches in South Africa and service
                                                                                  centres in Namibia, Botswana, Kenya,
                                     (2018/2019 financial year)
                                                                                  Ghana, Lesotho and Swaziland and over
                                                                                  2.1 million life policies in issue in 2020.
across South Africa                  for the second year in a row
                                                                                  Metropolitan Life remains committed to its
            worksites and                                         B-BBEE status   original purpose of serving and empowering
                                                                                  South Africans through accessible financial
            branch offices
                                     (under the revised FSC)

                                                                                  solutions through the best of times and the

Together, we can - Metropolitan
most challenging of times. This commitment   provide the freedom to discuss matters         people, businesses and communities with
is reflected in the design of our products   such as these in an open and fair manner.      accessible financial solutions.
which, because they have always made
provision for the hard times our clients     Fuelled by a legacy of over 120 years,         Together, we walk the journey
may experience, protected our clients        we have been right there by our clients’       with our clients – from the
during Covid-19.                             side, helping them shape their futures         executive making the decisions
                                             by empowering them to make informed            to the employee benefitting from
Metropolitan Life, in partnership with       and insightful choices. We hire from the       the right choice.
the Unite4One movement, donated              communities we work in and we have a
100 000 face masks, which were               dynamic branch structure ensuring access       Metropolitan Life is that choice because you
distributed to over 150 schools in           to our business. We are developing new         can count on us to deliver by empowering
vulnerable communities across the            digital ways to provide even greater           your employees or members to plan and
West Cape province, when grade 7             access. Most importantly, we focus our         reach their financial goals.
and 2 learners returned to school in         attention on client centric insights to help
June 2020. This donation was in response     us understand and develop solutions and        They have a story to write. Rely on us
to the government’s appeal for corporates    services that suit the needs of our markets.   to enable them to do exactly that,
to assist with the provision of personal     We’ve entrenched this position because we      as the right-fit financial partner for
protective equipment for use in schools.     believe in the power of the collective.        your business.
We boldly started a conversation about
the mental effects of Covid-19 on South      We get that every South African has their
Africans and through all national channels   own story to write. That’s why we are so
provided assistance of life coaches to       passionate about servicing and enabling        Together, we can.

                                                                                                           METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 08
Metropolitan Life
Executive Committee
                         Peter Tshiguvho         Japie Mostert                 Berniece Hickmann
                         CEO Metropolitan Life   Sales Channel                 Metropolitan Life GetUp

                                                 Abulela Gazi                  Thabo Moloi
                                                 Client & Business Solutions   Service & Operations

                                                 Llewellyn Allen               Irwhan Rakiep
                                                 Marketing                     Information Technology

                                                 Etienne le Roux               Lyn Muzondo
                                                 Finance & Risk                Human Capital
                                                 Legal & Compliance

Attracting, developing and
retaining the best people
Metropolitan Life wants to be an                people’s development. Equipping our
employer of choice and we want all              employees with the skills they need to
our employees to feel inspired, motivated       better serve our clients, grow the business
and engaged. We are working hard to             and adapt to the changing world of work
achieve this. Our human capital strategy        are key focus areas of our learning and
is focused on achieving high performance        development programmes. This will allow
through an enabling and values-driven           us to understand both your world as an
culture, that attracts and retains the best     employer decision maker but to also ensure
and diverse talent and invests in its           that you get the best from our best.

Treating customers fairly
We believe in doing the right thing, sticking   that we deliver specific clearly set out
to our word and treating all people with        fairness outcomes for our clients.
the same amount of sincere, generous            This goes beyond our regulatory duties
respect. We are committed to being              but into the very way we go about our
transparent, courageous and building trust      business. From the way our policies are
by always acting in the best interests of       presented to ensure ease of use and
our stakeholders. Our responsibility for        understanding to the financial literacy focus
treating customers fairly includes ensuring     we hold with employees in our Blueprint.

                                                                                                METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 010
Together, let’s write a story
to be proud of
Just as our client is at the core of                    Together we can be there for them
every decision at Metropolitan Life,                    at every step, as they write their
we understand that your team is at the                  journey page by page.
heart of everything that you do.

Building                             Securing                                 Growing              Enjoying
financial wellness                   financial wellness                       financial wellness   financial wellness

Dignified funerals                   Financial security                       Retirement savings   Savings investment
                                     (disability/critical illness/death)                           Pension investment
Impactful education                                                           Voluntary savings
                                     Daily cash during                                             and protection Savings
                                     hospitalisation                                               Retirement income
                                     Life cover

We don’t just paint
by numbers. We see
the full picture
Metropolitan Life offers customisable
solutions that meet the changing needs
and goals of every client.

As a decision-maker, we understand that
you’re looking for the best solution for
your business and your employees, or                                 A YEAR ON YEAR REPRESENTATION OF NEW BUSINESS ACQUIRED

your union or society and its members.

                                                                           SUM OF 2012            SUM OF 2018                   SUM OF 2019
Our personalised, engaging approach
and wide network make us the perfect
partner, whatever each unique set-up                          1000

is. Our solutions are readily accessible
through a combination of agents,
                                           APE AND MILLIONS

brokers and an outbound call centre.                          500

Continued growth, year-on-year, is
testament to the positive impact we
continue to have on South Africans,                              0

their businesses and communities.                                        PROTECTION         LONG-TERM SAVINGS        ANNUITIES AND STRUCTURED

                                                                                                                METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 012
                                     At Metropolitan Life, we believe
Peter Tshiguvho                      in the power of our products to
                                     empower South Africans to grab
                                     a hold of their financial aspirations
                                     and see them realised. We take
                                     this chance to make a difference
                                     in everyday lives seriously. It’s what
                                     gets up us up in the morning.
                                     Our goal is to see our products
                                     in every household.

We’re a strong
brand with a
unique vision
Our vision is clear: we want to empower
every household with our products.
We strive to work hand-in-hand with
every individual client and every shared
scheme to empower them to achieve
these goals together.

That’s why our business is centred
around providing solutions that keep
our client at the heart of everything
we do. Metropolitan Life partners with
dreams and aspirations to see them
fulfilled, fuelling the success of individuals,
businesses and communities.

Our customer
value proposition
                                                                                                                                                  Demystifying Debt

Our B2B offering consists of the following well-structured financial education modules that
                                                                                                                                                    Debt is pubic enemy number 1.
we make available for you and your employees.
                                                                                                                                                    S essions on the dangers of debt,
We offer advise on these modules:                                                                                                                    how to get out of it and prevent it.

 Radiant Retirement                                                                      ES        D                                              Money Management
                                                                                    IC                 IA
                                                                                O                           N
                                                                           CH                                   T
    Interactive, educational retirement                               H                                                                             udget Planning – including
                                                                C   AS                                                   TI
                                                                                                                              RE                    budget calculator.
                                                            R                                                                      M
                                                   E   VE                                                                              EN
    S mall group sessions for retirees to      CL                                                                                                  Debt Management
     share information on post retirement
     planning, the various investment
                                              E NT

     options at retirement etc.

                                                                                                                                                  Clever Cash Choices

                                                                           Enabling people from all
                                                                            walks of life to achieve

                                                                                                                                       C IA

                                                                           their financial goals and                                                F inancial Literacy module aimed
 Financial Fitness                                                              life aspirations.

                                                                                                                                                     at assisting with making better

                                                                                                                                   F IT
                                                                                                                                                     financial decisions.

     ellness day events to do screening

    tests, such as BP cholesterol and                                                                                                                odule to cover basic financial

    BMI (body mass index).                                                                                                                          planning principles, planning for
                                                                      DEMYSTIFYING DEBT                                                             life goals, financial concepts
    F un engaging events based on the                                                                                                              i.e. debt – good debt/bad debt,
     core Blueprint module.                                                                                                                         interest rates, inflation etc.

Product basket analysis:
Competitor offering




Credit life


Discretionary savings

Retirement savings



Transactional banking


Payment solutions

                                                                   METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 016
We also aim to resolve most
                                                                                   queries at first contact:

                                                                                   paid within 4 hours

                                                                                            of funeral claims
Our clients have a voice.                                                          paid within 5 days

And we’re always listening.                                                                 of maturity claims

Our clients score us highly,              We consistently and proudly achieve
following our service interactions.       an average score of above 8.5 out
                                          of 10, month-on-month for general
‘Voice of the Client’ is our finger       service interactions.
on the pulse. This satisfaction measure
is an important part of our continued     For the first quarter of the 2019/2020
effort to understand how happy            financial year, Metropolitan Life’s
or unhappy clients are with their         average score was 8.81 for general
Metropolitan Life experience.             service interactions.

Awards and
client testimonials
Metropolitan Life’s sales
and service efficiencies:

An extract from the 2019 Integrated Report:

Metropolitan Life was once again
recognised as an industry leader              “Wow! Thank you for what you have done for our family.
in the South African Customer                 My mother had a dignified funeral, just because you helped us so swiftly.”

                                              Client A
Satisfaction Index (SACSI). We also
received first place in the Ask Afrika
Index and consistency rank highly
in the well-known Sunday Times                “Thank you for going the extra mile and checking up on us afterwards.
Top Brands survey where we were               This says a lot about your customer service, which offers support to bereaved families.”
placed second. This was powered
by a successful call-to-action funeral        Client B
policy marketing campaign.

The Metropolitan Life claims service
was exceptional with almost 90%
                                              Winner of multiple awards for service excellence:
of funeral claims being paid within
four hours. In addition, 95% of all
our services interactions are resolved
in the first interaction, whether in our
branches or through our call centres.

                                                                                                               METROPOLITAN LIFE PROSPECTUS | 018
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