A Gardener's Guide to Soil Testing - "Helping gardeners put knowledge to work"sm
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“Helping gardeners put knowledge to work”sm A Gardener’s Guide to Soil Testing 1
chemically bound to soil particles, which makes them unavailable to A GARDENER’S GUIDE plants. Microorganisms responsible for the decay of organic matter may be to Soil Testing limited or inactive in highly acidic soil. The ability of legumes to fix nitrogen is also reduced. But when the pH rises above 6.5, trace elements such as iron, manganese, copper, and zinc be- come less available. The availability of most nutrients is greatest at pH 6.5. F ertilizing plants without knowing the soil pH and fertility level is like driving A soil test is the only reliable method to determine soil pH. Most Plants require different pH levels for optimum growth and productivity. A slightly acidic soil (pH 6.0 to 6.5) gen- a car in a dense fogyou are never soils in North Carolina are acidic, and erally is considered ideal for most sure where you are. Without knowing some are as acidic as vinegar. Soil pH plants in North Carolina. Blueberries, the existing fertility level, you are likely is a measure of the hydrogen (acid- rhododendrons, mountain laurel, and to apply too much or too little lime forming) ion activity of the soil solu- centipedegrass grow best in soils with and fertilizer for optimum plant tion. The pH scale of measuring acid- a pH between 5.0 and 5.5. If the soil growth. ity or alkalinity contains 14 divisions pH is above the preferred range for a known as pH units. It is centered at plant, growth will be slowed or the Why test the soil? pH 7, which is neutral. Values below plant may develop stress problems, 7 constitute increasing acidity, and such as diseases, insects, nutrient defi- Soil testing is a valuable tool in man- ciency symptoms, and dieback. values above 7 make up the alkaline aging the mineral nutrition of the soil. range. The pH scale is not a linear It is a quick and accurate method to How to test soil scale but a logarithmic scale. A soil determine the relative acidity of the with a pH of 4.0 is 10 times more soil (pH) and the level of several es- Most inexpensive soil test kits from lo- acidic than soil with a pH of 5.0 and sential nutrients (phosphorus, potas- cal garden centers or hardware stores is 100 times more acidic than soil with sium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, are not reliable. Even if they accu- a pH of 6.0. sulfur, manganese, copper, and zinc) rately measure pH, they do not indi- Soil pH affects the availability of that may or may not be available for cate the amount of lime needed. Soil nutrients in the soil as well as those plant growth. The test results will aid texture, organic matter content, crop applied as fertilizer (Figure 1). Low pH you in making decisions regarding to be grown, target pH, soil acidity can cause some elements to become plant selection, soil preparation, and level, cation exchange capacity (CEC), fertilization. They will help you avoid overfertilization, which can stimulate FACTORS AFFECTING SOIL pH excessive plant growth and increase the likelihood of some diseases. It can Soil pH is influenced by parent material (rock that soil is formed from), also help reduce pollution of our water precipitation, native vegetation, crops grown, soil depth, and the type and supplies. Excess nutrients applied, but amount of fertilizer used. As organic matter decomposes, acids are not used by plants, may run off into produced that leave the soil more acidic. Also, as water from rainfall or surface waters during storms or leach irrigation passes through the soil, acids displace basic cations (positively into groundwater. By applying the cor- charged ions) such as calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), which are then rect grade and amount of fertilizer, leached from the soil. Acidity generally increases (pH decreases) with soil you will avoid unnecessary pruning of depth; soils that are eroded thus are acidic unless properly limed. Heavy excessive new growth and have use of some nitrogen fertilizers also can increase soil acidity. healthier, more productive plants. 2
The soil-test report will make rec- ommendations for the next growing season, so test soil several months be- fore planting or fertilizing. For a cool- season lawn, submit samples the pre- vious summer; for a warm-season lawn, submit samples in the fall or winter. For a spring vegetable garden or flower bed, submit a sample in the fall or winter. If the soil-test report indicates the pH and nutrient levels are in the range needed for plants to be grown, you may not need to sample every year. If the levels are excessively high or low, you should submit a sample every year to determine how much improve- ment has been achieved and what ad- ditional amendments should be made. As a general rule, test sandy soils ev- ery two to three years and clayey soils every three to four years. How to take a soil sample The accuracy of the soil-test report de- pends on the quality of the soil sample. It is best to collect soil samples with stainless steel or chrome- plated tools. The best tool to use is a soil coring tool. It takes an equal amount of soil from the surface Figure 1. Nutrient availability as affected by soil pH. The wider areas represent greater availability. type and amount of clay, and current der County Government in the blue pH are factors to consider in determin- section of your phone book. ing the amount of lime needed to raise the soil pH. When and how often should soil be Consistently reliable results can be tested? obtained only by submitting samples to a soil-testing laboratory. The North Soils samples may be taken any time Carolina Department of Agriculture of the year. The pH and phosphorus and Consumer Services Agronomic Di- level are relatively constant throughout vision will analyze your soil samples the year unless lime, fertilizer, or or- free of charge. Forms and boxes for ganic matter has been applied re- samples are available from your cently. Its best not to sample immedi- county Cooperative Extension center. ately after applying lime, fertilizer, Dig a small hole, then scrape soil from The phone number can be found un- compost, or manure. the side of the hole—one stroke, bot- tom to top. Sample 6-8 inches deep in garden soil; 2-6 inches in lawns. 3
through the sampling depth and an plant to be grown. But if only one sample box. Do not put the informa- equal amount from each site. A type of plant is to be grown, be spe- tion sheet inside the sample box. shovel or trowel can be used if a cor- cific; for example, list fescue for lawns There is no need to tape the bottom ing tool is not available. Avoid using and apples instead of fruit trees. You of the box to prevent soil from sifting brass, bronze, or galvanized tools, will receive a report for each area. Ar- out. If more than one sample is to be which may contaminate the sample eas with different soil types should be sent, place all samples in a paper bag with copper and/or zinc. Put the sampled separately. Soils vary by loca- or cardboard box. Placing soil or sample in a clean, plastic bucket; even tion, slope, the amount of fertilizer ap- boxes in a plastic bag will prevent the small amounts of residual lime or fer- plied in recent years, and in their soil from air-drying and will take longer tilizer will affect test results. physical, chemical, and biological to analyze. Take the sample to your lo- Scrape leaves, mulch, and other properties. Soil variations can also re- cal Cooperative Extension center or to debris from the soil surface. When us- sult on a new home site when soil is the NCDA&CS lab at 5300 Reedy ing a trowel or shovel, dig a hole to moved around or brought in to fill low Creek Road in Raleigh. the appropriate depth for each type of areas. plants to be grown. For gardens, new Soil moisture will not affect soil-test PROBLEM AREA SAMPLES lawns, and other cultivated areas, results directly. However, its best if the sample to the depth the soil has been soil is slightly damp to drynot wet If you have plants in one area that or will be tilled. For established lawns, when samples are collected. If the soil are not doing well, submit a prob- collect samples 4 inches deep. For veg- is too wet to till, its too wet to lem area soil sample. Take one etable gardens and flower beds, take sample. Wet soil is more difficult to soil sample from the problem samples 6 to 8 inches deep, and for mix and could damage the soil sample area and another from a good trees and shrubs, sample to a depth of box during shipment. area for comparison. Fill out the 6 to 10 inches. Diagnostic Soil Sample Informa- Repeat this procedure in six to eight Completing the soil report form tion Sheet (Form AD2) instead of areas (subsamples) to obtain a more the regular soil sample sheet. Enter your name, address, and a five- representative sample for testing. digit code that you make up on the Avoid areas that are obviously differ- side of the box using a ballpoint pen, entwet spots, the compost pile, ani- Soil test results permanent marker, or a No. 2 pencil. mal urine spots, brush piles, under Felt tip pens or hard pencils may be After the soil-testing lab receives your eaves, and sites where trash has been difficult to read at the soil-testing sample, it dries the soil and conducts burned. Mix the subsamples together labespecially if the soil box gets wet. tests to determine the soil pH, humic to obtain one composite sample. Re- Make up a code that will be easy to matter content (the chemically active move large pieces of organic material rememberlawns for lawn, veggy portion of organic matter), nutrient such as roots, stalks, leaves, rocks, for vegetable garden. Any combina- content, and exchange capacity (abil- and other debris. Fill the soil sample tion of letters and numbers may be ity to hold nutrients). The lab chemi- box to the fill line. Submitting less used. Fill out the soil-test report sheet, cally removes elements from the soil than the suggested amount of soil giving as much information as pos- and measures them for their plant could lead to a sample that does not sible. The required items are name, availability. The quantity of available adequately represent the area you are address, county, crop code (found on nutrients in the sample, except for ni- testing or may not produce enough the back of the sheet), and the crop trogen, is used to determine the amount soil to conduct all of the necessary (plants) to be grown. The form is also of fertilizer that will be recommended. tests. used by farmers, so some of the infor- Test results and suggested lime and Even if the soil looks the same, mation requested, i.e., pounds of lime fertilizer application rates will be take separate samples for each general per acre, may not seem to apply to mailed to you. The results are also type of plant to be grownflower gardeners. posted on the Internet at: http:// beds, vegetable gardens, fruit or- Fold the report form so it can be in- www.ncagr.com/agronomi/pals.htm chards, shrub borders, and lawn ar- serted between the flaps in the top of The speed at which soil-test results be- eas. Its not necessary to list each the sample box or tape it to the come available varies with the time of 4
year. The turnaround time is about CEC: Cation exchange capacity is Ca and Mg%: Both calcium (Ca) two weeks during the summer and sev- a measure of the soils capacity to and magnesium (Mg) are shown as eral months in late fall or early winter. hold basic cations such as potassium, percentages of CEC. Soil calcium is The report may seem difficult to calcium, and magnesium, plus the seldom low enough to limit plant understand at first. It has two sec- acidic cations hydrogen and alumi- growth. In general, calcium is the tionstest results and lime and fertil- num. CEC increases as soil organic most common cation in the soil. Cal- izer recommendations. The test results matter, pH, and clay content increase. cium percentage is essential for calcu- section includes the measurements ob- This calculation is given in milli- lating CEC and to evaluate the rela- tained from your sample. In most equivalents per 100 grams of soil. Cat- tionship between calcium, magne- cases, however, the key information ions are positively charged ions such sium, and potash (K). If the magne- you will need will be found in the as calcium ( Ca++), magnesium sium percent is low, magnesium will Recommendations section. (Mg++), and potassium (K+). The be recommended in the form of dolo- larger the CEC value, the more cat- mitic lime or of a fertilizer containing Understanding soil-test report terms ions the soil is able to hold against magnesium. leaching. S (sulfur), Mn (manganese), Zn Soil class: Each soil sample is classi- BS%: Base saturation percent is (zinc), Cu (copper): An index is de- fied according to humic matter con- the percent of the CEC that is occu- termined for each of these nutrients. tent. The classes are: pied by the basic cations [potassium An index of 25 or lower is considered MIN Mineral soil. Low percentage (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium too low for optimum plant growth. A of humic matter. Target pH (Mg)]. BS% indicates the pH and lime range of 26 to 50 is medium, and a 6.0. status of the soil. As pH increases, range of greater than 50 is high. Add- M-O Mineral-organic soil. Medium BS% also increases. On soils that are ing more nutrients should not generate percentage of humic matter. properly limed, BS% should range a response when the index is greater Target pH 5.5. from 70 to 90. On acidic soils, BS% than 50. Sulfur is difficult to interpret ORG Organic soil. High humic ranges from 50 to 60. since, like nitrogen, it leaches readily matter content. Target pH Ac: Exchangeable acidity is the from sandy soils. 5.0. portion of the CEC that is occupied by SS-I: The soluble salt index is a Target pH is the soil pH that is best acidic cations [Aluminum (Al), hydro- measure of the amount of fertilizer ele- for most plants. Mineral soils need to gen (H)]. The amount of acidity de- ments and sodium that are soluble in be limed to a higher pH than the two creases as soil pH increases. the soil. This test is normally done for other types of soil to reduce aluminum pH: Soil pH is a measure of the greenhouse production and problem (Al) to levels that will allow optimum active acidity [hydrogen (H)] in the soil area soil samples. A moderate level of growth. Mineral-organic and organic solution. soluble salts is desirable, but an exces- soils are higher in organic matter and P-I and K-I: Phosphorus (P) and sive amount can injure plants. The de- lower in aluminum. potassium (K) are shown as indexes gree of injury from soluble salts de- HM percent: Humic matter per- used to evaluate nutrient availability pends on the soil type, soil moisture, cent is a measure of the chemically to plants. Fertilizer recommendations and crop sensitivity. active fraction of organic matter. The for P and K decrease as the index in- Na: Sodium is reported as meq/ humic matter values are usually much creases. An index of 25 or lower is dm3. Sodium can harm plant growth lower than the actual organic matter considered too low for optimum plant when it exceeds 15 percent of the content. growth. A range of 26 to 50 is me- CEC. You can leach excessive sodium W/V: The soil weight/volume is dium, and an index of greater than from the soil by applying gypsum shown in grams/cubic centimeter and 50 is high. Adding more phosphorus (land plaster). is used to determine the soil class. when the index is greater than 50 N (nitrogen) is not routinely a Soils high in sand have high W/V, should not generate a response. Fertil- part of the soil-test regimen because while soils high in organic matter have izer rates are given as pounds of P2O5 the test has limited predictive value. low W/V. Loamy and clayey soils are and K20 per acre or per 1,000 square Nitrogen is quite mobile in the soil and intermediate. feet. may be leached out before planting. 5
Recommendations for its use are ing soil pH. The purpose of liming is pellet form. The finer the powder, the based on the amount of nitrogen nor- to reduce exchangeable aluminum to more rapidly it becomes effective. Pel- mally needed for plant growth in a levels that are not toxic to plants. letized lime contains finely ground do- year. lomitic lime bound into pellets. The Liming to raise soil pH pellets disintegrate and release the Lime and fertilizer recommendations lime when they contact water. It is Two general classes of liming material usually more expensive, but easier and When the soil pH is in the ideal range may be used to raise the soil pH. Cal- less messy, to apply pelletized lime for optimum plant growth, no lime citic lime is composed of calcium car- than powdered lime. The lime will act recommendation is given. If the pH bonate and can be used on soils high more quickly if the soil is retilled sev- was determined to be too low, a rec- in magnesium. Dolomitic lime is a eral days after the pellets have been ommendation is made to apply lime mixture of calcium and magnesium mixed into the soil and have had time at a given rate per M. The M stands carbonates; it should be used on soils to soften. for 1,000 square feet. Occasionally, low in magnesium. Many organic soils the recommendation is given in tons and some piedmont soils are naturally Changing the soil pH per acre. An acre is 43,560 square high in magnesium, while most sandy feet, and a ton of lime weighs 2,000 soils in the coastal plain are low in If the soil pH is too acidic, lime can pounds. One ton per acre equals 46 magnesium. Dolomitic lime provides be used to raise the pH. It can be ap- pounds per 1,000 square feet. the major portion of calcium and plied any time of the year. Lime raises Sometimes soils with an identical magnesium required for plant growth. the pH, providing a more favorable pH will have different lime recommen- Gypsum, also called land plaster, is environment for soil microorganisms. dations. Soils low in organic matter or calcium sulfate. It is an economical Also, plants utilize fertilizers more ef- high in sand require less lime to source of calcium and sulfur, but it fectively at the proper pH. Ideally, change the pH than clayey soils or does not affect soil pH. lime should be applied and incorpo- those with high organic matter. Clayey All limestone sold in North Carolina rated into the soil before planting. soils contain more potential acidity must have a label showing the guaran- If the soil pH is too alkaline for the than sandy soils. As the pH falls be- teed percentage of calcium, magne- plant to be grown, lower the soil pH low 5.5, aluminum becomes soluble sium, and calcium carbonate equiva- by incorporating an acidic soil amend- at levels toxic to plants. In addition, lent, as well as the pounds of material ment such as pine bark or peat moss soluble aluminum reacts with water to that equal 1 ton of standard lime. or by applying elemental sulfur. Apply produce hydrogen ions, further reduc- Lime can be purchased in powder or sulfur with caution since applying too much can harm plants. Lime must be mixed with acidic CALCULATING THE AMOUNT soil and have adequate water to react with the soil. To be effective, lime OF LIME AND FERTILIZER TO APPLY should be spread and thoroughly in- A 1,000-square-feet area is an area 50 feet by 20 feet. Multiply the length corporated. Lime is only slightly of the area by the width of the area to determine the number of square soluble in water and does not move feet. Divide by 1,000 to obtain the number of units to be treated. Multiply- into soil as effectively as soluble fertil- ing the number of units by the pounds of material to treat 1,000 square izers. With adequate moisture, lime feet will give you the amount of fertilizer and lime needed. begins to react immediately; however, Example: it can take 6 to 12 months to realize If the area is 500 feet by 20 feet, and the suggested lime or fertilizer the total benefit from lime. treatment is 30M (pounds per 1,000 square feet): Surface-applied lime reacts more 500 feet x 20 feet = 10,000 square feet slowly than lime incorporated into the Divide 10,000 square feet by 1,000 = 10 units soil. However, a surface application is Multiply 30 pounds by 10 units = 300 pounds of material better than no application. Most of (fertilizer or lime) the surface-applied lime stays in the 6
Table 1 Recommended application rate for various granular tual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, di- fertilizers to apply 1 pound of nitrogen vide 100 by 33 = 3.3 pounds of ac- tual fertilizer to apply. Table 1 gives Application rates per: the amount of several materials to use 1,000 Square Feet 100 Square Feet 10 Square Feet if only nitrogen is needed. Unless the soil is deficient in other nutrients, a Source Pounds Cups Pounds Cups Tablespoons fertilizer high in nitrogen or containing 10-10-10 10 20 1 2 4 only nitrogen is often the best buy. 8-8-8 12.5 25 1.2 2.5 5 12-4-8 8 16 .75 1.5 3 Additional information: 16-4-8 6 12 .5 1 2 A Gardeners Guide to Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs AG-613 5-10-10 20 40 2 4 8 A Gardeners Guide to Protecting Wa- 12-6-6 8 16 .75 1.5 3 ter Quality AG-612 Composting: A Guide to Managing Or- ganic Yard Wastes AG-467 top 1 to 2 inches of soil. For estab- When the soil has a high phospho- lished lawns, gardens, and ornamen- rus index (P-I), the report may recom- Internet resources: tals, up to 50 pounds of lime per mend an unusual fertilizer grade such Fertilizer Recommendations and 1,000 square feet can be surface ap- as 15-0-14 or 8-0-24. A fertilizer that Techniques to Maintain Landscapes plied in one application. For rates over contains a small amount of phospho- 50 pounds, wait several months to rus (the middle number in the fertilizer and Protect Water Quality AG-508-5 http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/ make a repeat application. In lawns, analysis) can be substituted for a fertil- extension/publicat/wqwm/ its best to aerate the soil before ap- izer grade that may be next to impos- plying lime. sible to find. When the phosphorus in- wqwm127.html General horticulture dex is below 25, a fertilizer with a high http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/ Substituting different grades of phosphorus content is recommended. fertilizer An alternative method to apply ad- consumer/ Managing Lawns and Gardens to equate phosphorus is to use a high The soil-test report gives recommenda- Protect Water Quality AG-439-21 phosphorus fertilizer, such as 0-46-0, tions for a rate and grade of fertilizer http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/ and a conventional fertilizer, such as to apply per 1,000 square feet. One extension/publicat/wqwm/ 10-10-10. grade of fertilizer can be substituted ag439_21.html Some fertilizer recommendations for another, but you will need to make Soils/fertilizer pertain to nitrogen only, such as 1 a few calculations. For example, when http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/ pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 the report recommends 10 pounds of consumer/hortinternet/soils.html square feet instead of pounds of a 10-10-10 to apply 1 pound of nitrogen Compost/mulch complete fertilizer. This type of recom- per 1,000 square feet but you want to http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/ mendation usually is given when the P use a 15-15-15 fertilizer, use the fol- consumer/hortinternet/ and K indexes are over 50. To deter- lowing formula. compost_mulch.html mine the amount of fertilizer to use Organic Pounds of nitrogen desired when only nitrogen is recommended, per 1,000 square feet http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/ = divide 100 by the first number in a fer- Percentage of nitrogen in tilizer analysis (percent nitrogen). For consumer/hortinternet/organic.html fertilizer you plan to use divided by 100 example, if you are using 33-0-0 fertil- 1 1 izer and want to apply 1 pound of ac- = = 6.66 15 ÷ 100 .15 7
Soil sample forms are available at your county Cooperative Extension Center. le p am S NC STATE UNIVERSITY A&T STATE UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION Helping People Put Knowledge to Work College of Agriculture & Life Sciences l NC State University School of Agriculture and Environmental and Allied Sciences l NC A&T State University Prepared by Erv Evans, Extension Associate, Department of Horticultural Science Deanna Osmond, Extension Soil Science Specialist 4,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $0,000.00 or $.00 per copy Published by North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. 1/01—4M—DSB AG-614 E01-38909
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