To provide or not to provide access? The Dutch broadband joint SMP case - Oxera
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Advancing economics in business May 2020 How To do non-poaching provide or not to provide access? agreements The distort competition? Dutch broadband joint SMP case
To provide or not to provide access? The Dutch broadband joint SMP case the approval of the European Electronic he helped to develop the framework that Contact Communications Code (EECC): does the we use to think about how firms interact— EU telecoms regulatory framework have that of ‘non-cooperative games’; and he Felipe Flórez Duncan a blind spot, limiting the ability of national established a way of working out what the Partner regulatory authorities (NRAs) to regulate outcome of that interaction will be—his markets effectively? famous namesake ‘equilibrium’.6 Back in 2015, the Body of European This particular strand of mathematics— Regulators for Electronic Communications game theory—played a key role in the (BEREC) believed that this was indeed ACM’s joint SMP finding, and also in the On 17 March 2020, the Dutch Trade the case.4 Concerned by the prospect that CBb’s evidence to undermine the ACM’s and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) cable operators’ growing footprints would arguments, drawing on Nash’s seminal published its long-awaited verdict on match those of traditional copper and fibre contribution to the development of non- the appeal against the Netherlands operators, BEREC worried that there might cooperative game theory.7 Authority for Consumers and Markets come a time where it would no longer be (ACM) 2018 finding of joint dominance evident that a single operator held SMP. A game describes any situation in which in the Dutch retail broadband market. However, it was also concerned that the two or more ‘players’ (e.g. people or firms) Why did the CBb rule in favour of conditions for finding collective dominance can perform actions (strategies) that affect the appellants, and what are the or joint SMP would be hard to prove, and not only their own ‘payoffs’ (e.g. profit), implications of this finding for the therefore that there might be no recourse but also the payoffs of other players with regulation of wholesale broadband to regulate imperfectly competitive markets whom they interact. As part of its joint access in the telecoms sector? with a small number of operators. SMP assessment, the ACM considered a simplified two-stage game in which the Oxera advised VodafoneZiggo during this case. Despite BEREC’s concerns, the European two operators in the market (KPN and Commission determined that the concepts VodafoneZiggo): of single and joint SMP remained fit for In its 2018 review of the Dutch purpose and, as such, they continue to be • first determine whether to grant or broadband market, the ACM found that the only mechanisms through which NRAs deny access to their ‘wholesale VodafoneZiggo1 and KPN2 held a position can impose targeted access obligations on fixed access’ network (the upstream of joint significant market power (SMP) in telecoms operators. input to the provision of retail fixed the retail broadband market, and required broadband services); both firms to provide wholesale broadband In what follows, it is not our intention to to retail competitors.3 This was the first reopen the debate regarding whether • then determine what price they will time that the ACM had found joint SMP in there is a blind spot in the telecoms SMP sell broadband services at on the the Dutch fixed broadband market—before framework—we have discussed this in retail market. this, KPN was the only operator deemed some detail in previous articles and reports, to have market power and subject to and we consider that the Commission made The combination of these two choices wholesale access obligations. the right decision to retain the existing SMP- determines the profit that the parties can based regulatory thresholds.5 Instead, this achieve; however, the level of profits for Following a period of rapid growth through article explores two important elements of a single operator depends not only on its mergers and acquisitions, as well as a the recent Dutch case: own choices, but also on the choices of its major programme of network investment, rival, as follows. VodafoneZiggo went head to head with, • first, the CBb’s reliance on game and became more than a match for, KPN. theory-based economic models to • If either operator provides access reach its conclusions; then extra retail competition lowers However, the ACM was not convinced retail profits. However, the operator that this new market structure would • second, the crucial role that providing access benefits from profits be sufficient to guarantee effective commercial access agreements and, on the wholesale market, and it will competition, and it pursued a case of joint more generally, incentives of parties also be able to gain market share dominance. The ACM argued that, in the to provide wholesale access played in from its vertically integrated rival absence of regulatory obligations to offer undermining the joint SMP finding, and in terms of the overall number of wholesale access, the two firms would the implications of this for how NRAs connections, if the access seeker is tacitly coordinate with each other to refuse across the EU must conduct market successful in the retail market. to open up their networks to third parties, analyses—especially in situations in an effort to keep retail prices at above where cable operators and copper/fibre • However, when the two network competitive levels. operators (or multiple infrastructure operators in this model are competing operators, for that matter) compete to provide wholesale access, they VodafoneZiggo and KPN appealed this head to head in large parts of a country. can end up competing their wholesale decision and, in a long-awaited judgment access charges down to cost, thus that arrived on 17 March 2020, the CBb eroding any wholesale profits. quashed the ACM’s joint SMP finding. As A beautiful game a result, no access obligations stemming Given this set-up, the ACM modelled Many will recognise John Nash as the from the ACM’s finding can be brought into the outcome of this game with a stylised American mathematician depicted in the force. ‘payoff matrix’ showing different profits Oscar-winning film A Beautiful Mind, and as to each firm depending on its decision to the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics ‘refuse’ or ‘provide’ access, together with Ghosts of battles past in 1994 for his contributions to game theory. the decision of the other operator, as set out in Figure 1 overleaf. This decision brings back a question Nash’s contribution to Industrial that was extensively debated during Organisation theory, and hence competition the legislative discussions that led to and regulatory economics, had two aspects: May 2020 1
To provide or not to provide access? The Dutch broadband joint SMP case less inclined to adhere to any coordinated outcome that might be envisaged, making a position of joint SMP unlikely. Back to reality The primary limitation of the ACM’s analysis, nonetheless, is the artificial construct of the payoff matrix (see Figure 1) and the assumption that both parties have a unilateral incentive to provide wholesale access. This was a key point explained by Oxera in its report for Figure 1 ACM payoff matrix: a prisoner’s dilemma VodafoneZiggo.9 Note: The payoff figures in this matrix are stylised and do not reflect actual profits. It is the relative magnitudes that are important for the assessment of the game, not the absolute levels. In particular, when considering the market realities, the following was shown. Source: Oxera, based on payoff matrix in Authority for Consumers & Markets (2018), ‘Marktanalyse Wholesale Fixed Access’, 27 September, • VodafoneZiggo does not have unilateral incentives to provide This situation results in a ‘prisoners’ one party would expect such punishment if wholesale access. dilemma’—the analogy being of two it were to deviate, this would be sufficient to prisoners who face the choice between enforce the tacitly collusive outcome where • Simple observation shows that confessing (providing access) or staying both parties refuse access at the wholesale VodafoneZiggo did not provide quiet (refusing access). level (and are therefore able to raise prices access even when KPN was at retail level). regulated to do so. In Figure 1, given the structure of payoffs, each operator will always choose to provide However, as explained by Oxera in a report • There is no compelling business access, as doing so will always give it the for VodafoneZiggo,8 this is unlikely to be case for VodafoneZiggo to best payoff, taking as a given the choice of an effective punishment mechanism due provide wholesale access— the other operator. This means that there is to lengthy negotiation periods between an analysis of the break- a ‘stable equilibrium’ where both operators wholesale access providers and potential even wholesale prices that choose to provide access, and each access seekers. VodafoneZiggo would have obtains a payoff of 2. to charge to recover the Suppose that KPN deviates from the incremental costs of providing The two operators would jointly be better agreement by providing access to third wholesale access to a new off if they both refused to provide wholesale parties. By the time VodafoneZiggo access seeker showed that access, as—according to the ACM—they becomes aware of KPN’s deviation, KPN such prices would be above would then be able to increase prices on will have had the opportunity to approach KPN’s wholesale price. Thus, the retail market for (bundles with) Internet and negotiate a wholesale contract with the if VodafoneZiggo offered access to the detriment of the consumer, most important candidates for wholesale wholesale access to a new and each would achieve a payoff of 3. access. KPN will thus have gained a access seeker at a price that first-mover advantage, and punishment matched that of KPN, this However, both operators refusing access by VodafoneZiggo in the form of further would result in profit losses for is unstable: each party would have an wholesale access provision is likely to have VodafoneZiggo. incentive to deviate and provide access (in a limited impact since the most relevant the hope of getting a payoff of 4). As soon access seekers will no longer be available. • KPN does have unilateral incentives as one party deviates, it is then in the best VodafoneZiggo then needs to wait until the to provide wholesale access. interests of the other party to also provide deviating network’s wholesale contracts are access. The result? The stable equilibrium up for renewal before it can to retaliate. • KPN is already in the market. As where both parties provide access. such, it has built up a profitable Therefore, given the long-term nature wholesale business over the Aside from explicit collusion, which of the first-mover advantage gained by years, and has already incurred would be illegal, the only way to reach deviating, the threat of the other operator the sunk costs of setting up an outcome where both parties refuse also providing access is unlikely to be a various wholesale access access would be to have a repeated sufficient punishment to deter deviation at products and supporting services game with tacit coordination between the the wholesale level. such as wholesale billing and two operators supported by a credible support functions. punishment mechanism that could be Furthermore, once a long-term contract imposed on any party that defected from has been signed, the decision to grant • By continuing to provide the coordinated outcome. access cannot be reversed until the wholesale access on a contract period has ended. As the key to commercial basis, KPN protects In its assessment of the operators’ ability to effective punishment mechanisms is that its existing wholesale access trigger the credible punishment mechanism they are reversible (so that the coordinated revenue stream and investments. needed to maintain effective coordination, equilibrium can be reached again in future), On the other hand, by stopping the ACM argued that, if one party shifted the specific nature of wholesale agreements the provision of these wholesale away from the coordinated outcome (e.g. undermines this necessary condition. access services, KPN would run started to provide access), the other would the risk of inducing market entry punish it by also providing access. If the In the absence of any credible threat of by VodafoneZiggo. conditions in the market were such that any punishment for deviation, the parties will be May 2020 2
To provide or not to provide access? The Dutch broadband joint SMP case • Evidence that KPN had also such an offer on terms that were evidently contracted, on a commercial The end of open access? attractive to access seekers, given they had basis, with some access Not so fast… entered into these commercial agreements. seekers to provide access, even in the absence of regulation, As discussed, a key part of the CBb’s By not taking into account the commercial demonstrates KPN’s commercial decision was a consideration of the offer or the fact that the offer and the incentive to provide access. commercial incentive of KPN to offer contracts would continue to exist in the wholesale access even in the absence coming regulatory period, it was determined In a case where only one of the parties has of regulatory intervention. As part of this, that the ACM had not complied with the a unilateral incentive to provide access, the CBb considered the assumptions that requirements of the SMP Guidelines. the payoffs in the matrix are fundamentally the ACM had applied in its assessment of Specifically, the ACM had not fully taken altered (see Figure 2 below). This new competition. into account ‘the existing market conditions payoff structure leads to a new equilibrium as well as expected or foreseeable market in which KPN supplies access but While the CBb found that the ACM was developments over the course of the next VodafoneZiggo does not. As this is a stable correct in assessing SMP in the relevant review period in the absence of regulation equilibrium, there is no prisoners’ dilemma. market by applying the ‘modified greenfield based on significant market power’.11 Without a prisoners’ dilemma, there can be approach’ set out in the SMP Guidelines no joint SMP. (such that ‘the effects of any regulation based The CBb found, therefore, that the ACM on significant market power in place are incorrectly assumed that there would Citing Oxera’s game theory analysis and the excluded from the assessment’),10 it rejected be no access agreements (and thus no adjusted payoff matrix, the CBb concluded the ACM’s interpretation of this in practice. competition at the retail level from access that a credible alternative scenario exists seekers) in the absence of regulation. where, absent access regulation, it The ACM had assumed not only that current would be economically rational for KPN access regulation would not exist, but also to continue to offer access to its network that the threat of access regulation did not What now? regardless of what VodafoneZiggo would exist. Coupled with its conclusion that KPN The consideration of commercial incentives choose to do. The CBb therefore agreed would not offer access without the threat to provide wholesale access and how these with Oxera that the market outcome would of regulation, the ACM ignored all access should be accounted for in future market not be characterised by tacit coordination. agreements prevailing in the market. This analyses is highly relevant when looking To our knowledge, this is the first time that included ignoring some existing commercial at how regulators should assess telecoms economics game theory models have access agreements already in place between markets in future. played such a central role in a market KPN and access seekers (as well as a review appeal decision in the electronic commercial offer to extend such agreements In particular, in the roll-out of new full-fibre communications sector. to other access-seeking parties). networks, wholesale access agreements are going to be key to filling in capacity, Given the incentive of KPN to provide The CBb rejected the ACM’s position that even where the firm making investments access, the CBb concluded that the such commercial agreements should not is vertically integrated. This is particularly ACM had not sufficiently proven that, be taken into account in the market power likely to be the case where there are absent regulation, both firms would enjoy assessment. Rather, the CBb ruled that already strong brands operating at the joint dominance in the retail market (for they may be taken into account where the retail level, as is the case in the UK (brands broadband Internet or bundles including motive behind the agreement is a mutual including Sky, TalkTalk, BT and Vodafone), Internet services). As a result, the ACM’s commercial benefit for KPN and the relevant in Germany (Freenet, Vodafone and remedy, requiring both firms to provide third-party customer, and where KPN has Telefónica), and in Ireland (Vodafone and regulated wholesale access, was ruled no incentive to restrict competition. The Sky). as being without effect and is no longer in CBb found that the ACM had not properly force. assessed the relevance of the commercial The findings of this case are therefore offer, nor the incentives of KPN to make important when considering the evolution of the telecoms market in different EU jurisdictions. Considering the ambitious EU and national targets for coverage of very-high-capacity networks (VHCNs)— such as a target of access to connectivity offering at least 100Mbps for all households (with a pathway to gigabit connections)— investments may be made by a number of competing operators. In turn, this is likely to result in a growing number of cases where single dominance (SMP) is not a foregone conclusion and market analysis will increasingly be based on the joint dominance paradigm. However, while any future regulatory analysis needs to be undertaken case by case and market by market, it is clear that Figure 2 Payoff matrix adjusted to reflect market realities consideration of commercial wholesale Note: The payoff figures in this matrix are stylised and do not reflect actual profits. It is the relative magnitudes that are important for the access agreements is very important to assessment of the game, not the absolute levels. the understanding of the likely competitive nature of the market absent regulation, Source: Oxera. May 2020 3
To provide or not to provide access? The Dutch broadband joint SMP case 1 VodafoneZiggo is a Dutch company offering fixed, mobile and integrated communication and entertainment services to consumers and and is thus likely to become increasingly businesses. It is a joint venture of Liberty Global, the largest international TV and broadband Internet company, and Vodafone Group, one of relevant to the analysis. the world’s largest telecoms companies. 2 KPN is a Dutch landline and mobile telecoms company. For example, in the UK, physical duct and 3 Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (2018), ‘Market analysis decision on Wholesale Fixed Access’, 28 September, pole access is being pushed as a solution,12 and Virgin Media, CityFibre and some 4 BEREC (2015), ‘Report on oligopoly analysis and regulation’, BoR (15) 74, June, smaller players are rolling out networks, 5 making head-to-head competition in many The arguments are summarised in Oxera (2017), ‘Regulating oligopolies in telecoms: a solution in search of a problem?’, Agenda, September, parts of the UK a reality. In these and 6 Oxera (2015), ‘A beautiful mind: the Nash legacy’, Agenda, June, similar cases, a close look at commercial incentives to supply access in the absence 7 Nash, J.F. (1951), ‘Non-cooperative games’, Annals of Mathematics, 54, pp. 286–95. of regulatory obligations, and the impact of 8 Oxera (2018), ‘Economic review of the ACM’s finding of joint SMP in retail and wholesale fixed access’, prepared for VodafoneZiggo, this on retail market competitiveness, will be 10 April. of key importance to any decision on single 9 Oxera (2018), ‘Economic review of the ACM’s finding of joint SMP in retail and wholesale fixed access’, prepared for VodafoneZiggo, 10 or joint SMP and the need for continued April. regulation, as the CBb ruling shows. 10 European Commission (2018), ‘Guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power under the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (2018/C 159/01)’, para. 74. Indeed, wholesale access is likely to be 11 European Commission (2018), ‘Guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power under the EU regulatory a central element of any infrastructure framework for electronic communications networks and services (2018/C 159/01)’, para. 17. investor’s business plan, even when 12 Ofcom (2020), ‘Promoting investment and competition in fibre networks – Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review 2021-26’, vertically integrated, given the high cost and consultation, 8 January, risk of stranded assets. Contact Felipe Flórez Duncan Michael Weekes Maurice de Valois Turk May 2020 4
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