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Schneider Electric Industry SAS
Sustainable Development Department

35 rue Joseph Monier
F-92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex (France)

Tel: +33 (0)1 41 29 70 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 41 29 71 00
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Innovative solutions
for access to energy
Providing products/solutions and business models to meet the needs
of populations at the Base of the Pyramid in terms of access to energy
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The context

1.4 billion people,
have no access
to electricity.
They earn less than
2 dollars per day*.

The absence of electricity means no access to proper
basic needs like health care, cooking, lighting and also
sustainable social and economic activities.
These families spend more than 15 dollars per month
on energy in average.

Schneider Electric is committed
to providing responses to the question:
What steps need to be taken in less developed countries
to bring reliable, affordable and clean electricity that
would empower the 1.4 billion people who have no access
to energy?

*In purchasing power parity - source : world development indicators - World Bank.
(source: International Energy Agency)
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Schneider Electric solutions for access to energy

The BipBop programme
Schneider Electric has developped a
sustainable programme to bring safe, clean
                                                                               Planet & Society Barometer
electricity to the people who need it most
worldwide.                                                                     2010                             Objectives from
                                                                               achievements                     01/2009 to 12/2011
With the strong willingness to involve local
communities and local stakeholders in each
country, the BipBop programme addresses
                                                                               4,742                            10 000 young
                                                                               young people                     people from the Base
three key issues to provide sustainable access                                 trained                          of the Pyramid trained
to electricity:                                                                                                 in electricity trades
• the lack of appropriate equipment through
the development of an adequate offer;                                          891 058                          1 000 000
• the lack of financial resources available for                                households                       households from the
innovative energy entrepreneurs through                                        connected                        Base of the Pyramid
funding;                                                                                                        have access to energy
• and the skills and expertise shortage through                                                                 with Schneider Electric
technical and business training.                                                                                solutions
                                                                               209                              500 new
This strategy builds upon a profitable and                                     entrepreneurs                    entrepreneurs from
responsible vision and is called BipBop - an                                   supported                        the Base of the Pyramid
acronym standing for Business, Innovation                                                                       start their own business
and People at the Base of the Pyramid*.                                                                         in the electricity market

Bip Bop at a glance

Business                                                                                                 Innovation
Manage a socially driven                                                                                 Build adequate offers/solutions
investment fund to                                                                                       and business models to meet
financially support                                                                                      the needs of populations
companies dedicated to                                                                                   at the Base of the Pyramid in
the access to energy                                                                                     terms of access to energy
business at the Base of
the Pyramid

                                               Train young people from the Base of the Pyramid in
                                               energy management related skills and sponsor them

* BOP for Bottom Of the Pyramid. It is the expression commonly used
to refer people with the lowest income on a global scale in a given country.
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A dedicated and complete set of innovations
                  providing access to energy
Remote & isolated places                                                                Rural villages


Domestic Needs:                                                                         Entrepreneurial Needs:                            Domesti
Autonomous lighting, mobile charging, radio,                                            Mills, water pumping, battery charging            Lighting,
fan, …                                                                                  station, cold chain, handcraft, …                 drinkable

Expectations:                                                                           Expectations:                                     Expectat
> Reliable, affordable, robust and green                                               > Economic development: provide enough           >  Reliab
   energy to run their domestic devices                                                    power to run activities generating income          energ
                                                                                           for local entrepreneurs
                                                                                            Productivity: replacing manual
                                                                                            tasks very time consuming

 Lighting                           DC (Direct Current)                                  Solar water                 Lighting
 Solar Home System                  management system                                    pumping station             powered by battery

• Autonomous lighting solution    • Battery charge and discharge management systems   • Autonomus solar         • Autonomous lighting solution
• Based on solar generation       • Large connections outputs                            pumping station         • Based on battery rental model
• Owned by customer               • Security                                          • Without battery         • Lamp owned by customer,
                                   • Owned by customer                                 • Water tank required        and charged battery rented
                                                                                        • Managed by a local         by an entrepreneur

     Collective       Individual
To find out more:
Schneider Electric solutions for access to energy

                                                                                                        Periurban / City



                                                                                 M  UNI

ic Needs:                                        Community Needs:                                       Domestic and
 mobile charging, TV, radio, fan,                town hall, school, health centres,                     entrepreneurial Needs :
 water, …                                        entertainment, water supply market, …                  Lighting, mobile charging, TV, radio, fan, …

 tions:                                          Expectations:                                          Expectations:
ble, affordable, robust and green                >  Promote and facilitate social life: enable         >  Affordable energy to power their domestic
gy to run their domestic devices                     to improve the level of services and social            devices and entrepreneurial activities
                                                     activities within communities

    Battery                          Micro off-grid                       Lighting                       Lighting
    charging station                 facility                             powered by grid                powered by grid and/or battery

   • One device can charge        • 2,5 / 11 / 24 kW: enough          • Energy supply based         • Continuous lighting
     10 lighting system batteries      to power between 20 to               on micro-grid               • Battery charged when main grid electricity is available
   • Based on solar generation        100 households and some           • Owned by customer           • Or charged battery rented by an entrepreneur
   • Managed by a local               community infrastructure                                         • Lamp owned by customer, and charged battery
     entrepreneur                   • Based on renewable energy                                           potentialy rented by an entrepreneur
                                    • Managed by community

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Involving local players to build
sustainable business and social
BipBop programme develops joint

                                                                                                                                           Credit: Patrick Piro
actions on the field and shares expertise
in order to promote access to energy
for people at the Base of the Pyramid.
Schneider Electric ‘s partners benefit
from our global footprint, industrialisation
and technological capabilities, and
the expertise of our global and local
teams (project management, business
development, engineering, etc.). Such
shared value ensures complementarity of
competencies and knowledge between
Schneider Electric and its partners, which
is compulsory to answer needs and
expectations of communities lacking of
reliable, affordable and clean energy.

     NGOs: field players help us to deploy our                 Corporations: cross sector companies
solutions within communities. NGOs are directly           may be developing similar Base of the Pyramid
linked with Community Based Organisations                 approaches to address other needs. Creating local
(cooperatives, villages, Self Help Groups…). Such         or regional collaborative platforms helps to gather
actors may elaborate distribution channels with           knowledge and actions to reach shared goals.
specific sensitization to population; hence ensuring
viability and relevance of our joint actions.                 Local authorities: governments, regional and
                                                          local authorities may bring legitimacy and validation
     Entrepreneurs: many SMEs in the field of             of socio-economic studies to implement projects that
access to energy have emerged. They face local            must adapt to local contexts. Authorities may also
realities and develop business. Partnering with them      co-invest in projects as well as impulse creation of
helps to find innovative business models accessing        lacking infrastructures.
local communities.
                                                               Donors and sponsors: projects investments
    Traditional partners: Schneider Electric              may be too high to be supported by local
conventional partners such as distributors and            communities. Launching new business models
wholesalers may contribute to build models based          at the Base of the Pyramid may require hybrid
on their local knowledge and access chanels.              investments that mix grants from aid agencies or
                                                          foundations.and private investments.
    Micro Finance Institutions: agreements with
MFIs help to bypass lack of banking services in
remote places and low financial capacity of end-
user customers.

Complementary                               Training
                                            We developp dedicaded professional
                                                                                            We support the development of local economic
actions                                     training for young people around energy         initiatives with a sustainable investment fund,
                                            management careers, partnering                  Schneider Electric Energy Access, that invests on new
                                            with local authorities and NGOs.                or existing structure developing access to energy
To find out more:
Schneider Electric solutions for access to energy

      BipBop projects
      around the world

                                                               more than
                                                               27 projects
                                                               in 17 countries

      Take a tour around the world with the BipBop map.
      An interactive tool to get at a glance and in-depth
      information about all the BipBop projects.

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