To buy or not to buy: the chnaging landscape of housing retirement

Page created by Stanley Fields
To buy or not to buy: the chnaging landscape of housing retirement
To buy or sustainability of master
           not to buy: the         trust
                            chnaging     pension of
                                      landscape  schemes
                                                    housing retirement
To buy or not to buy: the chnaging landscape of housing retirement
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI)
The PPI is an educational, independent research organisation with a charitable objective to inform
the policy debate on pensions and retirement income provision. The PPI’s aim is to improve
information and understanding about pensions and retirement provision through research and
analysis, discussion and publication. It does not lobby for any particular issue or reform solution
but works to make the pensions and retirement policy debate better informed.
The PPI is funded by donations, grants and benefits-in-kind from a range of organisations, as well
as being commissioned for research projects.
Pensions affect everyone. But too few people understand them and what is needed for the
provision of an adequate retirement income. The PPI wants to change that. We believe that better
information and understanding will lead to a better policy framework and a better provision of
retirement income for all. The PPI aims to be an authoritative voice on policy on pensions and the
provision of retirement income in the UK.
The PPI has specific objectives to:
•       Provide relevant and accessible information on the extent and nature of retirement provision
•       Contribute fact-based analysis and commentary to the policy-making process
•       Extend and encourage research and debate on policy on pensions and retirement provision
•       Be a helpful sounding board for providers, policy makers and opinion formers
•       Inform the public debate on policy on pensions and retirement provision.
We believe that the PPI is unique in the study of pensions and retirement provision, as it is:
•       Independent, with no political bias or vested interest
•       Led by experts focused on pensions and retirement provision
•       Considering the whole pension framework: state, private, and the interaction between them
•       Pursuing both academically rigorous analysis and practical policy commentary
•       Taking a long-term perspective on policy outcomes on pensions and retirement income
•       Encouraging dialogue and debate with multiple constituencies
To buy or not to buy: the chnaging landscape of housing retirement
This report has been authored by:

John Adams – Senior Policy Analyst

                  John has been the PPI’s Senior Policy Analyst since 2008. In his time at
                  the PPI John has worked in a lead role in the modelling of a wide range
                  of projects including looking at public sector pensions and pension
                  related tax-relief.
                  At the PPI, John is responsible for the PPI’s Pension Facts and has
                  authored briefing notes and reports on subjects such as how housing
                  wealth can support retirement, tax policy on pension schemes, har-
                  nessing pension savings for debt alleviation, public sector pension
                  John joined the PPI in 2008 from Hewitt Associates. At Hewitt he
                  worked primarily on modelling of standard and non-standard De-
                  fined Benefit pension scheme calculations for the consultants to pres-
                  ent to the clients.
                  Prior to joining Hewitt John worked for the Government Actuary’s
                  Department for 8 years in the Occupational Pensions directorate, dur-
                  ing which time he calculated public sector pension scheme valuations,
                  bulk transfer values, and designed models for the use of other Govern-
                  ment departments.
Sponsorship has been given to help fund the research, and does not necessarily imply agreement
with, or support for, the analysis or findings from the project.

A Research Report by John Adams
Published by the Pensions Policy Institute
© August 2020
ISBN 978-1-906284-91-6
Financial sustainability of master
trust pension schemes
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter One: Automatic enrolment and the introduction of master trusts......................................... 6

Chapter Two: Ongoing costs to master trust schemes............................................................................. 9

Chapter Three: Charges on master trust schemes...................................................................................14

Chapter Four: Projection of the costs and income of the master trusts...............................................18

Chapter Five: Challenges affecting the master trust industry............................................................. 25

Appendix One: the Charge Cap................................................................................................................ 30

Appendix Two: Technical Appendix........................................................................................................ 31

References..................................................................................................................................................... 34

Acknowledgements and Contact Details................................................................................................. 35

Executive Summary
Automatic enrolment has led to a rapid increase in pension savers, with more than 10 million
enrolled since its introduction in 2012. Master trusts have been created to meet this increased
need for pension provision. Setting up a master trust is a capital-intensive venture, requiring
professional advisors, systems for processing contributions, fund management, administration and
marketing. In order to achieve financial sustainability, master trusts must ensure that they are able
to cover both initial start-up costs, and loan repayments in cases where start-up capital has been
borrowed, as well as ongoing costs associated with running the scheme. While a scheme’s chosen
charging structure impacts individual members, it also affects the financial sustainability of the
scheme more broadly, so careful consideration must be given to ensure that this is appropriate for
expenditure needs.

The greatest challenge to the financial sustainability of master trusts is the need
to cover initial start-up and running costs until levels of membership and assets
have grown sufficiently
There are significant costs associated with setting up a new pension scheme, as well as ongoing
running costs, which can be more challenging to cover in the early years of the scheme while pot
sizes are small. In order to meet costs during the period before the scheme income is sufficient,
the master trusts will rely on financial support from other sources. If initial capital is provided
as a loan, then servicing of that loan through regular payments is required as set out in the terms
of the loan and is a cost to the scheme. These repayment cashflows also need to be met from
future charges, alongside the ongoing costs of the scheme. Master trusts set up by an existing
pension provider may benefit from existing administration and IT systems, while master trusts
set up from scratch generally face higher initial start-up costs. As a result of concerns about the
business models of some of the master trusts and the resulting impact on the schemes’ financial
sustainability, the Government introduced an authorisation regime.

                                                          Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   1

    Master trusts’ annual expenditure has been growing year on year, with
    cumulative expenditure around £1 billion by 2019 and costs expected to continue
    to grow

    Chart Ex.1
    Cumulative investment into the four largest master trusts may be at around £1bn by 2019
    Annual costs of setting up and running the largest 4 master trust pension schemes (£millions)



                               £600                                                                                    £140

                                                                                                  £370       £110
                                                                                     £270         £100
                                                                            £180     £90
                               £200                               £110
                                                         £60      £50
                                                 2010    2011     2012      2013     2014         2015       2016      2017        2018    2019

                                                                 Cumulative expenditure                Annual expenditure

    Chart Ex.2
    Costs of master trust schemes are increasing in earnings terms
    Projection of costs of master trust schemes (£billions in 2020 earnings terms) under high, baseline
    and low cost scenarios


     master trust schemes (£billions)
     Aggregate costs and charges of






                                                 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

                                                                  Baseline Costs            Low Cost                  High Costs

2   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

The master trust industry is unlikely to achieve breakeven on costs until around 2025. Thereafter,
the industry may generate annual profits which will accelerate as the funds under management
grow. However, in reality there may be some reduction in the profits as providers seek to achieve
a competitive advantage by reducing their charges, while still having a large enough pool of assets
under management to achieve a profit from the charges.

There are a number of known future challenges which are likely to impact
master trust costs moving forward
• Pensions dashboards: Data cleansing exercises necessary for the implementation of pensions
  dashboards are likely to present additional costs for master trusts, both on an immediate and
  ongoing basis. While the cost of dashboards to the master trust industry is difficult to accurately
  predict, the Department for Work and Pensions’ estimates in the Pensions Bill 2020 Impact
  Assessment suggest large schemes would face implementation costs of around £200,000 each.
  For medium size schemes, implementation costs are calculated to be around £75,000 each, along
  with having to share the cost of £100,000 per administrator. Over the longer-term, this may be
  offset by lower costs in other administrative areas as a result of higher quality data.
• Deferred members: Small pots belonging to deferred members are likely to become an
  increasingly important issue as job mobility continues to grow. While active pots are more
  continuously administered as new contributions are regularly received and allocated, deferred
  pots present their own administration issues as a result of inefficiencies in administering
  multiple pots for the same person or maintaining contact with an individual without having
  a current employer to provide contact information. Schemes with a greater proportion of pots
  belonging to deferred members may experience costs that are particularly high relative to
  their assets under management, as these pots tend to be small and do not grow with ongoing
  contributions. Without policy change, the number of deferred pots in master trust schemes could
  grow from 8 million to 27 million by 2035.
• COVID-19: While the full impact of COVID-19 on pensions is not yet certain, reductions in
  overall contribution levels as a result of increased unemployment and volatility in the stock
  market are likely to impact master trusts’ income from charges, at least in the short-term.

                                                         Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   3

              This report is informed by desk research, PPI modelling, and interviews with
              industry representatives.

           Background and approach                             Other challenges include the issue of deferred
                                                               members. The number of deferred members
           The success of automatic enrolment has
                                                               have grown at twice the rate of active members
           been to bring 10 million new people saving
                                                               resulting in engagement issues between
           into a pension. With such a large number of
                                                               the member and provider (no longer able
           new pension savers, new pension schemes
                                                               to communicate via the employer, email
           have launched to meet the demand. The
                                                               and postal addresses change) and with no
           majority of automatically enrolled savers are
                                                               further contributions, a lack of assets under
           in master trusts pension schemes, many of
                                                               management (AUM) growth for the provider.
           which have launched since 2012, changing
           the landscape of pension provision in the UK.       It is estimated that approximately £1bn has been
           The regulatory regime has reacted by setting        invested collectively by the largest automatic
           out an authorisation procedure which master         enrolment providers in setting up and running
           trusts must undergo in order to be permitted        their platforms. Even after 7 years and increases
           to operate.                                         to contribution rates, the charges generated
                                                               from the AUM may not be enough to cover the
           Setting up a master trust is a capital-intensive
                                                               ongoing costs and pay off the outstanding debt
           venture, requiring professional advisors,
                                                               on the start-up costs. Financial sustainability
           systems for processing contributions, fund
                                                               remains a challenge in the automatic
           management, administration and marketing.
                                                               enrolment industry, especially in light of
           Some master trusts may be able to benefit from
                                                               further investment being required for known
           infrastructures available through an existing
                                                               challenges such as improving infrastructure
           parent company, other master trusts that start
                                                               and member portals responding to the current
           from scratch face significant up-front costs for
                                                               pandemic, data quality, member engagement,
           such required items.
                                                               pensions dashboards and transfer initiatives
                                                               but also for unknown future challenges such as
                                                               possible future regulatory change.

4   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Roadmap of the report
This report examines the ways in which examines the ways in which the costs faced, and income
received, by automatic enrolment pension providers can affect their financial sustainability. Like all
PPI reports, this report does not offer policy recommendations.
Chapter One examines the automatic enrolment market including the growth in master trusts and
the process under which they are authorised to conduct business.
Chapter Two describes the expenditure involved in provision of a pension scheme and examines
the levels of transparency and existence of cross-subsidies within different charging structures.
Chapter Three describes the income to pension scheme providers, including charges and the role of
the scheme funder. It considers the relationship of charges to costs and examines the existence of
cross-subsidies within different charging structures.
Chapter Four uses PPI modelling to examine the effects of different charging structures on a
number of hypothetical schemes and show how charging structures and combinations of charging
structures can affect provider outcomes.
Chapter Five examines other challenges affecting the master trust industry as a whole, including
small pots and the impact of COVID-19.

                                                           Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   5

           Chapter One: Automatic
           enrolment and the introduction
           of master trusts
               This chapter examines the automatic enrolment market including the growth in master
               trusts and the process under which they are authorised to conduct business.

           Automatic enrolment has led to a                    Since the introduction of automatic enrolment
           rapid increase in pension savers, with              in 2012 pension saving in the UK has grown
                                                               rapidly (Chart 1). With fewer people opting-out
           more than 10 million enrolled since its
                                                               of automatic enrolment pension schemes than
           introduction in 2012                                expected,1 the number of pension scheme savers
           Prior to automatic enrolment, around 40%            exceeded the Government’s expectations.
           of employees were saving in a pension
           scheme. In order to increase pension savings
           the Government, with cross party support,
           introduced automatic enrolment in 2012.
           Employers were compelled to make pension
           provision for their employees and to enrol them
           into an appropriate pension scheme unless the
           employee actively asked to be withdrawn.

           1    NAO (2015)

6   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Chart 12
Automatic enrolment has brought millions of people into pension saving since 2012
Number of automatically enrolled pension scheme members (millions at 31 March of year)

                                                                                          10.1      10.3
                           10                                                   9.5
      Millions of people

                            6                 5.2

                            4          3.2

                                2013   2014   2015   2016          2017        2018      2019      2020

Employers who did not operate their own                       means that NEST could not refuse to serve any
pension scheme became required to enrol                       employer, whereas other providers can choose to
their employees into a pension scheme which                   decline employers if they don’t meet the size or
was suitable for the purpose, so they needed                  employee profile requirements of the provider,
a pension that was easy to implement. This                    however, some private sector providers also
meant that there was the prospect of millions                 adopt the policy of accepting all employers.
of employees saving in a pension scheme for
the first time and many employers, who had                    Master trusts set up by an existing
no experience in providing a pension scheme                   pension provider may benefit from
for their employees. This created a gap in the
                                                              existing administration and IT systems,
market for pension providers that the employers
could go to as a simple and cost effective
                                                              while master trusts set up from scratch
pension solution for their employees.                         generally face higher initial start-up costs
                                                              If the master trust has the backing of an existing
Master trusts have been created to meet                       pensions provider, then they may have access
this increased need for pension provision                     to an administration system and an IT platform
                                                              that can be used for the new business, reducing
The new boom in pension saving created a large
                                                              the start-up costs. They may also have a source
market for pension provision. This gap was
                                                              of initial funding without having to attract
filled by the growth of master trusts which offer
                                                              external investment. They may also be able to
the same pension scheme to many employers
                                                              market on the brand recognition of a trusted
and hope to take advantage of economies of
                                                              financial provider. Each of which could reduce
scale to keep their costs down. A master trust
                                                              the initial start-up costs.
as set out in legislation3 is a private sector
occupational pension scheme which is intended                 Other pension providers started to emerge as
to be used by multiple unconnected employers                  master trusts in the early days of automatic
to provide Defined Contribution benefits.                     enrolment. This included existing pension
Master trusts are controlled by a board of                    providers offering a master trust and new
trustees who have a fiduciary duty to operate in              providers starting from scratch. Not all the new
the interest of the members of the scheme.                    master trust pension schemes were well financed,
                                                              leading to concerns about whether they would be
The Government set up the National
                                                              able to provide a robust and sustainable pension
Employment Savings Trust (NEST) as a master
                                                              scheme, this led to the Government implementing
trust pension scheme that would be available
                                                              a process which all master trusts have to undergo
to all employers should they wish to use it. This
                                                              in order to be authorised to operate.

2   TPR (2020)
3   Pension Schemes Act 2017

                                                                          Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   7

           As a result of concerns about some                      Of the 90 master trusts operating before the
           master trusts’ financial sustainability,                introduction of the authorisation procedure
           the Government introduced an                            38 applied to The Pensions Regulator for
                                                                   authorised status, of which 37 were granted and
           authorisation regime                                    1 withdrew its application.5 The unauthorised
           The rapid growth in the number of pension               master trusts had to shut down and transfer
           schemes entering the industry as master trusts and      their assets. After the initial round of
           concerns over the viability of the business models      authorisations, a further master trust has been
           of some of the master trusts and the resulting          authorised bringing the current number of
           impact on the schemes’ financial sustainability, led    authorised master trusts in the UK to 38.
           to the Government implementing an authorisation
           procedure for master trusts to act as pension           Following authorisation, the schemes are
           providers. Authorisation may be able to increase        subject to ongoing supervision where they must
           the stability of master trust providers, this could     demonstrate that they continue to meet the
           benefit individuals, the staff of the master trust      requirements of the authorisation procedure.
           and improve trust in the pension system.
                                                                   The greatest challenge to the financial
           The authorisation process is performed by The
           Pensions Regulator and involves demonstrating           sustainability of master trusts is the need
           that the master trust has appropriate people            to cover initial start-up and running costs
           and strategies in place to demonstrate that the         until levels of membership and assets
           scheme meets the authorisation criteria. The            have grown sufficiently
           authorisation criteria include:4
                                                                   Running a master trust is an expensive
           • Fit and proper individuals of honesty, integrity      proposition; the scheme faces costs relating to the
             and have knowledge appropriate to their role.         ongoing administration of accounts, IT systems,
           • Systems and processes (including IT) in               legal and compliance, Investment management,
             place to ensure the scheme can run efficiently        marketing, data cleansing, regulatory fees, etc.
             and has robust systems and processes to               Many of these costs are initial start-up costs, or
             effectively govern the scheme in accordance           unrelated to the size of the pool of assets.
             with all the relevant requirements.
           • Continuity strategy that sets out to how              The costs are recouped by charging the
             members will be protected if there is a               members a management charge on the assets/
             triggering event and how a master trust may           contributions, however in the beginning of a
             be closed down or how the triggering event            master trust’s life there may be very low levels of
             will be resolved.                                     assets or membership. This may mean that a cash
           • Scheme funder which must be a body corporate          injection is required from the scheme funder.
             or partnership and only carry out activities          The key problem to overcome when starting a
             relating directly to the master trust. It must be     master trust is that the scheme faces the costs
             able to financially support the master trust.         involved in setting up and running the master
           • Financial sustainability the master trust needs       trust immediately, but income is slow to arise to
             to have enough financial support to ensure it         cover these costs. The income from the scheme
             can set up and operate on a day-to-day basis          arises from charges made on the pension savings.
             and to cover the costs subsequent to a triggering     The charges received by the master trust are
             event without increasing the cost to members.         initially low for two reasons; it takes time to build
           In particular, The Pensions Regulator wishes to         up a membership base, and savings start at zero in
           ensure that certain key roles in the master trust       the pot and gradually build up. Charges that are
           are filled appropriately. These include the:            based on either the number of savers or the amount
            • trustees, who are responsible for the running        of savings (or both) are likely to start at a low level.
              of the pension scheme in accordance with the         In order to meet costs during the period before
              trust deed and rules and in the best interests       the scheme income is sufficient, the master trusts
              of the members,                                      will rely on financial support from other sources.
            • the scheme funder, which is liable to provide        This may be by borrowing with a repayment
              funds to meet its running costs if charges are not   schedule, and/or from a scheme funder who
              sufficient or is entitled to receive profits where   is liable to pay the balance of costs, in the early
              the charges exceed the running costs, and            years of operating, only making a profit after the
            • the scheme strategist, who makes decisions           assets have grown to such an extent as to exceed
              about the business activities of the master          the costs of running the scheme.
              trust, they are responsible for the business
              plan and the continuity strategy.

           4    Adapted from TPR (2018)
           5    TPR (2019)

8   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Chapter Two: Ongoing costs to
master trust schemes
  As discussed in Chapter One, operating a pension scheme for automatic enrolment
  requires expenditure, this includes both initial outlay and operating costs. This Chapter
  examines the expenditure facing a pension scheme; how that changes through the lifetime
  of the scheme and what has been the aggregate cost to the master trust schemes since the
  introduction of automatic enrolment. Then Chapter Three examines the income to the
  schemes and we can compare the outgo to the income that the schemes receive in charges.

There are significant costs associated               Master trusts set up by a parent company which
with setting up a new pension scheme                 is an existing pension provider may have an
                                                     advantage, if, for example, the parent company
It can be very expensive to launch a new master
                                                     already has infrastructure in place, has an
trust pension scheme that is authorised by The
                                                     existing and proven IT system which can be
Pensions Regulator. To run a pension scheme
                                                     modified to fit the needs of the master trust.
successfully, and to gain authorisation from
                                                     For example, insurance companies with group
The Pensions Regulator, the scheme must
                                                     personal pension business will have a lot of
have the practical elements of the scheme
                                                     the required infrastructure and expertise. The
already in place. These include the design of
                                                     result may be that it is easier and less expensive
the pension scheme, legal agreements with
                                                     for such an existing pension provider to enter
service providers, IT infrastructure, call centres
                                                     the market with master trust schemes than a
to answer queries from employers as well as
                                                     new master trust starting from scratch.
from members and robust administration
software to process contributions and monitor
pension funds. These can be very expensive but
                                                     Once a pension scheme has been set
must be in place before any members join the         up, there are ongoing costs associated
pension scheme.                                      with running the scheme
Securing the financing to meet these costs           In addition to the initial costs associated with
can itself be expensive, requiring a marketing       setting up and launching the pension scheme,
budget to appeal to potential investors, legal       are the ongoing costs associated with the secure
services and a fully developed business plan.        and robust running of the scheme. These are
The costs of undergoing and meeting the              likely to be primarily the administration of
authorisation criteria may be a barrier to entry     pensions, the maintenance and improvement of
to new master trust schemes if they are unable       the systems and the marketing of the scheme.
to recoup those costs reasonably quickly.

                                                           Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   9

            Schemes with a greater proportion                                      separately increasing the cost for the provider.
            of pots belonging to deferred                                          Being able to identify multiple pots owned by
                                                                                   the same individual can increase efficiency but
            members may experience costs that
                                                                                   imposes a cost on the master trust.
            are particularly high relative to their
            assets under management                                                Active pots are likely to be larger on average
                                                                                   than inactive pots:
            Active pots are more continuously
            administered because new contributions are                              • As a proportion of the size of the pot, inactive
            regularly received and allocated, this may                                pots may then be more expensive to administer.
            mean that active pots are more expensive to                             • Schemes with large numbers of deferred
            administer. However, deferred pots present                                pension pots may therefore have high
            their own administration issues, as a result of                           costs relative to the size of the money they
            inefficiencies in administering multiple pots for                         are managing.
            the same person or maintaining contact with an                          • Large schemes with more inactive pots may
            individual without having a current employer                              face higher relative costs than smaller schemes
            to provide contact information.                                           with a larger proportion of active pots.
                                                                                    • As schemes mature they are likely to have
            For example, consider an individual who has a
                                                                                      more and more deferred pots, for example
            pension pot with “A2Z master trust” as a result
                                                                                      data from large master trusts suggest that the
            of their employment. The individual then leaves
                                                                                      number of deferred pots is around the same
            their employer and is no longer making any
                                                                                      as the number of active pots, and is growing.
            pension contributions, the pension becomes an
            inactive pot. They then start work with a new
            employer in the same industry who also uses                            Master trusts’ annual expenditure
            “A2Z master trust” as their pension provider.                          has been growing year on year, with
            They could then be in a situation where they                           cumulative expenditure around £1
            have an active and deferred pension with                               billion by 2019
            the same provider, both being administered

            Chart 26
            Cumulative investment into the four largest master trusts may be at around £1bn by 2019
            Annual costs of setting up and running the largest 4 master trust pension schemes (£millions)



                         £600                                                                                £140

                                                                                          £370     £110
                                                                             £270         £100

                                                                  £180       £90
                         £200                           £110      £70
                                              £60        £50
                                   £30        £30
                                  2010       2011       2012      2013       2014         2015     2016          2017   2018    2019

                                                       Cumulative expenditure                Annual expenditure

            6            Calculations on the finances of the 4 largest master trust schemes from NOW: Pensions

10   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Costs incurred to date are around £1billion                                       Costs associated with running a master
(Chart 2), this includes money that has been                                      trust will continue to grow
spent on setting up the IT infrastructure,
                                                                                  PPI modelling suggests that projected annual
ongoing expenditure on the running and
                                                                                  costs of master trust schemes are likely to
maintenance of the scheme, marketing the
                                                                                  increase in earnings terms (Chart 3). Sensitivity
scheme to employers, paying a levy to The
                                                                                  scenarios for higher and lower costs are also
Pensions Regulator and the financing of debt.
                                                                                  shown which assume ongoing administration
The results in this report rely on publicly
                                                                                  costs of around 25% higher or 25% lower than in
available data and discussion with industry
                                                                                  the baseline scenario.
on the reasonableness of assumptions made.
This results in the figures in this report being
illustrative approximations.

Chart 37
Costs of master trust schemes are increasing in earnings terms
Projection of costs of master trust schemes (£billions in 2020 earnings terms) under high, baseline
and low cost scenarios


    master trust schemes (£billions)
    Aggregate costs and charges of






                                             2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

                                                              Baseline Costs          Low Cost               High Costs

There is a slight kink in the cost in 2025, this is                               However, much of the growth is due to the costs
as a result of the assumed introduction of the                                    of investment management, which are linked to
automatic enrolment Review recommendation to                                      the size of funds. As the fund’s build up through
lower the minimum age for automatic enrolment                                     contributions and asset returns, the investment
from 22 to 18.8 This increases the costs because                                  management’s charge increases proportionally
there are suddenly a cohort of new members,                                       with it. The cost of servicing the pots may be
each with a newly active pot, increasing the                                      more closely linked to the number of pots and
number of pots to be administered.                                                the growth in earnings reflecting the salaries
                                                                                  paid to administration staff (Chart 4).

7                       PPI modelling
8                       DWP (2017)

                                                                                          Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   11

            Chart 49
            Split of costs
            Projection of costs of master trust schemes split by investment charges and scheme costs (£billions
            in 2020 earnings terms)

                schemes to the provider (£billions)
                 Aggregate costs and master trust






                                                            2019   2021   2023     2025          2027   2029        2031    2033      2035

                                                                                 Scheme Costs           Investment Costs

            In the modelling it was assumed that fund                                       Some schemes may face higher costs
            management costs remain at the same percentage                                  in the short-term as they ready their
            of assets under management, despite the fact
                                                                                            data for the introduction of pension
            that automatic enrolment assets are increasing
            quite rapidly. It might otherwise be assumed                                    dashboards, although data cleansing
            that economies of scale may be achieved from                                    exercises could reduce administrative
            having larger sums invested, reducing the                                       costs over the longer-term
            investment management charge. In this case                                      The pensions dashboard is intended to help
            we are assuming that the savings are spent on                                   people with their retirement planning by
            more active management and a greater focus                                      having their pensions information securely
            on investment opportunities that benefit the                                    online. This will require providers to have
            environment but cost a little more to manage.                                   data formatted to the specific requirements
            These are the expected future costs, they                                       of the dashboard, or dashboards and an IT
            are simply due to the general running of the                                    infrastructure to connect securely to pass the
            scheme in the world as it is, however, new costs                                data through. There are therefore two distinct
            could develop in the future. The master trust                                   and separate sources of cost arising from the
            industry is still in its relative infancy, regulation                           dashboard, the IT cost and the data cost.
            is still developing, as the introduction of the                                 Data received on each individual originates
            authorisation process in 2015 exemplifies,                                      with the data provided by the employer at the
            further changes to regulation could introduce                                   time they were an active member. The data
            costs, and could lead to changes in the master                                  on the master trust’s admin system can only
            trust landscape.                                                                be as good as data provided by the employer.
                                                                                            Different employers will have different HR
                                                                                            and payroll management systems and may
                                                                                            therefore produce data with inconsistences,
                                                                                            making comparisons difficult. Master trusts
                                                                                            may also take a more active role in analysing

            9                        PPI modelling

12   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

the contributions they are sent, to ensure           and in some cases consolidating the deferred
that employers are providing the correct             pots could reduce inefficiencies and costs of
contributions on behalf of the members.              administration. Some schemes already try to
                                                     match existing inactive pots with active pots
Clean data is a requirement for the proposed
                                                     when savers return to the scheme whether with
pensions dashboard, which will enable an
                                                     a different employer, or by returning to the
individual to find their pension information
                                                     same employer. This helps minimise the cost of
from different providers all in one place. It will
                                                     administration and can also reduce the charge
require that master trusts provide clean data to
                                                     to the member if their scheme has a flat-fee
the dashboard provider.
                                                     charge on each pot.
Data cleansing can be an expensive exercise
                                                     Members can also have multiple pots across
as it can be very labour intensive, but the
                                                     pension scheme providers. Consolidating
result of having undertaken the exercise
                                                     pots across providers requires an industry
may be to reduce costs in other aspects of the
                                                     initiative to match and exchange pots. There
                                                     is such an initiative called Member Exchange
                                                     that may address this form of cross provider
Consolidation of multiple pots                       duplication.10
belonging to a single member could
                                                     As in the case of preparing for the pensions
help to make master trust running
                                                     dashboards, clean and reliable data is essential
costs more efficient                                 in performing a consolidation exercise.
The ongoing costs of the scheme are closely          Preparing data for the dashboard may be an
linked to the number of pension pots that the        opportunity for the master trust to consider
scheme is operating. If the scheme has a large       whether they have any pension pots that can
number of pots, in particular inactive pots,         be consolidated. It may be difficult to identify
which have less revenue growth potential,            where multiple pots are owned by the same
the scheme may wish to take some action to           individual. This makes it difficult to consolidate
mitigate the admin cost of the pots. It may          pots appropriately. Care must also be taken to
be the case that some of the pots belong to          ensure that the pots are not consolidated with
the same individual, matching the records            incorrectly matched individuals.

10   PPI (2020)

                                                           Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   13

            Chapter Three: Charges on
            master trust schemes
               The master trust scheme requires income to cover the costs outlined in Chapter Two.
               Income is received by making charges on the pension funds in its care. This Chapter
               examines the mechanisms under which master trust schemes receive income and the
               potential growth in charge income in the future.

            There are five basic forms of charging              • A single fund AMC with a flat-fee charge and
            structures within master trust default                a floor on the fund amount below which no
                                                                  charges are taken (de minimis).
            • A single annual management charge                 The choice of what charging structure a master
              (AMC) paid annually as a proportion of an         trust implements may be based on the profile of
              individual’s funds under management. It is        their business, or as part of a strategy on how
              paid every year until retirement, irrespective    to handle cross-subsidies. A scheme that has
              of whether contributions are still being made.    a policy to accept all employers may prefer a
            • A single fund AMC plus a flat-fee charge.         different charging structure to one which has
              This is an AMC with an additional flat-rate       criteria for whom they accept as their members.
              levy, irrespective of whether contributions       For the avoidance of confusion, this report will
              are still being made.                             use the following initialisations to refer to the
            • A single fund AMC plus a percentage               different elements of the overall charge:
              contribution charge levied during the periods
              when contributions are made.                      • Proportion of Fund Charge (PFC) to mean
            • A variable fund AMC. This is an AMC that            a charge (or the part of a charge) which
              varies according to the total amount of funds       is levied as a percentage of the fund
              under management, with a higher percentage          under management,
              levied against smaller pots, reducing as
              they grow.

14   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

• Proportion of Contribution Charge (PCC) to         proportion of contribution charges, with an
  mean a charge (or the part of a charge) which      intention that the restrictions under each
  is levied as a percentage of the contributions     structure are equivalent. However, the various
  made to the scheme,                                caps are not equal in most circumstances,
• Flat-Fee Charge (FFC) to mean a charge (or         the equivalence depends on the amount of
  the part of a charge) which is levied as a flat    money in, and the contribution to, the pot.12 For
  monetary amount irrespective of the amount         example a combination charge.
  of fund or contributions.
                                                     For shorthand the charge cap is often expressed
Automatic enrolment schemes can change their         in terms of the cap that applies to the pure PFC
charging structure, perhaps at a particular          variant, (0.75% of the fund a year), however, this
point in the life of their business when one         may be less relevant as more schemes adopt
charging structure is more appropriate than          combination charges. While the commonly
another. In the early stages of the master trust’s   used shorthand expresses only the cap on
existence the funds held on behalf of members        PFC schemes, the other charging variants are
are very low, they have not built up enough          also capped.
for a pure PFC to provide a sufficient income
to pay the costs of the scheme. However, as the      While the charge cap does not apply to
scheme assets increase, the PFC while staying        members who make an active choice
at the same rate, becomes a much larger sum          about investment strategy, because
of money, which could at some point allow the
scheme to rely solely on a PFC, and if the fund
                                                     99% of master trust members are in the
continues to grow, to eventually reduce the          default strategy, it protects them from
charge rate.                                         high charges that could erode the value
                                                     of their pension pots
Pension schemes that are used for                    Members who make an active choice to opt for
automatic enrolment are subject to a                 a strategy other than the default are not covered
charge cap                                           by the cap; however, currently 99% of members
                                                     in automatic enrolment master trusts remain
The master trust recoups costs and provides
                                                     with the default strategy.13
a return on investment for the scheme funder
by levying charges on the fund assets, and/          Capping the charges is intended to protect the
or contributions into the pension scheme.            scheme members from high charges that erode
However, they are subject to restrictions on         the value of their pensions. It puts a limit on the
the amount of charges that may be applied            income that the provider can obtain from the
to members. A full description of the current        members, however, competitive pressures may
charge cap is set out in Appendix One.               be more at play than strictly the charge cap.
                                                     Master trusts generally charge somewhat below
In 2015, the Government introduced a system
                                                     the level of the charge cap. There has been a
of capping on the charges that apply to
                                                     move to combination charges. Individuals who
pension schemes being offered to employees
                                                     are enrolled into a master trust now are very
as automatic enrolment schemes. This was to
                                                     likely to be in a scheme with a combination
ensure that members, who had not made an
                                                     charge, because 99% of employers who use
active choice to be entered into an automatic
                                                     master trust schemes are using one with a
enrolment scheme, were not burdened by
                                                     combination charge.14 Combination charges
high charges. The requirements specify
                                                     may enable providers to more quickly cover
the maximum charge that can be applied
                                                     the costs of providing a pension scheme where
to a pension fund under different charging
                                                     funds have not built up to such an extent
structures.11 The capped charging structures
                                                     that a pure PFC would be adequate to recoup
allow for charges in the form of proportion
                                                     the costs.
of fund charges, flat-fee charges and for

11   See Appendix One for charging cap description
12   PPI (2019a)
13   PPI (2019b)
14   Industry analysis by NOW: Pensions

                                                           Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   15

            PFC charging structures involve cross-                                         they are covering their own costs and someone
            subsidisation from members with                                                else’s. On the other hand, if the smaller pots
                                                                                           are each charged the full cost of administration
            larger pots to those with smaller pots
                                                                                           this could significantly hamper the build-up
            Flat-rate PFC based charges take more money                                    of new pots, and small inactive pots could
            from larger pots in the scheme, but the cost of                                deplete to nothing. Hampering the build-up of
            administrating larger pots is not significantly                                new pots could lead to individuals losing faith
            more than to administer smaller pots. There is                                 in the pension scheme and choosing to cease
            a mismatch between the charges on the fund                                     membership.
            and the cost of managing it, this means that the
            smaller pots are cross-subsidised by the larger                                The cross-subsidy may also be seen as a
            funds. The smaller pots are being charged less                                 public good, an aim of the policy of automatic
            than the cost of administration, because the                                   enrolment was to bring people into pension
            larger pots are able to cover the cost.                                        saving who had fallen through the cracks, this
                                                                                           includes people on low wages, those who move
            These cross-subsidies help smaller                                             jobs (creating deferred pension pots) who are
                                                                                           the type of people who may receive the benefit
            pots to grow, which for active members
                                                                                           of the cross-subsidy.
            can mean that they effectively cross-
            subsidise their early years of lower                                           As a pot increases and the PFC are larger in
                                                                                           monetary terms, this may be considered as the
            relative charges as their pot size                                             individual cross-subsidising their past self.
            increases                                                                      However, when members become inactive their
            The argument, from the individuals’ point of                                   pots do not grow to the extent that they can
            view, as to how desirable this is, could be made                               achieve a cross-subsidy of their past self (Chart
            on both sides. Cross-subsidies mean that one                                   5) in order to successfully cross subsidise their
            party is losing out relative to another party, and                             own past, the member must have longevity in
            the losing party may argue that it is not fair that                            the scheme to actually build up a large pot.

            Chart 515
            Long-standing active members can self subsidise their early years of loss
            Cumulative surplus/loss of a median earner saving at automatic enrolment minimum rates with
            an annual charge of 0.45% of fund (crossing the horizontal zero is when the individual’s cumulative
            charges exceed cumulative costs) (2020 earnings terms)

            Cumulative profit/loss to the

               pension provider (£s)



                                                      2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035


                                                            Active throughout           Becomes inactive after          Becomes inactive after
                                                                                        2 years saving                  4 years saving

            15                         PPI modelling

16   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Charging structures based on a flat-fee                combined with other pots belonging to the same
or a combination of a proportional and                 member, either within the provider or as part
                                                       of a cross provider effort. These are considered
flat-fee may reduce the risk of large                  more deeply in a PPI report “Deferred
potholders transferring out of the scheme              Pensioners, Defusing the pensions time bomb”.16
The cross-subsidy could put the scheme at
risk of specialist providers who advertise to          As well as covering ongoing running
members who have accumulated large funds,              costs, master trusts must ensure that
approaching such members with the promise              charges levied on members can cover the
of a lower management charge if they transfer
their pot. By targeting existing large funds, the      repayment of initial investment capital
specialist provider can take advantage of charge       In order to meet the initial costs of the scheme
income from the larger fund without having the         the master trust must obtain capital. If initial
period of losses while the fund builds up.             capital is provided as a loan, then servicing of
The specialist provider can offer a lower fee          that loan through regular repayment is required
because they only take the larger funds and            as set out in the terms of the loan and is a cost
therefore do not have smaller funds to subsidise.      to the scheme. These repayment cashflows also
The impact on a master trust scheme of a               need to be met from future charges alongside
successful predatory approach like this to the         the ongoing costs of the scheme.
larger pots of a provider would be to reduce the       Being able to demonstrate a good return on
average pot size of the scheme, and thereby reduce     capital will also be required in order to attract
the PFC income. Without having larger funds to         further investment which the business needs
subsidise the smaller funds, the provider would        in order to fund expansion of the business,
be put in a difficult financial situation, possibly    marketing the business, or to pay for arising one-
requiring them to increase the charge level, or turn   off expenses. One such one-off expense might be
to the scheme funder to cover the costs.               ensuring that the business is fully able to provide
If the master trust were to use a charging             cleaned appropriate data in the format required
structure that reduces the cross-subsidy, they         for the pensions dashboard when it is released.
would be less susceptible to facing losses of          For example, NEST operates a combination
members from a predatory provider, because             charging structure where contributions are
having smaller pots that cover their own costs         charged a PCC at a rate of 1.8% and funds under
mean that losing larger schemes would not              management are charged a PFC at 0.3%. The
put the same financial strain on the provider          contribution charge is intended to be used to pay off
in administering the remaining pots. Also,             the loan received from the Government to start up
if the larger pots are not cross-subsidising           the business, when that loan is repaid it is possible
the smaller ones, then they will not be being          that NEST will drop the contribution charge.
charged high fees that another provider could
                                                       Two of the other larger master trusts also have
seek to undercut and they would not be such an
                                                       a combination charge, both of which have a PFC
attractive prospect to the predatory provider.
                                                       and an FFC. One of which also has rebate on
A charging structure that might reduce the cross-      the PFC as the fund value increases, this would
subsidies is a combination of the proportional         have the effect of reducing the cross-subsidy
fund charge and a flat-fee charge. This could take     between larger and smaller pension schemes.
the form of a monetary charge, irrespective of
the size of the pot that is intended to more closely   Cross subsidising employer charges
match the costs that arise in administering the
pot. The cost of administration of pots is not         Master trust schemes may also have employer
likely to be proportional to the size of the pot,      charges, these are charges payable by the
so the flat-fee may more closely match the cost,       employer to cover the costs of setting up a new
with a variable element of the charge to cover the     employer on the system, and/or monthly charge
investment management costs which are levied by        on the scheme for the service provision. These
the investment manager as a PFC.                       charges may be negotiable, in which case they
The problem with an FFC is that it is unattractive     might lead to cross subsidies occurring between
to members with smaller pots and may lead              the members of the scheme and the employer.
to the smaller pots being depleted rapidly,            The extent to which an employer chooses one
especially over the course of a long working life.     scheme over another because of the charge
However, there may be some approaches to pot           to themselves, rather than the charges to the
consolidation that could mitigate the impact           employees as members may also lead to a form
by trying to ensure that small inactive pots are       of cross subsidy of employees to employers.

16   PPI (2020)

                                                             Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   17

            Chapter Four: Projection of
            the costs and income of the
            master trusts
               This chapter uses PPI modelling to examine the effects of different charging structures on
               a number of hypothetical schemes and shows how charging structures and combinations
               of charging structures can affect provider outcomes.

            The master trust industry is unlikely               under the baseline costs scenario. Thereafter
            to achieve breakeven on costs until                 the industry may generate annual profits which
                                                                will accelerate as the funds under management
            around 2025
                                                                grow (Chart 6). However, in reality there may
            Following on from the costs projection in           be some reduction in the profits as providers
            Chapter Two, PPI modelling of charge income         seek to achieve a competitive advantage by
            suggests that the master trust industry is          reducing their charges, while still having a
            currently operating at a loss year on year and is   large enough pool of assets under management
            unlikely to achieve breakeven until around 2025     (AUM) to achieve a profit from the charges.

18   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Chart 617
The master trust industry may be operating at a loss until the mid 2020s
Charges v cost of scheme under 0.45% proportion of fund charge


 master trust schemes (£billions)
 Aggregate costs and charges of







                                          2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

                                             Baseline Costs        Low Costs               High Costs                Charge Income

Low charges on schemes with large AUM may                                        The costs to the industry are currently higher
serve as a barrier to entry for new providers in                                 than the charge income under the assumption
the future. Lower charges increases the time                                     of an average charge income of 0.45% of the
until a new scheme achieves profitability. If                                    fund value. Changing that assumption, to
the prevalent rates of charges fall, then new                                    reflect a trend to combination charges (Chart
providers would have to balance offering                                         7), shows that charges could exceed costs under
competitive rates and having been able to                                        either the combination charges of:
service the cost of their start-up expenses and
                                                                                  • 0.3% proportion of fund charge (PFC) and
achieve profitability over a reasonable time
                                                                                    flat-fee charge (FFC) of around £20, or
                                                                                  • 0.3% PFC and a contribution charge of 2%.

17                      PPI modelling

                                                                                       Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   19

            Chart 718
            Moving to combination charges could lead to income exceeding costs
            Aggregate costs compared to charges under scenario charging structures assumed for the
            entire industry

             schemes to the provider (£billions)

               Aggregate costs of master trust







                                                         2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

                                                            Baseline Costs        0.45% PFC           0.3% PFC + 2% PCC         0.3% PFC + £20 FFC

            Different charging structures can affect                                            members in 2019, their first year of operation,
            sustainability for individual schemes                                               to having around 60,000 members by 2035, at
                                                                                                which point a quarter of them are active. Their
            At the provider level, the choice of an
                                                                                                active members earn on average at the median
            appropriate charging structure might be based
                                                                                                level and make contributions at 8% of salary,
            on the profile of the scheme itself, a large fund
                                                                                                leading to an average contribution of around
            can sustain a PFC, however a scheme starting
                                                                                                £2,000 a year per member. The outcomes for
            out may wish to use a combination charge of a
                                                                                                payback and subsequent profitability may
            lower PFC, and either an FFC or a proportion of
                                                                                                be different depending on the approach the
            contribution charge (PCC).
                                                                                                scheme takes to charging (Chart 8).
            As a simple example, to understand the
            interactions of costs and charges, consider a
            new provider with £1million in start-up costs.
            The scheme grows from 5,000 new active

            18                        PPI modelling

20   Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes

Chart 819
Combination charges may allow a scheme to break even sooner
Cumulative surplus/loss for a new scheme under different charging structures (crossing the
horizontal zero is when the scheme breaks even) (2020 earnings terms)


Cumulative profit/loss to the
pension provider (£millions)






                                        Start 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

                                               0.45%PFC                      0.3%PFC + 2%PCC                   0.3%PFC + £20FFC

The combination charge approaches can pay                                       are levied as a proportion of fund. This is an
back the investment more quickly, taking                                        approach that aims to reduce cross-subsidies
just over three years for the PFC and PCC                                       and to target the charges in a way that reflects
combination charge to generate enough profits                                   the costs of the scheme.
to pay back the initial £1million investment.
                                                                                The PFC approach takes longer to payback the
The fastest repayment is under the combination                                  initial expenses. The scheme must wait until
PFC and PCC, in this example. In the early                                      the funds are large enough for a 0.45% fee to be
stages of the pension fund, each new year’s                                     of significant value. However thereafter, as the
worth of contributions are a significant                                        fund size continues to increase, the proportion
proportion of the fund. For example, in the                                     of fund approach should generate higher
first year, the entire fund is from contributions                               returns than the two combination approaches.
received in that year, such that a 2% PCC is                                    When the fund is large enough, the pure PFC
closely equivalent to a 2% PFC. This enables                                    may produce income which is larger than the
the PCC approach to pay off the initial expense                                 other two approaches, which can be seen from
relatively quickly, however in later years, as the                              the steeper and faster increasing slope upward
funds have grown, the PFC element becomes                                       of the PFC line (Chart 8).
dominant. This is the approach used by NEST
                                                                                The choice of charging structure may also
to pay off the government loan that was used to
                                                                                reflect the relative maturity or profile of
set up NEST.
                                                                                membership of the scheme. Consider the same
In this hypothetical provider, under the                                        hypothetical scheme as above, with £1million in
combination charge with a proportion of                                         start-up costs, the scheme grows from 5,000 new
fund charge and flat-fee charge, each fund is                                   active members in their first year of operation to
charged enough through the FFC to cover the                                     having around 60,000 pots by 2035. However, in
average ongoing cost within this hypothetical                                   this case we run scenarios where the proportion
provider. The PFC cover the repayment of the                                    of active to deferred pots vary. The three
initial expenses and the investment costs which,                                scenarios are, set out in Table 1.

19                      PPI modelling

                                                                                      Financial sustainability of master trust pension schemes   21
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