Page created by April Sutton
Tiger                                                                                              Fiji
 A Lasting Impact: Anthony Baratta Aims to Change
        DePauw and the World for the Better
    Many men can say they have accom-             blazing,” said Anthony, “We                                    emissions that other colleges
plished one grand achievement in their lives,     told everybody that we needed                                  and universities around the
but only great men can say that their accom-      to get rid of all our styrofoam                                country had already signed.
plishments have made a lasting impact for         cups—now!”                                                     After hearing Baratta’s
the future. Brother Anthony Baratta ’10 is           Their requests and goals                                    plight, Casey handed him
one such man.                                     were met with skepticism and                                   his business card and asked
    Baratta is the assistant sustainability       stares from their fellow Phi                                   the then-idealistic freshman
director here at DePauw and has pledged           Gams. The silence and glances made Baratta     to stay in touch with him on the issue.
a continuing commitment to endorse sus-           and Cantril panic as they stared at one        After two months of ongoing conversations
tainability and promote awareness of               another. “How are we going to save the        between President Casey, Brother Baratta,
environmental causes here and around                 world if we can’t get rid of these cups?”   and other PCC advocates, Casey signed the
the world. During his undergraduate                    they thought to themselves. These         agreement.
years, he nearly single-handedly                          freshmen had big ideas that they           The signing of this agreement meant
changed the way DePauw man-                                  did not want to be squandered       much reform for DePauw. To remain in
aged its energy consumption                                    and forgotten. They had to do     compliance with the PCC, DePauw needed
and helped commit DePauw                                         something about it.             to conduct an analysis of its energy usage
to a national program that                                            In 2008, shortly after     and carbon footprint in order to construct
would propel the univer-                                            Brian W. Casey was select-   an initiative to move DePauw toward car-
sity’s change toward sus-                                           ed as president for DePauw   bon neutrality. The projects and require-
tainability and alter the uni-                                     University, a reception was   ments of the agreement became too difficult
versity’s energy conservation                                   held in order for current stu-   for then Sustainability Director Carol Steele
policies forever.                                              dents and university faculty      and her student interns to handle, creating
    In a way, Brother Baratta had a                          to meet him. Brother Baratta        the need for the additional full-time posi-
part to play in creating his dream job.                    met Casey at the reception and        tion in the Office of Sustainability, which
    Back in early 2008, Baratta and                     approached him with a suggestion         Brother Baratta now holds.
brother Taylor Cantril ’11 had the oppor-             for the improvement and growth of              Brother Baratta helped launch the com-
tunity to attend a national conference on           DePauw. Baratta suggested that Casey         munity bike program this past fall, an initia-
sustainability in Washington, D.C. Upon           sign the American College and University       tive which offered bicycles to students and
their return, they launched a full-scale attack   President’s Climate Commitment (PCC),          community members who wished to travel
on the kitchenware of the Lambda house.           a pledge and agreement to hold DePauw
    “We went into our Greek house guns            accountable for striving to lower carbon                           (continued on page five)

    Graduate Brothers Support Chapter Through BCA
   Vibrant, memorable experiences and             in its endeavors. This past summer, a new      are important to chapter operations. The
lasting friendships are the hallmarks of          group of younger alumni teamed up to cre-      new, complete BCA allows the house cor-
time spent at 916 S. College Avenue in            ate a stronger Board of Chapter Advisers.      poration to focus on issues of facility man-
Greencastle, Indiana. Many graduates              Currently, we have 11 graduate advisers on     agement and long-term planning instead of
leave with spectacular memories and a             our BCA team. Our goal is to provide sup-      day-to-day operations of the chapter.
desire to continue those experiences for the      port and guidance to the chapter in numer-        BCA advisers each have focus areas, and
next generation of quality men.                   ous areas of chapter operations.               they reach out to undergraduates at least
   And that’s where the Board of Chapter             Caleb Beasley ’06, the Purple               once a month to check on operations and
Advisers (BCA) comes in—a group of dedi-          Legionnaire, continues to serve as the         questions that the undergraduates might
cated FIJI Graduate Brothers committed            chapter’s lead graduate adviser, but the
to supporting the undergraduate chapter           BCA provides specific advisers in areas that                      (continued on page three)

                                                                          depauwfiji.com • SUMMER 2013                                     1
Three Alumni Honored With 2013
                Distinguished Lambda Graduate Awards
   Gary L. Wegenke ’60, James A. Yoder           Among the challenges he faced were teacher        and in 2012, he became a Fellow of the
’70, and Joseph J. Atria ’81 were inducted as    strikes, financial shortfalls, court-ordered      Oceanography Society.
Distinguished Lambda Graduates during Pig        desegregation, and many others while main-           In the past year, Jim founded Ocean
Dinner Weekend, April 13, 2013. All have         taining a quality education. His leadership       Opportunities (www.oceanopportunities.org)
exceptional careers in education.                and understanding of issues and solutions         to develop a new, coordinated strategy to
                                                 created an environment for acceptance with        increase the number of under-represented
   Brother Wegenke                                        achievement in the communities           minorities in ocean, science, policy, and engi-
is professor emeritus                                     he served. He was selected Iowa’s        neering programs. He also advises on national
of educational lead-                                      Superintendent of the Year in 1994,      and international science and agency pro-
ership at Western                                         and later was one of four finalists      grams. He visits DePauw regularly to connect
Michigan University,                                      for national Superintendent of the       with the Science Research Fellows. He visits
where he also served                                      Year honors.                             Lambda during these visits, too!
as dean of the College
of Education and                                              James A. Yoder ’70 is vice presi-        Joseph A. Atria ’81
Human Development.                                        dent for academic programs and dean           Coach Nick Mourouzis told Joe to “take
Originally         from                                   of the Woods Hole Oceanographic          out that damn earring” before interviewing
South Bend, and a              Gary L. Wegenke ’60        Institution in Massachusetts, one of     for a science teacher opening in Merrillville,
student-athlete (baseball                               the preeminent centers for oceanog-        Indiana, schools. Joe got the job teaching
and wrestling) at DePauw, Gary served as raphy in the world. Jim’s love for the ocean              science along with coaching football, wres-
Lambda’s president. Gary says his chapter began when, as a boy, he bought The Silent               tling, and, for the past 20 years, the women’s
presidency was the beginning of his career World by Jacques-Yves                                           track and field team in Merrillville.
in leadership—“building relationships, walk Cousteau as a birthday                                         Since 2011, Joe has served as chair of
their talk, and striving to express their values present for his father.                                   the science department at Merrillville
through their actions.”                          Jim read it and became                                    High School. His wife, Sue, teaches in
   Gary began his teaching career in South       intrigued with the ocean                                  the middle school.
Bend, where he met his wife, Sandy. They         and its exploration.                                          Joe has an impressive record as
celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in          Jim’s father served                                   a football coach—a team record of
August 2013.                                     in the Foreign Service,                                   236-109 with six conference, eight
   Throughout his career Gary focused on meaning Jim traveled                                              sectional, and five regional champion-
overcoming problems associated with race, the world for most of his                                        ships. He has coached eight all-state
poverty, and gaps in student achievement.        youth. He found a home          James A. Yoder ’70        linemen and seen more players than
                                                 and family at Lambda,                                   he can count advance to play in college.
                                                 along with Larry Downs ’70, Mike Scalzo Two former players Joe coached play pro-
                                                 ’70, John Tolle ’70, and Jim Deitz ’70. They fessionally—Mike Neal for Green Bay and
                                                 remain close friends today. Scott Robey ’70 Brandon Jordan for British Columbia.
                                                 (ad astra) and Jim Deitz frequently invited Jim       The women’s track and field team is
                                                 to their homes during breaks and vacations equally impressive. Joe’s teams won two
                                                 while Jim’s parents were in Thailand.             conference, eight sectional, and two regional
                                                     Jim now appreciates FIJI’s strict rules       championships, and finished twice in the
                                                 about freshman study time. This allowed           top-10 in the state. He also coached two
                                                 him to develop the necessary study skills and individual state champions.
                                                 infrastructure to become a good student.              Lambda was and remains a strong influ-
                                                 He now jokes that he experiences fraternity ence in his life. His college football team-
                                                 Rush over and over again in his professional      mates were FIJIs—Ross Clark ’80, Eric
  Joe Atria ’81, Mike Milatovich ’80, Brian      life! He is always choosing people, then          Eichholtz ’80, Mike Milatovich ’80, and
       Murphy ’82, and Jay Moore ’74.            evaluating and mentoring them.                    Mark Fraser ’78 (then president of Lambda).
                                                     Jim earned his master’s degree (’74) and Joe describes the chapter as including ath-
                                                 doctorate (’79) from the University of Rhode letes, brainiacs, musicians, and everyone
                                                 Island (URI), where he                                                else. Joe subsequently
                                                 met his wife, Ellen. His                                              served as chapter presi-
                                                 professional research                                                 dent; he made meetings
                                                 focuses on marine ecol-                                               fun with his easy-going
                                                 ogy, specifically the                                                 personality. Even the
                                                 effects of physical pro-                                              “sheep” got a vote! Joe
                                                 cesses in the ocean (cur-                                             returns for Pig Dinners
                                                 rents and ocean mixing).                                              regularly and to enjoy a
                                                 In 2008, Jim received                                                 drink and cigar with Paul
                                                 the URI Distinguished                                                 Qua ’82, probably not
                                                 Achievement Award,                    Joseph A. Atria ’81             one of the “sheep!”

 2     TIGER FIJI • depauwfiji.com
Rajat Kumar ’15 Designs iPhone App Coursemate
   Every          semes-                                              for information?”       take. Coursemate was designed to provide
ter at DePauw, there                                                      With this idea      curious students with a more elaborate
is always a shared                                                    combined with his       explanation of the course and to demystify
moment of sweeping                                                    time and effort,        the course selection process.
pandemonium          that                                             Kumar created the          Kumar spent December and his winter
grapples every student:                                               Apple iPhone app        term designing and perfecting his app
the moment when                                                       Coursemate, an app      until it was up and running after a mere
classes are revealed. It                                              designed to connect     25 days. He then submitted it to Apple,
is a moment of excite-                                                students who had        and was pleased to discover that it was
ment and disappoint-                                                  taken a particular      approved on his first try.
ment to discover that                                                 class with students        After downloading the app from the
one got the classes                                                   who have signed         app store, the user inputs specific informa-
they wanted, but also                                                 up for a class and      tion about the classes they are taking. The
the ones they didn’t,                                                 have yet to take it.    app then directs them to other students
classes they weren’t                                                  The idea was for        who had previously taken the course
otherwise prepared for.                                               the app to connect      and listed the same information. The
Rajat Kumar ’15 saw                                                   these students so       program is also tied to the user’s school
this problem and decided it was his duty        that information about the course could       email accounts.
to try and assuage this stressful and com-      be provided by the former student to             “All your information is limited to
plicated situation.                             the student wishing to take the course.       the students of that college, so students
   “Last fall I was signing up for courses      Students often have little information to     from Princeton won’t spam you with their
that I would take in the upcoming semes-        consider when choosing courses because        courses,” Kumar said.
ter, and I realized that whenever I wanted      the DePauw website only provides a few           Brother Kumar is a self-taught program-
to find out more about a course, all that I     sentences per class that describes the        mer who has been honing his programming
had available was the small paragraph on        nature of the course. This provides only      and developing skills for some time now.
the DePauw website,” Kumar said. “So            a small and, at most, ambiguous course        Kumar has created “mini” apps in the past
I thought, what if there was a tool that        description that could leave a curious stu-   such as rock, paper, scissors; and a mini
let you find who had taken that course          dent still wondering about the mechanics
before, and allowed you to contact them         and itinerary of the course they wish to                         (continued on page five)

    Graduate Brothers Support Chapter Through BCA
(continued from page one)             also hosted several BCA meetings
                                      before Pig Dinner this year, meet-
have. We’ve recruited alumni
who served as chapter presidents
                                      ing with pledges, seniors, and the
                                      cabinet to discuss the chapter              BCA OFFICERS
and in each cabinet role. Most of     and ways that we can support its
the BCA members live in Indiana       improvement.
or Illinois, but some live as far        We’re always looking for             Purple Legionnaire               Philanthropy/Service
away as Washington, D.C.              new graduates who want to               Caleb Beasley ’06                Bryan Lesswing ’10
   The BCA conducts monthly           get involved, so email me
conference calls to check in with     (mattwelch4@gmail.com) or               President, Recruitment,          Risk Management/
the chapter, and it meets on cam-     Garth (garthanderson1987@               and Communications               Fraternity Law
pus once a semester. The BCA is       gmail.com) if you’re interested.        Matt Welch ’11                   Dimi Lalos ’08
a great resource, providing sup-      We’re specifically looking for
port, advice, and assistance to the   someone interested in heading           Vice President, Ritual,          Member Education
undergraduates.                       up recruitment or focusing on           and Education                    Seth Elder ’08
   In addition, BCA represen-         scholarship or ritual, as Garth         Garth Anderson ’08
tatives attended the chapter          and I are covering these areas                                           Social/Brotherhood
retreat in August 2012, and a         at the moment. Join us as we            Recruitment                      Andrew Porter ’10
larger group of BCA advisers          support the undergraduates and          Camron Parker ’09                Kevin Milne ’11
planned and attended the new          ensure Lambda FIJI continues            Aaron Gotway ’05
cabinet’s transition retreat this     to thrive as the longest con-                                            Finance
past November. Advisers Garth         tinually running chapter of Phi         Graduate Relations               Charlie Yang ’08
Anderson ’09, Seth Elder ’08,         Gamma Delta.                            Matt Cecil ’12
Andrew Porter ’10, Caleb Beasley
’06 and I attended the transi-                                 Pergé!
tion meeting. Garth Anderson                           Matt Welch ’11

                                                                           depauwfiji.com • SUMMER 2013                               3
Team DePauwsome Makes
                                                                the U.S. Finals!
      OLD GOLD                                       The Microsoft Imagine Cup is
                                                  an international technology com-
                                                                                                     email. Despite the expensive time
                                                                                                     commitment of this competitive
     WEEKEND ’13                                  petition organized annually to
                                                  promote software development
                                                                                                     endeavor, the team agreed that all
                                                                                                      of its efforts were well-spent bring-
                                                  and creative thinking. This                                ing national recognition to
                                                  year, DePauw’s team has                                       the Lambda Chapter and
       OCTOBER 11-13                              advanced to the United                                        DePauw University. “We
                                                  States finals along                                                  could not have come
                                                  with nine other                                                      this far without
      Return to DePauw                            teams from aca-                                                      the support of our
                                                  demic institutions                                                  brothers,” comment-
        and FIJI for a                            across the country.                                                ed Rajat, specifically
     weekend of events.                           I was fortunate to join the ranks of
                                                  two of my Lambda brothers, Rajat
                                                                                                    referencing those who eagerly vol-
                                                                                                  unteered to act as users of WeAssist
     Details coming soon!                         Kumar ’15 and Tao Qian ’15, in Silicon      for a required video submission. “The
                                                  Valley on May 13 to present for a panel     entire computer science department has
                                                  of judges selected from the executive       shown enthusiasm for our ideas,” added
                                                  boards of top technology companies.         Tao. One professor in particular, Dr.
    Seth Elder ’08                                   Our team, Team DePauwsome, began
                                                  casually brainstorming in the fall and
                                                                                              Dave Berque, stepped up as our official
                                                                                              mentor and will provide professional
  Named Director of                               buckled down as soon as we returned to
                                                  campus for the spring semester. Our proj-
                                                                                              guidance to the team until the conclusion
                                                                                              of the competition.
 Indiana Landmarks                                ect is a Windows phone application titled      I am proud to spend the last days of
                                                  WeAssist, which aspires to increase local   my undergraduate career preparing for
                                                  community interactions at times when        our presentation alongside my Lambda
                            Brother       Seth
                                                  assistance is needed most.                  brothers. Besides, who could ask for a
                        Elder ’08 has been
                                                     On the technical side, the pressing of   better study break from final exams?
                        appointed south-
                                                  a button submits a request for assistance
                        eastern office direc-
                                                  containing a message, location data, and                                   Fraternally,
                        tor for Indiana
                                                  an image; the request is broadcast to a                            Michael Osborn ’13
                        Landmarks, a non-
                                                  network of friends via SMS, push, and                                           Perge!
                        profit      organiza-
                        tion dedicated to
                        preserving historic
                        landmarks through-
                        out the state. Elder is
now responsible for directing the organiza-
tion’s southeast field office and also over-
seeing Veraestau, a historic site in Aurora,
Indiana. Elder is also principally responsible
for maintaining and revitalizing historic
sites in Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland, and
Ripley counties.
    Brother Elder was an Honor Scholar at
DePauw and was also a Fulbright Scholar.
Elder graduated with a degree in Latin
and studied in Macedonia for a year while
attending the university. He also completed
internships with Historic Madison, Inc.,
and Ol’ House Experts, and is currently
pursuing a master’s degree in historic pres-
ervation from Ball State University. Elder is
currently a member of the newly revitalized
Board of Chapter Advisers for Lambda as
the head of scholarship and is remaining
as active as one could expect from such an
accomplished brother.
                                                                    Tao Qian ’15, Rajat Kumar ’15, and Michael Osborn
                               Tyler Huff ’15                              ’13 attend the Microsoft Cup finals.

 4     TIGER FIJI • depauwfiji.com
Honored in the Sciences:                                                                      Choe ’99 Named VP
     Brother J.D. Hoover ’14                                                                      of Federal Affairs &
                                                                                                  Public Policy at Rite
  Awarded Goldwater Scholarship
                                                                                                   Aid Corporation!
    Brother J.D. Hoover ’14 has                         four students per university may be
                                                                                                     Lambda        Graduate
been recently named the recipient                       nominated for the honor.
                                                                                                 Brother Yong Choe ’99
of the 2013 Goldwater Scholarship.                         Brother Hoover is a double-
                                                                                                 has recently been named
The Goldwater Scholarship is con-                       major in computer science and
                                                                                                 vice president of federal
sidered the most prestigious under-                     biochemistry, is an information
                                                                                                 affairs and public policy
graduate award for the sciences in                      technology associate, and is also
                                                                                                 at Rite Aid Corporation!
the United States, and pays for the                     a Science Research Fellow here
                                                                                                 Brother Choe graduated
tuition, books, room and board,                         at DePauw. J.D. hopes to revolu-         from DePauw as a communications major, and
and other fees of an institution of                     tionize the medical field by pur-        he then began his career as a legislative clerk
the recipient’s choice. This year,                      suing an MD/PhD in biomedical            for the U.S. House Energy and Commerce
the distinction was only given to 271 stu-      informatics and to develop the technol-          Committee. After working in a variety of
dents representing 177 colleges throughout      ogy capable of hosting an international          roles with the National Association of Chain
the U.S.                                        central medical database to enhance and          Drug Stores, Choe served as the director of
    The Goldwater Scholarship was               promote medical care and research. We at         business outreach and member service for the
established by the Barry M. Goldwater           Lambda congratulate J.D. and are proud           Republican Study Committee before assuming
Scholarship and Excellence in Education         to have such an accomplished brother             his current post. Congratulations!
Program, a program established by Congress      among our ranks.
in honor of former U.S. Senator Barry                                        Tyler Huff ’15                                  David Garrett ’13
Goldwater to fund the education of future

scientists, mathematicians, and engineers in
order to promote the importance of these
                                                                                                  A Lasting Impact:
fields. The competition for the scholar-
ship is quite rigorous, for every year only
                                                                                                   Anthony Baratta
                                                                                                   Aims to Change
                                                                                                 DePauw & the World
  Rajat Kumar ’15 Designs iPhone                                                                    for the Better
         App Coursemate                                                                          (continued from page one)

(continued from page three)                     themselves to take in hopes of broadening        without a motorized vehicle. Baratta was
                                                their horizons and expanding their liberal       also a founding member of Energy Wars, the
tennis app, all of which helped develop the     arts education.                                  annual campus tradition challenging Greek
programming skills that led to the design          “What I hope is that the kind of infor-       and university-owned housing to conserve
of Coursemate. With more success and            mation shared by students about classes          energy, and also the DePauw Environmental
administrative involvement, Coursemate          may open up people’s minds to consider           Policy Project, a student-led program
could become part of the DePauw course          a class they might not have thought of,”         designed to provide research-backed testi-
selection process, providing a less burden-     Foss added, “Often all it takes is to cross      mony to the Indiana State Legislature. The
some experience and assuaging the fears of      that threshold, and they’ll realize there’s so   Office of Sustainability also had a hand in
many curious students.                          much there that they didn’t know about.”         supporting the newly operational campus
    Pedar Foss, dean of academic life at           With just an idea, Brother Kumar              farm—designed to provide fresh produce to
DePauw, has talked with Kumar about             sought to change the way DePauw stu-             the university and teach sustainable agricul-
Coursemate and its involvement with             dents choose and enroll into their courses,      ture to students and the Greencastle commu-
the course selection process, stating, “I       courses that may change their understand-        nity. All of these accomplishments came from
thought this was a very clever approach to      ing of the world and broaden their minds         a once seemingly too-idealistic freshman who
the situation and think it has real poten-      to capacities never expected. It is this sort    followed his passion and his love in order
tial. This is definitely the direction of the   of innovation that reminds us of all the         to change an entire institution, a feat which
future for this kind of process.” Foss also     great men reside in this diverse and tal-        Baratta describes as a true dream come true.
hopes that the app will inspire students        ented brotherhood.
to take courses they had never expected                                       Tyler Huff ’15                                    Tyler Huff ’15

                                                is published regularly by Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. News and photos should
    TIGER FIJI                                  be sent to Alumni Records Office, Lambda Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 40367,
                                                Indianapolis, IN 46240-0367.

                                                                          depauwfiji.com • SUMMER 2013                                      5
FIJIs Honored With
                                                                   Academic Awards
        lambda                                   Lambda FIJIs once again achieved sig-         Vishal Khandelwal ’13
     connections                             nificant recognition at the Academic Awards         • Phi Beta Kappa
                                             Convocation on April 29, 2013. Six were             • Becker Fellow for an ITAP associate
       program                               tapped for Phi Beta Kappa Honors. The                 demonstrating significant achievement
                                             brothers recognized for academic, intellectual,       in internships
                                             and performance accomplishments are:                • ITAP associate
       This year marks the start of                                                              • Senior Art History Award
    Lambda Connections, a program            Leif I. Anderson ’15
    designed to connect undergraduate
                                               • Peternell Environmental Scholarship           T. Blaine Kuss ’13
                                                                                                  • Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honorary
    juniors and seniors with gradu-          James W. Burgess ’13                                 • G. Hans Grueninger Prize, outstand-
    ates who are working in their              • Phi Beta Kappa                                     ing student in German
    desired professional field or area of      • Becker Fellow for an ITAP associate,
    advanced study.                              demonstrating significant achievement         Alexander M. Landreville ’13
       By signing up to mentor in one            in internships                                  • Honors Scholar, Thesis:
    or more of the categories below, a         • Science Research Fellow                           “Greenwashing: The Ethics of
    limited number of current Lambda           • ITAP Associate                                    Green Marketing”
    upperclassmen would be able to             • DePauw Computer Science Honorary                • Ethics Bowl Team, regional and
    reach out to you to get advice on                                                              national championship team
                                             William A. Calderwood ’14
    graduate schools, professional life,      • Phi Beta Kappa                                 Jacob J. Meyer ’13
    and obtaining jobs and internships        • W. W. Carson Scholarship in History              • ITAP Associate
    in your field. Graduates may sign
    up for as many categories as they        Reid T. Conner ’13                                Alexander C. H. Muetzel ’13
    like, and can withdraw from the            • Phi Beta Kappa                                  • Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honorary
    program at any time.                       • ITAP Associates
                                               • DePauw Computer Science Honorary              Andres E. Munoz ’14
       If you are interested in becoming a
                                                                                                 • Condit Scholarship (psychology)
    Lambda Connections mentor, please        Henry K. Dembanemya Jr. ’13                         • Psi Chi National
    contact the Graduate Relations            • Serlin Distinguished Honor Scholar                 Psychology Honorary
    Committee chairman, Sam Leist ’14,          for best exemplifying the ideals of an
    at gradrelations@depauwfiji.com.            Honors Scholar                                 Ngoc (Nick) H. Nguyen ’14
                                              • Honors Scholars, Thesis: “Early                  • DePauw Computer Science
                                                Warning Systems for Responsibility                 Honorary Society
             ART AND THEATER
                                                to Protect”
                                                                                               Son D. Pham ’13
                                             David W. Garrett ’13                                • Phi Beta Kappa
            COMPUTER SCIENCE                   • DePauw Computer Science Honorary                • Management Fellow

                 EDUCATION                   Brian D. Good ’14                                 Derrick S. Roach ’14
                                               • Student Summer Research                         • Condit Science Scholarship
         JOURNALISM AND WRITING                  (collaborative research with faculty)           • DePauw Computer Science
                                                                                                   Honor Society
              LAW, POLITICS,
                                             Kyle R. Gough ’13
            AND PUBLIC POLICY                                                                  Patrick M. Speranza ’13
                                               • Phi Sigma Nu National Honorary
               MATHEMATICS                       in Philosophy                                   • Van Denman Thompson Award for
                                               • Ethics Bowl Team                                  excellence in scholarship, musician-
                 MEDICINE                      • ITAP associate                                    ship, and activities
                                                                                                 • Performance Certificate for the highest
                  MILITARY                   Matthew P. Hellman ’13                                degree of excellence in applied music
                                              • DePauw Computer Science                          • Senior Showcase Program in Music
                   MUSIC                        Honor Society                                      Performance (percussion), “Carousel”
                                                                                                   (with Josiah Q. Rushing)
                                             John D. Hoover ’14
            PHYSICAL SCIENCES                  • Phi Beta Kappa                                Wei Tao ’14
                                               • Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship                 • Sigma Pi Sigma National
             SOCIAL SCIENCES                     (computer science and biochemistry)               Physics Honorary
             AND HUMANITIES                    • DePauw Computer Science Honorary               • Elliot Morrill Fellowship
                                                                                                • Student Summer Research
                                                                                                   (collaborative research with faculty)

6      TIGER FIJI • depauwfiji.com
Pig Dinner 2013 Award Recipients
   The 2013 Frank Norris Annual Pig Dinner was a huge success! The event was held at the Inn at DePauw, and there was a great turnout
to all events held throughout the day. The following awards were presented during the dinner to well-deserving recipients, representing a
large pool of compassionate, talented, and hard-working brothers who reflect the values and aspirations of our great fraternity:

      Most Outstanding New Member                   Most Outstanding Senior Brother                      The Knowledge Award
             Zack Baker ’16                              Stephen Shapiro ’13                              Benjamin Harsha ’15

              Most Outstanding                    Most Outstanding Graduate Brother                        The Service Award
             Sophomore Brother                              Phil Heyde ’72                                 Timothy Zaletel ’15
              Leif Anderson ’15
                                                          The Friendship Award                            The Morality Award
     Most Outstanding Junior Brother                       Stephen Shapiro ’13                             Joshua Levine ’15
            Brian Good ’14
                                                                                                         The Excellence Award
                                                                                                            J.D. Hoover ’14

          Brothers bringing in the pig!

                                                                                               Top right: The class of 1955 Golden Owls
                                                                                               at Pig Dinner 2005: Jim Hanna, Chuck
                                                                                               Kingman, Bill Kruger (now deceased), Bob
                                                                                               Erickon, Tom Winks, and Bob Coffin. There
                                                                                               were a few who couldn’t return at that time.
                                                                                               Bill died after our get together in 2008 at
                                                                                               DePauw University.

                                                                                               Bottom center: Stan McCoy ’93 giving his
     Mike Scalzo ’70 and Larry Downs ’70                                                       keynote speech.

                    Brother Henry Dambanemuya Named
                         Jewish World Watch Fellow
   Henry Dambanemuya was                                   In addition to this honor, Henry   smart consumers of electronics that con-
recently named a 2012-’13 Jewish                        serves as an ambassador with          tain conflict minerals from the DRC.” This
World Watch Fellow. This pro-                           the Liberty Mutual Responsible        project has led to a DePauw student gov-
gram is designed for collegiate                         Scholars and a research and tech-     ernment white paper, as well as multiple
scholars having “a passion for                          nology analyst for the Sentinel       awareness-raising events.
social justice and the desire to edu-                   Project for Genocide Prevention.         Henry was born and raised in Nyanga,
cate and inspire others to action.”                        On campus, he is an honor          Zimbabwe. He will be graduating this May
University fellows will study                           scholar, presidential ambassador,     with a double-major in conflict studies and
policy objectives aimed at curb-                        and founded the Conflict-Free         computer science. Initiated in 2010, Henry
ing genocide and mass atrocities                        Campus Initiative, which aims to      continuously exemplifies the values and
alongside JWW staff members.                   assist “people and institutions to become      character of a Phi Gamma Delta.

                                                                       depauwfiji.com • SUMMER 2013                                    7
Gr aduate Brother News
David M. Dirks ’63 sends greetings from             all in Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to these         and paved roads as they travel through the world-
150 Jackson St., Denver, CO 80206;                  ventures, I serve on the board of directors for the       famous Battenkill Valley. Sean initially took up
daviddirks@yahoo.com.                               Morton Center, St. Benedict’s School, and the             cycling while racing Little 5 for FIJI at DePauw.
                                                    Louisville Rotary Club. I also received the Rotarian      Send congratulations to 555 Massachusetts
David W. Gilbert ’65 is building the Mid-           of the Year in 2012 from the Louisville Rotary            Ave., NW, #1109, Washington, D.C. 20001;
Atlantic regional affiliate of the Peace Jam        Club this past summer.” Send congratulations              sbarrie13@gmail.com.
Foundation—inspiring youth through the work         to 2027 Frankfort Ave., Lousiville, KY 40207;
of 13 Nobel Peace Prize laureates. Reconnect        greg@maidinlouisville.com.                                Sam Holley-Kline ’12 is completing his research
with him at 88 Tuscan Rd., Maplewood, NJ                                                                      in Mexico as a Fulbright Scholar. Sam will enter
07040; tigerdave1@comcast.net.                      Wayne L. Nelson ’67 appreciates the great Tiger           Stanford University this fall to begin the doctor-
                                                    FIJI reports; he wrote to request we keep up the          ate program in anthropology (archeology track).
Jeff Lortz ’65 coached the St. Mary’s Lake (FL)     good work! Get in touch with him at 141 White
women Rams basketball team to a stellar sea-        St., Apt. 15, Springfield, MA 01108.                      Alex Muetzel ’13 has been accepted to the
son in 2012-2013. The team began the season                                                                   Manhattan School of Music to pursue his
with a three-point loss and then finished with      Stuart K. Steele ’83 is chasing four athletic kids from   master’s degree in vocal performance beginning
17-straight wins (even though the varsity pulled    practices to games. His oldest is about to graduate       this fall.
up Jeff’s top-two players after five games). Jeff   and head to medical school. Send congratulations
says he “could not have been prouder of this        to 13918 Ash Dr., Overland Park, KS 66224;                Patrick Speranza ’13 will continue his music
team.” He explains the scowl on his face in the     ssteel05@hotmail.com.                                     studies (percussion) pursuing a master’s degree
photo below this way: “When the photographer                                                                  at the Bienen School of Music of Northwestern
said ‘smile’ my reaction time is not what it used   “After 10 years with Ketal One Vodka, in May I            University beginning in the fall.
to be; it now takes at least two seconds to react   became the vice president of sales-Central Region
to verbal commands!” Congratulation to Jeff and     for Double Cross Vodka,” writes William J. Bach           Vishal Khandelwal ’13 begins the doctorate in
the women Rams on a great season!                   ’91. “Double Cross is a luxury vodka imported             art history program at the University of Michigan
                                                    from Slovakia, distilled and filtered seven times         this fall.
“Great to be with brothers Wayne Nelson ’67         from winter wheat and mountain-spring water.
and Dave Hinshaw ’67 at the FIJI open house         I’m still living in Wilmette, Illinois, and my whole      Nathan Kober ’12 joined the Admissions Office as
during our 45th Reunion Weekend last June,”         family is doing great! Cheers!” Stay connected            an admissions counselor for DePauw University.
writes Craig R. Stokely ’67. “Doug Mitchell         with Bill at billandcarrie1@mac.com.                      Nathan reports he is busy!
’70 showed us the energy and dedication that is
reflected in strong graduate brother leadership.    Stanford K. McCoy ’93 enjoyed having Sam                  Joe Grotheer ’12 and Will Carpenter ’12 are with
It was wonderful to see and read of my FIJI son,    Leist ’14 as an intern in his office this past sum-       Social Promise in Gulu, Uganda, working with
Bob Kleinops ’70, receiving the Distinguished       mer. Anyone interested in an internship in the            physically challenged children.
Lambda Graduate Award! Bob, I just ran across       Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Office
the paddle you gave me while cleaning my attic!     of Intellectual Property and Innovation, should
Great job on the latest Tiger FIJI.” Catch up       contact Stan at smccoy@ustr.eop.gov.
with Craig at P.O. Box 93, Wayne, IL 60184;                                                                                 AD ASTRA
c2stokely@aol.com.                                  Sean Barrie ’03 finished first in the 30-plus race at
                                                    the Tour of Battenkill on April 14, 2013, in Upstate           C. Robert Million ’43: May 6, 2009
“Last year, Braun Group acquired O’Donnell          New York. The Tour of Battenkill is the largest
Supply Co. in Louisville,” reports Gregory P.       professional/amateur bike race in North America              R. C. Oldfield ’46: December 29, 2012
Braun ’82. “In addition to its other ventures,      with more than 3,500 competitors from more
                                                                                                                  Max A. Tudor ’59: October 24, 2012
including Maid in Louisville, Paperchem, Pig        than 40 states competing in 2013. Racers com-
Properties, and Physicians Center for Beauty,       plete more than 62 miles of rolling terrain on dirt

          Jeff Lortz ’65 (left) with his junior varsity women’s basketball team.                    Sean Barrie ’03 (center) takes first in Tour of Battenkill.
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