Page created by Willie Shelton

Minutes of the Meeting of Tiddington with Albury Parish Council held on Tuesday 9th February 2021
at 8.00pm via video conference.

Present: Mrs V Baker (in the Chair) (VB), Mrs T Smith (TS), Mr R Chaplin (RC), Mr K Field (KF), Mr C
Hill (CH), Mr B Price (BP), Mrs J Stoyle (Clerk), Tim Bearder (County Councillor) (TB), Sarah Gray
(District Councillor) (SG), one member of the public

151. Apologies: None
152. Declarations of interest: None
153. Approve and sign minutes of meeting (via video call) held on 12th January 2021 as previously
circulated. These were accepted as a true record of the meeting and will be duly approved and signed by
the Chair at the earliest convenience.
154. Matters to Report
154.1 County Councillor, Tim Bearder updated the meeting that the government would allow councils to
increase the spending on adult social care up to 3%. OCC proposed and agreed to raise it by just 1%, this
was opposed by the Liberal Democrats.
The vicar from the parish has been in contact with TB and would like to be involved in the Brookes site
154.2 District Councillor, Sarah Gray informed the meeting that the District Council budget setting
meeting will take next week, it is expected for the budget to be approved, which would mean an
approximate £5 increase for band D properties.
SG confirmed that a legal challenge to the SODC Local Plan is being progressed based on the number of
houses included, the environmental impact and the lack of democratic process followed.
SG confirmed that she would be standing down in March 2021 if the May 2021 elections go ahead.
155. Councillors’ Update of Matters in Hand
155.1 Coronavirus Covid-19 Support. Nothing to report from the Support Network Co-ordinator.

155.2 Puffin Crossing. Resurfacing work has been delayed due to the weather, when a new date is
received TS to place notice of road closures on Tiddington People.

Additional resurfacing was requested by the parish council, a small amount of additional resurfacing
is planned, including the entrance to Albury View, but not to the extent that the parish council had
requested, this is due to budget constraints at OCC.

Opening ceremony / activities will be planned once the puffin crossing is completed, these include
contacting the Oxford Mail in conjunction with OCC. It will be a simple red ribbon ceremony with
several parishioners, including younger and older members of the parish. ACTION: TS to email OCC
contact provided by RC about planning a media opportunity.

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155.3 Parish Website & email addresses. The clerk has emailed the website provider giving her a
basic web accessibility statement to load on to the website. Clerk has signed up to attend a virtual
web accessibility briefing later this quarter to understand the revised legislation in more detail.

Clerk has also asked the website provider if she can support the parish council to move to Gmail and
to at that point create two new email addresses for the parish councillors who do not have a parish
council email address.

155.4 The Fox & Goat – Community Asset Application. Clerk has been asked to add / clarify one
further piece of information and will then submit this week.

155.5 Additional Dual / Dog Bins. No update as SODC unable to attend site and meet with us until
lockdown is over

155.6 Drainage Issues on Sandy Lane. OCC to clear the whole system and do a full survey in April
2021, this will include a road closure from 12th – 16th April. Signage has been put in place by OCC
warning of the potential hazards down Sandy Lane. RC and KF have uncovered several gullies missed
during the last onsite OCC meeting at Sandy Lane, which will help.

155.7 Draycott Corner. OCC plan to program a scheme in the new financial year (preferably
summertime) to upgrade the drainage considering the springs at this location, followed by
surfacing/patching where the surface has deteriorated. The landowner has been requested to dig
out the ditches by SODC and OCC.

TS has provided additional photographs following the current wet weather, to indicate to OCC, that
the ditches being dug out alone will not improve the situation, due to the amount of surface water
as the gullies are blocked.

155.8 Blocked drain between Tiddington and Albury. OCC have confirmed that the gully that
surcharges on the Oxford Road has been programmed by the contractor. They were hoping to have
completed these works by now, however due to the footway works currently taking place, they were
unable to set up traffic management. Once the footway works are complete, they will get in and
carry out the repair to the drainage.

155.9 Play-area – maintenance to resolve moderate risks. No updates / carried over.

155.10 Bollards by Green outside Village Hall. The clerk has identified the cheapest supplier of
bollards she could find, and asked RC which bollards look the most suitable and to check if he has
any alternative suggestions. Once the type of cone is confirmed the clerk will provide 3 quotes to the
parish council to consider.

155.11 Broken Bridges and Stiles. No update from OCC, the OCC Officer has been off sick,
information was provided to her colleague, but they are unable to do anything until original officer is
back, which should be early February 2021.

155.12 Ickford Bridges. A response from OCC has confirmed that this has not been looked at yet by
their supplier, they state they have higher priority issues. Clerk has asked for a rough idea on timings
so expectations can be managed. CH informed the meeting that he is doing some work with Ickford
Parish Council and Buckinghamshire County Council regarding the bridges, the contact from
Buckinghamshire County Council will approach Oxfordshire County Council.

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156. Planning

156.1 Planning Applications received (to be discussed at the Parish Council Meeting): None
156.2 Planning Decisions to be noted:

P20/S3498/FUL Lantern Service Station London Road Milton Common OX9 2JL: Change of use of existing
workshop building and erection of new building to support a B2 use including MOT testing and vehicle
repairs and car sales. External area to be used for car sales and car parking associated with the use of the
buildings. Planning permission granted 19th January 2021.
P20/S4352/HH Millstone Old London Road Milton Common OX9 2JR: Single storey Rosewood UPVC
Victorian style conservatory with a solid tiled roof to the rear of the property. Planning permission
granted 14th January 2021.
156.3 Planning Decisions Pending (awaiting decision from SODC planning department):
P20/S0931/FUL The Fox & Goat Oxford Road Tiddington OX9 2LH: Outbuilding to the rear of the kitchens.
Consultation end date 4th September 2020, target decision date 23rd September 2020. No updates on
the SODC website this month.
P20/S4871/DIS Hartgrove Oxford Road Tiddington Thame OX9 2LH: Discharge of condition 4 (Surface
water drainage works) in application P20/S0436/RM. Application for reserve matters in relation to outline
planning application P17/S3359/O for the erection of 2 double storey dwellings. For Information only.
Target decision date 29th January 2021.
156.4 Planning Appeals in progress: None
157. Finance

157.1 Applications for routine subscriptions and donations: None
157.2 Accounts for payment this month:
                  Administration to the Parish Council (1st Jan 2021–31st Jan 2021)    £261.40 APPROVED
                  Parchments Print of Oxford (Newsletter Feb 2021 / Mar 2021)          £490.29 APPROVED
                             (includes £164.20 for Neighbourhood Plan Booklet)
157.3 Receipts:
                  Interest                                                                     £0.20
                  Oxfordshire County Council Grant                                             £200.00
                  A D Ousley (Newsletter Advertising)                                          £42.00
                  Four Seasons Tree Care (Newsletter Advertising)                              £60.00
                  Parchments Print of Oxford (Newsletter Advertising)                          £60.00
157.4 Balances at bank:
                  Current Account as of 5th January 2021                      £50.00
                  Deposit Account as of 5th January 2021                      £22,805.35

157.5 VAT Refund. The clerk has prepared a VAT refund document to submit for just over £4,430, this
will be submitted once one final piece of information is obtained.

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158. Neighbourhood Plan including Historical Buildings. The parish council had received and reviewed
the draft Neighbourhood Plan document and second questionnaire ahead of the meeting. CH took the
meeting through the document, asking the previously identified questions that the Neighbourhood Plan
Team needed answers to. CH will provide the information decided at the meeting back to the
Neighbourhood Plan Team.
The parish council would like to thank the Neighbourhood Plan Team for all their hard work to date, it is
much appreciated, and it is evident how much detailed work has gone into it.
159. Pastoral Vale Project. The project will be explored as part of the Neighbourhood Plan.
160. SODC Grant (Defibrillator Case, Pastoral Vale & Tree Planting (Milton Common)). The parish
council discussed the grant application and decided to apply for a grant to cover the defibrillator case and
the planting of two trees in Milton Common. The requirements of a pastoral vale are not yet known so
will not be included. ACTION: Clerk to make a grant submission ahead of the 19th of February 2021
161. Tree Planting Project. This will be progressed once the SODC grant application has been submitted
and the outcome known.
162. Consultation regarding A418 (Oxford Road) Proposed Traffic Calming Features. The parish council
discussed this item at length and agreed to object to the proposal of a ‘No Entry’ sign being put up as part
of the proposal. The parish council are in support of the puffin crossing but are concerned about the ‘No
Entry’ sign causing assess problems to larger vehicles going to The Fox & Goat or needing to use the slip
road, for example the dustbin lorry or dray lorries. The alternative access point is often narrowed due to
parked vehicles behind the bus stop and near residential properties. The parish council would welcome
an onsite meeting with the OCC Officer to explain their concerns. ACTION: Clerk to provide feedback to
the consultation, in support of the puffin crossing, but objecting to the “No Entry” proposal, indicating
that the parish council would like to meet onsite to discuss their concerns.
163. Newsletter Editor / Co-ordinator Vacancy. TS to place the advert on Tiddington People. If no
applicants are received by the end of February, then alternative approaches will be considered regarding
164. Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Vacancy. TS to place the advert on Tiddington People. If no
applicants are received by the end of February, then alternative approaches will be considered regarding
165. Neighbourhood Watch Posters (4) at Village Entries. The four neighbourhood watch signs have
been put up at the entry points of the parish using heavy duty plastic ties. Additional posters have
been requested for the remaining parish entry points.

166. Speeding / 20mph Limit. Carried over.
167. Correspondence Received

i) Rural Bulletin, Rural Services Network, Thames Valley Alerts, plus other general correspondence -
ii) SODC general and Coronavirus communication - circulated
iii) OCC general and Coronavirus communication - circulated
iv) OALC general and Coronavirus communications - circulated
v) Tim Bearder general and Coronavirus communications – circulated
vi) Sarah Gray general and Coronavirus communications plus a report – circulated
vii) Letter of Thanks received from Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizen Advice

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168. AOB
BP – provided information from an Ickford resident about additional traffic flows from Ickford to
Tiddington which are expected once the two new developments of approximately 100 houses are
completed. CH will provide this information to the Neighbourhood Plan Team.
Clerk – asked for approval to purchase stationary, stamps, and other consumables next month. This
was agreed by the parish councillors.


No questions asked during the public forum

Meeting closed 10.25pm

Next Tiddington with Albury Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 8.00pm

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