This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...

This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
Marown, foxdale and Baldwin
      Parish magazine
        March 2021

       This is my Son,
         my Chosen,
       listen to Him!
                     Luke 9.35
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
Revd Janice Ward
Marown Vicarage, Main Road, Crosby. IM4 4BH Tel: 01624 851378,
e-mail: (usual day off Thursday)
Revd Steven Herron
Home phone: 01624 616487, mobile 07624 308815

Nancy Clague        01624 851877
Doug Chalk          07624 451827
Heather Paisley     07624 467158 or by post to
                    30 Ballatessan Meadow, Peel, IM5 1DU

Foxdale Sue Waring, Malcolm Clague 851877
Marown Nick Poole Wilson
Baldwin Sue Sayle (333153) and Chris Williamson

Synod representatives
Sue Waring
Rosemary Gibson

PCC Elected Members
Rosemary Gibson (secretary to PCC)
Peter Speers
Ann Williams
Simon Dunn
David Ward 01624 851378
Maff Long
Don Roworth

Parish Safeguarding Officer
Heather Paisley, contact details above.

For Contributions to the newsletter, send to Heather as above.
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
Dear Friends across our Parish
                                           Truly listening to people around us can
Greetings, spring has sprung!
                                           be a transforming experience and help
Everywhere nature is turning wonderful
                                           us to think more deeply about how other
shades of green, with bulbs and buds of
multi-colours appearing to brighten up     people see life and circumstances. Even
our glorious countryside.                  as Christians within the same
                                           denomination or congregation, we don’t
                                           all think the same or see the world in the
We are now in the Church season of
                                           same way. Some are concerned for the
Lent and my aim for these weeks is…….
to be more joyous and happy!               environment and ‘green issues’, others
Following a sermon from Doug Chalk,        about finance, social injustice, moral
                                           questions, religious belief/doctrine etc.,
who reminded us that Jesus is our
                                           and we may wonder why other people
ultimate joy and happiness, and
                                           don’t share our concerns or viewpoint.
challenging the common perception that
                                           We want people to see things as we see
Lent is dour and miserable, I have
decided it is time for the Good News of    them and respond as we think
Jesus to show visibly through a smile      appropriate. It is when we listen, pause
                                           and consider a different understanding
and more positive demeanour! As we
                                           of a situation that we can grow closer to
approach the anniversary of the first
                                                              those people around
‘lockdown’ there is still much to
                                                              us, loving our
concern us, but the Christian
message is always one of hope                                 neighbours as
                                                              ourselves instead of
and re-creation. Through our
                                                              trying to change them
Lord Jesus Christ we have every
                                                              into versions of
reason to be filled with joy and
                                                              ourselves. Then we
                                                              spread something of
However, that doesn’t mean that,                              the joy and happiness
                                                              God intended to be
as Christians, we are unaware or
unconcerned by life’s pain and
suffering. Jesus confronted such
                                           May this Lent be a blessing to you and
situations head on during his earthly
ministry by attentively listening to the   those you love. May joy and happiness
                                           be yours in Jesus name. And may the
struggles and strife of the people he
                                           love of knowing God and the power of
met. It was only then that he offered
                                           the Holy Spirit in your life, uplift and
help and guidance. As Christians we can
                                           encourage you.
be a willing ear to people around us –
from family and friends to neighbours
who need to share their worries and                        Love and blessings
problems. We don’t need to ‘fix’                                Canon Janice
problems, just to be that compassionate
companion, listening more and talking
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
This is a slightly edited version of           This principle can be applied to life as a
the sermon that Doug preached                  whole. Being a piano virtuoso or top
on 7th February, as referred to in             athlete may be a great thing but it
Canon Janice’s letter.                         doesn't define the whole person – just a
                                               narrow part of them. So are there
Lent is an important season in the
                                               virtues that deal with life as a whole,
Church calendar because it allows us to
                                               which enable us to live life itself expertly
focus on JESUS - who is our chief joy.
                                               or proficiently within an all-
But is Lent meant to be a sad time?
                                               encompassing happiness? Perhaps - but
Should Christians pursue a path of
                                               first we've got to know what happiness
penance and flagellation during Lent?
                                               actually is. Because only then can we
Or is Lent not like that at all? Rather, can
                                               hope to acquire the virtues which lead to
Lent help us discover the pathway to
                                               happiness. After all, a pianist like Lang
happiness? Someone once said Lent is:
                                               Lang once had to think about what it is
life lived in a minor key. I think that's a
                                               to play like an expert before he could set
good description. My favourite music is
                                               about acquiring the necessary skills and
in a minor key. I think of Mendelssohn's
                                               dispositions to actually play that way
violin concerto. Or Danzón No. 2 by
Arturo Márquez. Or George Harrison's
Run of the Mill.. All in a minor key. Lent
                                               When Lent arrives some of us exercise
isn't a sad time but it is a sober time; a
                                               the virtue of abstinence. We say we're
time to reflect.
                                               giving up chocolate (or alcohol or full fat
                                               cheese or whatever it is) for Lent. This
Think of a virtuoso pianist like Lang Lang
                                               is a moral decision – something we
or a professional tennis player like
                                               decide we ought to do; something we
Serena Williams. Any would-be
                                               think is right to do. But while abstinence
professional has to practice for long
                                               is important, it won't by itself make us
hours to be successful; investing time in
                                               happy in any lasting or meaningful way.
developing habits, skills, traits of
                                               It's got to work in tandem with other
character and stable dispositions and
                                               virtues. Abstinence is a small part of a
powers which make her apt, ready and
                                               larger picture. Just giving up something
able to undertake her specialisation well,
                                               for six weeks won't by itself do very
with pleasure and with a certain creative
                                               much to help us attain what is good for
freedom. We all identify with these
                                               our flourishing and happiness in life.
virtues every day as we strive towards
our personal goals. Acquiring virtues
                                               So what is Happiness? Well, for a start,
puts us in a position to succeed and
                                               happiness isn't a feeling and not
flourish at an activity, becoming expert
                                               something that just happens to us.
or proficient in a particular sphere,
                                               Rather, happiness is a state; an activity
whether that be becoming a good
                                               of living a human life well. Enter the
parent, or teacher, or bus driver, or
                                               Virtues. The Virtues help us to attain
waste disposal technician or sandwich
                                               what is truly good for us. Acquiring
                                               them allows us to move forward in
                                               happiness with a kind of ease and
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
freedom. There are of course different         the disordered passions into line so we
types of virtues: but I’m focussing on the     can act according to what Prudence and
‘natural’ virtues – the ones we can            Justice tell us is best for our flourishing –
acquire on our own - or naturally - under      for our true good - and therefore for our
our own steam so to speak.                     true happiness.

A happy life is about defining what is         So then, what is the maximal
truly good for us and then pursuing it.        overarching aim or goal in life? What is
And this is where the first of the natural     the target? People have set up lots of
virtues comes in. Prudence is                  targets: money, security, status, power,
sometimes called the captain of the ship:      career, influence, pleasure, interests,
Prudence tells us what we are as human         ideology, family, friends – you name it.
beings and shows us what we should be          But no one of these is maximal. In other
aiming at in order to fulfil our nature -      words, none satisfies completely even
fulfilling it in the right way that leads to   though some of them may turn out to be
our happiness. So Prudence involves the        perfectly legitimate secondary goals..
mind or the intellect. It has been said        But none of them is worthy as an
that Prudence is ‘right reason applied to      overarching goal when it comes to life
action’. Justice on the other hand             taken as a whole. The ultimate or long
exercises the will and focuses on giving       term goal which orders all the
other people their due (such as                subordinate goals is Christ Himself - in
consideration, kindness, sympathy,             view of Whom a Christian arranges
forgiveness, support, care - all those         everything else she does in life. In other
inter-personal things - loving our             words, all the virtues lead to Him.
neighbour). Fortitude and
Temperance regulate the feelings:              Aristotle once said: the true nature of a
things like fear or desire. So the natural     thing is the highest it can become. That
virtues engage the intellect, the will and     is, for a thing to be fully good is for that
the feelings and they work as a team,          thing to fulfil its own nature perfectly.
opening up for us the pathway to               Lent gives us an opportunity to think
happiness.                                     about this and about how wonderful the
                                               natural virtues are: their beauty, and
Of course, all this raises the question of     their power to fulfil us. When combined
interior conflict. There may be a clash        with the virtues of Faith Hope and
between what Prudence says is really           Charity, they help us reach our ultimate
right for our happiness over an unruly         Good – to be united with Christ who, as
desire to do something which may make          we said at the beginning, is our chief joy.
us happy immediately or in the short           And that's the reason why:
term, but perhaps too easily or in the                 Virtue is the pathway to
wrong way. These are the disordered                      happiness...a pathway
passions, where things like fear or              Beautiful as a piece of music - set -
difficulty or desire, rise up against what                   in a minor key
is best for us. St Paul calls this the war
between the flesh and the spirit. This is
where the virtues of Fortitude and
Temperance come in to play and bring
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
The Cardinal Virtues                 individual. We perform all of our actions
                                             as part of a society - a family,
The Virtues can be grouped as follows:       neighbourhood, village, town, city,
 Intellectual virtues: understanding;       country. Justice tells me that I should
  knowledge; wisdom                          give others what is due to them whether
 Natural, Cardinal or Moral                 it be respect, consideration,
  Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude,     neighbourliness or whatever. Every act
  Temperance                                 we do has some bearing upon other
 Infused or Theological Virtues:            people either directly or indirectly.
  Faith, Hope, Charity.                      Therefore Justice, like Prudence, bears
                                             on and perfects every action. Justice
The natural virtues which we can begin       renders every other part of society its
to acquire during Lent are fourfold:         due. Justice seeks to preserve my
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and             neighbour in his life, for the common
Temperance.                                  good. So whereas Prudence relates to
                                             the intellect, Justice relates to the will.
Prudence – Prudence is the queen of
the cardinal virtues and she works to        Fortitude and Temperance. The
perfect every single action we               remaining two virtues, fortitude and
undertake, with no exceptions. She           temperance, perfect the feelings: the
allows me to choose and pursue my goal       passions or emotions we have as human
– from baking a cake to becoming a           beings. Fortitude perfects passions
master builder to becoming a tennis          which can otherwise make us fearful or
professional, in the right way. So if I      frightened and Temperance perfects the
choose happiness as my goal, Prudence        passions which could create inordinate
comes to bear upon this goal and shows       appetites. Fortitude moderates the
me the right way to achieve it. It follows   passion of fear. It means we can remain
then that Prudence is right reason           fixed on our good goal, pursuing it under
applied to action. Prudence is to do with    the guidance of Prudence and Justice
the intellect getting a grip on things and   even if there is danger involved.
directing us. An example:                    Fortitude helps us to avoid abandoning
1. I deliberate on a goal (say,              the difficult too easily and makes us
    happiness): and differentiate between    search out the causes of our fear and
    the different ways of obtaining the      remove them. The brave person is not
    goal. I distinguish the preferable       without fear but reaches her goal despite
    means from the non-preferable            it. Temperance moderates the passion
    means.                                   for pleasure so we can be reasonably
2. Then from the most preferable means       fixed on the goal we are pursuing
    I decide which is the most fitting in    according to Prudence and Justice
    achieving that goal.                     without being unreasonably distracted by
3. Then I command myself to take up          the pleasure it offers. Temperance stops
    the most fitting means and perform it    us from pursuing it too easily or in the
    and thereby achieve it.                  wrong way.

Justice – means giving to others what is                                 Doug Chalk
due to them. None of us is a mere
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
Week Commencing       Time and       Service            First        Second         Gospel      Psalm
                      Location                          Reading      Reading
Sunday 7th March      Lockdown                          Exod         1 Cor 1:18-    John        19:7-14
3rd Sunday of Lent                                      20:1-17,     25,            2:13-22
Sunday 14th March     Lockdown                          Exod 2:1-    2 Cor 1:3-7,   John        127:1-5
Mothering Sunday                                        10                          19:25b-27
Sunday 21st March     Lockdown                          Jer 31:31-   Heb 5:5-10     John        51:1-13
5th Sunday of Lent                                      34,                         12:20-33
Passiontide Begins
Sunday 28th March     To be          To be Confirmed    TBC          TBC            TBC         TBC
Palm Sunday           Confirmed

What are these readings? These are the set readings for the dates shown, in the
Church of England lectionary. If we are holding services, we use these ones, although
sometimes we might change them if it is deemed appropriate. If we can’t hold a
service, or you can’t get to a service, then you might want to read them yourself to
join in with the Anglican Community ‘in Spirit’.

Services are available on line

                                                       This year will be even more special as the
The Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal                        charity encourages the nation to come together
Marie Curie, the UK’s leading end-of-life care         to reflect, grieve and remember for a National
charity will this year celebrate their 35th annual     Day of Reflection. Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Great Daffodil Appeal, which is held every             will mark one year since the UK first went into a
March across the UK. The money raised from             nationwide lockdown and Marie Curie is inviting
this appeal enables the charity to continue their      the nation to unite and remember those who
vital work providing care and support to people        died and show support and solidarity for those
living with a terminal illness and their families.     who have been bereaved. The charity knows
                                                       how important it is for people to grieve and the
The coronavirus continues to have a                    emotional and psychological impact of not
devastating effect on Marie Curie’s fundraising,       being able to say goodbye properly and
as activities up and down the country have had         grieving in isolation can have.
to be cancelled. However, there’s still lots of
ways people can get involved, with things like         Due to the pandemic, Marie Curie won’t have
the Step into Spring Challenge in March where          their normal collections on the street, so
people walk 10,000 steps a day, they can host          donations are more important than ever. To
a virtual collection or buy and wear one of the        support the Great Daffodil Appeal, you can
charity’s iconic daffodils in memory of a loved        donate at or
one.                                                   you can buy your daffodil pin in store at a
                                                       number of high street stores including

This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
It was:   …                                            riots, was to be scrapped and replaced by a
                                                       new property tax (council tax) from April
   1700 years ago, on 7th March 321, that the         1993.
    Roman Emperor Constantine 1 (Constantine          25 years ago, on 13th March 1996, that the
    the Great) decreed that Sunday should be a         Dunblane Massacre took place in Scotland.
    day of rest throughout the Empire.                 A gunman killed 16 children and a teacher
   1600 years ago, on 25th March 421, that the        at a primary school and wounded several
    city of Venice was officially founded when         others before taking his own life.
    its first church was dedicated at noon.           Also 25 years ago, on 20th March 1996, that
   150 years ago, on 27th March 1871, that the        the British Government reported that
    first international rugby union football match     Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans
    was held in Edinburgh. Scotland beat               was linked to BSE (mad cow disease) and
    England 1 – 0.                                     could be transmitted to humans who ate
   Also 150 years ago, on 29th March 1871,            infected beef. On 25th March the European
    that the Royal Albert Hall in London was           Union banned the export of British beef
    officially opened by Queen Victoria.               (until 2006).
   75 years ago, on 5th March 1946, that             20 years ago, on 8th March 2001, that
    Winston Churchill gave his famous ‘Iron            British racing driver Donald Campbell’s
    Curtain’ speech in Fulton, Missouri. He used       speedboat Bluebird was recovered from the
    the term to describe the separation between        bottom of Coniston Water in Cumbria. (It
    Soviet and Western countries.                      had crashed and sunk during a record
   Also 75 years ago, on 25th March 1946, that        attempt in January 1967 in which he was
    London’s Heathrow Airport was opened, as           killed.)
    London Airport. It was renamed Heathrow           15 years ago, on 1st March 2006, that the
    in 1966.                                           Senedd, the National Assembly for Wales’s
   65 years ago, on 23rd March 1956, that             debating chamber, was officially opened by
    Pakistan became the world’s first Islamic          Queen Elizabeth II in Cardiff.
    Republic.                                         10 years ago, on 11th March 2011, that the
   60 years ago, on 6th March 1961, that              great Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of
    George Formby, the ‘ukulele king’ died. A          Japan took place. It shifted Japan’s main
    British comedian, singer and actor, he was         island, Honshu, 2.4 metres to the east.
    best known for his comic songs, including          15,897 people were killed, 2,533 went
    ‘When I’m Cleaning Windows’.                       missing, and nearly a quarter of a million
   40 years ago, on 1st March 1981, that IRA          were made homeless. Three reactors at the
    member Bobby Sands began a hunger strike           Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant went
    at Maze Prison, Northern Ireland. He was           into meltdown, leading to the second-largest
    elected as an MP to the British parliament         nuclear accident in history.
    on 10th April, and died on 5th May.               Also 10 years ago, on 15th March 2011, the
   Also 40 years ago, on 29th March 1981, that        Syrian Civil War began. It still continues
    the first London Marathon was held.                today.
   30 years ago, on 14th March 1991, that the
    convictions of the Birmingham Six were
    quashed by Britain’s Court of Appeal and
    they were released from prison after 16
    years. They had been convicted of carrying
    out pub bombings in Birmingham in 1974.
   Also 30 years ago, on 21st March 1991, that
    the British Government announced that the
    controversial poll tax (officially called the
    community charge), which had sparked
This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to Him! - Luke 9.35 - Marown, foxdale and Baldwin - Marown, Foxdale and Baldwin ...
Spring Harvest 2021 goes online                          provides free, hot and healthy meals to
Christian festival Spring Harvest has axed its           children and families who would otherwise
2021 in-person events, saying it is "no longer           go hungry. Through TLG Make Lunch, a
viable or responsible" to host the gatherings at         church can thus make contact with some of
their flagship Butlin’s locations. Spring Harvest        the most vulnerable families in the
continues to plan for events in 2022. But in the         community.
meantime, Spring Harvest Home 2021, the                 TLG have also been running the “Box of
online event which has already been months in            Hope” project. Since the first Lockdown last
the planning, is set to be “bolder and better            March, local churches, in partnership with
than ever before”. Spring Harvest will now start         TLG, have delivered a staggering 510,000
online on Easter Sunday evening. According to            (and counting) meals to children and
Spring Harvest, Butlin’s will issue refunds to           families in crisis. These emergency care
anyone who has already paid a deposit for the            packages – Boxes of Hope - have given
2021 in-person full event.                               churches another opportunity to build good
                                                         relations with the needy in their
Why not contact a lonely neighbour?                      communities. TLG is now extending this
The public have been urged to write letters to           opportunity. The charity is offering start-up
their lonely neighbours. It is hoped that people         funding of £200 to help churches with initial
will “reach out virtually and help combat                costs. The process has been designed to be
loneliness”, says Robert Jenrick, the UK                 as simple as possible so that churches can
Communities Secretary. This could be done                receive a comprehensive package of support
either by picking up the phone or writing a              to help get them up and running quickly.
letter. He urges, “Let’s all do what we can to           For more details, please visit:
connect with our older neighbours, in a Covid- 
secure way, so they feel less alone and know
how valuable they are to their communities at        Walk and pray for your community
this time.” The charity Age UK has said it           Our communities have all been being affected
reckons there to be about 1.4 million older          by the Covid-19 pandemic: our schools,
people in England who are “chronically lonely.”      hospitals, neighbours, churches, friends and
                                                     families, so when we’re out on our daily walk,
Church help for struggling children                  let's turn the time to prayer. That’s the
There is a Christian charity that helps churches     challenge from HOPE Together, which is
who want to reach out to their local children in     encouraging Christians to walk and pray in
need. ‘Transforming Lives for Good’ (TLG)            2021. Rachel Jordan-Wolf, HOPE’s executive
offers three programmes with which local             director, says: ‘Whatever time, wherever you
churches can partner.                                live, whilst we’re able and permitted to walk –
 The “Early Intervention” programme is              let’s walk and talk to the one who has the
    where TLG train and support volunteers           power to act and bring change.’ HOPE is
    from local churches to be coaches in             bringing together resources and ideas for
    schools, supporting children who are finding     prayer walking from many UK prayer ministries.
    school and life hard for a variety of reasons.   An app is also being developed to track where
    One coach is matched with one child, and         Christians have walked and prayed throughout
    gives them one hour a week through the           the UK. This is part of a worldwide Every Home
    school year. Just that small amount of time      for Christ initiative called Oikos, which aims to
    with a caring adult can make a big               take the Christian message of hope to every
    difference.                                      home on the planet over the next 20 years. To
 The “Make Lunch” programme enables and             find out more visit
    equips a local church to run a holiday lunch
    club for struggling children. Each club
Real Easter Egg dropped by pandemic                 has replaced existing legislation with a tough
hit supermarkets                                    new law intended to prevent Hindus changing
The UK's top supermarkets will not be stocking      their religion. Release International warns that
The Real Easter Egg in 2021. For the past ten       this is the harshest anti-conversion law yet to
years, Tesco, Waitrose, ASDA and Morrisons          be passed in India. And there is concern it
have made room on their shelves for The Real        could lead towards a ban on Christian
Easter Egg. The head of The Real Easter Egg,        evangelism in the entire country. The new
David Marshall, said: "Easter 2020 was right at     rules in Madhya Pradesh mean anyone wanting
the start of lock-down and we saw people            to change their faith must obtain official
change the way they shopped. We saw an              permission 60 days in advance. The penalty is
increase of 40% in people buying from our           up to ten years in jail and a fine of 50,000
website for friends, family and food banks.         rupees. Suspects can now be arrested without
However, at the same time, the early pandemic       warrant and held without bail and the onus is
led to the supermarkets having a disastrous         on them to prove their innocence. Madhya
Easter as people stayed away from high streets.     Pradesh follows Uttar Pradesh, which imposed a
This year, supermarket buyers were told to cut      similar law in November. In all, at least nine
brands, reduce the volumes and in some cases        Indian states have now passed anti-conversion
ask for stock to be supplied at a loss or cost      laws.
price. It means there will be fewer brands,
including the Real Easter Egg, on supermarket       Hereford Cathedral gains Eco award
shelves this Easter. So, if you are one of the      Conservation charity, A Rocha UK has
80,000 people who usually buy a Real Easter         announced that Hereford Cathedral is the
Egg from a supermarket then go online and           recipient of its Eco Church scheme’s 1,000th
order direct from".         award for creation care. A spokeswoman for A
                                                    Rocha UK said: “Hereford Cathedral
'Spycops' – the latest from the Church of           demonstrates that even historical buildings can
England in Parliament                               make great progress towards being more
The CofE’s Lead Bishop for Children and             sustainable. The Cathedral land includes both
Families has supported moves in the House of        gardens within the cathedral complex and some
Lords to introduce legal protections for            farms in the local area which are managed in a
children from being used in undercover              sustainable way.” Hereford Cathedral, one of
operations by police and other authorities.         over 3,000 churches to register for Eco Church,
The Bishop of Durham, Paul Butler, backed           shares eco-lifestyle tips during school visits and
cross-party amendments to the Covert Human          in its weekly church notices, including
Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill        suggestions on personal consumption and
which has been before the Lords for report          carbon footprint reduction. They have made
stage. Bishop Paul was sponsoring an                alterations to the heating and lighting across
amendment which would prohibit the                  the church buildings to improve efficiency and
authorisation of criminal conduct by children       are actively researching how best to install
without specific prior judicial approval. He will   water harvesting systems in the future.
also support an amendment which would
provide further legal protections for under         This is a critical year for the climate, ahead of
18s. Bishop Paul said: “Children of all ages        the UN COP26 climate negotiations scheduled
deserve to be protected. Ideally no one under       to take place in Glasgow in November. Eco
18 should ever be used for covert intelligence      Church is a free online award scheme and is an
but if they must be then it must be extremely       A Rocha UK project. Churches can join the Eco
rare and with thorough legal protections in         church community by registering at
place.”                                    and
                                                    completing a simple survey.
India increases ban on religious
Another state in India has passed a law
banning religious conversions. Madhya Pradesh
being educated at the monastery of Hen
Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus, (Happy                  Fynyw under the tutorage of St.
Saint David's Day)                            Paulinus. According to legend, David
On 1st March Wales celebrates its patron      performed several miracles during his life
saint, David - or, in Welsh, Dewi or          including restoring Paulinus’ sight. It is
Dafydd, and has done since the 12th           also said that during a battle against the
century. He is revered wherever Welsh         Saxons, David advised his soldiers to
people have settled. As with most             wear leeks in their hats so that they
figures from the so-called ’Dark Ages’        could easily be distinguished from their
(he lived in the sixth century), reliable     enemies, which is thought to be the
details about his life are scarce, but        reason why the leek is one of the
there are enough for us to                             emblems of Wales.
form a picture of a
formidably austere,                                   That he founded a monastery at
disciplined and charismatic                           Menevia, in Pembrokeshire,
leader, who led the Church                            seems beyond doubt. It later
in Wales through turbulent                            became the site of St David’s
years and fought tenaciously                          cathedral and the settlement
for the faith.                                        which is now the smallest city in
                                                      the United Kingdom. From
David was reputedly born on                           Menevia, David embarked on
a cliff top near Capel Non                            preaching and teaching missions
(Non’s chapel) on the South-                          across Wales, and probably
West Wales coast during a                             beyond. His eloquence was
fierce storm. Both his                                legendary.
parents were descended from Welsh
royalty. It is said that he was the son of    A vegetarian who ate only bread, herbs
Sandde, Prince of Powys, and Non,             and vegetables and who drank only
daughter of a chieftain of Menevia (now       water, David became known as
the little cathedral town of St David’s).     Aquaticus or Dewi Ddyfrwr (the water
The site of Davids birth is marked by the     drinker) in Welsh. It is claimed that,
ruins of a tiny ancient chapel close to a     sometimes, as a self-imposed penance,
holy well and the more recent 18th            he would stand up to his neck in a lake
century chapel dedicated to his mother        of cold water, reciting Scripture.
Non can still be seen near St. David’s        Monastery life was very strict, the
                                 Cathedral.   brothers having to work very hard,
                                              cultivating the land and pulling the
                                The           plough. Many crafts were followed –
                                young         beekeeping, in particular, was very
                                David         important. The monks had to keep
                                grew up       themselves fed as well as provide food
                                to be a       and lodging for travellers. They also
                                priest,       looked after the poor. The monks
avoided wine and beer, like David
drinking only water.
                                             Prayer for Families
The date of David’s death is disputed -
either 589 or 601. After his death, his
influence spread far and wide, first         Dear Father God,
through Britain and then to Brittany. In
the year 1120, Pope Callactus II             In this month, when we especially
canonised David as a Saint. Following        think about mothers, we thank you for
this he was declared Patron Saint of         the families and friends you have
Wales. Such was David’s influence that       given us. You know how hard it has
many pilgrimages were made to St.            been to have been separated over
David’s, and the Pope decreed that two       these past months and how much we
pilgrimages made to St. Davids equalled      have missed and longed for their hugs,
one to Rome while three were worth one       their physical presence and fellowship.
to Jerusalem. Fifty churches in South
Wales alone bear his name.                   As we hold on to the hope of
It is not certain how much of the history    overcoming the pandemic, help us to
of St. David is fact and how much is         be strengthened by the power of the
mere speculation. However, in 1996,          love we receive - and to strengthen
bones were found in St. David’s              others by the love we give.
Cathedral which, it is claimed, could be     May we know that, wherever we are,
those of Dewi himself.                       whatever our circumstances, we and
                                             our loved ones are held safe and
                                             connected by your unfailing love for
                                             us, revealed in Jesus – who is alive -
                                             and from whom nothing, no pandemic,
                                             no man-made turmoil, absolutely
                                             nothing and no-one can separate us,
                                             when we put our trust in Him.

                                             Thank you, Father, that we belong to
                                             your family. Thank you for the love
                                             and security we have in you.
                                             In Jesus’ name, Amen.

                                                                    By Daphne Kitching

 It’s traditional for Welsh people to wear
daffodils on St David’s Day - but there
seems no particular reason for this,
beyond the fact that they tend to make
their early Spring appearance round
about his day
We may all have rather mixed feelings         Acts of kindness Helping or
on reaching March this year. On the one       encouraging someone else is obviously a
hand, it is lovely to see the onset of        good thing to do in itself, but it also has
Spring, and vaccinations and better           a very positive effect on the giver -
weather may make handling the                 spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and
pandemic a little easier. On the other        even physically. Whichever way you
hand, marking a year from the start of        look at it, finding new ways to show
the first UK/IOM lockdown will be painful     kindness to others can be a very
for some, especially as many of us are        effective way to help ourselves feel
likely to be experiencing restrictions or     better too.
ongoing hardships for quite some time.
We may need to find new ways to keep          Gratitude Gratitude is another natural
going, so here are some suggestions           drug – in a sense – that can help us feel
that draw on both science and Christian       better. Try keeping a grateful diary,
theology.                                     adding a few things each day.
Getting outside Time outdoors in a
natural environment is very good for you      Laugh, sing, make music, dance
– and you can’t argue with the happy          All of these activities are deeply rooted
hormones produced by exercise.                in our physical and mental makeup. You
Attending to the details of nature can        may have forgotten how great they feel,
also inspire awe, which has been linked       especially in times of sadness, but we
to positive mood, and increased life          can learn from children who do them
satisfaction. Enjoying creation can also      very naturally.
help us connect with God.
Looking outside If you can’t go out,          Make your own plan
try putting bird feeders outside your         Use this space to jot down things that
window so creation comes to you. This is      you aim to do to help you lift your
also an act of kindness (see below).          spirits.
Lament and praise The Psalms are a
rich resource to help us express both our
grief and our thanks to God. Try reading
one or two each day.
Journaling Keep a journal of thoughts,
experiences or practices you have
engaged with during the day.
Constructing a personal narrative or
story is now recognised as a very
powerful psychological and spiritual tool
for building resilience. It is also a vital
learning tool that we can go back to
when tough times return in the future.
Sow dahlia seeds to germinate in gentle
                                            heat and prick out seedlings that are
Tom Cowell writes                           large enough to handle, remembering to
                                            hold any seedlings you intend to keep by
                                            the leaves, not the stem, because
Spring in in the air! Now you can start
                                            holding the stem will damage it. Prune
to work on your garden. Finish pruning
                                            heather bushes a little, without cutting
all of the rose bushes and late flowering
                                            back into dead wood, and dead head the
shrubs such as the butterfly bush
                                            daffodils as they finish flowering so that
(buddleia) removing dead, old and thin
                                            the energy goes into improving the bulb,
spindly growth and any branches that
                                            not the seed head. Do not cut back the
are crossing into the centre. Give all of
                                            leaves or tie them up because this will
your flower borders a good spring clean
                                            mean that the bulbs are not replenished
before all the ground weeds start to
                                            and you will get fewer flowers next year,
                                            if they survive.
You can start to remove some of the
                                            Plant early varieties of potatoes – it’s
winter protection from the bulbs which
                                            traditional to do this on Good Friday, but
are coming up, but beware of late night
                                            there’s no rule that says you have to!
frost which is still a very real threat.
                                            Sow tomato seeds in a heated
Check the greenhouse for heat and
                                            propagator or on a warm window sill to
maybe turn the temperature down a
                                            grow on outdoors, or in a cold
little. Repot tub plants, pelargoniums
                                            greenhouse when all danger of frost is
and fuchsias. Keep them in a warm,
lighter position in the greenhouse, away
                                                           Thomas S J Cowell MBE.
from the cold glass and put them in the
spring sunshine.

Divide perennials if they have become
too big, and replant them into new
borders. Repot summer bulbs and
tubers and make sure that they are in a
warm, sheltered place. You can now
pre-sow some of your vegetable and                      Experts agree that
annual seeds, but they must be                          gardening is very good for
protected.                                              our mental health, especially
                                                        when we are stuck in
Cut old leaves from ferns, ornamental                   lockdown, so take
grass, and most of all, ground cover                    advantage of the sunshine
weeds. Prune lavender and ivy and add                   to go out and get some
fertiliser to flower borders. Some well-                garden therapy.
rotted farmyard manure dug into your
vegetable patch, and around your rose
bushes will do wonders for them.
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