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               2022 Visitors’ Guide

Published by                          Eaton, Ohio
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2             Visit Preble County, Ohio

                  An Eaton Legend....
                    Now A Tradition

                                    Web Site:

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               Celebrating                            Closed Thursday
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               60 Years!                      Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-4
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                               to Preble County!
  The Preble County Convention & Visitors Bureau would like to extend
to you an invitation to visit our beautiful Preble County.
  Located in southwest Ohio along Interstate 70 with easy access to
Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis, you’ll enjoy a rural
atmosphere while never being far away.
  Preble County is home to eight charming preserved historic
Covered Bridges nestled along our picturesque prairies, rolling hills,
and wetlands of our agriculturally rich heritage.
  Take in a scenic sunrise while fishing,hunting, or camping at one of
the local parks. But be sure not to miss, the famous Preble County
Pork Festival, Camden’s Black Walnut Festival, Lewisburg’s Derby
Days, New Paris’ Apple Fest, West Alexandria’s Oktoberfest, the
DeKalb Super Pull, the U.S. 127 or National Road Yard Sales -- or
one of the dozens of other events. There is something for the whole
family to enjoy here in Preble County!
  A special thanks to the Preble County Commissioners, Rachael
Vonderhaar, Adam Craft and David Haber for their support. Thanks also
to The Register-Herald for producing the Preble County Visitors’ Guide
  We hope you visit often so you can experience everything Preble
County has to offer.

                                                          Stephanie Garrett
                                                                                       President, PCCVB

 All content © 2022 AIM Media Midwest. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced
         in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
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4             Visit Preble County, Ohio
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                               We Accept
                             Waiver Program
                             for our Assisted
           • MEMORY CARE
         • LONG-TERM CARE
           • ASSISTED LIVING

Affiliated with Walnut Creek and Hawthorn Glen


 Setting the Standard for Excellence
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6    Visit Preble County, Ohio

  Over the years, a total of 29 covered bridges were built in the county. Some
were built for turnpikes, one for the railroad, one by a private enterprise, and
some to replace original ones that were destroyed in a storm in May of 1886.
After the storm, Everett Sherman, a covered bridge builder originally from
Vermont, moved from Delaware County, Ohio, to Eaton. Sherman built covered
bridges of the Childs truss and the kingpost truss type.

Roberts Covered Bridge
 The Roberts Bridge, built in 1829,
is the 2nd oldest of the nation’s six
remaining double-barrel bridges
and the only dual wagon bridge
standing in Ohio. At its original Old
Camden Road location, the bridge
underwent numerous repairs and
revisions. The rerouting of U. S. 127
resulted in Roberts Bridge being in an
isolated location, and it became the target of vandals. On August 5, 1986, the
bridge was heavily damaged by fire. In 1988, The Roberts Bridge Restoration
Committee started raising private funds for the project. A site along South Beech
Street in Eaton was prepared and plans were made for moving the trusses.
In February 1991, the trusses were placed on new footers and work on the
protective covering began, mostly by volunteers working under the guidance of
Architectural Reclamations, Inc. of Franklin, Ohio.

                                  Brubaker Covered Bridge
                                    The 88 foot Brubaker Bridge was built
                                  in 1887 on what is now Brubaker Road.
                                  The Brubaker Bridge is located one
                                  mile northwest of Gratis near the Preble
                                  County Historical Society’s Center. The
                                  bridge was renovated in 2006.

Dixons Branch Covered Bridge
  The Dixon Branch Bridge was built in 1887
to carry Concord Road across Dixon Branch,
six and one half miles southwest of Eaton.
In winter 1963 a windstorm damaged the
bridge, destroying its roof. The Civitan Club
of Lewisburg reconstructed it in Lewisburg
Community Park. On July 4, 1964, Dixon
Branch Bridge was rededicated during village
Independence Day festivities.
This is 2022 Visitors' Guide - Published by                     7

                                 Geeting Covered Bridge
                                   The Geeting Bridge, built in 1894, is
                                 the only covered bridge built in Monroe
                                 Township. The 100-foot bridge spans Price’s
                                 Creek in the southeast corner of the township
                                 on Price Road, three miles west of Lewisburg.

Harshman Covered Bridge
  The 109 foot Harshman Bridge was
built in 1894 across Four Mile Creek
on Concord-Fairhaven Road in Dixon

                                       Christman Covered Bridge
                                         The 100 foot Christman Bridge was
                                       built in 1895. It spans Seven Mile Creek
                                       on the Eaton-New Hope Road near the
                                       northwest corner of Eaton. The bridge
                                       was renovated in 2007.

Warnke Covered Bridge
  The 51 foot Warnke Bridge was built in
1896 to replace an iron bridge. It crosses
Swamp Creek on Swamp Creek Road
northeast of Lewisburg. It was probably the
last covered bridge built by Sherman who
passed away shortly after its completion.

                                Hueston Woods Covered Bridge
                                  In May 2012, the Preble County Engineer’s
                                Office unveiled the county’s newest covered
                                bridge which gives the county the newest
                                covered bridge in the state. With the addition
                                of the Hueston Woods Covered Bridge, there
                                are eight such bridges for enthusiasts to visit in
                                Preble County.
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8             Visit Preble County, Ohio

 Preble County Fairgrounds
   The Preble County Agricultural Society was founded in April 1850. The first
fair was held in 1851 and was at the county courthouse while the livestock show
was held on land known then as Bruce’s Commons. The fairgrounds moved
to various locations until 1866, when the Preble County Agricultural Society
purchased 45 acres of the present site at 722 S. Franklin Street (Ohio 122.) Since
1970, there have been many improvements to the fairgrounds. Several new
buildings including the Expo Building, new Secretary’s Office, and the new Bullen
Equestrian Center, have been erected in recent years. Today the Famous Preble
County Fair boasts 4-H activities, harness racing, livestock shows, food vendors,
truck and tractor pulls, entertainment, and much more during fair week, and the
Fairgrounds hosts shows of all sorts throughout the year.

              722 South Franklin St., Eaton, Ohio 45320
                (937) 456-3748 Fax: (937) 456-7277

               David L. Biggs                          STEINKE
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                         P.O. Box 237
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               FAX: 937-456-6161
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                 The greatest compliment you
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              207 E. Main St. Eaton, Ohio 45320 | 937.456.3999 |
   Friday, July 19,          (the Stotler building)                            artists, classes, a                    For more
2019, marked the             and opened its doors                              paint-your-own-                    information about the
opening of the new           to the public with its                            pottery studio and a               PCAA and Preble Arts,
Preble Arts facility in      first Arts Night Out                              new art menu full of               visit www.preblearts.
downtown Eaton.              following ribbon                                  make-and-take art                  org, or call 937-456-
   After two years           cuttings at the facility.                         projects. Additional               3999. The Preble
of planning and                  Preble Arts is                                programming for the                County Art Association
remodeling, The Preble       operated by the Preble                            community includes                 is a nonprofit
County Art Association       County Art Association                            programs for seniors,              organization dedicated
moved from its former        and features a brand-                             youth, at-risk groups              to making art available
location on Hillcrest        new sales gallery                                 and differently-abled              and accessible to the
Drive to 207 E. Main St.     representing regional                             populations.                       community.

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                 456-4224 OR 800-768-0959                                                     2567 Old Nat’l Rd. ~ Lewisburg, OH 45338
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10      Visit Preble County, Ohio

    The Preble County Park        nature observation and
District was established in       education. A mile-long
2003 and has a mission to         loop trail and some shorter
create, preserve, protect,        trails traverse the forest. A
and manage a system of            handicapped accessible
parks, nature preserves,          boardwalk travels 400 feet
green spaces, and outdoor         from the rear parking lot to
facilities to be held in public   a viewing platform/picnic
ownership with a focus on         table at the Old Oak Tree,
local, natural, historical,       a 200 year old bur oak. The
and cultural resources            Eloo is our environmentally
maintained for the leisure        friendly, handicapped
use and enjoyment                 accessible restroom. Near
of present and future             the rear parking lot is the
generations.                      Sandpiper Wetland which
    The Allen and Adaline         was created October 2008.
Garber Nature Center is           Ducks, herons, frogs, deer,
Preble County’s first county      raccoons, dragon flies, other
park. The land was donated        insects, and even cattails
to the county by former           have found the wetland.
county resident Kenneth                The nature center
Garber to preserve the land       also features a Picnic
as a nature conservancy in        Pavilion with handicapped
honor of his grandparents,        accessible picnic tables
Allen and Adaline Garber.         and the restored Garber
The Preble County Park            farm house where the Park
District developed and            District maintains its office.
maintains the Nature Center       The Garber farm house
which consists of 100 acres       renovation was a joint
of mixed agricultural and         restoration project between
wooded areas. Revenue             The Preble County Historical
from the agricultural             Society and the Preble
products is used to defray        County Park District. The
the expenses of maintaining       Garber family collections
the property, which also          displayed in the house are
includes a 12-room Garber         owned by both entities. In
farm house dating from            the future, the PCPD plans
1870.                             to develop the property
    The Garber Forest at          known as ‘Devil’s Backbone’
the rear of the property          near Camden into its
provides 33 acres for hiking,     second park location.

        The Allen and Adaline Garber Nature Center
        9691 SR 503 N, Lewisburg OH |937-962-5561

     Preble County
                                                                           FLORAL, LLC
                                                                            Serving Preble County Since 1978
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12   Visit Preble County, Ohio

                 New Paris
                 Destination Unique
                  Lodging                                937-437-0048
                Fairfield Inn                             RDK Collectables
              9797 US 40 West,
             New Paris, OH 45347                       114 South Washington St.
                937-437-8009                            New Paris, Ohio 45347
                  Golden Inn                              Buckeye Antiques
               8868 W. US Rt. 40                            108 E. Main St.
              New Paris, OH 45347                        New Paris,Ohio 45347
                 937-437-0722                                937-607-0704
                  Camping                                   The Lampost
           Archway Campgrounds                         617 South Washington St.
          9388 Old National Rd. South                   New Paris,Ohio 45347
            New Paris, Ohio 45347                           937-437-8151
         937-533-4663 or 937-273-2022                    Petro/Iron Skillet
                             9787 US Route 40
           Natural Springs Resort                       New Paris, Ohio 45347
            500 S. Washington St.                           937-437-0732
            New Paris, OH 45347                            Red Front Inn
                937-437-5771                            151 N. Washington St.                   New Paris, OH 45347
              Entertainment                                 937-437-1482
           Jamboree Music Hall
          308 South Washington St.                            Subway
            New Paris, OH 45347                         422 S. Washington St.
                937-720-4064                            New Paris, Ohio 45347
         Olde Schoolhouse Winery
             152 State Route 726                        The Cedar Coffee
              Eaton, Ohio 45320                        550 S. Washington St.
            937-472-WINE (9463)                        New Paris,Ohio 45347
           Quiet Harmony Ranch              
         10684 Morrison Mikesell Rd.
           New Paris, Ohio 45347
                                                       Farm Markets                     Riegel Feed & Grain, Inc.
                                                     307 North Washington Street
            Sheltons Fireworks                          New Paris, Ohio 45347
                 6401 US 40
           New Paris, Ohio 45347                            937-437-4221
                937-437-5214                            Today’s Harvest
                Valley’s Edge                            5859 St. Rt. 320
                Snow Tubing                           New Paris, OH 45347
              8295 St. Rt. 121 N.                         937-877-6030
            New Paris,Ohio 45347                              Wesler’s Orchards
                  Antiques                               & Farm Market
                                                         9319 Wesler Rd.
            New Paris Antique Mall                        New Paris,OH
               102 E. Main St.                            937-437-8921

             New Paris, OH 45347            
       For more information about local activities and business. Check us out on Facebook      13

 New Paris
  Destination Unique
   Apple Fest
September 9-11, 2022
  Food and Craft
 Games and Fun for
     Car Show
   For more information about
  local activities and business
         check us out on
      Facebook @NPACOC            OH-70268751
14                         Visit Preble County, Ohio

                         EATON FOOT CARE
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                 Life is full of special occasions and celebrations each one is an opportunity for
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                   Located in the heart of downtown Lewisburg’s Commerce Street. We’ve created
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                                           and can hold up to 49 guests.

                                         Visit our website for a look inside our venues along with

                                            additional details about our all-inclusive packages.               15

                                                          Building Condos
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              1727 North Barron St., Eaton, OH 45320
16     Visit Preble County, Ohio

    The Preble County Historical Society - where an
 exciting past is your future. This non-profit organization
 was organized in 1971 and just celebrated 50 years with
 the mission to preserve and promote Preble County
 history for all generations. The center is a 255-acre
 farmstead located at 7693 Swartsel Road in Eaton Ohio
 (off Ohio 122 South). The property includes an 1860’s
 original farmhouse, an 1813 Log Home, a Bank Barn, an
 1855 Smokehouse, a Large Exhibit Hall full of collections
 from all around Preble County.

     Recently the society built a brand-new outdoor
 education and events center, to host educational
 groups, schools, homeschool clubs, scouting activities,
 small weddings, and other programs. You will also find
 5 hiking trails on the property full of exploration, native
 plants, bridges, and a historic creek that runs through.
 You can also find a large outdoor amphitheater for
 concerts, theatre productions, dance recitals, and more.
 If you would like to schedule your group, small or large,
 please contact us to book your program. We have 10
 incredible educational programs to choose from in 2022!
 From Pioneer Living to Beekeeping. The possibilities are
 endless. Our park is OPEN 7 days a week from dawn until
 dusk. Exhibit Tours can be pre-scheduled.

 Contact us: Preble County Historical Society
      7693 Swartsel Road Eaton OH 45320
              Phone: 937-787-4256
              Like us on Facebook:
         Preble County Historical Society                         17

Fort St. Clair
    Fort St. Clair was a regular and militia troops
fort under General James Wilkinson, who built
the supply post and defensive fortification in
March 1792 in preparation for General “Mad
Anthony” Wayne’s campaign against the Indians
of the Northwest Territory, following disastrous
expeditions in 1790 and 1791. Built near a “fine
spring gushing out of the bank,” the 120-foot
square palisade fort had a four-sided bastion at
each corner. Future U.S. president William Henry
Harrison served in the detachment that built the
fort. On November 6, 1792, Miami Chief Little
Turtle and approximately 200 warriors attacked a
force of Kentucky militia under Major John Adair
camped outside the fort. Six Kentuckians and an
unknown number of Indians died in the skirmish.          In 1992, The Ohio Historical Society deeded
The fallen soldiers were buried fifty paces west of                 Fort Saint Clair Park to
the fort, beneath, the “Whispering Oak.”                           the City of Eaton and, thus,
    In 1921, the first Preble County Historical
Society (1921-1935) was organized to plan a                    it is no longer a state memorial.
park at the site of Fort Saint Clair, to reclaim
historical lands, and offer a chance to the young     side, makes up the nature preserve which is
people of Preble County to acquaint them with         forested by large beech, sugar maple and
early local history. A monument was erected at        slippery elm trees with a profusion of wood
the site of the old fort bearing a bronze tablet,     undergrowth and woodland flowers. The
commemorating the historic battle on the 130th        historical area lies to the south. The major point
anniversary on November 6, 1922. In 1923, the         of historical significance is the site of the fort.
State of Ohio, in cooperation with the Society,           To the west of the fort site is a small fenced
established Fort St. Clair State Memorial on 77       enclosure, in which are the graves of the six men
acres which included the original site of the fort.   who fell in the battle on November 6, 1792. A
In 1933, 12 additional acres were acquired by the     large white oak tree stands by the graveyard and
Society and deeded to the state.                      legend has it that when the wind rustles through
    The additional acreage, on the park’s west        the leaves of the tree, one can hear the story of
                                                      the events that it witnessed. The tree, called “The
    In 1921, the first Preble County Historical       Whispering Oak,” was designated a Bicentennial
 Society (1921-1935) was organized to plan a          Tree by the National Arborists Association and
                                                      the International Society of Arboriculture in
 park at the site of Fort Saint Clair, to reclaim     February 1976.
   historical lands, and offer a chance to the            The recreation area lies in the northern
  young people of Preble County to acquaint           section, separated from the historical area by
          them with early local history.              Garrison Branch creek and a steep bank. Shelter
                                                      houses, picnic tables, playground equipment,
                                                      and restrooms are available in the area.
                                                          In 1992, The Ohio Historical Society deeded
                                                      Fort Saint Clair Park to the City of Eaton and,
                                                      thus, it is no longer a state memorial. The park is
                                                      situated on Eaton’s west side at the intersection
                                                      of SR 122 and 355. It is open April-October
                                                      during daylight hours. Picnic Shelters can be
                                                      reserved for use by calling the City of Eaton
                                                      office: 937-456-4125.
                                                          The Whispering Christmas Committee
                                                      decorates the park with over two million holiday
                                                      lights. The park is open December 1-31 from
                                                      6-10 pm each day for viewing the beautiful
                                                      light spectacular. There is no admission charge,
                                                      donations are welcome.
             The Battlefield                              For more information:
18      Visit Preble County, Ohio

                         ANTIQUE & SPECIALTY SHOPS

       CAMDEN, OHIO                       • Treasures at Forty-Seven              • Eaton Early Bird
                                          47 N. Main St.,                         Farmers Market
• Antler Ridge Beekeeping                 Camden, OH 45311                        Corner of West Somers
492 Camden W. Elkton Rd               & Barron Streets,
Camden, OH 45311                          satfortyseven.                          Downtown Eaton
937- 452-6089                             Antiques & collectibles.                937-336-4133                                            May through September
Beekeeping supplies, classes, honey,       COLLEGE CONER,OHIO                     Saturdays 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
honey products                                                                    Fresh produce and baked goods
                                          • Jackson’s Antiques & Music
• Buds and Blooms Greenhouse              7 Main Street                           • Eaton Floral Balloons
170 Wayne Trace Rd                        College Corner, Ohio 45003              Gifts & Home Decor
Camden, OH 45311                          513.523.7784                            1322 North Barron Street,
937-452-3155                              Email:      Eaton, Ohio 45320
Plants, annuals, perennials, hanging           937.456.6151
baskets, yard/porch décor                                               
                                                   EATON OHIO
• Camden Farmers Market                                                           • Eaton Hometowne Furniture
Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. – June-Sept.          • Boulder Belt Eco-Farm                 401 North Maple Street,
Corner of Main and Central                and Farm Store                          Eaton, Ohio 45320
Camden, OH 45311                          3257 US127N Eaton OH 45320              937.456.4446
Food, produce, craft vendors              937-456-9724                            Shopping and retail
                                                  Monday 9:00am-7:00pm
• Farmhouse Blooms U-Pick                 boulderbeltcsa/index.html               Tuesday-Saturday
2971 Douglas Road                         A community-supported farm              9:00am-6:00pm
Camden, OH 45311                          with CSAand specialty programs.
513- 207-3167                             Open April-December;            winter by appointment                   • Feix Family Baskets
houseBloomsU                                                                      321 East Somers Street
Pick your own bouquet or purchase         • Beech & Main Coffee Roasters          Eaton, Ohio 45320
prepared arrangements                     203 W. Main St., Eaton, OH 45320        937.456-6067
                                          410-984-6373                            Mail orders only.
• Little Shoppe of Sharing      
100 S. Lafayette St,                      Coffees & gifts               
Camden OH 45311
 (inside Dover Building) Clothing (all    • Brubaker Metal Crafts                 • Gaia’s Blessings
sizes), household items, décor, jewelry   209 North Franklin Street               212 E. Main St., Eaton, OH 45320
                                          Eaton, Ohio 45320                       937- 683-8280
• Robertson Tree Farm & Gift Shop         937.456.5834.                           Metaphysical store
9813 U.S. 127 S Camden, OH 45311          All tin ware products, turn
937- 452-5558                             of the century reproductions.           • Kendyl Grae                                                    112 E. Main St., Eaton, OH 45320
Open Nov-Dec - Christmas trees,           • Bucky’s Cards, Gifts & Collectibles   937-336-5039
home and holiday décor, crafts            203 E. Main St., Eaton, OH 45320        Home & Life store
• Sugar Valley Sawmill                    Hobby shop                              • Harmlessly Inappropriate Workshop
7611 Camden Sugar Valley Road                                                     103 E. Somers St.,Eaton, OH 45320,
Camden, Ohio 45311                        • Cato’s                                937.901.4870.
513-806-8782                              100 E. Washington Jackson Rd            Specialty printing, unique
Lumber mill and Handmade Wood             Eaton Ohio 45320                        items & more.
furniture and décor                       937.456.3722
                                          Women’s Clothing                        • Jewelers of Eaton
• Trader Lays                             & Accessories.                          126 E Main St Eaton, Ohio 45320
24 W. Central Avenue                                                              937.456.4664
Camden, OH 45311                          • Darkhold Games                        Large selection of estate and contem-
937-533-7866                              111 N. Barron St., Eaton, Ohio 45320,   porary jewelry. Collectible        937-867-4263.
                                          Monday-Thursday, Noon-9 p.m.;           • Lisaann’s Boutique Photography
card shop
                                          Friday, Noon-10 p.m.; Saturday, 10      217 E. Main St., Eaton, OH 45320
• Trader Tuck’s Inc.                      a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday, 2-9 p.m.          765-238-9352
3801 Ohio 725 Camden, OH 45311            Darkhold Games sells various tabletop
937- 787-9066                             gaming items and supplies. Board,       Photography Whole-       role playing, card, and other games.    • McFalls
sale & retail bedding                     Dice, paint and miniatures.             215 East Main Street
                                                                                  Eaton, Ohio 45320
                                                                                  Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
                                                                                  Furniture, carpet, bedding,
                                                                                  ceramic tile, hardwood,
                                                                                  window treatments                                   19

                          ANTIQUE & SPECIALTY SHOPS

• My Arrow Princess                        • The Speckled Deer Mercantile         • Paisley Perfect Photography
104 N. Cherry Street                       107 B S. Barron St., Eaton, OH 45320   by Mandy
Eaton, Ohio 45320                              12 E. Dayton Street
Thursday-Friday 11:00am-3:00pm            Lewisburg, Ohio 45338
Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm                    Deer-Mercantile                        937-422-2573
Women’s consignment, jewelry               Women’s, men’s and children’s
and more.                                  clothing, home décor, bath products    • Readers Delight Bookstore
                                                                                  New and Used Books
• Rodeffer Meats                           • Your Flower Shop                     128 North Commerce,
1320 N. Barron St., Eaton, OH 45320        200 East Main Street                   Lewisburg, Ohio 45338                 Eaton, Ohio 45320                      937-583-5124            937.456.4645
Butcher shop, grocery store                       • Renee’s Treasures & Tanning
                                                                                  126 N. Commerce St.,
• Worley’s Country Store                        LEWISBURG,OHIO                    Lewisburg, OH 45338,
4272 Ohio 732 W, Eaton, OH 45320                                                  937-962-8456
513-255-3618                               • Back Door Crafts Store
www.               & Antiques                             • Yankee Clover Mercantile
Home and garden store                      217 N. Commerce St. Rear               208 N. Commerce Street
                                           Lewisburg, Ohio 45338                  937-408-6967
• Ruby June Boutique                       937-962-1327                           Wednesday-Friday, Noon-5 p.m. and
1340 N. Barron St.,                                                               Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.NEW
Eaton, OH 45320                            • Brick Rhod Antiques
937.678.4981                               109 North Commerce Street                    NEW PARIS,OHIO
Women’s clothing & gifts.                  (State Route 503),
                                           Lewisburg, Ohio 45338                  • New Paris Antique Mall
• Suggs Family Orchard                     7,000 square feet mall                 102 East Main Street
& Market                                   937.962.2114.                          New Paris, Ohio 45347
1095 Eaton-Lewisburg Road                  Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-          937-437-0048
Eaton, Ohio 45320                          7 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m.-           Hours: Thurs.-Sat.
937.456.5162                               4 p.m. Closed Sunday.                  10:00am-5:00 pm;
Seasonal produce.                                                                 Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm.
Gift Shop with primitives, collectibles,   • Buckeye Antiques                     Closed Monday
wooden craft items, and sprinkling of      E. Main St., New Paris, OH 45347
antique items.                   
                                           Antique store                          • RDK Collectibles
• Storage Treasures                                                               114 South Washington St.,
Farmer’s Market Plaza                      • Country Charm                        New Paris, OH 45347
4269 State Route 732                       2567 Old National Road                 937-459-0469
Eaton, Ohio 45320                          (U.S. Route 40)
937.336.0508                               Lewisburg, Ohio 45338                  • Riegel Feed & Grain Inc.
New and gently used items.                 937.962.8333                           307 N. Washington St., New Paris,
Glassware, wooden furniture,               Hours: Thursday-Saturday.              OH 45347, 937-437-4221
collectibles, misc. from                   10:00am-4:00pm,
                                           Antique reproductions and              • Today’s Harvest LLC
estate auctions                                                                   7978 Route 40
Open 10:00am-5:00pm                        country décor.
                                                                                  New Paris, Ohio 45347
Monday-Saturday                            • Doc’s Holiday Shoppe                 937-437-0166                          210 N. Commerce St.          
• The Rodeo Shop                           Lewisburg, OH 45338.                   Open July-October,
811 US Route 40 West                       Call 937-583-5074.                     Monday-Saturday
Eaton, Ohio 45320                          Hours: Friday, Noon-4:00pm             10:00am-6:00pm.
937.678.4981 or 1-877-922-1600             and Saturday, 11:00am-4:00 p.m.        Haunted attraction and
Western wear, boots, hats, belts,                                                 hay rides. Flowers & crafts, fruit,
                                           • Gatherings on the Green LLC
buckles, jewelry and tack 7 miles north                                           fresh produce and baked goods.
                                           Small Events & Gift Shop
of Eaton, Ohio on                          206 N. Commerce St.,                   • Shelton’s Fireworks
Route 40 West.                             Lewisburg, OH 45338                    6401 U.S. 40, New Paris, Oh
Monday, Tuesday,                           937-733-8783                           45347, 937-437-5214
Wednesday, Friday
10:00am-8:00pm                             • Haven – Home, Garden, Body           • Wesler Orchards and
Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm                    214 N Commerce Street                  Farm Market
Sunday 12:00pm-5:00pm                      Lewisburg, Ohio 45338                  9319 Wesler Road
Closed Thursdays & Holidays                937-336-7078                           New Paris, Ohio 45347
Open on Thursdays in December                                                     937-437-8921
                                           • Livin’ on Dreams                                                                 Season fruit, produce, craft barn.
                                           201 N. Commerce Street       
                                           Lewisburg, Ohio 45338
20      Visit Preble County, Ohio


        VERONA, OHIO                 • Strike’s Farm Market                    • Treasured Times Wood Works
                                     5786 SR 122 South                         6417 Enterprise Road
• Baltimore House Antiques
                                     West Alexandria, Ohio 45381               West Alexandria, Ohio 45381
11632 Baltimore-Phillipsburg Rd
                                     937-787-4542                              937.787.9663
Verona, Ohio 45378
                                     Open all year Monday-Saturday             Hours by Appointment
                                     9a.m.-6p.m.                               Heirloom quality made to order
Hours: Friday, Saturday, Sunday
                                     Bulk foods, Amish cheese &                oak, cherry, maple, mahogany,
                                     butter,candies and snacks.Fruits, fresh   hickory furniture reproductions and
Two shops in one location,
                                     produce and baked goods                   restorations. Clocks-mantel, wall and
a total of four buildings.
                                                                               grandfather. Made on site in Preble
 WEST ALEXANDRIA, OHIO               • Glenn’s Gardens                         County,Ohio USA.
                                     2604 Twin Creek Road
• Bratt Tasties Ice Cream Parlour    West Alexandria, OH 45381                        ANNUAL EVENTS
U.S. 35 East (Main Street)           937-839-1009 - Farm
West Alexandria OH 45381             937-603-6604 - Cell                       • National Road Yard Sales. You are
937-839-1111                                                                   able to shop at more than 800 miles
                                     • Morning Sun Organic Farm                of yard sales along historic US 40 at
Hours: Monday - Saturday,            3993 St. Rt. 503 South
9 a.m. to 8 p.m.                                                               the Historic National Road Yard Sale.
                                     West Alexandria, OH 45381                 Typically held in late May to early
• Cabin & Company                    937-787-4885                              June, the route spans from Baltimore
4600 Fisher Twin Road                Open all year, but *no Sunday* sales.     to St. Louis. The National Road runs
West Alexandria, Ohio 45381          Healthy organic meat, eggs, wheat,        east and west through Preble County
Location in cabin built in           spelt, and Berries                        for 17 miles.
late 1800s. Gifts, small antiques,   • Meraki Lane Boutique
one-of-a-kind items, home                                                      • Route 127 Yard Sales.
                                     14 E. Dayton St.,                         The annual World’s Longest Yard Sale
décor, handmade items                West Alexandria, OH 45381
Open Saturdays from                                                            is a popular annual event, starting
                                        on the first Thursday in August and
10:00am-3:00 pm.                     Boutique                                  continuing four days through the
                                     Women’s & kids’ boutique                  weekend, ending on Sunday. Route
                                                                               127 runs north and south through
                                                                               Preble County for 20+ miles.                                          21

              2022 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS*All events subject to change, or be canceled, without notice.

             February                          June 3. Lewisburg Life Block Party.         Aug. 18-20. Lewisburg Derby Days
                                               Lewisburg                                   Festival. Lewisburg.
Feb. 12. Preble County Historical
Society Wine & Chocolate Tasting. Olde         June 1-5. Historic National Road Yard       Aug. 27. Old Fashioned Downtown
Schoolhouse Winery. 4 p.m. & 6 p.m.            Sales. U.S. 40 in Preble County.            Saturday Night Car Show. Downtown
               March                           June 10-12. Preble County SmokeOut
                                               Tractor Pull. Preble County Fairgrounds                  September
March 19. Preble County Historical
Society Trivia Night. West Alexandria          June 18. Community Fun Fest. Downtown       Mondays. Lewisburg Farmers’ Market.
American Legion. 6 p.m.                        Eaton.                                      Tri-County North School. 5-7:30 p.m.

March 26-27. The Odd Couple produced           June 18. Bridges, Bikes & Blues. Preble     Thursdays. Camden Farmers’ Market.
by Preble Players. Joy & Whimsy Depot.         County Historical Society.                  Corner of Main & Central. Camden. 5-8
Lewisburg.                                                          p.m.
                                               June 25. 18th Annual Buckeye Bridge
                                               Ride. Visit       Sept. 2. Lewisburg Life Block Party.
                 April                         for info.                                   Lewisburg
April 3. Dayton Fancy Feathers Swap
Meet. Preble County Fairgrounds.                                 July                      Sept. 3. Eaton Earlybird Farmers’ Market.
                                                                                           Corner of Somers & Barron Streets. 8
April 8-9. Preble County Chamber of            Mondays. Lewisburg Farmers’ Market.         a.m.-1 p.m.
Commerce Business Expo. Fairgrounds            Tri-County North School. 5-7:30 p.m.
Expo Center.                                                                               Sept. 9-11. Applefest. New Paris.
                                               Thursdays. Camden Farmers’ Market.
April 12. Falcon Show. Preble County           Corner of Main & Central. Camden. 5-8       Sept. 17-18. 51st Annual Preble County
Historical Society Amphitheater. 6 p.m.        p.m.                                        Pork Festival. Preble County Fairgrounds,
Cost $10.                                                                                  Eaton. 6:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday; 6:30
                                               Saturdays. Eaton Earlybird Farmers’         a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday. More information at
April 23. Downtown Eaton, Inc. Spring          Market. Corner of Somers & Barron 
Craft Show. Downtown Eaton. (Rain date,        Streets. Eaton. 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
April 30.)                                                                                 Sept. 24. Downtown Eaton, Inc. Truck
                                               July 1. Lewisburg Life Block Party.         Fest featuring FlatOut Band. Downtown
April 24. Preble County Horse Advisors         Lewisburg                                   Eaton.
Tack Sale. Preble County Fairgrounds.
                                               July 1-2. Lewisburg Comic Con at            Sept. 24-25. Historical Days/Fall
                                               Joy & Whimsy Depot and Lewisburg            Gathering Weekend. Preble County
                 May                           Community Center. Lewisburg.                Historical Society.
May 6. Lewisburg Life Block Party.
Lewisburg                                      July 3. Old Fashioned Independence Day      Sept. 25. Dayton Fancy Feathers Swap
                                               Celebration & Fireworks. Preble County      Meet. Preble County Fairgrounds.
May 7. Downtown Eaton, Inc. Mother’s           Historical Society.
Day Walk & Downtown Open House.                                                                            October
Downtown Eaton.                                July 15. Downtown Eaton, Inc. Family
                                               Movie Night. Downtown Eaton.                Oct. 1. Downtown Eaton, Inc. Fall Food
May 7. Run for the Roses Kentucky Derby                                                    Truck Fest & Craft Show. Downtown
watch party. Preble County Historical          July 23. Summer Picnic. Preble County       Eaton. 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Society.                                       Historical Society.
                                                                                           Oct. 8-9. Oktoberfest. Peace Park. West
May 7. Joy & Whimsy Depot Spring               July 30-31. Preble County Fair. Preble      Alexandria.
Exhibition Opens. Lewisburg.                   County Fairgrounds, Eaton.
                                                                                           Oct. 14-15. Haunted Camden Historical
May 8. Rabbitfest.                                             August                      Tours. Town Hall on Central Ave. 7 &
                                                                                           8:30 p.m.
May 22. Preble County Historical Society       Mondays. Lewisburg Farmers’ Market.
Classic Car Cruise-In. Preble County           Tri-County North School. 5-7:30 p.m.        Oct. 15-16. Black Walnut Festival. North
Historical Society. 2-5 p.m.                                                               Lafayette & Bloomfield Streets. Camden.
                                               Thursdays. Camden Farmers’ Market.          9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturdays beginning May 28. Eaton              Corner of Main & Central. Camden. 5-8
Earlybird Farmers’ Market. Corner of           p.m.                                        Oct. 15. Rabbitfest. Preble County
Somers & Barron Streets. Eaton. 8 a.m.-1                                                   Fairgrounds.
p.m.                                           Saturdays. Eaton Earlybird Farmers’
                                               Market. Corner of Somers & Barron                         November
May 30. Memorial Day Parade. Eaton.            Streets. Eaton. 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                                                           Nov. 24. Community Thanksgiving
May 30. Memorial Day Parade. Camden.           Aug. 1-6. Preble County Fair continues.     Dinner. Preble County Fairgrounds. 11
                                               Preble County Fairgrounds. 722 S.           a.m.
                                               Franklin St., Eaton.
                 June                                                                      Nov. 26. White Christmas Kickoff.
Mondays. Lewisburg Farmers’ Market.            Aug. 4-7. U.S. 127 Yard Sales.              Courthouse Plaza. Downtown Eaton.
Tri-County North School. 5-7:30 p.m.
                                               Aug. 5. Lewisburg Life Block Party.                       December
Thursdays. Camden Farmers’ Market.             Lewisburg
Corner of Main & Central. Camden. 5-8                                                      Dec. 1-31. Whispering Christmas. Drive-
p.m.                                           Aug. 5. Summer Concert Series. Preble       thru lighting display. Fort St. Clair. Eaton.
                                               County Historical Society. 6-10 p.m.        6-9:30 p.m.
Saturdays. Eaton Earlybird Farmers’
Market. Corner of Somers & Barron              Aug. 12. Summer Concert Series. Preble      Dec. 10. Preble County Historical Society
Streets. Eaton. 8 a.m.-1 p.m.                  County Historical Society. 6-10 p.m.        Jolly Day. Historic Christmas Brunch &
22    Visit Preble County, Ohio

               ec co
                    me tto
                             The Cityy of
                                 Citty of

              Eaton, Ohio
   Ready to make our hometown                    Founded in 1806
 yours? Just stopping in for a visit?         Eaton is centrally located and
                                              serves as the county seat of
                                              rural Preble County. Located
      Check out these local events            just 5 miles south of I-70, Eaton
     and our favorite places to enjoy!        maintains a small town feel
                                              while enjoying a diverse blend
                                              of commerce, industry &
      Roberts Covered Bridge                  agriculture.

      Fort St. Clair's Whispering Christmas
      Preble County Fair                        Shopping & Dining
      Preble County Pork Festival             A growing variety of shopping
      Great events in our historic downtown   and dining opportunities is
                                              available, both in our historic
      Nearly 200 acres of family-friendly     downtown area and in our more
      parks & recreational facilities         commercial district located to
                                              the north on U.S. 127. You'll find
      100-year-old county courthouse          lots of small homegrown
      Main Street Aquatic Center              businesses and larger chain
                                              retailers and restaurants!

                                               Education & Career
                                              The City of Eaton is home to
                                              several growing industries with
                                              impressive jobs available, and
                                              excellent educational options to
                                              help you grow personally and
                                              professionally    along    your
     937-456-4125     chosen career path.
OH-70268620         23

      Downtown Eaton Inc.
      Main Event Schedule

      April 23: Spring Craft Show

      May 7: Mother's Day Walk
      & Downtown Open House

     June 18: Community Fun Fest

      July 15: Family Movie Night

   Aug. 27: Downtown Saturday Night
               Car Show

       Sept. 24: Truck Fest 2022

      Oct. 1: Fall Food Truck Fest
              & Craft Show

   Nov. 26: White Christmas Kickoff

          for more information!
24     Visit Preble County, Ohio

                                              FULL SERVICE

         you can
 A Low-Cost Provider of Financial Products and Services.
 Let Our Experience and Commitment Work For You!
     We offer loans with low competitive rates
     with flexible terms and low closing costs.
                                                       Investment Properties
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         Agricultural Land Loans                  
                                                       USDA Rural Development
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         Commercial Loans                         
                                                       Home Equity Lines of Credit

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         NMLS# 439940
                         EIGHT GREAT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU!
     1131 N. Barron     5200 College Corner Pike    3215 E. Main St.   75 N. Brookwood
      Eaton, Ohio            Oxford, Ohio          Richmond, Indiana    Hamilton, Ohio
     937-456-6939           513-523-4310            1-888-654-5363      513-892-3700

      4 S. Main St.         197 S. Main St.            600 S. Barron

     Camden, Ohio          Somerville, Ohio             Eaton, Ohio
     937-452-3500           513-726-6471               937-456-5588   25
26              Visit Preble County, Ohio

                                                                                                Lumber • Pole Buildings • Wi
                                                                                         Roofing & Siding • Kitchen, Bath & H
                                                                                         Monday-Thursday 7am-5pm
                                                                                             Friday   Delivery – including
                                             Quality Lumber • Pole Buildings • Windows & Doors

                        LU M B E R FREE Delivery – including rooftop                               Sat. 7am-11:30 am
                                 Roofing & Siding • Kitchen, Bath & Home Designs

                                                                                                    Your Full Service
      LU M B E R
                                                                                                 Lumberyard Since 1888
                                     FLAIG LUMBER CO. INC
                       FLAIG LUMBER CO. INC.
                             217 West Wayne St. • New Madison, OH
                                                   217 West Wayne St. • New Madison, OH
    Monday - Friday 7am - 5pm              A Full Service Lumberyard           937-996-1141
    Saturday 7am - 12pm                           Since 1888      

                      Monday - Friday 7am - 5pm                                    A Full Service Lumberyard                9
                      Saturday 7am - 12pm                                                 Since 1888                     flai

Y: _____________________________               O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY: ___________________________


 LAIG LUMBER                     PROOF CREATED AT: 1/13/2017 11:24 AM
USTINY LOGAN                     PROOF DUE: -
4 COL TAB MOD                    NEXT RUN DATE: 01/29/17                               PI-0000187253.INDD

      • Quality Lumber • Pole Buildings • Windows & Doors
        • Roofing & Siding • Kitchen, Bath & Home Designs
                     • Cabinets & Countertops
BY: _____________________________       O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS

                • FREE Delivery – including rooftop                            27


    EATON AREA               EATON PLACE                    SKYLINE CHILI                SUGAR SHACK,
                             RESTAURANT                     1704 North Barron St.        S. Main Street,
ADAM’S RIB BARBEQUE          125 Eaton Lewisburg Rd         Eaton, OH 45320              Camden OH 45311,
305 Eaton Richmond Pike      Eaton, OH 45320                Phone: 937-336-5537          937-336-0469
(SR 35)Eaton, OH 45320       Phone: 937-456-3045            SUBWAY
Phone: 937-456-5052                                                                      POWERHOUSE PIZZA
                             FIESTA CHARRA                  1201 North Barron St.        312 SR 725W
ARBY’S                       1308 North Barron St.          Eaton, OH 45320              Camden, OH 45311
1715 North Barron St.        Eaton, OH 45320                Phone: 937-456-9484          Phone: 937-452-3504
Eaton, OH 45320              Phone: 937-456-9000            SUBWAY @ WAL-MART
Phone: 937-456-1021                                                                      RON’S PIZZA
                             FRONTLINE COFFEE,              100 East Washington-         53 West Central Avenue
BOB EVANS                    1203 N. Barron St., Eaton,     Jackson RoadEaton, OH        Camden, OH 45311
1700 North Barron St.        OH 45320                       45320                        Phone: 937-452-3201
Eaton, OH 45320                                             Phone: 937-456-2180
Phone: 937-456-4426          FRISCH’S BIG BOY                                             ELDORADO AREA
                             1204-1206 North                SUBWAY @ PILOT TRAVEL
BURGER KING                  Barron Street                  CENTERS                      SUDS
1125 North Barron St.        Eaton, OH 45320                6141 US Route 127 N at I70   160 Main Cross Street
Eaton, OH 45320              Phone: 937-456-9912            Eaton, OH 45320              Eldorado, OH 45321
Phone: 937-456-9921                                         Phone: 937-456-6303          Phone: 937-273-6007
                             FROSTY’S CATERING
BURGER KING @                AT THE CLUB,                   SUBWAY @ TA DAYTON               GRATIS AREA
TA TRAVEL CENTER             100 Morton Rd., Eaton, OH      THE STABLE
6762 US Route 127 N at I70   45320, 937-456-6922            507 N. Barron St., Eaton     MAMMA MAC’S
Eaton, OH 45320                                             Phone: 937-456-2153          8889 East St. Rt. 725
Phone: 937-456-5521          THE GYPSY MUG                                               Germantown, OH 45327
                             118 East Main Street           TRAVEL CENTER                Phone 937-787-3700
BUSHROD BREW WORKS           Eaton, OH 45320                6762 US Route
117 E. Main St.,             Phone: 937-456-9955            127 N at I70 Eaton, Ohio     MIC-NICK’S CARRY OUT
Eaton, OH 45320                                             45320                        310 South East Street     HOT HEAD BURRITO               Phone: 937-456-5521          (SR 122) Gratis, OH 45330
                             1629 North Barron St.                                       Phone: 937-787-3114
CASSANO’S                    Eaton, OH 45320                SUBWAY @
1316 North Barron St.        Phone: 937-456-5684            LAKENGREN ENTRANCE            LEWISBURG AREA
Eaton, OH 45320                                             4269 SR 732
Phone: 888-294-5464          KFC/A & W                      Eaton, OH 45320
                             1200 North Barron St.                                       A CHERRY ON TOP ICE
CHARLOTTE’S                                                 Phone: 937-472-1003          CREAM SHOPPE
                             Eaton, OH 45320
BANQUET & CATERING           Phone: 937-456-5016            TACO BELL                    101 N. Commerce St.,
323 North Barron St.                                        1305 North Barron St.        Lewisburg, OH 45338.
Eaton, OH 45320              LITTLE CAESAR’S PIZZA          Eaton, OH 45320              Phone: 937-248-4798
Phone: 937-456-1338          1220 North Barron St.          Phone: 937-456-9830
                             Eaton, OH 45320                                             BRICK RHOD BISTRO
CHINA WOK                    Phone: 937-456-4444            TAFFY’S                      111 N. Commerce St.,
1665 North Barron St.                                       123 East Main Street         Lewisburg, OH 45338.
Eaton, Ohio 45320            McDONALD’S                     Eaton, OH 45320              Phone: 937-962-2114
Phone: 937-472-0518          1317 North Barron St.          Phone: 937-456-1381
                             Eaton, OH 45320                                             HALL’S VILLAGE
COUNTRY PRIDE                Phone: 937-456-3830            WENDY’S                      CARRYOUT
RESTAURANT @ TA CTR.                                        1521 North Barron St.        701 North Commerce St
6762 US Route                OLDE SCHOOLHOUSE               Eaton, OH 45320              ,Lewisburg, OH 45338
127 at I70                   WINERY                         Phone: 937-456-7113          Phone: 937-962-2877
Eaton, OH 45320              152 Ohio 726, Eaton, OH
Phone: 937-456-5521          45320. Phone: 937-472-         WINGS ETC.                   HILLCREST TAVERN
                             WINE.                          1342 N. Barron St., Eaton    7073 U.S. 40 East
DAYLIGHT DONUTS,                                            Phone: 937-456-3312          Lewisburg, OH 45338
1309 N. Barron St., Eaton,   PAPA JOHN’S                                                 Phone: 937-962-9226
OH 45320, 937-456-1744       1203 N. Barron St.,               CAMDEN AREA
                             Eaton OH 45320.                                             SARAH’S PIZZA –
DOMINO’S PIZZA,              Phone: 937-472-7272            4 J’s PIZZA                  LEWISBURG
1311 N. Barron St., Eaton,                                  58 East Central Avenue       219 East Cumberland Street
OH 45320, 937-882-3030       PIZZA HUT                                                   Lewisburg, OH 45338
                             1732 North Barron St.          Camden, OH 45311
                                                            Phone: 937-452-1011          Phone: 937-962-2621
DECADES DINER                Eaton, OH 45320
800 East St. Clair St.       Phone: 937-456-7101            DEPOT DAIRY                  SUBWAY
Eaton, OH 45320                                                                          6670 St. Rt. 503 North
Phone: 937-456-4947          RED MULE INN                   BAR & RESTAURANT             Lewisburg, OH 45338
                             501 East Main Street           90 Depot Street
DQ GRILL & CHILL                                            Camden, OH 45311             Phone: 937-962-4070
                             Eaton, OH 45320
1719 N. Barron St., Eaton    Phone: 937-456-6300            Phone: 937-452-3653          WENGER’S BAR AND GRILL
Phone: 937-393-9571                                                                      6842 St. Rt. 503 North
                             SARAH’S PIZZA & SUBS           SHORTY’S HALF WAY
                                                            55 South Main Street         Lewisburg, OH 45338
                             125 East Main Street
                                                            Camden, OH 45311             Phone: 937-962-2300
                             Eaton, OH 45320
                             Phone: 937-456-6871            Phone: 727-565-6705
28     Visit Preble County, Ohio


 NEW PARIS AREA                  THE CEDAR COFFEE,               SARAH’S PIZZA                    CHOO CHOO’S PLACE
                                 550 S. Washington St., New      77 East Dayton Street            21 Junction Street
IRON SKILLET                     Paris, OH 45347                 West Alexandria, OH 45381        West College Corner,
RESTAURANT                                                       Phone: 937-839-5499              IN 47003
                                 THE LAMPOST                                                      Phone: 765-732-3342
@ STATE LINE                     617 S. Washington St.           SUBWAY
9787 US Route 40W                New Paris, Ohio 45347           71 North Main Street             HOMETOWN EATERY
New Paris, OH 45347              Phone: 937-437-8151             West Alexandria, OH 45381        700 Liberty Avenue
Phone: 937-437-0732                                              Phone: 937-839-0062              West College Corner, IN
                                 WEST ALEXANDRIA                                                  47003
                                       AREA                          WEST ELKTON                  Phone: 765-732-3830
151 North Washington             BUCKEYE JAKE’S                  SAUCY JACK’S                     HUESTON WOODS
New Paris, OH 45347              EATERY & BAR                    139 North Main Street            RESORT
Phone: 937-437-1482              13 East Dayton Street           West Elkton, OH 45070            Rt. 1 – College Corner, OH
                                 West Alexandria, OH 45381       Phone: 937-787-3024              45003
422 South Washington             Phone: 937-839-5253                                              Phone: 513-664-3500
                                                                 COLLEGE CORNER                   or 800-282-7275
Street                           KIERSTON’S COFFEE STOP               AREA                        Campgrounds
New Paris, OH 45347              12 S. Main St., West                                             Phone: 513-523-1060
Phone: 937-720-4109              Alexandria,OH 45381             CC TAVERN
                                                                 27 Park Place
                                                                 West College Corner, IN
                                                                 Phone: 765-732-3283

                       GOLF COURSES & RECREATION

        GOLF COURSES                               HUNTING AREAS                       County, Ohio in southwest Ohio, 14
                                                                                       miles northwest of Middletown, 17
• Eaton Country Club                        • Hueston Woods State Park & Lodge
                                                                                       miles from Hamilton, 38 miles from
100 Morton Dr. Eaton, OH 45320              6301 Park Office Road College Corner,
                                                                                       Dayton, and 48 miles from Cincinnati,
   Welcome to the Eaton Country             Ohio 45003
                                                                                       near the village of Somerville.
Club in Eaton, Ohio. Our charming           513-523-6347
                                                                                       Approximately half the area is in woods,
private club has been offering good
                                                                                       mostly on the steep hillsides of Rush
company, and great nine-hole golf           huestonwoods
                                                                                       Run Creek Valley. The remainder is
since 1921. THE HISTORIC COURSE:                Hueston Woods State Park, located
                                                                                       divided equally between open land
Our challenging par 36 course was           in Butler and Preble counties, is nearly
                                                                                       consisting of cropland and permanent
designed by Alex Campbell and               3,000 acres of natural resources for
                                                                                       meadow and reverting fields with a
features watered fairways, tees and         outdoor recreation, such as hiking,
                                                                                       mixture of grass and shrubs. This type
greens, sand hazards, a driving range       fishing, canoeing. The park surrounds
                                                                                       of cover occurs mostly on the gently
and a lovely view all in walking distance   625-acre Acton Lake, with campsites,
                                                                                       rolling uplands. Rush Run Creek is
of downtown Eaton and the historic          cabins, and a resort lodge to entice the
                                                                                       an intermittent stream, named for its
Roberts Bridge.                             overnight visitor.
                                                                                       rapid water flow. In a four-mile stretch
• Hueston Woods Golf Course                 • Rush Run Wildlife Area,                  it descends 300 feet. A 54-acre lake
6962 Brown Road,                            Ohio Department of Natural                 is located on the headwaters of this
Oxford, Ohio 45056                          Resources                                  stream. HISTORY AND PURPOSE:
513-523-8081                                1989 Northern Road                         Purchasing of land for this wildlife area                  Somerville, OH 45056                       began in 1955. Management work
activities/golf-course                      513-726-6795                               has included the planting of conifers,
                                            Public hunting and fishing, 1174 acres.    protection and improvement of existing
                                                Public Use Facilities: A parking lot   woodlands, selection of areas to be
                                            off Tucker Road has been constructed       returned to woodland through natural
                                            to provide easy access to the area.        succession, planting of prairie grasses,
                                            Location and Description: Rush Run         and maintenance of open fields. Rush
                                            Wildlife Area is located in Preble         Run Lake was constructed in 1970.                                   29

                       GOLF COURSES & RECREATION

• Mulberry Pheasantry                      • Circle G Ranch                        • City of Eaton Parks
6099 SR 725 E, Camden, OH 45311            10816 Verona Rd.,                       Fort St. Clair Park, 135
937-787-3912                               Lewisburg, OH 45338                     Camden Rd., Eaton                 937-884-9811                            Features a playground, cabin
   Mulberry Pheasant Farm,                 Home of the Western Buckeye Barrel      rentals for events, picnic shelters,
established in 1953, has been in           Futurity                                picnic tables, grills, nature trails and
business for over 50 years, creating                                               restrooms.
                                           • Quiet Harmony Elk Ranch
long lasting memories for generations.
                                           10684 Morrison-Mikesell Rd.,            Seven Mile Park, 1601 Park Ave., Eaton
The owners have dedicated their
                                           New Paris, OH 45347                     Features soccer fields, walking paths,
time to creating an environment
                                           www.              restrooms, and playground.
that replicates the types of pheasant
hunting that existed in Ohio many          • Main Street Aquatic Center
years ago.                                                                         Main Street Aquatic Center,
                                           541 W. Main St., Eaton, Ohio
                                                                                   541 W. Main St., Eaton
• Woodland Trails Wildlife Area,                                                   Features splashpad, pool with slides,
                                           Swimming Pool
Ohio Department of Natural                                                         shelter, and picnic tables.
Resources                                  • Preble County YMCA
Gasper Somers and Tucker Road              450 Washington-Jackson Road,            Crystal Lake/Roberts Bridge, 101
Camden, OH 45311                           Eaton, OH 45320                         Water St./319 S. Beech St., Eaton        937-472-2010                            Historic Roberts Bridge sits adjacent
Wildlife area operated by Dept. of                                                 to Crystal Lake, and the park nearby
National Resources.                        • Safari Junction                       features a gazebo, fishing, picnic
                                           Home of Valley Exotics Zoo              tables and benches.
 OTHER RECREATIONAL                        2961 U.S. 127 S., Eaton
     ACTIVITIES                            937-545-5175                            Waterworks Park,
• G & J Kartway                            10 acres of hands-on interaction with   701 Park Ave., Eaton
    Located among the cornfields and       animals.                                Features playground, shelter, picnic
pastures of Southwestern Ohio lies                          tables, restrooms, and a Bark Park for
a WKA Master Track known as G & J                                                  your 4-legged friends.
                                           • Valley’s Edge LLC
Kartway. The track entrance is marked      Snowtubing & Boarding
by the silos used by Barnets Inc. which                                            Clarence E. Hook Memorial Park,
                                           8295 S. R. 121,                         250, W. Washington-Jackson Rd.
is owned and operated by track owner       New Paris, Ohio 45347
Gary Gregg. G & J Kartway was built                                                Features playground, walking trail,
                                           937-437-1386                            picnic shelter, and tables.
by Gary’s father, Bill, in 1958 and was
used by Gary, his sister, and other                                                Blakeman Little League Fields:
local karters as a fun track for several   • Wild Hearts African Farm
                                           & Petting Zoo                           200 E. Lexington Rd., Eaton
years. Initially, a 1/7 mile dirt track,                                           Little League Park features baseball
it was paved in 1962 and expanded          8079 Salem Rd., Lewisburg
                                           By Appt. 937-416-5520                   fields, shelter, tables, and restrooms.
to a ¼ mile in 1966. Now in its 47th
year of operation, G & J Kartway has
                                                                                   DP& L Park/Brooke-Gould Memorial
been the home of the Ohio Valley           • Camden Community Parks                Tennis Complex, 290 W. Lexington
Karting Association since 1964. The                                                Rd., Eaton
track is within 60 miles of Dayton and     Tylers-Ville Community Park, N.
                                           Main Street, Camden Picnic shelters,    Park features basketball, sand
Cincinnati and less than 2 hours from                                              volleyball and tennis courts, softball
Columbus, Ohio and draws karters           playground equipment, splash pad,
                                           walking path                            fields, shelter, picnic tables and
primarily from Ohio, Indiana and                                                   restrooms
Kentucky. Directions and schedules         Shank Community Park, N. Lafayette
can be found at and at            Street, Camden Picnic area,                          community concerts
                                           Devils Backbone, Ohio 725 East,
                                           Camden Walking trails, creek
                                           adventuring, fossil hunting
30            Visit Preble County, Ohio


HOTELS & MOTELS               • Hueston Woods Resort      • Hannon’s Camp America      • Arrowhead Campground
                              Rt. 1, College Corner,      8501 Camden College          1361 Thomas Road, New
• Deerfield Inn
                              OH 45003                    Corner Rd                    Paris, OH 45347
2871 US 35 E, West
                              513-664-3500 or             College Corner, OH 45003     937-996-6203
Alexandria, OH 45381
                              800-282-7275                513-798-2794                 www.arrowhead-
                              Campgrounds: 513-523-1060
• Fairfield Inn – New Paris   Golf Course: 513-523-8081
                                                          • Hueston Woods State Park   • Natural Springs
(Indoor Pool)
                              • New Budget Inn            6301 Park office Road,       Campground
9797 US 40 W,
                              US 127 N at I 70 W,         College Corner, OH 45003     500 South Washington St.,
New Paris, OH 45347
                              Eaton, OH 45320             513-523-6347                 New Paris, OH 45347
                              937-456-1200                Reservations: 866-644-6727   937-437-5771
• Golden Inn                                    
                              • The Front Porch Inn
8868 US 40 W,                                             huestonwoods
                              6840 SR 503 N,                                           • Archway Campground
New Paris, OH 45347
                              Lewisburg, OH 45338         Woodland Trails              9388 South
                              937-962-4106                Reservations                 Old National Road,
                                                          Boy Scouts of America        New Paris, OH 45347
                                CAMPGROUNDS               265 Gasper Somers Road,      937-437-0776
                              • Cross’s Campground        Camden, OH 45311   
                              7777 US 127 S,              937-452-1944
                              Camden, OH 45311  
OH-70268765                                          31

                     EVENT, RETREAT & WEDDING VENUES

                              CAMDEN                                           LEWSIBURG                        EATON
• Wilderness Ridge & PVM             • The Dover Center         • Gatherings on the Green               • PCHS Outdoor
Retreat Center/Timeless              100 S. Lafayette Street    Wedding & Event Venue                   Wedding Venue
Charm Weddings                       Camden OH 45311            7500 Salem Rd., Lewisburg,              7963 Swartsel Rd.
1259 Swann Beatty Road,              937-452-6080               OH 45338                                Eaton, OH 45320
Camden, OH 45311              937-733-8783                            937-787-4256
937-452-3347                                                                                            info@preblecountyhistori-

                                                                       Bob Roach                      Anna Marie Roach
                                                                       Auctioneer & Realtor®        Manager & Realtor®
                                                                       937-533-7081 cell            937-657-5626 cell

                                                                               Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC
                                                                                Bob Roach, Auctioneer, & Realtor 937-533-7081
                        Betsy Lock                                            Anna Marie Roach, Manager & Realtor 937-657-5626
                    Owner / Managing Stylist
                                                                                    Chad Higgins, INC.

                    119 E Cumberland Street
                     Lewisburg OH 45338                         OH-70268738

          Eaton Place Restaurant

                   Sheryl and Her Crew Welcome You

                         Monday thru Saturday

                     6am to 2:30 pm • Closed Sunday
                   125 Lewisburg Rd. Eaton
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