FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing

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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
12,300 eBOOKS
                                                            FALL 2021
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                                                         GRADES 5–12+

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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
                                                                                                                    HEALTH AND
COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                HIGH INTEREST                                        GUIDANCE

                CAREERS                                                                               BIOGRAPHIES

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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
Table of Contents

Digital Resources                                                                                                    Careers
Teen Health and Wellness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2            Do You Want a Career in Criminal Justice? NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Digital Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3   Think Like a... NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Financial Literacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                                                                     Social Studies
Core Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5       Rosen Verified: U.S. Government NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Spotlight On Interactive eBooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6−19                 Rosen Verified: Current Issues NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
epointplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20    Spotlight On Global Issues NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Teen CyberSmarts/Cybersmarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20–21                     Crazy Cool China NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Computer Science                                                                                                     Biographies
Code Creator NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22           Pioneers of Science NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

High Interest
                                                                                                                     Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Inside the U.S. Military NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
                                                                                                                     Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34–36
Health and Guidance                                                                                                  Title Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37–39
@RosenTeenTalk NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24              Series Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
                                                                                                                     Sales Representatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40–Inside Back Cover
Getting Real: Strategies for Teens in Need NEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

                                                                                                                     NEW = New for Fall 2021
                                                                                                                     NEW = New for Spring 2021

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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
Everyone experiences stress, and learning how to manage it is one of the best
            things you can do for your mental and physical health.

Visual Relaxation
Spending time outdoors is a great way to improve your mood.
If you can’t make it outside, watching nature videos can have a
similar calming effect on your brain and body.

Sounds and Music
Listening to calming music and nature sounds can reduce your
stress levels. Classical music can also help you concentrate and
stay focused while studying.

                                                                                    How to access the Calm Room

Nature and Animal Cams
The simple act of watching cute animals can lower your heart
rate and reduce stress and anxiety. Take a break and de-stress
with these wildlife web cams.

     We’re Here to Help
     Teen Health and Wellness provides advice and support on all sorts of topics, from improving your mental and
     physical health to making positive changes in your community. Check out some of these popular articles:
                        • Anxiety                • Mindfulness           • Staying Fit
                        • Depression             • Self-Esteem           • Stress
                        • Meditation             • Sleep                 • Yoga

     Teen Health and Wellness | teenhealthandwellness.com • Customer Service: 877-381-6649
FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
Online Databases
                                                                                           Grades 7–12

           What does your digital footprint say about you?

                                      *See also CyberSmarts and
                                     Teen CyberSmarts on page 21

New content on safe communication and social               Correlations to the ISTE Standards for
networking, online gaming addiction, plagiarism,           Students (ISTE-S), AASL, and ELA and
digital etiquette, and cyberbullying                       technology standards
Closed Captioning, text-to-speech, enhanced                Project-based learning activities guide
text visibility                                            students to become citizen journalists by
Foreign Language Read-Aloud plus Instant                   helping them create podcasts, PSAs, and
Translation into 100+ languages                            social media campaigns

                                                                                    Scan for
           If ever there was an ideal product for the                                 more
                 21st-century student, this is it.                              information
                         —School Library Journal                                      and a
                                                                                 FREE trial!

                                             To order or request a price quote, call 877-381-6649        3
FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
Online Databases
    Grades 7–12

                                Be money smart. Invest in yourself.

        New content on first job smarts, debt and               Foreign Language Read-Aloud plus Instant
        default, lifelong learning skills, money and            Translation into 100+ languages
        banking, résumés, and interviewing skills               Correlations to ELA and math state standards
        Closed Captioning, text-to-speech, enhanced             and Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial
        text visibility                                         Literacy standards
                                                                Digital storytelling opportunities: Young
                                                                Entrepreneurs Story (YES) Project

              Scan for             Feels personalized...Great for business, economics, math,
              more                           personal finance, and career courses.
              and a                                    —Library Media Connection
              FREE trial!

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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
*        *                                           Online Databases
                                                                                         Grades 6–12

                Students explore the world around them

New content on viruses and COVID, the                   Correlations to NGSS and national, state, and
COVID-19 timeline, cells, ecosystems, mass              provincial standards
extinctions, and dark matter                            Get hands on with experiments, digital flash
Closed Captioning, text-to-speech, enhanced             cards, and lesson plans
text visibility                                         Digital storytelling opportunities:
Foreign Language Read-Aloud plus Instant                Student-created videos
Translation into 100+ languages

   Truly geared toward today’s twenty-first century
          learners…especially ‘digital natives.’
                           —Booklist                                          Scan for more information
                                                                                 and a FREE trial of
                                                                                 CC Science Suite!

                                              To order or request a price quote, call 877-381-6649      5
FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
Spotlight On
                   Science and Social Studies
           Interactive eBooks bring learning to life
       DYNAMIC TIMELINES                     ACTOR-NARRATED AUDIO                           SUPPORTING QUESTIONS
       teach history in context                  accessibility for all                          AND ANSWERS
                                                                                               reinforce concepts


                                                     From Spotlight On Social and Emotional Learning. See page 10 for more information.

        PROFILES provide                 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT                          CLOSED CAPTIONED VIDEOS
      real-world connections             makes concepts easy to teach                       take learning to the
                                              and easy to learn                                  next level

        ONE-TIME PURCHASE. Unlimited access. Free MARC records.
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FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
“Rich and nuanced…this resource is first-rate.”
                                                 —School Library Journal
                                                                                                      Instructional support in
                                                                                                       every eBook includes:
                                                                                         • Essential and guiding questions
                                                                                         • Effective learning strategies
                                                                                         • Maps and editable graphic organizers
                                                                                         • Primary sources
                                                                                         • Lesson plans
                                                                                         • Inquiry and project-based learning
                                                                                         • Alignment to standards
                                                                                         • Assessments

                                                                                                                             Save Instructional
                                                                                                                                Time with
                                                                                                                               Spotlight On
                                                                                                                             Planning Guides!

                                                                                          Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                               THINKING ABOUT EVIDENCE

                                                                                                                   My Conclusion:

                                                                                            Evidence:                                                    Evidence:

                                                                                                                                                                           Name ________________
                                                                                            Evidence:                                                    Evidence:                                                                                                                                                                              ______________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FIND SUPPORT FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THE MAIN IDEA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WHAT’S THE BIG


                     From Spotlight On Global Issues. See page 9 for more information.
                                                                                            How did I evaluate my evidence? Is my evidence FACT?

Completely redesigned graphic organizers:                                                                                                                                                      FACT:


•   Each PDF includes editable text fields                                                                     Spotlight on Global Issues • published in 2021 by Rosen Publishing Group                            104

•   Teachers can assign to students in all learning environments                                                                                                          DETAIL:

•   Students can download, complete, and submit online or in person

•   Teachers can save or print completed assignments

                                                                                                             Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                                        Compare and Contrast Multiple Perspectives

                                                                                                                                                              Perspective—WHY?            Spotlight on Global
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Issueslevelu   preade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • published      r.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in 2021 by Rosen Publishin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             g Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Spotlight on Global Issues • published in 2021 by Rosen Publishing Group

                                                                                                          Perspective—WHY?                                                                                           Perspective—WHY?

                FREE                                                                               My Perspective—WHY?
                                                                                                                                                              is the issue?




              Continually updated with key events and discoveries.
                                                                       To order or request a price quote, call 877-381-6649                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7
FALL 2021 LIBRARY CATALOG GRADES 5-12+ - EXPLORE OVER 12,300 eBOOKS - Rosen Publishing
SPOTLIGHT ON                                     Continually updated with                                    Individual
    Interactive eBooks                              key events and discoveries                   Interactive eBooks: $74.95

     NOVEMBER Essential Question: How can young people use their voices
       2021!     and choices to make change for the common good?

                                   GRADES 3–6
                                   15‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,499.25 | S&L $1,124.25 • 978-1-7253-2588-3

                                   Clean Air and Our Future                        Mental Health in Our World
                                   Clean Water and Our Future                      Pandemics: COVID-19 and Our World
                                   Climate Change and Our Earth                    Physical Health in Our World
                                   Endangered Species and Our Future               Plastic Pollution and Our Earth
                                   Energy Problems on Our Earth                    Poverty and Our Future
                                   Equality, Social Justice, and Our Future        Protecting Our Earth’s Land
                                   Food Challenges and Our Future                  Technologies That Help Our World
                                   The Future of Our Education


                                     From Pandemics: COVID-19 and Our World

                                                                                     UNLIMITED                     ONE-TIME
                                                     FREE MARC RECORDS
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Continually updated with
                                                                    One-time purchase
                                                                                                                  SPOTLIGHT ON
key events and discoveries                                                                                      Interactive eBooks

                          NEW! SPOTLIGHT ON GLOBAL ISSUES
              Essential Question: How does responsibility for the future depend on education,
                                   attitude, understanding, and action?

  Generation Z citizens need to be engaged participants in change and a voice for the common good.
  Spotlight On Global Issues takes the approach that no one is too young to make a difference and is in‑
  spired by the groups and individuals taking action worldwide, including the teens profiled in these books.
  Teaching and learning outcomes are supported by calls to action, multiple perspectives, interdisciplinary
  standards alignment, learning activities, making evidence-based claims, fillable graphic organizers, and
  lesson plans and assessments to help solve critical problems.

  GRADES 6–10
  15‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,499.25 | S&L $1,124.25 • 978-1-4994-6895-3

  Clean Air for All                                     Feeding a Changing Planet
  Clean Water for All                                   Mental Health for All
  Climate Change and Earth’s Population                 Pandemics: COVID-19 and Other Global
  Earth’s Plastic Problem                                 Health Threats
  Education for All                                     Physical Health for All
  The Endangered Species Problem                        The Poverty Problem
  Energy Solutions for All                              Protecting Earth’s Land
  Equality and Social Justice                           Technologies That Help the Planet

                                                                                                                       Sample eBook

  From Energy Solutions for All

   ONE-TIME                       UNLIMITED                 FREE MARC RECORDS
   PURCHASE                        ACCESS                                                        FREE trial available, call 877-381-6649   9
SPOTLIGHT ON                                      Continually updated with                                     Individual
        Interactive eBooks                               key events and discoveries                    Interactive eBooks: $74.95

                                     SOCIAL AND
                                 EMOTIONAL LEARNING
      Essential Question: How does self-awareness make healthy responses to emotions easier?

                                        GRADES 3–7
                                        Set 1: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-7253-0250-1
                                        Set 2: 13‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,299.35 | S&L $974.35 • 978-1-7253-0745-2

                                        SET 1:                                           SET 2:
                                        Believing in Yourself: Achieving                 Acknowledging Your Thoughts
                                           Confidence                                      and Feelings: Reflecting
                                        A Can-Do Attitude: Understanding                 Acting with Awareness:
                                           Self-Efficacy                                   Respect for Others
                                        Care and Compassion: Empathy                     Collaborating with Others: Teamwork
                                           for Others                                    Connecting with Others:
                                        Hard Work and Determination:                       Social Engagement
                                           Developing Self-Discipline                    Considering Every Side:
                                        In Charge and Unstoppable:                         Analyzing Situations
                                           Developing Organizational Skills              Different but Equal:
                                        An Inner Drive: Self-Motivation                    Appreciating Diversity
                                        Keeping Calm and Focused:                        Making Good Choices:
                                           Stress Management                               Evaluating Consequences
                                        Know Who You Are:                                Overcoming Obstacles:
                                           Accurate Self-Perception                        Identifying Problems
                                        Planning for Success:                            Speaking with Purpose:
                                           Goal Setting                                    Communication
                                        Talents and Abilities:                           The Right Thing to Do:
                                           Recognizing Strengths                           Ethical Responsibility
             Sample eBook               Think Before You Act:                            The Ties that Bind Us Together:
                                           Impulse Control                                 Relationship Building
                                        Thoughts and Feelings:                           Understanding Points of View:
                                           Identifying Emotions                            Perspective-Taking
                                                                                         You Can Fix It: Solving Problems

     From The Calm Room

                             Librarians and teachers working in schools with SEL
                             curricula will find Spotlight on Social and Emotional
                                     Learning a concise one-stop location.
                                                     —School Library Journal

                                                                                          UNLIMITED                    ONE-TIME
                                                         FREE MARC RECORDS
10        Find out more at rosendigital.com                                                ACCESS                      PURCHASE
Continually updated with                                    One-time purchase
                                                                                                       SPOTLIGHT ON
key events and discoveries                                                                           Interactive eBooks

                                                    CIVIC ACTION
                 Essential Question: How does civic participation strengthen communities,
                                   governments, and individual rights?

  GRADES 4–8
  12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5081-6483-8

  Building Consensus: Respecting Different         The Importance of Jury Service
    Points of View                                 Majority Rule vs. Individual Rights
  Civic Engagement: How Individuals and            Separation of Powers: The Importance of
    Institutions Interact                            Checks and Balances
  Civic Roles in the Community:                    Social Activism: Working Together to
    How Citizens Get Involved                        Create Change in Our Society
  Civic Virtue: Honesty, Mutual Respect,           Understanding U.S. Elections and the
    and Cooperation                                  Electoral College
  Community Service and Volunteering               Why Voting Matters
  Constitutional Democracy

                                                                                                             Sample eBook

                               THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT
                             Essential Question: Why was the Civil Rights Movement an
                                      important milestone in American history?
   GRADES 5–10
   13‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,299.35 | S&L $974.35 • 978-1-5081-7786-9

   Affirmative Action                             The Murder of Emmett Till
                                                                                                             SPOTLIGHT ON
   The Black Power Movement and Civil Unrest      Rosa Parks and the Montgomery
                                                     Bus Boycott                                         THE CIVIL RIGHTS
   Brown v. Board of Education
   Freedom Riders                                 Sit-Ins and Nonviolent Protest for
                                                     Racial Equality
   The Life and Death of Malcolm X
                                                  Women in the Civil Rights Movement
   The Life and Death of Martin Luther King Jr.
   The Little Rock Desegregation Crisis
   Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act
   The March on Washington

                                                                                                              Sample eBook

   ONE-TIME                     UNLIMITED            FREE MARC RECORDS
   PURCHASE                      ACCESS                ONE-TIME PURCHASE               FREE trial available, call 877-381-6649   11
SPOTLIGHT ON                                     Continually updated with                                      Individual
     Interactive eBooks                              key events and discoveries                     Interactive eBooks: $74.95

                        IMMIGRATION AND MIGRATION
Essential Question: Can we understand today’s headlines by studying the history of immigration?

                                    GRADES 4–8
              IGHT O                12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5081-4875-3
           OTL      N
           MIG TI
                                    African American Migrations in North America     The Growth of the American City: Immigrants
                                    Anti-Semitism: Jewish Immigrants Seek Safety       and Migrants Travel for Work
                                      in America (1881–1914)                         Immigration to Colonial America

                                    Broken Treaties: Native American Migrations      The Industrial Revolution, Migration, and
                                    The California Gold Rush: Chinese Laborers in      Immigration
                                      America (1848–1882)                            New Jobs, New Opportunities: British

         IG R                                                                          Immigrants Arrive in America (1830s–1890s)

                                    The Disaster of the Irish Potato Famine: Irish

                                      Immigrants Arrive in America (1845–1850)       The Scotch-Irish Immigration to America:
                                    The Dream of Manifest Destiny: Immigrants and      Economic Hardship in Ireland (1603–1775)
                                      the Westward Expansion                         The Transatlantic Slave Trade: The Forced
                                                                                       Migration of Africans to America (1607–1830)

        Sample eBook

                                AMERICAN HISTORY
                Essential Question: How was the American Revolution revolutionary?
                                    GRADES 3–8
                                    Set 1: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-1649-7
                                    Set 2: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-2483-6

                                    SET 1:                                            SET 2:
                                    The Battles of Lexington and Concord              Abolitionists and Human Rights:
                                    Benjamin Franklin                                    Fighting for Emancipation
                                    Betsy Ross and the Creation of the                Andrew Jackson’s Presidency:
                                      American Flag                                      Democracy in Action
                                    The Boston Tea Party                              The Expansion of the United States:
                                                                                         Florida, Alaska, Gadsden Purchase,
                                    Crispus Attucks and African American Patriots        and Mexico Cession
                                      of the American Revolution
                                                                                      The Gold Rush: Gold Seekers, Miners,
                                    The Declaration of Independence and the              and Merchants
                                      Continental Congress
                                                                                      The Homestead Act and Westward Expansion:
                                    George Washington                                    Settling the Western Frontier
                                    John Paul Jones and the                           The Lewis and Clark Expedition:
                                      Birth of the American Navy                         The Corps of Discovery
                                    The Marquis de Lafayette and Other                Manifest Destiny: The Dream of a New Nation
                                      International Champions of the
                                      American Revolution                             The Monroe Doctrine:
                                                                                         The Birth of American Foreign Policy
                                    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
                                                                                      Slavery in the United States:
                                    The United States Constitution and the               The “Abominable Trade”
                                      Bill of Rights: The Law of the Land
                                                                                      Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase
        Sample eBook                Thomas Paine and the Power of
                                      “Common Sense”                                  The U.S.-Mexican War and Its Impact
                                                                                         on the United States
                                                                                      The War of 1812: New Challenges for a Nation

                                                                                       UNLIMITED                     ONE-TIME
                                                     FREE MARC RECORDS
12    Find out more at rosendigital.com                                                 ACCESS                       PURCHASE
Continually updated with                                      One-time purchase
                                                                                                         SPOTLIGHT ON
key events and discoveries                                                                             Interactive eBooks

                          EXPLORERS AND COLONIZATION
             Essential Question: What fueled European exploration of the rest of the world?
 GRADES 5–10
 Set 1: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-6429-0
 Set 2: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5081-7622-0

 SET 1:                                             SET 2:
 Amerigo Vespucci: Explorer of South America        Bartolomeu Dias: First European Sailor to Reach
   and the West Indies                                 the Indian Ocean
 Christopher Columbus: Explorer and Colonizer       Francisco Vázquez de Coronado:
   of the New World                                    First European to Reach the Grand Canyon
 Ferdinand Magellan:                                Henry Hudson: Explorer of the
   First Circumnavigator of the Earth                  Hudson River and Bay
 Francisco Pizarro: Conqueror of the Incan Empire   Hernando de Soto: First European to
 Giovanni da Verrazzano: Explorer of the Atlantic      Cross the Mississippi
   Coast of North America                           Ibn Battuta: The Greatest Traveler
 Hernán Cortés: Conquistador, Colonizer, and           of the Muslim World
   Destroyer of the Aztec Empire                    Jacques Cartier: Navigator Who Claimed
 John Cabot: Explorer of the                           Canada for France
   North American Mainland                          James Cook: European Explorer of
 Juan Ponce de León: First Explorer of Florida         Australia and the Hawaiian Islands
   and First Governor of Puerto Rico                Lewis and Clark: Famed Explorers
 Pedro Álvares Cabral:                                 of the American Frontier
   First European Explorer of Brazil                Marco Polo: Epic Traveler Throughout Asia
 Vasco da Gama: First European to Reach             Samuel de Champlain: Founder of
   India by Sea                                        New France and Quebec City
 Vasco Núñez de Balboa: First European to Reach     Sir Francis Drake: Privateering Sea Captain
                                                                                                              Sample eBook
   the Pacific Ocean from the New World                and Circumnavigator of the Globe
 Viking Explorers                                   Zheng He: China’s Greatest Navigator

                  THE 13 COLONIES: BIRTH OF A NATION
      Essential Question: How did the colonies work together as they sought independence?

 14‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,399.30 | S&L $1,049.30 • 978-1-5081-4045-0

 The Colony of Connecticut                          The Colony of New York
 The Colony of Delaware                             The Colony of North Carolina
 The Colony of Georgia                              The Colony of Pennsylvania
 The Colony of Maryland                             The Colony of Rhode Island
 The Colony of Massachusetts                        The Colony of South Carolina
 The Colony of New Hampshire                        The Colony of Virginia
 The Colony of New Jersey                           The Lost Colony of Roanoke

                                                                                                               Sample eBook

   ONE-TIME                     UNLIMITED              FREE MARC RECORDS
   PURCHASE                      ACCESS                  ONE-TIME PURCHASE               FREE trial available, call 877-381-6649   13
SPOTLIGHT ON                                    Continually updated with                                      Individual
     Interactive eBooks                             key events and discoveries                     Interactive eBooks: $74.95

                                 NATIVE AMERICANS
                       Essential Question: How is Native American culture a part
                                       of the past and present?

                                   GRADES 3–8
                                   Set 1: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-1647-3
                                   Set 2: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5081-4876-0

                                   SET 1:                                        SET 2:
                                   Apache                 Inuit                  Aztec                 Pueblo
                                   Blackfoot              Muscogee (Creek)       Chickasaw             Seminole
                                   Cherokee               Navajo                 Choctaw               Shawnee
                                   Cheyenne               Nez Perce              Comanche              Sioux
                                   Cree                   Ojibwe                 Delaware (Lenape)     Ute
                                   Hopi                   Shoshone               Iroquois              Wampanoag

        Sample eBook

                          ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS
                Essential Question: What were the characteristics of daily life
                            in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome?
                                    GRADES 3–6
                                    18‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,799.10 | S&L $1,349.10 • 978-1-4777-1267-2

                                    Ancient Egyptian Culture         Ancient Greek Geography
                                    Ancient Egyptian Daily Life      Ancient Greek Government
                                    The Ancient Egyptian Economy     Ancient Greek Technology
                                    Ancient Egyptian Geography       Ancient Roman Culture
                                    Ancient Egyptian Government      Ancient Roman Daily Life
                                    Ancient Egyptian Technology      The Ancient Roman Economy
                                    Ancient Greek Culture            Ancient Roman Geography
                                    Ancient Greek Daily Life         Ancient Roman Government
                                    The Ancient Greek Economy        Ancient Roman Technology

        Sample eBook

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                                                                                                     SPOTLIGHT ON
key events and discoveries                                                                         Interactive eBooks

                           Essential Question: How do artifacts, documents, and ruins
                                   tell the story of Maya, Aztec, and Inca life?

  GRADES 3–9
  18‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,799.10 | S&L $1,349.10 • 978-1-4994-2486-7

  Ancient Maya Culture            Ancient Aztec Culture            Ancient Inca Culture
  Ancient Maya Daily Life         Ancient Aztec Daily Life         Ancient Inca Daily Life
  The Ancient Maya Economy        The Ancient Aztec Economy        The Ancient Inca Economy
  Ancient Maya Geography          Ancient Aztec Geography          Ancient Inca Geography
  Ancient Maya Government         Ancient Aztec Government         Ancient Inca Government
  Ancient Maya Technology         Ancient Aztec Technology         Ancient Inca Technology

                                                                                                             Sample eBook

                   CHINA, INDIA, MESOPOTAMIA
                             Essential Question: How is modern society tied to ancient
                                 Mesopotamian, Chinese, and Indian civilizations?
  GRADES 5–10
  18‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,799.10 | S&L $1,349.10 • 978-1-4994-6433-7

  Ancient Chinese Culture         Ancient Mesopotamian Culture     The Culture of Ancient India
  Ancient Chinese Daily Life      Ancient Mesopotamian             Daily Life in Ancient India
  Ancient Chinese Government        Daily Life                     The Decline of Ancient
    and Geography                 Ancient Mesopotamian               Indian Civilization
  Ancient Chinese Religion          Government and Geography       The Government and
    and Beliefs                   Ancient Mesopotamian               Geography of Ancient India
  Ancient Chinese Technology        Religion and Beliefs           The Religion and Beliefs of
  The Decline of Ancient          Ancient Mesopotamian               Ancient India
    Chinese Civilization            Technology                     The Technology of
                                  The Decline of Ancient             Ancient India
                                    Mesopotamian Civilization

                                                                                                           Sample eBook

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SPOTLIGHT ON                                      Continually updated with                                    Individual
     Interactive eBooks                               key events and discoveries                   Interactive eBooks: $74.95

                                   PHYSICAL SCIENCE
                 Essential Question: How does the use of energy taken from natural
                                 resources affect the environment?

                                     GRADES 3–8
                                     12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-7253-1518-1

                                     Atoms: It Matters
                                     Chemical Reactions: It Matters
                                     Electric Currents: It’s Energetic
                                     Energy: So Much Potential
                                     Gravitational, Magnetic, and Electric Forces:
                                        Examining Interactions
                                     Heat: It’s Energetic
                                     Light: It’s Energetic
                                     Mixtures and Solutions: It Matters
                                     Motion: Examining Interactions
                                     Properties of Matter: It Matters
                                     Sound: It’s Energetic
                                     Waves: Examining Interactions

         Sample eBook

     Essential Question: How have scientists had an impact on the research, measurement, and
                                     prediction of weather?
                                     GRADES 3–8
                                     12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5383-4802-4

                                     Air Masses and Fronts                            How Earth’s Landscape Affects
                                     Air Pressure and Wind                              the Weather
                                     Chasing Extreme Weather                          The Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere
                                     Climate Change                                   Meteorology and Forecasting
                                                                                        the Weather
                                     Clouds and Precipitation
                                                                                      Storms, Floods, and Erosion
                                     Droughts and Heat Waves
                                                                                      Weather and Climate Around
                                     Exploring Earth’s Water Cycle                      the World

         Sample eBook

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                                                EARTH SCIENCE
                                  Essential Question: How has Earth changed over time,
                                          and how do these changes impact us?

  GRADES 3–8
  12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-2808-7

  Earth’s Continents                             Lakes, Rivers, and Streams
  Earth’s Oceans                                 Mountains and Canyons
  Earthquakes                                    Plate Tectonics
  Erosion and Sediments                          Rocks, Minerals, and Soil
  Fossils                                        Volcanoes
  Islands and Archipelagos                       Weather and Natural Disasters

                                                                                                           Sample eBook

                                   ECOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCE
                                   Essential Question: How do animals and plants adapt
                                             to change with their environment?
  GRADES 3–8
  12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-4994-2809-4

  Adaptation                                     Interdependence of Species
  Animal Migration                               Life Cycles
  Animals and Their Environments                 Natural Selection
  Ecology                                        Plants and Their Environments
  Habitats                                       Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers
  Inheritance and Variation of Traits            Threatened, Endangered, and Extinct Species

                                                                                                           Sample eBook

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SPOTLIGHT ON                                   Continually updated with                                     Individual
     Interactive eBooks                            key events and discoveries                    Interactive eBooks: $74.95

            Essential Question: How is computer programming useful in everyday life?

                                   GRADES 7–10
                                   12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-7253-4647-5

                                   Alice                                      Lego Mindstorms™
                                   Apple Swift                                Minecraft™
                                   Arduino                                    Python
                                   HTML Code                                  Raspberry Pi™
                                   Java                                       Ruby
                                   JavaScript                                 Scratch

        Sample eBook

                                     SPACE SCIENCE
            Essential Question: How does one discovery change scientific assumptions?

                                     GRADES 4–7
                                     14‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,399.30 | S&L $1,049.30 • 978-1-4994-0439-5
             IGHT O
          OTL      N
        SP                           Journey Through Eclipses                        Journey to Neptune
                                     Journey Through Galaxies                        Journey to Pluto and Other Dwarf Planets
                                     Journey Through the Asteroid Belt               Journey to Saturn
                                     Journey to Earth                                Journey to the Moon
     S PA

                                     Journey to Jupiter                              Journey to the Sun
                                     Journey to Mars                                 Journey to Uranus

       CE                            Journey to Mercury                              Journey to Venus

             S CIE

        Sample eBook

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                                                 KIDS CAN CODE
               Essential Question: How can we use computational thinking in everyday life?

  GRADES 3–8
  Set 1: 14‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,399.30 | S&L $1,049.30 • 978-1-4994-2817-9
  Set 2: 12‑INTERACTIVE eBOOK SET • LIST $1,199.40 | S&L $899.40 • 978-1-5081-5593-5

  SET 1:                                           SET 2:
  Understanding Coding by Building Algorithms      Coding for Digital Security
  Understanding Coding Like a Programmer           Understanding Coding with Apple Swift
  Understanding Coding Through Debugging           Understanding Coding with Java
  Understanding Coding Through Simulations         Understanding Coding with JavaScript
  Understanding Coding Using Boolean Logic         What Are Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers?
  Understanding Coding Using Conditionals          What Are Integrated Circuits?
  Understanding Coding with Hopscotch              What Are Programs and Applications?
  Understanding Coding with LEGO Mindstorms™       What Is Geolocation?
  Understanding Coding with LEGO WeDo™             What Is HTML Code?
  Understanding Coding with Minecraft™             What Is User Experience Design?
  Understanding Coding with Python                 What Is User Interface Design?
  Understanding Coding with Ruby                   Why Are There So Many Programming
  Understanding Coding with Raspberry Pi™            Languages?
  Understanding Coding with Scratch

                                                                                                               Sample eBook

                                       Provides users with the foundation they need to
                                          better understand, navigate, and excel in
                                                      the digital world.
                                                            —School Library Journal

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                                                           5‑Interactive eBook Set LIST $333.00 / S&L $250.00
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                                                           Teens Avoiding Predators Online
                                                           Teens Playing Games Online
                                                           Teens Protecting Their Privacy Online
                                                           Teens Stopping Cyberbullying
                                                           Teens Using Social Networks

                                                           CyberSmarts Grades 3–6
                                                           5‑Interactive eBook Set LIST $333.00 / S&L $250.00
                                                           Interactive eBook      LIST $66.60 / S&L $50.00

                                                           Avoiding Predators Online
                                                           Playing Games Online
                                                           Protecting Your Privacy Online
                                                           Stopping Cyberbullying
                                                           Using Social Networks

        Current topics such as cyberbullying, online behavior, safe profiles, digital footprint, privacy, and more
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  PURCHASE                ACCESS                                               Find out more at rosendigital.com            21
Computer Science
Reading Level: 7 Interest Level: 7–12+                                                                     NEW FALL 2021!
Code Creator
Computer science is the backdrop of the twenty-first century, commercially,
artistically, and personally. Even to someone not interested in a digital career,
the skills taught by computational thinking and coding are invaluable in
the modern world—and the best way to learn code is by creating it. By
completing the unique, stimulating activities offered in this set, readers will
work their way up from the basics of some of the world’s most popular and
useful programming languages and software suites.
• Expertly crafted activities make complex computer science topics
  accessible and fun to learn
• Career connections chapters give readers real-world applications
  of foundational learning
• Readers learn coding for a variety of areas, including building
  websites, apps, databases, robots, and writing stories
                     School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
Library‑bound Book             List $34.45 / S&L $25.85
eBook                          List $34.45 / S&L $25.85
8‑Book Print Set            List $275.60 / S&L $206.80                  978‑1‑7253‑4175‑3
TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL		               ©

Coding Activities for Building Apps with Python
Cathleen Small • 978‑1‑7253‑4096‑1                   005.1          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4097‑8

Coding Activities for Building Databases with SQL
Sarah Mullin • 978‑1‑7253‑4099‑2                     005.75         Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4100‑5

Coding Activities for Building Websites with HTML
Adam Furgang • 978‑1‑7253‑4114‑2                     006.7          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4115‑9

Coding Activities for Coding Robots
with LEGO Mindstorms®
Emilee Hillman • 978‑1‑7253‑4108‑1                   629.8          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4109‑8

Coding Activities for Developing Games in Unity®
Josh Romphf • 978‑1‑7253‑4102‑9                      794.8          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4103‑6

Coding Activities for Developing Music with Sonic Pi
Cathleen Small • 978‑1‑7253‑4105‑0                   781.3          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4106‑7

Coding Activities for Making Animation
and Art in Scratch
Adam Furgang • 978‑1‑7253‑4093‑0                     006.6          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4094‑7

Coding Activities for Writing Stories in Twine
Don Rauf • 978‑1‑7253‑4111‑1                         794.8          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑4112‑8

Reading Level: 7                          Interest Level: 7–12+
6 1/2” x 9 1/8” • Library Binding • 64 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Activities
Bibliography • Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Sidebars • Websites

                                                                                               Coding Activities for Developing Games in Unity®

                                                                                                                                          Rosen Publishing         29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
           NEW FALL 2021!                                                          Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)                    Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643    Web: rosenpublishing.com
High Interest
                       NEW FALL 2021!                                                              Reading Level: 4–5 Interest Level: 4–6

                                                                                                   Inside the U.S. Military
                                                                                                   The different branches of the U.S. military each have their own unique
                                                                                                   and important jobs to carry out. These forces are employed to protect the
                                                                                                   country on all fronts, including land, sea, and air. Readers learn about
                                                                                                   the types of service each branch provides, as well as the heroes, history,
                                                                                                   and machines involved in today’s military. Eye-catching photographs and
                                                                                                   informative sidebars support readers’ understanding of what different
                                                                                                   military jobs entail.
                                                                                                   • Photographs pair closely with the narratives, encouraging
                                                                                                     a deeper understanding
                                                                                                   • Compelling sidebars reinforce comprehension of key concepts
                                                                                                                        School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
                                                                                                   Library‑bound Book              List $27.93 / S&L $20.95
                                                                                                   eBook                           List $27.93 / S&L $20.95
                                                                                                   6‑Book Print Set             List $167.58 / S&L $125.70                 978‑1‑9785‑1872‑8
                                                                                                   TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL          ATOS       ©

                                                                                                   The U.S. Air Force
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1855‑1                  358.40        U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1856‑8

                                                                                                   The U.S. Army
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1858‑2                  355.00        U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1859‑9

                                                                                                   The U.S. Coast Guard
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1861‑2                  363.28        U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1862‑9

                                                                                                   The U.S. Marine Corps
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1864‑3                  359.9         U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1865‑0

                                                                                                   The U.S. National Guard
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1867‑4                  355.3         U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1868‑1

                                                                                                   The U.S. Navy
                                                                                                   Tanner Billings • 978‑1‑9785‑1870‑4                  359.00        U          PENDING   ©2022
                                                                                                   eBook: 978‑1‑9785‑1871‑1

                                                                                                   Reading Level: 4–5                        Interest Level: 4–6
                                                                                                   7 1/4” x 9 1/4” • Library Binding • 48 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Fact Boxes
                                                                                                   Further Information Section • Glossary • Graphic Organizers • Index • Sidebars

The U.S. Air Force                                                                 The U.S. Army

  Rosen Publishing      29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
  Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)    Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643   Web: rosenpublishing.com
                                                                                                                   NEW FALL 2021!                                                             23
Health and Guidance
Reading Level: 3 Interest Level: 7–12+                                                                 NEW SPRING 2021!
Finding dependable resources for teenagers looking for help today can be
like navigating a minefield. There are numerous online resources, but it can
be difficult to determine which ones to trust. This essential set on coping
with a wide range of issues was carefully crafted for struggling teenagers.
The narratives are manageable, but also serious and sensitive to modern-
day problems teens often face. Engaging designs, photographs of teens,
and accessible language help draw in struggling readers. Provide your teen
readers with this reliable source of support.
• Authentic stories about teens struggling with modern issues
  help readers understand they are not alone
• High/Low resources for struggling readers
• Contains numerous associations and online resources
  for teens who are looking for guidance, but may be
  uncomfortable asking for it
                     School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
Library‑bound Book              List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
eBook                           List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
12‑Book Print Set           List $381.60 / S&L $286.20                 978‑1‑4994‑6830‑4
TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL		              ©

Ryan Wolf • 978‑1‑4994‑6795‑6                        616.86        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6796‑3

Stephane Hillard • 978‑1‑4994‑6798‑7                 616.85        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6799‑4

Jodyanne Benson • 978‑1‑4994‑6801‑4                  302.34        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6802‑1

Corona Brezina • 978‑1‑4994‑6804‑5                   616.99        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6805‑2

Kathleen A. Klatte • 978‑1‑4994‑6807‑6                393          O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6808‑3

Christine Honders • 978‑1‑4994‑6810‑6                616.85        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6811‑3

Jodyanne Benson • 978‑1‑4994‑6813‑7                  618.92        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6814‑4

LGBTQ+ Discrimination
Rachael Morlock • 978‑1‑4994‑6816‑8                  306.76        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6817‑5

Racial Profiling and Discrimination
Danielle Haynes • 978‑1‑4994‑6819‑9                  305.80        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6820‑5

STDs and STIs
Danielle Haynes • 978‑1‑4994‑6822‑9                  616.95        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6823‑6

Stress and Anxiety
Shannon H. Harts • 978‑1‑4994‑6825‑0                 155.9         O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6826‑7

Teen Pregnancy
Christine Honders • 978‑1‑4994‑6828‑1                306.87        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6829‑8

Reading Level: 3                          Interest Level: 7–12+
7 1/4” x 9 1/4” • Library Binding • 48 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Charts • Graphs
Tables • Fact Boxes • Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Sidebars
Websites • High / Low Content


                                                                                                                                Rosen Publishing     29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
24          NEW SPRING 2021!                                                      Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)       Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643    Web: rosenpublishing.com
Health and Guidance
                          NEW FALL 2021!                                                                  Reading Level: 7 Interest Level: 7–12+

                                                                                                          Getting Real: Strategies
                                                                                                          for Teens in Need
                                                                                                          Teens today face a multitude of stressful situations—and some just don’t
                                                                                                          have the resources needed to educate themselves about these topics. The
                                                                                                          guidance books in this set were designed to appeal to teens and to counsel
                                                                                                          them on subjects—such as cancer, depression, and cyberbullying—that
                                                                                                          might be tough for them to discuss with others. Photographs of teens
                                                                                                          dealing with difficult situations help readers understand they aren’t alone.
                                                                                                          The text is straightforward, manageable, and full of facts to ensure readers
                                                                                                          get the most out of their reading experience.
                                                                                                          • Answers essential questions most people have about topics
                                                                                                            that affect us all
                                                                                                          • Each book is expertly written, and tough topics are addressed
                                                                                                            with both candor and sensitivity
                                                                                                          • Includes advice and resources for readers so they can continue
                                                                                                            to explore the topic
                                                                                                                               School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
                                                                                                          Library‑bound Book               List $37.15 / S&L $27.85
                                                                                                          eBook                            List $37.15 / S&L $27.85
                                                                                                          6‑Book Print Set             List $222.90 / S&L $167.10                 978‑1‑4994‑7074‑1
                                                                                                           TITLE                                               DEWEY        GRL		               ©

                                                                                                          I Am Being Cyberbullied...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          C. R. McKay • 978‑1‑4994‑7057‑4                      302.34         Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7058‑1

                                                                                                          I Get Panic Attacks...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          Verity Miller • 978‑1‑4994‑7060‑4                    618.92         Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7061‑1

                                                                                                          I Got Caught Drinking and Driving...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          Elissa Bongiorno • 978‑1‑4994‑7063‑5                 364.1          Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7064‑2

                                                                                                          I Have Cancer...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          Elissa Bongiorno • 978‑1‑4994‑7066‑6                 616.99         Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7067‑3

                                                                                                          I Have Depression...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          Elizabeth Krajnik • 978‑1‑4994‑7069‑7                616.85         Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7070‑3

                                                                                                          I Have Diabetes...What’s Next?
                                                                                                          Henrietta Toth • 978‑1‑4994‑7072‑7                   616.4          Z              ©2022
                                                                                                          eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7073‑4

                                                                                                          Reading Level: 7                          Interest Level: 7–12+
                                                                                                          6” x 9” • Library Binding • 104 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Further Information
                                                                                                          Section • Glossary • Index • Sidebars • Websites

       I Am Being Cyberbullied...What’s Next?                                          I Get Panic Attacks...What’s Next?

Rosen Publishing           29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)         Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643   Web: rosenpublishing.com
                                                                                                                            NEW FALL 2021!                                                      25
Reading Level: 7 Interest Level: 7–12+                                                                  NEW FALL 2021!
Do You Want a Career
in Criminal Justice?
The United States’ criminal justice system is one of the most important
pillars of American democracy, but it’s a lot of work to keep it going! Each
week, law enforcement officers work to keep towns and cities safe. Courts
throughout the country listen to witnesses and make decisions. Have you
ever considered a job in the criminal justice system? There are many roles
available—with one suited for every personality. This set explores different
kinds of careers in criminal justice as it helps readers to clarify their
own career path.
• Detailed sidebars zoom in on career requirements and information
• Full-color photographs show criminal justice career
  professionals at work
• Expansive coverage of career opportunities within the criminal
  justice system
                     School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
Library‑bound Book               List $37.15 / S&L $27.85
eBook                            List $37.15 / S&L $27.85
4‑Book Print Set             List $148.60 / S&L $111.40                 978‑1‑4994‑7053‑6
TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL		               ©

Jobs in Law Enforcement
Corona Brezina • 978‑1‑4994‑7005‑5                   363.20         Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7006‑2

Jobs in the Corrections System
Kathleen A. Klatte • 978‑1‑4994‑7008‑6               364.60         Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7009‑3

Jobs in the Court System
Kathleen A. Klatte • 978‑1‑4994‑7011‑6               347.73         Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7012‑3

Jobs in the Juvenile Justice System
Corona Brezina • 978‑1‑4994‑7014‑7                   331.7          Z              ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7015‑4

Reading Level: 7                          Interest Level: 7–12+
6” x 9” • Library Binding • 104 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Charts • Graphs • Tables
Glossary • Index • Sidebars

Jobs in Law Enforcement                                                                                   Jobs in the Corrections System

                                                                                                                                     Rosen Publishing       29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
           NEW FALL 2021!                                                          Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)             Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643    Web: rosenpublishing.com
                              NEW FALL 2021!                                                                Reading Level: 9 Interest Level: 7–12+

                                                                                                            Think Like a...
                                                                                                            There’s a lot to understand in this weird, wild world of ours, and some
                                                                                                            people work their entire lives to understand even a part of it better. In this
                                                                                                            intriguing and comprehensive set, readers will get a glimpse into the minds
                                                                                                            of mathematicians, philosophers, scientists, and other thinkers to learn
                                                                                                            about how they study and see the world around us. These thoughtful books
                                                                                                            answer a variety of questions about the world in an informative but fun way
                                                                                                            that will keep curious readers thinking, asking more questions, and learning
                                                                                                            more about important concepts.
                                                                                                            • Diagrams and graphs accompany complex topics to increase
                                                                                                              reader comprehension
                                                                                                            • Chapters are presented as questions for readers to
                                                                                                              investigate and answer
                                                                                                            • Sidebars offer additional facts, interesting stories, and quotes
                                                                                                              from experts in the field
                                                                                                                                 School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
                                                                                                            Library‑bound Book             List $44.60 / S&L $33.45
                                                                                                            eBook                          List $44.60 / S&L $33.45
                                                                                                            5‑Book Print Set            List $223.00 / S&L $167.25                  978‑1‑4994‑7130‑4
                                                                                                             TITLE                                               DEWEY        GRL		               ©

                                                                                                            Think Like a Mathematician
                                                                                                            Anne Rooney • 978‑1‑4994‑7092‑5                       510           Z              ©2022
                                                                                                            eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7093‑2

                                                                                                            Think Like a Philosopher
                                                                                                            Anne Rooney • 978‑1‑4994‑7098‑7                       100           Z              ©2022
                                                                                                            eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7099‑4

                                                                                                            Think Like a Psychologist
                                                                                                            Anne Rooney • 978‑1‑4994‑7101‑4                       150           Z              ©2022
                                                                                                            eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7102‑1

                                                                                                            Think Like a Scientist
                                                                                                            Anne Rooney • 978‑1‑4994‑7104‑5                      509.2          Z              ©2022
                                                                                                            eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7105‑2

                                                                                                            Think Like an Economist
                                                                                                            Anne Rooney • 978‑1‑4994‑7095‑6                       330           Z              ©2022
                                                                                                            eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7096‑3

                                                                                                            Reading Level: 9                          Interest Level: 7–12+
                                                                                                            6” x 9” • Library Binding • 160 pp. • Charts • Graphs • Tables • Further Information
                                                                                                            Section • Diagrams • Fact Boxes • Primary Sources • Sidebars

   Think Like a Philosopher                                                                 Think Like a Scientist

Rosen Publishing              29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)            Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643   Web: rosenpublishing.com
                                                                                                                           NEW FALL 2021!                                                         27
Social Studies • CIVICS
Reading Level: 3 Interest Level: 7–12+                                                                 NEW SPRING 2021!
Rosen Verified:
U.S. Government
Inspiring teens to follow current events in U.S. politics can be tough. With
so many different opinions and beliefs, it’s often hard for teens to form their
own political beliefs—or to form an interest in U.S. government at all. This set
explores the United States’ rich political history at a reading level appropriate
for struggling teens. It addresses political traditions with a modern lens.
Dynamic visuals help draw readers in, and manageable chunks of factual
information demonstrate how the U.S. government works to benefit its
citizens. Engrossing historical stories and biographies will attract developing
and challenged readers and instill a sense of citizenship in all readers.
• Explores essential curricular topics regarding U.S.
  government and history
• High/Low resources for struggling teens
• Primary sources, charts, and graphic organizers add
  to the reading experience
                     School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
Library‑bound Book              List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
eBook                           List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
6‑Book Print Set             List $190.80 / S&L $143.10                978‑1‑4994‑6869‑4
 TITLE                                               DEWEY        GRL		              ©

The Bill of Rights
Kathleen A. Klatte • 978‑1‑4994‑6852‑6               342.73        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6853‑3

Electing a U.S. President
Xina M. Uhl • 978‑1‑4994‑6855‑7                      324.97        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6856‑4

The Electoral College
Carol Hand • 978‑1‑4994‑6858‑8                       324.6         O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6859‑5

Inside Congress
Daniel R. Faust • 978‑1‑4994‑6861‑8                  328.73        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6862‑5

Inside the Supreme Court
Jenna Tolli • 978‑1‑4994‑6864‑9                      347.73        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6865‑6

Separation of Powers
Daniel R. Faust • 978‑1‑4994‑6867‑0                  320.47        O              ©2021
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6868‑7

Reading Level: 3                          Interest Level: 7–12+
7 1/4” x 9 1/4” • Library Binding • 48 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Charts • Graphs
Tables • Fact Boxes • Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Primary
Sources • Sidebars • Websites • High / Low Content

Inside Congress                                                                                         Separation of Powers

                                                                                                                                Rosen Publishing     29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
28          NEW SPRING 2021!                                                      Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)       Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643    Web: rosenpublishing.com
Social Studies • CURRENT ISSUES
              NEW SPRING 2021!                                                                   Reading Level: 3 Interest Level: 7–12+

                                                                                                 Rosen Verified: Current Issues
                                                                                                 The news that people see and read today often presents differing opinions
                                                                                                 and conflicting facts. This is often enough to drive many adults and kids
                                                                                                 away from analyzing current issues that affect us all. This highly informative
                                                                                                 set presents comprehensive information on a variety of contemporary
                                                                                                 topics. These guides were designed to give readers impartial information
                                                                                                 about issues in the modern world and encourage them to draw their own
                                                                                                 conclusions. Although content is crafted for the third-grade reading level,
                                                                                                 struggling readers of older ages can greatly benefit from the relevant
                                                                                                 information in these guides.
                                                                                                 • High/Low resources for struggling teens
                                                                                                 • Comprehensive exploration of issues in the news
                                                                                                 • Primary sources, charts, and graphic organizers add
                                                                                                   to the reading experience
                                                                                                                      School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
                                                                                                 Library‑bound Book              List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
                                                                                                 eBook                           List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
                                                                                                 6‑Book Print Set             List $190.80 / S&L $143.10                978‑1‑4994‑6849‑6
                                                                                                 TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL		              ©

                                                                                                 Climate Change
                                                                                                 Char Light • 978‑1‑4994‑6832‑8                       304.2         O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6833‑5

                                                                                                 Fake News
                                                                                                 Jill Keppeler • 978‑1‑4994‑6835‑9                    070.4         O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6836‑6

                                                                                                 Gender Identity
                                                                                                 Char Light • 978‑1‑4994‑6838‑0                       305.3         O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6839‑7

                                                                                                 Gun Violence
                                                                                                 Ellen C. Scherer • 978‑1‑4994‑6841‑0                 364.15        O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6842‑7

                                                                                                 Xina M. Uhl • 978‑1‑4994‑6844‑1                      362.5         O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6845‑8

                                                                                                 Immigrants and Refugees
                                                                                                 Carol Hand • 978‑1‑4994‑6847‑2                       325.73        O              ©2021
                                                                                                 eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6848‑9

                                                                                                 Reading Level: 3                          Interest Level: 7–12+
                                                                                                 7 1/4” x 9 1/4” • Library Binding • 48 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Charts • Graphs
                                                                                                 Tables • Fact Boxes • Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Primary
                                                                                                 Sources • Sidebars • Websites • High / Low Content

Fake News                                                                         Homelessness

Rosen Publishing      29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)    Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643   Web: rosenpublishing.com          NEW SPRING 2021!                                                          29
Social Studies • CURRENT ISSUES
Reading Level: 6–7 Interest Level: 6–10                                                                     NEW FALL 2021!
Spotlight On Global Issues
Teens and younger children are increasingly becoming more active in
world events as they learn more about the severity of issues that affect all
Earth’s inhabitants. The guides in this set focus on environmental issues
and burgeoning technologies, but each also addresses the validity and
worth of human connections to these issues. This set will engage learners
with valuable information on contemporary topics and stress the power of
decision-making, argument, and action. In these carefully selected topics,
science, social studies, and ELA interdisciplinary issues lend themselves to
examination of multiple perspectives, evidence-based arguments, decision-
making, and civic action. Readers will learn about the most pressing
issues facing our world today. They’ll learn they can take an active role in
addressing issues and improving the world for everyone.
• Features inspiring young activists who have strong voices
  for global issues and are active agents of change
• Color photographs, primary sources, and helpful graphics make
  each book a complete learning experience
• Encourages readers to learn the facts about global issues
  and engages them in problem-solving strategies
                     School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
Library‑bound Book              List $27.25 / S&L $20.45
eBook                           List $27.25 / S&L $20.45
Interactive eBook               List $99.95 / S&L $74.95
15‑Interactive eBook Set List $1,499.25 / S&L $1,124.25                 978-1-4994-6895-3
15‑Book Print Set           List $408.75 / S&L $306.75                978‑1‑7253‑2414‑5
TITLE                                                DEWEY        GRL		               ©

Clean Air for All
Kathy Furgang • 978‑1‑7253‑2302‑5                363.73        Y                   ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2303‑2          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2301-8

Clean Water for All
Danielle Haynes • 978‑1‑7253‑2307‑0               363.6        Y                   ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2308‑7          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2306-3

Climate Change and Earth’s Population
Shannon H. Harts • 978‑1‑7253‑2312‑4             363.73        Y                   ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2313‑1          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2311-7

Earth’s Plastic Problem
Adam Furgang • 978‑1‑7253‑2317‑9                363.73        Y                    ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2318‑6         Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2316-2

Education for All
Amanda Vink • 978‑1‑7253‑2322‑3                 379.2        Y                     ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2323‑0        Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2321-6

The Endangered Species Problem
Daniel R. Faust • 978‑1‑7253‑2327‑8                333.95        Y                 ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2328‑5            Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2326-1

Energy Solutions for All
Adam Furgang • 978‑1‑7253‑2332‑2                333.79        Y                    ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2333‑9         Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2331-5

Equality and Social Justice
Rachael Morlock • 978‑1‑7253‑2337‑7                305         Y                   ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2338‑4          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2336-0

Feeding a Changing Planet
Amanda Vink • 978‑1‑7253‑2342‑1                 338.1        Y                     ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2343‑8        Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2341-4

Mental Health for All                                                                            Clean Air for All
Jill Keppeler • 978‑1‑7253‑2347‑6                   616.89        Y                ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2348‑3             Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2346-9
                                                                                                 Protecting Earth’s Land
Pandemics: COVID-19 and Other Global Health Threats                                              Daniel R. Faust • 978‑1‑7253‑2357‑5                363.73        Y              ©2022
Jill Keppeler • 978‑1‑4994‑7181‑6                    614.5        Y                ©2022         eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2358‑2            Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2356-8
eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7182‑3             Interactive eBook: 978-1-4994-7180-9
                                                                                                 Technologies That Help the Planet
Physical Health for All                                                                          Therese M. Shea • 978‑1‑7253‑2367‑4                600         Y                ©2022
Rachael Morlock • 978‑1‑7253‑2352‑0                613         Y                   ©2022         eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2368‑1          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2366-7
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2353‑7          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2351-3
                                                                                                 Reading Level: 6–7                       Interest Level: 6–10
The Poverty Problem                                                                              7 1/8” x 8 1/2” • Library Binding • 32 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Glossary • Index • Primary Sources
Rachael Morlock • 978‑1‑7253‑2362‑9               339.4        Y                   ©2022
eBook: 978‑1‑7253‑2363‑6          Interactive eBook: 978-1-7253-2361-2                           Pronunciation Guide • Websites

                                                                                                                                       Rosen Publishing             29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
           NEW FALL 2021!                                                          Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)               Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643            Web: rosenpublishing.com
Social Studies • WORLD HISTORY
                           NEW FALL 2021!                                                                Reading Level: 5–6 Interest Level: 7–12+

                                                                                                         Crazy Cool China
                                                                                                         China is one of the largest countries in the world, but how much do you
                                                                                                         really know about this region and its long history? Some of mankind’s most
                                                                                                         important innovations were created in China, and its culture has flourished
                                                                                                         for thousands of years. In this intriguing set, readers will learn more about
                                                                                                         some of the region’s most wide-reaching creations and about people from
                                                                                                         China they’ve probably heard of in the context of their favorite movies
                                                                                                         and TV shows.
                                                                                                         • Full-color photos will pull in readers and bring history to life
                                                                                                         • Eye-catching sidebars provide background about the main text
                                                                                                         • Sources of further information encourage
                                                                                                           independent investigation
                                                                                                                              School & Library Price reflects 25% off the List Price
                                                                                                         Library‑bound Book              List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
                                                                                                         eBook                           List $31.80 / S&L $23.85
                                                                                                         5‑Book Print Set             List $159.00 / S&L $119.25                 978‑1‑4994‑6988‑2
                                                                                                          TITLE                                               DEWEY        GRL		               ©

                                                                                                         The Chinese Invent Gunpowder
                                                                                                         John Murphy • 978‑1‑4994‑6919‑6                      609.31         Y              ©2021
                                                                                                         eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6920‑2

                                                                                                         The Chinese Invent Papermaking
                                                                                                         Sean Bergin • 978‑1‑4994‑6913‑4                       676           Y              ©2021
                                                                                                         eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6914‑1

                                                                                                         The Chinese Invent Printing
                                                                                                         James Cunningham • 978‑1‑4994‑6922‑6                 070.5          Y              ©2021
                                                                                                         eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6923‑3

                                                                                                         The Chinese Invent the Compass
                                                                                                         Kevin Fitch • 978‑1‑4994‑6916‑5                      609.31         Y              ©2021
                                                                                                         eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑6917‑2

                                                                                                         The Coolest Chinese Actors and Actresses
                                                                                                         Quinn Grey • 978‑1‑4994‑7125‑0                       791.45         Y              ©2021
                                                                                                         eBook: 978‑1‑4994‑7126‑7

                                                                                                         Reading Level: 5–6                        Interest Level: 7–12+
                                                                                                         7 1/4” x 9 1/4” • Library Binding • 48 pp. • Full-Color Photographs • Bibliography
                                                                                                         Further Information Section • Glossary • Index • Primary Sources • Sidebars

The Chinese Invent Papermaking                                                          The Chinese Invent Printing

Rosen Publishing            29 East 21st Street • New York, NY 10010
Call toll-free: 800.237.9932 (M–F, 9–6 EST)          Fax toll-free: 888.436.4643   Web: rosenpublishing.com
                                                                                                                        NEW FALL 2021!                                                         31
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