Integrating large-scale web data and curated corpus data in a search engine supporting German literacy education

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Integrating large-scale web data and curated corpus data in a
             search engine supporting German literacy education
   Sabrina Dittricha     Zarah Weissa       Hannes Schröterc        Detmar Meurersa,b
                    Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen
           LEAD Graduate School and Research Network, University of Tübingen
        German Institute for Adult Education – Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning

                      Abstract                                  medium length (Grotlüschen et al., 2019), falling
                                                                short of the literacy rate expected after nine years
    Reading material that is of interest and at
                                                                of schooling. While these figures are lower than
    the right level for learners is an essential
                                                                those reported in previous years (Grotlüschen and
    component of effective language educa-
                                                                Riekmann, 2011), there seems to be no signifi-
    tion. The web has long been identified as a
                                                                cant change in the proportion of adults with low
    valuable source of reading material due to
                                                                literacy skills when taking into account demo-
    the abundance and variability of materials
                                                                graphic changes in the composition of the popu-
    it offers and its broad range of attractive
                                                                lation from 2010 to 2018 (Grotlüschen and Solga,
    and current topics. Yet, the web as source
                                                                2019, p. 34), such as the risen employment rate
    of reading material can be problematic in
                                                                and average level of education.
    low literacy contexts.
                                                                   Literacy skills at such a low level impair the
    We present ongoing work on a hybrid                         ability to live independently, to participate freely
    approach to text retrieval that combines                    in society, and to compete in the job market. To
    the strengths of web search with retrieval                  address this issue, the German federal and state
    from a high-quality, curated corpus re-                     governments launched the National Decade for
    source. Our system, KANSAS Suche 2.0,                       Literacy and Basic Skills (AlphaDekade) 2016–
    supports retrieval and reranking based on                   2026.1 One major concern in the efforts to pro-
    criteria relevant for language learning in                  mote literacy and basic education in Germany is
    three different search modes: unrestricted                  the support of teachers of adult literacy and basic
    web search, filtered web search, and cor-                   education classes, who face particular challenges
    pus search. We demonstrate their comple-                    in ensuring the learning success of their students.
    mentary strengths and weaknesses with re-                   Content-wise, teaching materials should be of per-
    gard to coverage, readability, and suitabil-                sonal interest to them and closely aligned with the
    ity of the retrieved material for adult lit-                demands learners face in their everyday and work-
    eracy and basic education. We show that                     ing life (BMBF and KMK, 2016, p. 6). Language-
    their combination results in a very versa-                  wise, reading materials for low literacy and for
    tile and suitable text retrieval approach for               language learning in general should be authentic
    education in the language arts.                             (Gilmore, 2007) and match the individual reading
                                                                skills of the learners so that they are challenged
                                                                but not overtaxed (Krashen, 1985; Swain, 1985;
1 Introduction                                                  Gilmore, 2007). This demand for authentic, high-
                                                                quality learning materials is currently not met by
Low literacy skills are an important challenge for
                                                                publishers, making it difficult for teachers to ad-
modern societies. In Germany, 12.1% of the
                                                                dress the needs of their diverse literacy classes.
German-speaking working age population (18 to
                                                                Relatedly, there is a lack of standardized didactic
64 years), approximately 6.2 million people, can-
                                                                concepts and scientifically evaluated materials, de-
not read and write even short coherent texts; an-
                                                                spite first efforts to address this shortage (Löffler
other 20.5% cannot read or write coherent texts of
                                                                and Weis, 2016). What complicates matters fur-
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International Licence. Licence details: http://

      Sabrina Dittrich, Zarah Weiss, Hannes Schröter and Detmar Meurers 2019. Integrating large-scale web data
      and curated corpus data in a search engine supporting German literacy education. Proceedings of the 8th
      Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019).
      Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 164: 41–56.
ther is that literacy and basic education classes are                    ent from previous text retrieval systems for lan-
comprised of learners with highly heterogeneous                          guage learning, focusing on either web search or
biographic and education backgrounds. This in-                           compiled text repositories (Heilman et al., 2010;
cludes native and non-native speakers, the latter                        Collins-Thompson et al., 2011; Walmsley, 2015;
of whom may or may not be literate in their na-                          Chinkina et al., 2016), our approach instantiates
tive language. Low literacy skills sometimes are                         a hybrid architecture in the spectrum of potential
also associated with neuro-atypicalities such as                         strategies (Chinkina and Meurers, 2016, Figure
intellectual disorders, dyslexia, or Autism Spec-                        4) by combining the strengths of focused, high-
trum Disorders (ASD; Friedman and Bryen, 2007;                           quality text databases with large-scale, more or
Huenerfauth et al., 2009).                                               less parameterized web search.
   Given the shortage of appropriate reading mate-                          The remainder of the article is structured as fol-
rials provided by publishers, the web is an attrac-                      lows: First, we briefly review research on read-
tive alternative source for teachers seeking read-                       ability and low literacy and compare previous ap-
ing materials for their literacy and basic education                     proaches to text retrieval systems for education
classes. There is an exceptional coverage of cur-                        contexts (section 2). Then, we describe our sys-
rent topics on the web, and a standard web search                        tem in section 3, before providing a quantitative
engine provides English texts at a broad range of                        and qualitative comparison of the three different
reading levels (Vajjala and Meurers, 2013), though                       search modes supported by our system in sec-
the average reading level of the texts is quite high.                    tion 4. Section 5 closes with some final remarks
For German, most online reading materials appear                         on future work.
to target native speakers with a medium to high
                                                                         2 Related Work
level of literacy. Offers for low literate readers are
restricted to a few specialized web pages present-                       Text retrieval for low literate readers or language
ing information in simple language or simplified                         learners at its core consists of two tasks: text re-
language for language learners or children. These                        trieval, and readability assessment of the retrieved
may or may not be suited in content and presen-                          texts. We here provide some background on pre-
tation style for low literate adults. Web materi-                        vious work on these two tasks as well as on the
als specifically designed for literacy and basic ed-                     German debate on how to characterize low liter-
ucation do not follow a general standard indicat-                        acy skills. We start by reviewing work on read-
ing how the appropriateness of the material for                          ability analysis for language learning and low lit-
this context was assessed. This makes it difficult                       eracy contexts (section 2.1), before discussing the
for teachers of adult literacy and basic education                       characterization of low literacy skills (section 2.2),
classes to verify the suitability of the materials.                      and ending with an overview of text retrieval ap-
As we argued in Weiss et al. (2018), this chal-                          proaches for language learning (section 2.3).
lenge extends beyond the narrow context of liter-
acy classes, as it also pertains to the question of                      2.1    Readability Assessment
web accessibility for low literate readers who per-
                                                                         Automatic readability assessment matches texts
form their own web queries.
                                                                         to readers with a certain literacy skill such that
   We address this issue by presenting our ongo-                         they can fulfill a predefined reading goal or task
ing work on KANSAS Suche 2.0, a hybrid search                            such as extracting information from a text. Early
engine for low literacy contexts that offers three                       work on readability assessment started with read-
search modes: free web search, filtered web search                       ability formulas (Kincaid et al., 1975; Chall and
exclusively on domains providing reading materi-                         Dale, 1995) which are still used in some studies
als for low levels of literacy (henceforth: alpha                        (Grootens-Wiegers et al., 2015; Esfahani et al.,
sites), and a corpus of curated, high-quality liter-                     2016) despite having been widely criticized for
acy and basic education materials we are currently                       being too simplistic and unreliable (Feng et al.,
compiling. The corpus will come with a copyright                         2009; Benjamin, 2012). In answer to this criti-
allowing teachers to adjust and distribute the mate-                     cism, more advanced methods supporting broader
rials for their classes. We thus considerably extend                     linguistic modeling using Natural Language Pro-
the original KANSAS Suche system (Weiss et al.,                          cessing (NLP) were established. For example, Va-
2018), which only supported web search. Differ-                          jjala and Meurers (2012) showed that measures

           Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

of language complexity originally devised in Sec-                        able for our education purposes, as it does not dif-
ond Language Acquisition (SLA) research can                              ferentiate degrees of readability within the range
successfully be adopted to the task of readabil-                         of low literacy. In Weiss et al. (2018), we pro-
ity classification. An increasing amount of NLP-                         pose a rule-based classification approach for Ger-
based research is being dedicated to the assess-                         man following the analysis of texts for low literate
ment of readability for different contexts, in par-                      readers in terms of the so-called Alpha Readabil-
ticular for English (Feng et al., 2010; Crossley                         ity Levels introduced in the next section. As far as
et al., 2011; Xia et al., 2016; Chen and Meurers,                        we are aware, this currently is the only automatic
2017b), with much less work on other languages,                          readability classification approach that differenti-
such as French, German, Italian, and Swedish                             ates degrees of readability at such low literacy lev-
(François and Fairon, 2012; Weiss and Meurers,                          els.
2018; Dell’Orletta et al., 2011; Pilán et al., 2015).
                                                                         2.2      Characterizing Low Literacy Skills
   Automatic approaches to readability assessment
                                                                         According to recent large-scale studies, there is a
at low literacy levels are less common, arguably
                                                                         high proportion of low literate readers in all age
also due to the lack of labeled training data for
                                                                         groups of the population in Germany (Schröter
the highly heterogeneous group of adults with low
                                                                         and Bar-Kochva, 2019). For the German working
literacy in their native language (Yaneva et al.,
                                                                         age population (18–64 years), three major studies
2016b). But there is research in this domain bring-
                                                                         further focused on investigating the parts of the
ing in eye-tracking evidence to identify challenges
                                                                         working population with the lowest level of liter-
and reading strategies for neuro-atypical read-
                                                                         acy skills. The lea. – Literalitätsentwicklung von
ers with low literacy skills, such as people with
                                                                         Arbeitskräften [literacy development of workers]
dyslexia (Rello et al., 2013a,b) or ASD (Yaneva
                                                                         study carried out from 2008 to 2010, supported by
et al., 2016a; Eraslan et al., 2017). Two ap-
                                                                         the Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
proaches should be mentioned that overcome the
                                                                         was the first national survey on reading and writ-
lack of available training data by implementing
                                                                         ing competencies in the German adult popula-
rules determined in previously developed guide-
                                                                         tion.2 In this context, a scale of six Alpha Levels
lines for low literacy contexts. Yaneva (2015)
                                                                         was developed to allow a fine grained measure of
presents a binary classification approach to deter-
                                                                         the lowest levels of literacy. These levels were em-
mine the adherence of texts to Easy-to-read guide-
                                                                         pirically tested in the first leo. – Level-One study
lines. Easy-to-read guidelines are designed to pro-
                                                                         (Grotlüschen and Riekmann, 2011), which was
mote accessibility of reading materials for readers
                                                                         updated in 2018 (Grotlüschen et al., 2019).3
with cognitive disabilities such as ‘Make It Sim-
                                                                            At Alpha Level 1, literacy is restricted to the
ple’ by Freyhoff et al. (1998) and ‘Guidelines for
                                                                         level of individual letters and does not extend to
Easy-to-read Materials’ by Nomura et al. (2010).
                                                                         the word level. At Alpha Level 2, literacy is re-
Yaneva (2015) applies this algorithm to web mate-
                                                                         stricted to individual words and does not extend to
rials labeled as Easy-to-Read to investigate their
                                                                         the sentence level. At Alpha Level 3, literacy is
compliance to the guidelines by Freyhoff et al.
                                                                         restricted to single sentences and does not extend
(1998). She shows that providers of Easy-to-Read
                                                                         to the text level. At Alpha Levels 4 to 6, liter-
materials overall adhere to the guidelines. This
                                                                         acy skills are sufficient to read and write increas-
is an important finding since not all self-declared
                                                                         ingly longer and more complex texts. The descrip-
‘simple’ reading materials on the web actually are
                                                                         tions of Alpha Levels in the lea. and leo. studies
suitable for readers with lower reading skills. For
                                                                         are ability-based, i.e., they focus on what someone
example, Simple Wikipedia was found to not be
                                                                         at this literacy level can and cannot read or write.
systematically simpler than Wikipedia (see, for
                                                                         Weiss and Geppert (2018) used these descriptions
example, Štajner et al., 2012, Xu et al., 2015, and
                                                                         to derive annotation guidelines for the assessment
Yaneva et al., 2016b), though Vajjala and Meurers
                                                                         of texts rather than people, focusing on the Lev-
(2014) illustrate that an analysis at the sentence
                                                                         els 3 to 6 relevant for characterizing texts. Based
level can identify relative complexity differences.
                                                                         on those annotation guidelines, Weiss et al. (2018)
While such research on the adherence of web ma-
terials to guidelines is an important contribution to                        2
the evaluation of web accessibility, it is less suit-                  

           Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

developed a rule-based algorithm supporting the                          yond the educational domain, leveled web search
automatic classification of reading materials for                        engines also contribute to web accessibility by al-
low literacy contexts. They demonstrate that the                         lowing web users with low literacy skills to query
classifier successfully approximates human judg-                         web sites that are at a suitable reading level for
ments of Alpha Readability Levels as operational-                        their purposes. One example for such a system
ized in Weiss and Geppert (2018).                                        for literacy training is the original KANSAS Suche
   While Alpha Levels 4 and higher still describe                        (Weiss et al., 2018). The system analyses web
very low literacy skills, only Alpha Levels 1 to 3                       search results and assigns reading levels to them
constitute what has previously been referred to as                       based on a rule-based algorithm which is specifi-
functional illiteracy in the German adult literacy                       cally designed for low literate readers. Linguistic
discourse: literacy skills at a level that only per-                     constructions can be (de-)prioritized to re-rank the
mits reading and writing below the text level. Lit-                      search results.
eracy at this level is not sufficient to fulfill standard                   The main drawback of such web-based ap-
social requirements regarding written communica-                         proaches, however, is the lack of control of the
tion in the different domains of working and living                      quality of the content. This may lead to results that
(Decroll, 1981). Grotlüschen et al. (2019) argue                        include incorrect or biased information or inappro-
that the term functional illiteracy is stigmatizing                      priate materials, such as propaganda, racist or dis-
and therefore ill-suited for use in adult education.                     criminating contents, or fake news. This issue may
Instead, they refer to adults with low literacy skills                   require the attentive eye of a teacher during the se-
and low literacy. In the following, we will use                          lection process. Query results may also include
the term low literacy in a broad sense to refer to                       picture or video captions, forum threads, or shop-
literacy skills up to and including Alpha Level 6.                       ping pages, which are unsuited as reading texts.
To discuss literacy below the text level, i.e., Alpha                    To avoid such issues, many applications rely on
Levels 1 to 3, we will make this explicit by refer-                      restricted web searches on pre-defined websites,
ring to low literacy in a narrow sense.                                  as is the case for FERN (Walmsley, 2015) or net-
                                                                         Trekker (Huff, 2008), which may also be crawled
2.3   Text Retrieval for Language Learning                               and analyzed beforehand, as in SyB (Chen and
                                                                         Meurers, 2017a).
A growing body of research is dedicated to the de-
velopment of educational applications that provide                          Some systems extend their functionality beyond
reading materials for language and literacy acqui-                       a leveled search engine and incorporate tutoring
sition. Many of them are forms of leveled search                         system functions. For example, the FERN search
engines, i.e., information retrieval systems that                        engine for Spanish (Walmsley, 2015) provides an
perform some form of content-based web query                             enhanced reading support by allowing readers to
and analyze the readability of the retrieved materi-                     flag and look up unknown words and train new vo-
als on the fly, often by using readability formulas                      cabulary in automatically generated training ma-
as discussed in section 2.1. The readability level                       terial. This relates to another type of educa-
of the results is then displayed to the user as addi-                    tional application that provides reading materials
tional criterion for the text choice, the results are                    for language and literacy acquisition: reading tu-
ranked according to the level, or a readability filter                   tors. Such systems generally provide access to
allows exclusion of hits with undesired readability                      a collection of texts that have been collected and
levels. The majority of these systems are designed                       analyzed beforehand (Brown and Eskenazi, 2004;
for English (Miltsakaki and Troutt, 2007; Collins-                       Heilman et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2017). The
Thompson et al., 2011; Chinkina et al., 2016), al-                       collections are usually a curated selection of high-
though there are some notable exceptions for a few                       quality texts that are tailored towards the specific
other languages (Nilsson and Borin, 2002; Walms-                         needs of the intended target group. To function as
ley, 2015; Weiss et al., 2018). One of the main ad-                      tutoring systems, the systems support interaction
vantages of leveled web search engines is that they                      for specific tasks, e.g., reading comprehension or
allow access to a broad bandwidth of texts that                          summarizing tasks. One example for such a sys-
are always up-to-date. These are important fea-                          tem in the domain of literacy and basic education
tures for the identification of interesting and rele-                    is iSTART-ALL, the Interactive Strategy Training
vant reading materials in educational contexts. Be-                      for Active Reading and Thinking for Adult Liter-

           Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

acy Learners (Johnson et al., 2017). It is an in-                          tent queries on web pages specifically designed for
telligent tutoring system for reading comprehen-                           low literacy and basic education purposes, and c)
sion with several practice modules, a text library,                        a corpus search mode to retrieve edited materials
and an interactive narrative. It contains a set of 60                      that have been pre-compiled specifically for the
simplified news stories sampled from the Califor-                          purpose of literacy and basic education courses.
nia Distance Learning Project.4 They are specifi-                          Users may flexibly switch between search modes
cally designed to address the interests and needs of                       if they find that for a specific search term the cho-
adults with low literacy skills (technology, health,                       sen search mode does not yield results satisfy-
family). It offers summarizing and question ask-                           ing their needs. In all three search modes, the
ing training for these texts as well as an inter-                          new system allows users to re-rank search results
active narrative with integrated tasks and imme-                           based on the (de-)prioritization of linguistic con-
diate corrective feedback. The greater quality of                          structions, just as in the original KANSAS Suche.
curated reading materials in reading tutors comes                          The results are automatically leveled by readabil-
at the cost of drawing from a considerably more                            ity in terms of an Alpha Level-based readabil-
limited pool of reading materials, which may be-                           ity scale specifically tailored towards the needs of
come obsolete quickly. Thus, leveled web search                            low literacy contexts following Kretschmann and
engines as well as reading tutors have complemen-                          Wieken (2010) and Gausche et al. (2014), as de-
tary strengths and weaknesses. As we will demon-                           tailed in Weiss et al. (2018). This readability clas-
strate in the following, combining the two ap-                             sification may be used to further filter results, to
proaches can help obtain the best of both worlds.                          align them with the reading competencies of the
                                                                           intended reader. Users can also upload their own
3 Our System                                                               corpora to re-rank the texts in them based on their
We present KANSAS Suche 2.0, a hybrid search                               linguistic characteristics and automatically com-
system for the retrieval of appropriate German                             pute their Alpha Readability Levels. We under-
reading materials for literacy and basic educa-                            stand this upload functionality as an additional
tion classes. While these classes are typically de-                        feature rather than a separate search mode because
signed for low literate native speakers, in prac-                          it does not provide a content search and does not
tice, they are comprised of native- and non-native                         differ from the corpus search mode in terms of
speakers of German.5 As the original KANSAS                                its strengths and weaknesses. Accordingly, it will
Suche (Weiss et al., 2018), which was inspired                             not receive a separate mention in the discussion of
by FLAIR (Chinkina and Meurers, 2016; Chink-                               search modes below.
ina et al., 2016), the updated system operates on
                                                                           3.1     Workflow & Technical Implementation
the premise that users want to select reading ma-
terials in a way combining content queries with a                          KANSAS Suche 2.0 is a web-based application that
specification of the linguistic forms that should be                       is fully implemented in Java. Its workflow is il-
richly represented or not be included in the text.                         lustrated in Figure 1. The basic architecture re-
But KANSAS Suche 2.0 is a hybrid system in the                             mains similar to the original KANSAS Suche, see
sense that it combines different search modes in                           Weiss et al. (2018) for comparison, but has been
order to overcome the individual weaknesses of                             heavily extended in order to accommodate the ad-
web-based and corpus-based text retrieval outlined                         ditional search options offered by our system. The
in the previous section.                                                   user can enter a search term and start a search re-
   More specifically, our system offers three differ-                      quest which is communicated from the client to
ent search modes: a) an unrestricted web search                            the server using Remote Procedure Calls.
option to perform large-scale content queries on                              The front end, based on the Google Web Toolkit
the web, b) a filtered web search to perform con-                          (GWT)6 and GWT Material Design7 , is shown in
                                                                           Figure 2.8 It allows users to choose between the
   5                                                                       three search modes: unrestricted web search, fil-
     There also are literacy and basic education classes
specifically designed to prepare newly immigrated people                   tered web search on alpha sites, and corpus search
and refugees for integration courses. Our system is being de-                  6
signed with a focus on traditional literacy and basic education        
classes. While our system is not specifically targeting Ger-           
man as a second language learners, it is plausible to assume                     Note that the actual front end is in German. For illustra-
that our target readers include native and non-native speakers.            tion purposes, we here translated it into English.

             Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

client                                     server                           3.2   The Filtered Web Search

 Enter Search term             Web Search             Corpus Search               While the web provides access to a broad variety
                               Bing Search API            Solr Query
      either web
   or corpus search
                                                                                  of up-to-date content, an unrestricted web search
                              Text Extraction          Loading of                 may also retrieve various types of inappropriate
                                Boilerpipe API        Preprocessed                material. Not all search results are reading ma-
                           Linguistic Analysis          Deserialization           terials (sales pages, advertisement, videos, etc.),
                                                        of Java Objects
                              Stanford CoreNLP
                                                       (Text Extraction,          many reading materials on the web require high
                                                      Linguistic Analysis,
                                                      Alpha Readability           literacy skills, and some of the sufficiently easy
     front-end             Alpha Readability             Classification
                           Level Classification           has already             reading materials contain incorrect or biased in-
                             rule-based approach      been done offline)
                                                                                  formation. However, there are several web pages
     Reranking,                                                                   specialized in providing reading materials for lan-
 Filtering by Alpha                    List of rankable
 Readability Level,                      documents
                                                                                  guage learners, children, or adults with low liter-
    Visualization                                                                 acy skills in their native language. One option to
                                                                                  improve web search results thus is to ensure that
Figure 1: System workflow including web search                                    queries are processed so that they produce results
and corpus search components                                                      from such web pages.
                                                                                      We provide the option to focus the web search
                                                                                  on a pre-compiled list of alpha sites, i.e., web
as well as the option to upload their own corpus. In                              pages providing reading materials for readers with
the case of an unrestricted or filtered web search,                               low literacy skills. For this, we use BING’s
the request is communicated to Microsoft Azure’s                                  built-in search operator site, which restricts the
BING Web Search API (version 5.0)9 and further                                    search to the specified domain. The or operator
processed at runtime. The text content of each                                    can be used to broaden the restriction to multi-
web page is then retrieved using the Boilerpipe                                   ple domains. The following example illustrates
Java API (Kohlschlütter et al., 2010).10 We re-                                  this by restricting the web search for Bundestag
move links, meta information, and embedded ad-                                    (“German parliament”) to the web pages of the
vertisements. The NLP analysis is then performed                                  German public international broadcaster Deutsche
using the Stanford CoreNLP API (Manning et al.,                                   Welle (DW) and the web pages of the German Fed-
2014). We identify linguistic constructions with                                  eral Agency for Civic Education Bundeszentrale
TregEx patterns (Levy and Andrew, 2006) we de-                                    für politische Bildung (BPB):
fined. The linguistic annotation is also used to
extract all information for the readability clas-                                          ( or
sification. We use the algorithm developed for                                 Bundestag
KANSAS Suche (Weiss et al., 2018), currently the
only automatic approach we are aware of for de-                                      The site operator is a standard operator of
termining readability levels for low literate read-                               most major search engines and could be directly
ers in German. The resulting list of analyzed and                                 specified using exactly this syntax by the users. In
readability-classified documents is then returned                                 KANSAS Suche 2.0 we integrate a special option
to the client side. The user can re-rank the re-                                  to promote its use for a series of specific websites
sults based on the (de-)prioritization of linguis-                                for three reasons. First, the site operator and the
tic constructions, filter them by Alpha Readabil-                                 use of operators in search engine queries overall
ity Level, or use the system’s visualization to in-                               are relatively unknown to the majority of search
spect the search results. For re-ranking we use the                               engine users. Allowing users to specify a query
BM25 IR algorithm (Robertsin and Walker, 1994).                                   with a site operator through a check box in our
   The corpus search follows a separate workflow                                  user interface makes this feature more accessible.
on the server side which will be elaborated on in                                 Second, while specifying multiple sites is possi-
more detail in section 3.3 after discussing the fil-                              ble using the or operator, it becomes increasingly
tered web search in section 3.2.                                                  cumbersome the more domains are added. Hav-
                                                                                  ing a shortcut for suitable web sites considerably
   9                                                 increases ease of use. Third, there are a number
bing-web-search-api                                                               of web pages that offer materials for low literacy
  10                                           classes, but many of them will not be know to the

               Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

Figure 2: KANSAS Suche 2.0 search mode options set to web query for Staat (“state”) on 30 alpha sites.

user and some cannot be directly accessed by a                          de/de/leichte-sprache,
search engine, as discussed in more detail below.                       wiki,, texts writ-
Our list of alpha sites makes it possible to quickly                    ten for children (, geo.
access a broad selection of relevant web sites that                     de/geolino), and texts for German as a Second
are compatible with the functionality of KANSAS                         Language learners (
Suche 2.0.                                                              While this is a relatively short list compared to the
   To compile our list of alpha sites, we surveyed                      number of web sites in our initial survey, these
75 web sites that provide reading materials for                         sites provide access to 34,100 materials, as identi-
low literacy contexts. Not all of them are well-                        fied by entering a BING search using the relevant
suited for the envisioned use case. We excluded                         operator specification without a specific content
web pages that offer little content (fewer than three                   search term. The fact that we found so few suitable
texts), require prior registration, or predominantly                    domains also showcases that the search function-
offer training exercises at or below the word level                     ality with a pre-compiled list goes beyond what
rather than texts. While the latter may in princi-                      could readily be achieved by a user thinking about
ple be interesting for teachers of literacy and basic                   potentially interesting sites and manually spelling
education classes, they are ill-suited for the kind                     out a query using the site operator. We are con-
of service provided by our system. The linguis-                         tinuously working on expanding the list of alpha
tic constructions that we allow the teacher or user                     sites used by the system and welcome any infor-
to (de-)prioritize often target the phrase or clause                    mation about missing options.
level and do not make sense for individual words.
However, by far the biggest drop in the number                          3.3    The Corpus Search
of potentially relevant web sites resulted from the                     While there are some web sites dedicated to the
fact that many web sites are designed in such a                         distribution of reading materials for low literate
way that the materials they offer are not crawled                       readers, high-quality open source materials for lit-
and indexed by search engines at all. Since the ma-                     eracy and basic education classes are relatively
terial on these web sites cannot be found by search                     scarce. Even where materials are available, the
engines, it makes no sense to include them as al-                       question under which conditions teachers may al-
pha sites in our system.                                                ter and distribute materials often remains unclear.
   At the end of our survey, we were left with                          We want to address this issue by providing the op-
six domains that are both relevant as accessi-                          tion to specifically query for high-quality materi-
ble. This includes lexicons, news, and maga-                            als that have been provided as open educational
zine articles in simple German (lebenshilfe.                            resources with a corresponding license. For this,

          Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

we are currently assembling a collection of such                          GermanLightStemFilterFactory stems the to-
materials in collaboration with institutions creat-                          kens using the light stemming algorithm im-
ing materials for literacy and basic education.                              plemented by the University of Neuchâtel.13
   In our system, this collection may be accessed
through the same interface as the unrestricted and                        This ensures that the texts are recognized, pro-
the filtered web search. On the server side, how-                         cessed, and indexed as German, which will im-
ever, a separate pipeline is involved, as illustrated                     prove the query results. Given a query, Solr re-
in Figure 1. Unlike the web search processing                             turns the relevant text ids and the system can then
the retrieved web data on the run, the corpus                             deserialize the documents given the returned ids.
search accesses already analyzed data. For this,                          Just as for the web search, the list of documents
we first perform the relevant linguistic analyses on                      then is passed to the front-end, where the user can
the reading materials offline using the same NLP                          rerank, filter, and visualize the results.
pipeline and readability classification as for the                            We are still in the process of compiling the col-
web search.                                                               lection of high quality reading materials specifi-
   We use an Apache Solr index to make the cor-                           cally designed for low literacy contexts. To be able
pus accessible to content queries.11 Solr is a                            to test our pipeline and evaluate the performance
query platform for full-text indexing and high-                           of the different search modes already at this stage,
performance search. It is based on the Lucene                             we use a test corpus of 10,012 texts crawled from
search library and can be easily integrated into                          web sites providing reading materials for low lit-
Java applications. When a query request for the                           erate readers, compiled for the original KANSAS
corpus search is sent by the user, the search results                     Suche (Weiss et al., 2018). We cleaned the cor-
are fetched from that local Apache Solr index. In                         pus in a semi-automatic approach, in which we
order to load the preprocessed documents into a                           separated texts that had been extracted together
Solr index, we transform each document into an                            and excluded non-reading materials. While we are
XML file. We add a metaPath element which                                 confident that the degree of preprocessing is suffi-
contains the name of the project responsible for                          cient to demonstrate the benefits of our future cor-
the creation of the material, the author’s name and                       pus when compared to the web search options, it
the title. Additionally, we assign a text de at-                          should be kept in mind that the current results are
tribute to each text element, which ensures that                          only a first approximation. The pilot corpus was
Solr recognizes the text as German and applies the                        only minimally cleaned so that it may still con-
corresponding linguistic processing. The follow-                          tain, for example, advertisement that would not
ing tokenizer and filter factories, which are pro-                        be included in the high quality corpus being built.
vided by Solr, have been set in the schema file of                        The pilot corpus also lacks explicit copyright in-
the index:                                                                formation and thus is unsuitable outside of scien-
                                                                          tific analysis and demonstration purposes.
StandardTokenizerFactory splits the text into
    tokens.                                                               4 Comparison of Search Modes
                                                                          Our system combines three search modes that
LowerCaseFilterFactory converts all tokens                                have complementing strengths and weaknesses.
   into lowercase to allow case-insensitive                               Unrestricted web search can access a vast quan-
   matching.                                                              tity of material, yet, most of it is not designed for
                                                                          low literate readers. Also, the lack of quality con-
StopFilterFactory removes all the words given                             trol may yield many unsuitable results for certain
    in a predefined list of German stop words pro-                        search terms, for example, those prone to elicit ad-
    vided by the Snowball Project.12                                      vertising. In contrast, restricted searches or corpus
                                                                          searches draw results from a considerably smaller
GermanNormalizationFilterFactory                                          pool of documents. Thus, although it stands to rea-
   normalizes the German special charac-                                  son that the retrieved text results are of more con-
   ters ä, ö, ü, and ß.                                                sistent, higher quality and more likely to be at ap-
  11                                                                        13                                 
  12                                       savoy/clef

            Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

propriate reading levels for our target users, there                    the text length criterion. Since texts may be rel-
may be too few results.                                                 atively easily shortened by teachers before using
   To test these assumptions and see how the                            them for literacy and basic education classes, we
strengths and weaknesses play out across several                        include both sets in our evaluation.
queries, we compared the three search modes with
regard to three criteria:                                               4.2                      Coverage of Retrieved Text
                                                                        Our first evaluation criterion concerns the cov-
Coverage Does the search mode return enough
                                                                        erage of retrieved material across search terms.
    results to satisfy a query request?
                                                                        While the unlimited web search (referred to as
Readability Are the retrieved texts readable for                        “www”) draws from a broad pool of available
    low literate readers?                                               data, the restricted web search (“filter”) and the
                                                                        corpus search (“corpus”) are based on a consid-
Suitability Are the retrieved texts suitable as                         erably more restricted set of texts. Therefore,
     teaching materials?                                                we first investigated to which extent the differ-
                                                                        ent search modes are capable of providing the re-
   While the first criterion addresses a question                       quested number of results across search terms.
of general interest for text retrieval systems, the                        Overall, we obtained 817 texts for the requested
other two are more specifically tailored towards                        900 results. While the unrestricted web search
the needs of our system as a retrieval system for                       returned the requested number of 30 results for
low literacy contexts. We expect all three search                       each search term (i.e., overall 300 texts), the cor-
modes to show satisfactory performance in gen-                          pus search only retrieved 261 texts and the filtered
eral, but to exhibit the strengths and weaknesses                       web-search 256 texts. The latter search modes
hypothesized above.                                                     struggled to provide enough texts for the search
4.1   Set-Up                                                            terms Deutschkurs (“German course”), Erkältung
                                                                        (“common cold”). As shown in Figure 3, the cor-
For each search mode, we queried ten search                             pus search returns only nine for the former and 12
terms requesting 30 results per term. The ten                           results for the latter term, while the filtered search
search terms were obtained by randomly sam-                             identifies seven and nine results, respectively. For
pling from a list of candidate terms that was com-                      the other eight search terms, all three search modes
piled from the basic vocabulary list for illiter-                       retrieve the requested 30 results.
acy teaching by Bockrath and Hubertus (2014).
                                                                           The results indicate that with regard to plain
The selection criterion for candidate terms was
                                                                        coverage, the web search outperforms the two re-
to identify nouns that in a wider sense relate
to topics of basic education such as finance,
                                                                                                        Alkohol (alcohol)                   Deutschkurs (German lesson)
health, politics, and society. The final list con-
sists of the intersection of candidate terms se-                                        filter

lected by two researchers. The final ten search                                       corpus

terms used in our evaluation are: Alkohol (“alco-                                                    Erkältung (common cold)                      Heimat (home(land))

hol”), Deutschkurs (“German course”), Erkältung                                        filter

(“common cold”), Heimat (“home(land)”), Inter-                                        corpus

net (“internet”), Kirche (“church”), Liebe (“love”),                                                    Internet (internet)                         Kirche (church)
                                                                        Search Mode

Polizei (“police”), Radio (“radio”), and Staat                                          filter

(“state”). In the following, all search terms will                                    corpus

be referred to by their English translation.                                                               Liebe (love)                             Polizei (police)

   All texts were then automatically analyzed and                                       filter

rated by the readability classifier used in our sys-                                  corpus

tem. We calculated their Alpha Readability Level                                                          Radio (radio)                              Staat (state)

– both including and excluding the text length cri-                                     filter

terion of Weiss et al. (2018) based on Gausche                                        corpus

                                                                                                 0       10            20          30   0           10           20       30
et al. (2014); Kretschmann and Wieken (2010),                                                                                 Number of Results
since we found that many materials for low liter-
ate readers available on the web do not adhere to                                Figure 3: Results per term across search modes

          Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

stricted search modes. This is expected since nei-                        for the retrieval of low literacy reading materials
ther the filtered web search nor the corpus search                        even though there is clear room for improvement.
have access to the vast number of documents ac-                              The filtered web search does not seem to per-
cessible to the unrestricted web search. However,                         form much better at first glance. On the contrary,
they do provide the requested number of results for                       with 68.75% it shows the overall highest rate of
the majority of queries, illustrating that even the                       No Alpha labeled texts when including the text
more restrictive search options may well provide                          length criterion and it retrieves only 0.39% Alpha
sufficient coverage for many likely search terms.                         3 texts. However, when ignoring text length, the
                                                                          rate of No Alpha texts drops to 8.98% – the low-
4.3     Readability of Retrieved Texts
                                                                          est rate of No Alpha texts observed across all three
The second criterion that is essential for our com-                       search modes. It also retrieves 4.30% of Alpha 3
parison is the readability of the retrieved texts on                      texts and 53.91% of Alpha 4 texts. This shows that
a readability scale for low literacy. For this, we                        while many of the texts found by the filtered web
used the readability classifier integrated in our sys-                    search seem to be too long, they are otherwise bet-
tem to assess the Alpha Level of each text, once                          ter suited for the needs of low literate readers than
with and once without the text length criterion.                          texts found with the unrestricted web search.
Tables 1 and 2 show the overall representation of
                                                                             The corpus search exhibits the lowest rate of
Alpha Readability Levels aggregated over search
                                                                          No Alpha texts (36.78%) and the highest rate of
terms for each search mode including and ignor-
                                                                          Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 texts (4.98% and 35.25%,
ing text length as a rating criterion.
                                                                          respectively) when including the text length crite-
                                                                          rion. Without it, the rate of Alpha 3 texts even rises
      Alpha Level       WWW              Filter      Corpus               to 13.41%. Interestingly, though, it has a slightly
         Alpha 3        0.00%          0.39%         4.98%                higher rate of No Alpha texts than the filtered web
         Alpha 4       19.00%         15.23%        35.25%                search. That the corpus contains texts that are be-
         Alpha 5       14.33%          8.20%        14.56%                yond the Alpha Levels at first may seem counter-
         Alpha 6       10.00%          7.42%         8.43%                intuitive. However, the test corpus also includes
        No Alpha       56.67%         68.75%        36.78%                texts written for language learners which may very
                                                                          well exceed the Alpha Levels. Considering that
Table 1: Distribution of Alpha Readability Levels                         the majority of texts identified by this search mode
including text length across search modes                                 are within the reach of low literate readers, this is
                                                                          not an issue for the test corpus. The selection of
      Alpha Level       WWW              Filter      Corpus               suitable materials does yield more fitting results in
                                                                          terms of readability.
         Alpha 3        1.00%          4.30%        13.41%
         Alpha 4       49.67%         53.91%        50.19%                   Figure 4 shows the distribution of Alpha Read-
         Alpha 5       21.00%         22.66%        18.77%                ability Levels ignoring text length across search
         Alpha 6        2.00%         10.16%         7.28%                terms. It can be seen that for all search terms,
        No Alpha       26.33%          8.98%        10.34%                Alpha Level 4 is systematically the most com-
                                                                          monly retrieved level. A few patterns relat-
Table 2: Distribution of Alpha Readability Levels                         ing search terms and elicited Alpha Levels can
ignoring text length across search modes                                  be observed. Deutschkurs (“German course”),
                                                                          Erkältung (“common cold”) elicit notably fewer
   As expected, the unrestricted web search elicits                       Alpha 4 texts, which is due to the lack of cov-
a high percentage of texts that are above the level                       erage in the filtered web and the corpus search.
of low literate readers. 56.67% of texts are rated                        Other than that, Polizei (“police”) elicits by far the
as No Alpha and not a single text receives the rat-                       least No Alpha texts and among the most Alpha
ing Alpha 3. When ignoring text length, the rate                          3 and Alpha 4 texts, indicating that texts retrieved
of No Alpha texts drops to 26.33% but there are                           for this topic are overall better suited for low liter-
still only 1.00% Alpha 3 texts. It should be noted,                       acy levels. In contrast, Radio (“radio”) elicits most
though, that 49.67% of results are rated as Alpha 4                       No Alpha texts and among the least Alpha 3 texts.
when ignoring text length, indicating that the un-                        However, it also exhibits the highest rate of Alpha
restricted web search is not completely unsuitable                        4 texts. Thus, overall it seems that the distribution

            Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

Search Mode        corpus        filter   www

                                                     Alpha 3               Alpha 4                       Alpha 5                           Alpha 6            no Alpha
                               Staat (state)
Search Term                    Radio (radio)
                             Polizei (police)
                                Liebe (love)
                            Kirche (church)
                          Internet (internet)
                      Heimat (home(land))
                  Erkältung (common cold)
              Deutschkurs (German lesson)
                           Alkohol (alcohol)
                                                0   20         40   0     20         40        0        20            40            0     20         40   0   20         40
                                                                                                   Number of Results

                  Figure 4: Distribution of query results across search terms by Alpha Level (ignoring text length)

of Alpha Readability Levels is comparable across                                                   captions are. However, since the point of a search
search terms. This is in line with our expectations,                                               engine such as KANSAS Suche 2.0 is to analyze
given that all terms were drawn from a list of basic                                               the web resource itself rather than the pages being
German vocabulary.                                                                                 linked to on the page, such pages are unsuitable.
                                                                                                   Since the reliable evaluation of bias and misinfor-
4.4                   Suitability of Retrieved Texts                                               mation is beyond the scope of this paper, we ex-
Our final criterion concerns the suitability of texts                                              cluded this aspect from our evaluation. We also
for reading purposes. As mentioned, some materi-                                                   discarded materials as not suitable if they neither
als from the web are ill-suited as reading materials                                               contained the search term nor a synonym to the
for literacy and basic education classes. Search re-                                               search term. Since the information retrieval algo-
sults may not be reading materials but rather sales                                                rithm used in our corpus search is less sophisti-
pages, advertisement, or videos. Certain search                                                    cated than the one used by BING, stemming mis-
terms, such as those denoting purchasable items,                                                   takes can lead to such unrelated and thus unsuit-
such as Radio (“radio”), are more likely to yield                                                  able results. Finally, we restricted texts to 1,500
such results than others. Other terms, such as                                                     words and flagged everything beyond that as un-
those relating to politics, may be prone to elicit                                                 suitable. This is based on the practical considera-
biased materials or texts containing misinforma-                                                   tion that it would take teachers too much time to
tion. The challenge of suitability has already been                                                review such long texts for suitability – but this rule
recognized in previous web-search based systems,                                                   only became relevant for six texts from the cor-
such as FERN (Walmsley, 2015) or netTrekker                                                        pus, which contained full chapters from booklets
(Huff, 2008), where it was addressed by restricting                                                on basic education matters written in simplified
the web search to manually verified web pages.                                                     language.
   We investigated to which extent suitability of                                                      Based on this definition of suitability that we
contents is an issue for our search modes by man-                                                  specifically fitted for the needs of our system, our
ually labeling materials as suitable or unsuitable                                                 two annotators show a prevalence and bias cor-
on a stratified sample of the full set of queries                                                  rected Cohen’s kappa of κ = 0.765. For the fol-
that samples across search modes, search terms,                                                    lowing evaluation of suitability, we only consid-
and Alpha Readability Levels (N=451). Note that                                                    ered texts as not suitable if both annotators flagged
since Alpha Readability Levels are not evenly dis-                                                 them as such. Results that have been classified
tributed across search modes, the stratified sample                                                as unsuitable by only one annotator were treated
does not contain the same number of hits for each                                                  as suitable materials. This resulted in overall 137
search term. However, each search mode is repre-                                                   texts being flagged as not suitable, i.e., 30.38%
sented approximately evenly with 159 results for                                                   of all search results. When splitting these results
the corpus search, 142 for the filtered web search,                                                across search modes, we find that the unrestricted
and 150 for the unrestricted web search.                                                           web search has the highest rate of unsuitable re-
   On this sample, we let two human annotators                                                     sults: 52.70% of all retrieved materials were iden-
flag search results as unsuitable, if they were a)                                                 tified as not suitable. In contrast, only 8.80% of
advertisement, b) brief captions of a video or fig-                                                the corpus search results were labeled as unsuit-
ure, c) or a hub for other web pages on the topic.                                                 able. For the filtered web search, the percentage
Such hub pages linking to relevant topics are not                                                  of unsuitable materials lies between these two ex-
unsuitable per se, in the way advertisement or brief                                               tremes, at 31.00%. Figure 5 shows the distribution

                               Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

Suitability       not suitable    suitable

                             Alkohol (alcohol)              Deutschkurs (German lesson)             Erkältung (common cold)                    Heimat (home(land))            Internet (internet)


Search Mode


                                 Kirche (church)                     Liebe (love)                           Polizei (police)                       Radio (radio)                  Staat (state)




                         0   5        10      15   20   0        5      10          15   20     0      5         10       15     20        0   5       10      15    20   0   5       10      15    20
                                                                                                     Number of Results

                                 Figure 5: Suitability of sample texts (N=451) across search modes by query term

of suitable and not suitable materials across search                                                              readability level ignoring text length. It shows,
modes split by search terms. As can be seen,                                                                      that more than half of the Alpha Level 4 texts
some search terms elicit more unsuitable materi-                                                                  found in the unrestricted web search as well as ap-
als than others. Deutschkurs (“German course”),                                                                   proximately half of those found in the filtered web
for example, contains by far more unsuitable than                                                                 search are actually unsuitable. Similarly, a con-
suitable materials for both web searches. This                                                                    siderable number of Alpha Level 5 and nearly all
puts our previous findings into perspective that                                                                  Alpha Level 6 texts retrieved by the unrestricted
the unrestricted web search has higher coverage                                                                   web search in our sample are flagged as unsuit-
for this term than the corpus search. At least for                                                                able. This puts the previous findings concerning
the sample analyzed here, the corpus search re-                                                                   the readability of search results into a new per-
trieves considerably more suitable texts than either                                                              spective. After excluding unsuitable results, both
web search, despite its lower overall coverage.14                                                                 web searches yield considerably fewer results that
The terms Heimat (“home(land)”), Internet (“in-                                                                   are readable for low literacy levels as compared to
ternet”), and Radio (“radio”) also seem to be par-                                                                the corpus search.
ticularly prone to yield unsuitable materials in an
unrestricted web search.                                                                                          4.5          Discussion
   But not all search terms elicit high numbers of
unsuitable results in the unrestricted web search,                                                                The comparison of search modes confirmed our
see for example Alkohol (“alcohol”), Erkältung                                                                   initial assumptions about the strengths and weak-
(“common cold”), and Staat (“state”). With for                                                                    nesses of the different approaches. The unre-
some exceptions, such as Erkältung (“common                                                                      stricted web search has the broadest plain cover-
cold”) and Heimat (“home(land)”), the filtered                                                                    age but elicits considerably more texts which re-
corpus search behaves similar to the unrestricted                                                                 quire too high literacy skills or contain unsuitable
corpus search with regard to retrieving suitable                                                                  materials. Although it retrieves a high propor-
materials. The corpus search clearly outperforms                                                                  tion of Alpha 4 texts, the majority of these con-
both web-based approaches in terms of suitabil-                                                                   sist of unsuitable material. After correcting for
ity. The only term that elicits a notable quantity                                                                this, it becomes apparent that users may struggle
of unsuitable materials is Heimat (“home(land)”),                                                                 to obtain suitable reading materials at low liter-
for which the corpus includes some advertisement                                                                  acy levels when solely relying on an unrestricted
texts expressed in plain language. For all other                                                                  web search. However, depending on the search
search terms, corpus materials flagged as unsuit-                                                                 term, the rate of unsuitable materials widely dif-
able were so based on their length.                                                                               fers. Thus, it stands to reason that the unrestricted
   Figure 6 displays the distribution of suitable and                                                             web search works well for some queries while oth-
unsuitable materials across search modes split by                                                                 ers will be less fruitful for low literacy contexts.
                                                                                                                     In these cases, the filtered web search or the cor-
      This does not hold for the other term for which low cov-                                                    pus search can be of assistance. They both have
erage for all but the unrestricted web search was reported. For
the search term Erkältung (“common cold”), the unrestricted                                                      been shown to retrieve more texts suitable for low
web search finds a high number of suitable results.                                                               literacy levels despite struggling with coverage

                             Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

Suitability   not suitable        suitable

                                  Alpha 3                      Alpha 4                           Alpha 5                                 Alpha 6                      no Alpha

Search Mode



                         0   10   20   30   40   50   0   10   20   30   40   50     0     10    20     30      40      50      0   10   20   30   40   50   0   10   20   30    40   50
                                                                                          Number of Results

Figure 6: Suitability of sample texts (N=451) across search modes by Alpha Levels (ignoring text length)

for some search terms. Interestingly, the corpus                                                      mode suits their needs best for a given query.
search was shown to exceed the web search in cov-                                                        While the system itself is fully implemented,
erage after subtracting unsuitable results for one                                                    we are still compiling the corpus of reading ma-
search term. This demonstrates that raw coverage                                                      terials for low literacy contexts and work on ex-
may be misleading depending on the suitability of                                                     panding the list of domains for our restricted web
the retrieved results. All in all, the restricted web                                                 search. We are also conducting usability stud-
search showed fewer advantages than the other                                                         ies with teachers of low literacy and basic edu-
two search modes as it suffered from both, low                                                        cation classes and with German language teach-
coverage and unsuitable materials. However, it                                                        ers in training. We plan to expand the function-
does elicit a considerably lower ratio of unsuitable                                                  ality of the corpus search to also support access
materials than the unrestricted web search, while                                                     to the corpus solely based on linguistic properties
keeping the benefit of providing up-to-date materi-                                                   and reading level characteristics, without a content
als. Thus, we would still argue that it is a valuable                                                 query. This will make it possible to retrieve texts
contribution to the overall system.                                                                   richly representing particular linguistic properties
   Overall, the results show that depending on the                                                    or constructions that are too infrequent when hav-
search term and targeted readability level, it makes                                                  ing to focus on a subset of the data using the con-
sense to allow users to switch between search                                                         tent query. We are also considering development
modes so that they can identify the ideal configu-                                                    of a second readability classifier targeting CEFR
ration for their specific needs, as there is no single                                                levels to accommodate the fact that German adult
search mode that is superior across contexts.                                                         literacy and basic education classes are not only
                                                                                                      attended by low literate native speakers but also
5 Summary and Outlook                                                                                 by German as a second language learners.

We presented our ongoing work on KANSAS                                                               Acknowledgments
Suche 2.0, a hybrid text retrieval system for read-
                                                                                                      KANSAS is a research and development project
ing materials for low literate readers of German.
                                                                                                      funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Unlike previous systems, our approach makes it
                                                                                                      Research (BMBF) as part of the AlphaDekade15
possible to combine the strengths of unrestricted
                                                                                                      (“Decade of Literacy”), grant number W143500.
web search, broad coverage of current materials,
with those of more restricted searches in curated
corpora, high quality materials with clear copy-                                                      References
right information. We demonstrated how, depend-
                                                                                                      Rebekah George Benjamin. 2012. Reconstructing
ing on the search term, the suitability and read-                                                       readability: Recent developments and recommenda-
ability of results retrieved by an unrestricted web                                                     tions in the analysis of text difficulty. Educational
search can become problematic for users search-                                                         Psychology Review, 24:63–88.
ing for materials at low literacy levels. Our study                                                   BMBF and KMK. 2016. General Agreement on
showed that a restricted web search and the search                                                     the National Decade for Literacy and Basic
of materials in our corpus are valuable alternatives                                                   Skills 2016-2026. Reducing functional illiteracy
in these cases. Overall, there is no single best                                                       and raising the level of basic skills in Germany.
                                                                                                       Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
solution for all searches, so our hybrid solution
allows users to choose themselves which search                                                     

                              Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL 2019)

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