The Official Publication of Arkansas Free Will Baptists


     In this Issue:
		 State Meeting Highlights			  Ministers Retreat Information
		Hispanic Mission Conference			ReKindle
		 Local church happenings

      July 2021                                                      Volume 63 No. 7
Youth Day/Graduation Sunday at First FWB Church, Star City                                                             Star City Youth Day (continued)
  On May 16, First FWB Church of Star City hosted their annual Youth Sunday/Graduation Day. From beginning to            The youth were honored in the evening service with a cook-out and devotion time at the Cane Creek State Park in
end, the whole service was dedicated to the youth of our Church. This day is set aside each year to teach our young    Star City. They also led in the devotion time with a “question and answer” session. Each student was given a ques-
people how to conduct a church service, prepare Sunday School Lessons and Devotions, and become a Leader in            tion that they had to give a quick response. This helps our congregation to get to know the hearts of our students
their local church. It is so wonderful to see our church filled with young people!                                     and helps the students to be bold to stand in front of people and speak. Please pray for our youth and our youth
                                                                                                                       leaders as we continue to serve our youth in the way of the Lord!
 Graduates were Rachel Martin and James Vasquez (high school) and Jaclyn Vagts and Grayce Powell (college).
Lindy Vagts was also honored for achieving a Double Master’s Degree in Nursing Education. A slideshow of the             This quote has become so important to our church “A Church without Youth is a Church without a future. More-
graduates was shown, and each one received a gift in appreciation for their accomplishments.                           over, Youth without a church is Youth without a future”. We are so proud and amazed of all the effort and dedica-
                                                                                                                       tion that each young person gave to make the service the best “Youth Day” we have ever had!!

 The morning began with 31 of the youth taking over every aspect of the services from door greeters, teaching all
adult and children classes, announcements and conducting the worship music. Rachel Martin and Cristalina Here-
dia lead the music, with special music presented by the youth and children’s choirs, with a solo by Jaela Martin.         ******************************************************
  Nine students from the college and career class gave devotions and testimonies during the worship hour. The
theme for the day was “Being Christ’s Disciples…Being a Young Christian”. Statistics show only 34% of 18-25 year
old adults attend church. It is our prayer to change this percentage by making our young people feel loved, accept-
ed, and involved in their local church. We were so proud to listen to our young adults share from their heart and to
see them so faithful! This group shared devotions that spoke to their heart but also shared issues that are hard for
them that helped the older generation be more aware to pray and encourage them.                                              First FWB Church,

                                                                                                                               First FWB Church in Crossett held the
                                                                                                                             ordination service for their pastor, Bro,
                                                                                                                             Joey Johnson on April 10, 2021.
                                                                                                                               Bro. Joey was saved in 1979, and he and
                                                                                                                             his wife, Karen, have two children (Andy
 A special surprise was every member of the very first Youth choir was there from 7 years ago and they sang                  and Amy), and six grandchildren.
again the first FWB Youth Competition song they every sung “ Daddy sang Bass.” Time has certainly flown by but
how faithful it was to see all the kids back together again! Pastor Tim Forman closed the morning service with a               Two of the Saline Association ministers
dedication prayer as parents came to pray with their children.                                                               took part in the ordination. Bro. Richard
                                                                                                                             Barley brought the ordination message
                                                                                                                             and Bro. Ricky Rauls issued the challenge
                                                                                                                             for the ministry.
                                                                                                                               A reception was held at the close of the
                                                                                                                             service to honor Bro, Johnson.
Editor’s Correction                             2021 Arkansas State Meeting
       2021-22 Tentative State                                                                              The 124th edition of the Arkansas State Meeting is officially in the books. 105 attendees met on Tuesday, May
             Calendar                                   The editor would like to correct the spelling
                                                                                                          18th for the all-day meeting of business, worship, and fellowship.
                                                error in the May VISION. The new Mission Director’s        Moderator Tim Landers guided the delegates through our business sessions. Reports were heard from the
                                                wife’s name is Shari (not Sherri).                        Executive Office, Mission Board, Christian Education Board, and Arkansas Student Ministries. A Cooperative
                                                                                                          budget of $585,000 was adopted for 2022. Budgets for each ministry were adopted based on the Cooperative
                                                        My deepest apology to Shari Alexander.            budget. Board and committee members were elected. Appreciation was expressed to outgoing officers and board
July                                                                                                      members.
       4     Independence Day                                                                               Mission Board Chairman Ron Parker introduced the new State Missions Director, Rev. Travis Alexander. In his
                                                                                                          report, the new director praised state Hispanic Director, Rolando Delgado for the work he is doing, and recognized
       18-21 NAFWB Convention, Memphis, TN                                                                two ACTS 1:8 missionaries who were present: Doug Bishop and Abby Walker.
September                                                                                                   State Youth Director Brian Kesterson gave an update on the kitchen project at Camp Beaverfork. Prayers were
                                                                                                          petitioned that it will be finished in time for teen camp on June 6th. In business, a motion was tabled until next
       17-18 AWAC Retreat, Camp Beaverfork                                                                year to create a new Arkansas Women’s Ministry Board as a part of the State Association.
       20-22 Ministers’ Retreat, Hot Springs                Pulpit Vacancies                                The Grant Committee gave their final report as the two-year trial program concluded. $25,000 in grants were
October                                                                                                   distributed among five churches in 2021.
                                                 The following churches are searching for a pastor:         This year’s theme was “I Am Christ’s Disciple.” Rev. Jim McComas and Dr. Eddie Moody preached in the worship
       4-5   FWB Theological Symposium
                                                                                                          services developing the thoughts of self-denial and following Christ.
November                                                                                                    First FWB Church in North Little Rock was our gracious host again this year, and their hospitality was deeply
                                                    Corbin Ferry FWB Church, Lake Providence
       2     Election Day                                                                                 appreciated. The church youth group also served a meal as a fundraiser for their summer mission trip to Kansas.
                                                      Hope FWB Fellowship, Siloam Springs
       7     Daylight Savings Time Ends                                                                     Plans have already begun for next year’s 125th Arkansas State Association. It will be May 16-17, 2022,
                                                          Chester FWB Church, Chester
                                                                                                          tentatively schedule to return to Camp Beaverfork.
       25    Thanksgiving Day                              First FWB Church, Newport
                                                            Dover FWB Church, Dover
                                                          Oak Grove FWB Church, Eaton
       6-7   NAFWB Leadership Conference                  First FWB Church, Dardanelle
       25    Christmas Day                              Mt. Bethel FWB Church, Rose Bud
       1     New Year’s Day
       10-12 Ministers’ Wives’ Retreat

                                                              ARFWB Giving
                                                 Cooperative & ACTS 1:8 receipts from individuals,
                                               churches, and districts for January--May are as follows:

                                                Cooperative Receipts		        $268,442.87
                                                Cooperative Budget (2021)     $575,000.00

                                                ACTS 1:8 Receipts 		          $157,423.89
                                                ACTS 1:8 Budget (2021)        $436,200.00
State Meeting (continued)   2021 Minister’s Retreat

                              This year our state minister’s retreat will be in Hot Springs, AR. We are excited to have as our speaker, Pastor
                            Christian Powell, who serves as the senior pastor of Faith FWB Church in Goldsboro, NC. We invite all of our pastors
                            to join us for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and strengthening in the Lord. The retreat will be held at the
                            Comfort Suites, 320 Nash Street in Hot Springs.
                              The retreat dates are September 20-22 (Monday--Wednesday). Hot Springs offers a lot of things to do and places
                            to eat. Check out the ARFWB webpage for a complete list of activities to do in your free time. The cost this year will
                            be $100 for those sharing a room, and $200 for a single occupancy room.
                             Brochures for the retreat are available from the State Office. In order to comply with the hotel’s booking guidelines,
                            the registration deadline is August 27th.
Hispanic Mission Conference				                                                 		by Travis Alexander

                                     ACTS 1:8 Missionaries
                                                                                                       For the love of them ... that was this year’s motto for the annual Hispanic Missions Conference taken from 1 John
                                                                                                     4:10-14. The conference was held April 24th at the Connect Church, Russellville. This is a special all-Hispanic
  The missionaries supported by ACTS 1:8 gifts for 2021 include,                                     churches event that is geared specifically to share about the work that Free Will Baptist do around the globe
        Doug & Miriam Bishop (Japan)				                      Donnie & Ruth McDonald (Japan)         through International Missions. State Hispanic Director, Rolando Delgado, planned and organized the event and
        Shane & Joy Davison (France)				                      Heath & Joni Hubbard (Japan)           encouraged our Hispanic churches in Arkansas to pray and give to missions. Despite the difficulties that COVID
                                                                                                     has posed this past year there were just over sixty in attendance, representing most of our ongoing Hispanic works
        Anthony & Lea Edgmon (Spain)				                      Jaimie & Tammy Lancaster (Uruguay)     in the state.
        Daniel & Shelby Culwell (Japan)				                   Daniel & Katie Speer (Japan)                                                      Pastor Juan Martinez (New Jerusalem FWB Church, Dardanelle) was the
        Keren Delgado (Bulgaria)					                         Rolando Delgado (Arkansas Hispanic)                                               program director and did an excellent job.
			                                                                                                                                             Pastor Abdiel Gonzalez, his wife Miriam, and Jany Diaz, all members of
 These couples are depending on Arkansas FWB to pray for them and to support them financially.                                                  the Hispanic My Connect Church congregation led the music service and
Make praying for these missionaries and giving to ACTS 1:8 a regular part of your worship in 2021.                                              did a wonderful job.
                                                                                                                                              Executive Director David
                                                                                                                                              Taylor brought greetings
                                                                                                                                              from the State Office.
                                                                                                                                              Mission Board Chairman
                                                                                                                                              Ron Parker and Mission
                                                                                                                                              Board member Joe Short
ReKindle Program                                                                                                                              were also in attendance.
                                                                                                                                              Travis Alexander showed a
                                                                                                                                              presentation of all the ACTS
 The NAFWB Executive Office
                                                                                                                                                1:8 missionaries as well
has worked for a number of                                                                                         Pastor Juan Martinez
                                                                                                                                                as a few short video clips
years to develop a church health
                                                                                                     from some of our missionaries *in Spanish), thanking them for their
renewal program specifically
                                                                                                     prayers and support.
designed for Free Will Baptist
churches.                                                                                              Rolando Delgado led a special time of prayer for our missionaries, and a special
                                                                                                     offering was taken for their continued efforts to reach the nations.
  Currently, there is one Arkansas
church utilizing the program,                                                                         The conference message was given by Pastor Micael Gonzales from the Faith in
with one more in the investigative                                                                   Action Church in Star City. Using Matthew 9:35-38, he challenged the conference
stage.                                                                                                                                              attendees with four things.
  Does your church seem to be                                                                                                                        1) see the needs of the lost,
just holding its own? Would you                                                                                                                      2) see the need of more workers,
like to see a renewed excitement
                                                                                                                                                     3) pray for workers to go to the
among your congregation?
ReKindle might be for you.
                                                                                                                                                     4) that we go ourselves to the
  If you would be interested
in knowing more about the
program, contact either Pastor
Tim Campbell (501.733.2359) or
David Taylor at the State Office

                                                                                                                     Pastor Micael Gonzeles
Hispanic Mission Conference (continued)

  Following the message, the Hispanic pastors
and their wives came forward to the altar, and
a special time of prayer was made for them
and their ministries.

  There were two special guests at the
conference. Keila Delgado’s (Rolando’s wife)
parents were visiting from Cuba--Adalberto
and Priscila Cabrera. Adalberto pastored for
more than forty years in Cuba, even spending
two years in prison for his faith. Truly special people and heroes of the faith. We were honored by their presence,
and the Lord honored the entire conference.

                                                                                                                                             Upcoming Issues of the VISION
                                                                                                                      The August & September issues of the VISION will include:
                                                                                                                           * articles and pictures our state youth camps
                         Adalberto, & Priscila Cabrera, Keila Delgado                                                      * pictures of the new kitchen/dining hall at Camp Beaverfork
                                                                                                                           * National Convention review and pictures
                                                                                                                           * ARFWB Women’s Ministry Retreat information
                                                                                                                           * and more local church events & happenings (when you send me articles & pictures)

                                                   Editor’s Note
                        The New Horizon Hispanic Church (Springdale) has joined the Shiloh
                     District. Two other Hispanic churches are in the process of joining districts
                                                    in our state.
                                                                                                    Non-Profit Organization
                 Free Will Baptists
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                   (501) 329-8193

Publication Data
          The VISION is published 6 times yearly by the Arkansas State Association of Free
Will Baptists, Inc. Executive Director, David Taylor, is the editor. Subscription rates are $6.00
per subscription per year. The editors email is:
          Stories, articles, events, pictures are welcomed. Submissions must be in by the
5th of the month for the next month’s VISION.
          The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any articles submitted for
publication. All printed articles represent the views of the authors and do not reflect the
policy or position of Arkansas Free Will Baptists.
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